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stroke-prediction's Introduction


Machine Learning tool to predict risk of having stroke.

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Domain Background

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) stroke is the 2nd leading cause of death globally, responsible for approximately 11% of total deaths. It will be good if we detect and prevent this deadly disease in time, it will bring happiness to the sick and have more time to live.

Problem Statement

Currently, classification methods using machine learning and deep learning have become popular to assist doctors in diagnosing stroke and providing timely treatment. Here, we use two models of machine learning to predict stroke based on the input parameters like gender, age, various diseases, and smoking status. The challenge of working with imbalanced datasets is that most machine learning techniques will ignore, and in turn have poor performance on, the minority class, although typically it is performance on the minority class that is most important.


The data collect from Kaggle:

Solution Statement

We use 6 models of Machine Learning (Logistic Regression, lightGBM, xgboost, Adaboost, Random Forest and Decision Tree) and compare them with each other.

The output expected: Logistic Regreesion has area under curve (82%) higher than each other.


Create virtual environment

conda create -n myenv python=3.7
conda activate myenv

Change directory:

cd stroke-prediction/

Install dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Download and set up data by running



bash ./

Wait about 30 seconds to download data


Run terminal and save models


Use streamlit to predict stroke

streamlit run


Details in explore_data_analysis/EDA.ipynb

  • Check type each column of dataset
RangeIndex: 5110 entries, 0 to 5109
Data columns (total 12 columns):
 #   Column             Non-Null Count  Dtype
---  ------             --------------  -----
 0   id                 5110 non-null   int64
 1   gender             5110 non-null   object
 2   age                5110 non-null   float64
 3   hypertension       5110 non-null   int64
 4   heart_disease      5110 non-null   int64
 5   ever_married       5110 non-null   object
 6   work_type          5110 non-null   object
 7   Residence_type     5110 non-null   object
 8   avg_glucose_level  5110 non-null   float64
 9   bmi                4909 non-null   float64
 10  smoking_status     5110 non-null   object
 11  stroke             5110 non-null   int64
dtypes: float64(3), int64(4), object(5)
  • Check missing values
id                     0
gender                 0
age                    0
hypertension           0
heart_disease          0
ever_married           0
work_type              0
Residence_type         0
avg_glucose_level      0
bmi                  201
smoking_status         0
stroke                 0
dtype: int64
  • The dataset is imbalanced, with only 4.9% of the rows belonging to the positive class.


  • Histogram of numeric columns

plot_hist -> bmi and avg_glucose_level are skewed -> age is normal distribution

  • Value counts of category columns


-> Stroke patients are mostly private workers


-> Stroke patients are equally distributed in smoking status

  • Correlation with binary columns




  • Correlation matrix


Data Preprocessing

Details in extract_transform_load/


  • Read csv file
  • Extract metadata
2023-09-23 20:20:44,678 - extract_transform_load.extract - INFO - Metadata: {'file_path': 'data/healthcare-dataset-stroke-data.csv', 'shape': (5110, 12), 'columns': ['id', 'gender', 'age', 'hypertension', 'heart_disease', 'ever_married', 'work_type', 'Residence_type', 'avg_glucose_level', 'bmi', 'smoking_status', 'stroke'], 'dtypes': {'id': dtype('int64'), 'gender': dtype('O'), 'age': dtype('float64'), 'hypertension': dtype('int64'), 'heart_disease': dtype('int64'), 'ever_married': dtype('O'), 'work_type': dtype('O'), 'Residence_type': dtype('O'), 'avg_glucose_level': dtype('float64'), 'bmi': dtype('float64'), 'smoking_status': dtype('O'), 'stroke': dtype('int64')}, 'category_columns': [], 'numeric_columns': ['id', 'age', 'hypertension', 'heart_disease', 'avg_glucose_level', 'bmi', 'stroke']}


  • Fill missing values in bmi column with mean
  • Drop rows with Other in gender column
  • Drop id column
  • Reformatting type of age column to int64


  • Strategy: split stroke data into train and test sets with test size of 0.2 and split non-stroke data into train and test sets with test size of 0.05
  • Save train and test sets to csv files


The current ratio of stroke is 17.06% in test set

Feature Engineering

Details in feature_engineering/


  • Label encoding for category columns
  • Standardizing numeric columns
2023-09-23 20:24:30,992 - feature_engineering.standardlize - INFO - Standardizing ['age', 'hypertension', 'heart_disease', 'avg_glucose_level', 'bmi']
2023-09-23 20:24:31,001 - feature_engineering.standardlize - INFO - Label encoding ['gender', 'ever_married', 'work_type', 'Residence_type', 'smoking_status']
2023-09-23 20:24:31,076 - feature_engineering.standardlize - INFO - Standardizing ['age', 'hypertension', 'heart_disease', 'avg_glucose_level', 'bmi']
2023-09-23 20:24:31,087 - feature_engineering.standardlize - INFO - Label encoding ['gender', 'ever_married', 'work_type', 'Residence_type', 'smoking_status']


  • Balancing data with target class stroke in train set


Feature Selection

from sklearn.feature_selection import RFE
selected_feature_count = int(
    np.round(0.6 * df_train.shape[1])
rfe = RFE(


2023-09-23 20:24:35,801 - feature_engineering.feature_selection - INFO - 7 important features
2023-09-23 20:24:35,801 - feature_engineering.feature_selection - INFO - Index(['gender', 'age', 'hypertension', 'work_type', 'avg_glucose_level',
       'bmi', 'smoking_status'],
2023-09-23 20:24:35,885 - feature_engineering.feature_selection - INFO - Saved data/df_train_feature_engineering_smote_selection.csv and data/df_test_feature_engineering_selection.csv
2023-09-23 20:24:35,888 - __main__ - INFO - Pipeline completed

Hyperparameter Tuning

Using SageMaker Hyperparameter Tuning to find best hyperparameters for Random Forest model rf-hp-tuning

Details in training/sagemaker-hyperparameter-tuning.ipynb

Model Training

Logistic Regression

from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression

model = LogisticRegression(


2023-09-23 20:58:28,721 - __main__ - INFO - Running k-fold cross-validation
2023-09-23 20:58:28,756 - __main__ - INFO - Fold 1: Accuracy=79.805% | F1-score=80.296% | AUC=0.798
2023-09-23 20:58:28,786 - __main__ - INFO - Fold 2: Accuracy=79.372% | F1-score=80.330% | AUC=0.793
2023-09-23 20:58:28,815 - __main__ - INFO - Fold 3: Accuracy=78.506% | F1-score=79.377% | AUC=0.786
2023-09-23 20:58:28,848 - __main__ - INFO - Fold 4: Accuracy=78.831% | F1-score=79.497% | AUC=0.789
2023-09-23 20:58:28,876 - __main__ - INFO - Fold 5: Accuracy=78.873% | F1-score=79.938% | AUC=0.788
2023-09-23 20:58:28,877 - __main__ - INFO - CV Accuracy: Mean 79.077% & STD 0.457%
2023-09-23 20:58:28,877 - __main__ - INFO - CV F1-score: Mean 79.888% & STD  0.395%
2023-09-23 20:58:28,877 - __main__ - INFO - CV AUC: Mean 0.791 & STD  0.005
2023-09-23 20:58:28,910 - __main__ - INFO - test set - Accuracy : 78.840%
2023-09-23 20:58:28,910 - __main__ - INFO - test set - F1-score : 56.338%
2023-09-23 20:58:28,910 - __main__ - INFO - test set - AUC: 0.793
2023-09-23 20:58:28,918 - __main__ - INFO - Classification_report
              precision    recall  f1-score   support

           0       0.95      0.79      0.86       243
           1       0.43      0.80      0.56        50

    accuracy                           0.79       293
   macro avg       0.69      0.79      0.71       293
weighted avg       0.86      0.79      0.81       293
2023-09-23 20:58:28,919 - __main__ - INFO - Confusion matrix:
[[191  52]
 [ 10  40]]

Random Forest

from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier

model = RandomForestClassifier(


2023-09-23 21:06:09,088 - __main__ - INFO - Running k-fold cross-validation
2023-09-23 21:06:10,716 - __main__ - INFO - Fold 1: Accuracy=89.009% | F1-score=89.288% | AUC=0.891
2023-09-23 21:06:12,276 - __main__ - INFO - Fold 2: Accuracy=88.630% | F1-score=89.186% | AUC=0.886
2023-09-23 21:06:13,821 - __main__ - INFO - Fold 3: Accuracy=89.117% | F1-score=89.404% | AUC=0.891
2023-09-23 21:06:15,407 - __main__ - INFO - Fold 4: Accuracy=88.468% | F1-score=88.900% | AUC=0.885
2023-09-23 21:06:16,963 - __main__ - INFO - Fold 5: Accuracy=89.382% | F1-score=89.738% | AUC=0.894
2023-09-23 21:06:16,964 - __main__ - INFO - CV Accuracy: Mean 88.921% & STD 0.331%
2023-09-23 21:06:16,964 - __main__ - INFO - CV F1-score: Mean 89.303% & STD  0.274%
2023-09-23 21:06:16,964 - __main__ - INFO - CV AUC: Mean 0.889 & STD  0.003
2023-09-23 21:06:18,885 - __main__ - INFO - test set - Accuracy : 78.157%
2023-09-23 21:06:18,885 - __main__ - INFO - test set - F1-score : 54.286%
2023-09-23 21:06:18,885 - __main__ - INFO - test set - AUC: 0.773
2023-09-23 21:06:18,891 - __main__ - INFO - Classification_report
              precision    recall  f1-score   support

           0       0.94      0.79      0.86       243
           1       0.42      0.76      0.54        50

    accuracy                           0.78       293
   macro avg       0.68      0.77      0.70       293
weighted avg       0.85      0.78      0.80       293

2023-09-23 21:06:18,892 - __main__ - INFO - Confusion matrix:
[[191  52]
 [ 12  38]]


from lightgbm import LGBMClassifier

model = LGBMClassifier(


2023-09-23 21:13:11,054 - __main__ - INFO - Running k-fold cross-validation
2023-09-23 21:13:11,617 - __main__ - INFO - Fold 1: Accuracy=89.875% | F1-score=90.090% | AUC=0.899
2023-09-23 21:13:12,034 - __main__ - INFO - Fold 2: Accuracy=89.659% | F1-score=90.280% | AUC=0.896
2023-09-23 21:13:12,477 - __main__ - INFO - Fold 3: Accuracy=88.901% | F1-score=89.250% | AUC=0.889
2023-09-23 21:13:12,989 - __main__ - INFO - Fold 4: Accuracy=89.063% | F1-score=89.555% | AUC=0.891
2023-09-23 21:13:13,926 - __main__ - INFO - Fold 5: Accuracy=89.328% | F1-score=89.659% | AUC=0.893
2023-09-23 21:13:13,926 - __main__ - INFO - CV Accuracy: Mean 89.365% & STD 0.362%
2023-09-23 21:13:13,927 - __main__ - INFO - CV F1-score: Mean 89.767% & STD  0.372%
2023-09-23 21:13:13,927 - __main__ - INFO - CV AUC: Mean 0.894 & STD  0.003
2023-09-23 21:13:14,593 - __main__ - INFO - test set - Accuracy : 70.990%
2023-09-23 21:13:14,593 - __main__ - INFO - test set - F1-score : 48.485%
2023-09-23 21:13:14,593 - __main__ - INFO - test set - AUC: 0.746
2023-09-23 21:13:14,602 - __main__ - INFO - Classification_report
              precision    recall  f1-score   support

           0       0.94      0.69      0.80       243
           1       0.35      0.80      0.48        50

    accuracy                           0.71       293
   macro avg       0.65      0.75      0.64       293
weighted avg       0.84      0.71      0.74       293

2023-09-23 21:13:14,603 - __main__ - INFO - Confusion matrix:
[[168  75]
 [ 10  40]]


from xgboost import XGBClassifier

model = XGBClassifier(


2023-09-23 21:16:21,089 - __main__ - INFO - Running k-fold cross-validation
2023-09-23 21:16:21,398 - __main__ - INFO - Fold 1: Accuracy=89.063% | F1-score=89.357% | AUC=0.891
2023-09-23 21:16:21,704 - __main__ - INFO - Fold 2: Accuracy=89.767% | F1-score=90.362% | AUC=0.897
2023-09-23 21:16:22,002 - __main__ - INFO - Fold 3: Accuracy=88.738% | F1-score=89.178% | AUC=0.888
2023-09-23 21:16:22,296 - __main__ - INFO - Fold 4: Accuracy=88.684% | F1-score=89.243% | AUC=0.887
2023-09-23 21:16:22,589 - __main__ - INFO - Fold 5: Accuracy=88.732% | F1-score=89.189% | AUC=0.887
2023-09-23 21:16:22,589 - __main__ - INFO - CV Accuracy: Mean 88.997% & STD 0.408%
2023-09-23 21:16:22,590 - __main__ - INFO - CV F1-score: Mean 89.466% & STD  0.453%
2023-09-23 21:16:22,590 - __main__ - INFO - CV AUC: Mean 0.890 & STD  0.004
2023-09-23 21:16:22,943 - __main__ - INFO - test set - Accuracy : 72.355%
2023-09-23 21:16:22,943 - __main__ - INFO - test set - F1-score : 50.909%
2023-09-23 21:16:22,943 - __main__ - INFO - test set - AUC: 0.770
2023-09-23 21:16:22,950 - __main__ - INFO - Classification_report
              precision    recall  f1-score   support

           0       0.96      0.70      0.81       243
           1       0.37      0.84      0.51        50

    accuracy                           0.72       293
   macro avg       0.66      0.77      0.66       293
weighted avg       0.85      0.72      0.76       293

2023-09-23 21:16:22,952 - __main__ - INFO - Confusion matrix:
[[170  73]
 [  8  42]]

Evaluation metrics

  • Confusion matrix with raw data


  • Confusion matrix with feature engineering + SMOTE + feature selection


  • Accuracy-F1-AUC



  • With raw data, the model is overfitting and skewed to negative class (not stroke) and get the same result (accuracy, F1 score, AUC) with benchmark models.
  • With feature engineering, the model is not overfitting and can learn with positive class (stroke) and get better result in F1 score and AUC than benchmark models, however the accuracy is lower than their benchmark because we get better accuracy in positive class and lower in negative class.
  • In hyperparameter tuning, we can see that the Random Forest model increase the result than default hyperparameter.
  • We just have 293 rows in test set, so the result is not stable, we need more data to get better result. We can see that the result of Logistic Regression model is better than other models, but in production with large data, I think we will choose Random Forest model to deploy.


Using FastAPI to create API for inference.

Details in api/ request_ui

Test API

Using pytest to test API.

Details in tests/



  • The dataset is imbalanced, with only 4.9% of the rows belonging to the positive class.
  • The benchmark model is a logistic regression model with the default hyperparameter which has the accuracy between 70 and 80%.
  • With feature engineering, the model is not overfitting and can learn with positive class (stroke) and get better result in F1 score and AUC than benchmark models, however the accuracy is lower than their benchmark because we get better accuracy in positive class and lower in negative class.
  • In hyperparameter tuning, we can see that the Random Forest model increase the result than default hyperparameter.
  • We just have 293 rows in test set, so the result is not stable, we need more data to get better result. We can see that the result of Logistic Regression model is better than other models, but in production with large data, I think we will choose Random Forest model to deploy.

Future work

  • Get more data
  • Try other models
  • Try other hyperparameters
  • Try other feature selection methods
  • Try other data augmentation methods
  • Try other metrics
  • Try training in SageMaker and deploy to SageMaker endpoint

stroke-prediction's People


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Roman avatar XuanHien avatar



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