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smpl's Introduction


Numpy, TensorFlow and PyTorch implementation of SMPL model. For C++ implementation (with PyTorch), please see this repo.


  • If you want to estimate SMPL parameters from a set of sparse keypoint coordinates, please check this repo.
  • The model file cannot be provided due to copyright reasons.
  • This project cannot fit a SMPL model to a scan - you can check this paper.

Update Feb 2 2019

Now we have a faster PyTorch implementation, and we also support SMIL model. For more details, please check this PR.


The author-provided implementation was mainly based on chumpy which is kind of unpopular. Meanwhile, the official version cannot run on GPU. This project provides Numpy, TensorFlow and PyTorch implementation of SMPL model.

For more details about SMPL model, see SMPL.

Numpy and Tensorflow Implementation

Contributor: CalciferZh.

The numpy version is faster (since some computations were rewrote in a vectorized manner) and easier to understand (hope so), and the TensorFlow version can run on GPU.

PyTorch Implementation with Batch Input

Contributor: Lotayou and sebftw

The PyTorch version is derived from the Tensorflow version, and in addition supports batch processing and GPU training. The implementation is hosted in along with the testing example.

The implementation is tested under Ubuntu 18.04, Python 3.6 and Pytorch 1.0.0 stable. The output is the same as the original Tensorflow implementation, as can be tested with can be very fast, but limited by the memory. It also works with sparse tensors. (Saving a lot of said memory)


  1. Download the model file here.

  2. Run python /PATH/TO/THE/DOWNLOADED/MODEL to preprocess the official model. will create a new file model.pkl. and both rely on model.pkl. NOTE: the official pickle model contains chumpy object, so requires chumpy to extract official model. You need to modify chumpy's cource code a little bit to make it compatible to (and Python 3). Here is an instruction in Chinese about this.

  3. Run python or python or python to see the example. Additionally, run python for batched support.

smpl's People


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smpl's Issues

SMPL augmentation: how to rotate a whole SMPL sequence

It's a bit out off-topic here, but could you please show me how to rotate a temporal SMPL sequence along the z axis?
Specifically, we have an SMPL animation that consists of N translation and global rotation. Can you suggest me how to rotate the whole animation by an angle along the Z-axis?
Do need to rotate both translation and the global rotation simultaneously with the same rotation matrix?

joint positions after pose

Thank you for this great implementation of SMPL!

Now I have a question. I wonder how to calculate joint positions after applying specific pose. In SMPL paper, we can calculate joint positions of rest pose using J_regressor matrix. And I think posed joint positions should be obtained by applying joint transformation matrix (equation 3 in SMPL paper) to rest pose joint positions, instead of directly using J_regressor to vertices after Linear Blend Skinning. Can you give me some hint on this question?

Joint positions after updating verts

Thanks for great work!
I noticed that the joint positions (smpl.J) after smpl.set_params are different from the correct positions.
I think smpl.update may need updating joints at the last line.

If it is not acceptable for a performance reason, implementing it as an option might be good.

Here is code.

import smpl_np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.art3d import Poly3DCollection

def smpl_plot():
    smpl = smpl_np.SMPLModel(os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'],"smpl/smpl/models/basicModel_neutral_lbs_10_207_0_v1.0.0.pkl"))
    pose = (np.random.rand(*smpl.pose_shape) - 0.5) * 0.4
    beta = (np.random.rand(*smpl.beta_shape) - 0.5) * 0.06
    trans = np.ones(smpl.trans_shape)*0.1
    smpl.set_params(beta=beta, pose=pose, trans=trans)
    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
    mesh = Poly3DCollection(smpl.verts[smpl.faces], alpha=0.05)
    J = smpl.J
    for j in range(len(J)):
        pos1 = J[j]
        ax.scatter3D([pos1[0]], [pos1[1]], [pos1[2]], label=f"{j}")

Screenshot from 2019-07-09 15-47-33

import smpl_np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.art3d import Poly3DCollection

def smpl_plot():
    smpl = smpl_np.SMPLModel(os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'],"smpl/smpl/models/basicModel_neutral_lbs_10_207_0_v1.0.0.pkl"))
    pose = (np.random.rand(*smpl.pose_shape) - 0.5) * 0.4
    beta = (np.random.rand(*smpl.beta_shape) - 0.5) * 0.06
    trans = np.ones(smpl.trans_shape)*0.1
    smpl.set_params(beta=beta, pose=pose, trans=trans)
    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
    mesh = Poly3DCollection(smpl.verts[smpl.faces], alpha=0.05)

    # modification
    J =
    for j in range(len(J)):
        pos1 = J[j]
        ax.scatter3D([pos1[0]], [pos1[1]], [pos1[2]], label=f"{j}")

Screenshot from 2019-07-09 15-47-50

cuda error

Hi when I run
It gets:

File "C:\Users\xjsxu\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\torch\", line 755, in norm
return torch._C._VariableFunctions.frobenius_norm(input, dim, keepdim=keepdim)
RuntimeError: Could not run 'aten::conj.out' with arguments from the 'CUDATensorId' backend. 'aten::conj.out' is only available for these backends: [CPUTensorId, VariableTensorId].

CPU version is fine.
Anaconda 3.7.3
torch: 1.4.0

the meaning of SMPL pose parameters

I don't understand what's the meaning of SMPL pose parameters. There are 72 pose parameters, does every parameter have specific geometrical or physical meaning?

Why regress joints after posing?

I noticed we regress the joints twice in the scripts and, and I was wondering about the correctness of this.

In the SMPL paper, it seems they define the joint positions as a regression on the rest pose, without pose blend shapes. We regress the final joint positions from the posed vertices with pose blend shapes.

In case this is an error, it can be fixed in by e.g. adding after line 190:
Jtr = G[..., :4, 3]
And then just deleting line 200, where we regress the joints a second time.
The difference is negligible, but it may be significant if you are doing 3D pose estimation. I saw a difference of at most 4 mm for the infant model, so I would estimate a worst-case error of 4 cm for the SMPL dataset.

What does these codes mean in line 148 ?

I had thought about it for hours but didn't get it.
Please help me understand it.

results = stacked - \ pack( tf.matmul( stacked, tf.reshape( tf.concat((J, tf.zeros((24, 1), dtype=tf.float64)), axis=1), (24, 4, 1) ) ) )

Question about dataset

I noticed that there are joints information in the implementation version of the pytorch batch, and these parameters are not available in the model provided by SMPL. Where is this model? Thank you!

Joints corresponding to smpl vertices

Hello! Thank you for your great work?
Do you know how to get the joints corresponding to the vertices of smpl?
I know that I can get joint points from vertices through ‘J_regressor’ matrix
But how do you know which joint a vertex is bound to? Or the vertex is bound to multiple joint points, which joint point has the most weight?

Question about the code

Hi, I have a question about this:
lrotmin = tf.squeeze(tf.reshape((R_cube - I_cube), (-1, 1)))
I think that the code may correspond to the eq.9 in the paper. but the eq.9 is to subtract R_n(theta*) instead of an identity matrix. Are they have the same value? thanks a lot. btw, I have read the code offered by the paper writer, but I am still confused with that.
Thanks a lot:)

No module named 'file_utils'

when I run, it gave me "No module named 'file_utils"

Also, find_mini_rgbd and MicroRGBD cannot be found as well. I guess they are from file_utils package.

Conversion between cartesian coordinates and axis-angle representations

Thanks for the great work!
I am trying to understand the code and I have some problems which have confused me for a long time

  • How can I get the transformation matrix for specific joints? When we are computing the new location for a specific joint, it seems that if we unroll the matrix multipication here(take pytorch code for example), the rotation matrix for current joint of interest is not included(only rotation matrices from ancestors are included), it that correct?
    These are formulas from original paper:
  • In SMPL conversion from axis-angle representations to cartesian cooridinates are included implicity(theta -> R -> J), what about the other direction? If we have joints in the format of (x, y, z), how can we get the axis-angle/euler-angle representations?

I am not an english native speaker, so I am sorry for my terrible and abstract expression... appreciate for any help :)

Difference between the SMPL's Rodrigues formula and yours

In the paper of SMPL, the Rodrigues formula is used as:

However, in your, I find that,

R = cos * i_cube + (1 - cos) * dot + np.sin(theta) * m (2)
By converting these mathematical notations in (2), (2) can be rewritten as:

And, to my knowledge about Rodrigues formula (e.g.,,
it should be written as the formula of yours, not as the formula used in SMPL paper, right?

question about implementation

Thanks for your great work.
I have a question about your implementation.Whether this implementation is based on HMR or the original SMPL code ?
Thanks !

writing to .fbx format instead of .obj

Hello. Thank you for the work. Do you think its possible to write to .fbx format using the output of the SMPL model ? I have the following parameters :

pred_cam (n_frames, 3) # weak perspective camera parameters in cropped image space (s,tx,ty)
orig_cam (n_frames, 4) # weak perspective camera parameters in original image space (sx,sy,tx,ty)
verts (n_frames, 6890, 3) # SMPL mesh vertices
pose (n_frames, 72) # SMPL pose parameters
betas (n_frames, 10) # SMPL body shape parameters
joints3d (n_frames, 49, 3) # SMPL 3D joints
joints2d (n_frames, 21, 3) # 2D keypoint detections by STAF if pose tracking enabled otherwise None
bboxes (n_frames, 4) # bbox detections (cx,cy,w,h)
frame_ids (n_frames,) # frame ids in which subject with tracking id #1 appears

Regarding The parametrs in smpl pkl file

what does 'J_regressor_prior ' , 'pose' , 'f' , 'J_regressor' , 'betas' , 'kintree_table' , 'J', 'weights_prior' , 'trans' , 'weights' , 'vert_sym_idxs' , 'posedirs' , 'pose_training_info', 'bs_style' , 'v_template' , 'shapedirs' , 'bs_type' in smpl pkl file means ..What values they define .. what is the use of them each..? Thanks in Advance.

preprocess: KeyError: 'cocoplus_regressor'

Hi, when I run

python ../smpl_python_v.1.0.0/models/basicModel_f_lbs_10_207_0_v1.0.0.pkl

I got the this error. I checked the keys of src_data and found that there is no cocoplus_regressor.

Did I load the wrong pkl file? Thank you in advance.

Question: What mean the parameters in



Lines 58 to 59 in 3a572a6

pose = (np.random.rand(pose_size) - 0.5) * 0.4
beta = (np.random.rand(beta_size) - 0.5) * 0.06
we see that both shape and pose are being centered (subtract mean = 1/2 = 0.5) and also multiplied by (somehow) arbitrary numbers (scale).

What does 0.4 and 0.06 mean in this context? Are they really arbitrary or is there and intuitive interpretation?
Thanks in advance.

Error in computing v_shaped


I ran on the model 'basicModel_m_lbs_10_207_0_v1.1.0.pkl' from the download link as mentioned in README.
But when I ran it is giving following error:

Screenshot from 2020-10-15 19-14-12

Error is in calculation of v_shaped, line 88 of

How to get sequence betas and thetas

I want to make my SMPL model move around, so I need the sequence betas and thetas to change the pose of the SMPL model frame by frame.

Wonder how to get the groundtruth betas and thetas, instead of the model predicted ones like VIBE.


Remove transformation of rest pose

I can't understand the mathematical reason for the "remove the transformation due to the rest pose". Can you give me some hints? I know that it is the equation (3) in the paper. But I can't explain why it is implemented like this.
Thank you very much.


Lines 109 to 115 in f7a2eb3

# remove the transformation due to the rest pose
G = G - self.pack(
np.hstack([self.J, np.zeros([24, 1])]).reshape([24, 4, 1])

SMPL : 3D joints positions to pose rotations


I am trying to convert 3D joints positions to pose rotations in order to create a SMPL model from these positions.

In the SMPL paper, it is said : "The pose of the body is defined by a standard skeletal rig, where w_k denotes the axis-angle representation of the relative rotation of part k with respect to its parent in the kinematic tree."

I have tried to compute the axis and the angle of each joint with respect to its parents but without success. The method is however simple : if J is the joint position, P the parent position and G the grandparent position, then
axis = GP x PJ
angle = arccos(GP.PJ / (norm(GP).norm(PJ))

To have the angle-axis, I normalise axis and do normalized_axis x angle.

What am I doing wrong ? Should I use a t-pose to find the good poses ?

About preprocess to generate model.pkl

However, the Model downloaded has two items. One for male and one for female. How to combine them? Make the model available for man and women both.

The first three parameters of pose

What do the first three parameters in pose mean? Is it a radian around xyz? The second and third parameters do not conform to this rule. I tried to change the second parameter according to a certain angle. The rotation of the smpl model did not conform to the input rotation angle.

Sorry to bother you. would you please help me solve this error?

(SMPL) huangxinkai@ubuntu:/project/SMPL$ python smpl/models/basic Model_f_lbs_10_207_0_v1.0.0.pkl
(SMPL) huangxinkai@ubuntu:
/project/SMPL$ python smpl/models/basic model_m_lbs_10_207_0_v1.0.0.pkl
(SMPL) huangxinkai@ubuntu:/project/SMPL$ python
(SMPL) huangxinkai@ubuntu:
/project/SMPL$ python
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 228, in
File "", line 211, in test_gpu
model = SMPLModel(device=device)
File "", line 18, in init
KeyError: 'joint_regressor'

I find nothing after running python and an error occur after running python

here's my package list:
Package Version

chumpy 0.69
numpy 1.17.3
pip 19.3.1
scipy 1.3.1
setuptools 41.6.0
six 1.12.0
torch 1.0.0
wheel 0.33.6

my python vision is 3.6

Error: pickle data was truncated

I ran for the male and female pkl seperately, and got two converted models. However, when I ran for inference, it said that "_pickle.UnpicklingError: pickle data was truncated" when loading the converted models.

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/yuan/neural_body_fitting/SMPL/", line 208, in
File "/home/yuan/neural_body_fitting/SMPL/", line 202, in test_gpu
model = SMPLModel(device=device)
File "/home/yuan/neural_body_fitting/SMPL/", line 13, in init
params = pickle.load(f)
_pickle.UnpicklingError: pickle data was truncated

Process finished with exit code 1

Vertex index of specifc part of human

Hi! Do you know how to get the indices of vertices that belong to a specific part of human? I know there are 24 parts and 6890 vertices but don't know how to match them. Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For batch input

Hi, Thanks for your SMPL_in_TF, which is very useful.
I tried the code and it works very well. but one thing is dimension error when the input is batch files. I used your code in the CNN network and my input is [N, 10] for betas, now I use the tf.while_loops to solve this problem. Maybe later we could consider to improve it for batch inputs. Thanks again for your code

How to calculate pose parameter

Thanks for your work about SMPL. I'm a beginner of human modeling, and I have a question about how to get the pose parameter given a set of joints coordinate coefficient . Is it that calculating the angle between to adjacent bones and represent it in terms of axis-angle as the pose parameter? Do I need to substract the rest pose? Could you please provide a detailed calculation steps

What is the range of normalization?

Thank you for your useful code
In, I do not know the range of normalization such as pose information
I'm sorry to trouble you, but could I ask you to do this for me?

The specific meaning of shape parameters

Thank you for your job, I am reading the paper now.
I know the pose parameters represent the rotation vectors of joints,
But I didn't find the specific meaning of the shape parameters. There are ten of them, would you please tell me what's the specific meaning of them? (like weight, height?)
Thank you very much.

question about how to convert parms info to numpy

hello, thanks your great job that help me .But when I use the pytorch version SMPL,I find some conflict. FOr example:
self.shapedirs = torch.from_numpy(params['shapedirs']).type(torch.float64)
I got:
TypeError: expected np.ndarray (got Ch)
There still many like this. I want to know is it the version of my environment that cause the problem. And if we can have a conversion offline or by email.
Thx your great job again~

When running the in the google colaboratory enviroment, I encounter a problem.

When running the in the google colaboratory enviroment, I encounter a problem.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 228, in
File "", line 211, in test_gpu
model = SMPLModel(device=device)
File "", line 18, in init
KeyError: 'joint_regressor'


Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 217, in
from smil_np import SMILModel
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'smil_np'

smpl tensorflow

@CalciferZh im trying to use the tensorflow version as I think it may be faster. However, how do I load the whole model and all its parameters into tensorflow only once, and then keep changing the model by only changing the beta? Is this possible? Otherwise it seems now that it runs slower than CPU version.

pose parameter

your job is great!
I read the paper.In paper author just say "72 pose parameters ; 3 for each part plus 3 for the root orientation".I can understand it can calculated by axis-angle, but what's the meaning of root orientation?

why use axis-angle rather than euler

Hi, I have a question that why smpl choose axis-angle representation? Cause I find I can't rotate the part to a position that I want by giving angles, why don't use euler angle? Euler seems more intuitional. Are there any other considerations?

Pose parameters to joint rotation?


Thanks for the great work.

I am trying to export result to Unity humanoid rig.

After running SMPL, I got 24*3=72 pose parameters.

How would I be able to change these parameters to joint rotations of rig?

From my understanding, pose parameters seem to be axis-angle.

Converting axis-angle requires an angle, theta, along with x y z vectors which are pose parameters of SMPL.

Pose parameters I got were mostly in range of [-1,1] which is unlikely to be Euler degree...

Would anyone have good idea to solve this?

Thank you

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