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camomile's Issues

Not_found exception thrown in Camomile/internal/

ocaml-gettext uses camomile. However the latest version of Camomile doesn't work - a Not_found exception gets thrown deep inside camomile.

An easy reproduce in ocaml-gettext is to simply run:

OCAMLRUNPARAM=b ../_build/bin/ocaml-gettext --action compile --compile-output fr.po
Fatal error: exception Not_found
Raised at file "Camomile/internal/", line 50, characters 52-67
Called from file "Camomile/internal/" (inlined), line 187, characters 2-46
Called from file "Camomile/public/", line 307, characters 2-30
Called from file "camomileLibrary.mlp", line 204, characters 22-44
Called from file "camomileLibrary.mlp", line 168, characters 0-1023
Called from file "Camomile/", line 37, characters 18-46

1.0.0 doesn't compile on macOS (OCaml 4.04.0)

Output from opam install camomile:

#=== ERROR while installing camomile.1.0.0 ====================================#
# opam-version 1.2.2
# os           darwin
# command      jbuilder build -p camomile -j 4
# path         /Users/wczekalski/.opam/4.04.0_ios/build/camomile.1.0.0
# compiler     4.04.0
# exit-code    1
# env-file     /Users/wczekalski/.opam/4.04.0_ios/build/camomile.1.0.0/camomile-4894-d2c37b.env
# stdout-file  /Users/wczekalski/.opam/4.04.0_ios/build/camomile.1.0.0/camomile-4894-d2c37b.out
# stderr-file  /Users/wczekalski/.opam/4.04.0_ios/build/camomile.1.0.0/camomile-4894-d2c37b.err
### stderr ###
# usage:  ar -d [-TLsv] archive file ...
# [...]
# 	ar -q [-cTLsv] archive file ...
# 	ar -r [-cuTLsv] archive file ...
# 	ar -r [-abciuTLsv] position archive file ...
# 	ar -t [-TLsv] archive [file ...]
# 	ar -x [-ouTLsv] archive [file ...]
# File "_none_", line 1:
# Error: Error while creating the library Camomile/camomile_yuge.a
#    ocamlyacc Camomile/internal/uReStrParser.{ml,mli}
# 4 shift/reduce conflicts.

Which versions of OCaml should we support?

Camomile started a long time ago and OCaml introduced a lot of new features since then, for instance aliasing modules or extension points. Here is the output

% opam switch
3.11.2  I 3.11.2  Official 3.11.2 release
3.12.1  I 3.12.1  Official 3.12.1 release
4.00.0  I 4.00.0  Official 4.00.0 release
--     -- 4.00.1  Official 4.00.1 release
--     -- 4.01.0  Official 4.01.0 release
--     -- 4.02.0  Official 4.02.0 release
--     -- 4.02.1  Official 4.02.1 release
--     -- 4.02.2  Official 4.02.2 release
4.02.3  C 4.02.3  Official 4.02.3 release
system  I system  System compiler (4.02.2)

on my system. Which versions do we want to support, i.e. which versions do you need?

Setup CI

It would be useful to add some CI service to the repository. Since I use Travis CI in most of my OCaml projects and am now used to it, I would propose to implement setup for it. Does anybody wish to use another service? What are the pros/cons against Travis CI?

Get rid of cppo

Seems like cppo is being used not for conditional compilation, but for including module implementations/signatures. The module system should be able to solve these issues adequately.

unhelpful exception thrown when file not found


Patch :

diff --git a/Camomile/internal/ b/Camomile/internal/
index b50b46b..3b8a486 100644
--- a/Camomile/internal/
+++ b/Camomile/internal/
@@ -184,7 +184,10 @@ let read_data ?datadir name =
     match datadir with
       Some d -> d
     | None -> Config.datadir in
- datadir "mar" input_value name
+  try
+ datadir "mar" input_value name
+  with
+    Not_found -> failwith (Printf.sprintf "Camomile: resource %S not found in database %s" (name^".mar") datadir)

 type general_category_type = 
   [ `Lu                (* Letter, Uppercase *)

Support opam pinning

Camomile should support pinning, i.e. the repository should be pinned in opam.

camomile doesn't compile with OCaml 4.06

The upcoming OCaml release (4.06) has now safe-string enabled by default. However camomile isn't compatible with safe-string yet.

I don't have time to make a PR but I'd be happy to give any kind of help in fixing this.

Remove hard dependency on camlp4

camlp4 was separated from OCaml in 4.02 and is being phased out. It would be great if Camomile did not have a hard dependency on camlp4. The only part of it that depends on camlp4 is tools/, and it is used for the parser syntax.

I think a viable solution is shipping already preprocessed source, e.g. just by doing:

mv tools/ tools/
camlp4o -printers o tools/ >tools/

It is not even much less readable than with camlp4 syntax.

Can`t install on OpenBSD

I am using opam 2.0.0 with Ocaml 4.07.1 on OpenBSD 6.3.
When I try to install camonile, opam give me the errors below

> [ERROR] The compilation of camomile failed at "/home/david/.opam/4.07.1/bin/jbuilder build -p camomile -j 1".                                                                
> #=== ERROR while compiling camomile.1.0.1 =====================================#
> # context     2.0.0 | openbsd/x86_64 | ocaml-base-compiler.4.07.1 |                                                                          
> # path        ~/.opam/4.07.1/.opam-switch/build/camomile.1.0.1
> # command     ~/.opam/4.07.1/bin/jbuilder build -p camomile -j 1
> # exit-code   1
> # env-file    ~/.opam/log/camomile-8942-0a5907.env
> # output-file ~/.opam/log/camomile-8942-0a5907.out
> ### output ###
> # [...]
> # Warning : normalization option is not supported
> # camomilelocaledef Camomile/locales/tt.mar
> # Warning : normalization option is not supported
> # camomilelocaledef Camomile/locales/ur.mar
> # Warning : normalization option is not supported
> # camomilelocaledef Camomile/locales/uz.mar
> # Warning : normalization option is not supported
> # camomilelocaledef Camomile/locales/vi.mar
> # Warning : normalization option is not supported
> # camomilelocaledef Camomile/locales/zh__PINYIN.mar (exit 2)
> # (cd _build/default/Camomile && tools/camomilelocaledef.exe --file locales/zh__PINYIN.txt locales)                                                                          
> # Fatal error: exception Stack overflow
> <><> Error report <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
> +- The following actions failed
> | - build camomile 1.0.1
> +- 
> - No changes have been performed

contents of " ~/.opam/log/camomile-8942-0a5907.out"

File "Camomile/jbuild", line 4, characters 0-96:
4 | (rule (with-stdout-to
5 |        (echo "let share_dir = \"/usr/share/camomile\"")))
Warning: File is both generated by a rule and present in the source tree.
As a result, the rule is currently ignored, however this will become an error in the future.
To keep the current behavior and get rid of this warning, add a field (fallback) to the rule.
ocamlyacc Camomile/internal/uReStrParser.{ml,mli}
4 shift/reduce conflicts.
camomilelocaledef Camomile/locales/ar.mar
Warning : normalization option is not supported
camomilelocaledef Camomile/locales/az.mar
Warning : normalization option is not supported
camomilelocaledef Camomile/locales/div.mar
Warning : normalization option is not supported
camomilelocaledef Camomile/locales/el.mar
Warning : normalization option is not supported
camomilelocaledef Camomile/locales/fa.mar
Warning : normalization option is not supported
camomilelocaledef Camomile/locales/gu.mar
Warning : normalization option is not supported
camomilelocaledef Camomile/locales/he.mar
Warning : normalization option is not supported
camomilelocaledef Camomile/locales/hi.mar
Warning : normalization option is not supported
camomilelocaledef Camomile/locales/hi__DIRECT.mar
Warning : normalization option is not supported
camomilelocaledef Camomile/locales/ja.mar
Warning : strength option is not supported
camomilelocaledef Camomile/locales/ka.mar
Warning : normalization option is not supported
camomilelocaledef Camomile/locales/kk.mar
Warning : normalization option is not supported
camomilelocaledef Camomile/locales/kn.mar
Warning : normalization option is not supported
camomilelocaledef Camomile/locales/ky.mar
Warning : normalization option is not supported
camomilelocaledef Camomile/locales/mn.mar
Warning : normalization option is not supported
camomilelocaledef Camomile/locales/mr.mar
camomilelocaledef Camomile/locales/mr.mar
Warning : normalization option is not supported
camomilelocaledef Camomile/locales/pa.mar
Warning : normalization option is not supported
camomilelocaledef Camomile/locales/sa.mar
Warning : normalization option is not supported
camomilelocaledef Camomile/locales/syr.mar
Warning : normalization option is not supported
camomilelocaledef Camomile/locales/ta.mar
Warning : normalization option is not supported
camomilelocaledef Camomile/locales/te.mar
Warning : normalization option is not supported
camomilelocaledef Camomile/locales/th.mar
Warning : file loading is not supported.
Warning : normalization option is not supported
camomilelocaledef Camomile/locales/tt.mar
Warning : normalization option is not supported
camomilelocaledef Camomile/locales/ur.mar
Warning : normalization option is not supported
camomilelocaledef Camomile/locales/uz.mar
Warning : normalization option is not supported
camomilelocaledef Camomile/locales/vi.mar
Warning : normalization option is not supported
camomilelocaledef Camomile/locales/zh__PINYIN.mar (exit 2)
(cd _build/default/Camomile && tools/camomilelocaledef.exe --file locales/zh__PINYIN.txt locales)
Fatal error: exception Stack overflow

Roadmap to 2.0.0

  • Split Camomile into base, ua (Unicode Algorithm), charencodings and locales
  • Deprecate mutable Unicode strings
  • Integrate stdlib's Uchar? (need to modify internal, may better to be postponed)
  • Better error reporting? (avoid using exception etc.)

Support for Unicode 10 or 11 would be better to be postponed.

please make a proper release

The latest release 0.8.4 on github is somewhat hidden ( doesn't have any pointer to github so it is hard to find the new repo) and it doesn't have the same directory structure as 0.8.3 and most importantly there is no configure, one has to autoconf it.

Improve character encoding/decoding engine

Current encoder/decoder dies throwing an exception if they encounter unknown sequences or a character outside of scope of an encoding. Sometime this is not nice and better to mapping errors to the "unknown" character. Doing this securely is a complex task and would not easy.

Find the next camomile build system

Camomile is currently built by ad-hoc GNU make makefiles. Do we want to change this, as other solutions might be easier to work with?

IMO GNU make has several problems, most notably GNU make is very hard to program, it lacks essential predicates (like “does this target exist”), etc.

Possibilities are probably to use ocamlbuild, oasis or bsdowl, I tend to prefer the latter as generic makefiles provide a clear framework to handle generic builds and still can be marginally customised to handle special cases.

I have no experience with oasis and ocamlbuild but we could also consider them.

Make Fails

I have an error when using Opam 1.2.2 to install Camomile 0.8.5. Running ocaml 3.1.2.
The error is get is:
make: no: Command not found

I also get this error when trying to compile from the 0.8.4 source found in the Wiki. I suspect an error with the makefile but am not sure...

Full details:

$ opam install camomile
The following actions will be performed:
  ∗  install camomile 0.8.5

=-=- Gathering sources =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
[camomile] Archive in cache

=-=- Processing actions -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
[ERROR] The compilation of camomile failed at "make".
Processing  1/1: [camomile: ocamlfind remove]
#=== ERROR while installing camomile.0.8.5 ====================================#
# opam-version 1.2.2
# os           linux
# command      make
# path         /home/user/.opam/system/build/camomile.0.8.5
# compiler     system (3.12.1)
# exit-code    2
# env-file     /home/user/.opam/system/build/camomile.0.8.5/camomile-4413-d0f245.env
# stdout-file  /home/user/.opam/system/build/camomile.0.8.5/camomile-4413-d0f245.out
# stderr-file  /home/user/.opam/system/build/camomile.0.8.5/camomile-4413-d0f245.err
### stdout ###
# [...]
# ocamlc -c -noassert -I internal -I public -I toolslib -I . camomileLibrary.mli
# ocamlc -c -noassert -I internal -I public -I toolslib -I .
# ocamlc -c -noassert -I internal -I public -I toolslib -I . camomileLibraryDefault.mli
# ocamlc -c -noassert -I internal -I public -I toolslib -I .
# ocamlc -c -noassert -I internal -I public -I toolslib -I . camomileLibraryDyn.mli
# ocamlc -c -noassert -I internal -I public -I toolslib -I .
# ocamlc -a -o camomile.cma public/unicodeString.cmo configInt.cmo internal/uReStrParserType.cmo internal/database.cmo camomileDefaultConfig.cmo internal/bitsvect.cmo internal/bytesvect.cmo internal/avlTree.cmo internal/iSet.cmo internal/iMap.cmo internal/tbl31.cmo internal/byte_labeled_dag.cmo internal/xArray.cmo public/oOChannel.cmo public/uChar.cmo public/uSet.cmo public/uMap.cmo public/uCharTbl.cmo public/uText.cmo public/xString.cmo public/subText.cmo public/uLine.cmo public/locale.cmo internal/hangul.cmo internal/unidata.cmo internal/charmap.cmo internal/unimap.cmo public/charEncoding.cmo public/uTF8.cmo public/uTF16.cmo public/uCS4.cmo public/uPervasives.cmo public/uCharInfo.cmo public/uNF.cmo public/uCol.cmo public/caseMap.cmo public/uRe.cmo internal/uReStrParser.cmo internal/uReStrLexer.cmo public/uReStr.cmo internal/stringPrep_data.cmo public/stringPrep.cmo camomileLibrary.cmo camomileLibraryDefault.cmo camomileLibraryDyn.cmo
# ocamlc -a -o camomileLibrary.cma public/unicodeString.cmo configInt.cmo internal/uReStrParserType.cmo internal/database.cmo camomileDefaultConfig.cmo internal/bitsvect.cmo internal/bytesvect.cmo internal/avlTree.cmo internal/iSet.cmo internal/iMap.cmo internal/tbl31.cmo internal/byte_labeled_dag.cmo internal/xArray.cmo public/oOChannel.cmo public/uChar.cmo public/uSet.cmo public/uMap.cmo public/uCharTbl.cmo public/uText.cmo public/xString.cmo public/subText.cmo public/uLine.cmo public/locale.cmo internal/hangul.cmo internal/unidata.cmo internal/charmap.cmo internal/unimap.cmo public/charEncoding.cmo public/uTF8.cmo public/uTF16.cmo public/uCS4.cmo public/uPervasives.cmo public/uCharInfo.cmo public/uNF.cmo public/uCol.cmo public/caseMap.cmo public/uRe.cmo internal/uReStrParser.cmo internal/uReStrLexer.cmo public/uReStr.cmo internal/stringPrep_data.cmo public/stringPrep.cmo camomileLibrary.cmo
# no -c -noassert -I internal -I public -I toolslib -I . -impl public/unicodeString.mli
# rm internal/
### stderr ###
# make: no: Command not found
# make: *** [public/unicodeString.cmx] Error 127

=-=- Error report -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
The following actions failed
  ∗  install camomile 0.8.5
No changes have been performed

Any help is much appreciated. thanks

Tests seem to fail in 1.0.2

+ jbuilder runtest --profile release
File "camomile-test/tester-lib/", line 1, characters 18-38:
1 | module Camomile = CamomileLibrary.Make (struct
Error: Unbound module CamomileLibrary

Update Unicode Character Database

This is also a part of updating Camomile to the latest Unicode standard. This requires defining new properties and new property values, and taking cares of consistency of all code using UCD. The second thing to do.

Proposal: Use topkg for releases.

Using topkg along with opam-publish to create releases. This has the following advantages:

  • Automated process for making and submitting our own releases
  • We'll be creating and uploading our own tarballs. Github sometimes likes to change the checksums of their archives. example
  • Our releases will include the CHANGELOG from the previous release. example

I can set this up and add some small instructions for how to make a release using topkg.

SEGV while processing zh locale

I'm on a NetBSD system. Camomile 0.8.6 and 0.8.7 won't build under OPAM's OCaml 4.05 or OCaml 4.06 environments. They all result in a SEGV error. Here's the end of the OPAM .err file:

camomilelocaledef Camomile/locales/zh.mar
camomilelocaledef Camomile/locales/zh_CN.mar
camomilelocaledef Camomile/locales/zh_HK.mar
camomilelocaledef Camomile/locales/zh_MO.mar
camomilelocaledef Camomile/locales/zh_SG.mar
camomilelocaledef Camomile/locales/zh_TW.mar
camomilelocaledef Camomile/locales/zh_TW_STROKE.mar
camomilelocaledef Camomile/locales/zh__PINYIN.mar (got signal SEGV)
(cd _build/default/Camomile && ./tools/camomilelocaledef.exe --file locales/zh__PINYIN.txt locales)

Unfortunately the stack trace isn't too enlightening:

Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault.
#0  0x000000000059eb2b in caml_c_call ()

Any other info I can provide to get this fixed? (I can't install utop until this builds.)

tools/parse_specialcasing sometimes fails

While testing several variants of ocaml for the new upcoming OCaml 4.07 I noticed a weird failure happening inconsistently when trying to build camomile.1.0.1:

#=== ERROR while compiling camomile.1.0.1 =====================================#
# context              2.0.0~rc | linux/x86_64 | ocaml-variants.4.07.0+beta2+flambda | file:///home/opam/opam-repository
# path                 ~/.opam/4.07.0+beta2+flambda/.opam-switch/build/camomile.1.0.1
# command              ~/.opam/4.07.0+beta2+flambda/bin/jbuilder build -p camomile -j 63
# exit-code            1
# env-file             ~/.opam/log/camomile-1-882bca.env
# output-file          ~/.opam/log/camomile-1-882bca.out
### output ###
# File "Camomile/jbuild", line 4, characters 0-96:
# Warning: File is both generated by a rule and present in the source tree.
# As a result, the rule is currently ignored, however this will become an error in the future.
# To keep the current behavior and get rid of this warning, add a field (fallback) to the rule.
#    ocamlyacc Camomile/internal/uReStrParser.{ml,mli}
# 4 shift/reduce conflicts.
# parse_specialcasing Camomile/database/special_casing.mar (exit 2)
# (cd _build/default/Camomile && ./tools/parse_specialcasing.exe database unidata/SpecialCasing.txt)
# Fatal error: exception Not_found

Full log here:
I have no idea what is causing this since it only happened once and I couldn't reproduce it afterwards.

cc @mshinwell in case this has something to do with -Oclassic used here (but I cannot reproduce it, I'll try one more time)

4.05 compatibility

I am trying to get Camomile working on 4.05. So far I discovered the following issues:

  1. There are some patches distributed with the opam package that are not currently merged upstream, and which I needed to test the 4.05 build (in particular the patch that removes the camlp4o dependency, given that Camlp4 is not currently packaged for 4.05). Should I consider sending these patches here for maintainers to consider them for inclusion? (I have no idea what their content is, but merged them in my testing branch as 8244e5d and 2349f99 .) (After giving them a look, the no-camlp4 patch seems to just change the parser into its post-processed version, so I guess it makes sense to keep distributing separately and not stored the camlp4-generated files in version control, but maybe that could be pointed out in the README or somewhere?)

  2. There is an obviously-safe, minor change that is required by a modification of the type-checker behavior in 4.05, I sent a patch in #20.

  3. In the current 4.05 branch, Bigarray seems to depend on Unix because of the change in ocaml/ocaml#997. This breaks the Camomile build, which list .cma dependencies by hand and lists bigarray.cma but (of course?) not unix.cma. I have patched Camomile locally to go further with the build (see my working 4.05-fixes branch which contains all the changes I currently have stacked to test the build), but it is not clear to me that changing Camomile is the right move here: it might be considered a regression in the standard library, and fixed at this level, requiring no Camomile change.

  4. Finally, once all these changes are applied, I see a surprising error when building Camomile, that occurs when building under 4.05 but not under 4.04:

tools/camomilelocaledef.opt --file locales/test_1.txt locales 
Fatal error: exception File "toolslib/", line 163, characters 19-25: Assertion failed
Makefile:360: recipe for target 'locales/test_1.mar' failed
make: *** [locales/test_1.mar] Error 2

This may be a bug in the 4.05.0+beta2 compiler or runtime, or at least a change in behavior that breaks Camomile. I don't know/understand the codebase to have an idea of what causes it, but it is worth investigating more.

Update charmap files to latest ones

Part of works which updates Camomile to the latest Unicode. Easiest and maybe the first thing to be done. Just replace charmaps from the latest glibc and look whether it works or not.

This may introduce characters which current Camomile doesn't know, however. Therefore, it would be better to work this on a separate integration branch (which integrates all works related to update Unicode support)

Does not compile with OCaml 5.0.0 switches in opam

I observe the last commits date back to four years ago and the last release does not compile with the recent versions of OCaml (actually even not so recent versions).
Is it maintained somewhere else or replaced with another library ?

We need a roadmap to 1.0.0

Many of us would love to see a version 1.0.0 of Camomile! But how can we start to help if we do not have a roadmap? It would be great to prepare one!

Camomile's config files are incompatible with js_of_ocaml

Camomile's config file stuff relies on there being a file system that can be written to. This approach doesn't translate to the browser setting. A js_of_ocaml app that uses Camomile as a dependency experiences a runtime error "File does not exist" when it tries to load a config file upon starting.

This error seems to occur when the js_of_ocaml app is built in debug mode with separate compilation, but the config file access is somehow optimized away in release builds.

Update case mapping algorithm to latest ones

Unicode standard has introduced extra cases for ancient Greek to handle case mappings (around ver. 7). Also need to investigate the algorithm of the current version (ver. 10)

Stack overflow when building on ppc64, ppc64le

This is really "FYI" rather than a bug. It may even be a compiler bug. Anyway, when building on ppc64 or ppc64le there's a stack overflow in the final stages of the build:

Running[744]: (cd _build/default/Camomile && ./tools/camomilelocaledef.exe --file locales/zh__PINYIN.txt locales)
Command [744] got signal SEGV:
$ (cd _build/default/Camomile && ./tools/camomilelocaledef.exe --file locales/zh__PINYIN.txt locales)

It happens in the same place on both arches.

I worked around it by doing:

%ifarch %{power64}
ulimit -Hs 65536
ulimit -Ss 65536

This doesn't happen on the other arches we test with (i686, x86_64, s390, s390x, aarch64, armv7hl).

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