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amber's Issues

variables not work with extends and import


!!! 5
        import inc/_sidebar


div.test #{$activePage}

and rendered page is home.amber:

extends _layout
$activePage = "dashboard"

this won't work, with err: undefined variable "$activePage"

Info: Iris supports amber

@eknkc Good to know that Iris web framework has build'n support for amber template engine, if you want add a section like 'Projects using amber' and put Iris on it, I have put amber on the README, e-book and also :)

Good job and continue hard!

Unescaped html?

Is there a way to print unescaped HTML text? I pass some text through blackfriday (markdown library) to generate HTML, and try to print it in an amber template using the #{variable} notation, but I always get it escaped (it prints the tags and all in the rendered document, instead of interpreting the HTML).

I know this is possible in Jade, the "inspiration" for amber, but I haven't found anything about such a feature in the docs or a quick look at the code.


Extends, block not working

I tried the sample code on inheritance but it compiles as a tag element.
For example:
extends master

I used a 32-bit Windows Vista running go1.0.3



I'm using Amber for Algernon, and it works well.

However, I need some advice on how to best format this page:

  • Is there a way to avoid adding <br> to each line?
  • Is there a way to keep the two spaces in front of some lines, instead of discarding them?

I considered using <pre>, but I suspect that Amber may offer an even better way.

Thanks for creating Amber!

Best regards,
Alexander F Rødseth

render: template * does not exist

Hi, I got this message:

and this is my code:

and I have imported these 2 packages:


Am I doing something wrong?

Function call fails with an error from reflect.

Using this code:

package main

import (


func hasData() bool {
    return true

var tmpl = `p
    .has-data ? hasData()`

func main() {
    amber.FuncMap["hasData"] = hasData

    compiler := amber.New()
    c, err := compiler.Compile()
    if err != nil {
    err = c.Execute(os.Stdout, nil)
    if err != nil {

Results in this error:

reflect: call of reflect.Value.Type on zero Value

I've been looking at this for days. Am I plugging the function in wrong? Are (non-builtin) functions disallowed in conditional argument conditions? Or is this just a bug?

Iterations issues

for example :
the value of href will be messy code

i want to know how to solve it

Command-line version

I just saw amber, and from the readme, it looks absolutely awesome!

One thing that I wish you'd add is a standalone command line for amber, so you could compile amber files without having to write a script that does that.

Incorrect inline-style

One item in style is fine:
p[style="color:black"] => <p style="color:black"></p>

However, with multiple items there, the output is wired:
p[style="color:black; background:write"] => <p style="ZgotmplZ"></p>

Even with a semicolon appended, the output is not correct:
p[style="color:black;"] => <p style="ZgotmplZ"></p>

The same style in Jade and Slim are fine.
Am I missing any document about this?

Empty attribute values fails to parse

empty string attribute values are not accepted, i get a generic error: Unable to parse expression

sample template:

a[href=""] // those are double quotes

if i put something in the double quotes then it works:

a[href="/"] // this compiles

in general, i can't really think of a use case where an empty string for the value of an attribute makes sense, but since i'm trying to convert jade/haml to amber, i think it might be a bit of an incompatibility. obviously there are incompatibilities, but this one's not so complicated.

Small typo in

type Options

type Options struct {
	// Setting if pretty printing is enabled.
	// Pretty printing ensures that the output html is properly indented and in human readable form.
	// If disabled, produced HTML is compact. This might be more suitable in production environments.
	// Defaukt: true
	PrettyPrint bool
	// Setting if line number emitting is enabled
	// In this form, Amber emits line number comments in the output template. It is usable in debugging environments.
	// Default: false
	LineNumbers bool

Typo in text
// Defaukt: true

Always disregard blank lines in template

I am seeing some issues with how templates are parsed when blank lines are present.



  div.inner-content Hello!

will generate:

<div class="content"></div>
<div class="inner-content">Hello!</div>

whereas this:

  div.inner-content Hello!

will generate:

<div class="content">
  <div class="inner-content">Hello!</div>

Along these same lines, I've noticed that a blank line immediately following an each statement will lose the variable scope:

each $x in Collection

  div.row #{$x.Name}

This will throw an error undefined variable "$x"

Provide separate LICENSE file


Is it possible to include a separate file with the license text? It makes redistributing amber easier for some projects (like in distros).

Thank you!

link tag is `href` attribute not working

Please tell me whether it is a bug or a specification.

I tried.

    title Page Title
    link(href='assets/css/app.css' rel='stylesheet')


2017-03-22 9 40 08


2017-03-22 9 45 21

Issues with conditional attributes

Bug 1:
Whenever there are no default classes being included on a tag and all the included classes are with conditional values, the template is not rendered according to the expectations.

Reproduction guide:
Run the following template:

$var_1 = 20
    .foo ? $var_1 == 10
    .bar ? $var_1 == 20

Compiled template:

{{$var_1 := 20}}{{$__amber_1 := __amber_eql $var_1 10}}{{$__amber_2 := __amber_eql $var_1 20}}
<div{{if $__amber_1}} class="{{if $__amber_1}}foo{{end}} {{if $__amber_2}}bar{{end}}"{{end}}></div>

Expected result:

<div class="bar"></div>

Real result:


Bug 2:
Whenever adding attributes to a tag, if the same attribute appears multiple times with different conditions, just the latest one is considered.

Reproduction guide:
Run the following template:

$var_1 = 10
    [foo="bar"] ? $var_1 == 10
    [foo="zaz"] ? $var_1 == 20

Compiled template:

{{$var_1 := 20}}{{$__amber_1 := __amber_eql $var_1 10}}{{$__amber_2 := __amber_eql $var_1 20}}
<div{{if $__amber_2}} foo="zaz"{{end}}></div>

Expected result:

<div foo="bar"></div>

Real result:


Version: Latest

Mixin blocks from Pug or mixins are parameters

I'm trying to achieve something using Amber that I regularly used in Pug. It would be best described as an example from the Pug documentation:

Mixins can also take a block of Pug to act as the content:

mixin article(title)
      h1= title
      if block
        p No content provided

+article('Hello world')

+article('Hello world')
  p This is my
  p Amazing article

The resulting HTML:

<div class="article">
  <div class="article-wrapper">
    <h1>Hello world</h1>
    <p>No content provided</p>
<div class="article">
  <div class="article-wrapper">
    <h1>Hello world</h1>
    <p>This is my</p>
    <p>Amazing article</p>

I tried the same code with Amber but it just ignores it.

I also tried sending mixins as parameters of a mixin. This also doesn't seem possible:

 +header("Header Text")        
 +twocolumns(+header, +header) 

Any workaround for this?

Inconsistent order of attribute iteration

Currently attributes are put into a map in Compiler.visitTag() method. Since Go uses randomized order of iteration for maps - this results in different HTML files generated from the same amber file every time you compile them.

This implies that one can't keep compiled HTMLs under version control because amber compilation is not reproducible. Also, one can't test amber templates because the HTML output is always random, so you can't compare it to a certain expected value.

A possible fix would be to keep attributes in a slice and use a special node pointer for the special class attribute.

P.S. On a side note, is this project still alive? Most open issues are half a year old.. Amber seems to be the only sane lightweight HTML markup compiler for Go, it would be a big loss if it's not under development anymore.

iteration loop doesn't recognize page level data

if i pass a struct into an amber template, i can't seem to access the variables inside of an iteration block:

let's say i have this struct:

type Foo struct {
ID string
OK bool
Bar []string

// initialized here
f = Foo{ID: "abc", OK: true, Bar: make([]string){"ddd", "eee"}}

passed into the template.Execute function:

template.Execute(w, f)

i can do the following without any issues:
h3 #{ID} // h3 abc

but if i do this:

each $i in Bar
h3 #{$i} // works fine
h3 #{ID} // causes an Amber Error <>: Unable to parse expression

exact error is:
Amber Error in <static/templates/viewteam.amber>: Unable to parse expression. - Line: 62, Column: 21, Length: 2

Question: syntax highlight?

I am using Sublime 3 and would like to have syntax highlight if I used Amber. Do you know of anything of the sort? I noticed the syntax deviates from Jade, so a Jade plugin won't work.

Access to html/template functions

I've tried to use the printf function but I just get panics:

#{printf "%s:%s" $a $b}
{{printf "%s:%s" $a $b}}

Are html/template builtin functions allowed somehow? If so, how?

[Question] Can't make a simple amber example work.

EDIT: Nevermind. You can close/delete it. That was extremely stupid. Shame to me.


I'm sorry to bother, but I can't seem to make some code work. I have the following:

package main

import (

func root(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    compiler := amber.New()
    err := compiler.ParseFile("tem.amber")
    if err == nil {
        tpl, err := compiler.Compile()
        if err == nil {
            tpl.Execute(os.Stdout, nil)

func main() {
    http.HandleFunc("/", root)
    http.ListenAndServe(":9999", nil)

I've also tried writting "./tem.amber" when parsing the file, and same result. Changing "nil" for some text doesn't do anything, either.

And in the same directory, a standard amber file (tem.amber):

!!! 5
        title Page Title
                | This is a long page content
                | These lines are all part of the parent p

                a[href="/"] Go To Main Page

What am I doing wrong? When I open localhost:9999, I get a blank page. I've been playing with go for a few days, so I'm pretty new with it, so my apologizes if it's a really stupid mistake. Thank you for open sourcing amber.



import amber in beego ,when "//" in template , error occurred


for k, v := range amber.FuncMap {
		beego.AddFuncMap(k, v)
beego.AddTemplateEngine("amber", func(root, path string, funcs template.FuncMap) (*template.Template, error) {
		amber.FuncMap = funcs
		options := amber.Options{true, true}
		//options := &amber.FuncMap
		filePath := filepath.Join(root, path)
		fmt.Println("path", filePath)
		tpl, err := amber.CompileFile(filePath, options)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("error loading amber template: %v", err)
		return tpl, nil


!!! 5
            block meta
		//re    this error
                meta[name="description"][content="This is a great website"]
                block title
                    | Default title
            block content

runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference

We are experiencing issues compiling our templates. Any help or recommendations will be extremely useful and appreciated.
the error gotten is " runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference - Line: 41, Column: 5, Length: 3

The script being compiled contains the following code, I cant seem to solve the issue.

**`extends ./../layout

block menu

block left_menu

block content
$selectedPage = Page
$selectedCity = CityID
$selectedCategory = CategoryID
$selectedShippingTo = ShippingTo
$selectedShippingFrom = ShippingFrom
$viewUser = ViewUser
$sortby = SortBy
$account = Account
$l = Localization
if EnableStoreStaffUI
if ViewUserStore.VerificationRequired[href="/verification/encryption"] #{Localization.Auth.VerifyAccount}
if !HideAdvertisings
import ./../advertising/partial_advertising
import C:\Users\user\go\src\marketplaceproject-clone\student-free-market\deploy\package\templates\mixin_right_menu.amber
$SelectedPackageType = SelectedPackageType
$Localization = Localization
$ShippingFrom = ShippingFrom
$ShippingFromList = ShippingFromList
$ShippingTo = ShippingTo
$ShippingToList = ShippingToList
$City = City
$GeoCities = GeoCities
$SortBy = SortBy
$Category = Category
$SubCategory = SubCategory
$Query = Query
+RightMenu($SelectedPackageType, $Localization, $ShippingFrom, $ShippingFromList, $ShippingTo, $ShippingToList, $SelectedPackageType, $City, $GeoCities, $SortBy, $Category, $SubCategory, $Query)
[class="active"] ? SelectedPackageType == "all"
| #{Localization.Items.AllTypes}
[class="active"] ? SelectedPackageType == "mail"
| #{Localization.Items.Mail}
[class="active"] ? SelectedPackageType == "drop"
| #{Localization.Items.Drop}
a.item[href="/marketplace/drop preorder/"]
[class="active"] ? SelectedPackageType == "drop preorder"
| #{Localization.Items.DropPreorder}
if len(ViewSerpItems) > 0
each $item in ViewSerpItems
import ./mixin_item_row
$i = $item
$u = $viewUser
+itemRow($i, $u, $l)
if len(ViewSerpItems) == 0
div.header #{Localization.Items.NoItems}
if len(Pages) > 1
$query = Query
each $page in Pages
.active ? $page == $selectedPage
a[href="?page="+$page + "&city="+$selectedCity + "&category="+$selectedCategory + "&sortby="+$sortby + "&account="+$account + "&shipping-to="+$selectedShippingTo + "&shipping-from="+$selectedShippingFrom + "&query=" + $query] #{$page}

Attribute parse fail

Special chars in attribute value, though quoted, breaks the parser:

    [pattern="(\d{3}- )?\d{3}-\d{4}"]

panic: Unable to parse expression. [recovered]

Add support for handlebars templates

Hello, please see where I've added support for using Amber to write handlebars templates. The main changes are:

  • If a script tag has the attribute type="text/x-handlebars", then its contents is compiled instead of being treated as raw text
  • Added a template function unescapedJS, like unescaped but using template.JS instead of template.HTML
  • If a text node is not being treated as raw text, it is passed to unescapedJS. This keeps html/template from escaping {{ and }} only when the contents of the script tag is being compiled


h1 {{hello}}

    h1 {{hello}}

    h1 {{hello}}


<!-- behavior unchanged -->

<!-- behavior unchanged -->
    h1 "{{"hello"}}"

<!-- new behavior -->
<script type="text/x-handlebars">

Let me know if this is something you'd like to merge and I can fix the import paths and submit a pull request. Thanks!

iframe causing error

!!! 5

leads to

Amber Error in <t.amber>: Unable to parse expression. - Line: 4, Column: 5, Length: 25

"Import"ing header.amber issue

Hi there,

I'm finding that when I have header.amber:

!!! 5
        title #{title}

...and a whatever.amber:

import header
    h1 foobar!

...the resulting HTML is invalid:

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <link href="assets/build/app.css" rel="stylesheet" />

Whenever a "child" amber file is "import"ed, valid markup results (as seen in the README). The use-case I've described above seems to result in invalid markup, however (child "import"ing parent file).
Just for reference, I have a convenience "AmberParser" struct (I plan on open sourcing this soon!) that takes an amber file and JSON options and then uses amber's ParseFile(), Compile(), and tpl.Execute().

Is this use-case simply not supported or am I missing something?

Thanks and I enjoy using Amber! At the moment, it's the closest thing to actual Jade in the Golang world!

-Matthew Vita

Access to Global Variables

Is there a way to set/pass in global variables for use in templates without passing them in to each individual template?

// I could pass the variable through the Execute, but would have to do that everywhere in my code.
tpl := config.Globals.Templates["root/login"]
tpl.Execute(w, map[string]interface{}{
"Identity": identity,
"Error": err.Error(),

// it would be nice to be able to pass some global variables to the compiler itself, for global vars.
templates, err := amber.CompileDir("app/views/", amber.DefaultDirOptions, amber.DefaultOptions)

I have a global variable which determines if it is production or development mode

when in development mode within the master template ( that all others extend from ) I would like to add livereload.js as one of my included javascript tags

but when in production mode, not have livereload.js compiled into the template.

I understand that access to global variables outside of the templates may not be possible, but would there be a way to pass in a map of interface or something to the Options passed to the Amber Compiler which the template would then have access to?

Thanks in advance, love this package!

Export funcMap or provide it as an Option

It would be nice if you provided a means to add functions to the template via the funcMap. At the moment, the funcMap variable is private (in runtime.go). A simple way to be open to extensions would be to make this variable public, although package users could remove/replace the existing, required runtime functions (can be seen both as a feature or a bug, really).

Another (more controlled) way to provide this flexibility would be to add a template.FuncMap field in the Options, and this map would extend the internal funcMap.

My basic need for this is to provide a function to format a time.Time value, but this seems like a nice generic feature to add (which obviously is present with the native Go functions). I wanted to discuss it first, but if you're ok with one of the proposals, I'd be happy to send a PR.

Attributes do not accept variables

    import ./partials/header.amber
        p #{Site.BaseURL}
        div.min-vh-100.cover[style="background-image:url(#{Site.BaseURL}/img/flower.jpg); background-position: center;"]

From the above,

p #{Site.BaseURL}

Results in http://localhost:1313/stephandjohn/


div.min-vh-100.cover[style="background-image:url(#{Site.BaseURL}/img/flower.jpg); background-position: center;"]

Results in (#{Site.BaseURL}/img/flower.jpg) instead of (http://localhost:1313/stephandjohn//img/flower.jpg).

I am using Hugo by the way, I'm not sure if this matters.

Mixins doesn't work

Pasted the code and error


package main

import (


func main() {
    res, err := amber.CompileDir("./views", amber.DefaultDirOptions, amber.DefaultOptions)
    if err != nil {


mixin a




2014/10/17 17:22:56 Amber Error in <views/b.amber>: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference - Line: 1, Column: 1, Length: 2

Any idea?

Input close tag

I have asked in the golang g+ forum about this issue, i can't generate output like this using amber:
<input type="text" name="email" size="30" />

they are always give result like this
<input type="text" name="email" size="30"></input>
so what i want is just that simple. my question: is it by design or not yet implemented?

use of angular brackets in attribute causes template to error out





It looks like you have a fix in place for the text parser that converts {{foo}} to {{"{{"}}foo{{"}}"}}. However, if you attempt to use angular brackets on a tags attribute, it will cause the template package to throw an error.

When the tag parser loops through the attributes, would it be possible to have it call the same regex replace as the text parser?

Or do you have another work around?

I did try moving the regex replace into it's own function and then having the visitText use it, as well as the attribute loop right at the end to replace the value. It fixed my particular issue, but does cause 1 test to fail. Test_FuncCall.

I tried just using the compiler to output a string via CompileString() and then using a new template, changing the delimiter, but then because of the visitText regex, it's producing invalid angularjs as the template ignores the {{"{{"}} etc. as the delimiter has changed. So while that fixes the attribute issue, it introduces an issue with the text parser.

Wrong expression result


div[style` = "px;bottom:" + "aaa" + "px"]

Expected result:

<div style="px;bottom:aaapx"></div>

Real result:

<div style="ZgotmplZ"></div>

There is no error being displayed.

Question about syntax.

I have some questions to a several things :)

1) How can I access to input data, if it's not a struct? (to simple array, for example)
 -- main.go
    data := []string{ "qwe", "rty", "uio"}
    tmpl["test"].Execute(res, data)

 -- test.amber
    each $word in .
        p #{$word}

I tried use . #{} #{.} and blank - but it's not working.

2) How can I create empty attribute for a tag?

I need to create attribute with an empty value. <a testattr=""></a> for example.

a[testattr] - creates <a testattr></a>
a[testattr=""] - submits "Unable to parse expression".

Thanks in advance, and thanks for a great package :)

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