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Review visualization app warnings

In GitLab by @dmt on Jan 21, 2021, 19:36

Several warnings occur during the execution of the app, which may be due to incompatibilities with the hdbscan library update.

docker-compose and gpus

We have to find a way of deploying the project with docker-compose in a way that the gpus of the server (if any) are usable by the container. In classic docker, it is as easy as adding the flag --gpus all to the command docker run. However, I do not know how to do this in compose.

This will be important in a few weeks because we are installing more GPU servers in the group and thus, this proejct should be moved to a gpu-based machine.

Update Dockerfile. - [merged]

In GitLab by @lgs on Oct 15, 2020, 13:19

Merges patch-1 -> master

Update Dockerfile. Remove the lines to share data folder before switching to the user (it's no longer necessary)

Project roadmap and follow-up

In GitLab by @vrodriguezf on Mar 12, 2020, 18:57


This issue is a way to keep track of the work done in this project and be aware of what is left.

I just made the initial commit which contains, as most important file, the notebook nbs/01_Timecluster_replication.ipynb. In this notebook I explore the methodology proposed n the Timecluster paper with one piece of data from one of the longwalls.

In the last section of that notebook, I want to start exploring how to extend that methodoogy so that the expert cannot only see which time window corresponds to each point in the 2d space, but also the most important variables of that time window.

Also, I still have to find a way to validate the replication, since the data from the paper is not available.

Issue29 solved - [merged]

In GitLab by @lgs on Dec 15, 2020, 18:06

Merges issue29_solved -> master

  • Clustering functionality has been added using reticulate and hdbscan (python). We have also added functionality to modify its parameters.

  • We have added reactivity to the embeddings value filters. A "renderUI to define the maximum points values to show of the embedding" has been created

  • The zoom functionality has been updated (now it works by clicking on a button)

  • dyShading plotting process updated. Previously there was a large overlap of rectangles when they were drawn in the dygraph, this is now resolved

Updated docker-compose - [merged]

In GitLab by @lgs on Oct 15, 2020, 13:24

Merges lgs-master-patch-09882 -> master

Updated docker-compose to fix the problem of /data/PACMEL-2019 permissions

Ensure the validation set is properly selected for the DCAE

In GitLab by @vrodriguezf on Mar 31, 2020, 13:46

Ensure that the validation set is properly selected, in terms of respecting the time indices. With time series, you cannot split your data into training and test randomly, you have to take one part of the series (for example, the last) as validation and leave the rest for training.

zoom in embeddings plot

In GitLab by @vrodriguezf on Nov 6, 2020, 11:14

If possible, using the mouse wheel would be great for this, otherwise a couple of +/- buttons can make the trick.

Add automatic project-name creation to avoid docker-compose creation problems.

In GitLab by @lgs on Oct 13, 2020, 17:55

Currently, when several users use the docker-compose up -d command within a single server, inconsistencies appear and containers are overwritten.

To avoid this it is necessary to define a project_name when docker-compose is invoked. To solve this and to automate the process it is proposed:

Webapp to visualize results

In GitLab by @vrodriguezf on Mar 18, 2020, 18:16

Just in the same way that the authors of the Timecluster paper show in this video, having a webapp of the replication and extension coded in this project would allow for easy sharing and insights.

Possible options for implementation include: voila (voila-ipyvuetify), R shiny

Create a function to calculate a naive baseline model

In GitLab by @lgs on Oct 30, 2020, 15:25

Create a new Jupyter Notebook that:

  • Loads the train dataset
  • Transform the dataset in autoencoder input tensors
  • Compute the mean (or mode, or median) for each window
  • Calculate the MSE and save into a list
  • Compute the average MSE
  • Log values into wandb

Show precomputed clusters

Right now, the only way of showing clusters in the visualization app is to click on the button "calculate and show clusters", which is what it is done in the original Timecluster paper. HOwever, in order to integrate some of the works of our colleagues in Poland, it would be interesting to add the possibility to get the clusters from a logged artifact.

The artifact would be a ReferenceArtifact logged by the dr_run, just like it is done with the embeddings, and it could be as simple as an array of cluster labels.

Change the validation splitting strategy in the encoder

In GitLab by @vrodriguezf on Oct 24, 2020, 16:57

Right now, the validation set used during the encoder training is just a random 20% split of the input artifact, made automatically by Keras using the argument val_pct. This implies that the validation data is used for the normalization of the training data, and this is a bad practice. The validation data must be normalized independently, using the means/stds of the training data.

The easiest way to solve this problem is to use a separate artifact as validation set, instead of splitting the one used for training. As an example, we can use days 1-10 for training. days 11-13 for validation, and days 14-15 for test. Note that, in the call to, the argument validation_split is no longer applicable, and we have to use the argument validation_data (See docs)

Fix issues #19 and #21 - [merged]

In GitLab by @lgs on Oct 29, 2020, 11:19

Merges issue1921_solved -> master

I have solved issues #19 and #21

I have also changed the Dockerfile so as not to have problems in the future with papermill (get the most updated version of the library)


In GitLab by @vrodriguezf on Nov 2, 2020, 10:55

Define a function plot_top_losses (either in the DCAE module or in utils) with this header:

@patch([Model class in Keras])
def plot_top_losses(self:[Model class in Keras], k, largest=True, **kwargs):
"Take the validation data of model self, compute the model losses for every item there, and sort the results. If `largest` is True, the validation losses will be sorted from larger to lower. Once they are sorted, take the k first items based on this order and plot the predictions."

My idea is to call it like model.plot_top_losses given a Keras model in the variable model, therefore the @patch. @path is a decorator from fastcore to add methods to a class on the fly.

Test visually the quality of the DCAE with test data

In GitLab by @lgs on Oct 22, 2020, 17:13

Use data from the test_data artifact to check visually the performance of the DCAE.

  1. Create section in the Jupyter Lab Notebook (_02.DCAE)
  2. Load test artifact.
  3. Transform test artifact.
  4. Take a sample of the dataset (some windows)
  5. Print and log image to WANDB

Change mark type of embeddings plot

In GitLab by @vrodriguezf on Oct 16, 2020, 16:19

In the Timecluster paper, the 2D embedding plot is a scattered connected plot, where each point is marked as a hollow square:

In the DR notebook it is more or less the same, although the plot is wrognly logged into weights and biases. This is how the plot looks in the notebook:

And this is how it looks one in wandb:

As it can be seen, the points are filled with a colour. The plot in shiny also has filled marks.

I'd like to have both the wandb plots and the shiny ones with hollow marks as well, so that the plot scales better when it has thousands of points.

Make a function that checks that the DR artifact to use matches, in terms of metadata, the DCAE one

In GitLab by @vrodriguezf on Oct 14, 2020, 13:30

There can be problems if, for example, the DR wants to use an artifact with 15 variables, but the associated DCAE has been trained with an artifact with 10 variables. The inputs wouldn't match.

There's already a scaffolding of the function check_compatibility in the DR notebook:

def check_compatibility(dr_ar:TSArtifact, dcae_ar:TSArtifact):
    "TODO: Function to check that the artifact used by the DCAE and the artifact that is \
    going to be passed through the DR are compatible"
    ret = dr_ar.metadata['TS']['vars'] == dcae_ar.metadata['TS']['vars']
    # Check that the dr artifact is not normalized
    return ret

For now it just checks that the variables used are the same (in number and names). There are other things that has to be checked here such as:

  • the resample period used in both artifacts. (that is in TS.freq inside the metadata.
  • Whether the DR artifact has issing values or not (that is in TS.has_missing_values, it has to be false)

DCAE Hyperparameter optimization

In GitLab by @vrodriguezf on Mar 18, 2020, 18:14

According to the paper: The number of feature maps, size
of filter and depth of the model are set based on the recon-
struction error on validation set.

Use weights & biases to analyse which hyperparameters are best for the mining data.

issueXX_solved - [closed]

In GitLab by @lgs on Oct 20, 2020, 16:55

Merges test_branch -> master

This branch aims to fix the issue #15.


Refactor the contents of draftsheet to a new notebook `00_dataset_artifacts.ipynb`

In GitLab by @vrodriguezf on Oct 14, 2020, 12:47

It is non sense that something as important as the creation of the dataset artifacts is in a draftsheet notebook. The easiest way I can think of moving this is to create a notebook 00_dataset_artifacts.ipynb. We can even think of creating a function that is exported to the library and gather the functionality of the notebook, i.e., creating an TSArtifact from a given dataframe, with a specified configuration.

On a side note, I would rather remove the nomenclature 00_, 01_, for notebooks that don't belong explicitly to the project pipeline. Therefore, thinks like 00:load should be renamed as load.

Automatic clustering through HDB-SCAN

In GitLab by @vrodriguezf on Mar 30, 2020, 15:55

From the Timecluster paper:
"For validation purpose, we also compare an automatic clustering approach. A hierarchical clustering method (HDB- SCAN) [12,20] is used to generate the most significant clusters as a density-based clustering algorithm. It requires only one parameter which represents the minimum size of the cluster. We use the sklearn package, and we use the hdbscan package as available on PyPi in order to determine the number of clusters"

Implementing this is useful to provide automatic clusters to other PACMEL projects such as the ones devoted to shapelet generation.

Fix plot_validation_ts_ae function from the module visualization

In GitLab by @lgs on Oct 29, 2020, 10:57

The plot_validation_ts_ae function takes the first element of each window and plots it, this way it is possible to see the whole time-series because we have only used a stride 1 during the DCAE training. If we use a value higher than 1, the graph will not make any sense.

We need to change the current code, to plot only one window selected in the function parameters (i.e. window_num):

   for i,ax in zip(range(original.shape[2]),fig.axes):
        ax.plot(original[:,0,i], label='Original Data') # Change this
        ax.plot(prediction[:,0,i], label='Prediction')  # Change this

Ask anomalies in JNK dataset

In GitLab by @lgs on Nov 17, 2020, 13:08

We have observed some anom

We have observed some anomalies in the JNK dataset. One of them is shown in the Figure. You can see that there is an abrupt change in all sensors for a minute (all signals except SM_ShearerLocation have the value 0).

We wonder why this stop is due to an error in data acquisition or are small machine stops for some operational reason? (important to remark that the sensors that measure temperature are also set to 0)

Translated with (free version)


Study the variability of UMAP depending on its parameterization

In GitLab by @vrodriguezf on Oct 14, 2020, 13:34

Execute, for a given DR artifact, the UMAP reducer (notebook DR) multiple times with different configurations.

To do this automatically, the library papermill has to be used, in combination with a wandb_group to visualize the results of the experiment in a separated URL in wandb. We should discuss how to do this further.

Another option could be to create a sweep, just as with the DCAE case. However, I don't know if sweeps can be run without a metric to optimize...that's the case here, we are just exploring UMAp parameters, without a clear optimization metric.

Normalize the artifact used by the DR (test artifact) with the metadata of the associated DCAE artifact (training artifact)

In GitLab by @vrodriguezf on Oct 14, 2020, 13:06

Right now, the test artifact used in the Dimensionality Reduction (DR) is a subset of 1000 rows of the same artifact used for training the associated DCAE. Therefore, the data loaded from the artifact is already normalized correctly.

However, if the DR artifact is different than the DCAE one (the real and useful case), the DR one has to be normalized according to the means and stds contained in the metadata of the DCAE one. This implies that, for convenience, artifacts that are going to be used for DR should be logged without normalization. Otherwise, when using them in the DR, they should be first denormalized and normalized again with the DCAE metadata.

Fix issue #18 - [merged]

In GitLab by @lgs on Oct 26, 2020, 10:23

Merges issue18_solved -> master

Fix issue #18 :

  • I have created the function plot_validation_ts_ae() in the visualization module
  • I use that function to visualize the predictions done by the Autoencoder vs original data
  • The notebook log that image to wandb

BUG: Shiny app only considers the first artifact used by the run

In GitLab by @vrodriguezf on Oct 20, 2020, 18:21

Modify server.R, more specifically, the computation of the reactive tsdf, so that when calling used_artifacts, the correct artifact is looked for instead of assuming that the correct one is the first. The question is: how to find is it the correct one?

  1. the correct one should not be normalized. This can be checked in the metadata. This is a bit of a botch, but it is simple.
  2. Get the run that logged the artifact somehow, and check that that run is a DCAE run...too complicated IMHO

Add more data to the experiment

In GitLab by @vrodriguezf on Mar 18, 2020, 18:04

Only one day of logs is being used in the nb 01_timecluster_replication. It is likely that better patterns are found if many days are taken into account.

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