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htmlflow's Issues


Hey! I'd love to use your library, but I'm not sure how to do some things.
What's the procedure for adding a table?
I noticed that none of your test cases are in the repo. If you've written them, maybe they'd make a good reference for those who want to use it?

Web Site htmlflow

  1. Fix first example to be consistent with
  2. Put references consistent with
  3. Add link to 2nd part of DZone Article
  4. Fiz installation version of HtmlFlow.
  5. Update Change logs.
  6. Add feed ATOM RSS.

Petclinic (Java pet store) sample application with HtmlFlow

Hi @fmcarvalho

thank you for you template engine. Very interesting approach.

Can you provide a standard example Petclinic implemented with "login-registration" (spring security) ? PETCLINIC

The developer need to know how to implement the standard functionality with HtmlFlow.

Read more about petclinic or pet store app:

  1. spring implementation
  2. j2ee implementation


Enhance DynamicHtml view() factory with a pre building process

HtmlTemplate instances can be processed before-hand with a mock model object (through a dynamic proxy) that intercepts all calls.

Thus, all static parts can be processed and stored on call to view(). Any, call to the model out of a dynamic scope it is intercepted by the mock object and throws an exception alerting for the illegal use.

This would avoid control of the first visit in HtmlVisitorCache.

Nested Table

I think i am missing something but can you please help me understand how can i create nested table.
Something like below? I tried adding table to HtmlTd but that didn't work.

<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
        <tr class="top">
            <td colspan="2">
                        <td class="title">
                            <img src="logo.png" style="width:100%; max-width:300px;" />

                            Invoice #: 123<br />
                            Created: January 1, 2015<br />
                            Due: February 1, 2015

Misunderstanding of how to use printStream to stream html

So I had everything working using render(), when I ran into issues and decided to change to output into a file when I realized just adding the printStream and calling write at the end didn't work.

Debugging the code I realized all the builder code is executing everything eagerly building some StringBuilder as you add html tags, and all the buffer gets discarded as soon as I call setPrintStream.

So the only solution I found was to set the printStream right before I start building the Html:

var view = (HtmlView<?>) StaticHtml.view().setPrintStream(ps); var html = view.html();

But not sure the method returns a less specific type, thats why I had to add the cast, but in the end it works.

Is this how it is supposed to work? because from the documentation I assumed you could decide how to render it at the end, and so I assumed everything would run lazily like Java streams.

Internationalization with locale

I am creating a dynamic html with dynamic content to send it by email.
I am using spring boot with Java 8 and I would like to add localize text from depending the language of the customer.
Is there a way to achieve that when I render dynamically the html?

Could Taskview return always the same HtmlBody instead of creating?

use case:

      .addAttr("toto", "tutu").form("/");

      .addAttr("toto", "tutu").form("/");


public class HtmlView<T> extends HtmlWriterComposite<T, HtmlView<T>>{

     public HtmlHead<T> head(){return addChild(new HtmlHead<T>());}

    private HtmlBody body = null;
    public HtmlBody<T> body() {
        if (body == null) {
            body = addChild(new HtmlBody<T>());

        return body;

Prepare for release 3.0

Release 3.0 will introduce deep changes on end use API and also significantly improvement on performance. Check major major changes on this branch:

  • Improved performance. HtmlFlow is on this date the most performant template engine and Java DSL for HTML.

  • Replaced the method º() by __().

  • New static factory methods view() of the new classes DynamicHtml and StaticHtml

  • Removed the static factory methods html(), head() and div() from HtmlView.

  • Html code is emitted on the fly when the methods of HtmlApi (e.g. html(), div(), h1(), etc)
    are called.

  • Now HtmlView is just a container of a template function and an ElementVisitor, which establishes
    the HTML output format.

  • All emitted HTML is cached.

  • Data binding requires the use of new method dynamic() to avoid caching. Otherwise, the context objects are ignored on further renders.

  • New method of() to enable the use of other methods in the fluent chain.

  • New addPartial() to enable the reuse of same HTML template function with different HTML fragments.

  • Removed the method binder(). The role of this method is replaced by the concept of template function which receives the context object U that is captured and used whenever is needed, such as in dynamic().


Issue while maven build

Hi following error i am getting while doing

mvn clean install

[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] /Users/mohsin/Documents/dev/springdev/workspace/HtmlFlow/src/test/java/htmlflow/test/views/[98,21] cannot find symbol
symbol: method div()
location: interface org.xmlet.htmlapifaster.Element
[INFO] 1 error
[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 3.226 s
[INFO] Finished at: 2019-03-16T14:55:58+05:30
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3.1:testCompile (default-testCompile) on project htmlflow: Compilation failure
[ERROR] /Users/mohsin/Documents/dev/springdev/workspace/HtmlFlow/src/test/java/htmlflow/test/views/[98,21] cannot find symbol
[ERROR] symbol: method div()
[ERROR] location: interface org.xmlet.htmlapifaster.Element
[ERROR] -> [Help 1]
[ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.
[ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
[ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles:
[ERROR] [Help 1]

Nesting dynamic bloc

I'm trying to migrate a use made using thymleaf to a view using html flow.
In a table of user I discovered that we can't nest dynamic bloc.

  .dynamic(body -> { -> {
                // should switch on presence of user.getImage() == null 
                // .img().attrClass("ui image avatar").attrSrc(String.format("data:image/png;base64,%s", user.getImageAsBase64())).__()


The error message is really clear

You are already in a dynamic block! Do not use dynamic() chained inside another dynamic!

Thanks for that.

I assume that there is a technical reason for this limitation. I don't question them, rather I'd like some guidance on how this kind of stuff should be address by a user of htmlflow.


Partial feels upside down

I'm trying to figure out the correct way to use this htmlflow as a replacement for thymleaf.

The partial idea is already adressed here, but it seams to me that the partial are upside down.
Maybe that's just my perception that is out of wack at least in the documentation.

The way I intend to use partial is much closer to what was done with SelectField in the petClinic.
But there it's in a folder called fragment.

What is the distinction you are doing between fragment and partial ? Would be welcome a PR on the documentation of partial ?

Story for generating inline css or inline js

Does this project plan to produce inline js or inline css.

Using thymleaf it happens from time to time that I need to produce in my inline js base on some variable extracted from the model.


Several errors. Should use try-with-resources. Remove the Task model from the first example.

Use a write method without the int indentation parameter.

Turn setPrintStream optional

Support other kinds of outputs and make setPrintStream optional, whit a default output.

Today HtmlWriterComposite and HtmlSingleElement are compromised with the setPrintStream.

Also, evaluate support to javax.swing.text.html.HTMLDocument.

Dynamic html to string wrong

Wrong use of DynamicView! You should provide a model parameter or use a static view instead! method render(T mode), How to define T mode???



what is the license?

gpl, lgpl, bsd?

thank you

HtmlView-Header.txt can't be loaded

Hi @fmcarvalho,

I really like your library for easily creating html docs. In my case I use it for a mail parsing component. Now the problem with version 1.1 (but not 1.0):

My mail parsing component is a maven dependency like yours. I have an application "main" which only uses my mail parsing component as dependency. I checked the resulting "main.war" and there was my mail parser jar as well as your htmlflow jar.

When I try to create a new Instance of my mail parser, which also invokes to create a instance of HtmlView<?>, an UncheckedIOException is thrown that it couldn't find HtmlView-Header.txt. Just for clarification the structure how everything is deployed within main.war:

I am still trying to debug it but for the moment I can tell that ClassLoader.getSystemResource("templates/HtmlView-Header.txt") (related to #16) is not looking at the right point to find the "HtmlView-Header.txt" because of the setup of your project being within another dependency.

The tests within the mail parser dependency can successfully create a mail parser instance.

RFP Flowifier – HTML to HtmlFlow translator

In order to setup an HtmlFlow template it would be useful to have a translator tool – Flowifier – that is able to convert an HTML document into the equivalent template definition with HtmlFlow.

This RFP aims to discuss implementation approaches and requirements for Flowifier.

Some of the topics under discussion (not limited):

  • HTML parsing strategy
  • Nodes visiting approach
  • Execution model
  • Parent repository

Safe output?

It seems that even when I use the Dynamic View:

  .dynamic(el -> el.text(model.title))

The output is not safe for viewing?
My example is that a user has entered some XSS in the title, such as: <script>alert('1')</script>.

Am I using the library wrong?

Request for help - Several arrayslist to table

My goal is to produce a table with the layout kinda like this:
double table

The code used for producing this output is:

public static void saveWeek(String weekNum, ArrayList<SkemaLektion> man, ArrayList<SkemaLektion> tir) {
        HtmlView<Iterable<SkemaLektion>> taskView = new HtmlView<Iterable<SkemaLektion>>();
        HtmlTable<Iterable<SkemaLektion>> table = taskView
                .heading(1, weekNum)

        HtmlTr<Iterable<SkemaLektion>> headerRow =;"rowspan", "9999").text("MANDAG");"Tid");"Enhed");"Fag");"Lek Nr");"Aktivitet");"Leder");"Påklædning");"Sted");
                skemaLektion -> skemaLektion.getLektid().getText(),
                skemaLektion -> skemaLektion.getEnhed().getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem(),
                skemaLektion -> skemaLektion.getFag().getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem().toString(),
                skemaLektion -> skemaLektion.getLekNummer().getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem().toString(),
                skemaLektion -> skemaLektion.getAktivitet().getText(),
                skemaLektion -> skemaLektion.getAnsvar().getText(),
                skemaLektion -> skemaLektion.getPaaklaedning().getText(),
                (SkemaLektion skemaLektion2) -> skemaLektion2.getLokation().getText());
        try (PrintStream out = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(weekNum + ".html"))) {
            Desktop.getDesktop().browse(URI.create(weekNum + ".html"));
        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
        } catch (IOException e) {

My question is how do so that only the table content is added again and not the whole document and the second "Mandag" is changed to "Tirsdag"? (Monday and tuesday.

Kind regards

Prepare Release 2.0

If you are an HtmlFlow user then you should be interested about the release 2.0 news. HtmlFlow version 2.0 has full support for all existing HTML5 elements and attributes. Moreover all attributes are strongly typed with enumerated types which restrict accepted values. Now HtmlFlow API is constructed with the support of an automated framework xmlet based on an XSD definition of the HTML5 syntax and rules (soon HtmlFlow will be transferred to xmlet organization).

Thus we remove the package htmlflow.attributes and htmlflow.elements, which have been replaced by the types defined in org.xmlet.htmlapi library. This new approach forces HtmlFlow API to keep consistency along all methods use. You may check the HtmlFlow development branch to verify the main changes to the API (the examples and unit tests have been updated according to the new API). Please let me know about your issues if you do not agree with some change.

So version 2.0 introduces the following core changes:

  • All fluent methods have no parameters. For example, formerly when we were specifying the text node of a paragraph or heading (such as, .p("my text") or .h2("my title")), now we have to chain an invocation to the text() method (such as, .p().text("my text") or .h2().text("my title")).

  • All fluent methods now return the created element. Whenever we need to proceed with the parent element we may chain an invocation to .º(). For example, formerly when we wrote .div().br().p()
    now we have to write .div().br().º().p(). Moreover the statement .div().br().p() not even compiles, because HTML does not allow a paragraph inside a break line element, so we will get a
    compilation error.

  • Except for .text() which does not create an element but a text node instead, the rest of fluent methods return the created element. For .text() it returns the element containing the text node (the this).

  • The new method º() returns the parent of an element. This method is strongly typed so it returns exactly an instance of T where T is the concrete class which extends Element. This is an important issue to respect the HTML structure and rules.

  • Indentation. Now every element or text node is printed in a new line. Formerly there were some exceptions, namely for text nodes which were printed in the same line of the beginning tag.
    These exceptions were removed.

  • If you do not like the HtmlFlow print approach you are free to implement your own org.xmlet.htmlapi.ElementVisitor. See the htmlflow.HtmlVisitor implementation as a guideline.

  • Removed default implementation of method write() in interface HtmlWriter<T> .

To all HtmlFlow users @andych008 @dgautier @bignsyd @kenji-getpowered @eorahil @tommywu23
@srekapalli @sndp2510 @vbrknu @alacui @mavarazy @ItisSoham @tenebrius @ohtejera @CapDuan @DNagorny @maksimu @extremely-idle @christhompson121 @luisf11 @AlburIvan @mertserezli @YuriiChukhrai @beatngu13 @prinal10 @xpbtmusic @devaaron @lcduarte

Add an Id or Class to elements


A great possibility would be to have the possibility to set a Css class property and th Css ad property on elements.

A possible solution would be

The HtmlWriterComposite could have a get/setCssId and get/setCssClass

So all elements could add them at doWriteBefore for instance

public void doWriteBefore(PrintStream out, int depth) {
out.println("<div" + this.getCssId + " "+this.getCssClass()" >");

Well I did not think it thouroughly but, in my opinion, it would be really useful

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