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node-javascript-ecommerce's Introduction


Welcome to my coding course to build an ecommerce website like amazon. In this course you will learn the essential tools and skills to design, develop and deploy a fully-function website like amazon using Vanilla JavaScript, HTML5 and CSS3 in frontend and Node and MongoDB in backend.

My name is Basir and I’ll be your instructor in this course. After 17 years of coding in international companies like ROI Vision in Montreal, I found my passion in teaching programming. For the last 5 years I have been tutoring 100 thousands students over my youtube channel, udemy courses and zoom online classes.

I designed this course for anyone seeking to develop a fully-functional ecommerce website like amazon. By the end of this course you’ll be able to design a responsive web template, implement a user-friendly frontend and build a scalable backend. Also you can deploy your website on cloud servers like Heroku and connect it to payment gateways like PayPal.

You need to open a code editor along with me and start coding throughout this course. I teach you:

  • Web Design using HTML5, CSS3 including Semantic Elements, Flexbox, Grid System and Response Design.
  • Frontend Development by Pure JavaScript including ES6 Syntax, Rendering System, Single Page App, Libraries for Date Time, drawing chart and etc.
  • Backend Development using Node and MongoDB consist of ExpressJS, JWT Authentication, Mongoose object data modeling and more.

This course is for non-coders or juniors who want to be a professional web developer to get a job in 22 million job opportunities around the world. No requirement is necessary for this course and having a passion for coding is enough.

Feel free to take a look at the course preview and enroll if it is along with your ambitions.

Table Of Content

  1. Create Folder Structure
    1. create root folder as jsamazona
    2. add frontend and backend folder
    3. create src folder in frontend
    4. create index.html with heading jsamazona in src
    5. run npm init in frontend folder
    6. npm install live-server
    7. add start command as live-server src --verbose
    8. run npm start
    9. check result
  2. Design Website
    1. create style.css
    2. link style.css to index.html
    3. create div.grid-container
    4. create header, main and footer
    5. style html, body
    6. style grid-container, header, main and footer
  3. Create Static Home Screen
    1. create ul.products
    2. create li
    3. create div.product
    4. add .product-image, .product-name, .product-brand, .product-price
    5. style ul.products and internal divs
    6. duplicate 2 times to show 3 products
  4. Render Dynamic Home Screen
    1. create data.js
    2. export an array of 6 products
    3. create screens/HomeScreen.js
    4. export HomeScreen as an object with render() method
    5. implement render()
    6. import data.js
    7. return products mapped to lis inside an ul
    8. create app.js
    9. link it to index.html as module
    10. set main id to main-container
    11. create router() function
    12. set main_container innerHTML to HomeScreen.render()
    13. set load event of window to router() function
  5. Build Url Router
    1. create routes as route:screen object for home screen
    2. create utils.js
    3. export parseRequestURL()
    4. set url as hash address split by slash
    5. return resource, id and verb of url
    6. update router()
    7. set request as parseRequestURL()
    8. build parsedUrl and compare with routes
    9. if route exists render it, else render Error404
    10. create screens/Error404.js and render error message
  6. Create Node.JS Server
    1. run npm init in root jsamazona folder
    2. npm install express
    3. create server.js
    4. add start command as node backend/server.js
    5. require express
    6. move data.js from frontend to backend
    7. create route for /api/products
    8. return products in data.js
    9. run npm start
  7. Load Products From Backend
    1. edit HomeScreen.js
    2. make render async
    3. fetch products from '/api/products' in render()
    4. make router() async and call await HomeScreen.render()
    5. use cors on backend
    6. check the result
  8. Add Webpack
    1. cd frontend
    2. npm install -D webpack webpack-cli webpack-dev-server
    3. npm uninstall live-server
    4. "start": "webpack-dev-server --mode development --watch-content-base --open"
    5. move index.html, style.css and images to frontend folder
    6. rename app.js to index.js
    7. update index.html
    8. add script main.js before body tag
    9. npm start
    10. npm install axios
    11. change fetch to axios in HomeScreen
  9. Install Babel For ES6 Syntax
    1. npm install -D babel core, cli, node, preset-env
    2. Create .babelrc and set presets to @babel/preset-env
    3. npm install -D nodemon
    4. set start: nodemon --watch backend --exec babel-node backend/server.js
    5. convert require to import in server.js
    6. npm start
  10. Enable Code Linting
    1. npm install -D eslint
    2. install VSCode eslint extension
    3. create .eslintrc and set module.exports for env to node
    4. Set VSCode setting for editor.codeActionsOnSave source.fixAll.eslint to true
    5. check result for linting error
    6. npm install eslint-config-airbnb-base and eslint-plugin-import
    7. set extends to airbnb-base
    8. set parserOptions to ecmaVersion 11 and sourceType to module
    9. set rules for no-console to 0 to ignore linting error
  11. Install VSCode Extension
    1. JavaScript (ES6) code snippets
    2. ES7 React/Redux/GraphQL/React-Native snippets
    3. Prettier - Code formatter
    4. HTML&LESS grammar injections
  12. Create Rating Component
    1. create components/Rating.js
    2. link to fontawesome.css in index.html
    3. create div.rating
    4. define Rating object with render()
    5. if !props.value return empty div
    6. else use fa fa-star, fa-star-half-o and fa-star-o
    7. last span for props.text || ''
    8. style div.rating, span and last span
    9. Edit HomeScreen
    10. Add div.product-rating and use Rating component
  13. Product Screen
    1. get product id from request
    2. implement /api/product/:id api
    3. send Ajax request to product api
  14. Product Screen UI
    1. create back to result link
    2. create div.details with 3 columns
    3. column 1 for product image
    4. column 2 for product information
    5. column 3 form product action
    6. style .details and all columns
    7. create add to cart button with add-button id
  15. Product Screen Action
    1. after_render() to add event to the button
    2. add event handler for the button
    3. redirect user to cart/:product_id
    4. implement after_render in index.js
  16. Add To Cart Action
    1. create CartScreen.js
    2. parseRequestUrl
    3. getProduct(
    4. addToCart
    5. getCartItems
    6. cartItems.find
    7. if existItem update qty
    8. else add item
    9. setCartItems
  17. Cart Screen UI
    1. cartItems = getCartItems()
    2. create 2 columns for cart items and cart action
    3. cartItems.length === 0 ? cart is empty
    4. show item image, name, qty and price
    5. cart action
    6. Subtotal
    7. Proceed to Checkout button
    8. Add CSS Style
  18. Update and Delete Cart Items
    1. add qty select next to each item
    2. after_render()
    3. add change event to qty select
    4. getCartItems() and pass to addToCart()
    5. set force to true to addToCart()
    6. create rerender() as (component, areaName = 'content')
    7. component.render and component.after_render
    8. if force is true then rerender()
    9. add delete button next to each item
    10. add click event to qty button
    11. call removeFromCart(
    12. implement removeFromCart(id)
    13. setCartItems( getCartItems().filter)
    14. if id === parseRequestUrl().id? redirect to '/cart'
    15. else rerender(CartScreen);
  19. Connect To MongoDB and Create Admin User
    1. npm install mongoose
    2. connect to mongodb
    3. create config.js
    4. npm install dotenv
    5. export MONGODB_URL
    6. create models/userModel.js
    7. create userSchema and userModel
    8. create userRoute
    9. create createadmin route
  20. Sign-in Screen UI
    1. create SigninScreen
    2. render email and password fields
    3. style signin form
  21. Sign-in Screen Backend
    1. create signin api in backend
    2. create route for /api/users/signin
    3. create check user name and password
    4. if it is not ok the return 401 error
    5. install express-async-handler
    6. wrap it in expressAsyncHandler
    7. add error middleware in server.js
    8. install Postman
    9. send post request
    10. test with invalid user password
    11. otherwise generate token
    12. install jsonwebtoken
    13. set config.JWT_SECRET to somethingsecret
    14. add generateToken to utils.js
    15. return token
    16. test with correct user and password
  22. Sign-in Screen Action
    1. after_render handle form submit
    2. create signin request in frontend
    3. show alert if email or password is incorrect
    4. Add getUserInfo and setUserInfo to localStorage
    5. create Header component
    6. if exist show user name otherwise show signin
  23. Create Progress Indicator and Alert Component
    1. create overlay loading div in index.html
    2. Style overlay loading
    3. create showLoading() function
    4. set loading-overlay classList add active
    5. create hideLoading() function
    6. create overlay message div in index.html
    7. add style overlay message
    8. create showMessage(message, callback)
    9. document message-overlay set inner HTML
    10. div > div id message-overlay-content
    11. show message
    12. button id message-overlay-close-button OK
    13. add class active to it
    14. add event listener for button to call callback
  24. Register Screen
    1. create RegisterScreen.js
    2. add form elements
    3. after_render handle form submit
    4. create register request in frontend
    5. create register api in backend
  25. User Profile Screen
    1. create ProfileScreen.js
    2. add form elements
    3. after_render handle form submit
    4. create profile update request in frontend
    5. create profile update api in backend
    6. create isAuth in utils.js and use in update profile
    7. implement sign out
  26. Checkout Wizard
    1. create CheckoutSteps.js
    2. create div elements for step 1 to 4
    3. create redirectUser() in utils.js
    4. copy profile screen and as shipping screen
    5. use CheckoutStep
    6. define getShipping and setShipping
    7. copy shipping screen and as payment screen
    8. define getPayment and setPayment
    9. redirect user to PlaceOrder.js
  27. PlaceOrder Screen UI
    1. create PlaceOrder.js
    2. style elements
  28. PlaceOrder Screen Action
    1. handle place order button click
    2. createOrder api
    3. create orderModel
    4. create orderRouter
    5. create post order route
  29. Order Screen
    1. create OrderScreen.js
    2. style elements
  30. PayPal Payment
    1. get client id from paypal
    2. set it in .env file
    3. create route form /api/paypal/clientId
    4. create getPaypalClientID in api.js
    5. add paypal checkout script in OrderScreen.js
    6. show paypal button
    7. update order after payment
    8. create payOrder in api.js
    9. create route for /:id/pay in orderRouter.js
    10. rerender after pay order
  31. Display Orders History
    1. create customer orders api
    2. create api for getMyOrders
    3. show orders in profile screen
    4. style orders
  32. Admin Dashboard UI
    1. Header.js
    2. if user is admin show Dashboard
    3. create DashboardScreen
    4. create DashboardMenu
    5. Style dashboard
  33. Admin Products UI
    1. create ProductListScreen.js
    2. show products with edit and delete button
    3. show create product button
  34. Create Product
    1. create product model
    2. implement create product route
    3. create product function in api.js
    4. call create product function in ProductListScreen
    5. redirect to edit product
  35. Edit Product UI
    1. create ProductEditScreen.js
    2. load product data from backend
    3. handle form submit
    4. save product in backend
  36. Edit Product Backend
    1. handle form submit
    2. create updateProduct
    3. save product in backend
  37. Upload Product Image
    1. npm install multer
    2. create routes/uploadRoute.js
    3. import express and multer
    4. create disk storage with as filename
    5. set upload as multer({ storage })
    6.'/', upload.single('image'))
    7. return req.file.path
    8. app.use('/api/uploads',uploadRoute) in server.js
    9. create uploads folder and put empty file.txt there.
    10. ProductEditScreen.js
    11. create file input and set id to image-file
    12. after_render() handle image-file change
    13. create form data
    14. call uploadProductImage()
    15. create uploadProductImage in api.js
    16. update server.js
  38. Build Project
    1. create build script for frontend
    2. create build script for backend
    3. update sever.js to serve frontend build folder and uploads folder
    4. stop running frontend
    5. npm run build
    6. check localhost:5000 for running website and showing images
  39. Delete Product
    1. update ProductListScreen.js
    2. handle delete button
    3. rerender after deletion
  40. Admin Orders
    1. create Admin Order menu in header
    2. create AdminOrder.js
    3. load orders from backend
    4. list them in the screen
    5. show delete and edit button
    6. redirect to order details on edit action
  41. Deliver Order
    1. if order is payed show deliver button for admin
    2. handle click on deliver button
    3. set state to delivered
  42. Show Summary Report in Dashboard
    1. create summary section
    2. style summary
    3. create summary backend
    4. create getSummary in api.js
    5. load data in dashboard screen
    6. show 3 boxes for Users, Orders and Sales
  43. Show Chart in Dashboard
    1. import chartist
    2. add chartist css to index.html
    3. create linear chart for daily sales
    4. create pie chart for product categories
  44. Publish heroku
    1. Create git repository
    2. Create heroku account
    3. install Heroku CLI
    4. heroku login
    5. heroku apps:create jsamazona
    6. Edit package.json for heroku-prebuild
    7. Edit package.json for heroku-postbuild
    8. Edit package.json for node engines
    9. Create Procfile
    10. Edit server.js for PORT
    11. Create mongodb atlas database
    12. create MongoDB Account
    13. open
    14. add new user and save username and password
    15. set Network Access to accept all requests
    16. Create new database
    17. create connection string based on db name and user and password
    18. Set Cloud MongoDB connection in heroku env variables
    19. Commit and push
  45. Product Search Bar
    1. create search bar in Header.js
    2. add style
    3. handle submit form
    4. edit parse url to get query string
    5. update product list api for search keyword
  46. Show Categories In Sidebar Menu
    1. create aside-open-button in Header.js
    2. add event to open aside
    3. create Aside.js component
    4. Add style aside
    5. after render close it on click on close button
    6. Use it in index.html
    7. Update index.js to render aside 9.
    8. call getCategories
    9. create getCategories in api.js

node-javascript-ecommerce's People


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