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remote-playback's Issues

Add "connecting" to the RemotePlaybackState enum

Represents the state between the time when a remote playback device has been picked by the user and when the playback of the media is ready to start on the device.

The justifications:

  • to be consistent with the sibling Presentation API
  • the state allows the website to show some interstitial UI for the state transitioning between disconnected to connected

The draft summary of state changes:

  • the initial state is disconnected
  • once start() is resolved, the state changes to connecting; while in this state all media commands on the video element (play, pause, seek, volume, etc) throw exceptions
  • if the remote playback is ready to start on the remote device, the state changes to connected
  • if the remote playback fails to initialize, the state changes to disconnected

Clarify cross-element uniqueness requirements of callbackId

From #83 (comment)

@avayvod: I think this example implies the callback ids must be unique across all the media elements within a browser session which is not true. They only must be unique for each media element alone. An example is a counter in the media element's scope, that's set to 0 when the media element is created and is incremented each time its value is returned by watchAvailability() for this particular element as the callback id.

@mfoltzgoogle: That seems inconvenient if a page is watching availability on multiple elements and wants to keep the callbacks in a Map or otherwise track the set of callbacks by id.

@avayvod: Fair point. It might be more likely having one callback per many elements compared to many callbacks for a single element. The spec doesn't guarantee any cross-element uniqueness of the ids at the moment though.

CC @mounirlamouri @jernoble

[Privacy] Clarify that availability callback does not include human readable names

  1. Does the RemotePlaybackAvailabilityCallback object include a human-readable name to identify the Callback object? E.g. “kitchen speaker”, “bedroom TV”, “Medical device”? Would this also be exposed outside of the UA? Privacy implications would vary depending on where this human-readable name is disclosed, if any.

It seems clear enough this is not the case, but perhaps we can add a sentence in the Privacy section clarifying this.

Internationalization considerations

It is good practice to evaluate the spec against internationalization techniques before requesting horizontal review from the i18n group. Most of these points do not seem to apply to the Remote Playback API though.

It seems useful to take a look at the Presentation API and draw parallels. I think the following i18n-related aspects of the Presentation API may warrant notes in the Remote Playback API spec:

  1. The note at the end of §6.3.2 about advertising and using "the locale and intended text direction of the user friendly name" of remote playback devices.
  2. The text at the end of §6.6.1 that receiving user agents should fetch resources "with an HTTP Accept-Language header that reflects the language preferences of the controlling user agent". This cannot be normative text in the case of the Remote Playback API because remote playback devices are not a conformance class, but an informative note could perhaps highlight that implementers are encouraged to pass the locale to the remote playback device if possible. Remote playback devices may use that information to select the audio track(s) that get enabled as well for instance. I'm not entirely clear how media playback remoting affects the enabled status of media tracks that compose the media stream, but that seems to be in scope of issue #41.

Make NotFoundError when prompt() is called and availability monitoring is not available optional

The step 8 from the prompt() algorithm was inspired by the similar step (10.2) in the Presentation API's PresentationRequest.start() algorithm.

This step seems problematic to implement when the availability monitoring is not supported by the device. At least on Android the device picker dialog will not hide until user closes it even if devices are not found. Closing the dialog by the browser would be against the current guidelines of using it I assume.

I propose making this step optional.

@mfoltzgoogle - I'm not sure how this works with the Presentation API on desktop (I think on Android it is not supported as well).

Reconnecting media elements to the playback

Tracking issue for the following problem:

  • what happens when the page that is playing a media element remotely navigates / reloads?
  • should it be able to reconnect somehow to the remote playback session?

Following the Presentation API experience, the page would get an id from the start() call / onconnected event and then pass it to another call like join(playbackId) to attach the media element to the remote playback session without prompting the user again.

[meta] Publish First Public Working Draft

This is a meta issue to keep us aware of the fact that we should attempt to publish a First Public Working Draft (FPWD) of the spec in the near future. FPWD is the first step in the formal Recommendation Track.

To be FPWD ready, we should add some prose to complement the IDL (basically, formalise the draft summaries a bit, no need to be perfect).

@mounirlamouri @avayvod It'd be great if you could triage the open issues and label the ones you feel would benefit the most from the F2F discussion. We could try to publish the FPWD already before the F2F to give it more visibility and attract outside feedback.

Allow websites to stop the remote playback

Currently, the spec doesn't define how the remote playback is stopped. It could be some user agent provided UI that the user can trigger somehow or that can be shown when the page calls start() on the remote instance that's already in a connected state. However, it seems natural to allow the website to have a custom control on the media element that stops the remote playback.

partial interface RemotePlayback {
  Promise stop();

Merge steps 5 and 9 for prompt() algorithm

Both steps essentially mean the case when the current source of the media element is not compatible with found devices (although step 5 doesn't require running the monitoring algorithm since it covers the case of fundamentally unsupported sources while step 9 is for the case when the source is only unsupported by the devices found).

I think it's confusing and merging 5 into 9 would probably be easier to understand.

@mfoltzgoogle @mounirlamouri WDYT?

Remote Playback API test automation

Import comment(#87 (comment)) from @mounirlamouri:

The issue with this API is that you will have to use a Chrome Cast compatible device to test the API on Chrome but another browser might not support Chrome Cast. The test preconditions will have to start with something a bit hand-wavy like "Have a device compatible with the browser on your WiFi". Because only Chrome (maybe other Chrome-based browsers) has an implementation for this at the moment, it would be hard to be clearer.

Do we need remote.getAvailability()?

I think the use of a separate Availability object for remote playback device for this use case causes some problems for the spec.

  • What does it mean to call getAvailability() multiple times on the same MediaElement? Is the same object returned or different object?
  • If the source list changes, will the developer need to discard the old object and get a new one?
  • What if the media element is detached from the document: will the availability object keep it alive? What would its behavior be in this case?

One alternative would be to have an enum + event to track availability changes on the remote object itself, which would seem to address the issues above. Availability would be kept in sync with both device availability and the media source list.

partial interface RemotePlayback : EventTarget {

    readonly attribute RemotePlaybackAvailability availability;

    attribute EventHandler onavailabilitychange;

    enum RemotePlaybackAvailability {
            "unknown"   // Background monitoring not supported.

Define the UA behavior when the disableRemotePlayback attribute is added during the remote playback

Currently the behavior when a page adds the disableRemotePlayback attribute to a media element that's being played remotely is undefined. Options are:

  1. leave it undefined
  2. define it so that the remote playback is stopped as soon as the attribute is added
  3. define it so that the attribute makes an effect on all subsequent attempts to playback the media element but not the one currently taking place

Option 2 seems like the most reasonable to me.

connect: step 3 should probably be a MAY

Step 3 says that OperationError should be thrown when trying to connect while already trying to connect somewhere else. I assume the rationale is that UA might end up showing two prompts on top of each other. However, this is a pure UI consideration and it seems that making this not a requirement for proper implementation is important: there might be some type of UI design that would make things work fine. For example, in-page UI anchored to the element as opposed to modal UI.

[Privacy] Clarify steps to generate callbackId

  1. It is unclear if the callbackId is derived from a unique identifier on the Callback device (e.g. a hash value of a MAC address). Is there any reason why this could not be generated for each session by the UA? It would still be unique across all callback devices on the network but different devices on the same network could have a different set of unique devices and thus reducing the potential for device fingerprinting.

I think the spec is clear that it's unique to the media element. Should an algorithm be defined to generate it?

Race between cancelWatchAvailability and disableRemotePlayback

According to the specification, calling cancelWatchAvailability will reject if disableRemotePlayback is true. However, setting disableRemotePlayback is not expect to stop watch which means that we might end up in situations where per spec, the callback to watch availability will have to run for ever.

We should either ask that disableRemotePlayback cancels watch or that cancelWatchAvailability doesn't reject if disableRemotePlayback.

In my opinion, we should do the former to stay consist with the spirit of the specification: when disableRemotePlayback is set to true, UA is expected to stop remote session. It should also stop watching for availability.

[meta] Publish Candidate Recommendation

This meta issue tracks progress toward the Remote Playback API Candidate Recommendation (CR) publication. Editor: @mounirlamouri

By publishing a CR we:

  • ask the entire W3C membership to provide feedback,
  • formally collect implementation experience to demonstrate that the specification works in practice.

The CR requirements are the following from the W3C Process perspective:

[Meta] Guidance for HTMLMediaElement, HTMLAudioElement, HTMLVideoElement behaviors during remoting

In remoting mode (i.e. state == connected) any side effects on the media element, for example mutations to properties, invocations of methods, or detachment from the DOM may (or may not) affect remote playback.

Because the behavior of the remote playback device seems to be out of scope for this spec, there may not be much to say in the normative sections of the spec.

However, in my opinion it would be a better spec to at least say something in regards to what should happen. I can see these behaviors falling into three categories:

  • Must-implement for any reasonable experience: e.g, pause, mute, stop
  • No-op as they may not make any sense: e.g., setting autoplay or preload during remote playback
  • Implementation choice based on the device capabilities and desired UX.

The challenge will be in cases where the observable state of the element might be affected by implementation choices. For example, when playing back on a remote device that does not support changing the playback volume, how should the element behave when its volume attribute is set?

Change connect() to return Promise<void>

... and reject when user cancels the selection.
Having to wait for the Promise to be resolved and then to check if its value is true seems to make the examples less straightforward:



videoElem.remote.connect().then(function(success) {  if (success) switchToRemoteUI(); });

Produce a preliminary implementation report

To be able to publish a Candidate Recommendation #73, we need a preliminary implementation report similarly to the Presentation API test results (see test results column).

@avayvod @mounirlamouri, are you happy with the current coverage of the Remote Playback API test suite? (You added idlharness tests that were initially missing, is TODO up to date?)

@Honry could perhaps help you produce a preliminary implementation report using the Chrome for Android implementation if you so prefer, and/or help update the test suite if some tests are still missing.

Need to define behavior of media.remote when disableRemotePlayback = true

The spec currently reads,

If the disableRemotePlayback attribute is present on the media element, the user agent must not play the media remotely or present any UI to do so.

But the media element must still return an instance of RemotePlayback. The behavior of this object should be defined when disableRemotePlayback is present.

Update status section

In preparation for the wide review, it would be good to update the SoTD section, clarify the "This document is a work in progress and is subject to change" note to better reflect reality knowing implementations are coming together. Also, note the status of existing issues. My assessment says the remaining open issues are considered minor, except issue #41 that suggests extensions to HTMLMediaElement and HTMLVideoElement interfaces; would be good to note this explicitly to attract further feedback and suggestions during wide review. Let me know if you feel the same.

The reason for updating SoTD is simply to make it easier for people outside this group reading the wide review spec to be informed of the stability and completeness of the spec, and give better feedback.

@tidoust volunteered to address this issue. Thanks!

Should rendering behavior of the remote-d media element be specified?

I didn't see any language in the spec that the user agent initiating remote playback is required to stop rendering media in the element after connection to a remote playback device. But I would assume this behavior is intended, unless there is a use case for simultaneous playback (i.e., connection to a recording device or showing the same media in two rooms).

Evaluate Security and Privacy impacts

Before we request horizontal reviews on security and privacy, the group should review and assess the Remote Playback API against the Self-Review Questionnaire on Security and Privacy, and suggests text for a possible security and privacy section in the spec, similar to the one in the Presentation API.

The Fingerprinting Guidance for Web Specification Authors and Privacy Considerations for Web Protocols may prove useful documents to review as well.

Anyone willing to do that?

Getting availability and monitoring list of devices algorithms

Step 8-1 of the getting availability algorithm [1] queues a task to invoke the callback with the availability status, but it's not clear what the value would be if the "monitoring a list" algorithm was not already running.

As a corollary, the "monitoring a list" algorithm does not need to be started again in step 8-2 if it was already running. Or is it assumed to run continuously in the background?

Also, in step 2-2 of "monitoring a list", the callback is invoked with a calculated value but the calculation is not defined. I would assume that you mean the list of available playback devices is non-empty :)


Should the ability to query by language or country be added to watchAvailability() Getting the remote playback devices availability information

Would there be a need to query remote device playback availability based upon language and our country? Could we have a situation where there would be some specific hardware that would need to be selected based upon language? For example, could there be a case where the remote playback device had a specialized set of script specific fonts that were going to be used to display captions.

Adjust notes with normative content

Notes in specs are by nature informative and as such should not contain normative statements. Notes in the current draft of the Remote Playback API that contain normative statements should either be adjusted to remain informative, or the content should be turned into real normative statements, to remove all ambiguity on the informative/normative nature of the text.

Notes that need some update:

  • At the end of § Suggestion would be to simply make the "should not" an informative one.
  • Note in §6.2.2 that states "for example it MAY show the user a dialog". Suggestion would be to make that "may" an informative one.
  • Notes at the end of §6.2.4. Here I would rather drop the "note" tag to make the text normative. Both normative statements sound good and are (manually) testable.
  • Note at the end of §6.2.7 about abrupt disconnection. I guess I would make the "should" an informative one as it's not going to be easy to test the notion of "abrupt disconnection".

[Privacy] Request to disable monitoring when disableRemotePlayback is set

  1. In the section “Disabling remote playback”, consider to add the requirement that the monitoring of devices must not occur if the feature is disabled by the user, thus “If the disableRemotePlayback attribute is present on the media element, the user agent MUST NOT monitor availability, play the media remotely or present any UI to do so.

Should update steps to ensure that monitoring is stopped when the set of availability callbacks has been emptied?

remote.onstatechange vs. remote.on{connect,connecting,disconnect}

In the Presentation API, we converted the API from having one statechange event to distinct events for each state, to improve developer ergonomics: fewer if/then/else blocks in a monolithic event handler.

(I can't find the specific GH issue where this was discussed, since I think it was an offshoot of other API discussions. Can dig some more if interested.)

Perhaps the Remote Playback API should do the same:

partial interface RemotePlayback : EventTarget {
            attribute EventHandler onconnect;
            attribute EventHandler ondisconnect;

However, the initial value of remote.state does not seem to be defined; that would need to be addressed to determine whether an additional connecting event is necessary.

setupRemotePlayback() called twice in Example 2 and Example 3?

It looks like setupRemotePlayback() is called twice when the user clicks remotePlaybackBtn, once in the resolver for connect() and again in the onstatechange event handler when the state transitions to connecting.

Also, you may want to disable remotePlaybackBtn when the state changes to connecting, and re-enable it on a transition to disconnected. Maybe this would be done in the setup/stop helper functions?

Interoperability concerns by lack of a common denominator in transport

This is a follow-up from the TAG review request.

I haven't done a particularly good job at getting back to the group with the feedback we had, I apologize for that. The API side of the spec is sound, and I don't see anything that would be a serious issue worth opening issues for - but the elephant in the room is interoperability.

Setting aside the fact that this is already being implemented and shipping, with each implementation possibly shipping using some form of proprietary transport - we think that the spec not defining a common denominator transport mechanism in a normative section is problematic and would hurt interoperability, and potentially jeopardize the usefulness of the API.

If implementations ship with incompatible transports, we will be stuck in a situation where content authors have to rely on sniffing and whitelisting, either in the form of code or documentation, which is undesirable - and this encourages tight coupling between the remote playback device and the user agent.

From what I see, with the spec as of today: (Correct me if I am wrong)

  • Android TV as a remote playback device will most likely not work from Safari, and Firefox will most like not be able to stream to an Apple TV.
  • Users would have to randomly try different browsers (although intuitively, compatible pairing for most cases would be rather obvious) until they find something that works.
  • On the same computer, you would see the remote playback device on some browsers and not on others due to this.

This doesn't seem like the kind of usability we should be promoting. I've brought this up with the team, and @w3ctag does not consider this specification ready for implementation for these reasons.

I have been made aware of the open screen protocol, would it be possible to accelerate the development of that and include that as a common denominator requirement for interoperability before we end up in another sniffing/whitelisting situation?

Allow the user agent to choose which media element source to play remotely

Since the media element can have more than one source, the UA should be able to remote what it thinks is the best for the selected remote device.

Also maybe allow the website to specify the preferred source for remote playback (e.g. on mobile the element may have the default local playback source in SD quality while a link to an HD media could be provided for remote playback specifically).

The website could already just change the element source when it's being played remotely though.

connect: NotFoundError and NotSupportedError inconsistencies

Step 1 says that UA should reject with NotSupportedError if the UA knows the formats are not supported (so it doesn't event try to discover).

Step 8 says that the UA should reject with NotFoundError if no devices were found or all found devices are not compatible.

I wonder if we could do:

  • NotSupportedError when no compatible devices
  • NotFoundError when no devices

It would require to reject different errors in substeps 1 and 2 from step 8.

Implementation guidance for browsers when a media element with controls is remoted

The controls attribute will have the UA render default media controls for the media element [1]. If a media element with controls set is remoted, the spec might want to note that the default controls should be updated accordingly for the remote case (i.e. the attribute is still respected even in remote mode), and possibly give an implementation suggestion like using a poster image in place of the rendered <video>.


This issue is related to Issue #46.

prompt() should not be rejected if the state was connected when called

IMO, "6.2.2 Prompt user for changing remote playback state" should be changed to include a step between current 11 and 12 so that if the state was connected and remained connected. Such that the user did not change the connecting device, the promise should be fulfilled. At the moment, it would be rejected which could be very surprising when the user is in a connected state because the UA could include options in this dialog such as changing volume stream, etc. Rejecting the promise would mostly create noise for the website.

Allow implementations to drop some requests if they can't be remotely played

We need implementations to be able to tell the page that something can't be played remotely because it is not supported by the other end. It can be because of EME, because of audio/video codecs or maybe because of MSE.

I did not think yet of the mechanism but I think having connect() reject with some error (like NotSupported) could be the right approach.

Specify the transition between the local and remote playback when changing remote.state

A spin-off from the issue #3:

  • when the state is "disconnected" or "connecting", all interaction with HTMLMediaElement is forwarded to/from the local player
  • when the state is "connected", all interaction with HTMLMediaElement is forwarded to/from the remote player
  • when the state changes from "connecting" to "connected", the last known state of the local player is passed to the remote player
  • when the state changes from "connected" to "disconnected", last known state of the remote player is passed to the local player

@foolip are there any methods we'd need to disable in "connecting" state? (for example, pause() is allowed but play() could be rejected)?

Consistency with Presentation API

The Remote Playback API has different method names for actions that are conceptually very similar to the Presentation API.

For example, the Remote Playback API has watchAvailability(), which takes a callback parameter, whereas the Presentation API has getAvailability() that returns a PresentationAvailability object with an onchange event handler. Also, start() in the Presentation API is prompt() in the Remote Playback API.

Should we try to align these, for consistency? I think this may help with use of these APIs by application developers.

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