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ztree_v3's Introduction

jQuery Tree Plugin ---- zTree

last version : 3.5.48

zTree API : /api

zTree Demo : /demo


npm install @ztree/ztree_v3

Introduction of zTree (简介)

  • zTree is a multi-functional "tree plug-ins." based on jQuery. The main advantages of zTree includes excellent performance, flexible configuration, and the combination of multiple functions. (zTree 是一个依靠 jQuery 实现的多功能 “树插件”。优异的性能、灵活的配置、多种功能的组合是 zTree 最大优点。)

  • zTree is a free tree plug-in and uses the MIT license. (zTree 是开源免费的软件, 使用 MIT 许可证)

  • The code of zTree v3.x has been separated according to the various functions. You can only load the code you need. (zTree v3.x 将核心代码按照功能进行了分割,不需要的代码可以不用加载)

  • zTree v3.x uses delay loading technique, which can easily load tens of thousands of nodes in seconds even in IE6 browser. (采用了 延迟加载 技术,上万节点轻松加载,即使在 IE6 下也能基本做到秒杀)

  • Compatible with IE, FireFox?, Chrome, Opera, Safari and other browsers. (兼容 IE、FireFox?、Chrome、Opera、Safari 等浏览器)

  • Support for JSON data. (支持 JSON 数据)

  • Support for static and asynchronous data loading node. (支持静态 和 Ajax 异步加载节点数据)

  • Replace the skin / custom icon flexibly. (支持任意更换皮肤 / 自定义图标)

  • Support extremely flexible checkbox or radio selection function. (支持极其灵活的 checkbox 或 radio 选择功能)

  • Provide enough incident response callback. (提供多种事件响应回调)

  • Flexible editing (add / delete / change / search) functions, such as drag and drop nodes,you can even drag and drop multiple nodes. (灵活的编辑(增/删/改/查)功能,可随意拖拽节点,还可以多节点拖拽哟)

  • Enable to generate multiple instances of zTree in one page. (在一个页面内可同时生成多个 Tree 实例)

  • Simple parameters to achieve flexible configuration capabilities. (简单的参数配置实现 灵活多变的功能)

  • To enhance performance, zTree transforms the js & css structure to provide excellent browser compatibility and make the development more easily (zTree v3.x(JQuery Tree 插件),性能全面提升,js & css 架构全面调整,提供更好的兼容性和易开发性)

ztree_v3's People


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ztree_v3's Issues



  1. ztree加载完成后有对应oninit方法吗?
    2.选中节点方法selectNode,怎么触发这个节点的事件?假设callback beforeClick怎么触发呢,刚接触ztree对API不熟悉.

Select one node on page load

Hi, I'm using zTree_v3 in my project.I want to select first node on page load by default.
for that I'm using this code:
var treeObj = $.fn.zTree.getZTreeObj("treeDemo");
var nodes = treeObj.getNodes();
if (nodes.length>0) {
but it does not select first node. Please help me to solve this

How to use Keep Single Path without Simple Data

When I try to implement the single path code, the first level does indeed work just fine. But I am using my own nested JSON object, not the simple data which contains the ID and PID fields. As my structure is used elsewhere in my site it is not practical for me to rebuild it in a simple data form just for this tree. It seems the code you have for single path should work with some small changes for the regular JSON.

I am assuming the problem is here in the beforeExpand function:

var treeNodeP = treeNode.parentTId ? treeNode.getParentNode():null

My JSON does not have the parentTId...

建议新增 get top parent node 方法


//get top parent node
$.fn.zTree.getTopParentNode = function(node)
while(node && node.getParentNode() != null)
node = node.getParentNode();
return node;

beforeEditName not firing

The beforeEditName() callback seems to be fired only when clicked on the edit button but not when calling zTree.editName() to manually edit the node.

Ztree not stopping the sort

i've seen all the demos on zTree demo site.

Based on this page:
i've tried to insert this code inside my ajax-generated code

{parentId: '', name: 'Action Plan', drag:false, childOrder:false, isParent:true},

However on my Ztree system the childOrder doesn't work (i've copied this from demo systems).

I've seen even that there are no js code that check the childOrder but only childOuter.
It's this an issue or there is something i've missed?


Hidden Nodes: Plus Sign still shows for ParentNode

Hello - lovely tree script!

The hiding of nodes works just fine, but I notice in my own example as well as in the 3 examples from your demo - the PLUS sign in the parent node does not change when all of the child nodes are hidden. This is confusing for the user, who will still be clicking on the plus sign, even though there are no children to view.

Thanks again for a great piece of work here.

关于 右键菜单


自带例子中的 右键上下文菜单 不是太好看

所以 能否集成其他右键菜单呢 比如:jQuery contextMenu

还有右键点击时 所附的元素信息 应该跟树节点信息一样 不然右键点击后 无法获取当前点击节点的信息

ztree drag and drop zTreeDragUL and arrow hidden in bootstrap modals!

I'm using this amazing plugin in a webpage powered by (bootstrap) and everything works fine, but in a bootstrap modal window ztree has a problem that you can see the blue arrow and the ghost when dragging a node, I already tried z-index="2000" on the css of both items. Has anyone any suggestion??


function searchNode(){
var value = $.trim($("#key").get(0).value); //查询内容
if (value === "" || value == undefined)
var zTree = $.fn.zTree.getZTreeObj("treeDemo");
var root = zTree.getNodeByParam("id",1);

        zTree.expandNode(root,false,true,false,false); //树折叠


        var nodeList = zTree.getNodesByParamFuzzy("url", value, root);      



Unable to add a node in the tree

If a node which is set explicitly isParent:true added to tree, its true copy comes out with .zAsync=false. It is impossible to add other nodes to this node anymore. All addNodes() calls to this node won't be successful as ztree is trying to fetch node's content from a server.



ztree not working if code is loaded into iframe

Hi, thanks for your work! I am using zTree in an embeddable Widget that uses lightningjs as a loading framework. Lightningjs loads my code into an iframe so that the code of the page the Widget is embedded in cannot interfere with it (this is a common practice for third party javascript).

Currently, zTree does not support this, because it uses jQuery queries like $("#some-id"). Those queries presuppose that the zTree object can be found in the same window.document into which the zTree library is loaded. If the code is loaded into an iframe this won't work, because the zTree object is in window.parent.document.

Instead you should use queries that are relative to the zTree object. I already tried that for the zTree core and it works: You just have to change the queries into $("#some-id", setting.treeObj.get(0).ownerDocument).


var zNodes =[
{ name:"父节点1 - 展开", open:true,
children: [
{ name:"父节点11 - 折叠",
children: [
{ name:"叶子节点111"},
{ name:"叶子节点112"},
{ name:"叶子节点113"},
{ name:"叶子节点114"}

能否为叶节点 li 添加 class


.ztree {
    ul.level2 {
        padding-bottom: 2px;
        margin-bottom: 3px;
        border-bottom: 1px solid @grid-line;

        li {
            &.level3 {
                display: inline;
                width: 200px;

                .switch {
                    visibility: hidden;





zTree版本: 3.5.12

大数据量节点时, check 导致浏览器假死的问题



页面打开后默认展开根节点,然后第一次check根,这时触发test1和test2组后台加载子节点后,只展开基中一个组,再在根上做check操作就会导致 浏览器假死,等待时间超长..

    var ztreeobj;//树对象

    var setting = {
        view : {
            selectedmulti : false,
            expandSpeed : ""
        async : {
            enable : true,
            url : "buildtreeaction!utree.cgi",
            datatype : "json",
            autoparam : [ "id" ],
            otherparam : {"gid" : '${gid}',"tid" : 1}
        check : {
            enable : true,
            autochecktrigger : true
        callback : {
            oncheck : ztreeoncheck,
            onclick : ztreeonclick,
            onasyncsuccess : ztreeonasyncsuccess

    function ztreeonclick(event, treeid, clicknode) {


    //用于捕获 勾选 或 取消勾选 之前的事件回调函数,并且根据返回值确定是否允许 勾选 或 取消勾选 
    function ztreebeforecheck(treeid, treenode) {
        if(treenode.isparent && !{
        //  ztreeobj.expandnode(treenode, true, true, true, true);

    function ztreeoncheck(event, treeid, treenode) {
        if (treenode.isparent && ! {
            if (treenode.checked && null == treenode.children) {
            //  ztreeobj.expandnode(treenode, true, true, true, true);
                ztreeobj.reasyncchildnodes(treenode, null, true);//后台加载子孙节点

    var flag = 0;
    function ztreeonasyncsuccess(event, treeid, treenode, msg) {
        if (null != treenode){
            ztreeobj.updatenode(treenode, true);//更新节点状态,同时级联更新子孙节点

    $(function() {
        ztreeobj = $.fn.ztree.init($("#user_tree"), setting);


Im using ztree plugin to show up an organization hireachy details i have a enhancement where i need to show a addDiyDom and addHoverDom both for a it possible to show up like this.Right now to my ztree for a node i have an hover showing up add,remove,rename now i need to show up an icon to the same node as adddiydom.Plz........ help me out ..

How to force reload node when isParent = false?

Because of reAsyncChildNodes is not load when parentNode.isParent = false, don't load nodes. Data actually in server is changed. That node is already parent.


  1. Add node 1
  2. Select node 1 click add button then show popup for select something. When close popup, it sends data which are child of node 1 to server.

So node 1 is now parent on server but in client side node 1 is not parent.
When you call reAsyncChildNodes for node 1, it doesn't load nodes for node 1.
Because this condition "parentNode.isParent = false".

Can I force to reAsyncChildNodes by ignore condition like parentNode.isParent = false?

Please advice.


annoying isParent:false after removing nodes

When I removing last children from node with isParent:true attribute, node gets isParent:false automatically. is there way to disable this?


fix after removing node works

if (var folderNode = nodeThatWillBeRemoved.getParentNode()) {
folderNode.isParent = true;
but maybe there is better way exist?



Invalid tooltip when using nameIsHTML

When using nameIsHTML, tooltip for node contains html tags.
For example, the custom font sample (custom_font.html) has this problem : when you hover the mouse over view.NameIsHtml, tooltip displays "view.nameIsHTML"

I could not find a way to set the text for the tooltip.

Path not refreshed if name changed.

first, thanks for this library. It's well done and well documented.
I think there is a bug: when I rename a node (from the interface) and then get the tree
(treeObj.getNodes() ) the path of the node and the parent path of all its children are still the old one.
Note: I don't use the dfault idKey and pIdkey:
idKey: "path"
pIdKey: "pPath"
So in my case the fields path and pPath are not changed when the node's name is changed.


zTreeTools.removeNode() fails with an exception

When calling removeNode with the "callbackFlag" argument as true, there is an exception.

In fact this is because it uses consts.event.REMOVE as argument to a trigger function, and this constant doesn't exist at all.. to "undefined" is given to trigger and then jquery throw an exception...

moveNode method calls asyncNode on targetNode

I have async.enable: true

When I move node like this:

ztree.moveNode(prev_node, node, "prev", true);

and both prev_node and node has isParent: true, zTree calls asyncNode on prev_node, causing it to load children.
How can I avoid this behaviour ?

Many thanks for great plugin ! )

Mark node as selected at initialization


Is there a way to mark a node (parent or leaf) as selected during the initialization step using Async ?

Looking at the documentation, doesn't have this property.

Sort of items in branch

It would be great to be able to use separate field for sort order inside branch, not id. Please, add this functionality. Everything else is great.

can't uncheck with jquery-ui 1.9.2

Nice job with this plugin but I have problem to integrate.
I hope the question was not already asked, but I cannot read Asian language :-)
I understand that all demo are done with JQuery 1.4.4 and no JQueryUI, but that's what I'm using.

My application is using JQuery 1.10.2 and JQuery-ui 1.9.2 but it sounds like JQueryUI is causing problem and un-check is no longer working. To reproduce

Unfortunately I cannot upgrade to JQueryUI 1.10.3 since bunch of other plugins I'm also using, are not yet supported and does not work.
Do you have an idea of what is causing this problem and how to fix it?



onMousedownNode 方法中确实有定义body,但是_tools对象必然访问不到,所以报错了。

WordPress 3.5 CSS Issue


When using zTree 3.5.02 within a plugin for WordPress 3.5, I experienced an issue with conflicting CSS styles.

WordPress declares, in its admin css file, a named class button which is overriding the zTree's button class.

To workaround this, I added css class names in _consts in ztree.core-3.5

    _consts = {
        event: {
        classes: {
            BUTTON: "zButton",
            LEVEL: "zLevel",
            ICO_LOADING: "ico_loading"

Then, replace in ztree.core_.js and ztre.exedit_.js every button,level and ico_loading classes by consts.classes.CLASSNAME.

icoObj.attr({"style":"", "class": consts.classes.BUTTON +" "+ consts.classes.ICO_LOADING});

It works like a charm, maybe you should consider doing the same to avoid this issue :)

I will be glad to share my code.


拖拽Demo 中,初始时节点 随意拖拽 1-2 为一父节点,当把他下面的3个子节点都拖放到其他地方去之后, 随意拖拽 1-2 就不是父节点的样式了,这好比说一个文件夹,当你把他里面的文件移动到别的地方去之后,这个文件夹就变成文件的样子了,这个好像不太合理吧。
另外没有设置 节点层数 的api吗?

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