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wwa's Issues

Create a game loop/menu structure

A turn based combat system that utilizes the different ant classes and ablities. The player could decide which ants to bring to combat

Let's get started!

I've only created a README file as a guide so far. We'll need to start from scratch building classes for various ant species and then, as a group, determine how we'll proceed from there, creating the mechanics for interactions between ant classes.

Hopefully this opens a dialogue and we can begin creating this.

Create a method for sending the first forage squad

Sending forage squad

  • The first time the player sends a forage squad, it will be 25% of their colony's size
  • The local colony population should decrease by the size of the forage squad
  • Each successive time a forage squad is sent, the player can choose a % of their colony, up to 50%
  • For the first time, the forage squad should return after one in-game day
  • Each successive time, the forage squad should return after no less than one day, and no more than 3 days
  • With each successful forage, the odds of success increase, the time to return decreases, and the amount of food becomes larger (see below):
  • The amount of food returned by the forage squad should reflect the size of the forage squad. For example:
    • A squad that is 25% of the colony's size should only be able to bring back enough food to feed <=25% of the colony
    • Only experienced squads can bring back a full amount of food; inexperienced squads will bring back less
  • Later, forage squads will have random encounters (skirmishes) and will have a chance for being wiped out

General notes:

  • Each printed character should have a few millisecond delay as it is printed to simulate a typing effect
  • The game should keep an eye out for a key press (space or enter) to skip the above effect
  • The ellipsis (...) should remain at the end of every sentence if it is not the last sentence in a sequence. This lets the player know there is more dialogue coming
  • Every time the player presses the enter key when prompted ("Type 1 to fall back"), but not when skipping the typing effect, they should get audible feedback. This should work for now

Scene dialogue and flow:

“Your forage squad has departed. Hopefully they will return with food for the colony. They can only bring back as much as they can carry...”

"You can also choose to send scouts out to find locations of food, resources, threats, and other ant colonies..."

"Sending scouts first will allow your forage squad to go directly to the food source you want..."

"However, since you already sent a forage squad, you will not be able to benefit from this until they return..."

“If your squad returns with food, you will begin to see your HP increase. For now, your colony is at the mercy of time and the safe return of your foragers...”

"Type 1 to send scouts now..."

“Type 2 to end the current day”

Snapshot of current flow

Syncing Trello Board with Github Project

Just for the sake of synergy(not the right word but only one I can think of). I think that it would be great if we could update the Github Project board to match the one from Trello. Thoughts?

P.S I will be posting this on the Discord Server as well @JaxsonKnight


I think it would be a cool idea to have have a multi-player aspect to the game. So someone could start work on a server/client api

Create small tasks for everyone

We need to figure out a way to create very small projects for everyone to contribute.

Think a worker ant class with static parameters, or parameters from user input

An object like a solider ant that calls a method that will change the parameters of the worker ant

A queen ant that will create more worker or soldier ant classes or objects

Anteaters that will eradicate an entire class


ASCII animation for issue #115

This ASCII animation should should show smaller ants being chased by larger ants. This animation will be displayed before this line from #115 :

“Your colony is under attack! You are on the brink of defeat and you must fall back in order to avoid complete annihilation! ...”

  • Smaller ants should walk towards screen-right, pause, and then turn and run faster towards screen-left
  • Many more larger ants should flood the screen and run in from screen-right towards screen-left "chasing" the smaller ants away
  • Feel free to add other things, like maybe a larger ant killing a smaller ant

Create a common design template for console output

Since most or all methods will involve the same console output style, we will need a common design template for this to maintain code consistency and so that each person/team doesn't have to re-create this from scratch. This template should meet the following criteria:

  • Each printed character should have a few millisecond delay as it is printed to simulate a typing effect

  • The game should keep an eye out for a key press (space or enter) to skip the above effect

  • The ellipsis (...) should remain at the end of every sentence if it is not the last sentence in a sequence. This lets the player know there is more dialogue coming

  • Every time the player presses the enter key when prompted ("Type 1 to fall back"), but not when skipping the typing effect, they should get audible feedback. This should work for now

  • Need a way to clear the screen after a scene is over

Initial Questions & Project Organization


What kind of game is this?
What base classes do we need to write before we can give out tasks to newbs?
What kind of development standards should we stick to?
What expectations do you have for a contributor?
What is the scope of this project? look at this
What is necessary for a text based game to be considered entertaining?
Will there be a story to this game?
What features will be included? hp display, sound fx, score, dialog?
What is winning? What is losing?


Set up roles such as Contributor, Reviewer, and Task Organizer
Set up a shared list of tasks that only task organizers can edit on the repository
-this list of tasks will be ordered task# and task category
-each branch submission should be labeled by the above identifiers and short description
-this will require a decent# of initial tasks in order to work
-each submission should be reviewed by a reviewer and update the task list with the user name and time the task was completed
Set up a suggestions channel to determine some tasks that we may miss higher up

Create an extended intro scene that will also serve as a brief tutorial for colony management, sending scouts, and sending a forage squad

(Edit: 9/9/2019) Not sure what happened, but I had the wrong info here, everything below is now correct

FALL BACK intro scene

  • This is a continuation of the intro scene for issue #115
  • The method for this scene should receive parameters from issue #115
  • This can still be built before #115 is completed, we'll just have to come back later to ensure parameters are passed in

General notes

  • Each printed character should have a few millisecond delay as it is printed to simulate a typing effect
  • The game should keep an eye out for a key press (space or enter) to skip the above effect
  • The ellipsis (...) should remain at the end of every sentence if it is not the last sentence in a sequence. This lets the player know there is more dialogue coming
  • Every time the player presses the enter key when prompted ("Type 1 to fall back"), but not when skipping the typing effect, they should get audible feedback. This should work for now

Scene dialogue and flow:

“Your retreat has been successful. You evacuated as many of your larvae as you could carry, and you were able to escort your QUEEN to safety...”

“After a long journey, your tiny colony found a new empty and unknown place to call home...”

“You must now begin your journey of rebuilding your colony...”

“You must rest for now, press ENTER to end the day.”

  • Every time a day ends, we should get an ASCII animation for a sunset/moonrise/sunrise

“Your POPULATION and HP are low! You will need to keep your QUEEN healthy so she can produce more larvae to grow you colony...”

  • This should not be statically typed, this should be triggered if the values for POPULATION and HP are below a certain threshold, say <=10% for POP, and <=15% for HP. If the values from issue #115 are passed in, this should work.

“You can choose to send a few ants to scout the area to find better resources, food, threats, and other ant colonies. This option will take longer to produce results, but will give you more information and may help you in the long-run. Scouts can easily be killed by threats, but can easily be replaced from your colony...”

“Or, you can choose to send a forage squad out into the unknown to find immediate food and resources. This option will take the least time to produce results, but will result in smaller gains, and may lead to larger losses if the forage squad encounters threats...”

“Type 1 to send scouts...”

“Type 2 to send forage squad...”

“Type 3 to send both scouts and a forage squad.”

Snapshot of current flow

Using docker

Is there a way to use docker once this app get up and running

Issue and Pull Request Template

Hello Team, I'm just reviewing the community tab under Insights and I think that a template for bug issues and pull request would be a great thing to have.

It would look like this:
Issue: Bug report
Create a report to help us improve

Describe the bug
A clear and concise description of what the bug is.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

Go to '...'
Click on '....'
Scroll down to '....'
See error
Expected behavior
A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Desktop (please complete the following information):

OS: [e.g. iOS]
Browser [e.g. chrome, safari]
Version [e.g. 22]
Smartphone (please complete the following information):

Device: [e.g. iPhone6]
OS: [e.g. iOS8.1]
Browser [e.g. stock browser, safari]
Version [e.g. 22]
Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.

Optional additional items
Issue default title:

Issue: Feature request
Suggest an idea for this project

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
A clear and concise description of what the problem is. Ex. I'm always frustrated when [...]

Describe the solution you'd like
A clear and concise description of what you want to happen.

Describe alternatives you've considered
A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered.

Additional context
Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here.

Optional additional items
Issue default title:

Create a method for sending scouts

Sending scouts

  • The player can choose a % of their colony to send as scouts, up to 5%
  • Scouts should return no sooner than 2 in-game days, and no longer than 4 in-game days
  • The more scouts you send, the more returned results the player gets
  • Also, the more you send, the higher the chances of scout squad being wiped out
  • Scout squads should not be able to win a fight because their numbers are too small
  • With each successful scout squad, their efficiency should increase, resulting in quicker return times, and reduced chances of being wiped out

General notes:

  • Each printed character should have a few millisecond delay as it is printed to simulate a typing effect
  • The game should keep an eye out for a key press (space or enter) to skip the above effect
  • The ellipsis (...) should remain at the end of every sentence if it is not the last sentence in a sequence. This lets the player know there is more dialogue coming
  • Every time the player presses the enter key when prompted ("Type 1 to fall back"), but not when skipping the typing effect, they should get audible feedback. This should work for now

Scene dialogue and flow:

“Your scouts have departed, you will have to wait for them to return to discover their findings, if they are not killed first...”

“If your scouts have not returned within four days, you can choose to wait longer, or send more in their place...”

“You can also choose to send a forage squad at any time...”

“Type 1 to wait a few days...”

“Type 2 to send a forage squad now.”

Snapshot of current flow

Create method for sending both scouts and forage squad

Sending scouts and forage squad

  • Player should be able to choose to send both units at the same time
  • If the player selects this option when first presented with it, the game should follow the directions listed for sending a forage squad for the first time (see #120)
  • This will be a sort of combination of #119 and #120

General notes:

  • Each printed character should have a few millisecond delay as it is printed to simulate a typing effect
  • The game should keep an eye out for a key press (space or enter) to skip the above effect
  • The ellipsis (...) should remain at the end of every sentence if it is not the last sentence in a sequence. This lets the player know there is more dialogue coming
  • Every time the player presses the enter key when prompted ("Type 1 to fall back"), but not when skipping the typing effect, they should get audible feedback. This should work for now

Scene dialogue and flow:

“Your scouts and a forage squad have departed, you will have to wait for either of them to return to discover their findings, if they are not killed first...”

“If your scouts have not returned within four days, you can choose to wait longer, or send more in their place...”

“Once your forage squad returns with food, you will see your HP increase. For now, your colony is at the mercy of time and the safe return of your foragers.”

“Press ENTER to wait.”

Snapshot of current flow

ASCII art animation for the ending of an in-game day

ASCII art animation needs

  • Be its own method that can be called from anywhere
  • Signify the end of an in-game day
  • Less than 5 seconds long
  • Skippable by the player, game should watch for keypress from space or enter keys
  • Show the sunset, then moonrise, then moonset, and then sunrise

Add a .gitignore

It would be good to add a gitignore file. Should contain extensions and folders generated by IDEs. Compiled targets, e.g. .class files.

Create a main menu, instantiate a new game with player stats, and create a brief intro scene

NEW GAME is selected from main menu

  • For now, player will not select various ant classes, player will be forced to use a generic ant species. This will change once we figure out how we are implementing ant classes
  • Immediately after player selects NEW GAME, player is presented with text that explains the current situation and given two options for how to proceed
  • Values on screen indicate the following (these values should always be present on the screen/console):
    • POPULATION - for the local colony, should not count parts of a forage or invasion squad (int totalPop = 7000 * 0.05)
    • HP - this represents the queen’s health (int hp = 15)
    • FOOD - this represents food for the entire colony (int food = 18)
    • RESOURCES - the represents a value for upgrading the colony (int resources = 0)

Game setup and brief intro

  • Each printed character should have a few millisecond delay as it is printed to simulate a typing effect
  • The game should keep an eye out for a key press (space or enter) to skip the above effect
  • The ellipsis (...) should remain at the end of every sentence if it is not the last sentence in a sequence. This lets the player know there is more dialogue coming
  • Every time the player presses the enter key when prompted ("Type 1 to fall back"), but not when skipping the typing effect, they should get audible feedback. This should work for now

Scene dialogue and flow:

“Your colony is under attack! You are on the brink of defeat and you must fall back in order to avoid complete annihilation! ...”

“Type 1 to FALL BACK now...”

  • If 1, proceed to fallBack(); method
    • fallBack(); doesn't exist yet, so just create something for now
  • Pass the initial player stats (HP, FOOD, etc.) into the fallBack(); method

“Type 2 to continue to fight.”

  • If 2, player is presented with text: “Your entire colony has been overrun and annihilated; a colony with such a low POPULATION is no match for an enemy of this size!”
    • End game, back to MAIN MENU

Snapshot of current flow:

Create a system for waiting for scouts to return, their success, and their failure

Wait for scouts to return

  • Scouts will return within 2-4 days
  • A day can be ended by the player choosing to end it, or completing 5 moves, or the player can skip ahead any number of days they want (game should prevent player from skipping ahead too much)
  • The first time the player sends scouts, they should always return after 2 in-game days

Roll the dice, 70% chance of scout success, 30% chance of scout failure

  • If success, proceed to scoutSuccess()
  • If failure, proceed to scoutFailure()
  • Player must have a successful scout team before being presented with the in-game menu

If scout success (scoutSuccess()):

With each successful scout team:

  1. Their odds of success should increase
  2. Their findings should become better
  3. The time it takes to report back is less

“Your scouts have returned unscathed! ...”

“Let’s see what kind of information they gathered...”

  • Display list of results for player, give instructions to close list for now
  • Will be referenced in another issue # later

“You can pick what you would like to pursue at any time, keep in mind that the distance to a location is one-way, you’ll need to account for time traveling back to the colony as well...”

“If you are gone for too long, your colony will begin to starve and your HP will drop very quickly! ...”

“You can stockpile food to increase the time it takes for your colony to begin to starve...”

“You can always press the R key at any prompt to display these results again...”

  • Will be referenced in another issue # later

“Type the corresponding number for whichever activity you would like to pursue....”

“You can also type M at any prompt to see a list of all available options.”

  • Will be referenced in another issue # later

The player should be presented with a in-game menu of options to choose from

  • will be referenced in a separate issue # later

If scout failure (scoutFailure()):

  • Method should receive parameter for how many days have passed

“Your scouts have not returned after x days…”

“You can choose to send more scouts, or continue to wait for their return...”

“The scouts may still be on their way back from a long journey, or they may be dead...”

“Type 1 to send more scouts...”

“Type 2 to continue to wait.”

Snapshot of current flow is not appropriate to its purpose

A file is meant to succinctly describe the project itself, its goals, use cases and how to get started. Someone who stumbles upon a project will be presented with - it is important that they're able to understand what they're looking at, what the purpose is, and how to get involved.

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