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advcombobox's Issues

If you set the control AutoSuggest and you input the first letter and then RETURN, the first time , it works well. ut if you input again and then RETURN, it will fail


It can be fixed in AdvComboBox.cpp Line 1348.

if( m_pDropWnd )
int nPos = m_pDropWnd->GetListBoxPtr()->GetCurSel();
if(nPos>=0)//Here the nPos should be checked.  
SendMessage( WM_SELECTED_ITEM, (WPARAM)nPos );


I had this problem too, and although leinwpu's suggestion prevents an 
exception, it leaves the listbox hanging open for me after pressing enter if 
GetCurSel failed. I made the following change in the referenced code in 

int nPos = m_pDropWnd->GetListBoxPtr()->GetCurSel(); 
if (nPos != LB_ERR)
SendMessage( WM_SELECTED_ITEM, (WPARAM)nPos ); 

If another change discussed below is made, I have only seen LB_ERR returned 
when the dropwnd is open but the list is empty. 

The real fix for me starts here. The problem that started the thread seems to 
be caused in CAdvComboBox::CreateDropList by the line: 
m_pDropWnd->GetListBoxPtr()->SetCurSel( m_nCurSel ); 

m_nCurSel appears to be an index into CAdvComboBox::m_list, the complete list, 
although the actual list (droplist) could be the suggestlist, a subset, if 
CreateDropList was called from OnUpdateEdit. This means that if the index of 
the selected item in the full list was higher than the size of the suggestlist, 
the SetCurSel call will fail, and subsequent GetCurSel calls will also fail 
like that in PreTranslateMessage. Rather than try to correct the use of the 
wrong index, I just added the following code:

if (m_nCurSel > ((int)droplist.size() - 1))
m_nCurSel = 0;

before the SetCurSel line in CAdvComboBox::CreateDropList. This won't entirely 
solve all problems though if the m_nCurSel index isn't greater than the size of 
the suggestlist, so I also changed some code in CAdvComboBox::OnUpdateEdit as 

if( suggestlist.size() != 0 )
m_nCurSel = 0; // New
CreateDropList( suggestlist );

Incidentally, while I was tracking down the m_nCurSel index problem, I made a 
small related change to CDropListBox::SetCurSel. This function is called from 
CreateDropList, as noted above, when the droplist is being created. The 
CDropListBox::SetCurSel function calls GetCurSel before CListBox::SetCurSel is 
called, so GetCurSel returns LB_ERR because no item is selected at that point. 
I don't know whether this would cause an error or not, because the return value 
is used in processing disabled items in the listbox, which I haven't used. 
Anyway, I made the following change in CDropListBox::SetCurSel:

int nCur = GetCurSel(); 
if (nCur < 0) // new
nCur = 0; 
} // end new

I hope Mathias wasn't counting on nCur being -1 (LB_ERR) the first time 
through! If so, I just broke it.

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 29 Sep 2010 at 8:26

WinXP and Classic Theme selection


if you select classic under xp theme selection the buttons of the combobox are 
not drawn.

I have changed "UseVisualStyles()" in the following way:

BOOL CVisualStylesXP::UseVisualStyles()
     static BOOL bUse = -1;
     if( bUse != -1 )
          return bUse;

     HINSTANCE hinstDll;
     ZeroMemory(&dvi, sizeof(dvi));

     hinstDll = LoadLibrary(TEXT("comctl32.dll"));
          DLLGETVERSIONPROC pDllGetVersion;
          pDllGetVersion = (DLLGETVERSIONPROC) GetProcAddress(hinstDll, "DllGetVersion");
               ZeroMemory(&dvi, sizeof(dvi));
               dvi.cbSize = sizeof(dvi);

     if( dvi.dwMajorVersion == 6 && dvi.dwMinorVersion == 0 )
      WCHAR szName [256];
      WCHAR szColor [256];

      if(!GetCurrentThemeName(szName, 255, szColor, 255, NULL, 0))
         CString strWinXPThemeColor = szColor;
         if(strWinXPThemeColor.CompareNoCase (_T("normalcolor")) == 0 ||
               strWinXPThemeColor.CompareNoCase (_T("homestead")) == 0 ||
            strWinXPThemeColor.CompareNoCase (_T("metallic")) == 0)
                bUse = TRUE;
                return IsAppThemed() && m_hThemeDll; // No need to test HTHEME, but...
      bUse = FALSE;
      return FALSE;
          bUse = FALSE;
          return FALSE;

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 29 Sep 2010 at 9:32

Drop down window can not be closed

When the drop down window is show and the scrollbar is not disabled,you click 
the scrollbar and then click the dialog anywhere except the AdvComboBox, you'll 
find that the drop down window can not be closed.

Possible solution:
CDropScrollBar.cpp Line 113 Add 
case SB_ENDSCROLL: // End scroll.
GetParent()->PostMessage( WM_VRC_SETCAPTURE );

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 29 Sep 2010 at 9:30

Style-defs are wrong

Style defs are wrong:
CBS_DROPDOWN 0x_____002
CBS_SORT 0x_____100

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 29 Sep 2010 at 9:37

Small changes

Thanks Mathias for a great component! 

I made a few small changes. 

I also deleted the following line from CAdvComboBox::CreateDropList, because it 
does not appear to be used:

int nCount = m_list.size();

I wanted the text in the edit box to be selected when the combobox gets focus, 
so the user can just start typing a new search without first deleting or 
selecting what is there. To do this, I added the following to 
CAdvComboBox::OnSetfocusEdit right after the GetFocus line:

if (m_pEdit)
m_pEdit->PostMessage(EM_SETSEL, 0, -1);

Finally, I wanted the dropdown list to close when the combobox loses focus, so 
I added the following to the end of CAdvComboBox::OnKillfocusEdit:

if (m_pDropWnd)

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 29 Sep 2010 at 9:26

Might be a problem

After selecting an item from the listbox, the control would update the editbox 
then display a single-item listbox with the item just selected. 
I worked around this by modifying CAdvComboBox::OnUpdateEdit() as follows:
if( suggestlist.size() != 0 )
changed to:
if( suggestlist.size() > 1 )

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 29 Sep 2010 at 1:31

The drop down window minimum rect should be equal to the control rect.

It have no pourpose resizing it to so small rect, just to a grip.

The same idea is to max vertical dropdown size. It should be (if auto size 
selected) equal to max items size or if there are many items equal to rect 
(from combo bottom to screen bottom).

I agree with one_eddie's suggestion, and I edited CDropWnd::OnMouseMove 
accordingly. I started by storing the listbox width and height calculated in 
CDropWnd::OnCreate. I created two new variables in the private section of the 
CDropWnd declaration in DropWnd.h as follows:

int m_nMaxX;
int m_nMaxY;

I initialize them in the CDropWnd::CDropWnd constructor to a large default 
number (I chose 1000 - bad form, I know). I set them in CDropWnd::OnCreate just 
before the SetWindowPos call as follows:

m_nMaxX = nW;
m_nMaxY = nH;

SetWindowPos( &wndTopMost, nX, nY, nW, nH, SWP_SHOWWINDOW|SWP_NOZORDER );

I then edited CDropWnd::OnMouseMove, replacing the following if-else blocks:

if( point.x + m_nMouseDiffX >= ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVSCROLL) )
if( point.y + m_nMouseDiffY >= ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYVSCROLL) )

with the following code:

CRect rcCombo; 
m_pComboParent->GetWindowRect( &rcCombo ); 

if( point.x + m_nMouseDiffX < rcCombo.Width()) 
rcWnd.right = rcWnd.left + rcCombo.Width(); 
else if (point.x + m_nMouseDiffX > m_nMaxX)
rcWnd.right = rcWnd.left + m_nMaxX; 
rcWnd.right = rcWnd.left + point.x + m_nMouseDiffX; 


if( point.y + m_nMouseDiffY < :: GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYVSCROLL) )
rcWnd.bottom = + ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVSCROLL) +1;
else if ( point.y + m_nMouseDiffY > m_nMaxY )
rcWnd.bottom = + m_nMaxY;
rcWnd.bottom = + point.y + m_nMouseDiffY +2;

I'm certainly not sure that this is the best way to do it, but it works for me.

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 29 Sep 2010 at 9:22

CListCtrl instead of CListBox

Thanks for sharing this excellent control. I like it very much. I use it in 
many of my applications.

Just a thought for improvement.

CDorpListBox, if derived from CListCtrl (instead of CListBox) then 
it may make possible following 
- to have multi-columns 
- support for virtual list
- better performance (virtual mode) in case of many combos in one form/dialog.


Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 29 Sep 2010 at 1:38

Memory leak

char* szTok = new char[nLen+5];
memset( szTok, 0, nLen+5 );
strcpy( szTok, (LPCTSTR)strItems );

token = strtok( szTok, seps );
while( token != NULL )
     AddString( token );
     token = strtok( NULL, seps );

[Need to delete the array!]
delete[] szTok;

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 29 Sep 2010 at 8:13

.NET compatible (is this still an issue?)

The API has changed for .NET. Just modify the sources to say

#if (_MSC_VER > 1200)
void CDropWnd::OnActivateApp(BOOL bActive, DWORD dwThreadID) {
CWnd::OnActivateApp(bActive, dwThreadID);
#else void CDropWnd::OnActivateApp(BOOL bActive, HTASK hTask) {
CWnd::OnActivateApp(bActive, hTask);
#endif if(!bActive) {

in DropWnd.cpp, and

#if (_MSC_VER > 1200)
afx_msg void OnActivateApp(BOOL bActive, DWORD dwThreadID);
#else afx_msg void OnActivateApp(BOOL bActive, HTASK hTask);
in DropWnd.h

_MSC_VER returns:

1100 for VC5
1200 for VC6
1300 for .NET  

and so on, so the comparison to > 1200 might be changed to equals, because they 
might change the API again, who knows....

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 29 Sep 2010 at 8:20

Slow speed while adding items

Control are too slow when adding many items >500.
Native listbox are much faster.

Possible solution:
1. Slow speed are from using STL template 'list', and always sorting in the 
AddString method of CAdvComboBox class. removing calling 'm_list.sort()' from 
this method up speed to normal...

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 29 Sep 2010 at 8:05

Can't compile!


I'm using Visual Studio .net 2003 and had the same problem.

Change DropWnd.cpp, line 494, from:

void CDropWnd::OnActivateApp(BOOL bActive, HTASK hTask);


void CDropWnd::OnActivateApp(BOOL bActive, DWORD hTask);

Change DropWnd.h, line 107, from:

afx_msg void OnActivateApp(BOOL bActive, HTASK hTask);


afx_msg void OnActivateApp(BOOL bActive, DWORD hTask); 

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 29 Sep 2010 at 9:24

Autocompletion scrolling problem

Hello everyone and special regards to Mathias

for this really useful control. I have just put in my project and it fits all 
needs. Thanks!

In the OnEditUpdate handler there is the code for the auto completion if a 
unique match has been found. The core of the code is these two lines.

m_pEdit->SetWindowText( m_iter->strText.c_str() );
m_pEdit->SetSel(nEditLen, (int)m_iter->strText.length(), TRUE );

These lines are the one that are my problem. If the matched text is a long 
string, taking a wider space than the edit control, the SetWindowText will move 
the caret pos to the end of the text and doing so it scrolls the beginning of 
the text (which the user has just typed) out of view.

I have tried several scrolling things or using a additional SetSel(0,0,) before 
the second line, but it was of no use: on the second SetSel, the caret pos 
always goes to the end of the selection and the scroll always occurs.


Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 29 Sep 2010 at 9:34

Add a clear method

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 29 Sep 2010 at 1:33

Use virtual list to support more than 32736(!) items

Nice control. Thanks for sharing.

I have one question.

To show more than 32736 items (beyond limit of MFC CComboBox), I need to show 
CListCtrl as Virtual List and to hide inbuilt-listbox of ComboBox. 

Any idea how to do that ?


Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 29 Sep 2010 at 1:35

Focus problem

Using the mouse, drop the list and scroll up or down using the scrollbar arrows 
and the move the mouse outside the control to the right and then set focus to 
another control.

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 29 Sep 2010 at 8:18

Problem with sorting

If the sort option is enabled and some item is already selected, after adding 
new item into the list, combo box will may select another one in the list 

Possible solution:

int CAdvComboBox::AddString(LPCTSTR lpszString){  LIST_ITEM item;  item.strText 
= lpszString;  item.bChecked = false;  item.bDisabled = false;  item.vpItemData 
= NULL;  if( GetStyle() & CBS_SORT )  {    int Start = 0;    int End = 
m_list.size();    while(Start < End)    {      m_iter = m_list.begin();      
advance(m_iter, (End+Start)/2);      if (lpszString < m_iter->strText)        
End = (End+Start)/2;      else
        Start = (End+Start+1)/2;    }    m_iter = m_list.begin();    advance(m_iter, End);    if (End <= m_nCurSel)      m_nCurSel++;    m_list.insert(m_iter, item);    return End;  }  else
  {    m_list.push_back( item );    return m_list.size()-1;  }

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 29 Sep 2010 at 9:17

Combobox button disappears


When I downloaded and started AdvComboBoxDemo.exe 
provided in the archive the following occured (I have no option checked or 
altered something else in the controls):

(1) When I move the mouse over the combobox button it disappears leaving a 
white blank.
(2) When I push the combobox button (now the white blank) the dropdown listbox 
shows with the gripper being only a rectangle with its (I suppose) client rect 
transparent. When I now alter the size of the drop down box using the gripper 
it's client rect (of the gripper, not the listbox) is not drawing, showing the 
scrambled contents of the current background.
(3) I use two monitors. When I move the dialog to the second monitor and push 
the drop down button the drop down box shows on the right egde of the first 

I use windows xp with the classic windows theme. I also installed the latest 
plattform sdk (may be a reason for the behaviour? Don't now ...). As mentioned 
I use two monitors. If you are interested write me a mail and I send you the 
screen shots.


I also see this same behavior. 

What I have in common with your explanation is running classic theme on a winxp 

I have commented out all the "theme related stuff" in OnPaint and the control 
paints correctly. 

What I am seeing is that all DrawFrameControl calls somehow fail when the theme 
code is run on XP os with classic theme enabled. If I switch to XP theme on XP 
then control paints correctly. 

What an annoying problem!


Here is the fix:

find all:

replace with:

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 29 Sep 2010 at 9:12

Second insert lost

ere is one problem in the function of the tnsertString(). I want to push the 
datas one by one. But the second data is lost. I debug it again and find the 
problem. When I push the data with the nIndex=1, and the list size=1, the 
program jump the judge of "if( nIndex == -1 || (nIndex > m_list.size()) )". So, 
the second data lost.  
one example:
I modify ">" to be ">=". It work.  


Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 29 Sep 2010 at 1:44

Case-sensitive auto-append

The autoappend functionality is case sensitive. It should be insensitive.

Possible solution:

This is the code I used to make it case insensitive:

to make the autoappend case insensitive do this around line 1709, to make the 
autosugges case insensitive do it again around 1764

item = *m_iter;
int nPos = m_iter->strText.find( str, 0 );
if( nPos == 0 )

item = *m_iter;
bool bMatch = true;

if (nEditLen < m_iter->strText.length())
for (int i = 0; i < nEditLen; i++)
if (!((str[i] == m_iter->strText[i]) ||
(str[i] >= 'A' && str[i] <= 'Z' &&
str[i] + 'a' - 'A' == m_iter->strText[i]) ||
(str[i] >= 'a' && str[i] <= 'z' &&
str[i] - 'a' + 'A' == m_iter->strText[i])))
bMatch = false;
i = nEditLen;
bMatch = false;

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 29 Sep 2010 at 8:10

Support multiple monitors

If I run my application on a secondary monitor the combobox is displayed at the 
primary monitor.

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 29 Sep 2010 at 1:39

Auto... crash

I'm sorry first for my poor English...  

1.Run you demo
2.set AutoSuggest and AutoAppend as true
3.input "a" in the AdvComboBox
4.we can see"a Text",and " Text" was selected
5.hit key BackSpace,and "a" was left inde AdvComboBox,and no Item was selected 
5.hit Enter key,and a crash will appear.

I guess this is because when no Item is selected(default index is -1),we hit 
Enter,a crash will be appear.


Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 29 Sep 2010 at 1:42

ESC-key issue

The AdvComboBox - Version 2.1 has the focus and the drop down window is closed. 
If you then hit the ESC- key the dialog is not closed. 

It can easily fixed in CAdvComboBox.cpp Line 1362

if( pMsg->wParam == VK_ESCAPE ){  if( m_pDropWnd ) {   
OnDestroyDropdownList(0,0);   Invalidate();  }  else {   return 
CWnd::PreTranslateMessage(pMsg);  }}

Original issue reported on by [email protected] on 29 Sep 2010 at 9:28

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