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graphql-schema_comparator's Issues

Dangerous changes

graphql-js has the concept of both breaking and dangerous changes. This might be a useful distinction to have here as well?

export const BreakingChangeType = {

export const DangerousChangeType = {

Changing an object to an interface isn't necessarily breaking

"the type changed" is almost always a breaking change, except when going from an object to an interface with exactly the same set of fields (and implemented interfaces). It would be nice if schema_comparator recognized this case and didn't flag it as breaking.

Trigger nested changes to new types and fields

Hi ๐Ÿ‘‹

For the schema comparison:

Old Schema:

type Query {}

New schema:

type Query {}

type App {
    foo: String
  ): String

The current behaviour only triggers one change:


But for linting purposes, it's important to have the full set of changes:


I'm proposing an option to return the nested schema changes for new types and fields.

This can be done by comparing the new types and fields to empty versions of them. Comparing the new type with an empty one returns Changes::FieldAdded and comparing this field with an empty one returns Changes::FieldArgumentAdded.

An approach like this does not require modifying the Change classes. It can be done in Schema::Diff or by having a similar class that does this "recursive" schema comparison.

Extended Query being reported as a different to a non-extended Query, when it is actually the same.

When comparing a query where the expected type has been extended to exactly match the actual type, the comparator is currently reporting a change.

Can someone confirm if this is correct? I would have expected the two queries to show no changes.


type Query {

extend type Query {
   test(id: String!): String!


type Query {	
   test(id: String!): String!

`โณ Checking for changes...
๐ŸŽ‰ Done! Result:

Detected the following changes between schemas:

โœ… Field test was added to object type Query

Some nullability changes being reported as breaking

Some changes to nullability are being reported as breaking when they aren't.

Base schema:

schema {
  query: Query

type Query {
  number(plus: Int!): Int

Comparison are done using this gem and which uses graphql-js under the hood (it's just a CLI wrapper).

Argument type made optional:

schema {
  query: Query

type Query {
  number(plus: Int): Int


โš ๏ธ Type for argument plus on field Query.number changed from Int! to Int


Congratulations! NO BREAKING CHANGES

Field type made non-null:

schema {
  query: Query

type Query {
  number(plus: Int): Int!


โš ๏ธ Field Query.number changed type from Int to Int!


Congratulations! NO BREAKING CHANGES

Safe nullability changes are marked unsafe incorrectly

graphql-ruby v2.0.8


Possibly a duplicate/confirmation of #35? cc @RobertWSaunders @jturkel

In the following test case, the change from bar: Bar! to bar: Bar on an input type gets marked breaking incorrectly:

require 'graphql/schema_comparator'

old_schema_idl = <<~SCHEMA
  schema {
    query: Query
  input Foo {
    bar: Bar!
  input Bar {
    x: String
  type Query {
    a(foo: Foo!): String!

new_schema_idl = <<~SCHEMA
  schema {
    query: Query
  input Foo {
    bar: Bar
  input Bar {
    x: String
  type Query {
    a(foo: Foo!): String!

result =, new_schema_idl)


puts result.breaking?

It looks like what's happening is that the parser is generating different classes for schema type Bar in the two schemas, so when the straight equality is run at

after peeling away the (safe) nullability change, the underlying types come back as different.

I'm not sure how this ever worked, or why we never ran into it at Shopify? Maybe the gem recently change how it parses string schemas to generate duplicate classes?

Change message regressions on 1.1.1


Hi, we use the schema comparer library to output breaking change warnings as PR comments, as I'm sure many do. We do not use the rake task directly but rather take the output of and process it to our liking.

As we have some niche use case customisations, we have extensive testing of the output of our custom comparer.


In a routine upgrade from 1.0.0 to 1.1.1 (while remaining on GraphQL 1.12.10) while most tests still passed, we saw 2 failures:

The first is that removed arguments are missing their type:

Before: "Argument include_internal: Boolean! was removed from field Query.organisation"
After: "Argument include_internal: was removed from field Query.organisation"

The second is that when field description is changed on an interface which is implemented by another type, that type's name is no longer included in output, instead duplicating the interface's name:

@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@04:08
 ## Detected safe changes in your GraphQL schema for `/v1/graphql`04:08
 Detected changes when compared against the staging schema @ 12/08/2021:04:08
-- โœ…  Field `Organisation.visibleAccountsCount` description changed from `Number of accounts` to `Number of accounts on organisation`04:08
+- โœ…  Field `OrganisationalUnit.visibleAccountsCount` description changed from `Number of accounts` to `Number of accounts on organisation`04:08
 - โœ…  Field `OrganisationalUnit.visibleAccountsCount` description changed from `Number of accounts` to `Number of accounts on organisation`04:08

in this instance the relevant SDL is:

type Organisation implements OrganisationalUnit {}

interface OrganisationalUnit {
  Number of accounts on organisation
  visibleAccountsCount: Int

unchanged directive marked as breaking change

An unchanged directive is currently being marked as a breaking change. Example schema affected:

schema {
  query: QueryRoot

type QueryRoot {
  name(locale: String = "en"): String!

directive @colorFormat(
  colorFormat: ColorFormatEnum!
) on QUERY

enum ColorFormatEnum {

Descriptions with new lines are listed as SafeChange

When using long descriptions, e.g.

value "width", "Resizes the image to given width (in pixels) and keeps proportions. Resizing the image bigger than the original is not possible.", value: :width

and dumping the schema, it looks like this

enum ImageOperatorFilter {
  Resizes the image to given width (in pixels) and keeps proportions. Resizing
  the image bigger than the original is not possible.

because of the formatting in GraphQL::Language::BlockString, which adds a new line after a certain amount of characters.

Unfortunately, graphql-schema_comparator lists this new line as a change

Safe change:: Description for enum value `ImageOperatorFilter.width` changed from `Resizes the image to given width (in pixels) and keeps proportions. Resizing
the image bigger than the original is not possible.` to `Resizes the image to given width (in pixels) and keeps proportions.`

So now, you can't use graphql-schema_comparator any more because it always detects a change, even if there isn't one.

Would it be possible to ignore such new lines in descriptions? Or would it be better to not include newlines in the schema, and fix this on graphql-ruby gem side?

"Type `Int` was added" (failing test on master)

Hey @xuorig ๐Ÿ‘‹ ๐Ÿ˜„

Pulling the latest master, 79ad690, I'm getting some confusing failing tests:

-["Field `Query.a` changed type from `String!` to `Int`", "Field `b` was added to object type `Query`"]
+["Field `Query.a` changed type from `String!` to `Int`", "Field `b` was added to object type `Query`", "Type `Int` was added"]

It seems odd that Int, which is a built-in GraphQL scalar type would be considered a "new type" in any context. Inversely, the toy schema that no longer refers to String is not reported as dropping that type (I also wouldn't expect it to.)

Support graphql-ruby 1.10.0

In rmosolgo/graphql-ruby#2178 (graphql-ruby 1.10.0) was changed the .from_definition method which used in:

elsif schema.is_a?(String)

So we can't compare even the same schemas:

> new_schema = BinaazSchema.to_definition
>, new_schema)

Detected the following changes between schemas:

๐Ÿ›‘  Schema mutation root has changed from `#<Class:0x00007f51e8424c08>` to `#<Class:0x00005616c7bfaf98>`
๐Ÿ›‘  Schema query root has changed from `` to ``

`block in diff': no implicit conversion of GraphQL::SchemaComparator::Changes::EnumValueDescriptionChanged into Array (TypeError)

Hi @xuorig !!

First thanks you for this project!

Now I try compare a more complex schemas and returns this error:

graphql-schema compare gw20171103.graphql gw20171108.graphql 
๐Ÿค–  Checking for changes...
/home/dcalle/.gem/ruby/2.4.0/gems/graphql-schema_comparator-0.3.1/lib/graphql/schema_comparator/diff/enum.rb:23:in `block in diff': no implicit conversion of GraphQL::SchemaComparator::Changes::EnumValueDescriptionChanged into Array (TypeError)
	from /home/dcalle/.gem/ruby/2.4.0/gems/graphql-schema_comparator-0.3.1/lib/graphql/schema_comparator/diff/enum.rb:44:in `block in each_common_value'
	from /home/dcalle/.gem/ruby/2.4.0/gems/graphql-schema_comparator-0.3.1/lib/graphql/schema_comparator/diff/enum.rb:40:in `each'
	from /home/dcalle/.gem/ruby/2.4.0/gems/graphql-schema_comparator-0.3.1/lib/graphql/schema_comparator/diff/enum.rb:40:in `each_common_value'
	from /home/dcalle/.gem/ruby/2.4.0/gems/graphql-schema_comparator-0.3.1/lib/graphql/schema_comparator/diff/enum.rb:19:in `diff'
	from /home/dcalle/.gem/ruby/2.4.0/gems/graphql-schema_comparator-0.3.1/lib/graphql/schema_comparator/diff/schema.rb:45:in `changes_in_type'
	from /home/dcalle/.gem/ruby/2.4.0/gems/graphql-schema_comparator-0.3.1/lib/graphql/schema_comparator/diff/schema.rb:25:in `block in diff'
	from /home/dcalle/.gem/ruby/2.4.0/gems/graphql-schema_comparator-0.3.1/lib/graphql/schema_comparator/diff/schema.rb:103:in `block in each_common_type'
	from /home/dcalle/.gem/ruby/2.4.0/gems/graphql-schema_comparator-0.3.1/lib/graphql/schema_comparator/diff/schema.rb:99:in `each'
	from /home/dcalle/.gem/ruby/2.4.0/gems/graphql-schema_comparator-0.3.1/lib/graphql/schema_comparator/diff/schema.rb:99:in `each_common_type'
	from /home/dcalle/.gem/ruby/2.4.0/gems/graphql-schema_comparator-0.3.1/lib/graphql/schema_comparator/diff/schema.rb:24:in `diff'
	from /home/dcalle/.gem/ruby/2.4.0/gems/graphql-schema_comparator-0.3.1/lib/graphql/schema_comparator.rb:25:in `compare'
	from /home/dcalle/.gem/ruby/2.4.0/gems/graphql-schema_comparator-0.3.1/bin/graphql-schema:15:in `compare'
	from /home/dcalle/.gem/ruby/2.4.0/gems/thor-0.20.0/lib/thor/command.rb:27:in `run'
	from /home/dcalle/.gem/ruby/2.4.0/gems/thor-0.20.0/lib/thor/invocation.rb:126:in `invoke_command'
	from /home/dcalle/.gem/ruby/2.4.0/gems/thor-0.20.0/lib/thor.rb:387:in `dispatch'
	from /home/dcalle/.gem/ruby/2.4.0/gems/thor-0.20.0/lib/thor/base.rb:466:in `start'
	from /home/dcalle/.gem/ruby/2.4.0/gems/graphql-schema_comparator-0.3.1/bin/graphql-schema:53:in `<top (required)>'
	from /usr/local/bin/graphql-schema:23:in `load'
	from /usr/local/bin/graphql-schema:23:in `<main>'

Is possible it is a an error caused by enum type?



Thanks a lot!!

Field argument change to/from `default_value = nil` not detected

I think this is partly because of

if old_arg.default_value != new_arg.default_value
changes <<, field, old_arg, new_arg)

I believe default_value is nil both for the case when it's not set and when it's set to nil, so we might need to add || old_arg.default_value? != new_arg.default_value?.

Then there's also

def message
if old_argument.default_value.nil? || old_argument.default_value == :__no_default__
"Default value `#{new_argument.default_value}` was added to argument `#{new_argument.graphql_name}` on field `#{type.graphql_definition}.#{field.graphql_name}`"
"Default value for argument `#{new_argument.graphql_name}` on field `#{type.graphql_definition}.#{}` changed"\
" from `#{old_argument.default_value}` to `#{new_argument.default_value}`"

Which renders poorly when default_value = nil (since nil becomes the empty string).

(Apologies for only submitting a bug report and not test cases or a PR fixing this. I had some weird issues getting the tests to pass deterministically locally...)

Comparison of directive argument fails

I have a directive with a single, required argument:

# localize.rb
class Localize < GraphQL::Schema::Directive
  argument :locale, LocaleEnum, required: true

  def self.resolve(_obj, args, _ctx)
    I18n.with_locale(args.fetch(:locale)) { yield }

# locale_enum.rb
class LocaleEnum < GraphQL::Schema::Enum
  description "Available locales"

  I18n.available_locales.each do |locale|
    value locale

When I dump the schema and start a comparison, it complains that the type has changed:

Type for argument `locale` on directive `localize` changed from `LocaleEnum!` to `LocaleEnum!`

I debugged a little bit into the source code and found this part

From: /usr/local/bundle/gems/graphql-schema_comparator-1.0.0/lib/graphql/schema_comparator/diff/directive_argument.rb @ line 24 GraphQL::SchemaComparator::Diff::DirectiveArgument#diff:

    11: def diff
    12:   changes = []
    14:   if old_arg.description != new_arg.description
    15:     changes <<, old_arg, new_arg)
    16:   end
    18:   if old_arg.default_value != new_arg.default_value
    19:     changes <<, old_arg, new_arg)
    20:   end
    22:   if old_arg.type != new_arg.type
    23:     binding.pry
 => 24:     changes <<, old_arg, new_arg)
    25:   end
    27:   # TODO directives on directive arguments
    29:   changes
    30: end

It seems like the comparison doesn't work properly:

[23] pry(#<GraphQL::SchemaComparator::Diff::DirectiveArgument>)> old_arg
=> #<GraphQL::Schema::Argument:0x000055deff8468c0
   @type=#<GraphQL::Language::Nodes::NonNullType:0x000055deff792ac8 @filename=nil, @of_type=#<GraphQL::Language::Nodes::TypeName:0x000055deff792b90 @filename=nil, @name="LocaleEnum">>>,
 @type=#<GraphQL::Schema::NonNull @of_type=#<Class:0x000055deff8e7c70>>,
 @type_expr=#<LateBoundType @name=LocaleEnum>!>
[24] pry(#<GraphQL::SchemaComparator::Diff::DirectiveArgument>)> new_arg
=> #<GraphQL::Schema::Argument:0x000055deffc01cf8
   @type=#<GraphQL::Language::Nodes::NonNullType:0x000055deffb42f10 @filename=nil, @of_type=#<GraphQL::Language::Nodes::TypeName:0x000055deffb42fd8 @filename=nil, @name="LocaleEnum">>>,
 @type=#<GraphQL::Schema::NonNull @of_type=#<Class:0x000055deffc684f8>>,
 @type_expr=#<LateBoundType @name=LocaleEnum>!>

But when you look into the types, they are the same:

[27] pry(#<GraphQL::SchemaComparator::Diff::DirectiveArgument>)> old_arg.type.to_graphql
=> LocaleEnum!
[28] pry(#<GraphQL::SchemaComparator::Diff::DirectiveArgument>)> new_arg.type.to_graphql
=> LocaleEnum!
[29] pry(#<GraphQL::SchemaComparator::Diff::DirectiveArgument>)> old_arg.type.to_graphql == new_arg.type.to_graphql
=> true

So it seems to me that this is a bug. Any chance that this gets fixed? Would a comparison using to_graphql be of help?

Install/Use CLI

Hello @ xuorig,

I try to use CLI but I am very new to RoR and I am very lost in what I can be doing wrong

My Log.
/home/dcalle/.gem/ruby/2.4.0/gems/graphql-schema_comparator-0.3.0/bin/graphql-schema:34:in block in print_changes': undefined method breaking' for #<GraphQL::SchemaComparator::Changes::FieldRemoved:0x005638d348d4d0> (NoMethodError) Did you mean? breaking? from /home/dcalle/.gem/ruby/2.4.0/gems/graphql-schema_comparator-0.3.0/bin/graphql-schema:33:in each'
from /home/dcalle/.gem/ruby/2.4.0/gems/graphql-schema_comparator-0.3.0/bin/graphql-schema:33:in print_changes' from /home/dcalle/.gem/ruby/2.4.0/gems/graphql-schema_comparator-0.3.0/bin/graphql-schema:23:in compare'
from /home/dcalle/.gem/ruby/2.4.0/gems/thor-0.20.0/lib/thor/command.rb:27:in run' from /home/dcalle/.gem/ruby/2.4.0/gems/thor-0.20.0/lib/thor/invocation.rb:126:in invoke_command'
from /home/dcalle/.gem/ruby/2.4.0/gems/thor-0.20.0/lib/thor.rb:387:in dispatch' from /home/dcalle/.gem/ruby/2.4.0/gems/thor-0.20.0/lib/thor/base.rb:466:in start'
from /home/dcalle/.gem/ruby/2.4.0/gems/graphql-schema_comparator-0.3.0/bin/graphql-schema:53:in <top (required)>' from /home/dcalle/bin/graphql-schema:23:in load'
from /home/dcalle/bin/graphql-schema:23:in <main>'

Can you guide me?

Thanks a lot!!!

Re-think design of changes objects

Right now a change is any object that responds to #breaking. I'm not totally sure if I like this ๐Ÿค”

Should think if a base class would make sense, or maybe use composition of change(change_type) ?

Nuance to EnumValueAdded's criticality

At the moment, all EnumValueAdded changes are marked as dangerous because it may break clients that do not handle a certain enum value.

This is true if you're using the enum as a field type, but if you're only using it as an argument type, adding a new enum value should be safe.

Dynamic `Breaking` value

Some types of change are breaking in certain cases, and sometimes not. Using the info we have, can we determine if the change is breaking?

Node.js (npm) wrapper

This looks super useful! There's many node.js devs using GraphQL (see e.g. postgraphile), and I'd think it would be useful for many of them as well. Have you considered adding a node.js wrapper?

Support argument deprecations

With the GraphQL Spec having moved the deprecation of input values (field args, directive args, input fields) to Stage 3 (graphql/graphql-spec#805), we should consider deprecation_reason when comparing arguments. This is already supported for enums and fields. GraphQL-Ruby supports specifying a reason on arguments (docs).

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