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Software Engineering Education Research

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Survey Analysis

The Combined Survey.csv cotains the columns from the student survey collected for the Software Engineering class from undergraduates and graduate students. It consists of pre-semester and post-semster data for the classes CSCI430(undergraduate) and CSCI630(graduate). The column with the prefix Pre consists of pre-semester data whereas the column with prefix Post consists of post-semester data.

The following is the list of all the column names and the explanation for it:

  • Semester: The semester and Year of the survey data. Eg. FALL14

  • Class: The class for the survey data. Eg. CSCI430

  • AgeOver18: States whether the age is over 18 or not. Eg. TRUE or FALSE

  • Age: What is your age? Eg. 22

  • Consent: The students consent to use the survey response for research purposes. Eg. TRUE or FALSE

  • Name: What is your name? E.g John Doe

  • Category: The category under which the student software engineering project lies. Eg. LFOSS

  • Section: The activity section the student is enrolled. Eg. 1:00 - 1:50

  • (All)SectionAbleToAttend: The activity section(s) student is able to attend.

Pre-semester data

  • PreProgrammingAbility: On a scale from 1 to 5, where one is beginner and five is advanced, how would you characterize your programming ability?

  • PreProfessionalExperience: How many months, if any, of co-op, internship, or other professional experience you have had related to computer science? Eg. 7

  • PreUsefulnessOfComputing: Working on a software engineering project will give me a better appreciation for the usefulness of computing. E.g 1-5.

  • PreBenefitSociety: I expect to have a greater awareness of the potential for computing to benefit society due to working on a software engineering project. E.g 1-5

  • PreHelpPeople: I want to work on a software engineering project because I want to help the people who would benefit from the software. E.g 1-5

  • PreHelpOthers: Participating in a software engineering project inspires me to use my computing skills to help others. E.g 1-5

  • PreMotivate: Knowing that my project will help people will motivate me to do my best on the software engineering project. E.g 1-5

  • PreDiverseCommunity: I expect to enjoy working on a software engineering project because it will allow me to participate in a diverse community of software developers. E.g 1-5

  • PreIncreaseInterest: Working on a software engineering project will increase my interest in computing. E.g 1-5

  • PreConfidenceComputing: Working on a software engineering project will increase my confidence in my computing. E.g 1-5

  • PreComfortableComputing: Participating in a software engineering project will make me more comfortable with computing. E.g 1-5

  • PrePriorSoftEngProject: I have participated in a software engineering project prior to this class. E.g Yes/No

  • PrePlanAndDevelop: I am comfortable that I could participate in the planning and development of a real-world software project. E.g 1-5

  • PreListSteps: I can list the steps in the software process we will use in the software engineering project. E.g 1-5

  • PreUseProcess: I can use a software process to develop a software engineering project. E.g 1-5

  • PreConfidenceDiversity: I expect to gain some confidence in collaborating with professionals from a variety of locations and cultures. E.g 1-5

  • PreImpactComplexity: I can describe the impact of project complexity on the approaches used to develop software. E.g 1-5

  • PreImpactSize: I can describe the impact of project size on the approaches used to develop software. E.g 1-5

  • PreMaintainProject: I am confident that I can maintain a software engineering project. E.g 1-5

  • PreDescribeDrawbackBenefits: I can describe the drawbacks and benefits of software engineering to society. E.g 1-5

  • PreDescribeToolTechniques: I can use all tools and techniques that will be employed in my software engineering project. E.g 1-5

  • PreTeamInteractions: I can participate in a software engineering development team's interactions. E.g 1-5

  • PreBehaveProfessional: Participation in a software engineering project will improve my understanding of how to behave like a computing professional. E.g 1-5

  • PreAutomatedSoftwareTests: I can write automated software tests to verify that the software reliably behaves as was intended. E.g 1-5

  • PreDevOps: I can set up and manage a development environment and development operations (DevOps) tools for collaborating on a software development team. E.g 1-5

  • PreUseDesignPatterns: I can identify and use software design patterns appropriately. E.g 1-5

  • PreStrengthAndWeakness: I can analyze and evaluate the design of large software projects for strengths and weaknesses. E.g 1-5

  • PreConfidentWorkProfessional: I feel confident about working with computing professionals. E.g 1-5

  • PreExcitedWorkProfessional: I am excited about working with computing professionals. E.g 1-5

  • PreReinforceMajor: Participation in a software engineering project may positively reinforce my decision to make computing my major. E.g 1-5

  • PreQuestionMajor: Participating in a software engineering project may cause me to question my decision to make computing my major/minor. E.g 1-5

  • PreConsiderFurtherCourses: Participation in a software engineering project may cause me to consider taking further computing courses. E.g 1-5

  • PreSatisfactionProject: Overall, I expect to be very satis􀂡ed with my learning in the software engineering project. E.g 1-5

  • PreExpectLearningProject: What do you expect to learn by working on a software engineering project?. E.g Free Response

  • PreMobDevelopment: I am interested in mobile development. E.g 1-5

  • PreWebDevelopment: I am interested in web development. E.g 1-5

  • PreDevelopingTools: I am interested in developing tools for fellow programmers. E.g 1-5

  • PreCommercialProduct: I am interested in developing a commercial (for sale) product. E.g 1-5

  • PreServeSchool: I am interested in serving my school (and/or a􀂣liated groups). E.g 1-5

  • PreServeLocal: I am interested in serving the local community. E.g 1-5

  • PreServeInternational: I am interested in serving national/international communities. 1-5

  • PreMobDevExp: I am confident and experienced in mobile development. E.g 1-5

  • PreWebDevExp: I am confident and experienced in web development. E.g 1-5

  • PreEmbSystemsExp: I am confident and experienced in desktop or embedded systems development. E.g 1-5

  • PreCSInnovate: I believe Computer Science and Software Engineering are fields that further innovation in science and technology. E.g 1-5

  • PreCSHelpPeople: I believe Computer Science and Software Engineering are fields that help people. E.g 1-5

  • PreCSPositiveImpact: I believe Computer Science and Software Engineering are fields that have made a positive impact on the world. E.g 1-5

  • InterestBallzy: I am interested in working on Ballzy. E.g 1-5

  • InterestBossyUI: I am interested in working on BossyUI. E.g 1-5

  • InterestEsportsConnect: I am interested in working on eSports Connect. E.g 1-5

  • InterestJobMatch: I am interested in working on JobMatch. E.g 1-5

  • InterestMesaMep: I am interested in working on Mesa/Mep career fair. E.g 1-5

  • InterestPocketTA: I am interested in working on PocketTA. E.g 1-5

  • InterestWanderlust: I am interested in working on Wanderlust. E.g 1-5

  • InterestMifos: I am interested in working on Mifos. E.g 1-5

  • InterestMouseTrap: I am interested in working on MouseTrap. E.g 1-5

  • InterestVault: I am interested in working on Vault. E.g 1-5

  • InterestSwift: I am interested in working on Swift. E.g 1-5

  • InterestBootstrap: I am interested in working on Bootstrap. E.g 1-5

  • InterestReactJS: I am interested in working on ReactJS. E.g 1-5

  • InterestXenon: I am interested in working on Xenon. E.g 1-5

  • PreInterestUse: My project preference is motivated by product being used by many people. E.g 1-5

  • PreKnownLanguage: My project preferences are motivated by programming languages and technologies I am already familiar with. E.g 1-5

  • PreLearnLanguage: My project preferences are motivated by new programming languages and technologies I want to learn. E.g 1-5

  • PreMakeMoney: My project preferences are motivated by the potential of the product making money. E.g 1-5

  • PreProfessionalNetworking: My project preferences are motivated by the opportunities for professional/career networking. E.g 1-5

  • PreIntersestWellKnown: My project preferences are motivated by the potential of the product becoming wellknown and used by many people. E.g 1-5

  • PreProductProblem: My project preferences are motivated by the problem the product addresses. E.g 1-5

  • PreMotivationComments: Other than the reasons already given, what makes a project appealing to you? E.g Free Response

  • FirstChoice: Choose the project that is your FIRST (favorite) choice. Eg. Akka

  • SecondChoice: Choose the project that is your SECOND (backup) choice. Eg. FOSS

  • ThirdChoice: Choose the project that is your THIRD (next backup) choice. Eg. MouseTrap

  • PreChoiceComments: Additional Comments on provided choices.

Post-semester data

  • PostProject: What project did you work on this semester? E.g BossyUI

  • Race/Origin: Please identify your race and national origin category (select all that apply).

  • Gender: What is your gender?

  • FirstMajor: The first major of the student. Eg. Computer Science

  • SecondMajor: The second major(if any) of the student. E.g Computer Science

  • ContinueMajor: Do you plan to continue in Computer Science major/minor? Eg. Yes/No

  • CommentsChangeMajor: If you are thinking about changing majors, please explain why. E.g Free Response

  • PostProgrammingAbility: On a scale from 1 to 5, where one is beginner and five is advanced, how would you characterize your programming ability?. E.g 1-5

  • HoursPerWeek: Outside of lecture and lab, estimate how many hours you spent per week on your project. Eg. 10

  • ContinueAfterSemester: Plan on continuing to contribute to my team project after this semester is over. Eg. True/False

  • ClientGaveFeedback: Team project had a specific customer/client who gave us feedback on what we built. Eg. True/False

  • PostTechnicalLeader: My team project had a specific technical leaders (other than the instructor or students in class) who advised the development team. E.g True/False

  • MentorGuidance: Team project had mentor(s) (other than the instructor or students in class) to help provide guidance or review our work. E.g True/False

  • OtherProgrammersWillUse: After the end of the semester, I expect other programmers (besides my team and instructor) to use my project's code. E.g 1-5

  • PostCommercialProduct: After the end of the semester, I expect my project to become a commercial (for sale) product. E.g 1-5

  • PostServeSchool: I believe my project can help serve my school (and/or affiliated groups). E.g 1-5

  • PostServeLocal: I believe my project can help serve the local community. E.g 1-5

  • PostServeInternational: I believe my project can help serve national or international communities. E.g 1-5

  • PostAppreciateUsefulness: Working on a FOSS project gave me a better appreciation for the usefulness of computing. E.g 1-5

  • PostBenefitSociety: I have a greater awareness of the potential for computing to benefit society due to working on a FOSS project. E.g 1-5

  • PostWantedToHelpPeople: I wanted to work on an FOSS project because I want to help the people who would benefit from the software. E.g 1-5

  • PostInspireSkillsHelpOthers: Participating in a FOSS project inspires me to use my computing skills to help others. E.g 1-5

  • PostDoMyBestHelpOthers: Knowing that my project will help people motivates me to do my best on the FOSS project. E.g 1-5

  • PostHelpDoMyBest: Working with a team to develop a project has increased my interest in computing. E.g 1-5

  • PostDiverseCommunity: I enjoyed working on a FOSS project because it allowed me participate in a diverse community of FOSS developers. E.g 1-5

  • PostIncreaseInterestComputing: Working on an FOSS project has increased my interest in computing. E.g 1-5

  • PostIncreaseConfidenceComputing: Working on an FOSS project increased my confidence in my computing ability. E.g 1-5

  • PostIncreaseComfortComputing: Participating in a FOSS project made me more comfortable with computing. E.g 1-5

  • PostWelcomingHelpful: People that I interacted with in the FOSS project were welcoming and helpful. E.g 1-5

  • PostContinueContributingFOSS: I plan to continue contributing to a FOSS project after this course has ended. E.g 1-5

  • PostPlanAndDevelop: I am comfortable that I could participate in the planning and development of a real­world software project. E.g 1-5

  • PostListSteps: I can list the steps in the software process we used in the FOSS project. E.g 1-5

  • PostUseProcess: I can use a software process to develop an FOSS project E.g 1-5

  • PostParticipateFOSS: I am sure that I can actively participate in an FOSS community to develop a software project. E.g 1-5

  • PostConfidenceDiversity: I have gained some confidence in collaborating with professionals from a variety of locations and cultures. E.g 1-5

  • PostImpactComplexity: I can describe the impact of project complexity on the approaches used to develop software. E.g 1-5

  • PostImpactSize: I can describe the impact of project size on the approaches used to develop software. E.g 1-5

  • PostMaintainFOSS: I am confident that I can maintain an FOSS project. E.g 1-5

  • PostDescribeDrawbackBenefits: I can describe the drawbacks and benefits of FOSS to society. E.g 1-5

  • PostDescribeToolTechniques: I can use all tools and techniques employed in my FOSS project. E.g 1-5

  • PostTeamInteractions: I can participate in a FOSS development team’ s interactions. E.g 1-5

  • PostBehaveProfessional: Participation in a FOSS project has improved my understanding of how to behave like a computing professional. E.g 1-5

  • PostSoftwareTests: I can write automated software tests to verify that the software reliably behaves as was intended. Eg. 1-5

  • PostDevOps: I can set up and manage a development environment and development operations (DevOps) tools for collaborating on a software development team. Eg 1-5

  • PostUseDesignPattern: I can identify and use software design patterns appropriately. E.g 1-5

  • PostAnalyzeDesign: I can analyze and evaluate the design of large software projects for strengths and weaknesses. E.g 1-5

  • PostConfidentialWorkProfessionals: I am confident about working with computing professionals. E.g 1-5

  • PostExcitedWorkProfessionals: I am excited about working with computing professionals. E.g 1-5

  • PostConsiderMajor: Participation in a FOSS project has caused me to consider computing as a major or minor. E.g 1-5

  • PostReinforceMajor: Participation in a FOSS project has positively reinforced my decision to make computing my major.

  • PostQuestionMajor: Participating in an HFOSS project has caused me to question my decision to make computing my major.

  • PostConsiderFurtherCourses: Participation in a FOSS project has caused me to consider taking further computing courses.

  • PostHighlyRevelant: The subject matter of this FOSS project is highly relevant to my future career plans.

  • PostExperiencedSubjectMajor: I have a high level of experience in the FOSS subject matter.

  • PostSatisfactionProject: Overall, I am very satisfied with my learning in the FOSS project.

  • PostPredominantContact: My predominant contact with my mentor/customer was. Eg. In person.

  • Communicated: I directly communicated with the customer or mentor. Eg. Each week.

  • PostClientFaceToFace: How often did you personally communicate with your mentor/client FACE-TO-FACE? E.g Each week

  • PostClientSynchronous: How often did you personally communicate with your mentor/client REMOTELY AT THE SAME TIME (e.g. phone, video calling, instant messaging concurrently, etc)

  • PostClientAsynchronous: How often did you personally communicate with your mentor/client REMOTELY AT DIFFERENT TIMES (e.g. email, message boards, instant messaging at different times, etc

  • PostPromptReply: My client(s) (and other members of the team, outside of the class) were prompt in replying to me. E.g 1-5

  • PostCommunicationHelpful: My client(s)' (and other members of the team, outside of the class) communication was helpful to my progress on the software development project. E.g 1-5

  • PostClientTechnical: My client(s) (and other members of the team, outside of the class) provided feedback with technical expertise. E.g 1-5

  • PostClientBusiness: My client(s) (and other members of the team, outside of the class) provided feedback with business expertise. E.g 1-5

  • PostAccountable: My client(s) (and other members of the team, outside of the class) held me accountable to completing my work well and on time. E.g 1-5

  • PostNetworking: Interacting with my client(s) (and other members of the team, outside of the class) was valuable for my professional networking. E.g 1-5

  • PostHelpfulClients: Explain what was most helpful about working with your client(s) (and other members of the team, outside of the class). E.g Free response

  • PostDifficultClients: Explain what was most difficult about working with your client(s) (and other members of the team, outside of the class) E.g Free response

  • PostCSInnovate: I believe Computer Science and Software Engineering are fields that further innovation in science and technology.

  • PostCSHelpPeople: I believe Computer Science and Software Engineering are fields that help people. E.g 1-5

  • PostCSPositiveImpact: What I have done in Computer Science and Software Engineering has made a positive impact on the world. E.g 1-5

  • ProfessionalExperience: How many months, if any , of co-­op, internship or other professional experience you have had? E.g Free Response

  • PostCommentInvolvement: Please describe the type of involvement you had with the project. E.g Free Response

  • PostCommentInteraction: Please describe the interactions you had with the project's entire team. E.g Free Response

  • PostCommentParticipating: Please describe any other aspect of participating in a software engineering project that you would like us to know about. E.g Free Response

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