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navidrome_ynh's Issues

Error updating folder in the DB: attempt to write a readonly database

I'm just stress-testing the heck out of this package. Thanks for your patience. 😅

As discussed in #6, I updated navidrome.toml to include the line DataFolder = "/var/lib/navidrome", then ran /opt/yunohost/navidrome/navidrome -c /var/lib/navidrome/navidrome.toml scan -f in order to force a rescan of my database. The results included a lot of blocks that looked like this (with different albums and artists):

ERRO[0013] Error writing albums to the DB                error="attempt to write a readonly database"
INFO[0013] Finished processing changed folder            dir="/media/mediashare/Music/Weird Al Yankovic/Bad Hair Day" elapsed=7.278687ms purged=0 updated=0
ERRO[0013] Error updating folder in the DB               error="attempt to write a readonly database" path="/media/mediashare/Music/Weird Al Yankovic/Bad Hair Day"
ERRO[0013] SQL: `UPDATE album SET album_artist = ?, album_artist_id = ?, artist = ?, artist_id = ?, compilation = ?, cover_art_id = ?, cover_art_path = ?, duration = ?, full_text = ?, genre = ?, id = ?, max_year = ?, min_year = ?, name = ?, order_album_artist_name = ?, order_album_name = ?, song_count = ?, sort_album_artist_name = ?, sort_album_name = ?, sort_artist_name = ?, updated_at = ? WHERE id = ?`  args="['\"Weird Al\" Yankovic','497f580d81bcd41a8d8b93cc882df07e','\"Weird Al\" Yankovic','497f580d81bcd41a8d8b93cc882df07e',false,'al-d3956df195beaa2578ed036fe3bd0026','/media/mediashare/Music/Weird Al Yankovic/Poodle Hat/folder.jpg',216.4,' al hat poodle weird yankovic','Comedy','d3956df195beaa2578ed036fe3bd0026',2003,2003,'Poodle Hat','\"Weird Al\" Yankovic','Poodle Hat',1,'','','','2020-08-17T13:28:26.009227564-07:00','d3956df195beaa2578ed036fe3bd0026']" elapsedTime="74.197µs" error="attempt to write a readonly database" rowsAffected=0

I suspect this is part of why album art isn't updating according to the rules in my navidrome.toml file. What can I do to fix these errors upon rescan?

Service fails after upgrade to 0.49.2

Describe the bug

Service fails after upgrade from 0.48.0 to 0.49.2
(btw 0.48.0 to 0.49.0 was working fine asides the lost playlists)


  • Hardware: Old laptop or computer
  • YunoHost version:
  • I have access to my server: Through SSH | through the webadmin | direct access via keyboard / screen | ...
  • Are you in a special context or did you perform some particular tweaking on your YunoHost instance?: no
  • Using, or trying to install package version/branch: stable

Steps to reproduce

Upgrade from the webadmin

Note: the library location is customized (music files in an external disk)


http request fails with 502 Bad Gateway

Feb 12 14:09:54 navidrome[3287782]: Version: 0.49.2 (3cd934ab)
Feb 12 14:09:54 navidrome[3287782]: time="2023-02-12T14:09:54Z" level=fatal msg="Failed to apply new migrations" error="ERROR 20230209181414_change_image_files_list_separator.go: failed to run Go migration function func(*sql.Tx) error: sql: Scan error on column index 1, name "image_files": converting NULL to string is unsupported"
Feb 12 14:09:54 systemd[1]: navidrome.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
Feb 12 14:09:54 systemd[1]: navidrome.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
Feb 12 14:09:54 systemd[1]: navidrome.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 5.
Feb 12 14:09:54 systemd[1]: Stopped Navidrome Music Server and Streamer compatible with Subsonic/Airsonic.
Feb 12 14:09:54 systemd[1]: navidrome.service: Start request repeated too quickly.
Feb 12 14:09:54 systemd[1]: navidrome.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
Feb 12 14:09:54 systemd[1]: Failed to start Navidrome Music Server and Streamer compatible with Subsonic/Airsonic.

Music library folder was reset to default

I'm not sure how to check when it happened, but my guess would be it was on last update (probably months ago).
Using 0.47.5~ynh2 on YunoHost 4.3.5

(Sorry for not using template - it should be clear enough though.. )

Navidrome Public Authentiation do not work


Thank you for this wonderful app and the work you done on it to integrate it with yunohost 👍

On a Yunohost server installed on a VPS, runing other Apps smoothly, I test Navidrome, working well via Yunohost portal or diret url, remove Navidrome to test other apps (Funkwhale and Airsonic-NG) and finally reinstall Navidrome, every thing is working but authentication from client or via public url

Yunohost 11.1.18 (stable)
Navidrome 0.49.3~ynh2
My laptop running Fedora 37 Firefox 112.01
Subsonic on Android 13


  • Installation done and working
  • Discovering of Music done

It work if:

  • I access through Yunohost portail through https://mydomain/yunohost/sso/ with user1/password and click on Navidrome tile, everything is ok, I can see and play music

It don't work if:

  • I try to access to https://mydomain/navidrome, it display the login page but when I authenticate with user1/password getting: "error unauthorized" pop up in red
  • Using DSub on smartphone, with user1/password I get error "Connection failure. Wrong username or password"

Tested with other users, result with the same errors

Group "Visitors" have permission "Navidrome", try to remove / set again the permission do not change nothing

Remove Navidrome and reinstall do not solve the issue

Hop you can help me
Regards :-)

How to run navidrome CLI commands?

Okay, real basic question here, sorry. I'd like to force a rescan to potentially fix some issues with album artwork, as described by @deluan in this comment.

How can I run navidrome CLI commands? Just doing sudo navidrome scan -f yields "navidrome: command not found", and I presume the docker-compose command listed in the comment doesn't work because this isn't Docker.

Thanks in advance. 🙂

Error upgrading to v0.31.0: "Could not complete the operation"

Bug summary

When upgrading Navidrome through the YunoHost admin dashboard, an error occurs and Navidrome is not upgraded. An error message appears in the YunoHost admin message banner:

Could not complete the operation 'Upgrade the 'navidrome' app'. Please provide the full log of this operation by clicking here to get help

A log can be found here.

System details

  • Hardware: Old laptop or computer
  • YunoHost version: 4.0.4
  • I have access to my server: Through SSH (and via direct access if needed)
  • Are you in a special context or did you perform some particular tweaking on your YunoHost instance ?: yes
    • If yes, please explain: behind a Raspberry Pi reverse proxy
  • Using, or trying to install package version/branch: using navidrome_ynh v.0.30.1~ynh1, trying to upgrade to v.0.31.0~ynh1

To Reproduce

  1. Log in to the YunoHost admin panel with navidrome_ynh v.0.30.1~ynh1 installed.
  2. Go to System update -> Applications and click the "upgrade" button next to Navidrome. Confirm your choice.

Expected behavior

Navidrome automatically updates.


A log can be found here.

Installing Navidrome under a custom path causes it to not load when clicked

Describe the bug
If the package was installed under a non-default path (that is, not /navidrome), then clicking the Navidrome link in the YunoHost control panel or directly entering the Navidrome installation's URL does not load the Navidrome app. Instead, it just loads the YunoHost control panel.


  • Hardware: Old laptop or computer
  • YunoHost version: 4.0.4
  • I have access to my server: Through SSH (and via direct access if needed)
  • Are you in a special context or did you perform some particular tweaking on your YunoHost instance ?: yes
    • If yes, please explain: behind a Raspberry Pi reverse proxy
  • Using, or trying to install package version/branch: master

To Reproduce

  1. Log in to the YunoHost admin panel. Click "Applications" -> "Install". Search for Navidrome in the catalog and fail to find it.
  2. In the "Install custom app" part of the window, paste and click "Install". Confirm the warning.
  3. Fill out installation preferences. I chose a domain (the same as the domain that YunoHost is on), set /tunez as the installation path, and deselected the "public site" option.
  4. Once YunoHost finishes installing, navigate to Alternatively, log into YunoHost and click the Navidrome tile.

Expected behavior
The Navidrome login page loads, presumably to the create-an-admin login screen (as experienced when the app is installed under /navidrome).

Encountered behavior
The YunoHost control panel is returned instead.

Additional info:

  • Attempting to change the installed Navidrome app's path via YunoHost does not work; once installed at a custom path, it appears to stay there.
  • If I uninstall Navidrome and install it again, exactly the same as steps 1-4 above, but I do not pick a custom path, Navidrome installs properly at, and clicking the tile or navigating to that URL properly directs to

Docker Container doesn't work "No admin user found!"

These are my docker settings 1 2

The page is stuck on "Loading. The page is loading, just a moment please."

Got this error:

| \ | | (_) | |
| \| | __ ___ ___ __| |_ __ ___ _ __ ___ ___
| . ` |/ _` \ \ / / |/ _` | '__/ _ \| '_ ` _ \ / _ \
| |\ | (_| |\ V /| | (_| | | | (_) | | | | | | __/
\_| \_/\__,_| \_/ |_|\__,_|_| \___/|_| |_| |_|\___|
Version: 0.41.0 (ba922bbf)

2021/04/04 04:01:38 goose: no migrations to run. current version: 20210322132848

time="2021-04-04T04:01:38Z" level=info msg="Starting scanner" interval=1m0s
time="2021-04-04T04:01:38Z" level=info msg="Configuring Media Folder" name="Music Library" path=/music
time="2021-04-04T04:01:38Z" level=info msg="Creating Image cache" maxSize="200 MB" path=/data/cache/images
time="2021-04-04T04:01:38Z" level=info msg="Finished initializing cache" cache=Image elapsedTime="239.018µs" maxSize=200MB
time="2021-04-04T04:01:38Z" level=info msg="Found ffmpeg" path=/usr/bin/ffmpeg
time="2021-04-04T04:01:38Z" level=info msg="Last.FM integration not available: missing ApiKey/Secret"
time="2021-04-04T04:01:38Z" level=info msg="Spotify integration is not enabled: artist images will not be available"
time="2021-04-04T04:01:38Z" level=info msg="Creating Transcoding cache" maxSize="100 MB" path=/data/cache/transcoding
time="2021-04-04T04:01:38Z" level=info msg="Finished initializing cache" cache=Transcoding elapsedTime="176.034µs" maxSize=100MB
time="2021-04-04T04:01:38Z" level=info msg="Mounting routes" path=/rest
time="2021-04-04T04:01:38Z" level=info msg="Mounting routes" path=/app
time="2021-04-04T04:01:38Z" level=info msg="Login rate limit set" requestLimit=5 windowLength=20s
time="2021-04-04T04:01:38Z" level=info msg="Navidrome server is accepting requests" address=""
time="2021-04-04T04:01:40Z" level=warning msg="No admin user found!" error="data not found"

time="2021-04-04T04:02:40Z" level=warning msg="No admin user found!" error="data not found"

time="2021-04-04T04:03:40Z" level=warning msg="No admin user found!" error="data not found"

time="2021-04-04T04:03:40Z" level=warning msg="No admin user found!" error="data not found"

Revenir version antérieure (<0.43.0~ynh1)

Matériel: Olimex A20 Lime 2
Version de YunoHost: YunoHost (stable)
J’ai accès à mon serveur : En SSH | Par la webadmin |
Êtes-vous dans un contexte particulier ou avez-vous effectué des modificiations particulières sur votre instance ? : non
Si oui, expliquer:
NAVIDROME : 0.43.0~ynh1
Description du problème

J’ai mis à jour l’ensemble du système et des applications hier.
Idiot que je suis j’ai également viré mes backup…

En lançant navidrome ce soir, je remarque :

- que les vignettes des albums (80%) ne sont plus prises en charge
- le lecteur ne démarre plus

J’aimerais revenir à la version antérieure par conséquent

Y aurait il une ligne de commande magique pour downgrader cette application uniquement ?

D’avance merci

Where are logs stored?

Most of the YunoHost apps I've installed write logs to /var/log. I don't see a /var/log/navidrome.log. Are logs written elsewhere, or not being written at all?

I ask because I have another issue I want to troubleshoot--my library isn't scanning, but I'll create a new issue for that--but I can't figure out where the logs are to figure out what's going on.


Where is ui/src/themes?

With any luck, this will be the last issue I open for a while.

The Navidrome documentation says that you can create a new theme at ui/src/themes, but I can't find that directory on my YunoHost server. I've checked /var/lib/navidrome and /opt/yunohost/navidrome, and neither has a ui folder.

Where would I find this folder? Alternatively, if it needs to be created, where would I put it?


Install fails during setfacl

On a system with multiple users installed, install fails. Perhaps because per user setup script does not first create a "Films" directory?

2022-09-08 16:55:20,379: DEBUG - + setfacl -RnL -m g:multimedia:rwX,g::rwX,o:r-X /home/yunohost.multimedia
2022-09-08 16:55:20,435: WARNING - setfacl: /home/yunohost.multimedia/celeste/Share/Video/Films: No such file or directory
2022-09-08 16:55:20,462: WARNING - setfacl: /home/yunohost.multimedia/thisandagain/Share/Video/Films: No such file or directory
2022-09-08 16:55:20,490: WARNING - setfacl: /home/yunohost.multimedia/mark/Share/Video/Films: No such file or directory
2022-09-08 16:55:20,518: WARNING - setfacl: /home/yunohost.multimedia/ben/Share/Video/Films: No such file or directory
2022-09-08 16:55:20,546: WARNING - setfacl: /home/yunohost.multimedia/lightnin/Share/Video/Films: No such file or directory
2022-09-08 16:55:20,573: WARNING - setfacl: /home/yunohost.multimedia/sidsel/Share/Video/Films: No such file or directory
2022-09-08 16:55:20,603: WARNING - setfacl: /home/yunohost.multimedia/glench/Share/Video/Films: No such file or directory
2022-09-08 16:55:20,631: WARNING - setfacl: /home/yunohost.multimedia/finn/Share/Video/Films: No such file or directory
2022-09-08 16:55:20,659: WARNING - setfacl: /home/yunohost.multimedia/kara/Share/Video/Films: No such file or directory
2022-09-08 16:55:20,687: WARNING - setfacl: /home/yunohost.multimedia/lander/Share/Video/Films: No such file or directory
2022-09-08 16:55:20,715: WARNING - setfacl: /home/yunohost.multimedia/scrunchyandfriskle/Share/Video/Films: No such file or directory
2022-09-08 16:55:20,740: WARNING - setfacl: /home/yunohost.multimedia/share/Video/Films: No such file or directory
2022-09-08 16:55:20,768: WARNING - setfacl: /home/yunohost.multimedia/bigliam/Share/Video/Films: No such file or directory
2022-09-08 16:55:20,770: DEBUG - + ynh_exit_properly
2022-09-08 16:55:21,276: DEBUG - + ynh_clean_setup
2022-09-08 16:55:21,277: DEBUG - + ynh_clean_check_starting
2022-09-08 16:55:21,277: DEBUG - + '[' -n '' ']'
2022-09-08 16:55:21,277: DEBUG - + '[' -n '' ']'
2022-09-08 16:55:22,330: ERROR - Unable to install navidrome: An error occurred inside the app installation script

Ynh (stable).
Rpi 4

Thanks to all the maintainers of Yunohost!

yunohost.navidrome music folder issues

Hey, thanks a lot for navidrome on yunohost!
First thing first: I've done a clean install of debian and then installed the yunohost package.

I run into a problem: /home/yunohost.navidrome makes sense as a default folder but I'm totally unable to upload there. I've tried the official "admin" and the user I've created to host navidrome and always get permission denied.

I'm not good at Linux so it may be on my side, but as I run a new instance...

Error connecting to private installation through UltraSonic

Describe the bug
Attempting to connect to a private Navidrome YunoHost installation via UltraSonic yields an error:

Connection failure. Didn't understand the reply. Please check the server address.

System details

  • UltraSonic: 2.9.0 (Android)
  • Navidrome: 0.30.1~ynh
  • YunoHost: 4.0.4
  • Navidrome installation: private (YunoHost login required in addition to Navidrome login)

To Reproduce

  1. Install Navidrome on YunoHost. Mark it as a private installation.
  2. Create a user for Navidrome.
  3. Install UltraSonic for Android.
  4. In UltraSonic, add the Navidrome server:
  • Server Address: path to Navidrome (
  • Username: user created above
  • Password: user created above
  • Enabled: checked
  • Allow self-signed HTTPS certificate: checked
  1. In UltraSonic, tap "Test Server".

Expected Behavior
UltraSonic logs into the server.


  • I suspect this is because a private Navidrome installation has two login screens to get through: first the YunoHost sign-in, then the Navidrome one. If UltraSonic is expecting a single sign-in screen that leads directly to the Navidrome installation, it won't get a response that matches that.
  • It doesn't seem to matter if I check the "Enable support for LDAP users" in UltraSonic.
  • I've tried entering credentials for both my Navidrome user and my YunoHost user. Neither has fixed this issue.
  • I've also tried entering my wife's credentials, which are the same for Navidrome and YunoHost. That didn't fix it either.
  • I'm raising this issue here because it seems in part related to the YunoHost packaging, but I also recognize it might require an upstream change and/or a change to UltraSonic. Please pardon me if this is totally outside of this repo's scope.

Upgrading cleared playlist data

Describe the bug

After upgrade from 0.47.5~ ynh2 to 0.49.3~ynh2 all my custom playlist names were there, but the contents were empty.


  • Hardware: Old laptop or computer
  • YunoHost version: 11.2.3
  • I have access to my server: direct access via keyboard / screen

No LDAP/SSO support

Describe the bug

No LDAP/SSO support.

Steps to reproduce

Click on Navidrome on Yunohost panel leads to login screen, users have to be manually added through Navidrome admin interface.

Expected behavior

Users are automatically created from LDAP, log directly in to users profile when opening Navidrome.

Version on Yunohost is still 0.35.0

Hi Eric,
Many thanks to you to keep Navidrome updated!!
For some reason the latest version on Yunohost is 0.35.0 whereas you've seem to have updated this repo to 0.35.1.
I've run the update mechanism twice and there's no update.
Did I do something wrong?

[Bug] Manually changed navidrome.toml values resets after every update

I'm using different music folder location because of Syncthing. Everytime that Navidrome update happens, I have to reupload my navidrome.toml config because of the different folder location.

I double-checked this by restoring to 0.47.5~ynh2 and updating to 0.47.5~ynh3

It did change navidrome.toml values back to default based of logs (see lines after 2022-07-06 13:22:31,744):

I also checked the file too and it was reseted.

I changed the title related to bug report, because I guess that should have been more appropriate. Sorry about that!

Suggestion: make CovertArtPriority default

To make Navidrome even more userfriendly on YNH I suggest this parameter is added to each new install:
CovertArtPriority = "embedded, cover., folder., front.*"
This has been taken from the official wiki, maybe there's a better filter?

Upgrade to 0.49.3

Describe the bug

Migration from version <0.49.0 is broken with v0.49.2 (see here)


  • Hardware: Old laptop or computer
  • YunoHost version: (stable).
  • I have access to my server: Through the webadmin
  • Are you in a special context or did you perform some particular tweaking on your YunoHost instance?: no
  • Using, or trying to install package version/branch: using v0.49.2

Steps to reproduce

Install Navidrome with a version inferior to 0.49.0. Upgrade to 0.49.2, service is broken.

502 Bad Gateway

If you see this page, your connection with the server is working but the internal service providing this path is not responding.

Administrator, make sure that the service is running, and check its logs if it is not. The Services page is in your webadmin, under Tools > Services.

Thank you for using YunoHost.

See logs

Updating the package to v0.49.3 should fix the issue.

Expected behavior




Web UI: Move Yunohost logo a few pixels higher


Yunohost's logo gets in the way of the web player:
It would be nice to move it a few pixels higher (or just hide it).

The solution I found is to block the logo with a browser plugin. Maybe there's a nicer way to do it?

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