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Supply Chain Management using Blockchain

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Supply Chain Management using Blockchain

ℹ️ Project information

Please complete all applicable.

  • Project Name: Supply Chain Management using Blockchain
  • Short Project Description: A supply chain management system based on the blockchain to enhance transparency, integrity, orchestration, and virtualization in the existing supply chain systems.
  • Any supporting Link:
  • Labels: Blockchain, Solidity, ReactJS, NodeJS

πŸ”₯ Your Pitch

Modern-day supply chains are complex in nature. Depending on the product, the supply chain can span hundreds of stages, multiple geographical locations, a multitude of invoices and payments, have several individuals and entities involved, and extend over months of time. The major issues faced by the industry are as follows:

Traceability and Transparency: It’s incredibly difficult for customers or buyers to truly know the value of products because there is a significant lack of transparency in our current system.

Data consolidation and visibility: Manual, paper-based record-keeping and reporting systems often lead to scattered, incomplete, and unauthentic manifests, bills of lading, certifications, etc.

Integrity: Vulnerabilities within a supply chain lead to unnecessary costs, inefficient delivery schedules, and a loss of intellectual property.

Blockchain has the capability to tackle these problems. The basic idea is to build an application where all the intermediaries of a supply chain system can come on a common platform and all the records, starting from raw materials to a finished product
are maintained by the blockchain. It will tackle the above-mentioned problems. It will have the following benefits compared to the traditional systems:

  • Reduced errors (as no paper-based record keeping)
  • Prevention of fraudulent activities (as blockchain is tamper-proof)
  • Increase consumer/supplier trust (as the records are immutable)
  • No Central Authority (as blockchain is decentralized)
  • Real-time settlement (resolution time is minimized as the records are readily available)
  • Drastic reduction in operational costs (due to minimized errors and delays)
  • High level of transparency (as the journey of a product is traceable)

πŸ”¦ Looking for a help in?

The main bottleneck in such a system can be scalability. So, it would be great if I get help in designing blockchain architecture.

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DappMedium: A Dapp to send some ether to writer for his content

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ℹ️ Project information

Please complete all applicable.

  • Project Name: DappMedium
  • Short Project Description: Pay directly to writer of content, not to the middleman
  • Any supporting Link: (if any, this might contain a website/ mobile application link/ short video, etc.)
  • Labels: Blockchain

πŸ”₯ Your Pitch

There are many free platforms where people can write their wisdom but they are not valued. There are few paid platforms as well but those platforms take a huge amount as a middleman. Idea is to provide a quality of platform where content writers can get paid by the reader, instantly.

πŸ”¦ Looking for help in?

Looking for teammates who are willing to contribute and to learn more.

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    • #1 : High
    • #2 : Medium
    • #3 : Low
  • I understand that a reviewer will merge my pull request after examining it or ask for changes in case needed.
  • I have joined the telegram group.

D-Mart: A web DApp for an online decentralised marketplace.

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ℹ️ D-Mart

Please complete all applicable.

  • Project Name: D-Mart
  • Short Project Description: An eCommerce platform built on blockchain that allows a direct trade of goods between buyer and seller without interaction of any middleman, and also allows to track product delivery.
  • Any supporting Link: (if any, this might contain a website/ mobile application link/ short video, etc.)
  • Labels: Blockchain,React js, Node js, Solidity, DApp, beginner

πŸ”₯ Your Pitch

A decentralised online marketplace, that is an online marketplace on blockchain, has advantages over its centralised counterparts.

Centralised online marketplaces have the following characteristics:

  1. A centralised company owns the platform, for e.g. Ebay, and takes a commission from sales.
  2. The infrastructure is centralised, and can be hacked.
  3. The company owning the marketplace can change terms and conditions (T&Cs) of trade at will.
  4. You need to rely on third-party payment systems.
  5. Your personal sensitive data is held by the centralised owner and they can sell it to third parties.

Itβ€˜s blockchain technology that gives a clear advantage to decentralised marketplaces. These advantages include:

  1. Blockchain is a decentralised distributed database, and all nodes are involved in maintaining the database. Each has a full record of the database. There’s no central server for hackers to destroy.
  2. Itβ€˜s a P2P network, hence sellers can directly transact with buyers without intermediaries.
  3. T&Cs are coded in immutable smart contracts; besides they are transparent.
  4. Payment process uses cryptocurrencies thus eliminating third-party payment providers.
  5. Cryptographic hash functions, data encryption, and blockchain consensus algorithm make the system secure.

So basically, I would like to create such a platform where multiple vendors can upload their listings, and a buyer would directly be linked to the seller. The terms of trade will be open, transparent, and immutable.
No tampering of transactions would possible. Payment between buyers and sellers will be direct, no intermediary has any role to play.

πŸ”¦ Any other specific thing you want to highlight?


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  • I understand that a reviewer will merge my pull request after examining it or ask for changes in case needed.
  • I have joined the telegram group.

FunFlip: A coin flip gambling DApp

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Please complete all applicable.

πŸ”₯ Your Pitch

FUNFLIP is played by predicting a possible outcome between HEAD OR TAIL. The players can predict on the outcome of the game to be either HEAD or TAIL. If the prediction is right, the winners’ prize amount is one’s betting amount multiplied by 1.90,if the prediction is wrong,player gets only 5% of the amountstaked as compensationfor betting. 10% of everywining bet is deducted as a fee for the platform.

Affiliation/Referral System : FunFlip will also have a loyalty program where players can enjoy lifetime rewards just by inviting players, all you have to do as a player is; copy your referral link and share it with yourfriends to earn 1% of all of their earnings!

πŸ”¦ Looking for a help in?

Looking for a mentor who can guide me in :

  • Affiliation/Referral system in Solidity.

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  • Priority

    • #1 : High
    • #2 : Medium
    • #3 : Low
  • I understand that a reviewer will merge my pull request after examining it or ask for changes in case needed.

  • I have joined the telegram group.



ℹ️ Project information

  • Project Name: BookABed
  • Short Project Description: A web app to enlist all hospitals and provide a patient to book a bed for their treatment with complete transparency including all the information (price, availability).
  • Any supporting Link:
  • Labels: MERN Stack, Intermediate
  • Team Members: Sahil Kharya, Shreya Kansal

πŸ”₯ Your Pitch

The problem in the current scenario is that there is a increase in number of covid positive patients but they do not have the proper information regarding availability of beds in hospitals or if there are beds available then hospitals deny these beds so as to earn profit.

This web-app is built for the convenience of people who require to reserve or book a bed for their treatment. It will have all the list of the beds available in specific hospitals and a person can book one bed at the desired hospital as per his convenience. The dapp list hospitals based on their locations and as well as private/government and the price for the bed.

When a patient books a bed, it gets reserved under the address using which the bed is booked and when patient gets healthy and frees up the bed, then the bed gets available for another booking.

(We might even look for a smart contract integration for this booking process)

πŸ”¦ Looking for a help in?

Help with react and database.
If completed, to integrate our app with a smart contract, then some help will be required.

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  • Priority
    • #1 : High
    • #2 : Medium
    • #3 : Low
  • I understand that a reviewer will merge my pull request after examining it or ask for changes in case needed.
  • I have joined the telegram group.


Project Name: Photogram
Short Project Description: A social media platform where instead of communicating through words, people upload photos.
Any supporting Link:
Labels: MERN, Full-Stack
Group Members: Kartik Sagar; Tejas

πŸ”₯ Your Pitch

Kindly write a detailed description for your project. Please do not use more than 500 words

πŸ”¦ Looking for a help in?

Can be Looking for teammates having skills in React.js or Looking for a mentor experienced in Data Structures to help me select optimised algorithm etc.

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  • I understand that a reviewer will merge my pull request after examining it or ask for changes in case needed.
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Blockchain-based e-Voting System

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Blockchain-based e-Voting System

ℹ️ Project information

πŸ”₯ Your Pitch

With each passing day, we hear concerns being raised on the accuracy of EVMs. The cause being elections based on central authority based systems. In this case, the election commission and the election officials form the trustable third-parties. The problems associated with the current EVM based centralized-voting system are:

  • EVM tampering concerns are rising.
  • The anonymity of the voter is not maintained.
  • Low-Voter Turnout owing to far-away polling booths and long-queues outside booths.
  • The amount spent in conducting elections and counting of votes is massive.
  • Results are available only after a fixed number of days, containing human-bias error due manual adding of votes.

With Blockchain disrupting all the "central-authority" based systems, Voting Systems are no exception. We propose to form an e-Voting platform based on Blockchain, where Voting data is stored in a blockchain and is immutable and auditable. This system offers the following benefits:

  • Verifiable and Immutable Voting Database is maintained over Blockchain.
  • The anonymity of Voters is maintained using Crypto-systems.
  • High-voter turnout owing to e-elections and pooling-booths only for people without internet-connectivity.
  • Instant Results.
  • Exponentially low Expense

Issues of scalability in Blockchain has no significance in e-Voting Systems as only a single vote(transaction) is cast per individual. Also, the election can be conducted in phases.

πŸ”¦ Looking for a help in?

It will be great to have a mentor skilled in Blockchain to help me in designing the Smart Contract in case I am stuck.

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  • Priority
    • #1 : High
    • #2 : Medium
    • #3 : Low
  • I understand that a reviewer will merge my pull request after examining it or ask for changes in case needed.
  • I have joined the telegram group.

CovidFundrasier: A Decentralized Fundraising Platform for the ongoing Pandemic

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ℹ️ CovidFundraiser

Please complete all applicable.

  • Project Name: CovidFundraiser
  • Short Project Description: Decentralised and trustful fundraising platform for the ongoing pandemic.
  • Any supporting Link:
  • Labels: Blockchain, Reactjs, Nodejs, Solidity

πŸ”₯ Your Pitch

The world is facing an unprecedented challenge with communities and economies everywhere affected by the growing COVID-19 pandemic. There are various NGO partners and organisations providing Covid-relief and trying to ease the suffering of families. But often charitable organisations have encounter barriers to success due to lack of transparency, accountability issues and limits to the ways they can accept donations.

CovidFundraiser network would help to eliminate all of them. As it would be built on top of Blockchain it will fulfill the trust among people and organisation. Also as digital currencies have been firmly established by various blockchains like Bitcoin, Ethereum and Litecoin, it can use that cryptocurrencies across the border for raising funds. This digital fundraising can be transformed on a wider scale, by enabling charities to accept payments from anywhere in the world without the need to pay foreign exchange fees or consideration of currency exchange rates.


  • Global and decentralized: As blockchain enables banking outside the traditional networks using cryptocurrencies, it will also allow the person (who is in need) to raise money outside of the usual pathways.

  • Digital Agreements: Blockchain makes it easier to share and store digital data, and may also be used to ensure that important documents or contacts cannot be modified without the approval of all the involved members.

  • Transparency: Other organisations where the donations are being used would also have a systematic log of the funds through the existing digital agreements.

  • Reduced expenses: This technology would have the potential to simplify the way charities are managed, automating parts of the process and reducing the overall costs by requiring fewer intermediaries.

  • Other supplies: This will also help those families who are indirectly hit by COVID-19 pandemic by contributing money for treatment, food supply, wages, manufacturing of PPE kits etc.

πŸ”¦ Looking for a help in?

Looking for teammates having skills in back-end part and knowledge on building smart contracts.

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  • Priority
    • #1 : High
    • #2 : Medium
    • #3 : Low
  • I understand that a reviewer will merge my pull request after examining it or ask for changes in case needed.
  • I have joined the telegram group.

Eventsbook: Assemblage of Student Opportunities

Eventsbook: Assemblage of Student Opportunities

ℹ️ Project information

  • Project Name: Eventsbook: Assemblage of Student Opportunities
  • Short Project Description: Platform to provide information about events like webinars, seminars, workshops, festivals and internships at one place as per individual's interest.
  • Any supporting Link:
  • Labels: MERN, Full-Stack
  • Group Members: @shubhampawar3223, @rushikhot05

πŸ”₯ Your Pitch

As we experienced in college, one can get notifications and information about various events and internships from someone they know or at notice board or in some WhatsApp group. Students miss lots of opportunities due to such unorganized approach towards event marketing. So by doing this project we are providing one common platform where organizers can post their events and students can get easy access to these events according to their interested domains either technical or non-technical.

  • Step 1: Log in or sign up.
  • Step 2: After signing up, verify the email by sending verification link on email redirects user to his profile page.
  • Step 3: On profile page user have to fill the form containing personal information and domain interests and save it.
  • Step 4: After saving the information or after logging in, user will redirected to home page where there will timeline containing different events according to his domain interests.

πŸ”¦ Looking for a help in?

Verifying email and scrapping internships from different platforms as we are thinking of including that as well in timeline.

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  • Priority
    • #1 : High
    • #2 : Medium
    • #3 : Low
  • I understand that a reviewer will merge my pull request after examining it or ask for changes in case needed.
  • I have joined the telegram group.

Restaurant POS Application

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Restaurant POS Application

ℹ️ Project information

Please complete all applicable.

  • Project Name: Restaurant POS Application
  • Short Project Description: Restaurant patrons management on finger tips
  • Any supporting Link: (if any, this might contain a website/ mobile application link/ short video, etc.)
  • Labels: _Customers ordering and management system

πŸ”₯ Your Pitch

Powerful all-in-one restaurant management application for superior guest service

πŸ”¦ Looking for a help in?

Looking for teammates having skills in React.js, Mongoose and Express Js

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    • #1 : High
    • #2 : Medium
    • #3 : Low
  • I understand that a reviewer will merge my pull request after examining it or ask for changes in case needed.
  • I have joined the telegram group.

Project Team

  • Aditya Bais
  • Thakur
  • Hassan Khan

Functionality (in progress):

  • Admin Login.

    • #1 : Requirement
    • #2 : Requirement
    • #3 : Requirement
  • User Login.

  • Customer Check-In.

  • Customer Check-Out

  • Table Selection

  • Customer Order

  • Tracking transactions

  • TBC

  • I understand that a reviewer will merge my pull request after examining it or ask for changes in case needed.

Live Chat Application

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Live Chat Application

ℹ️ Project information

Please complete all applicable.

  • Project Name: Live Chat Application
  • Short Project Description: Live Chat Application with real-time chat support
  • Any supporting Link: (if any, this might contain a website/ mobile application link/ short video, etc.)
  • Labels: Much work, First Contribute
  • Team Members: Samarthya Sahu

πŸ”₯ Your Pitch

The application would allow us to chat with the users on a real-time basis. The application would have an authentication & authorization support. Signed-in users can chat with other users. We can try to make the application look like WhatsApp(WhatsApp clone). We will also try to add the media functionality so that media such as images and videos can be shared on the chat application

πŸ”¦ Looking for help in?

Looking for a mentor experienced in React.js, Express, Nodejs etc.

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  • Priority
    • #1 : High
    • #2 : Medium
    • #3 : Low
  • I understand that a reviewer will merge my pull request after examining it or ask for changes in case needed.
  • I have joined the telegram group.

CryptoFile : A Dapp to store important and private files securely on blockchain

CryptoFile : A secure File storing app

ℹ️ Project information

  • Project Name: CryptoFile
  • Short Project Description: Store your important and private files securedly and anonymously.
  • Any supporting Link: (if any, this might contain a website/ mobile application link/ short video, etc.)
  • Labels: Mention the labels you wish to apply here

πŸ”₯ Your Pitch

CryptoFile is a secured file storing Dapp where you can store your private and important files like Aadhar card, PAN card, and other private files with security and anonymity. Only you can access your files through your private address.

πŸ”¦ Looking for a help in?

I want a mentor to help me build this using proper hyperledger and help me implement it for digital India

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  • Priority
    • #1 : High
    • #2 : Medium
    • #3 : Low
  • [ βœ…] I understand that a reviewer will merge my pull request after examining it or ask for changes in case needed.
  • [βœ… ] I have joined the telegram group.

LancerSquare: A freelancing platform built on blockchain

Before you start, please follow this format for your issue title:
LancerSquare: A freelancing platform built on blockchain

ℹ️ Project information

  • Project Name: LancerSquare
  • Short Project Description: Decentralised and trustful freelancing platform
  • Any supporting Link: (if any, this might contain a website/ mobile application link/ short video, etc.)
  • Labels: Blockchain

πŸ”₯ Your Pitch

In today's scenario, freelancers face a lot of risks and unsureness. Difficulty in finding new projects, unsureness about payment and clients changing requirements midway are some of them. Freelancing Hubs exist which aim to curb some of these issues but the problem with them is that they charge a high fee and tend to favour clients more as they are their source of income.

What LancerSquare aims to provide and several ways Blockchain can help:

  • A network where freelancers and clients can contact each other directly
  • Decentralisation means greater transparency and no one has unfair power
  • No middleman to charge fees
  • Better sureness about fee payments through Smart Contracts
  • Clients can not change requirements midway
  • Integrated payment system ensuring easier and faster payments

It will be platform where clients can upload their projects which freelancers can browse through and pick up. Before a project is assigned, the client will have to deposit the promised reward in form of cryptocurrency in a smart contract. After a project is assigned, any changes to the contract can be done only if it is authorised by both the sides. Different checkpoints can be incorporated in the smart contract for progression based rewards (which can also help in disputes arising due to human subjectivity about quality of work). This leads to a more transparent and trustful system for everyone.

πŸ”¦ Looking for a help in?

A mentor who can provide help in designing Smart Contracts if needed.

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  • Priority
    • #1 : High
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    • #3 : Low
  • I understand that a reviewer will merge my pull request after examining it or ask for changes in case needed.
  • I have joined the telegram group.

TradeHood: An E-commerce fashion website.


ℹ️ Project information

Please complete all applicable.

  • Project Name: TradeHood
  • Short Project Description: An E-commerce fashion site where one can shop trendy clothes.
  • Any supporting Link: (if any, this might contain a website/ mobile application link/ short video, etc.)
  • Labels: Mention the labels you wish to apply here
  • Team Members: Nikhil Singh Mahala, Aditya Harish

πŸ”₯ Your Pitch

This is a user friendly platform which allows the user to create an account and view the clothes which are up to date with the latest trend and add the same to cart. He can customize the quantity of the product to be ordered and also modify the items in his cart. User can proceed to checkout by providing his shipping address and mode of payment. Billing amount is the sum of cost of the product, shipping cost and the tax.
Also, multiple users can log in to their account and manage various products in their cart and the authentication is implemented using JWT.

πŸ”¦ Looking for a help in?

Looking for a mentor who can help us to manage the application state using redux.

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  • Priority
    • #1 : High
    • #2 : Medium
    • #3 : Low
  • I understand that a reviewer will merge my pull request after examining it or ask for changes in case needed.
  • I have joined the telegram group.

Exercise Traker

Exercise Traker Application

ℹ️ Application information

A fitness website can perform various functions such as allowing users to set fitness goals, tracking caloric intake, gathering workout ideas, and sharing progress on social media to facilitate healthy behavior change.

  • Project Name: Exercise Traker

  • Team member: SHISHIR S HEGDE

  • **Team Name : Phantom

CareChain : A decentralize network to maintain the Integrity of Health Records

Before you start, please follow this format for your issue title: CareChain


ℹ️ Project information

Please complete all applicable.

  • Project Name: CareChain
  • Short Project Description: A decentralize network to maintain the Integrity of Health Records. Doctors, hospitals and laboratories can all request patient information that has a record of origin and protects the patient's identity from outside sources.
  • Any supporting Link:
  • Labels: Blockchain, Smart Contracts,Solidity, ReactJS, NodeJS

πŸ”₯ Your Pitch

Most of the Hospitals and Healthcare Systems are completely based on Doctor centralized system. In the modern era, we need to build A Patient-Centered Model. The existing healthcare system uses patient data for their own profit. On the other hand patient can't access their health record instantly and can't consult with other doctors(referral) as he(doctor) can't access health data of patient.
We try to empowering patients and providers with a global peer-to-peer full cycle communications platform.
We propose a medical data management system using blockchain technology that is secure and allows patients to retain ownership over their own records while allowing hospitals to have easy access.
This system flows in following manner :

  • Step1: health organization sends records of a patient along with their Patient ID.

  • Step2: Smart contracts between patients and healthcare professionals will validate data to ensure data and treatments are accurate and commit to the blockchain network.

  • Step3 : To consult forwarded or referral health organization Patient can give access to own data to doctors when doctor requests for their data and patient wish to share them, then we can connects doctors, scientists, lab technicians and public health authorities quicker than ever via decentralized ledger

  • Step4 : for this paitent can access their EHR by their private key.

Finally we want to create a solution which helps a patients in following ways

  1. Data Systemization
  2. Doctors, Consults and Diagnostics & Referrals
  3. Medical programs
  4. Medical Infrastructure_

πŸ”¦ Looking for a help in?

It will be great to have a mentor skilled in Blockchain to help me in designing the Smart Contract in case I am stuck..

βœ… Checklist

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  • Priority
    • #1 : High
    • #2 : Medium
    • #3 : Low
  • I understand that a reviewer will merge my pull request after examining it or ask for changes in case needed.
  • I have joined the telegram group.

EUPHONY : A public playlist platform


ℹ️ Project information

Please complete all applicable.

  • Project Name:Euphony
  • Short Project Description: A platform where one can add songs to the queue being played in a lounge, restaurant, or bar.
  • Any supporting Link: (if any, this might contain a website/ mobile application link/ short video, etc.)
  • Labels: Mention the labels you wish to apply here
  • Team Members: Supratim Kar, Syed Inayath

πŸ”₯ Your Pitch

Ever been in a bar or a restaurant and you don’t like the music being played, or ever had a feeling of playing an underrated song that not many have heard but would go really well with the current ambience. Our idea is to create a platform where the public can create a playlist.
The playlist shall remain public and anyone with an account can add songs to the queue and have a great time.
Authentication will be implemented using JWT.

πŸ”¦ Looking for a help in?

Another team member good with APIs or React

A mentor who can help with integrating React with Express routes

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  • Priority
    • #1 : High
    • #2 : Medium
    • #3 : Low
  • I understand that a reviewer will merge my pull request after examining it or ask for changes in case needed.
  • I have joined the telegram group.

Exercise tracker

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Exercise tracker

ℹ️ Project information

Please complete all applicable.

  • Excercise tracker
  • Short Project Description: An excercise tracker app using MERN stack.
  • Any supporting Link:
  • Labels:MERN Full stack

πŸ”₯ Your Pitch

Kindly write a detailed description for your project. Please do not use more than 500 words

πŸ”¦ Looking for a help in?

Can be Looking for teammates having skills in React.js or Looking for a mentor experienced in Data Structures to help me select optimised algorithm etc.

βœ… Checklist

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  • You have followed the issue title format.
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  • You have provided all the information correctly.
  • Priority
    • #1 : High
    • #2 : Medium
    • #3 : Low
  • I understand that a reviewer will merge my pull request after examining it or ask for changes in case needed.
  • I have joined the telegram group.

ShareSafe : A web app to track fake news

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ℹ️ ShareSafe:

Please complete all applicable.

  • Project Name: ShareSafe
  • Short Project Description: A blockchain platform that allows users to send and receive messages securely
  • Any supporting Link: Github repo
  • Labels: Blockchain, web-app, beginner

πŸ”₯ Your Pitch

We live in a world, where all the information is available at our fingertips. But as the information at our hands grow, it begins difficult to distinguish between the right and fake information
Today fake news is spreading as fast as wildfire. As people continue to share and re share these fake news, it becomes difficult to keep track of it and trace its origin. But using a blockchain network would help us combat this situation.

I would like to create a miniature version of the medium app, where users can create post, like, dislike, and share them. The platform also allows users to follow each other. When a post is created, a new node is added in the blockchain and when the post is shared by the user, it would be recorded as a transaction in the bc network.

For instance, in the recent days the fake news 'standing in the sun kill coronavirus' has been rapidly spreading in FB and Whatsapp, even though there is no scientific evidence to back up this claim. Due to a large number of resharing, it is difficult to track the path of this fake news. But using blockchain, we could easily implement a fake news detector

In short, I would be to build a platform where users can share information safely and securely

πŸ”¦ Any other specific thing you want to highlight?


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Zubi C2I program project

Before you start, please follow this format for your issue title:

ℹ️ Peer To Peer Ridesharing

Please complete all applicable.

  • Project Name: Fair Fares
  • Short Project Description: A fully transparent Peer To Peer Ridesharing application without any intervention of a third party.
  • Any supporting Link: (if any, this might contain a website/ mobile application link/ short video, etc.)
  • Labels: Blockchain, Reactjs, Nodejs, Solidity, Beginner

πŸ”₯ Your Pitch

Most carpooling systems and radio cab facilities come with a middle man, the agency itself. So what if the agency like Uber, Ola and all the cab services decides to shut down business in the city? If ride-sharing and car hire are moved to the blockchain, without an intermediary, both riders and drivers can get connected directly. If the project is completed successfully, it can build a network that will provide safe, reliable transportation.

Ride sharing is a centralized trust based system where users trust the service providers for the ride set up, tracking, cancellation, fare calculation etc. Any malicious activity in the centralized server based system or driver or rider destroys the fairness involved in the ride and causes inconvenience to the parties. After the completion of the ride, the drivers are rated by the riders. There are possibilities that, a malicious rider can claim the refund with a fake complain and give the driver poor rating. Current system is not capable of deciding the correctness of the objections raised by either parties and provides a biased outcome of each objections as per the centralized company's marketing strategies.

We present a blockchain enabled solution to ensure the fairness of the ride. The creation, completion, dissatisfaction or abortion of any ride will be written in the blockchain ledger, hence will be available to all participants in the peer to peer network. This simultaneously ensures the fairness in maintenance of the inbuilt reputation system.

πŸ”¦ Looking for a help in?

Can be Looking for teammates having skills in React.js or Looking for a mentor experienced in Data Structures to help me select optimised algorithm etc.

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  • You have followed the issue title format.
  • You have mentioned the correct labels.
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  • Priority
    • #1 : High
    • #2 : Medium
    • #3 : Low
  • I understand that a reviewer will merge my pull request after examining it or ask for changes in case needed.
  • I have joined the telegram group.

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