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memoize-one's Issues

Memoize one is failing within a test environment. Value is not changed yet memoized function is called.

I have zipped an example project to demonstrate the bug.


The issue only occurs when I run a test using npm test. If you run the project normally it works as expected (npm start)

Tally is the value that gets incremented using memoize when the button clicks value changes

Within my test environment, it appears the comparison of memoize is ignored and the underlying function is called. I have not set up any mocks to alter the behaviour. Because I use memoize within componentDidUpdate and am updating the state within my memoized function I am receiving an infinite loop ONLY in my test environment

Dependencies (as listed in the examples package.json)
"@testing-library/jest-dom": "^4.2.4",
"@testing-library/react": "^9.5.0",
"@testing-library/user-event": "^7.2.1",
"enzyme": "^3.11.0",
"enzyme-adapter-react-16": "^1.15.2",
"memoize-one": "^5.1.1",

Node: Tested on: 12.18.1 (lts, stable) and 14.4.0 (latest)

Not working for typescript

Actually the problem is not with typescript - the problem is with rollup.[email protected]/dist/memoize-one.cjs.js contains

module.exports = index;

which should be imported as import * as memoizeOne

while[email protected]/dist/memoize-one.esm.js contains

export default index;

which should be imported as import memoizeOne

Result - the code for nodejs (~jest) require one behaviour, while the code for webpack(uses esm bundle) requires another.

It is not a problem for js/flow, as long babel is doing some around magic default imports, but typescript is quite strict about it.

The cjs bundle should match esm bundle.

(and fixing this would introduce a breaking change)

New Equality function type signature breaks with a lot of equality functions

Thanks for the great library! Just a heads up and something I think worth considering; adding the index to the equality callback causes a lot of commonly used equality functions to break.

For instance the most popular one, shallowEqual has as a third parameter a custom comparison function: shallowequal(value, other, [customizer], [thisArg]). Same is true for the lodash deep comparison function.

Of course it is not a huge problem to change this in our code, but it breaks a lot of existing code like this: memoizeOne(params, shallowEqual)

React useMemo style API

It would be really nice if a React useMemo style API was supported, e.g. memoize<X>(func: () => X, deps: any[]): X.

Probably some way to achieve the same with memoize-one but it's not immediately clear how.

3.1.0 breaks IE11


I'm using which depends on this project. With the release of 3.1, this library appears to break IE11 with an error cannot redefine non-configurable property length which I traced back to which was added in 3.1

If I forcefully revert to 3.0.1, IE11 works well again. Sorry I do not have a good test-case, so just heads up that there might be an issue with 3.1 which gets pulled into react-beautiful-dnd by default now.

"This expression is not callable" type error when trying to use this package from ESM module

I've been using memoize-one from CJS for many years, but when I try to convert the calling code to ESM, I now get this error:

src/lib.ts:73:21 - error TS2349: This expression is not callable.
  Type 'typeof import(".../common/temp/node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected]/node_modules/memoize-one/dist/memoize-one")' has no call signatures.

I'm pretty sure my import is correct:

import memoizeOne from 'memoize-one';

I'm not getting this error with any other dependency, so it seems specific to memoize-one. My package still builds correctly, which means it's maybe just an error with the types. I'm using the latest version (6.0.0).

Add recipes

Add some recipes to demonstrate some of the use cases of this library. Some ones I can think of write now

  • react-redux state queries
  • how it can be used in combination with reselect
  • caching expensive function calls
  • storing a 'previous' value
  • TBD

Memoized function not re-executing when input object has changed since last execution

Hey, don't know if this is the proper way to bring this up, but I was using this library to memoize data filtering functions before render in React, and for most purposes, this library has worked great.

I had 3 inputs to the memoized function: an object, an array, and a string. When the array and string would change, the memoized function would work as expected (that is, it would re-execute). However, when an attribute nested several levels deep in the object would change, the memoized function would return the cached result rather than re-execute (and from what I understand, this would imply that the under-the-hood implementation may have an issue doing deep object comparison on the inputs, which is already a pain in the ass in Javascript)

For anyone experiencing a similar issue, the workaround I used was to JSON.stringify the input object and use that as an additional memoized function argument. Since the string representation changes when the object changes, the library understands to re-execute the memoized function

Memoizing TypeScript functions with generics

I ran into typing issues when trying to use memoize-one for a function with generics. I played around and came up with a partial solution I want to share for future reference.

I think it's only a partial solution and not worthy of a PR because I don't know how to make it support a dynamic number of generics.

Play with it in the TypeScript playground here

// The overload signatures handle when the first arg is generic and when there are no generics.
function memoize<F extends <T extends any>(...args: [T, ...any[]]) => ReturnType<F>>(fn: F): F;
function memoize<F extends (...args: any[]) => ReturnType<F>>(fn: F): F;
function memoize<F extends <T extends any>(...args: [T, ...any[]]) => ReturnType<F>>(fn: F): F {
  let lastArgs: unknown[] = [];
  let lastResult: ReturnType<F>;
  let calledOnce = false;

   * Compare arguments for shallow identity equality.
  const argsEqual = (a: unknown[], b: unknown[]): boolean => {
    if (a.length !== b.length) {
      return false;

    for (let i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
      if (a[i] !== b[i]) {
        return false;
    return true;

   * Wrap function in memoized function.
  const memoized = <U extends any>(...newArgs: [U, ...any[]]): ReturnType<F> => {
    if (!calledOnce || !argsEqual(lastArgs, newArgs)) {
      const newResult = fn(...newArgs);
      lastResult = newResult;
      lastArgs = newArgs;
      calledOnce = true;
      console.log('NOT MEMOIZED', newArgs);

    return lastResult;

  return memoized as F;

 * Examples

// Generic used.
const areEqual = <T>(a: T, b: T) => a === b;
const memoAreEqual = memoize(areEqual);

console.log(memoAreEqual(1, 1));
console.log(memoAreEqual(2, 1));
console.log(memoAreEqual('a', 'a'));

// No generic used.
const isGreater = (a: number, b: number) => a > b;
const memoIsGreater = memoize(isGreater);

console.log(memoIsGreater(1, 2));
console.log(memoIsGreater(2, 2));
console.log(memoIsGreater(2, 3));

add performance testing

I am interested to see how this library compares to other memoization libraries for caching single results. I expect it will be quite fast given that it has a restricted cache size of 1. Although, some of the babel transformation code might slow it down.

Move to typescript

Here is what I am thinking so far:

export type EqualityFn = (newArgs: unknown[], lastArgs: unknown[]) => boolean;

function areInputsEqual(
  newInputs: unknown[],
  lastInputs: unknown[],
): boolean {
  // no checks needed if the inputs length has changed
  if (newInputs.length !== lastInputs.length) {
    return false;
  // Using for loop for speed. It generally performs better than array.every

  for (let i = 0; i < newInputs.length; i++) {
    // using shallow equality check
    if (newInputs[i] !== lastInputs[i]) {
      return false;
  return true;

export default function memoizeOne<ResultFn extends (this: unknown, ...newArgs: unknown[]) => ReturnType<ResultFn>>(
  this: unknown,
  resultFn: ResultFn,
  isEqual: EqualityFn = areInputsEqual,
): ResultFn {
  let lastThis: unknown;
  let lastArgs: unknown[] = [];
  let lastResult: ReturnType<ResultFn>;
  let calledOnce: boolean = false;

  // breaking cache when context (this) or arguments change
  function memoized(this: unknown, ...newArgs: unknown[]): ReturnType<ResultFn> {
    if (calledOnce && lastThis === this && isEqual(newArgs, lastArgs)) {
      return lastResult;

    // Throwing during an assignment aborts the assignment:
    // Doing the lastResult assignment first so that if it throws
    // nothing will be overwritten
    lastResult = resultFn.apply(this, newArgs);
    calledOnce = true;
    lastThis = this;
    lastArgs = newArgs;
    return lastResult;

  return (memoized as ResultFn);


Memoize not working properly with `NaN`

Doc has statement:
Tested with all built in JavaScript types.
But it is not working properly with NaN value, example:

let i = 0;
function getIncrementedNumber(parameter) {
    return i++;
const memoizedIncrementedNumber = memoize(getIncrementedNumber);
const value = NaN;
console.log(memoizedIncrementedNumber(value)); // log 0
console.log(memoizedIncrementedNumber(value)); // log 1

Does memoize-one support Promises?

We use memoize-one for almost two years with promises just fine, but looking at the code now I realized that it maybe is not intended or tested to work with them. But maybe all that's missing is an description of fn in the readme (?)

The mentioned error handling likely never was triggered, since promises fall into an error state instead of throwing an error.

memoized function has no length

Memoizing a function sets its length property to zero:

import memoizeOne from 'memoize-one'
f = (a, b, c) => a*b*c
memoF = memoizeOne(f)
console.log(f.length) // 3
console.log(memoF.length) // 0

This is not really a big deal: length is a configurable property, so if you care about f.length you can just set it manually afterwards using Object.definiteProperty.

Should memoizeOne automatically configure the memoized functions length property?

Should `this` be treated as an argument?

A little context 😜 :

// This behaviour is debatable.
it('should memoize the previous result even if the this context changes', () => {
       function getA() {
              return this.a;
       const memoized = memoizeOne(getA);
       const temp1 = {
              a: 20,
              getMemoizedA: memoized,
        const temp2 = {
              a: 30,
              getMemoizedA: memoized,

       // this might be unexpected

The decision is: should this be treated as an argument for the purpose of memoization?

Treat as an argument

(do a comparison between the current context this and the previous execution context lastThis.


  • will have expected behaviour in all circumstances


  • can accidentally break the cache if the function is invoked in a new context - even if it was not using the context. This might not be a big issue as most of the time the context will be undefined in strict mode unless controlled through using either new, call, apply, bind, or implicit control

Do not treat as an argument

(do not do any context comparison)


  • no accidental cache breaks by changing


  • functions that use this can have unexpected results (see example above)
  • limit the usage of the library to only functions that do not use this - otherwise there is a chance of invalid results


  • somehow tell the function to consider context as an argument - either opt in or opt out

Feature: ability to reset/clear cache of memoized function after using it

memoize-one stores inside closure the last this, result and arguments. This may lead to the fact that references to large objects will be cached, and large objects won't be collected by the garbage collector.

For instance, to add the static "reset" method to the returned function, which will reset lastThis, lastArgs, lastResult, calledOnce to the initial values.

error messages not thrown on memoized calls

memoizeOne seems not to throw errors when the function call is memoized.

For example, in the function below I would expect the second call to throwingDivide to throw an error, but it does not. Is this behavior expected?

var memoizeOne = require("memoize-one")

function _throwingDivide(x, y) {
  if (y===0) {
    throw Error('cannot divide by zero')
  return x/y

const throwingDivide = memoizeOne(_throwingDivide)

try {
  throwingDivide(4, 0)
catch (error) {

console.log(throwingDivide(4, 0)) // does not throw !

Thanks for this library—love it's simplicity!

ReferenceError: calledOnce is not defined

When used with react-hot-loader it throws this error

VM37389:13 Uncaught ReferenceError: calledOnce is not defined
    at ProxyComponent.result [as getDateFilterMinDateRefinement] (eval at __reactstandin__regenerateByEval (VM36190 CourseSearch.js:NaN), <anonymous>:13:5)
    at eval (eval at __reactstandin__regenerateByEval (VM36190 CourseSearch.js:NaN), <anonymous>:45:36)
    at ProxyFacade (react-hot-loader.development.js:647)
    at mountIndeterminateComponent (react-dom.development.js:13380)
    at beginWork (react-dom.development.js:13820)
    at performUnitOfWork (react-dom.development.js:15863)
    at workLoop (react-dom.development.js:15902)
    at HTMLUnknownElement.callCallback (react-dom.development.js:100)
    at Object.invokeGuardedCallbackDev (react-dom.development.js:138)
    at invokeGuardedCallback (react-dom.development.js:187)

getDateFilterMinDateRefinement() is a function that's wrapped in memoize().

The error happens, for example, when the component containing memoization is removed from code and then hit "Save" so that it hot-reloads.

Memoize not working properly with arrays

Doc has statement:
Tested with all built in JavaScript types.
But it is not working properly with arrays, example:

function sum(parameter: number[]) {
    return parameter.reduce((acc, elem) => acc + elem, 0);
const memoizedSum = memoize(sum);
const myArr = [7];

console.log(memoizedSum(myArr)); // 7
console.log(myArr); // [7,7]
console.log(memoizedSum(myArr)); //7

MD5 checksum for object parameters

What is the possibility to implement MD5 checksum to evaluate equality for object parameters? I have used this to validate changes in reactjs from large objects but I don't know if it is feasible to implement in this project.

Same parameters, different locations will also rerun

According to the official example:

const add = (a, b) => a + b;
const memoizedAdd = memoizeOne(add);
memoizedAdd(1, 2); // 3

When I try to switch the position of the argument, instead of taking the cached result, I get a new result, which is also 3!

Like this:
memoizedAdd(2, 1); // 3

Read the source code, found when comparing the parameters of the code, should not be such a comparison. If it's a shallow comparison, I think it should be like this:

export default function areInputsEqual(
  newInputs: readonly unknown[],
  lastInputs: readonly unknown[],
): boolean {
  // no checks needed if the inputs length has changed
  if (newInputs.length !== lastInputs.length) {
    return false;
  // Using for loop for speed. It generally performs better than array.every

  // Like this
  if (!newInputs.every(arg => lastInputs.includes(arg))) {
    return false;
  return true;

In this way, even if the same parameter, and the parameter position changes, the result should be the result of the cache, not the new result! After all, the results are the same.

Welcome the author of the library to communicate and correct, thank you!

Memoize All

What about an optional argument to memoize all function calls?

That could be very helpful for event handler creators.

For example:


Memoize not working properly with objects and custom comparator

Comparing objects with custom comparator not working properly, example:

function nestedXtoString(myObj) {
    return myObj.x.toString();
const memoizedNestedXtoString = memoize(nestedXtoString, ([prev], [curr]) => {
    console.log("compared", prev, curr);
    return prev.x === curr.x;
const myObj = {x: 55};

console.log(memoizedNestedXtoString(myObj)); // "55"
myObj.x = 7;
console.log(myObj); // {x: 7}
console.log(memoizedNestedXtoString(myObj)); // 55

Comparator gives log:

compared {x: 7} {x: 7}

Misleading documentation

const shallowMemoized = memoizeOne(identity);
const deepMemoized = memoizeOne(identity, isDeepEqual);

const result1 = shallowMemoized({ foo: 'bar' });
const result2 = shallowMemoized({ foo: 'bar' });

This isn't a shallow comparison - it's a reference comparison. Checking each key in the object for equality (by reference) would be a shallow comparison.

stronger flow typing?

Firstly, thanks for the great library!

Just to start a discussion: locally i've been using this typing for this lib

declare export function memoize<A, B, C, D, R>(
  func: (a: A, b: B, c: C, d: D) => R,
  equalityCheck?: (newArgs: [A, B, C, D], lastArgs: [A, B, C, D]) => boolean
): (a: A, b: B, c: C, d: D) => R

this lets the equality check be more typed than mixed
A downside is if you export a memoized function you need to declare all your types

export default memoize<number, string, void, void, _>((num, str) => num + str)

(maybe this could be better if facebook/flow#6875 was fixed)

has anyone else attempted a strong flow type?

Flow error after upgrading to 5.0.1

Hi there, I'm getting this error after upgrading, flow version is 0.92.1.

Cannot assign function to `result` because function [1] is incompatible with `ResultFn` [2].

   34|   const result: ResultFn = function(...newArgs: mixed[]) {
   35|     if (calledOnce && lastThis === this && isEqual(newArgs, lastArgs)) {
   36|       return lastResult;
   37|     }
   39|     // Throwing during an assignment aborts the assignment:
   40|     // Doing the lastResult assignment first so that if it throws
   41|     // nothing will be overwritten
   42|     lastResult = resultFn.apply(this, newArgs);
   43|     calledOnce = true;
   44|     lastThis = this;
   45|     lastArgs = newArgs;
   46|     return lastResult;
   47|   };

   34|   const result: ResultFn = function(...newArgs: mixed[]) {
                                  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [1]
   34|   const result: ResultFn = function(...newArgs: mixed[]) {
                       ^^^^^^^^ [2]

Outdated Documentation

The doc says:

The default equality function also does not check anything if the length of the arguments changes.

which is not correct according to the current source code.

TypeScript typings of `EqualityFn`

The arguments of EqualityFn are defined as being unknown even though they are known (i.e. the same as ...newArgs of ResultFn).

Our build did fail today due to the recently added TypeScript types. My suggestion would be to type the args of EqualityFn as any (just like the typings on DefinitelyTyped did which does make that users do not have to cast the unknown type) or to strong-type it, e.g.:

 export type EqualityFn<Args = any> = (
  newArgs: Args,
  lastArgs: Args,
) => boolean;

export default function memoizeOne<
  ResultFn extends (this: any, ...newArgs: T) => ReturnType<ResultFn>, 
  T extends any[]
>(resultFn: ResultFn, isEqual: EqualityFn<T> = areInputsEqual): ResultFn {

PSA: Intention to remove ie11 support

I plan on removing ie11 support from memoize-one


This will allow the library to more gracefully set the .length of a memoized function, as well as ship a (smaller*) bundle as less language features will need to be compiled

*Exact size drop TBC

What will the supported environments be?

Still to be confirmed, but a sufficiently low common build target (eg supports es6-module)

→ relevant twitter thread

What type of version will this be?

This change will be done in a major. If you need to support ie11, then you can use the not-latest major

When will this take place?

No timeline as yet. Will confirm at a later date

Analysis: 64% of dependency updates in this repository can be merged.

Hey there 👋

Our bot, Adaptly, found that 7 out of 11 currently open dependency update PRs can be merged.
That's 64% right there:

View Safe to Merge PRs1. Bump json5 from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2
2. Bump decode-uri-component from 0.2.0 to 0.2.2
3. Bump loader-utils from 1.4.0 to 1.4.2
4. Bump terser from 4.8.0 to 4.8.1
5. Bump minimist from 1.2.5 to 1.2.6
6. Bump nanoid from 3.1.30 to 3.2.0
7. Bump size-limit and @size-limit/preset-small-lib


🔎   How does Adaptly know this?

It analyses changelogs of dependencies updated in a PR.
If no breaking changes are found in the changelogs, PR is marked as good to merge.

✨ Try Adaptly yourself

Feel free to try Adaptly on your repositories and finally
merge dependency update PRs. Let us know if you have any questions.

Best of luck with your projects,
[email protected]

Simple code in TS not working

I guess I am not using it correctly,

import memoizeOne from 'memoize-one';

const print = (list: Array<number>): void => list.forEach(num => {

const mem_print = memoizeOne(print);

let list = [1,2,3];


list = [...list, 4];


Compiled from TS 3.8 to JS with tsc index.js

"use strict";
var __spreadArrays = (this && this.__spreadArrays) || function () {
    for (var s = 0, i = 0, il = arguments.length; i < il; i++) s += arguments[i].length;
    for (var r = Array(s), k = 0, i = 0; i < il; i++)
        for (var a = arguments[i], j = 0, jl = a.length; j < jl; j++, k++)
            r[k] = a[j];
    return r;
exports.__esModule = true;
var memoize_one_1 = require("memoize-one");
var print = function (list) { return list.forEach(function (num) {
}); };
var mem_print = memoize_one_1["default"](print);
var list = [1, 2, 3];
list = __spreadArrays(list, [4]);


var mem_print = memoize_one_1["default"](print);

TypeError: memoize_one_1.default is not a function
    at Object.<anonymous> (D:\MyGit\plaints\index.js:14:41)
    at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1158:30)
    at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1178:10)
    at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1002:32)
    at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:901:14)
    at Function.executeUserEntryPoint [as runMain] (internal/modules/run_main.js:74:12)
    at internal/main/run_main_module.js:18:47


	"compilerOptions": {
		"target": "ES2018",
		"esModuleInterop": true,
		"allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true,
		"strict": true,
		"module": "esnext",
		"moduleResolution": "node",

`5.2.0` introduces a breaking change

The 5.2.0 release accidentally introduced a breaking change when using CommonJS require().


> require('memoize-one')
[Function: memoizeOne]


> require('memoize-one')
{ default: [Function: memoizeOne], memoizeOne: [Function: memoizeOne] }

run inside useeffect causing infinite loop

i have the following code:

const {
    data = { merchant: null, items: null, categories: null },
  } = useAsync({
    deferFn: _loadMerchantData
  const {
    match: { params }
  } = props;
  const isEdit = === 'edit';

  useEffect(() => {
    console.log(isEdit,, run);
    if (!isEdit) {
      run(, isEdit, run);
  }, [run]);

i declared _loadMerchantData outside of the component as recommended by the docs. Still, run is causing a infinite loop. Any idea why?

Create debug helper

It would be good to know some information about cache breaking for debugging purposes. The big idea is that it could expose a lot of debug information on the console

I am not sure what the api would be, but here is some initial thoughts:

import memoizeOne, { trace } from 'memoizeOne';

const times = (arg1: number, arg2: number): number => arg1 * arg2;
const memoized = memoizeOne(times);

trace(times(1, 2));
// first time call
// new arguments: [1, 2]
// returning new result: 2

trace(times(1, 2));
// new arguments [1, 2] match previous arguments
// returning previous result: 2

trace(times(1, 3));
// cache bust!
// new arguments [1, 3] do not match previous arguments [1, 2]
// argument change: [1, *2*]
// calculating new result and returning: 3

Feature request: have `shouldRecompute` instead of custom equality function

I would like to be able to provide a function:

shouldRecompute: (lastResult: T, lastArgs: Array<unknown>, newArgs: Array<unknown>) => boolean

instead of custom equality function. In my case, whether the result should be recomputed depends on the previous result.

Use case:
I am building a calendar with monthly view. For input data (events etc.) and given date, I filter events and compute begin and end, which are first and last timestamp for that month. In shouldRecompute, I would like just to check if new date is between these two values. Alternative is to have a custom equality which would compare months of previous and new date argument, but this is pretty costly (in general they are unix timestamps).

In general, my opinion is that shouldRecompute is better than custom equality even for general case. Most of the time, arguments have different types, so custom equality ends up being a branchy if statement checking for types of arguments and performing duty.

With shouldRecompute, it would be possible to test all arguments at once, which is much easier to reason about.

E.g. before:

if (typeof a === 'string') {
  return a === b;
} else if (a instanceof Date) {
  return isSameMonth(a, b);
} else {


return lastArgs[0] === newArgs[0] && isSameMonth(lastArgs[1], newArgs[1]) && ...;

TypeScript errors with modules

According to Are the Types Wrong, memoize-one has an incorrect default export.

This can cause errors with TypeScript, depending on tsconfig.json settings. For example:

  • If using CommonJS (e.g., package.json "type": "commonjs") and tsconfig.json "module": "node16", "moduleResolution": "node16", then everything works.
  • If using ESM (e.g., package.json "type": "module") and tsconfig.json "module": "node16", "moduleResolution": "node16", problems arise:
    • If you try to import and use memoizeOne directly, the TypeScript compiler throws an error at compile time:
      import memoizeOne from 'memoize-one';
      // This expression is not callable.
      //  Type 'typeof import("node_modules/memoize-one/dist/memoize-one")' has no call signatures.ts(2349)
      const memoized = memoizeOne((a: number, b: number) => a + b);
    • However, if you work around that by adding .default, you get an error at runtime:
      import memoizeOne from 'memoize-one';
      // TypeError: memoizeOne.default is not a function
      const memoized = memoizeOne.default((a: number, b: number) => a + b);

As I understand it, there are two possible solutions:

  1. Hand-write a .d.ts file that reflects the CommonJS export assignment approach used by the Rollup-generated memoize-one build. (There may be a way to get tsc to do this for you, but I haven't been able to figure it out.) I believe that this could be done in a semver-patch release.
declare namespace memoizeOne {
    export type EqualityFn<TFunc extends (...args: any[]) => any> = (newArgs: Parameters<TFunc>, lastArgs: Parameters<TFunc>) => boolean;
    export type MemoizedFn<TFunc extends (this: any, ...args: any[]) => any> = {
        clear: () => void;
        (this: ThisParameterType<TFunc>, ...args: Parameters<TFunc>): ReturnType<TFunc>;
declare function memoizeOne<TFunc extends (this: any, ...newArgs: any[]) => any>(
    resultFn: TFunc, isEqual?: memoizeOne.EqualityFn<TFunc>
): memoizeOne.MemoizedFn<TFunc>;
export = memoizeOne;
  1. Add full-fledged module support: update memoize-one's package.json to export its ESM build via exports (so Node.js, and TypeScript when using node16 module resolution, can see it), with ESM-specific types. This may be a semver-major change.

If you're interested in one of these approaches, I can try and open a PR.

TypeError: memoizeOne is not a function

Error when packaging using Webpack.

const jsonld = memoizeOne((url, $) => {
TypeError: memoizeOne is not a function
    at Object../node_modules/@metascraper/helpers/index.js (e:\weizhi\server\dist\webpack:\node_modules\@metascraper\helpers\index.js:234:1)
    at __webpack_require__ (e:\weizhi\server\dist\webpack:\webpack\bootstrap:25:1)
    at Object../node_modules/metascraper/src/index.js (e:\weizhi\server\dist\webpack:\node_modules\metascraper\src\index.js:3:19)
    at __webpack_require__ (e:\weizhi\server\dist\webpack:\webpack\bootstrap:25:1)

When "module" (ESM) is used in the "package.json" file of "memoize-one", Webpack will parse it first, but Nodejs "require" no support "exports default",
I can only do this require('memoize-one').default to get rid of errors.

Don't allow `resultFn` to resolve to implicit any params

I saw this trick in React 18 types:
And the discussion DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped#52873 (comment)

I think we should ban implicit any as well. The only issue is that it might be a breaking change, But I don't think so, from looking at memoize-one definitions. It might only force some users to add types or explicit any.

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