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project-2's Introduction

Project #2: Building Your First Full-stack Application


This second project is your first foray into building a full-stack application. You'll be building a Node app, which means you'll learn about what it takes to build a functional application from the ground up yourself.

This is exciting! We're not following a spec, you have no directions on the exact app you need to make. This is a chance to GET CREATIVE. Think about a product you think the world needs, an app that you think you would want to use, maybe something artistic you want to express (get it?).

You will be working individually for this project, and you'll be designing the app yourself. We hope you'll exercise creativity on this project! Sketch some wireframes before you start, and write user stories to define what your users will want to do with the app. Remember to keep things small and focus on mastering the fundamentals – scope creep/feature creep is one of the the biggest pitfalls for any project!


Your project has 3 required parts: the app, a README markdown file, and a presentation

Your app must πŸ’»:

  • Have at least 2 models (more if they make sense) – And should have at least ONE relationship between tables.
  • Use Express, PG-Promise, Body Parser and Mustache-Express,
  • Have complete RESTful routes for at least one of your resources with GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE
  • Your App must have MVC architecture
  • Include wireframes that you designed during the planning process. is a great place to make these. Photoshop and illustrator are good as well.
  • Have clean HTML and CSS
  • Be deployed online and accessible to the public
  • Use at least one NPM package that we have not talked about in class

Reach goals πŸŽ‰:

  • Include sign up/log in functionality, with encrypted passwords & authorization with bcrypt
  • Add additional models, as is appropriate for your app.
  • Utilize additional NPM packages, NPM has the largest collection of libraries ever made! Try to include something we haven't covered that will be useful for your app!

Your file must include πŸ“:

  • Explanations of the technologies used
  • Wireframes
  • User Stories
  • The approach taken
  • Installation instructions (if needed)
  • Unsolved problems
  • Shoutouts - show appreciation for those who helped you
  • Resources - useful sources that you used during the creation of the app
  • Any other useful information about your app

Your presentation will consist of πŸ’¬:

  • 5 minutes: A well organized presentation:
    • Include wireframes that shows your app
    • Answer the following questions: - What is the your app about? - What features does it include? - What are you most proud of? - What was the hardest part? - Were there any constraints you had to work with? (e.g. technological, timing, content, etc.) - Is there any other information you think might help us (your stakeholders) understand what you've built?
  • 2 minutes: A demo of your app
    • Show the functionality of your app!

Necessary Deliverables

For the App

  • A working full-stack application, built by you, hosted on Heroku
  • A git repository hosted on GitHub, with a link to your hosted project, and frequent commits dating back to the very beginning of the project. Commit early, commit often.

For the README:

  • A file with explanations of the technologies used, the approach taken, installation instructions, unsolved problems, wireframes of your app, user stories, etc.


Project Proposals: Due Tonight! πŸ“†

  • Spend the evening coming up with ideas and making plans for your app. By the end of the night, submit your project proposal!
  • All proposals should be in the form of an issue attached to this repository.
  • Your proposal should include:
    • Name of your app
    • What your app does
    • The models you need for your app and any relationships
    • Wireframes!
    • A timeline laying out what you're going to do each day. This should specify clear features to be implemented by the end of each day.
    • A link to the NPM package you intend to use.
    • Foreseen challenges or obstacles
    • Technology you intend to use
    • A link to your repo!

Suggested Ways to Get Started 🏁

  • Break the project down into different components (data, presentation, views, style, DOM manipulation, server-side work, authentication) and brainstorm each component individually. Use whiteboards or sketch out ideas on paper!
  • Write Your Pseudocode Start by stating the problems in plain text. This will help you guide your process and understand the problem better.
  • Begin with the end in mind. Know where you want to go by planning with wireframes & user stories, so you don't waste time building things you don't need. State what your MVP looks like.
  • Don’t hesitate to write throwaway code to solve short term problems
  • Commit early, commit often. Don’t be afraid to break something because you can always go back in time to a previous version.
  • User stories define what a specific type of user wants to accomplish with your application. It's tempting to just make them to-do lists for what needs to get done, but if you keep them small & focused on what a user cares about from their perspective, it'll help you know what to build

Project Submission πŸ“¬

Projects will be due Thursday 12/20. On Thursday we'll be doing presentations! To submit your project, create an issue on this repository including:

  • A link to your project repo
  • A link to your Heroku page

Set aside time to prepare for the presentation! Be prepared to talk about your project and remember to follow the rules in the requirements section!

Useful Resources πŸ”—

project-2's People


trevorpreston avatar


James Cloos avatar  avatar Jackie Casper avatar

project-2's Issues


Name of your app
World of Wedmin (WOW)

What your app does
Helps in wedding planning and finding suitable vendors.

The models you need for your app and any relationships
User, checklist, budget, items, guest list, vendors, categories/products.
User will have one of budget, many checklist, items, guests and saves many vendors products. Vendor will have many products.
Just a first draft
screen shot 2018-12-16 at 10 10 06 am


  • Sketch the website and do the structures
  • Create the database
  • Models and controllers
  • Views
  • Styling and debugging

A link to the NPM package you intend to use.

Foreseen challenges or obstacles
Time-limits , user authentication

Technology you intend to use
RESTFUL app using node.js packages, Html, CSS, jQuery/JS

A link to your repo!


Your Table:
is a restaurant reservation web app

in the beginning, I will need 2 models:

  • customers
  • restaurants
  • reservation
    there will be many to many relationships between customers and restaurants in the reservation table

NPM package:

Foreseen challenges:
using new npm library "Cloudiary" and many to many relationships


  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS
  • SQL
  • NPM

Repo Link:


  • Name of your app
    Life hack

  • What your app does
    Hack in different categories which supposed to make your life easy.
    I guarantee nothing, don't try it 😜

  • The models you need for your app and any relationships
    3 models categories, hacks post and users who type and upload the hacks 'photos, videos'

  • Wireframes!

  • A timeline laying out what you're going to do each day. This should specify clear features to be implemented by the end of each day.

  • A link to the NPM package you intend to use.
    I did a quick research about something will allow me to upload pics, videos and I found 'express-fileupload, multer, Cloudinary'. I need to dig dipper to see which one fit the app, easy to apply.

  • Foreseen challenges or obstacles
    Apply new npm package
    Make the app functional, something I can be proud of

  • Technology you intend to use

  • A link to your repo!

Project 2 Book Collection

My app is Book Collection. It does track books I want to read. I am using two models one for list of textbooks and second for authors. The technology I am going to use are HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and SQL. The timeline for today I am going to collect data for my books. Tomorrow, I will make books pages. Tuesday, I will make author pages. Wednesday, I will do styling and make sure everything is fine and the app is working.

My wireframe :

Link of my repo :

Polka Dots and Popcorn

Name of your app:
Polka Dots and Popcorn.

What your app does:
It's a Blog websites that have 4 contents about Fashion, Beauty, Health & fitness and movies.

The models you need for your app and any relationships:
There are two models and the relationships are One-to-many.

A timeline laying out what you're going to do each day. This should specify clear features to be implemented by the end of each day:
Today I will finish Wireframes I already drew in paper as well as initialize the website and create directories and files.
since i'm having 3 finals exam in Saturday, Sunday and Thursday so, I think I will not be able to work on it in these days but I will push myself harder to finish it as soon as possible.
I planed in Monday and Tuesday to build routers+ methods.
In Wednesday the html and css.

A link to the NPM package you intend to use:
express, mustach, body-parser, pg-promise, and method-override morgan.

Foreseen challenges or obstacles:
To finish it in 4 days ):

Technology you intend to use:

A link to your repo!:


Name of the app:
Storm It
What the app does:
An online brain storming session.
The models I need for my app and relationships:


screen shot 2018-12-17 at 11 28 33 am

A link to the NPM package you intend to use:

Foreseen challenges or obstacles:

Technology used:

A link to my repo:


TechFreak is a place for everyone who has knowledge about anything with relations to IT, Programming , design, etc.

ex : anyone who is looking to building a website or application mobile or designing .. in this website you can find many programmers with IT skills ..


Name of your app:
(About Space)

What your app does:
A website that collects data for Space (movies, apps, news) and the user can put the movies and apps in a favorite.

The models you need for your app and any relationships:

A timeline laying out what you're going to do each day. This should specify clear features to be implemented by the end of each day.
Sunday: create files, directories, database, insert some data and test the relationship, create the models.
Monday: write views files and design it.
Tuesday: write the controllers files and use the API.
Wednesday: test the design and editing files
Thursday: submit the project and getting ready for presentation.

A link to the NPM package you intend to use:

The technology you intend to use:
Maybe twitter API!

A link to your repo!

Project 2 - Kadumya Website

Project Name: KADUMYA - ΩƒΨ―ΩΩ…ΩŠΨ© (Like a doll).

khld project proposal

RSVP Portal
this app manages manages attendance at events.
A model for guests (showAll, show, edit, new) A model for events(showAll, show, edit, new,
delete). RSVP. edit RSVP.
Saturday: scaffolding. Monday: models and controllers. Tuesday: views and css. Wednesday: auth.
display of QR might be an obstacle. making the site "pretty"
Intend to use MVC

Project 2

Tuesday - Project Proposals: Due Tonight! πŸ“†
Your proposal should include:
Name of your app

The N/A Football club

What your app does

The app has

The models you need for your app and any relationships


Home Page Wireframe:

Schedule Page Wireframe:

View Player Details

A timeline laying out what you're going to do each day. This should specify clear features to be implemented by the end of each day.

A link to the NPM package you intend to use.

Foreseen challenges or obstacles

Technology you intend to use

A link to your repo!

Project #2- Online coaching

What is the project?

The project is to provide bodybuilding exercises with some description along with trainers and their contact numbers.

Project Structure:

There will be two models, two controllers, one database and two tables.

Database relations:

Since the project has two tables trainers table and exercises table. So, each trainer is going to train multiple exercises which will mean the relation is one to many.

project 2 - ProMa website

Name of your app:

ProMa website

What your app does :

it's project management app

A timeline:

  • create a database
  • create folders and files
  • configuration
  • quires
  • pages and style



challenges :

user privilege

Technology you intend to use:

HTML , css , js

A link to your repo!:

The Sultan Scores - Project 2


Name of your app:
The Sultan Score.

What your app does:
It gives you all the scores for football games(Soccer) and you can choose which league you want to see the scores.

**The models you need for your app and any relationships: **
Models: At least one for teams and one for leagues.
Tables: 3 teams, tables, and a joint table.


project proposal

Sunday: Creating the structure and Learn API and fetch npm.
Monday: Finishing the database along with the configuration.
Tuesday: Finishing Models and Controllers.
Wednesday: Finishing Views and CSS and maybe adding new features.
Thursday: Fixing bugs and doing presentation.

A link to the NPM package you intend to use:
express, mustach, body-parser, pg-promise, and method-override morgan, and maybe fetch.

Foreseen challenges or obstacles:

  • Learn API in a short time.
  • Finishing a big database.
  • Make the project functional.

Technology you intend to use:

  • HTML.
  • CSS.
  • JS
  • NodeJS.
  • NPM
  • Postgresql.

Link to the repo:

Project 2

Name of your app
NSE stands for Never Stop Exploring
What your app does
My app guide a traveler to the best places that he/she visit once they are in specific country or city, including the best worthy sightseen, little info, best activities, history, and some pictures
The models you need for your app and any relationships
I will need 4 modules and 4 controllers
screen shot 2018-12-14 at 12 08 08 am
screen shot 2018-12-14 at 12 16 37 am
screen shot 2018-12-14 at 12 26 19 am

A timeline laying out what you're going to do each day. This should specify clear features to be implemented by the end of each day.
friday > finishing the idea of the app
sat>start creating the folders and install the express
sun> start creating database coding modules and the controllers
mon> continue working on modules and controllers
tus> create the comment and edit and delete buttons
wed> styling - review the work
thurs> present the app to the class

A link to the NPM package you intend to use.
still looking for it
Foreseen challenges or obstacles
add the sign in and sign out buttons / add the comments options
Technology you intend to use
JS,SQL,HTML,Express and all the stuff
A link to your repo!


Basically my app kinda of platform for everyone who can provide a service or who needs a service, my view is connecting must people to each other so they can either trading service for another service, service for stuff they needs, opposite way too, but in this one Im foucsing in rental vehicles and bikes,, so we have an index page which has to link one for the provider of the service ( in my case owner of the car) and the other link for the customer ( the renter of the car),,

I came up with this name (WNEO) which stand for We Need Each Other

B.log(' ');

  • Name of your app

B.log(' ');

  • What your app does

its a blog webpage for a blogger admin with functionalities to categorize articles and employ the use of markdown syntax.

  • The models you need for your app and any relationships

3 models "for now" one for the AUTH of the page, one for the categories and one for the articles

  • Wireframes!
    untitled diagram pdf 1

  • A timeline laying out what you're going to do each day. This should specify clear features to be
    implemented by the end of each day.

1st day :

set up my data base, my models and my routs .

2nd day :

front end tings .

3rd day :

link everything together and add some last touches.

  • A link to the NPM package you intend to use.

  • Foreseen challenges or obstacles

AUTH, since i have never used it before.

  • Technology you intend to use


Project 2

Tuesday - Project Proposals: Due Tonight! πŸ“†
Your proposal should include:
Name of your app

The N/A Football club

What your app does

The app has

The models you need for your app and any relationships


Home Page Wireframe:

Schedule Page Wireframe:

View Player Details

A timeline laying out what you're going to do each day. This should specify clear features to be implemented by the end of each day.

A link to the NPM package you intend to use.

Foreseen challenges or obstacles

Technology you intend to use

A link to your repo!

For the sake of cake

For The Sake of Cake

E-commerce web app to order amazing cakes.

Models and relationships:-
User. Order. Cake. Order_items. One to many relationship between users and orders. One to many relationship between order and order_items. One to many relationship between product and order_items.


TIMELINE (will probably jump around between things to make sure they work):-
Sunday: database and most of the models.
Monday: models and most of the controllers.
Tuesday: controllers and most of the views.
Wednesday: views and styling.
Thursday: final touch up and presentation.

NPM package I plan to use:-

Foreseen challenges or obstacles:-
Users authentication, payments, models might get complex with an order having multiple order_items

MVC RESTful app using express, postgres and our familiar packages.

Link to repo:-

Ethar - Ψ₯يثار

  • Name :
    Ethar - Ψ₯يثار

  • Models :
    1-Organization model
    2-Volunteers model

  • Relationships:
    5-Git all

  • Wireframe :

  • Timeline
    Design (start: 14/12 end: 15/12 )
    Development (start: 15/12 end: 18/12 )
    Execution (start: 18/12 end: 18/12 )
    test (start: 19/12 end: 19/12 )

  • NPM:
    npm calendar

  • Technology:
    Html , javascript , css

Project 2 Beauti-U


  • It is an application that makes the user between hair-stylist or makeup-artist and book an appointment with them.

Models & relationships :

  • two models for both hair-stylist and makeup-artist that have relationship with the user


Technology used :

  • HTML
  • Js
  • SQL
  • npm

Foreseen challenges:

  • the project its self is a challenge but if I would , I'm anticipating that using new npm packages would be rather challenging more

Link to my repo:


youFilm is a place where you can store information about movies and actors, television programs. rating, watchlist and maybe users and reviews

Arts shine

β€œA life without art is in reality not a life at all. We all need art in our lives, and we'd be lying by denying it.Β β€œ
Arts shine is an application that show my preferable photograph, and allow artists to share their arts with others.

Models :

  • User.
  • Image.

Database :

  • One to many relational database.

arts shine database

Wireframes :





Npm package :

  • Image upload.

Technologies :

  • JQ.
  • HTML.
  • CSS.
  • SQL
  • NPM.

Project 2 Book

My app is Book Store. It is for selling books. I am going to use two models one for lists of selling books and second for buying books. The technology I am using are HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and SQL. I am not sure about timeline now but I will organize it by tomorrow.




Its a note taking app , as a college student taking notes is extremely important but i could never find an app that have everything i wanted and easy to use so i decided to build my on ( NoteM ) , my app is divided to many sections , a list for all of my college subjects that i am attending ( Statistics , English , DataBase , operating System ) and each subject has its on titles depending on the lesson name or date and each lesson has its on notes . This notes can be deleted or edited . This website can be accessed by the author at anytime and anywhere .

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  • Vue.js photo Vue.js

    πŸ–– Vue.js is a progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI on the web.

  • Typescript photo Typescript

    TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.

  • TensorFlow photo TensorFlow

    An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone

  • Django photo Django

    The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.

  • D3 photo D3

    Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. πŸ“ŠπŸ“ˆπŸŽ‰

Recommend Topics

  • javascript

    JavaScript (JS) is a lightweight interpreted programming language with first-class functions.

  • web

    Some thing interesting about web. New door for the world.

  • server

    A server is a program made to process requests and deliver data to clients.

  • Machine learning

    Machine learning is a way of modeling and interpreting data that allows a piece of software to respond intelligently.

  • Game

    Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.

Recommend Org

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    We are working to build community through open source technology. NB: members must have two-factor auth.

  • Microsoft photo Microsoft

    Open source projects and samples from Microsoft.

  • Google photo Google

    Google ❀️ Open Source for everyone.

  • D3 photo D3

    Data-Driven Documents codes.