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kanboard_ynh's Issues

Using Kandroid updating kanboard gives error "SetEnvIf Authorization .+ HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=$0"

Initial login is fine into kanboard via kandroid. Only if trying to update an entry or updating the kanboard the error message appears. This can be as bad as the whole yunohost instance being unresponsive for a while. A hint maybe given in the forum entry:
This was there with 1.2.9 but not before.
The KanDroid app is a very useful extension and does not seem to have the same issue with installations not on yunohost. LDAP problem?

Thanks for fixing

File /etc/php/7.0/fpm/pool.d/kanboard.conf is not removed when uninstalling kanboard

Describe the bug

File /etc/php/7.0/fpm/pool.d/kanboard.conf is not removed when uninstalling kanboard


  • Hardware: VPS bought online
  • YunoHost version:
  • I have access to my server: Through SSH
  • Are you in a special context or did you perform some particular tweaking on your YunoHost instance?: no
  • While uninstalling, php7.0-fpm didn't restart

Steps to reproduce

    sudo yunohost app uninstall kanboard
    sudo yunohost service restart php7.0-fpm

Quick fix

Removing the file manually allowed php7.0-fpm to restart

sudo rm /etc/php/7.0/fpm/pool.d/kanboard.conf
sudo yunohost service restart php7.0-fpm

Expected behavior

php7.0-fpm should restart after uninstalling kanboard


PHP7.0-FPM restart

Kanboard uninstall

401 on jsonrpc despite using testing branch

Hello there,

I'm having a weird problem. I'm using testing branch, which seems to be compatible with kandroid, but I'm still getting a 401 when trying to login on jsonrpc :

$ curl -u user:password -d '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "getVersion", "id": 1}' https://myserver/kanboard/jsonrpc.php -v

> POST /kanboard/jsonrpc.php HTTP/2
> Host: myserver
> authorization: Basic <basic auth>
> user-agent: curl/7.69.0
> accept: */*
> content-length: 51
> content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
* Connection state changed (MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS == 128)!
* We are completely uploaded and fine
< HTTP/2 401 
< server: nginx
< date: Wed, 11 Mar 2020 20:06:21 GMT
< content-type: application/json
< x-sso-wat: You've just been SSOed
< set-cookie: SSOwAuthRedirect=;; Path=/yunohost/sso/; Expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 UTC; Secure; HttpOnly; SameSite=Lax ;;
* Authentication problem. Ignoring this.
< www-authenticate: Basic realm="JsonRPC"
< strict-transport-security: max-age=63072000; includeSubDomains; preload
< content-security-policy-report-only: default-src https: data: 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval'
< x-content-type-options: nosniff
< x-xss-protection: 1; mode=block
< x-download-options: noopen
< x-permitted-cross-domain-policies: none
< x-frame-options: SAMEORIGIN
< default-src: 'self' 'unsafe-eval' data:;

I don't understand why I am getting this since the jsonrpc.php is unprotected :

yunohost app setting kanboard unprotected_uris

Do you have any idea where I should look at ?

Upgrade failure

Hello , when trying upgrade kanboard from 1.2.18ynh2 to 1.2.20ynh2
I have this message

Corrupt source
[Error] Upgrade failed.

connection via login form redirect awlays to login form

Describe the bug

The SSO authentication works great. But if I want to allow users to log in via the login page, that doesn't works properly.
from the kanboard user management interface, you can invite a user with his email. When this user comes via the link in the email, he can create an account, and log in. For that, I had to change config.php file like this : define('HIDE_LOGIN_FORM', false); to see the login form. So the registration works, but not the login.
I can log in, but I'm always redirected to the login form.


  • Hardware: *VPS bought online
  • YunoHost version: 11.0.11
  • I have access to my server: *Through SSH | through the webadmin
  • Are you in a special context or did you perform some particular tweaking on your YunoHost instance?: yes
    • If yes, please explain:
      I change config.php file like this : define('HIDE_LOGIN_FORM', false); to see the login form.

Steps to reproduce

  1. install kanboard on a subdomain.
  2. go to the kanboard admin panel, with the admin user you've defined, and invite you with your email adress (Users management > invite people)
  3. then, click on the link you recieve in email. Normally, you comes on a page without registration form.
  4. to view the form, open the config.php file, and change define('HIDE_LOGIN_FORM', true); to false.
  5. Now, you can see the registration form. Complete it, and try to log in.
  6. you see that when you make a mistake, you can see the error on the login form, but if you do it well, you aren't redirected to dashboard, but login form.

Expected behavior

Just stop the redirection to the login form when the login is success, to access to the dashboard.


in the logs, any error, only logs of successfull authentications.



User server timezone and language

Kanboard and yunohost are great tools together ! but it would be even better to include local server information when installing kanboard !
can you please take server default timezone and language for kanboard ?
If not too difficult, setting the correct "Date format" and "date and time format" would be great.

here is what I have in bash
admin@ynh:$ date ==> mercredi 20 juillet 2016, 23:59:47 (UTC+0200)
$ echo $LANG ==> fr_FR.UTF-

here is what I get in Kanboard :
for date : UTC
for language : english

thanks for your help

Ajouter des utilisateur sans sso Apps

Existe-t-il un moyen de déclarer des utilisateurs qui puissent se connecter dans Kanboard sans passer par le sso mais en allant directement sur la page d'accueil du site. Je précise qu'à l'installation j'ai déclaré le site public. En vous remerciant pour vos réponses

Data base

Dear contributors,

I am not sure if the following bug is a kanbord's bug or a kanboard_ynh's bug. Because I can not check it easily I post this issue here...

After installing with standard yunohost method I had this message (in debug mode) when i tried to change my projects settings :

SQL: SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'predefined_email_subjects' in 'field list'
So I added the column 'predefined_email_subjects' in table 'projects' and now it works !

Regards (and sorry if I post in the wrong place)

The project name is required

I can't create a new project, I give a name, but it didn't get it, and the JavaScript reminder say
"The project name is required"

No php-fpm.ini file?

The app don't have php-fpm.ini file for its configuration. Is that done for a reason?

installing plugins


just had a bit of playing about to get plugins installing correctly!

it was by and large what the docs say (install php-zip, make sure the plugins dir is chmod 755) with the difference that the user group shouldn't be www-data but stay as kanboard.

i wonder two things really:

  • could php-zip be installed alongside kanboard/ perhaps have it as a configurable extra via the yunohost gui installation?
  • is it worth documenting the www-data/ kanboard distinction?

How to connect with Kandroid ?

Installed kanboard_ynh (not in public), using the login with SSO.
Wanted to connect to it with a "Kanboard Android app" (Kandroid for now).

It does not connect telling me to check the URL.
I think it's because it reach the yunohost login page instead of the kanboard login page.

Should I set the Kanboard app to be public?
Can I do this on the current install? Or do I have to backup, delete, install in public ? (Never did this yet so if you have the commands it will be helpfull.)

Run migrations during upgrade script

According to (see end of the page), there is a way to apply db migrations during the upgrade script.

This would be IMHO a much better alternative than the current one, where the migration is applied during the next DB request after the upgrade (so the first user using the app after the upgrade must handle the migration)

In my case the migration was not totally transparent : I had two reported errors with ugly stacktraces consecutively. Only at the third web page refresh was the app working. This is disturbing.

Public mode does not work

SSowat block the public mode, url that contain theses pattern must be unprotected


Add support for cron

Kanboard contains the ability to create automatic actions that can fire based on a number of conditions. One such condition is when a task due date is coming up. This requires a cron entry to fire which will run these background tasks. It seems that the current package does not install an entry into the crontab and as a result these background tasks never fire.


Here is an image of one of the automatic actions.

Expected result
4 days before a tasks due date the task should move from the Backlog column to the Ready column.

Actual result
Any tasks that should meet the criteria do not move and remain in the Backlog column.

Here is the crontab that the upstream project normally needs:

0 8 * * * cd /var/www/app && ./cli cronjob >/dev/null 2>&1

Cannot install plugins as admin

It seems that I can't install plugins from the web UI even as administrator. I checked my config.php, referencing the instructions from this page. Everything related is in order, though.

Relevant details from config.php:
// Plugins directory
define('PLUGINS_DIR', 'plugins');

// Plugins directory URL
define('PLUGIN_API_URL', '');

// Enable/Disable plugin installer
define('PLUGIN_INSTALLER', true);

'Internal Error' after installation

Tried both admin-panel and cli install:
Internal Error: Unable to migrate database schema: \Schema\version_1 => SQLSTATE[42S01]: Base table or view already exists: 1050 Table 'config' already exists

Error message "Access Forbidden"

I am unable to login to Kanboard on a fresh install with LDAP. After I try to login with my SSO username and password there is an error message "Access Forbidden". I tried to reset the password but the link to new password does not work.
I am on Debian stretch.

Connexion automatique avec un compte fantôme


Pour une gestion commune d'un package, j'ai installé kanboard en public (seulement fait un skipped_uris sur /). Cela m'évitant de créer un compte ynh pour l'utilisateur avec qui je partage ce kanboard.

Mais dés lors, une connexion sans passer par le sso me connecte automatiquement à un compte fantôme.
Je ne peux que créer des projets privés, qui ne sont associés à aucun utilisateur. En revanche, ça crée un utilisateur sans nom et sans adresse dans la bdd.
Je peux me déconnecter, et arriver à l'écran de connexion. Mais il suffit de retourner à l'adresse du kanboard pour sauter l'authentification.

Je pense qu'il serait tout de même intéressant de pouvoir utiliser kanboard en public, car c'est très pratique pour travailler sur des projets commun avec des utilisateurs distants.
En l'état, c'est un peu délicat car le kanboard risque d'être surchargé de projets sans utilisateurs.

Set permissions to root:root

Files installed in /var/www/kanboard are owned by admin (except the ones who require www-data).
Usually we set permissions to root.

"You must specify an URL to update your locale app Kanboard"


After a 'yunohost app upgrade', I have a warning :
"ATTENTION: Vous devez spécifier une URL pour mettre à jour votre application locale kanboard"
("WARNING: you must specify an URL in order to update your locale application kanboard", sorry for my eng)

This is all.
Thanks for your great work.

[Bug] Impossible to login after restore

After restoring my instance, I was not able to login. It only worked one time, but I wasn't able to change anything.
Then I had the same issue as described here: kanboard/kanboard#3422 (TL;DR: impossible to connect)

Then I compared both install and restore script. And it seems that the restore script lack some command to change some file access permissions.
I changed those permissions, it works :)

I'll PR to correct this issue.

[BUG] unable to insert images in markdown url

I want to report a rather annoying bug on kanboard, but only when the application is installed from YunoHost.

For a reason that I don't know, it's impossible to display an image in markdown from an external URL on Kanboard Yunohost version. That is, a markdown statement like this would not work :


it would be nice to try to understand where the this bug comes from.

Gantt Plugin Not in Plugin Directory

Hey y'all -

Installed Kanboard and went to enable Gantt charts, but the plug in is not listed in the directory (I believe it is in a non-YUNH context) and I don't see the option of using Gantt charts. Something I'm missing or is there a bug in how this is deployed?


Application version: 1.2.12
PHP version: 7.0.33-0+deb9u6
PHP SAPI: fpm-fcgi
HTTP Client: cURL
OS version: Linux 4.9.0-9-amd64
Database driver: mysql
Database version: 10.1.41-MariaDB-0+deb9u1

Mobile app and email

I use to connect to kanboard via the mobile app on a self hosted kanboard installation
With the yunohost install of kanboard, I have an error message with user and passw

I would like to change the domaine name of emails (kanboard is installed in a sub domaine of my main domain), is it possible ?

List other users

In my user list, I see my own user but I can't see the other users of my instance. Is this made on purpose ?

Kanboard's public access mode not working with private instance

Kanboard has a public access mode for private projects. I would like to share these links, whithout requiring people to log in.


But Right now, I am getting the SSO login page.

The URLs are:

I do not necessarily want the kanboard instance to be public for this to work, so this probably needs some whitelisting in nginx, but I am unsure how to interact with the yunohost SSO to do it.

Gogs plugin integration : "actionManager" not defined


I am trying to add some extensions, but the most important is Gogs one.
I read the documentation written in on the repo's, apply it by pasting (aka scp) in the right folder (/var/www/kanboard/plugins) but it does not work. Here's the error:
Internal error : actionManager is not defined

That's all.

I did not see the error in the original repos, so I am asking you, because wherever I am looking, actionManager is mentioned nowhere but in the original code.

Beside that, I try to add the 'Reverse-Proxy Authentication with LDAP user provider' plugin, some Manager is not defined either.

I must be missing something. :/

Cheers !

Admin user

Hello all
When I declare my user as admin, I didn't access KB admin interfaces.
So I cannot create a project, manage users, give rights to board ...
My only option is to create private KB like a normal user.

I check forum, documentation, github, issues ... Maybe I miss something ?
Thanks for your help.

Unable to load task [CSP problem]

Yunohost v4.2.6 (stable)
Kanboard v1.2.20~ynh3

Problem : since the last update, i can't load my tasks. An infinite wheel turns inside them.

The Firefox or Brave console seems to show me a CSP problem (cf. pictures).
I activate CORS Everywhere extension but it don't work either.


Authorize ics public link

By default ICS public links need SSO authentification, and in my case it's not working with SOGO.
(ex: https://your.domain?controller=ICalendarController&action=project&token=78f29a185e96c4d5f05ecbb743119a14fd48a2e331d26493cc7122952e2e)
My temporary solution is to add Kanboard to Visitors group in Yunohost interface

Maybe a better solution could be to add in installation script a custom permission like this :
ynh_permission_create --permission "ics" --url "/controller=ICalendarController" --allowed "visitors" --label "ICS Public access"

To be tested!

Error until other apps are installed

On a fresh install of YH on an Odroid C1 I got an error when running Kanboard – the browser window shows the warning:

Internal Error: PHP extension required: "gd"

I installed some other apps (Nextcloud and OpenSondage IIRC) and tried again to file this issue report when the error surprisingly was gone. Thus, I assume one of the other apps installed the missing PHP extension…?

XMPP integration


First, I'd like to thank you a lot for the hard work on the package and updates!

I've been trying for a while to configure xmpp notifications without luck so far. Now xmpp notifications is a plugin but I'm still not able to make it work.

I'm sure this is trivial but I can't find a thorough template or grasp where my mistake(s) come from...
I'm using kanboard 1.0.24 (current version of your package) and the jappix package with a specific chat room which is running correctly (users can talk in the chat room).

DNS config is:

muc 1800 IN CNAME @
pubsub 1800 IN CNAME @
vjud 1800 IN CNAME @
_xmpp-client._tcp 14400 IN SRV 0 5 5222
_xmpp-server._tcp 14400 IN SRV 0 5 5269

Jabber (XMPP) [in Preferences/Integrations]:

Adresse du serveur XMPP:
-> tcp:// (I've tried using /mycustompath)
Nom de domaine Jabber:
Nom d'utilisateur
-> username
Mot de passe
-> userpassword
Jabber nickname for Kanboard
-> username (I've tried using [email protected])

Jabber (XMPP) [in Project/Settings/Integrations]:

Salon de discussion multi-utilisateurs:
-> [email protected]

Notifications are activated in the project settings and all of the users.

I've tried with a user which is owner of the jappix room but not a member of the kanboard projects and with a user which is only a member of the jappix room and the admin of kanboard projects.

debug.log is stating the following:

[2016-02-08 20:56:02] [debug] Subscriber executed: Kanboard\Subscriber\BootstrapSubscriber::execute
[2016-02-08 19:56:02] [debug] Event fired: task.move.column
[2016-02-08 19:56:02] [debug] Subscriber executed: Kanboard\Subscriber\ProjectDailySummarySubscriber::execute
[2016-02-08 19:56:02] [debug] Subscriber executed: Kanboard\Subscriber\ProjectModificationDateSubscriber::execute
[2016-02-08 19:56:02] [debug] Subscriber executed: Kanboard\Subscriber\NotificationSubscriber::handleEvent
[2016-02-08 19:56:03] [debug] Connected to 'tcp://'
[2016-02-08 19:56:03] [debug] Sending data '
<stream:stream to="" xmlns:stream="" xmlns="jabber:client" version="1.0">' to 'tcp://'
[2016-02-08 19:56:03] [debug] Listener "Fabiang\Xmpp\EventListener\Stream\Stream" is currently blocking
[2016-02-08 19:56:03] [debug] Received buffer '<stream:stream xmlns:stream='' version='1.0' from='' id='91f6b0ae-d700-4ff1-97ea-e867e01e6886' xml:lang='en' xmlns='jabber:client'>stream:features/' from 'tcp://'
[2016-02-08 19:56:03] [debug] Sending data '1' to 'tcp://'
[2016-02-08 19:56:03] [debug] Sending data '[PROJECT] User Name a déplacé la tâche n°9 dans la colonne « En cours » CREDITS;action=show&amp;task_id=9&amp;project_id=2' to 'tcp://'
[2016-02-08 19:56:03] [debug] Sending data '/stream:stream' to 'tcp://'
[2016-02-08 19:56:03] [debug] Disconnected from 'tcp://'

If you (or someone else) happen to have been able to set up properly XMPP notifications in the yunohost environment I'd be very grateful if you could share how to configure it.

In the mean time, if you need any additional information or help to test I'll be gladly at your service!

This PHP extension is required: "mbstring"

After a fresh install bring me a error
Internal Error: This PHP extension is required: "mbstring"

I'am on lime 2 V3.0 imag + update:

  • Debian 9.5 32bit (Linux 4.14.18-sunxi)
  • yunohost: (stable)
  • yunohost-admin: 3.0.0 (stable)
  • moulinette: 3.0.0 (stable)
  • ssowat: 3.0.0 (stable)

Kanboard can break Fail2ban after restoring a backup on a fresh installation

Kanboard: 1.2.12~ynh1
Yunohost: 4.0.4

I had Kanboard break Fail2ban after restoring a backup on a fresh installation of Yunohost (restored backup instead of doing post-install).

  • Before doing the backup I had a domain as my main domain.
  • Installed Kanboard
  • Changed default domain to my own domain and removed the domain
  • Created a backup
  • Restored the backup on the fresh installation
    At this point the Fail2ban service does not start.

The reason seems to be the config file /etc/fail2ban/jail.d/kanboard.conf that points to the Nginx log file of the old domain (in my case This config file wasn't updated with the new domain when the domain change is done. Fail2ban keeps working after the change because the log files for the old domain are not removed in the change either. However, they are not a part of the backup and so when it is restored Fail2ban refuses to start because it cannot read the log files.

Adjusting kanboard.conf solves this problem.

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