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earth's Issues

Smaller menu

The menu is very big and it blocks a lot of content - I end up having to close it between any layer changes, which gets annoying.

Compare the ability to view layer adjustments between these 2 photos:


Feature: Add an auto-update function

Could you add an auto-update function which updates the data every hour ?

This would allow to have the beautiful website running on e.g. an monitor throughout the day in standalone mode.

Many thanks for creating such a nice visualization of wind and flow data.

Add an additional map info

Excellent project! Can you add an additional map data, such as country and state borders, major cities ets... This will help in navigation and determination of the exact position of some weather anomalies. Coordinates are good, but not always convenient.

Add data like sun and Moon

I'm wondering if it is possible, and how, to add other things to this map. For example, Adding the current location of the sun and moon like on day and night map. I believe it would just require matching the long/lat and placing an image there.

If anyone knows how, please let me know.

Country Boundarys

I have succesfully installed earth on my own server, now i try to create a map layer which shows country boundaries to better localize switzerland on the map.
I downloaded Boundary Lines from naturalearth, can succesfully ogr and topojson them but on the server i get "TypeError: e is undefined" if i'm replacing the original earth-topo.json file.
Does somebody have some experience with how to debug this an can point me into a direction?
Test runs here:

Problem loading other variables than u/v wind components

I'm not managing to get temperature, relative humidity (for example) to be correctly loaded and shown. I've downloaded the latest GFS grib file and converted using grib2json. Everything works fine if I download only u and v momentum components. However, if I include other variables, the wind is not read correctly (all globe is filled with a constant direction strong wind).
Do I have to modify anything in the data files such as variable names, data order, to include these scalar variables?

Working with high resolution data


I have high resolution wind data I'd like to display on the nullschool map. My issue is that it's not in grib format so converting it using grib2json isn't an option.

What I'm hoping is that I can reverse engineer the .json data file using my high resolution wind data.

My question is whether there is anything that needs to be modified in the code itself to handle the high resolution data - for example, are there sections in the code that are hard-coded to only handle 1 degree resolution data? Or, do I just need to modify certain fields in the header sections of the json file i.e.:


I know what the above refer to, however I'm not exactly sure if the following need to be modified:


Thanks for any insight you may have!!! Love this tool..


File naming

Earth rocks!
I would like to add more data from GFS files and data from other sources.

Which is file naming for other variables/levels? I assume that 'current-wind-surface-level-gfs-1.0.json' is just for what the names says, am I right?
Can I have few forecast time-steps in the same file?



Missing Wind Data


We have started using the same weather data that you are using in this app and have noticed since the 14th that the data is now missing. For Example, this request ( looks good and would usually bring back data, and if i change the date to something before January 14th it works.

Here is the parent directory,, which has all the listings and if you click anyone before the 14th I will see the usual filters and variables options but nothing after that seems to work.

Do you know if the data has moved or is no longer being hosted here?

NOTE: I have contacted the two email addresses at noaa that show up on the error page but have not yet gotten a response.

No data

Dear Cameron,

First, thanks for making available this excellent visualization tool (it is actually more that a tool)

I have followed the installation instructions. Everything seemed fine but EARTH cannot find the data.

The directory structure is as indicated and there is one sample sfc winds json file.

Any idea what I am missing?



Feature: include other Ocean data

Great work you've done. It's a very gorgeous site, which I immediately forwarded to all the members in my group. I understand that the major focus is on the Weather condition, instead of the ocean. As a oceanography student, I have two points to make. First, beside SST and surface currents, Sea Surface Height and Chlorophyll(ocean color) are also of great interest, it would be nice to include some from AVISO project. Second, the ocean current data is updated every five days using OSCAR data. It would be a good idea to try NOAA/RTOFS (real time ocean forecast system, I've used their data to generate some daily plots when I went on a cruise last year.

Since the source code is open-sourced, I will give it a try to include these few data sets I mentioned above. Thanks again for the great work!

Server components to fetch weather data


I just realized that you had moved out the server components that retrieve the weather data (it's been a while since I did a pull). I was wondering if there was a plan to make the repository where you move these components to public.

Thanks as always for a fantastic data-viz tool!


Searching for a desired location

Hello, I'm struggling to select the right location in order to get detailed information.
As far I know, at the moment, it's possible to select a location just using the mouse. I'm wondering if it would be great to add another option to achieve this... e.g. typing the location to select or using coordinates provided in the url parameters to update the selected location.

Changing Meteo files

If I want to use different source for the fields instead of GFS and I take provided sample
(current-wind-surface-level-gfs-1.0.json) as I guideline.

Can you point me out which parameters I should change along with the data and grid at/lon definition?



Pulling data from NOAA


I am trying to pull new data. I execute this command:

curl "" -o gfs.t00z.pgrbf00.grib2

The file I am retrieving contains this:

<title>data file is not present; /common/data/model/com/gfs/prod/gfs.2015071200/gfs.t00z.pgrbf00.grib2</title>

Data file is not present: /common/data/model/com/gfs/prod/gfs.2015071200/gfs.t00z.pgrbf00.grib2

g2sub 1.1.0.beta-6 and comments: [email protected], [email protected]

Am I doing something wrong in the link?

Further, when I go to the directory and click on a file link with the July 12th date it says no file or directory is available.

This one works:, but just changing this in the above command still does not download an appropriate file.

It seems there are new links but I am not sure what file is appropriate (it seems there is a whole list of new files to choose from).

Any guidance or feedback would be great!


.epak files vs json

I stumbled upon your grib2json utility from this project and it has been a tremendous help.

This project’s (i.e. "earth") facebook page stated that you recently switched from the GFS resolution of 1.0 deg to 0.5 deg, which surprised me due to the dramatic increase in the size that I assumed would occur in the json files. However, it appears as though you’ve overcome this through a format called .epak? Is the epak format something that you developed, or is this a part of the THREDDS project? I have searched for any information, but I’m not sure how you’re getting the grib2 files into this format. Any info you could provide would be greatly appreciated.

Question about the GRIB2 GFS datasource

Thanks for the fantastic visualization tool. I've been looking into utilizing this visualization for a museum exhibit display. The code is super well documented and easy to read, so thanks for that as well.

I was wondering if you ever had any luck getting older GFS GRIB2 data from NOAA. Looking into the data source you mention on the README, I can only find the last month of forecasts. I'd like to take a look at some interesting historical dates. I know you don't host the data yourself, I was just curious if you'd ever run across a way to get the global GFS farther back than a month.

GRIB formatting question

Thanks for such an inspiring project!

I've been working on plotting Wave Watch III swell height and direction data (also available in GRIB2 format, from NOAA), and have a question relating to your grib2json output. The json format provided in your instructions doesn't seem to involve any lat lon data or nesting. I'm wondering how you tie the wind forecast data to a lat lon grid?

TypeError: vars is undefined

I downloaded gfs data with var_RH=on, and then did

grib2json -c -d --fd 0 --fc 1 --fp 1 --fs 103 --fv 2 -o 0600-relative_humidity-surface-level-gfs-1.0.json gfsdata.grib2

but when supose plot data he show me TypeError: vars is undefined. Why and How fix them?

something wrong with plot data with specific subregion

Greetings all, I think I found something bug with earth. I have Earth installed on my home pc localy. The issue is that I downloaded data from only one subregion GFS at This is because I do not need data to the entire globe.
This is the consult made for nomads:
It is assumed that the grid covers the north emisfere since it has bottomlat= 1 and toplat = 36. But earth plot that data in a southern emisfere. What appened here? Please any suggestions would be accepted. Best regards.

Not able to load latest "catalog.json" file

I Forked this project in my local, Working perfectly with Jan 2014 Data.
But can not able to get latest data same as data as available in

I am getting below error if I remove catalog.json file to load it dynamic.
GET http://localhost:8080/data/oscar/catalog.json 404 (Not Found)

Is there any API or Document available to handle/manipulate catalog.json file.

Feature: Layer import website widget.

Could we have an URL entry form to add layers with?
Even a buggy version would be useful and of interest.
I would literally donate to help this along.

Using Earth as an API viewer

This sure would be a great start to a visualizer that could take nearly any API with geo reference. Is this even conceivable? Would anyone do it with a different basis?
At the very least, incorporating a UI widget to enable paste of URL for an image layer would be awesome.

Relative Humidity Color Scale

The current colour scale does not look so pleasant. Consider the following?

                    [0, [230, 165, 30]],
                    [30, [120, 120, 55]],
                    [60, [60, 90, 192]],
                    [80, [0, 44, 255]],
                    [100, [50, 255, 55]]

Incorrect symbol usage

You're consistently using º where ° would be correct. The difference is this:

Atmospheric mode, each parameter why useless?

Why I can't use the other data of the atmospheric mode?Such as height overlay, and so on.How do you download from the NOAA web site data and ocean data is how to deal with you?Thank you for let me know.

Other ways to do this....

You might want to check out:

for both the earth visualization as well as a time-dynamic format (.czml) and event source data provider implementations that will help with managing the data. Great job so far, though, this looks promising.


Add 'artificial pole' grid lines where origin is at selected location

The point of grid lines are to allow clear observation of the greate circle path from a fetch to selected location. This becomes more powerful when zoomed in over a 'storm of interest' and the selected locaiton is out of view - since you can still know if the wind is blowing 'at you' to generate swell.

Source data


We're looking at including a version of this excellent project within our yacht race tracking application. The ability to display the location of the gulf stream and surface wind information, alongside live position data from yachts is extremely compelling. Full credit will be given where it's due!

We would like to host the data sets ourselves, and I wondered if you would mind saving us some time by sharing your scripts for downloading and generating the json data?

For interest, our version is overlaid on Google Maps, which has created some interesting challenges implementing a Mercator projection. We're nearly there, and I look forward to contributing our work when it's done.

Kind regards,

Ric Searle

Yellowbrick Tracking

CPU usage spikes up after doing anything on the map

On first load of null school, animation framerate is nice and smooth, and CPU usage low. As soon as you do anything to change state (click on a point on the map, open the menu, put the browser in full screen...) CPU usage skyrockets.

This is happening on Ubuntu 16.04, Google Chrome 52, and Ubuntu's browser (also based in Chromium).

Firefox developer edition v49 is smooth as. There's also a CPU spike, but it smooths out in short order and CPU usage remains as before.

Use the Earth engine to visualize solar information?

Hi there.. I'm interested to know what it would require to have this Earth engine display solar data?
Better yet, can't we just make a plugin or version that will allow me to add an URL of my choosing? That takes care of all the issues/requests, for a lot of people.

Changing the altitude in the CURL request

Not entirely a question for this repo perse, but I noticed that at there's the ability to change the hPa at several intervals.

Of the query params sent in the curl to NOAA, are there any that can be used to specify hPa or true altitude?


I tried changing lev_10_m_above_ground to other permutations, but to no avail.

Feature: click/tap color scale to show value at that point

Current design of hovering over color scale to show values in a tooltip is not useful for touch users. Furthermore, on my machine at least, IE rendering of tooltip is extremely slow.

Change to show nicer callout upon click/tap of color scale.

Just sending kudos


Just wanted to thank you for writing this. As a project for 'learning' JavaScript you'd built something amazing and genuinely useful (for windsurfers and kiters). Good work.



Retina support?

Hello! I love I look at it on a daily basis.

However, I recently came into possession of a retina iMac 5k, and it looks pixellated. Is it an easy fix to support retina? It would look amazing. I've had a look at the code but don't know Javascript well enough.

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