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Archaic introgression lecture exercises (February 2024)

Exercise 1 – $f_4$ statistic / introgression test

If you want to see this document with all the results (numbers and plots) included, click here.

You can find the slides from the lecture here.


You sequenced the genomes of four Africans and four Eurasians and got genotypes from a single chromosome from each of them (so you have genotypes of four African and four Eurasian chromosomes). Unfortunately, there’s been a mix up in the lab and you don’t know which one is which! You only know that they are labeled A, B, C, …, H. What a disaster!

Fortunately, you also have genotypes from three other individuals whose identity you know for certain: an African, a Neanderthal, and a chimpanzee. This means that you are able to compute an $f_4$ statistic which will test for evidence of Neanderthal introgression in a given sample $X$.

Can you save the day and determine which of the A, B, C, …, H samples are African and which are Eurasian based on the following $f_4$ statistic test?

$$ f_4(\textrm{African}, X; \textrm{Neanderthal}, \textrm{Chimp}). $$

Recall that only Eurasians are expected to have appreciable amounts of Neanderthal ancestry but Africans don’t.

Moving over to R

Type R in your terminal or (better) just use RStudio R console if you have it.

Task: Load and inspect the genotypes

First load the genotype table into R:

gt <- read.table(url(""), sep = "\t", header = TRUE)

Familiarize yourself with the data by running this R command which shows information from only the first few genotypes:


The gt data set is a plain R data frame where each column contains the genotype of that individual (0 - ancestral allele, 1 - derived allele).

Task: Count SNPs

How many positions of the genome do we have genotyped?


Task: Count AFR-Chimp, NEA-Chimp, AFR-NEA shared alleles

You can extract all the genotypes of a given individual by using the $ or [[ subsetting operators of R data frames like this:



A useful trick for comparing two chromosomes in their entirety is to rely in the fact that R can perform vectorized operations (operations performed on multiple elements of a vector at once). For instance, if this gives us the genotypes of an African and Neanderthal chromosome:



then we can find positions at which those two samples carry the same allele like this:

gt[["African"]] == gt[["Neanderthal"]] # this gives us TRUE/FALSE values 

Counting those positions can be done using the sum() function like this:

# sum() treats TRUE as 1 and FALSE as 0, so we can sum everything up!
# -- this gives us the number of positions at which an African carries the same
#    allele as the Neanderthal
sum(gt[["African"]] == gt[["Neanderthal"]])

So the answer to this task’s question can be computed as:

sum(gt[["African"]] == gt[["Chimp"]])
sum(gt[["Neanderthal"]] == gt[["Chimp"]])
sum(gt[["African"]] == gt[["Neanderthal"]])

Does this make sense from a phylogenetic point of view?

Task: Compute $f_4(\textrm{AFR, X; NEA, Chimp})$ for one of the unknown samples A-H

Above we computed alleles which agree between two samples.

On the other hand, this would count how many alleles are different between a African and chimpanzee chromosome:

sum(gt[["African"]] != gt[["Chimp"]]) # note the != instead of ==

Inside the sum() function we can compose multiple logical conditions to create more complex comparison operations using the & operator (AND operation in mathematical logic).

Armed with this knowledge, we can compute the BABA and ABBA counts using this bit of R code:

X <- "A"

abba <- sum(
  (gt[["African"]] == gt[["Chimp"]]) &         # filters for A**A sites
  (gt[["African"]] != gt[["Neanderthal"]]) &   # filters for A*B* sites
  (gt[[X]]         == gt[["Neanderthal"]])     # filters for *BB* sites
)                                              # together then ABBA

baba <- sum(
  (gt[["African"]] != gt[["Chimp"]]) &         # filters for B**A sites
  (gt[["African"]] == gt[["Neanderthal"]]) &   # filters for B*B* sites
  (gt[[X]]         == gt[["Chimp"]])           # filters for *A*A sites
)                                              # together then BABA

From these counts we can get an idea about whether one or the other are more frequently appearing in the data:

baba - abba

Finally, we can compute an $f_4$ statistic like this, which simply normalizes the raw difference between BABA and ABBA counts by how many SNPs we have in our data set:

f4_value <- (baba - abba) / nrow(gt)


Task: Are ABBA or BABA sites the only ones in our data? For instance, can you find if there are any AAAB sites for the quartet $f_4(\textrm{AFR, X; NEA, Chimp})$? Would those be useful for studying introgression?

X <- "A"

aaab <- sum(
  (gt[["African"]]     == gt[[X]]) &               # filters for AA** sites
  (gt[[X]]             == gt[["Neanderthal"]]) &   # filters for *AA* sites
  (gt[["Neanderthal"]] != gt[["Chimp"]])           # filters for **AB sites


Task (full solution under the line below):

You know that if X is a African, you expect to see roughly the same count of BABA and ABBA site patterns, so the difference should “be about zero”. Use the code above to compute baba, abba, and f4_value to compute the $f_4$ statistic for all of your mixed up samples A, B, C, …, H and note down the values you got for each – which samples are most likely African and which ones are Eurasian?

[If you are more familiar with R, compute the counts automatically in a loop of some kind and make a figure.]


What does it mean for this test statistic to “be about zero”? What are we missing to truly use this as a statistical significance test?

If you’re not comfortable with R, feel free to run this in full and answer the questions based on the results you get:

X <- c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H")

f4_values <- sapply(X, function(x) {
  abba <- sum(
    (gt[["African"]] == gt[["Chimp"]]) &         # filters for A**A sites
    (gt[["African"]] != gt[["Neanderthal"]]) &   # filters for A*B* sites
    (gt[[x]]         == gt[["Neanderthal"]])     # filters for *BB* sites
  )                                              # together then ABBA
  baba <- sum(
    (gt[["African"]] != gt[["Chimp"]]) &         # filters for B**A sites
    (gt[["African"]] == gt[["Neanderthal"]]) &   # filters for B*B* sites
    (gt[[x]]         == gt[["Chimp"]])           # filters for *A*A sites
  )                                              # together then BABA
  (baba - abba) / nrow(gt)

data.frame(f4_values) # to print values in a neater table
plot(f4_values, xaxt = "n", xlab = "test sample", ylab = "f4(African, X; Neanderthal, Chimp)")
abline(h = 0, lty = 2, col = "red")
axis(side = 1, at = seq_along(X), labels = X)

We can see that the samples A-D are consistent with an $f_4$ statistic “value of about 0”“, meaning that the BABA and ABBA counts were”about the same”. This is what we would expect for African samples who are not expected to be closer to a Neanderthal genome than another African.

On the other hand, samples E-H show a much “more negative value of the $f_4$ statistic”“, which is consistent with an excess of ABBA sites compared to BABA sites – which arise with an increased sharing of derived alleles between the sample X and a Neanderthal genome, just as we would expect when X is of Eurasian ancestry.

Important: In this simple example we’re missing confidence intervals – those would allow us to do a proper statistical test to determine for which samples we really cannot reject a null hypothesis of no gene flow from Neanderthals. This would allow us to avoid the vague and statistically unsatisfying talk about some value being “almost zero”, and some other value being “much more negative” than that. The confidence interval for a given $f_4$ statistic would either intersect the 0 null hypothesis or not. For an example, see Figure 3 in this paper.

Real-world software such as ADMIXTOOLS computes confidence intervals using a so-called bootstrap procedure across windows along a genome.

If you want to take a closer look at how the genotype data was prepared (it was simulated!), you can see the complete code here.

Exercise 2 – estimating the proportion of Neanderthal ancestry


Having saved the day by identifying which of the A-H samples are of African or Eurasian origin by testing which of them appear to carry evidence of Neanderthal introgression, you now want to estimate how much of their genome derives from the Neanderthals. In order to do this, you need to compute a ratio of $f_4$ values as described in the lecture.

Of course, in order to compute this $f_4$-ratio estimate, you will need “another Neanderthal” genome! Luckily, we now have genomes of several Neanderthals so this is not an issue and a local friendly bioinformatician has already presciently merged your gt genotype table from the first exercise with the genotypes of “another Neanderthal”.

Estimate the proportion of Neanderthal ancestry in each of your A-H samples!

Moving over to R

Type R in your terminal or (better) just use RStudio R console if you have it.

Task: Load and inspect the genotypes

You will be using the same genotype table as in the previous exercise, with one additional column called another_Neanderthal. You can load it again like this:

gt <- read.table(url(""), sep = "\t", header = TRUE)

As always, verify that the format of the data set you have matches what you expect:



Task: Estimate Neanderthal ancestry proportion in samples A-H

From the lecture you know that we can get an estimate for the proportion of Neanderthal ancestry in a sample $X$ by dividing the rate of allele sharing between $X$ and a Neanderthal genome (one $f_4$ statistic) by the rate of allele sharing expected between two Neanderthals (another $f_4$ statistic).

To do this, we can take the $f_4$ values you computed in Exercise 1 for all samples A-H, and divide those values by $f_4(\textrm{African, another Neanderthal; Neanderthal, Chimp})$ (which we can do with the new set of genotypes gt):

# we can compute the f4 values for everyone (A-H samples as well as
# "another_neanderthal") using the same code as above
X <- c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H",
       "another_Neanderthal") # <---- we added this to our loop

f4_values <- sapply(X, function(x) {
  abba <- sum(
    (gt[["African"]] == gt[["Chimp"]]) &         # filters for A**A sites
    (gt[["African"]] != gt[["Neanderthal"]]) &   # filters for A*B* sites
    (gt[[x]]         == gt[["Neanderthal"]])     # filters for *BB* sites
  )                                              # together then ABBA
  baba <- sum(
    (gt[["African"]] != gt[["Chimp"]]) &         # filters for B**A sites
    (gt[["African"]] == gt[["Neanderthal"]]) &   # filters for B*B* sites
    (gt[[x]]         == gt[["Chimp"]])           # filters for *A*A sites
  )                                              # together then BABA
  (baba - abba) / nrow(gt)

# to arrive at the estimate of Neanderthal ancestry, we divide f4 values for
# samples A-H by f4 value comparing the two Neanderthals
proportions <- f4_values / f4_values["another_Neanderthal"]

data.frame(proportions) # to print values in a neater table

Task: Plot the estimated proportions of Neanderthal ancestry

How much Neanderthal ancestry did you estimate in Africans vs Eurasians? Do those numbers fit what you’ve learned from the lecture?

To make the results clearer to see, let’s visualize them:

plot(proportions[-length(proportions)] * 100,
     xlab = "test individual", ylab = "proportion of Neanderthal ancestry [%]",
     ylim = c(0, 10))

abline(h = 3, lty = 2, col = "red")


Why did we not plot the proportion of Neanderthal ancestry in the very last item of the proportions variable? What does that last element of the vector proportions contain and why?

If you want to take a closer look at how the genotype data was prepared (it was simulated!), you can see the complete code here.

Exercise 3 – dating Neanderthal admixture


You sequenced 100 diploid genomes from a Eurasian population and are interested in estimating the time of Neanderthal introgression into the ancestors of this population. The literature suggests that the introgression happened around 55 thousand years ago – does this also apply to the population that you sequenced?

To be able to do this, you ran an inference software which gives you the exact coordinates of Neanderthal DNA tracts present in every Eurasian genome that you sequenced. This of course means that you also know the lengths of each of those tracts.

Use the distribution of the Neanderthal tract lengths in your population to estimate the time of Neanderthal introgression!

Moving over to R

Type R in your terminal or (better) just use RStudio R console if you have it.

Task: Load and inspect the tracts data

First load the table with coordinates of all Neanderthal tracts into R:

tracts <- read.table(url(""), sep = "\t", header = TRUE)

Familiarize yourself with the data by running this R command which shows information from only the first few genotypes:


For how many individuals do we have information about Neanderthal DNA tracts that they carry?


Task: plot the distribution of tract lengths across bins

It looks like the inference software (or a helpful bioinformatician) binned each tract according to its length (see the column bin). What does the distribution of Neanderthal tract lengths looks like in your data? Knowing that recombination has acted on the introgressed Neanderthal DNA over time, each generation, suggests that the distribution should look exponential – do you see this in the data? To answer this, plot the proportion of tracts in each bin.

# get the bin numbers
bins <- sort(unique(tracts$bin))

# count the tracts in each bin and compute the proportion of tracts in each bin
counts <- as.integer(table(tracts$bin))
props <- counts / sum(counts)

plot(bins, props, xlab = "Neanderthal tract length bin", ylab = "proportion of tracts")

The distribution does, indeed, look quite exponential. Next we will try to use this to date Neanderthal introgression using the information encoded in the distribution of tract lengths!

Dating the introgression event – a bit of theory first

As we know, over time since admixture, recombination breaks up longer haplotypes into shorter ones, regularly almost like a clock. And it turns out that the distribution of tract lengths after time $t$ follows exponential decay, leading to the distribution of tract lengths $x$ to have the following form:

$$ \textrm{tract length of }~x \sim \exp(-\lambda x) = \exp(-r t x), $$

where the $\lambda$ parameter determines the rate of exponential decay which can be computed, under some simplifying assumptions, as the product of the recombination rate (traditionally in humans with value of about $1 \times 10^{-8}$) and $t$ which is the time since admixture:

$$ \lambda = rt $$

The $t$ in this equation latter is our unknown we’re trying to compute in this exercise! So we know which equation we can use to extimate the admixture time.

It also turns out that the expected value of this exponential distribution plotted above (which can be computed simply as $1 / \lambda = 1 / rt$) gives us the theoretical expression for the expected tract length after time $t$.

Task: Compute the average length of an introgressed tract

Of course, you can also compute this expectation from the data, so do this now: get an estimate of the expected length of an introgressed fragment after (unknown) time $t$ by computing the average introgressed tract length observed in data. What is the average length of a Neanderthal DNA segment in the data? (Remember that at the moment of introgression, entire Neanderthal chromosomes were segregating in modern humans!)

L <- mean(tracts$length)
L # length in units of base pairs

Task: date the introgression event – in practice

Taking the simple math above together and doing a little algebra, we can express the average expected length of an introgressed fragment after time $t$ using this formula:

$$ \textrm{average tract length}~L = \frac{1}{\lambda} = \frac{1}{rt} $$

Because we know $L$ as computed just above (average tract length as you just computed) and $r$ (recombination rate of $1 \times 10^{-8}$), this means we can estimate the time since the admixture by a simple rearrangement of the above equation to separate the time of introgression $t$:

$$ t = \frac{1}{rL}, $$

where r is the recombination rate and L is the average length of an introgressed Neanderthal tract (as you just computed it).

Note that this time estimate will be in units of generations, so we’ll have to multiply this quantity by the generation time (roughly 30 years for humans) to get time in years before the present.

Use this simple equation $\frac{1}{rL}$ to compute the estimate of the admixture time:

r <- 1e-8 # crossovers per bp per generation
L <- mean(tracts$length) # average tract length after time t

t <- 1 / (r * L)

# convert the time of introgression to years before present assuming
# generation time of 30 years
t * 30

You should get a value will be quite close to ~55 thousand years ago, an estimate which is often found in the literature as the time when Neanderthals and anatomically modern humans interbred!

Bonus content

As a last sanity check, if we use this time to compute the rate of exponential decay $\lambda$, we should get a nice fit of the theoretical exponential decay curve over the empirical counts of tract lengths in each bin. As a reminder, this is the decay:

plot(bins, props, xlab = "Neanderthal tract length bin", ylab = "proportion of tracts")

Let’s try if we can plot the theoretical exponential decay from the estimated time of admixture.

First, because the exponential tract decay you plotted above shows the decay of the length of introgressed tracts in bins, the $\lambda$ parameter determines the decay expected for tracts falling into to successive bins (so decay of longer and longer tracts). However, our recombination rate $r$ which features in the equation to compute $\lambda$ above describes recombination in units of base pairs, not bins. In order to be able to plot the theoretical exponential decay curve, we therefore first need to compute the average increase in tract lengths from bin to bin:

# compute the average length in each bin
average_bins <- aggregate(length ~ bin, data = tracts, FUN = mean)

# compute the difference between bins to get "average bin step size"
bin_step <- mean(diff(average_bins$length))


With this, we can overlay the theoretical exponential decay expectation across the empirical distribution of tract lengths in different bins:

r <- 1e-8 # crossovers per bp per generation
t <- 1800 # time of admixture (in generations) we computed above

# plot the empirical proportions of tracts in each bin
plot(bins, props, xlab = "Neanderthal tract length bin", ylab = "proportion of tracts")

# overlay theoretical exponential density curve assuming recombination rate r
# and time of introgression t generations ago
lambda <- r * bin_step * t
y <- dexp(bins, rate = lambda)
lines(bins, y, col = "red", lty = 2)

If you want to take a closer look at how the tracts data was prepared (it was simulated!), you can see the complete code here.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

CC BY 4.0

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