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exq's Issues

[Enhancement] Ability to limit the concurrency of a specific queue.

Would be nice for tasks such as video encoding to be able to to only run one task in a specific queue at a time.

We could allow queues to be specified in the for [{"Default", 50}, {"Encoding", 1}]

Since the workers per queue would be tracked on a per instance basis, we can keep track of the number of running tasks in ETS rather than redis.

Outdated version of timex causing issues on OSX

I've been trying get exq running on OSX Yosemite 10.10.5 and have run into an issue when trying to enqueue a job:

iex(7)> {:ok, jid} = Exq.enqueue(:exq, "default", Eventer, []) 
** (exit) exited in:, {:enqueue, "default", Eventer, []}, 5000)
    ** (EXIT) exited in:<0.203.0>, :stop)
        ** (EXIT) no process
    (elixir) lib/gen_server.ex:356:
21:25:39.328 [error] GenServer :exq_enqueuer terminating
Last message: {:"$gen_cast", {:enqueue, {#PID<0.190.0>, #Reference<>}, "default", Eventer, []}}
State: %Exq.Enqueuer.Server.State{namespace: "exq", redis: #PID<0.203.0>, redis_owner: true}
** (exit) an exception was raised:
    ** (MatchError) no match of right hand side value: {:error, "No timezone found for: No timezone found for: AEST"}
        lib/timezone/timezone_dst.ex:20: Timex.Timezone.Dst.is_dst?/1
        lib/dateformat/formatter.ex:139: Timex.DateFormat.Formatters.Formatter.format_token/2
        lib/dateformat/formatters/default.ex:201: Timex.DateFormat.Formatters.DefaultFormatter.do_format/3
        lib/dateformat/formatters/default.ex:194: Timex.DateFormat.Formatters.DefaultFormatter.do_format/3
        lib/dateformat/formatter.ex:36: Timex.DateFormat.Formatters.Formatter.format!/3
        (exq) lib/exq/redis/job_queue.ex:124: Exq.Redis.JobQueue.to_job_json/3
        (exq) lib/exq/redis/job_queue.ex:37: Exq.Redis.JobQueue.enqueue/5
        (exq) lib/exq/enqueuer/server.ex:43: Exq.Enqueuer.Server.handle_cast/2

So it seems my timezone is being returned as "AEST" (Australian Eastern Standard Time). This isn't parsable by Timex, so the enqueing fails.

In iex I get these results when using the version of Timex required by exq:

iex(5)> Timex.Timezone.Local.lookup
iex(6)> Timex.Timezone.local       
{:error, "No timezone found for: AEST"}
iex(7)> Timex.Timezone.Local.parse_tzfile("/etc/localtime")
{:ok, "AEST"}

When I setup a new project with just the latest version of Timex (0.19.5) the timezone seems to work correctly:

iex(2)> Timex.Timezone.local
%Timex.TimezoneInfo{abbreviation: "AEST",
 from: {:sunday, {{2015, 4, 5}, {2, 0, 0}}}, full_name: "Australia/Sydney",
 offset_std: 0, offset_utc: 600, until: {:sunday, {{2015, 10, 4}, {2, 0, 0}}}}
iex(3)> Timex.Timezone.Local.lookup
iex(4)> Timex.Timezone.Local.parse_tzfile("/etc/localtime")
{:ok, "AEST"}

It seems to me that bumping the version of Timex should resolve the issue above. Thoughts?

Investigate performance benchmark

Using this as a quick and dirty benchmark:

    {:ok, pid} = Exq.start([host: '', port: 6379])
    Exq.enqueue(pid, "default", "MyWorker2", ["arg1", "arg2"])
    for n <- 1..4000, do: Exq.enqueue(pid, "default", "MyWorker", ["arg1", "arg2"])

seems like there were performance differences before / after #19. Some of this may be due to Poison decode / encode of direct structs, and then stats recording. Investigate these.

Stats should poll to update

Right now the chart updates but we should also be updating the stats at the top of the page with the latest stats.

OTP application elixir 1.1.1

I'm trying to use exq with elixir 1.1.1

I keep getting this error when I try to start the app

=INFO REPORT==== 6-Oct-2015::06:39:11 ===
application: logger
exited: stopped
type: temporary
Could not start application exq: Exq.start(:normal, []) returned an error: shutdown: failed to start child: Exq.Manager.Server
** (EXIT) an exception was raised:
** (FunctionClauseError) no function clause matching in :eredis.start_link/6
(eredis) src/eredis.erl:48: :eredis.start_link('redis', "6379", 0, [], 100, 5000)
(exq) lib/exq/manager/server.ex:31: Exq.Manager.Server.init/1
(stdlib) gen_server.erl:328: :gen_server.init_it/6
(stdlib) proc_lib.erl:240: :proc_lib.init_p_do_apply/3


defmodule AW.Mixfile do
use Mix.Project

def project do
[app: :aw,
version: "0.0.1",
elixir: "~> 1.0",
#build_embedded: Mix.env == :prod,
#start_permanent: Mix.env == :prod,
escript: [main_module: AW],
deps: deps]

Configuration for the OTP application

Type mix help for more information

def application do
[applications: [:logger, :httpoison, :amqp, :postgrex, :exq]]

Dependencies can be Hex packages:

{:mydep, "~> 0.3.0"}

Or git/path repositories:

{:mydep, git: "", tag: "0.1.0"}

Type mix help deps for more examples and options

defp deps do
{:httpoison, "> 0.7"},
{:poison, "
> 1.4.0"},
{:postgrex, "> 0.8"},
{:exjsx, "
> 3.2.0"},
{:amqp, "0.1.1"},
{:slugger, git: ""},
{:exq, git: "", branch: "upgrade_timex"}

UI - allow requeue failed jobs

As an end user, I want to re-enqueue failed jobs in the UI

Acceptance Criteria

  • Add "Requeue" button in failed jobs UI view for each job
  • Clicking on "Requeue" button, requeues failed jobs

Standalone Web UI doesn't start

Hi, I managed start exq itself and it works great.
But web UI refuses to start with an error:

$ mix exq.ui --webport 4040

Started ExqUI on Port 4040
** (UndefinedFunctionError) undefined function: Exq.RouterPlug.init/1 (module Exq.RouterPlug is not available)
    Exq.RouterPlug.init([namespace: "", exqopts: [name: :exq_enq_ui, host: '', webport: 4040]])
    lib/plug/adapters/cowboy.ex:155: Plug.Adapters.Cowboy.dispatch_for/2
    lib/plug/adapters/cowboy.ex:36: Plug.Adapters.Cowboy.args/4
    (mix) lib/mix/cli.ex:55: Mix.CLI.run_task/2

Could you point me what is going wrong?

Short circuit enqueue directly to workers if there are workers ready to take jobs for queue

When feature is enabled, send job directly to workers if they are free and skip redis enqueue / dequeue.

Also add a configuration option: short_circuit_enabled

Acceptance Criteria:

  • If there are free workers for the specific queue (depends on concurrency setting)
  • If short_circuit_enabled is set to true in config
  • Then don't enqueue job to redis, send directly to worker
  • Same code path should be used except the enqueue / dequeue
  • Stats should still be tracked as usual
  • Should still be put in backup queue

[Enhancement] JobIds should be UUIDs stored in redis

I noticed today that job ids are currently expressed as the redis LIST index, is this really the best way. I feel like as the api matures we might want to do things like Retry jobs and delete jobs, and this could cause race conditions if the index of a job changes. Id like to look at how sidekiq handles jobs and jobids and maybe take some inspiration. Thoughts / Ideas?

If we go UUIDs i am a fan of this library:

[Enhancement] WebUI

Would be nice to have an admin panel similar to sidekiq where you can see running tasks / workers etc.

We could develop it as a plug so it can be added to Phoenix and other frameworks using Plug.

Spawn vs Apply in worker code.

I was doing some perusing of erlang and found

It looks like we can

  def dispatch_work(worker_module, method, args) do
    :erlang.spawn(String.to_atom("Elixir.#{worker_module}"), method, args)

instead of

  def dispatch_work(worker_module, method, args) do
    :erlang.apply(String.to_atom("Elixir.#{worker_module}"), method, args)

This will actually run the worker code as its own process. Im not 100% sure what this does vs having a worker process, but wanted to throw it out there incase it could help clean up the api at all.

WebUI Authentication

We should provide a first class way to auth. For now i think basic auth is fine, but rather than rely on nginx or an upstream plug we should bake it in.

Error installing exq with Phoenix 0.16

Error caused by plug dependency:

Looking up alternatives for conflicting requirements on plug
  Activated version: 1.0.0
  From exq v0.2.0: >= 0.8.1 and < 1.0.0
  From phoenix_html v2.1.1: ~> 0.13 or ~> 1.0
** (Mix) Hex dependency resolution failed, relax the version requirements or unlock dependencies

Failure scenarios

Once we settle on actor / supervisor hierarchy, make sure these scenarios are handled and have specs:

Operation fails, but manager / workers should not crash if:

  • Enqueue fails due to Redis being down
  • Enqueue fails due to incorrect Redis datastructure type
  • Invalid JSON on dequeued job
  • Redis connection lost

[Enhancement] Task Scheduler

Can we have a way to run tasks at a certain time.

Basically this would set a time to run a task at and not dequeue an item for work until that time has passed.

Basically when a task is queued we put a timestamp, by default that would be NOW but it could also be any future DateTime, so if we build an interface where you say run a task in 5 minutes the time stamp would just be 5 minutes from now.

This would also allow us to build SideTiq like functionality where we could have recurring tasks by scheduling tasks based on their recurrence in the work checking loop.

Redis enhancement - add support for Redis URL

  • Support Redis URL for options instead of having to pass each Redis component separately (host, port, password, etc).
  • Still keep the separate options for people that would like to use those.

RFC: Middleware support

I think we have a pretty good base for a lot of use cases.

Personally I have branches that add specific functionality that I want but might not be perfect for everyone.

I would like to explore some sort of contrib libraries to add functionality without maintaining additional forks or shoe horning them into main line.

This proposal is to add hooks into exq mainline that would allow for 3rd party libraries to add extensions.

I'd love thoughts related to how we can build a system to allow middleware similar to what sidekiq supports.

[Enhancement] Seperate the Queuing from the Manager

I keep running into places where i want to start Exq, but dont want it to spawn workers. The WebUI is a great example of this. I think it makes sense to be able to use Exq to connect and talk to redis, however i dont want the UI to process to actually run jobs.

If we kept Exq.start as the general queue link, we can create a new supervisor to dispatch workers. I think this relates to #11 and #6

[Enhancement] Record failures

We should track failures in redis, one to show a stack trace when problem occur and two to allow failures to be retried either manually or automatically.

Configurable job retries

Retry failed jobs up to a limit. Allow configurable retries.

Sidekiq uses a "retry" key with sorted set / score to track this information. Here is a sample entry:

{"retry":true,"queue":"default","class":"Sidekiq::Extensions::DelayedClass","args":["---\n- !ruby/class 'Array'\n- :blah\n- - 1\n  - 2\n  - 3\n"],"jid":"441fc27d25a90f0b0588a1be","enqueued_at":1414340571.833299,"error_message":"undefined method `blah' for Array:Class","error_class":"NoMethodError","failed_at":"2014-10-26T16:23:10Z","retry_count":4,"retried_at":"2014-10-26T16:28:38Z"}

Will need to figure out how to configure retry period per worker.

[Enhancement] Create a standalone task runner.

Would be nice to have something similar to the sidekiq binary that starts the sidekiq task runner.

I think we could implement this as a separate mix task.

mix or something along those lines.

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