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celero's Introduction


C++ Benchmarking Library

Copyright 2017-2023 John Farrier

Apache 2.0 License

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A Special Thanks to the following corporations for their support:

Builds and Testing

Celero has been successfully built on the following platforms during development.

  • GCC v6.0.0
  • GCC v7.0.0
  • GCC v8.0.0
  • GCC v9.0.0
  • GCC v9.4.0
  • LLVM v3.9.0
  • LLVM v5.0.1
  • LLVM v7.0.0
  • LLVM v8.0.0
  • LLVM v9.0.0
  • Visual Studio 2019 (16.8.4)
  • Visual Studio 2019 (16.11.5)
  • Visual Studio 2022 (17.0.5)
  • Visual Studio 2022 (17.4.3)
  • Visual Studio 2022 (17.5.5)
  • XCode v10.1
  • XCode v10.3
  • XCode v11.0
  • XCode v12.0

As of v2.7, Celero requres the developer to provide GoogleTest in order to build unit tests. We suggest using a package manager such as VCPKG or Conan to provide the latest version of the library.

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Developing consistent and meaningful benchmark results for code is a complicated task. Measurement tools exist (Intel® VTune™ Amplifier, SmartBear AQTime, Valgrind, etc.) external to applications, but they are sometimes expensive for small teams or cumbersome to utilize. This project, Celero, aims to be a small library which can be added to a C++ project and perform benchmarks on code in a way which is easy to reproduce, share, and compare among individual runs, developers, or projects. Celero uses a framework similar to that of GoogleTest to make its API more natural to use and integrate into a project. Make automated benchmarking as much a part of your development process as automated testing.

Celero uses CMake to provide cross-platform builds. It does require a modern compiler (Visual C++ 2012+, GCC 4.7+, Clang 2.9+) due to its use of C++14.

Once Celero is added to your project. You can create dedicated benchmark projects and source files. For convenience, there is single header file and a CELERO_MAIN macro that can be used to provide a main() for your benchmark project that will automatically execute all of your benchmark tests.

Key Features

  • Supports Windows, Linux, and OSX using C++14.
  • The timing utilities can be used directly in production code (independent of benchmarks).
  • Automatically tracks RAM usage during the experiments
  • Console table output is formatted as Markdown to easily copy/paste into documents.
  • Archive results to track performance over time.
  • Integrates into CI/CT/CD environments with JUnit-formatted output.
  • User-defined Experiment Values can scale test results, sample sizes, and user-defined properties for each run.
  • User-defined Measurements allow for measuring anything in addition to timing.
  • Supports Test Fixtures.
  • Supports fixed-time benchmark baselines.
  • Capture a rich set of timing statistics to a file.
  • Easily installed using CMake, Conan, or VCPkg.

Command Line

<celeroOutputExecutable> [-g groupNameToRun] [-t resultsTable.csv] [-j junitOutputFile.xml] [-a resultArchive.csv] [-d numberOfIterationsPerDistribution] [-h]
  • -g Use this option to run only one benchmark group out of all benchmarks contained within a test executable.
  • -t Writes all results to a CSV file. Very useful when using problem sets to graph performance.
  • -j Writes JUnit formatted XML output. To utilize JUnit output, benchmarks must use the _TEST version of the macros and specify an expected baseline multiple. When the test exceeds this multiple, the JUnit output will indicate a failure.
  • -a Builds or updates an archive of historical results, tracking current, best, and worst results for each benchmark.
  • -d (Experimental) builds a plot of four different sample sizes to investigate the distribution of sample results.

Celero Basics


The goal, generally, of writing benchmarks is to measure the performance of a piece of code. Benchmarks are useful for comparing multiple solutions to the same problem to select the most appropriate one. Other times, benchmarks can highlight the performance impact of design or algorithm changes and quantify them in a meaningful way.

By measuring code performance, you eliminate errors in your assumptions about what the "right" solution is for performance. Only through measurement can you confirm that using a lookup table, for example, is faster than computing a value. Such lore (which is often repeated) can lead to bad design decisions and, ultimately, slower code.

The goal of writing correct benchmarking code is to eliminate all of the noise and overhead, and measure just the code under test. Sources of noise in the measurements include clock resolution noise, operating system background operations, test setup/teardown, framework overhead, and other unrelated system activity.

At a theoretical level, we want to measure t, the time to execute the code under test. In reality, we measure t plus all of this measurement noise.

These extraneous contributors to our measurement of t fluctuate over time. Therefore, we want to try to isolate t. The way this is accomplished is by making many measurements, but only keeping the smallest total. The smallest total is necessarily the one with the smallest noise contribution and closest to the actual time t.

Once this measurement is obtained, it has little meaning in isolation. It is essential to create a baseline test by which to compare. A baseline should generally be a "classic" or "pure" solution to the problem on which you measure a solution. Once you have a baseline, you have a meaningful time to compare your algorithm against. Merely saying that your fancy sorting algorithm (fSort) sorted a million elements in 10 milliseconds is not sufficient by itself. However, compare that to a classic sorting algorithm baseline such as quicksort (qSort) and then you can say that fSort is 50% faster than qSort on a million elements. That is a meaningful and powerful measurement.


Celero heavily utilizes C++11 features that are available in both Visual C++ 2012 and GCC 4.7. C++11 greatly aided in making the code clean and portable. To make adopting the code more manageable, all definitions needed by a user are defined in a celero namespace within a single include file: Celero.h.

Celero.h has within it the macro definitions that turn each of the user benchmark cases into its own unique class with the associated test fixture (if any) and then registers the test case within a Factory. The macros automatically associate baseline test cases with their associated test benchmarks so that, at run time, benchmark-relative numbers can be computed. This association is maintained by TestVector.

The TestVector utilizes the PImpl idiom to help hide implementation and keep the include overhead of Celero.h to a minimum.

Celero reports its outputs to the command line. Since colors are nice (and perhaps contribute to the human factors/readability of the results), something beyond std::cout was called for. Console.h defines a simple color function, SetConsoleColor, which is utilized by the functions in the celero::print namespace to nicely format the program's output.

Measuring benchmark execution time takes place in the TestFixture base class, from which all benchmarks are written are ultimately derived. First, the test fixture setup code is executed. Then, the start time for the test is retrieved and stored in microseconds using an unsigned long. This is done to reduce floating point error. Next, the specified number of operations (iterations) is executed. When complete, the end time is retrieved, the test fixture is torn down, and the measured time for the execution is returned, and the results are saved.

This cycle is repeated for however-many samples were specified. If no samples were specified (zero), then the test is repeated until it as ran for at least one second or at least 30 samples have been taken. While writing this specific part of the code, there was a definite "if-else" relationship. However, the bulk of the code was repeated within the if and else sections. An old fashioned function could have been used here, but it was very natural to utilize std::function to define a lambda that could be called and keep all of the code clean. (C++11 is a fantastic thing.) Finally, the results are printed to the screen.

General Program Flow

To summarize, this pseudo-code illustrates how the tests are executed internally:

for(Each Experiment)
    for(Each Sample)
        // Call the virtual function
        // and DO NOT include its time in the measurement.

        // Start the Timer

        // Run all iterations
        for(Each Iteration)
            // Call the virtual function
            // and include its time in the measurement.

            // Run the code under test
            experiment->run(threads, iterations, experimentValue);

            // Call the virtual function
            // and include its time in the measurement.

        // Stop the Timer

        // Record data...

        // Call the virtual teardown function
        // and DO NOT include its time in the measurement.

Using the Code

Celero uses CMake to provide cross-platform builds. It does require a modern compiler (Visual C++ 2012 or GCC 4.7+) due to its use of C++11.

Once Celero is added to your project. You can create dedicated benchmark projects and source files. For convenience, there is single header file and a CELERO_MAIN macro that can be used to provide a main() for your benchmark project that will automatically execute all of your benchmark tests.

Here is an example of a simple Celero Benchmark. (Note: This is a complete, runnable example.)

#include <celero/Celero.h>

#include <random>

#ifndef _WIN32
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdlib>

/// This is the main(int argc, char** argv) for the entire celero program.
/// You can write your own, or use this macro to insert the standard one into the project.

std::random_device RandomDevice;
std::uniform_int_distribution<int> UniformDistribution(0, 1024);

/// In reality, all of the "Complex" cases take the same amount of time to run.
/// The difference in the results is a product of measurement error.
/// Interestingly, taking the sin of a constant number here resulted in a
/// great deal of optimization in clang and gcc.
BASELINE(DemoSimple, Baseline, 10, 1000000)

/// Run a test consisting of 1 sample of 710000 operations per measurement.
/// There are not enough samples here to likely get a meaningful result.
BENCHMARK(DemoSimple, Complex1, 1, 710000)
    celero::DoNotOptimizeAway(static_cast<float>(sin(fmod(UniformDistribution(RandomDevice), 3.14159265))));

/// Run a test consisting of 30 samples of 710000 operations per measurement.
/// There are not enough samples here to get a reasonable measurement
/// It should get a Baseline number lower than the previous test.
BENCHMARK(DemoSimple, Complex2, 30, 710000)
    celero::DoNotOptimizeAway(static_cast<float>(sin(fmod(UniformDistribution(RandomDevice), 3.14159265))));

/// Run a test consisting of 60 samples of 710000 operations per measurement.
/// There are not enough samples here to get a reasonable measurement
/// It should get a Baseline number lower than the previous test.
BENCHMARK(DemoSimple, Complex3, 60, 710000)
    celero::DoNotOptimizeAway(static_cast<float>(sin(fmod(UniformDistribution(RandomDevice), 3.14159265))));

The first thing we do in this code is to define a BASELINE test case. This template takes four arguments:

BASELINE(GroupName, BaselineName, Samples, Operations)
  • GroupName - The name of the benchmark group. This is used to batch together runs and results with their corresponding baseline measurement.
  • BaselineName - The name of this baseline for reporting purposes.
  • Samples - The total number of times you want to execute the given number of operations on the test code.
  • Operations - The total number of times you want to run the test code per sample.

Samples and operations here are used to measure very fast code. If you know the code in your benchmark will take some time less than 100 milliseconds, for example, your operations number would say to execute the code "operations" number of times before taking a measurement. Samples define how many measurements to make.

Celero helps with this by allowing you to specify zero samples. Zero samples will tell Celero to make some statistically significant number of samples based on how long it takes to complete your specified number of operations. These numbers will be reported at run time.

The celero::DoNotOptimizeAway template is provided to ensure that the optimizing compiler does not eliminate your function or code. Since this feature is used in all of the sample benchmarks and their baseline, it's time overhead is canceled out in the comparisons.

After the baseline is defined, various benchmarks are then defined. The syntax for the BENCHMARK macro is identical to that of the macro.


Running Celero's simple example experiment (celeroDemoSimple.exe) benchmark gave the following output on a PC:

Timer resolution: 0.277056 us
|     Group      |   Experiment    |   Prob. Space   |     Samples     |   Iterations    |    Baseline     |  us/Iteration   | Iterations/sec  |   RAM (bytes)   |
|DemoSimple      | Baseline        |            Null |              30 |         1000000 |         1.00000 |         0.09320 |     10729498.61 |          892928 |
|DemoSimple      | Complex1        |            Null |               1 |          710000 |         0.99833 |         0.09305 |     10747479.64 |          897024 |
|DemoSimple      | Complex2        |            Null |              30 |          710000 |         0.97898 |         0.09124 |     10959834.52 |          897024 |
|DemoSimple      | Complex3        |            Null |              60 |          710000 |         0.98547 |         0.09185 |     10887733.66 |          897024 |
Completed in 00:00:10.315012

The first test that executes will be the group's baseline. Celero took 30 samples of 1000000 iterations of the code in our test. (Each set of 1000000 iterations was measured, and this was done ten times and the shortest time was taken.) The "Baseline" value for the baseline measurement itself will always be 1.0.

After the baseline is complete, each individual test runs. Each test is executed and measured in the same way. However, there is an additional metric reported: Baseline. This compares the time it takes to compute the benchmark to the baseline. The data here shows that CeleroBenchTest.Complex1 takes 1.007949 times longer to execute than the baseline.

Automatically computing the number of Iterations and Samples

If you do want Celero to figure out a reasonable number of iterations to run, you can set the iteration value to 0 for your experiment. You can also set the number of samples to 0 to have it compute a statistically valid number of samples. (Note that the current implementation uses 30 as the default number of samples, but does calculate a reasonable number of iterations.)

Update the previous "DemoSimple" code's Complex1 case to use this feature as follows:

/// Run a test consisting of 0 samples of 0 iterations per measurement.
/// Since the sample size is equal to 0, celero will compute a number to use for both samples and iterations.
BENCHMARK(DemoSimple, Complex1, 0, 0)
    celero::DoNotOptimizeAway(static_cast<float>(sin(fmod(UniformDistribution(RandomDevice), 3.14159265))));

Now, when this executes, you will see a different number automatically computed for the number of iterations, and the sample size has been increased.

Timer resolution: 0.100000 us
|     Group      |   Experiment    |   Prob. Space   |     Samples     |   Iterations    |    Baseline     |  us/Iteration   | Iterations/sec  |   RAM (bytes)   |
|DemoSimple      | Baseline        |            Null |              30 |         1000000 |         1.00000 |         0.09076 |     11017948.24 |          892928 |
|DemoSimple      | Complex1        |            Null |              30 |         2097152 |         1.01148 |         0.09180 |     10892938.02 |          897024 |
|DemoSimple      | Complex2        |            Null |              30 |          710000 |         0.98926 |         0.08979 |     11137604.32 |          897024 |
|DemoSimple      | Complex3        |            Null |              60 |          710000 |         0.99908 |         0.09068 |     11028098.35 |          897024 |
Completed in 00:00:15.889099

Statistically Sound Results

To use Celero for real science, there are three primary factors to consider when reviewing results. Firstly, you MUST check the generated assembly for your test. There are different paths to viewing the assembly for various compilers, but essentially this must be done to ensure that you did not optimize-out critical code. You must also verify, via assembly, that you are comparing apples to apples.

Once that is sorted out, you should run just the "Baseline" case several times. The "us/Iteration" and "Iterations/sec" should not fluctuate by any significant degree between runs. If they do, then ensure that your number of iterations is sufficiently large as to overcome the timer resolution on your machine. Once the number of iterations is high enough, ensure that you are performing a statistically significant number of samples. Lore has it that 30 samples are good, but use your own science to figure out the best number for your situation.

Finally, you need to ensure that the number of iterations and samples is producing stable output for your experiment cases. These numbers may be the same as your now-stable baseline case.

One factor that can impact the number of samples and iterations required is the amount of work that your experiment is doing. For cases where you are utilizing Celero's "problem space" functionality to scale up the algorithms, you can correspondingly scale down the number of iterations. Doing so can reduce the total run time of the more extensive experiments by doing fewer iterations, buy while still maintaining a statistically meaningful measurement. (It saves you time.)

Threaded Benchmarks

Celero can automatically run threaded benchmarks. BASELINE_T and BENCHMARK_T can be used to launch the given code on its own thread using a user-defined number of concurrent executions. celeroDemoMultithread illustrates using this feature. When defining these macros, they use the following format:

BASELINE_T(groupName, baselineName, fixtureName, samples, iterations, threads);
BASELINE_FIXED_T(groupName, baselineName, fixtureName, iterations, threads, useconds);

BENCHMARK_T(groupName, benchmarkName, fixtureName, samples, iterations, threads);
BENCHMARK_TEST_T(groupName, benchmarkName, fixtureName, samples, iterations, threads, target);

Fixed Measurement Benchmarks

While Celero typically measures the baseline time and then executes benchmark cases for comparison, you can also specify a fixed measurement time. This is useful for measuring performance against a real-time requirement. To use, utilize the _FIXED_ version of the BASELINE and BENCHMARK macros.

// No threads or test fixtures.
BASELINE_FIXED(groupName, baselineName, iterations, useconds);

// For using test fixtures:
BASELINE_FIXED_F(groupName, baselineName, fixtureName, iterations, useconds);

// For using threads and test fixtures.
BASELINE_FIXED_T(groupName, baselineName, fixtureName, iterations, threads, useconds);


BASELINE_FIXED_F(DemoTransform, FixedTime, DemoTransformFixture, 1, 100)
{ /* Nothing to do */ }

It is important that if your measurements use a test fixture, that your baseline (even if fixed) should use a test fixture as well. Features such as User-Defined Measurements (UDMs) look to the baseline class to detect if other features are present. If the baseline does not use a test fixture, Celero will not know that other classes do use a test fixture that offers a UDM.

User-Defined Measurements (UDM)

Celero, by default, measures the execution time of your experiments. If you want to measure anything else, say for example the number of page faults via PAPI, user-defined measurements are for you.

Adding user-defined measurements consists of three steps:

  • Define a class for your user-defined measurement. (One per type of measurement.) This class must derive from celero::UserDefinedMeasurement. Celero provides a convenience class celero::UserDefinedMeasurementTemplate<> which will be sufficient for most uses.
  • Add (an) instance(s) of your class(es) to your test fixture. Implement getUserDefinedMeasurements to return these instances.
  • At the appropriate point (most likely tearDown()), record your measurements in your user-defined measurement instances.

As a rough example, say you want to measure the number of page faults. The class for your user-defined measurement could be as simple as this:

class PageFaultUDM : public celero::UserDefinedMeasurementTemplate<size_t>
  virtual std::string getName() const override
    return "Page Faults";

  // Optionally turn off some statistical reporting.
  virtual bool reportKurtosis() const override
    return false;

The only thing you need to implement in this case is a unique name. Other virtual functions are available inside celero::UserDefinedMeasurementTemplate and celero::UserDefinedMeasurement that you can leverage as needed. There are optional virtual functions that you can override to turn off specific statistical measurements in the output. These are:

    virtual bool reportSize() const;
    virtual bool reportMean() const;
    virtual bool reportVariance() const;
    virtual bool reportStandardDeviation() const;
    virtual bool reportSkewness() const;
    virtual bool reportKurtosis() const;
    virtual bool reportZScore() const;
    virtual bool reportMin() const;
    virtual bool reportMax() const;

(By default, all of the report functions inside UserDefinedMeasurementTemplate return true.)

Now, add it to your regular Celero test fixure:

class SortFixture : public celero::TestFixture
        this->pageFaultUDM.reset(new PageFaultUDM());


    virtual std::vector<std::shared_ptr<celero::UserDefinedMeasurement>> getUserDefinedMeasurements() const override
        return { this->pageFaultUDM };

    std::shared_ptr<CopyCountUDM> pageFaultUDM;

Finally, you need to record your results. For this pseud-code example, assume two functions exist: resetPageFaultCounter() and getPageFaults(). These reset the number of page faults and return the number of page faults since last reset, respectively. Then, add these to the setUp and tearDown methods:

class SortFixture : public celero::TestFixture
        this->pageFaultUDM.reset(new PageFaultUDM());


    // Gather page fault statistics inside the UDM.
    virtual void onExperimentEnd() override


    // Reset the page fault counter.
    virtual void setUp(const celero::TestFixture::ExperimentValue& experimentValue) override


    virtual std::vector<std::shared_ptr<celero::UserDefinedMeasurement>> getUserDefinedMeasurements() const override
        return { this->pageFaultUDM };

    std::shared_ptr<CopyCountUDM> pageFaultUDM;

You will now be reporting statistics on the number of page faults that occurred during your experiments. See the ExperimentSortingRandomIntsWithUDM example for a complete example.

A note on User-Defined Measurements: This capability was introduced well after the creation of Celero. While it is a great enhancement to the library, it was not designed-in to the library. As such, the next major release of the library (v3.x) may change the way this is implemented and exposed to the library's users.

Frequency Scaling

CPU Frequency Scaling should be disabled if possible when executing benchmarks. While there is code in Celero to attempt to do this, it may not have sufficient privileges to be effective. On Linux systems, this can be accomplished as follows:

sudo cpupower frequency-set --governor performance
sudo cpupower frequency-set --governor powersave


  • Benchmarks should always be performed on Release builds. Never measure the performance of a Debug build and make changes based on the results. The (optimizing) compiler is your friend concerning code performance.
  • Accuracy is tied very closely to the total number of samples and the sample sizes. As a general rule, you should aim to execute your baseline code for about as long as your longest benchmark test. Further, it is helpful if all of the benchmark tests take about the same order of magnitude of execution time. (Don't compare a baseline that executed in 0.1 seconds with benchmarks that take 60 seconds and an hour, respectively.)
  • Celero has Doxygen-style documentation of its API. (The Doxyfile is provided. The user must generate the documentation.)
  • Celero supports test fixtures for each baseline group.

Celero Charts


It has been noted many times that writing an algorithm to solve small problems is relatively easy. "Brute force" methods tend to function just as well as more agile approaches. However, as the size of data increases, beneficial algorithms scale their performance to match.

Theoretically, the best we can hope for with an algorithm is that is scales linearly (Order N, O(N) complexity) with respect to the problem size. That is to say that if the problem set doubles, the time it takes for the algorithm to execute doubles. While this seems obvious, it is often an elusive goal.

Even well-performing algorithms eventually run into problems with available memory or CPU cache. When making decisions within our software about algorithms and improvements to existing code, only through measurement and experimentation, can we know our complex algorithms perform acceptably.

Using the Code

While Celero offers simple benchmarking of code and algorithms, it also provides a more sophisticated method or directly producing performance graphs of how the benchmarks change with respect to some independent variable, referred to here as the Problem Set.

Within Celero, a test fixture can push integers into a ProblemSetValues vector which allows for the fixture's own SetUp function to scale a problem set for the benchmarks to run against. For each value pushed into the ProblemSetValues vector, a complete set of benchmarks is executed. These measured values are then stored and can be written out to a CSV file for easy plotting of results.

To demonstrate, we will study the performance of three common sorting algorithms: BubbleSort, SelectionSort, and std::sort. (The source code to this demo is distributed with Celero, available on GitHub.) First, we will write a test fixture for Celero.

class SortFixture : public celero::TestFixture

    virtual std::vector<celero::TestFixture::ExperimentValue> getExperimentValues() const override
        std::vector<celero::TestFixture::ExperimentValue> problemSpace;

        // We will run some total number of sets of tests together. 
        // Each one growing by a power of 2.
        const int totalNumberOfTests = 6;

        for(int i = 0; i < totalNumberOfTests; i++)
            // ExperimentValues is part of the base class and allows us to specify
            // some values to control various test runs to end up building a nice graph.
            problemSpace.push_back({int64_t(pow(2, i+1))});

        return problemSpace;

    /// Before each run, build a vector of random integers.
    virtual void setUp(const celero::TestFixture::ExperimentValue& experimentValue)
        this->arraySize = experimentValue.Value;

    /// Before each iteration. A common utility function to push back random ints to sort.
    void randomize()
        for(int i = 0; i < this->arraySize; i++)

    /// After each iteration, clear the vector of random integers.
    void clear()

    std::vector<int64_t> array;
    int64_t arraySize;

Before the test fixture is utilized by a benchmark, Celero will create an instantiation of the class and call its getExperimentValues() function. The test fixture can then build a vector of TestFixture::ExperimentValue values. For each value added to this array, benchmarks will be executed following calls to the setUp virtual function. A new test fixture is created for each measurement.

The SetUp() virtual function is called before each benchmark test is executed. When using a problem space values vector, the function will be given a value that was previously pushed into the array within the constructor. The function's code can then decide what to do with it. Here, we are using the value to indicate how many elements should be in the array that we intend to sort. For each of the array elements, we simply add a pseudo-random integer.

Now for implementing the actual sorting algorithms. For the baseline case, I implemented the first sorting algorithm I ever learned in school: Bubble Sort. The code for bubble sort is straight forward.

// For a baseline, I'll choose Bubble Sort.
BASELINE_F(SortRandInts, BubbleSort, SortFixture, 30, 10000)

    for(int x = 0; x < this->arraySize; x++)
        for(int y = 0; y < this->arraySize - 1; y++)
            if(this->array[y] > this->array[y+1])
                std::swap(this->array[y], this->array[y+1]);


Celero will use the values from this baseline when computing a base lined measurement for the other two algorithms in the test group DemoSort. However, when we run this at the command line, we will specify an output file. The output file will contain the measured number of seconds the algorithm took to execute on the given array size.

Next, we will implement the Selection Sort algorithm.

BENCHMARK_F(SortRandInts, SelectionSort, SortFixture, 30, 10000)

    for(int x = 0; x < this->arraySize; x++)
        auto minIdx = x;

        for(int y = x; y < this->arraySize; y++)
            if(this->array[minIdx] > this->array[y])
                minIdx = y;

        std::swap(this->array[x], this->array[minIdx]);


Finally, for good measure, we will simply use the Standard Library's sorting algorithm: Introsort. We only need to write a single line of code, but here it is for completeness.

BENCHMARK_F(SortRandInts, stdSort, SortFixture, 30, 10000)
    std::sort(this->array.begin(), this->array.end());


This test was run on a 4.00 GHz AMD with four cores, eight logical processors, and 32 GB of memory. (Hardware aside, the relative performance of these algorithms should be the same on any modern hardware.)

Celero outputs timing and benchmark references for each test automatically. However, to write to an output file for easy plotting, simply specify an output file on the command line.

celeroExperimentSortingRandomInts.exe -t results.csv

While not particularly surprising std::sort is by far the best option with any meaningful problem set size. The results are summarized in the following table output written directly by Celero:

Timer resolution: 0.100000 us
Writing results to: results.csv
|     Group      |   Experiment    |   Prob. Space   |     Samples     |   Iterations    |    Baseline     |  us/Iteration   | Iterations/sec  |   RAM (bytes)   |
|SortRandInts    | BubbleSort      |              64 |            2000 |               2 |         1.00000 |         6.50000 |       153846.15 |          905216 |
|SortRandInts    | BubbleSort      |             128 |            2000 |               2 |         1.00000 |        21.50000 |        46511.63 |          909312 |
|SortRandInts    | BubbleSort      |             256 |            2000 |               2 |         1.00000 |        72.50000 |        13793.10 |          909312 |
|SortRandInts    | BubbleSort      |             512 |            2000 |               2 |         1.00000 |       248.50000 |         4024.14 |          917504 |
|SortRandInts    | BubbleSort      |            1024 |            2000 |               2 |         1.00000 |       917.00000 |         1090.51 |          917504 |
|SortRandInts    | BubbleSort      |            2048 |            2000 |               2 |         1.00000 |      3607.50000 |          277.20 |          937984 |
|SortRandInts    | BubbleSort      |            4096 |            2000 |               2 |         1.00000 |     16567.00000 |           60.36 |          909312 |
|SortRandInts    | SelectionSort   |              64 |            2000 |               2 |         0.46154 |         3.00000 |       333333.33 |          909312 |
|SortRandInts    | SelectionSort   |             128 |            2000 |               2 |         0.44186 |         9.50000 |       105263.16 |          909312 |
|SortRandInts    | SelectionSort   |             256 |            2000 |               2 |         0.44138 |        32.00000 |        31250.00 |          909312 |
|SortRandInts    | SelectionSort   |             512 |            2000 |               2 |         0.43863 |       109.00000 |         9174.31 |          917504 |
|SortRandInts    | SelectionSort   |            1024 |            2000 |               2 |         0.43730 |       401.00000 |         2493.77 |          987136 |
|SortRandInts    | SelectionSort   |            2048 |            2000 |               2 |         0.42245 |      1524.00000 |          656.17 |         1122304 |
|SortRandInts    | SelectionSort   |            4096 |            2000 |               2 |         0.35749 |      5922.50000 |          168.85 |         1159168 |
|SortRandInts    | InsertionSort   |              64 |            2000 |               2 |         0.23077 |         1.50000 |       666666.67 |         1159168 |
|SortRandInts    | InsertionSort   |             128 |            2000 |               2 |         0.18605 |         4.00000 |       250000.00 |         1159168 |
|SortRandInts    | InsertionSort   |             256 |            2000 |               2 |         0.12414 |         9.00000 |       111111.11 |         1159168 |
|SortRandInts    | InsertionSort   |             512 |            2000 |               2 |         0.09256 |        23.00000 |        43478.26 |         1159168 |
|SortRandInts    | InsertionSort   |            1024 |            2000 |               2 |         0.06161 |        56.50000 |        17699.12 |         1159168 |
|SortRandInts    | InsertionSort   |            2048 |            2000 |               2 |         0.04435 |       160.00000 |         6250.00 |         1159168 |
|SortRandInts    | InsertionSort   |            4096 |            2000 |               2 |         0.03084 |       511.00000 |         1956.95 |         1159168 |
|SortRandInts    | QuickSort       |              64 |            2000 |               2 |         0.15385 |         1.00000 |      1000000.00 |         1159168 |
|SortRandInts    | QuickSort       |             128 |            2000 |               2 |         0.11628 |         2.50000 |       400000.00 |         1159168 |
|SortRandInts    | QuickSort       |             256 |            2000 |               2 |         0.07586 |         5.50000 |       181818.18 |         1159168 |
|SortRandInts    | QuickSort       |             512 |            2000 |               2 |         0.05433 |        13.50000 |        74074.07 |         1159168 |
|SortRandInts    | QuickSort       |            1024 |            2000 |               2 |         0.03162 |        29.00000 |        34482.76 |         1159168 |
|SortRandInts    | QuickSort       |            2048 |            2000 |               2 |         0.01746 |        63.00000 |        15873.02 |         1159168 |
|SortRandInts    | QuickSort       |            4096 |            2000 |               2 |         0.00803 |       133.00000 |         7518.80 |         1159168 |
|SortRandInts    | stdSort         |              64 |            2000 |               2 |         0.07692 |         0.50000 |      2000000.00 |         1159168 |
|SortRandInts    | stdSort         |             128 |            2000 |               2 |         0.09302 |         2.00000 |       500000.00 |         1159168 |
|SortRandInts    | stdSort         |             256 |            2000 |               2 |         0.06207 |         4.50000 |       222222.22 |         1159168 |
|SortRandInts    | stdSort         |             512 |            2000 |               2 |         0.04225 |        10.50000 |        95238.10 |         1159168 |
|SortRandInts    | stdSort         |            1024 |            2000 |               2 |         0.02508 |        23.00000 |        43478.26 |         1159168 |
|SortRandInts    | stdSort         |            2048 |            2000 |               2 |         0.01358 |        49.00000 |        20408.16 |         1159168 |
|SortRandInts    | stdSort         |            4096 |            2000 |               2 |         0.00637 |       105.50000 |         9478.67 |         1159168 |
Completed in 00:02:09.698721

The data shows first the test group name. Next, all of the data sizes are output. Then each row shows the baseline or benchmark name and the corresponding time for the algorithm to complete measured in useconds. This data, in CSV format, can be directly read by programs such as Microsoft Excel and plotted without any modification. The CSV contains the following data:

Group,Experiment,Problem Space,Samples,Iterations,Failure,Baseline,us/Iteration,Iterations/sec,T Min (us),T Mean (us),T Max (us),T Variance,T Standard Deviation,T Skewness,T Kurtosis,T Z Score,R Min (us),R Mean (us),R Max (us),R Variance,R Standard Deviation,R Skewness,R Kurtosis,R Z Score,

Note that in this data, there are T statistics and there are R statistics. T represents Time and R represents RAM.

The point here is not that std::sort is better than more elementary sorting methods, but how easily measurable results can be obtained. In making such measurements more accessible and easier to code, they can become part of the way we code just as automated testing has become.

Test early and test often!


  • Because I like explicitness as much as the next programmer, I want to note that the actual sorting algorithm used by std::sort is not defined in the standard, but references cite Introsort as a likely contender for how an STL implementation would approach std::sort. Wikipedia.
  • When choosing a sorting algorithm, start with std::sort and see if you can make improvements from there.
  • Don't just trust your experience, measure your code!


Q: I asked for N iterations, but Celero ran N+1 iterations.

The internal code will do one un-measured "warm-up" pass. This helps account for caching which may otherwise influence measurements.

Q: As my problem space increases in size, my runs take longer and longer. How do I account for the increased complexity?

When defining a problem space, you set up a celero::TestFixture::ExperimentValue. If the Iterations member in the class is greater than zero, that number will be used to control the amount of iterations for the corresponding celero::TestFixture::ExperimentValue.

class MyFixture : public celero::TestFixture
    virtual std::vector<std::pair<int64_t, uint64_t>> getExperimentValues() const override
        std::vector<std::pair<int64_t, uint64_t>> problemSpaceValues;

        // We will run some total number of sets of tests together.
        // Each one growing by a power of 2.
        const int totalNumberOfTests = 12;

        for(int i = 0; i < totalNumberOfTests; i++)
            // ExperimentValues is part of the base class and allows us to specify
            // some values to control various test runs to end up building a nice graph.
            // We make the number of iterations decrease as the size of our problem space increases
            // to demonstrate how to adjust the number of iterations per sample based on the
            // problem space size.
            problemSpaceValues.push_back(std::make_pair(int64_t(pow(2, i + 1)), uint64_t(pow(2, totalNumberOfTests - i))));

        return problemSpaceValues;

Example and Demo Code

Example and demonstration code are provided under Celero's "experiments" folder. There are two types of projects. The first is "Demo" projects. These are useful for illustrating techniques and ideas, but may not be interesting from a computer-science perspective. Experiments, on the other hand, have been added which demonstrate real-world questions.

The addition of real use cases of Celero is encouraged to be submitted to Celero's development branch for inclusion in the Demo and Experiment library.

celero's People


abigagli avatar acidleroy avatar asxa86 avatar bkloppenborg avatar bryant1410 avatar c72578 avatar cdeil avatar cheney-w avatar chronoxor avatar digitalinblue avatar dtpike avatar enhex avatar hungptit avatar ignition avatar jiverson002 avatar jwakely avatar madebr avatar mloskot avatar naetherm avatar nevion avatar oleks avatar phraemer avatar sgraf812 avatar shachlan avatar taketwo avatar theirix avatar tinloaf avatar weirdo-neutrino avatar wendazhou avatar zaba963 avatar


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celero's Issues

support int32 and int64 operations in all benchmarks

Modern GPUs are doing excellent jobs for int32/fp32 but at least with NVidia and possibly AMD are underperforming on int64 which has significant impact on some applications, whether they be fixed point, time keeping, or workhorse types for algorithms such the numeric types reproblas is built on. I can understand in some cases why fp64 is doing bad but int64 has no excuse when int32 performs so many times faster.

Of course maybe these guesses are incorrect, I've only heard of them as heresay.

This issue calls for each benchmark to be extended to support int32/int64 which may help people understand which GPUs will work for what applications better.

Maybe add an option for dividing up which classes you care about, if you want to preserve the existing subset of functionality (like if you didn't want to run 2x as many tests...)

provide output of statistics in tables (csv and table output)

Statistics are computed but go nowhere, if I'm reading things right. This affects confidence in the benchmark - variance/skewness notably, as well as min/max.

These are pretty important to show for benchmarks, IMHO. Maybe provide some option to opt-in given the width of terminal it would require.

`develop` is behind `master`

I want to propose some changes via pull request and guidelines tell me to submit it to develop branch. But after commit 4dca141 develop is behind master. Something is out of date, either guidelines or develop branch.

Report CPU Info before experiment execution.

Though we are using baseline measurements, it tends to be handy to know something about the hardware on which an experiment was ran. This is especially true when using raw measurements vs. baseline normalized measurements.

CMake fails

I get the following error on the latest master branch:

[sgwood@mstdev31 Celero (master)]cmake .
-- The C compiler identification is GNU 4.8.3
-- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 4.8.3
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc -- works
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++ -- works
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
-- SYSTEM: Linux
CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER: /usr/bin/c++
CMake Error at experiments/CMakeLists.txt:6 (ADD_SUBDIRECTORY):
The source directory


does not contain a CMakeLists.txt file.

-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!

More granularity in Time


Celero is making my life much easier. 👍 👍 👍

It would be nice if there is option to measure in ns, not in us. When the code takes a order of ns, celere report each call as 0.00000 us.

Error in CMakeList.txt

There is a wrong filename in CMakeLists.txt (the "u" of Unit must be uppercase). CMake reports this error:

CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:229 (add_executable):
Cannot find source file:


Support for different types in problemSpace array.

Hello! Thank you for the support. Celero is being very helpful.

It would be nice if getExperimentValues() was a templated method. Thus, the problemSpace array could be parameterized in compile time by using templates.

Another option would be making the problemSpace some kind of map data structure, which maps a integer to a structure representing the input of the benchmark test.

In my opinion, this would give more flexibility in the setUp methods.

DemoComparison fails to compile

I tried to compile Celero with gcc version 4.7.3 (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.7.3-1ubuntu1) and got the following error:

[ 69%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/celeroDemoComparison.dir/examples/DemoComparison.cpp.o
/home/lisitsyn/Matters/oss/Celero/examples/DemoComparison.cpp:72:1: error: ‘<::’ cannot begin a template-argument list [-fpermissive]
/home/lisitsyn/Matters/oss/Celero/examples/DemoComparison.cpp:72:1: note: ‘<:’ is an alternate spelling for ‘[’. Insert whitespace between ‘<’ and ‘::’
/home/lisitsyn/Matters/oss/Celero/examples/DemoComparison.cpp:72:1: note: (if you use ‘-fpermissive’ G++ will accept your code)
/home/lisitsyn/Matters/oss/Celero/examples/DemoComparison.cpp:72:1: error: ‘<::’ cannot begin a template-argument list [-fpermissive]
/home/lisitsyn/Matters/oss/Celero/examples/DemoComparison.cpp:72:1: note: ‘<:’ is an alternate spelling for ‘[’. Insert whitespace between ‘<’ and ‘::’
/home/lisitsyn/Matters/oss/Celero/examples/DemoComparison.cpp:78:1: error: ‘<::’ cannot begin a template-argument list [-fpermissive]
/home/lisitsyn/Matters/oss/Celero/examples/DemoComparison.cpp:78:1: note: ‘<:’ is an alternate spelling for ‘[’. Insert whitespace between ‘<’ and ‘::’
/home/lisitsyn/Matters/oss/Celero/examples/DemoComparison.cpp:78:1: error: ‘<::’ cannot begin a template-argument list [-fpermissive]
/home/lisitsyn/Matters/oss/Celero/examples/DemoComparison.cpp:78:1: note: ‘<:’ is an alternate spelling for ‘[’. Insert whitespace between ‘<’ and ‘::’
/home/lisitsyn/Matters/oss/Celero/examples/DemoComparison.cpp:84:1: error: ‘<::’ cannot begin a template-argument list [-fpermissive]
/home/lisitsyn/Matters/oss/Celero/examples/DemoComparison.cpp:84:1: note: ‘<:’ is an alternate spelling for ‘[’. Insert whitespace between ‘<’ and ‘::’
/home/lisitsyn/Matters/oss/Celero/examples/DemoComparison.cpp:84:1: error: ‘<::’ cannot begin a template-argument list [-fpermissive]
/home/lisitsyn/Matters/oss/Celero/examples/DemoComparison.cpp:84:1: note: ‘<:’ is an alternate spelling for ‘[’. Insert whitespace between ‘<’ and ‘::’
/home/lisitsyn/Matters/oss/Celero/examples/DemoComparison.cpp:90:1: error: ‘<::’ cannot begin a template-argument list [-fpermissive]
/home/lisitsyn/Matters/oss/Celero/examples/DemoComparison.cpp:90:1: note: ‘<:’ is an alternate spelling for ‘[’. Insert whitespace between ‘<’ and ‘::’
/home/lisitsyn/Matters/oss/Celero/examples/DemoComparison.cpp:90:1: error: ‘<::’ cannot begin a template-argument list [-fpermissive]
/home/lisitsyn/Matters/oss/Celero/examples/DemoComparison.cpp:90:1: note: ‘<:’ is an alternate spelling for ‘[’. Insert whitespace between ‘<’ and ‘::’
/home/lisitsyn/Matters/oss/Celero/examples/DemoComparison.cpp:96:1: error: ‘<::’ cannot begin a template-argument list [-fpermissive]
/home/lisitsyn/Matters/oss/Celero/examples/DemoComparison.cpp:96:1: note: ‘<:’ is an alternate spelling for ‘[’. Insert whitespace between ‘<’ and ‘::’
/home/lisitsyn/Matters/oss/Celero/examples/DemoComparison.cpp:96:1: error: ‘<::’ cannot begin a template-argument list [-fpermissive]
/home/lisitsyn/Matters/oss/Celero/examples/DemoComparison.cpp:96:1: note: ‘<:’ is an alternate spelling for ‘[’. Insert whitespace between ‘<’ and ‘::’
make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/celeroDemoComparison.dir/examples/DemoComparison.cpp.o] Error 1
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/celeroDemoComparison.dir/all] Error 2

Timing statistics are incorrect

The timing information printed on the console is incorrect. Consider the example given in

[ RUN      ] Complex1 [1 samples of 710000 calls each.]
[     DONE ] DemoSimple.Complex1 1.194630 sec. [1.682577e-006 us/call] [59432.628973 calls/sec]

The math works out as follows:
1.194630 sec / 710000 calls = 1.682577e-006 seconds / call (not us === microseconds)


710000 calls / 1.194630 sec = 594326.2767551459 calls/sec (demo output is smaller by exactly 10x)

Exclude noise from measured time

Exclude noise from measured time.

I'd like to measure time of some function. This function take variable of user defined type and modify it. So for repeated calling of this function I need restore input parameters for each iteration. As result, the measured time of benchmark it time which was taken for execution of function (useful) and for restoring input parameter (noise).

Is there way to exclude this noise from report?

Create JUnit Output

Create XML formatted output compatible with JUnit such that automated build systems can evaluate benchmark performance and report it just as they would with a unit testing framework.

code with celero::DoNotOptimizeAway can be partly optimized away

Thanks for the great project first.

The celero::DoNotOptimizeAway only cheats the compiler with calling putchar on the first char in data. But the compiler (at least GCC 4.7) is smart enough to keep calculation of first char and optimize other parts away.

Vector3 u, v;

celero::DoNotOptimizeAway(u + v);

the compiler will only calculate u[0] + v[0], and ignore u[1] + v[1] and u[2] + v[2]

this can be checked by generated asm code.

I have a dirty fix:

template<class T> void _dump_to_std(T&& datum) {
    char* p = static_cast<char*>(static_cast<void*>(&datum));
    for (size_t i=0; i<sizeof(T)/sizeof(char); ++i) {

/// \func DoNotOptimizeAway
/// \author Andrei Alexandrescu
template<class T> void DoNotOptimizeAway(T&& datum)
    #ifdef WIN32
    if(_getpid() == 1) 
    if(getpid() == 1) 

CMake 3, Mac OS X and CMP0042

When building Celero (successfully) I get the warning

CMake Warning (dev):
  Policy CMP0042 is not set: MACOSX_RPATH is enabled by default.  Run "cmake
  --help-policy CMP0042" for policy details.  Use the cmake_policy command to
  set the policy and suppress this warning.

  MACOSX_RPATH is not specified for the following targets:

This warning is for project developers.  Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.

I don't think this is something to be worried about though.

warmup pass

In many benchmarks I write, the first run needs to be thrown away because of things like JITing (various kinds) and that really screws up the statistics in the package.

Is it possible to allow all tests an evaluation prior to recording the benchmarks so I can get more correct statistics?

Need stdio.h include in Utilities.h

Attempting to compile on FreeBSD fails due to use of putchar without including stdio.h

Confirmed that adding the include fixes the issue.

Fixtures are broken from the initial commit

TestFixture class calls setUp once before iterations calls to UserBenchmark and tearDown once after. But state of the benchmark has to be cleared each iteration. As a result experiment sortingRandomInts mentioned in docs sorts random array once and then sorts previously sorted array 9999 times for each of 30 samples...

Error running celeroDemoComparison

ryan@DevPC-LX:~/stuff/Celero$ ./celeroDemoComparison
./celeroDemoComparison: symbol lookup error: ./celeroDemoComparison: undefined symbol: _ZN6celero16RegisterBaselineEPKcS1_mmSt10shared_ptrINS_7FactoryEE
ryan@DevPC-LX:~/stuff/Celero$ ldd ./celeroDemoComparison =>  (0x00007ffebb9cb000) => /home/ryan/stuff/Celero/ (0x00007fbb0164d000) => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007fbb01314000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007fbb0100e000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007fbb00df8000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007fbb00a32000) => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007fbb00814000)
    /lib64/ (0x00007fbb01888000)

General Program Flow: onExperimentStart

As far as I understand the code, the function onExperimentStart gets executed after starting the timer and not before each sample as it is illustrated in the general program flow (TextFixture.cpp:65).

So therefore is there another onExperimentStart method or is the flow example wrong?

Static library built in VS2015 doesn't work

I tried to create static library only build with VS2015. I received the .lib file (around 14MB), but when I tried to complle your runnable example, I received LNK2019 errors (log file attached). However, the same example, compiled with dynamic libs (40KB celero.lib and ~1MB celero.dll) builds and runs without a problem.


Baseline only runs once.

I'm having a problem with the baseline code.

Despite of adding seven values into ProblemSetValues array, the baseline code is ran only once with the first value.

The benchmarks code runs normally, but after the first phase, it is compared with a artificial baseline which takes one second. Hence, only the first baseline code which is ran from the first value from ProblemSetValues is compared correctly with the other benchmarks code.

I've set the number of samples =1.
And the number of interations =1;

I'm doing something wrong?

class LandauVishkinBenchmark : public celero::TestFixture{
const static int NUMBER_OF_RUNS = 1; //Number of samples
const static int NUMBER_OF_ITERATIONS = 1;


virtual void SetUp(const int32_t errors){
    _errors = errors;
virtual void TearDown(){

Text* createRandomPattern(Text* T,integer size);
virtual ~LandauVishkinBenchmark(){}
integer _errors;


Here is the output from Celero:

[ STAGE ] Baselining
[ RUN ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_DC_SE -- 1 run, 1 call per run.
[ DONE ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_DC_SE (4.328641 sec) [1 calls in 4.328641 sec] [4.328641 us/call] [0.023102 calls/sec]
[ STAGE ] Benchmarking
[ RUN ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_RMQ -- 1 run, 1 call per run.
[ DONE ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_RMQ (29.722101 sec) [1 calls in 29.722101 sec] [29.722101 us/call] [0.003364 calls/sec]
[ BASELINE ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_RMQ 6.866382
[ RUN ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_DMIN -- 1 run, 1 call per run.
[ DONE ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_DMIN (13.512609 sec) [1 calls in 13.512609 sec] [13.512609 us/call] [0.007400 calls/sec]
[ BASELINE ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_DMIN 3.121675
[ RUN ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_DC -- 1 run, 1 call per run.
[ DONE ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_DC (0.517192 sec) [1 calls in 0.517192 sec] [0.517192 us/call] [0.193352 calls/sec]
[ BASELINE ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_DC 0.119481
[ RUN ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_DC_NAV -- 1 run, 1 call per run.
[ DONE ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_DC_NAV (0.541809 sec) [1 calls in 0.541809 sec] [0.541809 us/call] [0.184567 calls/sec]
[ BASELINE ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_DC_NAV 0.125168
[ RUN ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_DC_PAR -- 1 run, 1 call per run.
[ DONE ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_DC_PAR (0.233204 sec) [1 calls in 0.233204 sec] [0.233204 us/call] [0.428809 calls/sec]
[ BASELINE ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_DC_PAR 0.053875
[ STAGE ] Benchmarking
[ RUN ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_RMQ -- 1 run, 1 call per run. Problem Set 1 of 6.
[ DONE ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_RMQ (45.937276 sec) [1 calls in 45.937276 sec] [45.937276 us/call] [0.002177 calls/sec]
[ BASELINE ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_RMQ 45.937276
[ RUN ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_DMIN -- 1 run, 1 call per run. Problem Set 1 of 6.
[ DONE ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_DMIN (15.816064 sec) [1 calls in 15.816064 sec] [15.816064 us/call] [0.006323 calls/sec]
[ BASELINE ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_DMIN 15.816064
[ RUN ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_DC -- 1 run, 1 call per run. Problem Set 1 of 6.
[ DONE ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_DC (0.797697 sec) [1 calls in 0.797697 sec] [0.797697 us/call] [0.125361 calls/sec]
[ BASELINE ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_DC 0.797697
[ RUN ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_DC_NAV -- 1 run, 1 call per run. Problem Set 1 of 6.
[ DONE ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_DC_NAV (1.028075 sec) [1 calls in 1.028075 sec] [1.028075 us/call] [0.097269 calls/sec]
[ BASELINE ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_DC_NAV 1.028075
[ RUN ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_DC_PAR -- 1 run, 1 call per run. Problem Set 1 of 6.
[ DONE ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_DC_PAR (0.301660 sec) [1 calls in 0.301660 sec] [0.301660 us/call] [0.331499 calls/sec]
[ BASELINE ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_DC_PAR 0.301660
[ STAGE ] Benchmarking
[ RUN ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_RMQ -- 1 run, 1 call per run. Problem Set 2 of 6.
[ DONE ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_RMQ (60.275921 sec) [1 calls in 60.275921 sec] [60.275921 us/call] [0.001659 calls/sec]
[ BASELINE ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_RMQ 60.275921
[ RUN ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_DMIN -- 1 run, 1 call per run. Problem Set 2 of 6.
[ DONE ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_DMIN (17.519518 sec) [1 calls in 17.519518 sec] [17.519518 us/call] [0.005708 calls/sec]
[ BASELINE ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_DMIN 17.519518
[ RUN ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_DC -- 1 run, 1 call per run. Problem Set 2 of 6.
[ DONE ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_DC (1.136020 sec) [1 calls in 1.136020 sec] [1.136020 us/call] [0.088027 calls/sec]
[ BASELINE ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_DC 1.136020
[ RUN ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_DC_NAV -- 1 run, 1 call per run. Problem Set 2 of 6.
[ DONE ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_DC_NAV (1.288852 sec) [1 calls in 1.288852 sec] [1.288852 us/call] [0.077588 calls/sec]
[ BASELINE ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_DC_NAV 1.288852
[ RUN ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_DC_PAR -- 1 run, 1 call per run. Problem Set 2 of 6.
[ DONE ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_DC_PAR (0.469037 sec) [1 calls in 0.469037 sec] [0.469037 us/call] [0.213203 calls/sec]
[ BASELINE ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_DC_PAR 0.469037
[ STAGE ] Benchmarking
[ RUN ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_RMQ -- 1 run, 1 call per run. Problem Set 3 of 6.
[ DONE ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_RMQ (75.057950 sec) [1 calls in 75.057950 sec] [75.057950 us/call] [0.001332 calls/sec]
[ BASELINE ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_RMQ 75.057950
[ RUN ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_DMIN -- 1 run, 1 call per run. Problem Set 3 of 6.
[ DONE ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_DMIN (19.086265 sec) [1 calls in 19.086265 sec] [19.086265 us/call] [0.005239 calls/sec]
[ BASELINE ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_DMIN 19.086265
[ RUN ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_DC -- 1 run, 1 call per run. Problem Set 3 of 6.
[ DONE ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_DC (1.742060 sec) [1 calls in 1.742060 sec] [1.742060 us/call] [0.057403 calls/sec]
[ BASELINE ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_DC 1.742060
[ RUN ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_DC_NAV -- 1 run, 1 call per run. Problem Set 3 of 6.
[ DONE ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_DC_NAV (1.428545 sec) [1 calls in 1.428545 sec] [1.428545 us/call] [0.070001 calls/sec]
[ BASELINE ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_DC_NAV 1.428545
[ RUN ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_DC_PAR -- 1 run, 1 call per run. Problem Set 3 of 6.
[ DONE ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_DC_PAR (0.532349 sec) [1 calls in 0.532349 sec] [0.532349 us/call] [0.187847 calls/sec]
[ BASELINE ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_DC_PAR 0.532349
[ STAGE ] Benchmarking
[ RUN ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_RMQ -- 1 run, 1 call per run. Problem Set 4 of 6.
[ DONE ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_RMQ (118.817409 sec) [1 calls in 118.817409 sec] [118.817409 us/call] [0.000842 calls/sec]
[ BASELINE ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_RMQ 118.817409
[ RUN ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_DMIN -- 1 run, 1 call per run. Problem Set 4 of 6.
[ DONE ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_DMIN (24.625528 sec) [1 calls in 24.625528 sec] [24.625528 us/call] [0.004061 calls/sec]
[ BASELINE ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_DMIN 24.625528
[ RUN ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_DC -- 1 run, 1 call per run. Problem Set 4 of 6.
[ DONE ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_DC (2.905366 sec) [1 calls in 2.905366 sec] [2.905366 us/call] [0.034419 calls/sec]
[ BASELINE ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_DC 2.905366
[ RUN ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_DC_NAV -- 1 run, 1 call per run. Problem Set 4 of 6.
[ DONE ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_DC_NAV (2.651918 sec) [1 calls in 2.651918 sec] [2.651918 us/call] [0.037709 calls/sec]
[ BASELINE ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_DC_NAV 2.651918
[ RUN ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_DC_PAR -- 1 run, 1 call per run. Problem Set 4 of 6.
[ DONE ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_DC_PAR (0.951985 sec) [1 calls in 0.951985 sec] [0.951985 us/call] [0.105044 calls/sec]
[ BASELINE ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_DC_PAR 0.951985
[ STAGE ] Benchmarking
[ RUN ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_RMQ -- 1 run, 1 call per run. Problem Set 5 of 6.
[ DONE ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_RMQ (172.621011 sec) [1 calls in 172.621011 sec] [172.621011 us/call] [0.000579 calls/sec]
[ BASELINE ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_RMQ 172.621011
[ RUN ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_DMIN -- 1 run, 1 call per run. Problem Set 5 of 6.
[ DONE ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_DMIN (32.110696 sec) [1 calls in 32.110696 sec] [32.110696 us/call] [0.003114 calls/sec]
[ BASELINE ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_DMIN 32.110696
[ RUN ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_DC -- 1 run, 1 call per run. Problem Set 5 of 6.
[ DONE ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_DC (4.631579 sec) [1 calls in 4.631579 sec] [4.631579 us/call] [0.021591 calls/sec]
[ BASELINE ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_DC 4.631579
[ RUN ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_DC_NAV -- 1 run, 1 call per run. Problem Set 5 of 6.
[ DONE ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_DC_NAV (4.179240 sec) [1 calls in 4.179240 sec] [4.179240 us/call] [0.023928 calls/sec]
[ BASELINE ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_DC_NAV 4.179240
[ RUN ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_DC_PAR -- 1 run, 1 call per run. Problem Set 5 of 6.
[ DONE ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_DC_PAR (1.290418 sec) [1 calls in 1.290418 sec] [1.290418 us/call] [0.077494 calls/sec]
[ BASELINE ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_DC_PAR 1.290418
[ STAGE ] Benchmarking
[ RUN ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_RMQ -- 1 run, 1 call per run. Problem Set 6 of 6.
[ DONE ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_RMQ (321.168932 sec) [1 calls in 321.168932 sec] [321.168932 us/call] [0.000311 calls/sec]
[ BASELINE ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_RMQ 321.168932
[ RUN ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_DMIN -- 1 run, 1 call per run. Problem Set 6 of 6.
[ DONE ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_DMIN (51.033489 sec) [1 calls in 51.033489 sec] [51.033489 us/call] [0.001959 calls/sec]
[ BASELINE ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_DMIN 51.033489
[ RUN ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_DC -- 1 run, 1 call per run. Problem Set 6 of 6.
[ DONE ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_DC (7.547392 sec) [1 calls in 7.547392 sec] [7.547392 us/call] [0.013250 calls/sec]
[ BASELINE ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_DC 7.547392
[ RUN ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_DC_NAV -- 1 run, 1 call per run. Problem Set 6 of 6.
[ DONE ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_DC_NAV (7.185174 sec) [1 calls in 7.185174 sec] [7.185174 us/call] [0.013918 calls/sec]
[ BASELINE ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_DC_NAV 7.185174
[ RUN ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_DC_PAR -- 1 run, 1 call per run. Problem Set 6 of 6.
[ DONE ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_DC_PAR (3.774900 sec) [1 calls in 3.774900 sec] [3.774900 us/call] [0.026491 calls/sec]
[ BASELINE ] LV_DNA50_50.LV_DC_PAR 3.774900
[ STAGE ] Completed. 6 tests complete.

Implement a hard coded BASELINE macro for comparing benchmarks against

Implement a baseline macro that accepts time in microseconds which can be used for comparing benchmark results against.

This would be convenient for when the baseline time is known but need to compare benchmarks against the known time.

BASELINE_TIME(Group, BaselineName, MicroSeconds)

Configuration error in experimental mode if building in source directory

$ cat /etc/issue
Ubuntu 14.10 \n \l

$ cmake --version
cmake version

-- The C compiler identification is GNU 4.9.1
-- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 4.9.1
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc -- works
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++ -- works
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
-- SYSTEM: Linux
CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER: /usr/bin/c++
CMake Error at experiments/CMakeLists.txt:6 (ADD_SUBDIRECTORY):
  The source directory


  does not contain a CMakeLists.txt file.

-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
See also "/home/gluttton/Projects/Celero/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log".

This occurs because script inside experiments/CMakeLists.txt try to find CMakeLists.txt inside CMake build directory.

To prevent such errors I propose add something like:

    message (FATAL_ERROR "Prevented in-tree build. This is not allowed in experimental mode.")

in experiments/CMakeLists.txt.

Compilation Error on Ubuntu 15.04 using g++

I had a problem during compilation while using Ubuntu 15.04 with g++ 4.9.2.
When running the makefile generated by the CMakeLists.txt, this is the output:

Scanning dependencies of target celero
[ 3%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/celero.dir/src/Archive.cpp.o
[ 6%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/celero.dir/src/Benchmark.cpp.o
[ 10%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/celero.dir/src/Callbacks.cpp.o
[ 13%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/celero.dir/src/Celero.cpp.o
[ 17%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/celero.dir/src/Console.cpp.o
[ 20%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/celero.dir/src/Distribution.cpp.o
[ 24%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/celero.dir/src/Executor.cpp.o
[ 27%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/celero.dir/src/JUnit.cpp.o
[ 31%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/celero.dir/src/Print.cpp.o
[ 34%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/celero.dir/src/Experiment.cpp.o
[ 37%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/celero.dir/src/Result.cpp.o
[ 41%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/celero.dir/src/ResultTable.cpp.o
[ 44%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/celero.dir/src/Statistics.cpp.o
[ 48%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/celero.dir/src/TestVector.cpp.o
[ 51%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/celero.dir/src/TestFixture.cpp.o
[ 55%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/celero.dir/src/ThreadTestFixture.cpp.o
[ 58%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/celero.dir/src/Timer.cpp.o
[ 62%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/celero.dir/src/Utilities.cpp.o
Linking CXX shared library
[ 62%] Built target celero
Scanning dependencies of target celeroDemoMultithread
[ 65%] Building CXX object experiments/DemoMultithread/CMakeFiles/celeroDemoMultithread.dir/DemoMultithread.cpp.o
Linking CXX executable ../../celeroDemoMultithread
[ 65%] Built target celeroDemoMultithread
Scanning dependencies of target celeroDemoFileWrite
[ 68%] Building CXX object experiments/DemoFileWrite/CMakeFiles/celeroDemoFileWrite.dir/DemoFileWrite.cpp.o
Linking CXX executable ../../celeroDemoFileWrite
[ 68%] Built target celeroDemoFileWrite
Scanning dependencies of target celeroExperimentParameterPassing
[ 72%] Building CXX object experiments/ExperimentParameterPassing/CMakeFiles/celeroExperimentParameterPassing.dir/ExperimentParameterPassing.cpp.o
Linking CXX executable ../../celeroExperimentParameterPassing
[ 72%] Built target celeroExperimentParameterPassing
Scanning dependencies of target celeroExperimentSimpleComparison
[ 75%] Building CXX object experiments/ExperimentSimpleComparison/CMakeFiles/celeroExperimentSimpleComparison.dir/ExperimentSimpleComparison.cpp.o
Linking CXX executable ../../celeroExperimentSimpleComparison
[ 75%] Built target celeroExperimentSimpleComparison
Scanning dependencies of target celeroDemoSleep
[ 79%] Building CXX object experiments/DemoSleep/CMakeFiles/celeroDemoSleep.dir/DemoSleep.cpp.o
Linking CXX executable ../../celeroDemoSleep
[ 79%] Built target celeroDemoSleep
Scanning dependencies of target celeroExperimentCostOfPimpl
[ 82%] Building CXX object experiments/ExperimentCostOfPimpl/CMakeFiles/celeroExperimentCostOfPimpl.dir/ExperimentCostOfPimpl.cpp.o
Linking CXX executable ../../celeroExperimentCostOfPimpl
[ 82%] Built target celeroExperimentCostOfPimpl
Scanning dependencies of target celeroDemoSimpleJUnit
[ 86%] Building CXX object experiments/DemoSimpleJUnit/CMakeFiles/celeroDemoSimpleJUnit.dir/DemoSimpleJUnit.cpp.o
Linking CXX executable ../../celeroDemoSimpleJUnit
[ 86%] Built target celeroDemoSimpleJUnit
Scanning dependencies of target celeroDemoDoNotOptimizeAway
[ 89%] Building CXX object experiments/DemoDoNotOptimizeAway/CMakeFiles/celeroDemoDoNotOptimizeAway.dir/DemoDoNotOptimizeAway.cpp.o
Linking CXX executable ../../celeroDemoDoNotOptimizeAway
[ 89%] Built target celeroDemoDoNotOptimizeAway
Scanning dependencies of target celeroDemoTransform
[ 93%] Building CXX object experiments/DemoTransform/CMakeFiles/celeroDemoTransform.dir/DemoTransform.cpp.o
Linking CXX executable ../../celeroDemoTransform
[ 93%] Built target celeroDemoTransform
Scanning dependencies of target celeroExperimentSortingRandomInts
[ 96%] Building CXX object experiments/ExperimentSortingRandomInts/CMakeFiles/celeroExperimentSortingRandomInts.dir/ExperimentSortingRandomInts.cpp.o
/home/daniel/Desktop/Celero-master/experiments/ExperimentSortingRandomInts/ExperimentSortingRandomInts.cpp:125:48: error: wrong number of template arguments (0, should be 1)
template<class FwdIt, class Compare = std::less<>>
In file included from /usr/include/c++/4.9/string:48:0,
from /home/daniel/Desktop/Celero-master/include/celero/Benchmark.h:24,
from /home/daniel/Desktop/Celero-master/include/celero/Celero.h:43,
from /home/daniel/Desktop/Celero-master/experiments/ExperimentSortingRandomInts/ExperimentSortingRandomInts.cpp:1:
/usr/include/c++/4.9/bits/stl_function.h:367:12: error: provided for ‘template struct std::less’
struct less : public binary_function<_Tp, _Tp, bool>
/home/daniel/Desktop/Celero-master/experiments/ExperimentSortingRandomInts/ExperimentSortingRandomInts.cpp: In member function ‘virtual void CeleroUserBenchmark_SortRandInts_QuickSort::UserBenchmark()’:
/home/daniel/Desktop/Celero-master/experiments/ExperimentSortingRandomInts/ExperimentSortingRandomInts.cpp:139:58: error: no matching function for call to ‘quickSort(std::vector::iterator, std::vector::iterator)’
quickSort(std::begin(this->array), std::end(this->array));
/home/daniel/Desktop/Celero-master/experiments/ExperimentSortingRandomInts/ExperimentSortingRandomInts.cpp:139:58: note: candidate is:
/home/daniel/Desktop/Celero-master/experiments/ExperimentSortingRandomInts/ExperimentSortingRandomInts.cpp:126:6: note: template<class FwdIt, class Compare> void quickSort(FwdIt, FwdIt, Compare)
void quickSort(FwdIt first, FwdIt last, Compare cmp = Compare {})
/home/daniel/Desktop/Celero-master/experiments/ExperimentSortingRandomInts/ExperimentSortingRandomInts.cpp:126:6: note: template argument deduction/substitution failed:
experiments/ExperimentSortingRandomInts/CMakeFiles/celeroExperimentSortingRandomInts.dir/build.make:54: recipe for target 'experiments/ExperimentSortingRandomInts/CMakeFiles/celeroExperimentSortingRandomInts.dir/ExperimentSortingRandomInts.cpp.o' failed
make[2]: *** [experiments/ExperimentSortingRandomInts/CMakeFiles/celeroExperimentSortingRandomInts.dir/ExperimentSortingRandomInts.cpp.o] Error 1
CMakeFiles/Makefile2:605: recipe for target 'experiments/ExperimentSortingRandomInts/CMakeFiles/celeroExperimentSortingRandomInts.dir/all' failed
make[1]: *** [experiments/ExperimentSortingRandomInts/CMakeFiles/celeroExperimentSortingRandomInts.dir/all] Error 2
Makefile:117: recipe for target 'all' failed
make: *** [all] Error 2

Notify in Debug

If Celero is compiled in Debug, then it should notify on the terminal that results are for debugging only as any measurements made while in Debug are likely not representative of non-debug results.

Break out "Result" Class

The Result class is currently embedded inside the Experiment class. While this is an ok relationship, it isn't very clean or maintainable. Break Result into its own class.

A simple `make` should not run very long tests

I wanted to try out Celero and did this:

$ cmake CMakeLists.txt
$ make
Scanning dependencies of target celero
[  6%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/celero.dir/src/BenchmarkInfo.cpp.o
/Users/deil/code/Celero/src/BenchmarkInfo.cpp:21:4: warning: field 'resetCalls' will be initialized after field 'baselineUnit' [-Wreorder]
/Users/deil/code/Celero/src/BenchmarkInfo.cpp:37:4: warning: field 'resetCalls' will be initialized after field 'baselineUnit' [-Wreorder]
/Users/deil/code/Celero/src/BenchmarkInfo.cpp:56:4: warning: field 'resetCalls' will be initialized after field 'baselineUnit' [-Wreorder]
3 warnings generated.
[ 13%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/celero.dir/src/Celero.cpp.o
[ 20%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/celero.dir/src/Console.cpp.o
[ 26%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/celero.dir/src/Executor.cpp.o
[ 33%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/celero.dir/src/JUnit.cpp.o
[ 40%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/celero.dir/src/Print.cpp.o
[ 46%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/celero.dir/src/ResultTable.cpp.o
[ 53%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/celero.dir/src/TestVector.cpp.o
[ 60%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/celero.dir/src/TestFixture.cpp.o
[ 66%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/celero.dir/src/Timer.cpp.o
Linking CXX shared library libcelero.dylib
[ 66%] Built target celero
Scanning dependencies of target celeroDemoComparison
[ 73%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/celeroDemoComparison.dir/examples/DemoComparison.cpp.o
Linking CXX executable celeroDemoComparison
[  CELERO  ]
[ STAGE    ] Baselining
[ RUN      ] StackOverflow.Baseline -- 100 samples, 5000000 calls per run.
[     DONE ] StackOverflow.Baseline  (1.197661 sec) [5000000 calls in 1197661 usec] [0.239532 us/call] [4174804.055572 calls/sec]
[ STAGE    ] Benchmarking
[ RUN      ] StackOverflow.Compare -- 100 samples, 5000000 calls per run.

After a few minutes I aborted the StackOverflow.Compare test.
Is this intentional that such a long-running test is run when a user says make or is there a bug and the test is hanging for some reason?

Compilation error due to lack of ncurses development files

$ cat /etc/issue
Ubuntu 14.10 \n \l

$ gcc --version
gcc (Ubuntu 4.9.1-16ubuntu6) 4.9.1

$ mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake ..
$ cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ..
-- The C compiler identification is GNU 4.9.1
-- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 4.9.1
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc -- works
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++ -- works
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
-- SYSTEM: Linux
CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER: /usr/bin/c++
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /home/gluttton/Projects/Celero/build

$ make
Scanning dependencies of target celero
[ 17%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/celero.dir/src/Console.cpp.o
/home/gluttton/Projects/Celero/src/Console.cpp:28:21: fatal error: curses.h: No such file or directory
  #include <curses.h>
compilation terminated.
CMakeFiles/celero.dir/build.make:146: recipe for target 'CMakeFiles/celero.dir/src/Console.cpp.o' failed

Error can be fixed by installing libncurses5-dev.

I propose add:

find_package (Curses)


find_package (Curses)

in CMakeLists.txt and check required files at configuration time (during cmake calling).

Results.csv file columns incorrect result

Hello there!
I did run Celero Benchmark and generated a output to a csv file.
This is what I obtained:

Group Experiment Problem Space Samples Iterations Baseline us/Iteration Iterations/sec Min (us) Mean (us) Max (us)
erastosthenes serial_erastosthenes 10 1 3 1 0.666667 1500000 2 2 2
erastosthenes serial_erastosthenes 100 1 3 1 0.666667 1500000 2 2 2
erastosthenes serial_erastosthenes 1000 1 3 1 2.66667 375000 8 8 8
erastosthenes serial_erastosthenes 10000 1 3 1 45.6667 21897.8 137 137 137
erastosthenes serial_erastosthenes 100000 1 3 1 847.667 1179.71 2543 2543 2543
erastosthenes serial_erastosthenes 1000000 1 3 1 7159.67 139.671 21479 21479 21479
erastosthenes serial_erastosthenes 10000000 1 3 1 152912 6.53971 458736 458736 458736
erastosthenes serial_erastosthenes 100000000 1 3 1 1665480 0.600427 4996442 4996440 4996442
erastosthenes serial_erastosthenes 1000000000 1 3 1 18366800 0.054446 55100430 55100400 55100430

In some cases Min(us) > Mean(us). Perhaps the columns are not labeled in a correct way.

Print of an additional ','


I noticed Celero is printing an additional ',' comma while exporting data to a csv file.
This could be annoying when plotting data.

Fix the travis.yml file.

It would be very helpful to have Travis.CI building Celero under multiple compilers/configurations and eventually running a Celero test suite. Fix the travis.yml file so Celero actually builds under at least one compiler and Travis quits complaining that the builds are broken when, in reality, the travis.yml is what is broken.

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