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reveal-md's Introduction


reveal.js on steroids! Get beautiful reveal.js presentations from Markdown files.


npm install -g reveal-md



This starts a local server and opens any Markdown file as a reveal.js presentation in the default browser.


You can use Docker to run this tool without needing Node.js installed on your machine. Run the public Docker image, providing your markdown slides as a volume. A few examples:

docker run --rm -p 1948:1948 -v <path-to-your-slides>:/slides webpronl/reveal-md:latest
docker run --rm -p 1948:1948 -v <path-to-your-slides>:/slides webpronl/reveal-md:latest --help

The service is now running at http://localhost:1948.

To enable live reload in the container, port 35729 should be mapped as well:

docker run --rm -p 1948:1948 -p 35729:35729 -v <path-to-your-slides>:/slides webpronl/reveal-md:latest /slides --watch



The Markdown feature of reveal.js is awesome, and has an easy (and configurable) syntax to separate slides. Use three dashes surrounded by two blank lines (\n---\n). Example:

# Title

- Point 1
- Point 2


## Second slide

> Best quote ever.

Note: speaker notes FTW!

Code section

Syntax highlighting
console.log('Hello world!');
Highlight some lines

You can highlight one line, multiple lines or both.

```python [1|3-6]
n = 0
while n < 10:
  if n % 2 == 0:
    print(f"{n} is even")
    print(f"{n} is odd")
  n += 1


Override theme (default: black):

reveal-md --theme solarized

See available themes.

Override reveal theme with a custom one. In this example, the file is at ./theme/my-custom.css:

reveal-md --theme theme/my-custom.css

Override reveal theme with a remote one (use because the url must allow cross-site access):

reveal-md --theme

Highlight Theme

Override highlight theme (default: zenburn):

reveal-md --highlight-theme github

See available themes.

Custom Slide Separators

Override slide separator (default: \n---\n):

reveal-md --separator "^\n\n\n"

Override vertical/nested slide separator (default: \n----\n):

reveal-md --vertical-separator "^\n\n"

Custom Slide Attributes

Use the reveal.js slide attributes functionality to add HTML attributes, e.g. custom backgrounds. Alternatively, add an HTML id attribute to a specific slide and style it with CSS.

Example: set the second slide to have a PNG image as background:

# slide1

This slide has no background image.


<!-- .slide: data-background="./image1.png" -->

# slide2

This one does!

reveal-md Options

Define options similar to command-line options in a reveal-md.json file that must be located at the root of the Markdown files. They'll be picked up automatically. Example:

  "separator": "^\n\n\n",
  "verticalSeparator": "^\n\n"

Reveal.js Options

Define Reveal.js options in a reveal.json file at the project root. They'll be picked up automatically. Example:

  "controls": true,
  "progress": true

Speaker Notes

Use the speaker notes feature by using a line starting with Note:.

YAML Front matter

Set Markdown (and reveal.js) options specific to a presentation with YAML front matter:

title: Foobar
separator: <!--s-->
verticalSeparator: <!--v-->
theme: solarized
  transition: 'fade'


Note: test note


# Bar


Live Reload

Using -w option changes to markdown files will trigger the browser to reload and thus display the changed presentation without the user having to reload the browser.

reveal-md -w

Custom Scripts

Inject custom scripts into the page:

reveal-md --scripts script.js,another-script.js
  • Don't use absolute file paths, files should be in adjacent or descending folders.
  • Absolute URL's are allowed.

Custom CSS

Inject custom CSS into the page:

reveal-md --css style.css,another-style.css
  • Don't use absolute file paths, files should be in adjacent or descending folders.
  • Absolute URL's are allowed.

Custom Favicon

If the directory with the markdown files contains a favicon.ico file, it will automatically be used as a favicon instead of the default favicon.

Pre-process Markdown

reveal-md can be given a markdown preprocessor script via the --preprocessor (or -P) option. This can be useful to implement custom tweaks on the document format without having to dive into the guts of the Markdown parser.

For example, to have headers automatically create new slides, one could have the script preproc.js:

// headings trigger a new slide
// headings with a caret (e.g., '##^ foo`) trigger a new vertical slide
module.exports = (markdown, options) => {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    return resolve(
        .map((line, index) => {
          if (!/^#/.test(line) || index === 0) return line;
          const is_vertical = /#\^/.test(line);
          return (is_vertical ? '\n----\n\n' : '\n---\n\n') + line.replace('#^', '#');

and use it like this

reveal-md --preprocessor ./preproc.js

Print to PDF

There are (at least) two options to export a deck to a PDF file.

1. Using Puppeteer

Create a (printable) PDF from the provided Markdown file:

reveal-md --print slides.pdf

The PDF is generated using Puppeteer. Alternatively, append ?view=print to the url from the command-line or in the browser (make sure to remove the #/ or #/1 hash). Then print the slides using the browser's (not the native) print dialog. This seems to work in Chrome.

By default, paper size is set to match options in your reveal.json file, falling back to a default value 960x700 pixels. To override this behaviour, you can pass custom dimensions or format in a command line option --print-size:

reveal-md --print slides.pdf --print-size 1024x768   # in pixels when no unit is given
reveal-md --print slides.pdf --print-size 210x297mm  # valid units are: px, in, cm, mm
reveal-md --print slides.pdf --print-size A4         # valid formats are: A0-6, Letter, Legal, Tabloid, Ledger

In case of an error, please try the following:

  • Analyze debug output, e.g. DEBUG=reveal-md reveal-md --print
  • See reveal-md help for Puppeteer arguments (puppeteer-launch-args and puppeteer-chromium-executable)
  • Use Docker & DeckTape:

2. Using Docker & DeckTape

The first method of printing does not currently work when running reveal-md in a Docker container, so it is recommended that you print with DeckTape instead. Using DeckTape may also resolve issues with the built-in printing method’s output.

To create a PDF of a presentation using reveal-md running on your localhost using the DeckTape Docker image, use the following command:

docker run --rm -t --net=host -v $OUTPUT_DIR:/slides astefanutti/decktape $URL $OUTPUT_FILENAME

Replace these variables:

  • $OUTPUT_DIR is the folder you want the PDF to be saved to.
  • $OUTPUT_FILENAME is the name of the PDF.
  • $URL is where the presentation can be accessed in your browser (without the ?view=print suffix). If you are not running reveal-md in Docker, you will need to replace localhost with the IP address of your computer.

For a full list of export options, please see the the DeckTape github, or run the Docker container with the -h flag.

Static Website

This will export the provided Markdown file into a stand-alone HTML website including scripts and stylesheets. The files are saved to the directory passed to the --static parameter (default: ./_static):

reveal-md --static _site

This should copy images along with the slides. Use --static-dirs to copy directories with other static assets to the target directory. Use a comma-separated list to copy multiple directories.

reveal-md --static --static-dirs=assets

Providing a directory will result in a stand-alone overview page with links to the presentations (similar to a directory listing):

reveal-md dir/ --static

By default, all *.md files in all subdirectories are included in the generated website. Provide a custom glob pattern using --glob to generate slides only from matching files:

reveal-md dir/ --static --glob '**/'

Additional --absolute-url and --featured-slide parameters could be used to generate OpenGraph metadata enabling more attractive rendering for slide deck links when shared in some social sites.

reveal-md --static _site --absolute-url --featured-slide 5

Disable Auto-open Browser

To disable auto-opening the browser:

reveal-md --disable-auto-open

Directory Listing

Show (recursive) directory listing of Markdown files:

reveal-md dir/

Show directory listing of Markdown files in current directory:


Custom Port

Override port (default: 1948):

reveal-md --port 8888

Custom Template

Override reveal.js HTML template (default template):

reveal-md --template my-reveal-template.html

Override listing HTML template (default template):

reveal-md --listing-template my-listing-template.html

Scripts, Preprocessors and Plugins

Related Projects & Alternatives

  • Slides is a place for creating, presenting and sharing slide decks.
  • Sandstorm Hacker Slides is a simple app that combines Ace Editor and RevealJS.
  • Tools in the Plugins, Tools and Hardware section of Reveal.js.
  • Org-Reveal exports Org-mode contents to Reveal.js HTML presentation.
  • DeckTape is a high-quality PDF exporter for HTML5 presentation frameworks.
  • GitPitch generates slideshows from found in hosted Git repos.

Articles About reveal-md

Thank You

Many thanks to all contributors!



reveal-md's People


0xflotus avatar bufferoverflow avatar davidovich avatar digitalkram avatar dvirtz avatar hejmsdz avatar hoverbaum avatar iiska avatar jnv avatar jossemargt avatar karimsa avatar kazigk avatar martenbe avatar matthiasharrer avatar medains avatar mindtooth avatar mszturc avatar mtoohey31 avatar paddelkraft avatar pixelastic avatar ryzokuken avatar sergeyt avatar siakaramalegos avatar singingknight avatar ssmiller25 avatar vvscode avatar w0rty avatar webpro avatar wjzijderveld avatar xy124 avatar


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reveal-md's Issues

reveal.js dependency compromised

The dependency for reveal.js appears to refer to a fork which no longer exists.

"dependencies": {
    "reveal.js": "git://",

I tried replacing the dependency with a version-agnostic reference to the reveal.js package in the npm library. reveal-md managed to install under these conditions, but upon running reveal-md demo, I receive the error:

The reveal.js Markdown plugin requires marked to be loaded

links are not exported by the print option

All links available within the slides using [a link]( are not available inside the generated PDF. We can only see the link text in blue but nothing to click on.

Producing standalone versions from Markdown


I love reveal-md. But sometimes I want to share my presentation online with other people. So it would be nice if there would be a commad/option to compile the .md into a standalone reveal.js version.

Maybe there is already a tool for that or an easy way, but I think this could be included in reveal-md.

Speaker notes always print

While ^Note: should indicate speaker notes, even when the .reveal option is explicitly set not to show, I find that speaker notes sometimes do get shown.

Is this an issue others have had? I have experimented with putting notes at the beginning and at the end of slides. The only thing that truly is ignored is HTML comments i.e. ,
<!-- .... -->

A question about `</body>`, `</script>`

Hi, I have got another question to bother you

I have experienced some problems using HTML tag e.g. </body>, </script>


    Hello World
    <script src="angular.min.js"></ script>
    <script src="angular-animate.min.js"></script>

</ script> and </ body> would cause no problems

Any guides for me please ?


I have a problem with slide separation

I'm currently using --- as mentioned in the documentation, but when using reveal-md these contents are in only one side.

Please guide.

# Getting Started using AngularJS


## Instructor

Kongthap Thammachat (tutor4dev)


## Sample Code

    .success(function(data) {



multiple vertical/nested slide separator wrong


## First page


## Second page


### aaaa

### bbbb

## Third page

aaaa and bbbb in the same sub vertical section?

Please kindly help me know how to fix it? Great thanks!

Best regards!

Generate static site

Hi, This module is really cool. I want to share the rendered html, is there an easy way to do it?

Does reveal-md support fragment ?

Q 1. Can I do fragment using pure markdown ?
This is my list

  • Item 1
  • Item 2
  • Item 3

Q 2. Can I override style sheet e.g. specify my own mystyle.css ?

Console output for --print is incorrect about the output filename

notes ismith$ reveal-md --print test.pdf
Attempting to print "" to filename "test.pdf.pdf" as PDF
ls tePrinting PDF (Paper size: 1920x1400)
Printed succesfully

File created is actually test.pdf, not test.pdf.pdf. (Same result with --print test.pdf.)

Feature Request: tag or directive to exclude a block of markdown from slide creation

This is a great project - exactly what I was looking for! I think many users could benefit from a custom syntax (much like your slide separator --- ) that elminates a block of markdown from the slide creation. This way slides could be parsed out of a larger text document eliminating the need for a separate slides document. This would be an awesome feature!

Another feature idea would be to add an option (ie. --jpg) that returns a set of *.jpg images for slides. This might be accomplished through imagemagick. This might seem to defeat the point of the whole HTML5 glory but it would have its very necessary uses in things like preview images in notes or web icons, etc.

Great work thus far!

Blank PDF

First: This module is the best! Thanks :octocat:

Second: Yeah I know that #19 was close, but I have the same issue with pdf printing

reveal-md --print

Creates a pdf with the same background color and amount of slides, but, the sentences are transparent. Maybe the problem is in @print styles?

If a have some time I'll be glad to trace that bug, but at this moment I'm just open for ideas. BTW I'm usign [email protected] and [email protected] on GNU Debian Linux.

express app has no method close

printing pdf fails due to express app having no close methods: from this stackoverflow answer it seems that close should be called on the http.Server.

Attempting to print "" to filename "slides.pdf" as PDF
Printing PDF (Paper size: 1920x1400)
Printed succesfully

TypeError: Object function (req, res, next) {
    app.handle(req, res, next);
  } has no method 'close'
    at /home/maxlath/.nvm/v0.10.35/lib/node_modules/reveal-md/bin/server.js:81:15
    at ChildProcess.exithandler (child_process.js:656:7)
    at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:98:17)
    at maybeClose (child_process.js:766:16)
    at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (child_process.js:833:5)

thank you for this tool!

Three level headers should go down

Since reveal JS has a way to go up and down in the slides, I think it would make sense to make use of this by having ## second level headers add more slides to the right, and have ### three level slides nest further down.

Can't use reveal.json

I placed the reveal.json file in the ~/reveal-md/demo and also in ~/reveal-md. Then I executed reveal-md from the demo directory. This gives the following error:

[SyntaxError: /home/mandeep/reveal-md/demo/reveal.json: Unexpected token R]

I cloned from 0.0.19 and followed the README installation guide. Also copied text from the configuration file you linked from hakimel/reveal.js

I copied the configuration text from line:


// Display controls in the bottom right corner`


parallaxBackgroundVertical: ''

And changed controls to false, transition to 'zoom' but it didn't work.

Do I have to do something else?

I just want to change the transition style and may need to modify some other defaults.

Cannot use --print option ?


I can't use print option :(

$ reveal-md --help

Usage: reveal-md <> [options]


-h, --help                                    output usage information
-V, --version                                 output the version number
-p, --port [port]                             Port
-t, --theme [theme]                           Theme
-s, --separator [separator]                   Slide separator
-v, --verticalSeparator [vertical separator]  Vertical slide separator

$ reveal-md --version

Is there any plugin to install or enabled ?

Add Watch option

It would be nice to be able to specify --watch and have it auto reload when changes are made. This would simplify writing a presentation. What do you think?

Printing Produces Blank Slide

Hi There great package. I'm having trouble with the printing option. I can produce the PDF but there is no content on the slides, just blank slides.

Any ideas?

Internal links

I have tried the HTML version for internal links
<a href="#/some-slide">click for some-slide/a>


<section id="some-slide">

seems to have no effect except to tag the first page of the presentation. Strangely, <section> has an influence for other attributes but not for id. Or does this work in some other form? I haven't looked through the code thoroughly enough so I don't know if this is difficult to solve.

It'd be great to have a table of contents for a large slide. Thanks!
(sorry for multiple edits--I'll make sure the code gets commented correctly in the future)

Update reveal.js to 3.2.0

As title. The new version has fixes for e.g. page numbers when print-pdf is used, so bumping the version would be good.

Can't use local images

I'm trying to include an image in a presentation, and can't get reveal-md to serve it. I'm placing the image next to the MD file and using <img src="image.png"/> but get a 404 (reveal-md is started from the same directory as the MD file).

Does the local reveal-md server serve static files at all?

Doesn't work with npm v3

npm 3 uses a flat node_modules directory, so the hard coded path of __dirname + '/../node_modules/reveal.js' in server-cli.js is invalid. There are likely other places where this will be an issue as well.

require.resolve() may be the (only?) way to resolve the issue.

Advanced markdown examples?

I'm having trouble figuring out how to use some of the advanced markdown features. I've tried examples as shown on the reveal.js site, e.g.:

- Item 1 <!-- .element: class="fragment" data-fragment-index="2" -->
- Item 2 <!-- .element: class="fragment" data-fragment-index="1" -->

Can you provide some examples in markdown of how to do fragments and vertical slides in markdown?


Element attributes do not work

In reveal.js there is a way to set element class and attributes by passing a comment like in the reveal.js documentation:

> - Item 1 <!-- .element: class="fragment" data-fragment-index="2" -->
> - Item 2 <!-- .element: class="fragment" data-fragment-index="1" -->

It is very useful to set element's fragments, but unfortunately, that does't work with reveal-md.


Hi @webpro,

Thanks for accepting my recent PRs. I hope that I didn't mess up your release cycle but I realize we haven't updated the tags/releases, last version is 0.0.6.

If any of those could be done post, then I suggest we keep that timeline up to date. Thoughts?

Specify theme with http url

Would it be possible to allow urls for the --theme option? Then it would be possible to use custom themes from within any third-party repository and have them auto update. Simply download the css file and put it in the correct directory. I don't exactly understand how the custom theme code is implemented.

undefined error when using --print option

I have successful setup and run the --print option on my laptop but when I run the same option on my desktop I get the following error.


I have installed phantomjs, colors, mustache. Thoughts on why it's throwing the error?

Feature request: command line options in file

It'd be nice to store the desired command line options in a file (maybe the same reveal.json options file?) so that one doesn't have to type, for example, --theme solarized --separator '\n\n\n' if one always wants those options for an md file. Those stored options will be overwritten when mentioned explicitly on the command line.

Adding md files

Markdown files added to demo aren't listed when starting "reveal-md demo." Only and are present. Creating a new folder "presentations" with files included gets a no such files or directory.

Add reveal-js plugins and other dependencies


Is there a way to add some reveal-js plugins or other Javascript dependencies from reveal-md? I know you can use the dependencies variable in the initialize call as described here

I would like to use some charts js libs in my slides. Maybe it's simpler if I don't use reveal-md and write a pure HTML + JS reveal file.

Thanks. Cheers,

0.0.26 broke my slides - linked to slides md file placed into subdirectories...


OK for all resources are found
NOK for slides/test/, all resources are missing.

I would say that within the generated html, some slashes are missing :

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
        <meta charset="utf-8">
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/reveal.css">
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/theme/black.css" id="theme">
        <!-- For syntax highlighting -->
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="lib/css/zenburn.css">

with /css/reveal.css and so one it should work...

Background image for single slide?

How do I set the background for an individual slide? I've tried using HTML within a .md document, but that seems to end up with nested slide tags in the rendered HTML, and no background image is visible. Any ideas?

> Some quote


<section data-background=”image.jpg”>
  <h2>Subtle subtext</h2>


rest of presentation

Feature Request: export to HTML

I love using & how it lets me go quickly from outline to a presentation. However, then I find myself wanting to more carefully tweak a presentation & I want access to the full HTML.

I'd love to be able to run reveal-md --html and get a directory called slides with an HTML file & required assets.

Bug with 0.0.29 and --static


There is a bug with the latest release of reveal-md when you use the --static option.

For example, with this command:

reveal-md --static \
        --theme style --highlightTheme monokai-sublime > index.html

It produces this stack:

    options.scripts.forEach(function(script) {

TypeError: Cannot read property 'forEach' of undefined
    at fillOpts (/usr/lib/node_modules/reveal-md/bin/server.js:55:20)
    at Object.to_html [as toStaticHTML] (/usr/lib/node_modules/reveal-md/bin/server.js:191:5)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/usr/lib/node_modules/reveal-md/bin/cli.js:111:12)
    at Module._compile (module.js:541:32)
    at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:550:10)
    at Module.load (module.js:458:32)
    at tryModuleLoad (module.js:417:12)
    at Function.Module._load (module.js:409:3)
    at Module.runMain (module.js:575:10)
    at run (node.js:348:7)

I've "fixed" this issue by hacking fillOpts using this code:

var fillOpts = function(options) {
    opts.scripts = {};
    if(options.scripts) {
        options.scripts.forEach(function(script) {
             opts.scripts[path.basename(script)] = script;

Since I'm not an expert in JS, I let you fix this issue as you prefer.

Thank you in advance.

More flexible reveal.json lookup

I propose that $HOME/reveal.json or $HOME/.reveal.json be a fallback when a reveal.json is not located in the root directory of the markdown files. Also, a command line to point to a configuration file (-c?), would be nice. Thoughts?

Reveal-md with Multiplex

Is there a way to use reveal-md with reavealjs multiplex support feature? That would be awesome!

Thanks and congratulations for the great software.

Title tag for presentation

I am missing option to use own title text (<title></title>). Is there some way? If isn't it would be great improvements.

Modifying data-transition

I wrote
"backgroundTransition": "slide",
in reveal.json
and then I try to override it by data-background-transition="convex". But it's not working.

Build Error (on windows 10, with VS 2015)

While running the commmand

npm install -g reveal-md --python=D:\Python\Py27\python.exe

I get the following error (despite having downloaded and installed WDK8.1)

C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\V140\Platforms\x64\PlatformToolsets\v140\Toolset.ta
rgets(36,5): error MSB8036: The Windows SDK version 8.1 was not found. Install the required version o
f Windows SDK or change the SDK version in the project property pages or by right-clicking the soluti
on and selecting "Retarget solution". [C:\Users\tim\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\reveal-md\node_m

Nested list isn't rendered correctly

1. outer 1
    2. inner 1
    1. inner 2
    3. Inner 3
1. Outer 2
1. outer 3


2015-07-30 10_04_39-reveal js

see how the first nested point has moved out to the outer list? Happens with -, * etc.

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