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vscode-runonsave's Issues

Display a message to the user: status bar or notification?

Hi there,

I'm a big fan of this extension. It works really well and I use it every day. Thank you very much for building it.

There is one feature that I miss: A way to show a message to the user:
Is there a way to show a specific message to the user if something fails or any way to interact with the editor environment?

There is another "run on save" extension which offers a status bar message ( I did not try it yet but I think this might be a good feature extension for this run on save extension as well.

What do you think?

Multiple subfolders with the same name, in a single workspace

I'm working in a workspace with 2 main folders with similar structure. I want to use your extension on one of the folders for automatically syncronizing files on my development environment.
Structure looks like this:
my workspace settings look like this:

"emeraldwalk.runonsave": {
    "commands": [
	    "match": "mainfolder1\\templates\\.*",
	    "cmd": "ROBOCOPY ${fileDirname} <development location> ${fileBasename} /is /it",

It doesnt work when i use this. It does work when i use:
""match": "templates\\.*",
but in both template folders (mainfolder2 too).
Is there any way to make this work while still working in a multi folder workspace?

Comand fail: /bin/sh: 1: [[: not found

Hi, I'm having an issue with grunt file, that is executed with the following instruction:

"emeraldwalk.runonsave": { "autoClearConsole": true, "commands": [ { "match": ".*", "isAsync": true, "cmd": "echo 'I run for all files.'" }, { "match": "\\.js$", "cmd": "echo 'I am a .js file ${file}.'" }, { "match": "\\.(js|css|scss)$", "cmd": "[[ ${file} = *'/js/'* || ${file} = *'/scss/'*|| ${file} = *'/static/'*]] && cd ${workspaceRoot} && grunt build" } ] }

I'm having this output:

I run for all files.
I am a .js file /home/aalbas/Documentos/sfcc_usa_dev08/xxxx/source/app_storefront_xxxx/cartridge/js/components/newsletterpopup.js.
*** cmd start: [[ /home/aalbas/Documentos/sfcc_usa_dev08/xxxx/source/app_storefront_xxxx/cartridge/js/components/newsletterpopup.js = '/js/' || /home/aalbas/Documentos/sfcc_usa_dev08/xxxx/source/app_storefront_xxxx/cartridge/js/components/newsletterpopup.js = '/scss/'|| /home/aalbas/Documentos/sfcc_usa_dev08/xxxxx/source/app_storefront_xxxx/cartridge/js/components/newsletterpopup.js = '/static/']] && cd / && grunt build
/bin/sh: 1: [[: not found
/bin/sh: 1: /home/aalbas/Documentos/sfcc_usa_dev08/xxxx/source/app_storefront_xxxx/cartridge/js/components/newsletterpopup.js: Permission denied
/bin/sh: 1: /home/aalbas/Documentos/sfcc_usa_dev08/xxxxx/source/app_storefront_xxxx/cartridge/js/components/newsletterpopup.js: Permission denied
Run on Save done.
First two commands, working well, third wrong.

Yes, Permission denied. I give chmod 777 to that file, give me a sintax error on that file. Something that's wrong because this file is comming from repo and working on production.

If I Execute grunt build on the terminal, and it is working perfectly. Not problems with permission.

I'm on ubuntu 18.04.
Visual Studio code: v1.32.3
runonsave: 0.0.18
What could be the cause? Thanks

spawn C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe ENOENT

Whenever we make the extension run we get error:
spawn C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe ENOENT

This is the correct path to cmd.exe.
Vscode's terminal window still works, executing cmd.exe from this extension seems to be the problem.

Reverting back to 0.0.18 is a temporary fix

Extension version: 0.1.0
Version: 1.36.1 (user setup)
Commit: 2213894ea0415ee8c85c5eea0d0ff81ecc191529
Date: 2019-07-08T22:59:35.033Z
Electron: 4.2.5
Chrome: 69.0.3497.128
Node.js: 10.11.0
V8: 6.9.427.31-electron.0
OS: Windows_NT x64 10.0.18362

formatting code requires re-opening file


Great work so far. If I were to configure a task to format code on build, it will properly re-load the file I'm working on right in front of me. If I try to format "on-save" using this extension, it requires me to quickly ctrl-tab twice to reload the page.

Is this an extension issue or a problem with VS Code itself?

Upload the extension to Open VSX

There is Open VSX Registry for VSCode extensions. It's an open-source alternative to the most popular VSCode marketplace. Some Linux distributions (at least Archlinux) package VSCode to use Open VSX registry by default. People using these distributions may have hard time figuring out why the extension can't be found (at least I couldn't find it there). I think the best solution is to support both registries and upload the extension to Open VSX. Could you please do that?


I'm using this plugin to train my algorithm where I wanted to immediately make input, righ upon file saving.

Sadly, STDIN is not redirected so I can type nothing on the output console.

var child = exec(cfg.cmd, this._execOption);
child.stdout.on('data', data => this._outputChannel.append(data));
child.stderr.on('data', data => this._outputChannel.append(data));

Only STDOUT and STDERR are piped and redirected.

Run native VS commands?

Hello. would it be very difficult to launch visual studio commands? For example alt+`;alt+p. Thx!

Paths contain slash delimiters in project-a, but are missing slash delimiters in project-b.


If I add the statement console.log(process.argv) to a JS file (file-changed.js), then have Run on Save execute that file, it prints the first two paths with escaped slashes, but the third path without any slashes at all. How can I fix this? The full output of the console.log statement is:

  'C:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\node.exe',


I have two different Node projects on my computer, both with Run on Save installed an in-use: projecta and projectb. In projecta, the output from Run on Save is as desired/expected. But in projectb, it is not.

Both projects have this configuration

  • Run on Save v0.2.0

  • I created a JS file in my project's root directory (file-changed.js) and to it added only this statement:


  • I configured Run on Save to execute this file whenever any other file was saved. My Run on Save entry in .vscode/settings.js is:
  "emeraldwalk.runonsave": {
    "commands": [
        "cmd": "node file-changed.js ${file}"

projecta has expected results

In projecta, if I save the file test-file.js, Run on Save executes filechanged.js, and prints this expected output to the console:

'C:\Program Files\nodejs\node.exe',

Each path is separated with escaped slashes, as desired/expected.

projectb has unexpected results

In projectb, if I carry out the same test, the output is a little different:

  'C:\\Program Files\\nodejs\\node.exe',

The last path is missing slashes. Why is there this discrepancy between the two projects? This is causing issues for me because I need that path to be separated with slashes (or some other delimiter).

Feature Request: Match using Glob

Is it possible to get a glob matching rather than only regex?

  "cmd": "blarblar",
  "matchGlob": "myglob/**/*.ts"

or maybe

  "cmd": "blarblar",
  "match": "myglob/**/*.ts",
  "globMatch": true,


Run other vscode extension on save

Is there any option to run another extension command inside cmd?
For example,

                "match": "\\.dart",
                "cmd": "dart-import.fix"

where dart-import.fix is the command from another extension

Request: captures in match argument made available as substitutions in command

I have a workspace that's a set of repos: a Meteor application and a variety of related npm modules. RunOnSave has been great for configuring babel to transpile whatever file I just saved, placing it based on the path by substitution of segment (basically, take the file path, and swap 'src' for 'lib').

For slightly more complicated scenarios (i.e., mocha testing), I'm unable to do the same because I need to access the repos' package.json, so I need to go into a node script to traverse up from the file. If captures in the match regex were made available as substitutions, it would simplify my task quite a bit and be generally pretty useful I think.

For example, If I could do this:
"match": "code/client/(.+)/src/.+\\.js$"
And then access it like this:
"cmd": "${workspacePath}/${1}/node_modules/.bin/mocha"
I could avoid dropping into a node script altogether.

I don't use typescript, but from looking at the code it looks like the following would be all that's needed:

  1. At 139, change RegExp(pattern).test to RegExp(pattern).exec; this would return the match and still function as a boolean at 153

  2. Inside the filter starting at 142, augment cfg with the match/notMatch results:

    cfg.matches = matchPattern.length === 0 || match(matchPattern) || [];
    cfg.notMatches = match(negatePattern) || [];
    return !cfg.notMatches && cfg.matches;
  3. After replacing environment variables, replace matches with something like this around 181:

    cfg.matches.forEach((match, ii) => {
      cmdStr = cmdStr.replace(`\${${ii}}`, match);

Extension freezes when playing sound

Whenever I try to play a sound the extensions seems to get stuck.
It just keeps displaying Running on save commands... and doesn't play any sound.

Here is an example of what I'm trying to do:

        "match": ".*",
        "cmd": "paplay '/home/sainoba/Music/knob.ogg",

paplay '/home/sainoba/Music/knob.ogg' works fine if I run it in a terminal


Is there a way I can add a "pause" command? timeout apparently doesn't work with runonsave.

I currently have some coffeescripts that compile. Unfortunately, since I can't use this extension (or can I?) to watch the "save"/overwrite of the compiled js, I'm trying to get it to run a command when I save a cofeescript, but wait 3 seconds to allow the stuff to compile to js. How can I achieve this?

Why no settings "per folder"??

Why only allow Workspace wide settings and not per folder? Now I have to create a new Workspace for every single PlatformIO project, which is a pain.

confusion of "shell" configuration option

The "shell" configuration option had me confused becuase its hint text is:

Specify shell path to run commands (gets used in options arg passed to child_process.exec).

I read this to mean that it set the working directory in which the command is run. After reading the issue regarding shell, I realized it has to do with the actual shell the command is run in.
I was able to get the desired behavior for my particular use by writing the command as
cd ${workspaceRoot} && npm run-script browserify.
The hint might be edited to

Specify the shell, including its path, in which to execute the command (gets used in options arg passed to child_process.exec).

Feature Request: Run on Save All

Currently, if I run the "File: Save All" , run-on-save fires off as many files are being saved. I would like it to only run once.

File and path without extension

Consider this:

lessc C:/yada/somefile.less C:/yada/somefile.css

At the moment there is no way to get the filename without extension. It's trivial to add when hacking the JS file.

Rsync script hangs when connecting to just one host and only when exec from this extension

I have two variants of deploy scripts: and deploy.js.
They both use rsync over ssh to connect and deploy small apps to hosts.
The problem is that they both do when called from terminal, but if passed as a command to vscode-runonsave extension, they will both hang, and rsync task will remain indefinitely.

The same rsync script to another host works as intended when called manually or through vscode-runonsave extension.
If not glitch in the Matrix, what is? :)

Bash command being appended to open file

Here are my settings:
// Place your settings in this file to overwrite the default settings { "saveAndRun": { "commands": [ { "match": ".go", "cmd": "echo date ${srcFile} > ./context/.build" } ] } }

It rebuilds my Docker container on save. But RunOnSave will randomly append "echo date ${srcFile} > ./context/.build" to my open file.

Workspace setting not detected

The extension works only if the configuration is added in the users settings not the workspace settings, but the documentation says the configuration should be added in the workspace setting.

It should work with both the configuration but workspace settings should override the other.

Auto show output on fail

It would be great if there was an option to switch to the 'Run On Save' output automatically if the command failed.

Or I even have a notification.

Thank you

Request: Environment variable for relative directory

Run on Save currently has ${relativeFile} for the path relative to the workspace folder and ${fileDirname} for the absolute directory of the file, but what I need is actually something like ${relativeDirname} for the directory relative to the workspace folder.

I need this because I want to process some files and save the result in a dist/ subdirectory. I'm on Windows so my options for splitting the directory are very limited - I can strip off say the first 2 parts using the awkward for /F "tokens=2* delims=\" %A in ("${fileDirname}") do echo %B, but I would like the command to not be dependent on knowing the nesting level of the workspace folder. Approaching this from the other direction - stripping off the file basename from ${relativeFile} - doesn't appear to be possible on a single line.

Not working

Version: 1.39.2
Commit: 6ab598523be7a800d7f3eb4d92d7ab9a66069390
Date: 2019-10-16T10:47:27.951Z
Electron: 4.2.10
Chrome: 69.0.3497.128
Node.js: 10.11.0
V8: 6.9.427.31-electron.0
OS: Linux x64 5.3.5-1-default
  1. Installed the extension.
  2. Copied example config.
  3. Enabled it via command palette.
  4. Nothing is happening when I save files.

My config file: The entire "emeraldwalk.runonsave" section is greyed out. I do not know what that means.

    "phpcbf.executablePath": "./vendor/bin/phpcbf",
    "editor.minimap.enabled": false,
    "zentabs.maximumOpenedTabs": 5,
    "workbench.activityBar.visible": true,
    "telemetry.enableCrashReporter": false,
    "workbench.enableExperiments": false,
    "workbench.settings.enableNaturalLanguageSearch": false,
    "git.enableSmartCommit": true,
    "emeraldwalk.runonsave": {
        "commands": [
                "match": ".*",
                "isAsync": true,
                "cmd": "echo 'I run for all files.'"
                "match": "\\.txt$",
                "cmd": "echo 'I am a .txt file ${file}.'"
                "match": "\\.js$",
                "cmd": "echo 'I am a .js file ${file}.'"
                "match": ".*",
                "cmd": "echo 'I am ${env.USERNAME}.'"

Always "Running on save commands..."

After configuration, everytime when I save files, the output for the extension is always "Running on save commands..." and the cmd never executes. Do I miss some steps or configurate wrong?

Specify shell option

Sometimes, I want to exec commands using different shell.
For example, I'm using nvm on zsh. And, child_process.exec() uses /bin/sh, which does not have nvm setup. This results in tsc not found when I configure it to run on save.

Configuration option, "shell" could be shell of choice:

  "emeraldwalk.runonsave": {
     "shell": "zsh",
     "commands": [ ...]

Support for Multi-root Workspaces

I'm working with multi root workspaces and I am not able to get the folder root path in my command.

I would like to use something like "${workspaceFolder}" like is mentioned on the variable reference of vscode.

Can it be added or is there another way this can be achieved?

Feature Request: minimum time between reinvocations

First, thanks for the extension, it's really helpful!

I was thinking it might be helpful to have an option to provide a sort of buffer between commands being run.

In my case, I've set a command rule to run my python unit tests every time it detects a python file change.

However, I also have auto-save enabled, so the moment I change anything in a file, VSCode saves it within a few hundred milliseconds, even if the changes was just adding some padding whitespace or something else inconsequential.

I'd love to be able to restrict this rule to only activate once every 5-10 seconds or something like that.

Feature Request: Set the CWD before cmd execution

Currently, the CWD when running commands is always set to the VS Code installation directory (presumably since VS Code's plugin manager is the API used to invoke commands). If possible, it'd be extremely helpful to be able to specify a CWD to change to before executing a command. As it stands now, I'm blocked from automating some of my tasks when using this plugin because the CWD is in a write-protected area (program files) so my tasks can't write to disk.

WSL2: Writing piped STDOUT to same file doesn't work

This doesn't work (Pipe to file)

"emeraldwalk.runonsave": {
        "commands": [
                "match": ".sql",
                "cmd": "cat ${file} | ~/sqlfmt --print-width 88 --tab-width 2 --use-spaces --no-simplify > ${file}"

This is a workaround:

"emeraldwalk.runonsave": {
        "commands": [
                "match": ".sql",
                "cmd": "cat ${file} | ~/sqlfmt --print-width 88 --tab-width 2 --use-spaces --no-simplify > ${file}2; mv ${file}2 ${file}"

Any ideas?

${file} and ${fileDirname} don't work for me

${fileBasename} works fine

If my config is this

"emeraldwalk.runonsave": {
"commands": [
"match": ".ts$",
"cmd": "echo 'I am ${fileBasename}.'"

It echos in the footer of VS Code

***cmd start: echo 'I am filename.ts'

but if I change the cmd line to

"cmd": "echo 'I am ${file}.'"

Nothing happens on save.

I'm using VS Code 1.3 on Windows 7 64 bit

Run editor commands?

Hi, can this be configured to run internal key bindings or editor commands? Cheers

How to test for project or directory?

What a great plugin! This might help me migrate from Atom to VSCode.

How can I test for files in a certain directory? Or even better, files in a certain project.

I want to run an rsync command when files in one of my directories or its subdirectories are saved. I suppose I can do this with the match parameter, but I can't figure out how.

patch won't work in cmd

Hi all,

here's my config:

    "emeraldwalk.runonsave": {
        "commands": [
                "match": "index.local.html",
                "cmd": "patch --binary -i C:/Work/index.diff.txt -o C:/Work/index.html"

patch is the command-line tool coming with Git for Windows. The command is working fine when I run it from command line. But when I save index.local.html, I get index.html with zero size.

How to fix that?

Local gulp not found


Trying to automate the sass compilation but I get this message :

Running on save commands...
*** cmd start: gulp --no-color sass
[14:59:42] Local gulp not found in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft VS Code
[14:59:42] Try running: npm install gulp

gulp --no-color sass works fine when done manually.

Gulp is installed globally

${workspaceFolder} == "\"

in docs
${workspaceFolder}: the path of the workspace folder of the saved file

on windows 10
if I put configs
"match": ".*\.scss$",
"command": "dir && cd ${workspaceFolder} && dir",
"runIn": "backend",
"runningStatusMessage": "Compiling ${fileBasename}",
"finishStatusMessage": "${fileBasename} compiled"

I get
Running "dir && cd \ && dir"
Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 72ED-B5C7

Directory of C:\Users\[myUserName]\AppData\Local\Programs\Microsoft VS Code

start of vs code folder
${workspaceFolder} == "\"

how can I run command from workspace directory?

stopped working after latest vscode-insider update

Issue Type: Bug

now the commands always end up with spawn C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe ENOENT

Extension version: 0.1.0
VS Code version: Code - Insiders 1.37.0-insider (52b6e7c4f58466e5b67348fb67d359f6bc3bb7e8, 2019-07-18T05:35:22.001Z)
OS version: Windows_NT x64 6.1.7601

Cannot get it to work

I have the following configuration set

"emeraldwalk.runonsave": {
	"shell": "/usr/local/bin/bash",
	"commands": [
		{"match": ".*", "cmd": "echo ${file}"}


And I expect it to output something in the internal console, but nothing happens. Where is the output going? I'm using VSCode on a Mac

Need additional Placeholder Tokens: relativeFile, workspaceRootDirname

I needed some extra placeholder tokens to be able to copy files to secondary location, server, upon save:

  • relativeFile
  • workspaceRootDirname

Code changes: extension.ts line 169
cmdStr = cmdStr.replace(/\${relativeFile}/g, `${path.normalize(path.relative(vscode.workspace.rootPath, document.fileName))}`); cmdStr = cmdStr.replace(/\${workspaceRootDirname}/g, `${path.basename(vscode.workspace.rootPath)}`);

Example configuration:
"emeraldwalk.runonsave": { "commands": [ { "match": "\\.js$", "cmd": "if exist \"\\\\server\\Web\\${workspaceRootDirname}\\${relativeFile}\" copy /Y \"${file}\" \"\\\\server\\Web\\${workspaceRootDirname}\\${relativeFile}\"" } ] }

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