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feilong-platform's Issues

RequestUtil need add getParameterSingleValueMap method

RequestUtil need add Map<String, String> getParameterSingleValueMap(HttpServletRequest request) method

because the getParameterMap return type is Map<String, String[]>

The subsequent operation is not very convenient

Apache Maven Shade Plugin Version 3.0.0 Released

The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Apache
Maven Shade Plugin, version 3.0.0.

This plugin provides the capability to package the artifact in an uber-jar, including its dependencies and to shade – i.e. rename – the packages of some of the dependencies.

You should specify the version in your project’s plugin configuration:


You can download the appropriate sources etc. from the download page.

You can download the appropriate sources etc. from the download page.

Release Notes – Maven Shade Plugin – Version 3.0.0.


MSHADE-219 – Update XSD location of POM to the new one in POMWriter
MSHADE-224 – Preserve last modified time in resources files.
MSHADE-225 – Writing output only once
MSHADE-232 – Introduce ResourceBundleAppendingTransformer
MSHADE-241 – Groovy extension module transformer
MSHADE-246 – Switch to maven-artifact-transfer to support both Aether implementations

MSHADE-182 – ServicesResourceTransformer incorrectly ignores given Relocators
MSHADE-223 – Endless processing when promoteTransitiveDependencies=true
MSHADE-228 – Shade can incorrectly re-write an InterfaceMethodRef in the constant pool to a MethodRef
MSHADE-237 – ServicesResourceTransformer relocates excluded classes
MSHADE-239 – Shaded Source JAR not following finalName pattern
MSHADE-240 – support relocation and pom.xml descriptors in shaded jars

MSHADE-222 – Dependency updates.

-The Apache Maven team

maven-compiler-plugin update to 3.6.0

maven-compiler-plugin update to 3.6.0


    Release Notes - Maven Compiler Plugin - Version 3.6.0


  • [MCOMPILER-253] - testCompile (3.x) may not display error message when fork=true
  • [MCOMPILER-260] - Incorrect <compilerArgs> behavior when multiple number <arg>'s have the same value
  • [MCOMPILER-269] - Support modulepath (Java9/Jigsaw)
  • [MCOMPILER-279] - Passing multiple --add-exports args to the compilerArgs is not supported


New Feature

  • [MCOMPILER-270] - Support release=8 on JDK 9 (with fallback on source=8 and target=8 on JDK 8)

Commons Configuration 2.1.1 发布,Java 配置文件读写

Apache Commons Configuration 2.1.1 发布了。

Apache Commons Configuration 是 Apache 提供的一个组件,用于读取保存有配置参数的 XML 文件。该版本是 Apache Commons Configuration 2.x 的首个维护版,修复了一些 bug,也提供了一些新功能,例如对于 Spring 框架更好的整合。要注意的是,这个组件需要在 Java 1.6 或更高的版本上使用。


bug 修复

改进了在 XMLConfiguration 中由具有定界符字符串的字符串定义的列表的处理。 保存配置时,此类列表现在保留其原始格式。

使 PropertyBuilderParameter 的 IOFactory 属性与最新版本的 Commons BeanUtils 兼容。 此版本更改了以多个大写字母开头的属性的处理。

PropertiesConfiguration 现在可以与自动保存模式正常工作。

如果加载了具有另一个注释的文件,PropertiesConfigurationLayout 不再复制标题注释。


改进了 FileBased 接口的文档。 Javadocs 现在明确地声明这些方法不应该被客户端代码调用。 实现 FileLocatorAware 的配置类中的异常处理已得到改进。

PropertiesConfiguration 现在可以正确地解除在 Java 属性文件中始终转义的一些特殊字符。


在 Commons 配置包的 OSGi 绑定清单中,Spring 包的包导入现在标记为可选。


将 Commons BeanUtils 的依赖项更新到 1.9.3 版本。 这修复了在使用 ConfigurationBuilder 时记录的异常 stacktrace 的问题。

Apache Maven Compiler Plugin Version 3.6.1 Released

The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Apache Maven Compiler Plugin, version 3.6.1.

The Compiler Plugin is used to compile the sources of your project.

Attention: Starting with version 3.5, the maven-compiler-plugin requires Maven 3 and won’t work with Maven 2 anymore.

You should specify the version in your project’s plugin configuration:


Most important change is the support for test-compile when using JDK 9 build b148+

Release Notes – Maven Compiler Plugin – Version 3.6.1


MCOMPILER-282 – Remove link to non-existing Codehaus wiki
MCOMPILER-284 – maven.test.skip doesn’t skip test compilation
MCOMPILER-287 – Adjust documentation module-info


MCOMPILER-281 – Remove reference to Maven 1’s Java plugin


MCOMPILER-285 – Support test-compile for JDK 9 build b148+

logback 1.1.10 发布,Java 日志框架

ogback 1.1.10 发布了。Logback 是由 log4j 创始人设计的又一个开源日志组件。logback 当前分成三个模块:logback-core、logback- classic 和 logback-access。logback-core 是其它两个模块的基础模块。logback-classic 是 log4j 的一个改良版本。此外 logback-classic 完整实现 SLF4J API 使你可以很方便地更换成其它日志系统如 log4j 或 JDK14 Logging。logback-access 访问模块与 Servlet 容器集成提供通过 Http 来访问日志的功能。


OutputStreamAppender 中的 ReentrantLock 现在是 “unfair”

FileAppender 现在提供 bufferSize 选项

代码的关键部分现在使用 COWArrayList,这是一个定制开发的无分配的无锁线程安全实现的 {@link List} 接口

在 PatternLayoutBase 中,相同的 StringBuilder 被反复使用以减少内存分配



Source code (zip)

Source code (tar.gz)

maven-pmd-plugin update to 3.7

maven-pmd-plugin update to 3.7


    Release Notes - Maven PMD Plugin - Version 3.7


  • [MPMD-162] - PMD/CPD report does not take into account pmd.excludeFromFailureFile
  • [MPMD-178] - ExcludeRoots doesn't handle subdirectories (PMD isn't working nicely with Android projects)
  • [MPMD-213] - Remove unnecessary (read-only) parameter "language" from check goal
  • [MPMD-219] - Maven PMD Plugin ignores PMD processing errors


  • [MPMD-212] - Add documentation and IT for MPMD-206
  • [MPMD-220] - Upgrade to PMD 5.5.1 (requires Java 7)
  • [MPMD-227] - Document multimodule configuration example
  • [MPMD-228] - Upgrade maven-plugins to version 30
  • [MPMD-229] - Cleanup POM, remove temporary workarounds


  • [MPMD-196] - Do not rely in tests on toLowerCase but on toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT)
  • [MPMD-226] - Require Java 7

v.maven-site-plugin upgrade to 3.6

v.maven-site-plugin upgrade to 3.6


    Release Notes - Maven Site Plugin - Version 3.6


  • [MSITE-654] - Appending a slash to the repository URL makes deploying to GitHub impossible
  • [MSITE-782] - Support for custom Velocity tools has disappeared
  • [MSITE-783] - Bad modules links when '' comes from settings.xml
  • [MSITE-786] - Migrating from 3.4 to 3.5.1, a mvn site run now ask me for 'META-INF/maven/site.vm'


  • [MSITE-775] - add info output to site:attach-descriptor
  • [MSITE-776] - Upgrade maven-shared-components parent to version 30
  • [MSITE-777] - Upgrade of 'plexus-archiver' to version 3.3.
  • [MSITE-778] - Upgrade maven-archiver to 3.1.0
  • [MSITE-784] - upgrade maven-reporting-exec
  • [MSITE-785] - Documentation of saveProcessedContent parameter is empty

New Feature

  • [MSITE-779] - add color to report generation messages


  • [MSITE-780] - Upgrade of plexus-archiver to 3.4.
  • [MSITE-781] - Upgrade of maven-archiver to 3.1.1.


  • [MSITE-705] - Too much information in maven logs during site:deploy in sftp...

SLF4J 1.7.22 发布

SLF4J 1.7.22 发布了,SLF4J 是为各种 loging APIs 提供一个简单统一的接口,从而使得最终用户能够在部署的时候配置自己希望的 loging APIs 实现。


  • 在 SimpleLogger 中添加对 OFF 级别的支持。
  • 允许通过 “friends” 重新初始化 SimpleLogger 。

December 13th, 2016 - Release of SLF4J 1.7.22

  • Add support for OFF level in SimpleLogger. This feature was requested in SLF4J-332.
  • Allow re-initialization of SimpleLogger by "friends". This change was requested in SLF4J-370 by Christian Schulte.

logback 1.2.0 发布,Java 日志框架

logback 1.2.0 发布了。logback 是由 log4j 创始人设计的又一个开源日志组件。logback 当前分成三个模块:logback-core、logback- classic 和 logback-access。logback-core 是其它两个模块的基础模块。logback-classic 是 log4j 的一个改良版本。此外 logback-classic 完整实现 SLF4J API 使你可以很方便地更换成其它日志系统如 log4j 或 JDK14 Logging。logback-access 访问模块与 Servlet 容器集成提供通过 Http 来访问日志的功能。


此版本修复了 SocketServer 和 ServerSocketReceiver 中相当严重的序列化漏洞。 运行这些组件的用户应立即升级。


在 TimeBasedRollingPolicy 中,修复了 totalSizeCap 大于2 ^ 31的问题。

Logback-classic 现在首先搜索 logback-test.xml 文件,然后搜索 logback.groovy second 和 logback.xml。



logback 1.1.8


  1. Removed the two period safeguard, aka untouchable periods, for archive removal beyond the size specified by totalSizeCap in TimeBasedRollingPolicy. It turns out the safegaurd is not required and is unexpected as attested by LOGBACK-1166
  2. Fixed issue with Joran incorrectly reporting "Unexpected aggregationType AS_BASIC_PROPERTY_COLLECTION". This issue was raised in LOGBACK-1158
  3. Gaffer (logback's groovy configurator) now supports the valueOf convention. This issue was raised in LOGBACK-1232
  4. The org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder class shipping in logback-classic no longer catches Throwable but Exception. This change was requested in LOGBACK-1159
  5. BeanDescriptionFactory no longer outputs a superflous warning message in case the class contains bridgger methods. This fixes LOGBACK-1164

Spring Framework 4.3.5, 4.2.9 和 3.2.18 发布


    Release Notes - Spring Framework - Version 3.2.18


  • [SPR-8337] - Constructor sets the source incorrectly in org.springframework.beans.PropertyValue
  • [SPR-14304] - ObjectToObjectConverter should be able to use constructors on non-public classes
  • [SPR-14324] - Async advisor retrieval blocks when triggered by singleton init method
  • [SPR-14388] - Deadlock while creating a new thread on bean initialization with transactional code invocation
  • [SPR-14462] - CronSequenceGenerator causes StackOverflowError with reversed range values
  • [SPR-14465] - Ineffective synchronization in StandardTypeConverter constructor
  • [SPR-14500] - ResourcePatternUtils.getResourcePatternResolver does not accept null arg
  • [SPR-14509] - LinkedCaseInsensitiveMap doesn't override HashMap.clone()
  • [SPR-14551] - StackOverflowError for advisor search against factory-bean reference to FactoryBean
  • [SPR-14718] - StringUtils.parseLocaleString(): does not parse locale string in java 7 for Serbian (Latin)
  • [SPR-14978] - Concurrency problem in DeferredResult: potential double execution of handleResult
  • [SPR-15031] - MBeanExporter fails against null beans


  • [SPR-7860] - ModelAndViewResolver still refers to raw Class type
  • [SPR-14349] - Allow method inlining of ObjectUtils.nullSafeEquals()
  • [SPR-14946] - Normalize resource URL in ResourceServlet


  • [SPR-14282] - Clarify @bean(autowire=NO)
  • [SPR-14287] - Label "for" attribute is wrongly documented as required
  • [SPR-14361] - Doc: SpEL behavior when comparing value to null
  • [SPR-14399] - Ambiguous sentence in the cache documentation
  • [SPR-14987] - SpEL and Date Literals
  • [SPR-15039] - Upgrade to Gradle 2.5

logback 1.2.1 发布,Java 日志框架

logback 1.2.1 发布,Java 日志框架

ogback 1.2.1 发布了。

logback 是由 log4j 创始人设计的又一个开源日志组件。logback 当前分成三个模块:logback-core、logback- classic 和 logback-access。logback-core 是其它两个模块的基础模块。logback-classic 是 log4j 的一个改良版本。此外 logback-classic 完整实现 SLF4J API 使你可以很方便地更换成其它日志系统如 log4j 或 JDK14 Logging。logback-access 访问模块与 Servlet 容器集成提供通过 Http 来访问日志的功能。


为了确保配置文件的向后兼容性,为 LayoutWrappingEncoder 设置的 immediateFlush 属性将传播到封装的 OutputStreamAppender

February 9th, 2017, Release of version 1.2.1

To ensure backward compatibility of configuration files, the immediateFlush property set for a LayoutWrappingEncoder is propagated to the enclosing OutputStreamAppender.


feilong-net-filetransfer 貌似在两个定时任务同时跑的情况下会出现异常

feilong-net-filetransfer 貌似在两个定时任务同时发跑的情况下会出现异常

1011 15:20:00 ERROR ( writeData() - 文件生成结果:0
1011 15:20:00 INFO  ( connect() - connect [sftp]:[true]
1011 15:20:00 INFO  ( checkOrMkdirs() - begin checkOrMkdirs remoteDirectory:[/upload_test/GW/08VIP/]
1011 15:20:01 INFO  ( connect() - connect [sftp]:[true]
1011 15:20:01 INFO  ( downloadDontClose() - remotePath:/upload_test/GW/08VIP/Staff_20161011.CSV will be download to filePath:/home/vmuser/staff_backup_gw/Staff_20161011.CSV 
1011 15:20:01 INFO  ( connect() - connect [sftp]:[true]
1011 15:20:01 INFO  ( checkOrMkdirs() - begin checkOrMkdirs remoteDirectory:[/upload_test/GW/08VIP/]
1011 15:20:01 WARN  ( checkOrMkdirs() - can't cd:[/upload_test/GW/08VIP/],cause by:[],will try [mkdirs]~~
1011 15:20:01 ERROR ( downRemoteSingleFile() - 
com.jcraft.jsch.SftpException: RequestQueue: unknown request id 1852055663
    at com.jcraft.jsch.ChannelSftp$RequestQueue.get(
    at com.jcraft.jsch.ChannelSftp._get(
    at com.jcraft.jsch.ChannelSftp.get(
    at com.jcraft.jsch.ChannelSftp.get(
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    at org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.invokeJoinpoint(
    at org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed(
    at org.springframework.transaction.interceptor.TransactionInterceptor$1.proceedWithInvocation(
    at org.springframework.transaction.interceptor.TransactionAspectSupport.invokeWithinTransaction(
    at org.springframework.transaction.interceptor.TransactionInterceptor.invoke(
    at org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed(
    at org.springframework.aop.framework.JdkDynamicAopProxy.invoke(
    at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy527.importStaffDate(Unknown Source)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    at org.springframework.util.MethodInvoker.invoke(
    at org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.MethodInvokingJobDetailFactoryBean$MethodInvokingJob.executeInternal(
    at org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.QuartzJobBean.execute(
    at org.quartz.simpl.SimpleThreadPool$
1011 15:20:01 INFO  ( importStaffDate() - Exception: 4: RequestQueue: unknown request id 1852055663
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    at org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.invokeJoinpoint(
    at org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed(
    at org.springframework.transaction.interceptor.TransactionInterceptor$1.proceedWithInvocation(
    at org.springframework.transaction.interceptor.TransactionAspectSupport.invokeWithinTransaction(
    at org.springframework.transaction.interceptor.TransactionInterceptor.invoke(
    at org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed(
    at org.springframework.aop.framework.JdkDynamicAopProxy.invoke(
    at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy527.importStaffDate(Unknown Source)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    at org.springframework.util.MethodInvoker.invoke(
    at org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.MethodInvokingJobDetailFactoryBean$MethodInvokingJob.executeInternal(
    at org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.QuartzJobBean.execute(
    at org.quartz.simpl.SimpleThreadPool$
Caused by: com.jcraft.jsch.SftpException: RequestQueue: unknown request id 1852055663
    at com.jcraft.jsch.ChannelSftp$RequestQueue.get(
    at com.jcraft.jsch.ChannelSftp._get(
    at com.jcraft.jsch.ChannelSftp.get(
    at com.jcraft.jsch.ChannelSftp.get(
    ... 25 common frames omitted

jsoup 1.10.2 发布,Java 的 HTML 解析器

jsoup 1.10.2 发布了,该版本带来了更快的启动时间,扩展 DOM 树的遍历,提升了 HTTP 兼容性以及修复了一些 bug。



Improved startup time, particularly on Android, by reducing garbage generation and CPU execution time when loading the HTML entity files. About 1.72x faster in this area.

Added to check if an element matches this CSS query.

Added new methods to Elements: next(query), nextAll(query), prev(query), prevAll(query) to select next and previous element siblings from a current selection, with optional selectors.

Added Node.root() to get the topmost ancestor of a Node.

Added the new selector :containsData(), to find elements that hold data, like script and style tags.

Changed Jsoup.isValid(bodyHtml) to validate that the input contains only body HTML that is safe according to the whitelist, and does not include HTML errors. And in the Jsoup.Cleaner.isValid(Document) method, make sure the doc only includes body HTML.

In Whitelists, validate that a removed protocol exists before removing said protocol.

Allow the Jsoup.Connect thread to be interrupted when reading the input stream; helps when reading from a long stream of data that doesn't read timeout.

Jsoup.Connect now uses a desktop user agent by default. Many developers were getting caught by not specifying the user agent, and sending the default Java. That causes many servers to return different content than what they would to a desktop browser, and what the developer was expecting.

Increased the default connect/read timeout in Jsoup.Connect to 30 seconds.

Jsoup.Connect now detects if a header value is actually in UTF-8 vs the HTTP spec of ISO-8859, and converts the header value appropriately. This improves compatibility with servers that are configured incorrectly.


  1. Bugfix: in Jsoup.Connect, URLs containing non-URL-safe characters were not encoded to URL safe correctly.
  2. Bugfix: a "SYSTEM" flag in doctype tags would be incorrectly removed.
  3. Bugfix: removing attributes from an Element with removeAttr() would cause a ConcurrentModificationException.
  4. Bugfix: the contents of Comment nodes were not returned by
  5. Bugfix: if source checked out on Windows with git autocrlf=true, Entities.load would fail because of the r char.


jsoup 的详细介绍:点击查看
jsoup 的下载地址: 点击下载

stfp com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException: connection is closed by foreign host

stfp com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException: connection is closed by foreign host

今天某商城 使用出现了以下的异常

1013 04:00:00 ERROR ( connect() - sftpFileTransferConfig:    {
        "port": 22,
        "sshConfig": {"StrictHostKeyChecking": "no"},
        "userName": "columbia",
        "hostName": "********",
        "password": "******",
        "sessionTimeout": 120000
    },by:connection is closed by foreign host
com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException: connection is closed by foreign host
    at com.jcraft.jsch.Session.connect(
    at com.jcraft.jsch.Session.connect(
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    at org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.invokeJoinpoint(
    at org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed(
    at org.springframework.transaction.interceptor.TransactionInterceptor$1.proceedWithInvocation(
    at org.springframework.transaction.interceptor.TransactionAspectSupport.invokeWithinTransaction(
    at org.springframework.transaction.interceptor.TransactionInterceptor.invoke(
    at org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed(
    at org.springframework.aop.framework.JdkDynamicAopProxy.invoke(
    at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy533.importVIPstaff(Unknown Source)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(

sftp 下载的时候,好像需要本地目录存在

sftp 下载的时候,好像需要本地目录存在


    public void downloadFile(){
        String[] remotePaths = {
                                 "/upload/Inbound/InventoryAdjustments/Archive/2016-07-22_10-46-00.318-INVENTORY_ADJUSTMENTS_3PL_20160722-144626-073.XML" };
        String localAbsoluteDirectoryPath = "E:\\test\\1";, remotePaths);

当本地目录不存在的时候,会出现 FileNotFoundException




添加 versions-maven-plugin 插件


在maven项目中使用 Versions Maven Plugin 支持


然后运行mvn命令 ,获取更新信息

mvn versions:display-dependency-updates  


Goals Overview
The Versions Plugin has the following goals.

  • versions:compare-dependencies compares the dependency versions of the current project to the dependency management section of a remote project.
  • versions:display-dependency-updates scans a project's dependencies and produces a report of those dependencies which have newer versions available.
  • versions:display-plugin-updates scans a project's plugins and produces a report of those plugins which have newer versions available.
  • versions:display-property-updates scans a projectand produces a report of those properties which are used to control artifact versions and which properies have newer versions available.
  • versions:update-parent updates the parent section of a project so that it references the newest available version. For example, if you use a corporate root POM, this goal can be helpful if you need to ensure you are using the latest version of the corporate root POM.
  • versions:update-properties updates properties defined in a project so that they correspond to the latest available version of specific dependencies. This can be useful if a suite of dependencies must all be locked to one version.
  • versions:update-property Sets a property to the latest version in a given range of associated artifacts.
  • versions:update-child-modules updates the parent section of the child modules of a project so the version matches the version of the current project. For example, if you have an aggregator pom that is also the parent for the projects that it aggregates and the children and parent versions get out of sync, this mojo can help fix the versions of the child modules. (Note you may need to invoke Maven with the -N option in order to run this goal if your project is broken so badly that it cannot build because of the version mis-match).
  • versions:lock-snapshots searches the pom for all -SNAPSHOT versions and replaces them with the current timestamp version of that -SNAPSHOT, e.g. -20090327.172306-4
  • versions:unlock-snapshots searches the pom for all timestamp locked snapshot versions and replaces them with -SNAPSHOT.
  • versions:resolve-ranges finds dependencies using version ranges and resolves the range to the specific version being used.
  • versions:set can be used to set the project version from the command line.
  • versions:use-releases searches the pom for all -SNAPSHOT versions which have been released and replaces them with the corresponding release version.
  • versions:use-next-releases searches the pom for all non-SNAPSHOT versions which have been a newer release and replaces them with the next release version.
  • versions:use-latest-releases searches the pom for all non-SNAPSHOT versions which have been a newer release and replaces them with the latest release version.
  • versions:use-next-snapshots searches the pom for all non-SNAPSHOT versions which have been a newer -SNAPSHOT version and replaces them with the next -SNAPSHOT version.
  • versions:use-latest-snapshots searches the pom for all non-SNAPSHOT versions which have been a newer -SNAPSHOT version and replaces them with the latest -SNAPSHOT version.
  • versions:use-next-versions searches the pom for all versions which have been a newer version and replaces them with the next version.
  • versions:use-latest-versions searches the pom for all versions which have been a newer version and replaces them with the latest version.
  • versions:commit removes the pom.xml.versionsBackup files. Forms one half of the built-in "Poor Man's SCM".
  • versions:revert restores the pom.xml files from the pom.xml.versionsBackup files. Forms one half of the built-in "Poor Man's SCM".

Apache Maven Resources Plugin Version 3.0.2 Released

Apache Maven Resources Plugin Version 3.0.2 Released
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Apache Maven Resources Plugin, Version 3.0.2.

Important Note:

  • Maven 3.X only
  • JDK 6 minimum requirement
org.apache.maven.plugins maven-resources-plugin 3.0.2 Release Notes – Apache Maven Resources Version 3.0.2


MRESOURCES-233 – Upgrade of plexus-interpolation 1.24 to correct escaping issue.
MRESOURCES-234 – Upgrade of commons-io to 2.5 and correction of invalid scope.

MRESOURCES-235 – Revert enabling escaping by default introduced in 3.0.0.

-The Apache Maven team

Posted by Karl-Heinz Marbaise Dec 10th, 2016 BM, Maven, Maven-Plugin-Releases, Maven-Plugins, Neuigkeiten


Jsoup 1.10.1 发布,Java 的 HTML 解析器

Jsoup 1.10.1发布了

Jsoup 是一款 Java 的HTML 解析器,可直接解析某个URL地址、HTML文本内容。



  • Improved support for extended HTML entities, including supplemental characters and multiple character references. Also reduced memory consumption of the entity tables.
  • Added support for *|E wildcard namespace selectors.
  • Added support for setting multiple connection headers in Jsoup.connect at once with Connection.headers(Map)
  • Added support for setting/overriding the response character set in Connection.Response, for cases where the charset is not defined by the server, or is defined incorrectly.
  • Improved the performance of class selectors by reducing memory allocation and garbage collection.
  • Improved performance of HTML output by reducing the creation of temporary attribute list iterators.


  • Fixed an issue when converting to the W3CDom XML, where valid (but ugly) HTML attribute names containing characters like " could not be converted into valid XML attribute names. These attribute names are now normalized if possible, or not added to the XML DOM.
  • Fixed an OOB exception when loading an empty-body URL and parsing with the XML parser.
  • Fixed an issue where attribute names starting with a slash would be parsed incorrectly.
  • Don't reuse charset encoders from OutputSettings, to make threadsafe.
  • Fixed an issue in connections with a requestBody where a custom content-type header could be ignored.


Apache Maven Dependency Plugin Version 3.0.0 Released

The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of the Apache Maven Dependecy Plugin, version 3.0.0.

The dependency plugin provides the capability to manipulate artifacts. It can copy and/or unpack artifacts from local or remote repositories to a specified location.

You should specify the version in your project’s plugin configuration:


You can download the appropriate sources etc. from the download page:

Release Notes – Maven Dependency Plugin – Version 3.0.0


  • MDEP-410 – Add dependency:collect goal which prints the dependency list by resolving the POMs only
  • MDEP-436 – German umlauts in outputDirectory and destFileName getting garbled
  • MDEP-478 – dependency:copy-dependencies always overwrites if is true
  • MDEP-483 – NullPointerException when using classifier and markers
  • MDEP-486 – Upgrade plexus-utils to 3.0.22
  • MDEP-506 – NPE in AnalyzeDepMgt.getMismatch
  • MDEP-531 – MDP 2.10 depends on a known insecure library commons-collections:3.2.1
  • MDEP-543 – Remove link to non-existing Codehaus wiki


  • MDEP-546 – Update project information on plugin site


  • MDEP-487 – Documentation cleanup
  • MDEP-493 – Change Maven prerequisite and JDK requirement
  • MDEP-494 – Remove/replace Maven2 specific code
  • MDEP-495 – Remove deprecated parameters
  • MDEP-511 – Upgrade maven-common-artifact-filters to 3.0.0
  • MDEP-512 – Removed unused dependency to maven-invoker component.
  • MDEP-517 – Upgrade plexus-archiver from 2.9 to 3.0.3
  • MDEP-527 – Upgrade of ‘plexus-archiver’ to version 3.3.
  • MDEP-530 – Upgrade mrm to 1.0.0
  • MDEP-537 – Goal purge-local-repository requires a Maven project, even with manualIncludes
  • MDEP-538 – Display moduleName
  • MDEP-539 – Upgrade maven-shared-components parent to version 30

New Features:

  • MDEP-509 – dependency:tree and :list should reveal ‘optional’
  • MDEP-514 – Add support for tar.snappy compression


  • MDEP-529 – Upgrade of plexus-archiver to 3.4.
  • MDEP-544 – Upgrade of plexus-interpolation to 1.24.


-The Apache Maven team

maven-changes-plugin update to 2.12.1

maven-changes-plugin update to 2.12.1


    Release Notes - Maven Changes Plugin - Version 2.12.1


  • [MCHANGES-373] - It is not possible to use "filter" parameter


  • [MCHANGES-370] - Upgrade maven-plugins to version 30
  • [MCHANGES-375] - Add stop between issue text and " Fixes issue-number"
  • [MCHANGES-376] - Improve log messages on issue management misconfiguration

FileTransfer.getFileEntityMap(String, String[]) 参数改成动态数组

FileTransfer.getFileEntityMap(String, String[]) 参数改成动态数组


     * 获得某特定文件夹下面指定文件名相关信息.
     * @param remotePath
     *            远程地址
     * @param fileNames
     *            文件名称组
     * @return 如果fileNames 有文件不在 remotePath 路径下面, 则返回的map中这条数据的value 是null
    Map<String, FileInfoEntity> getFileEntityMap(String remotePath,String[] fileNames);

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