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platform-api's Introduction

About Resy

Resy offers restaurants floor plan, table and customer management, synchronized with a booking widget that works on any browser on any device in the universe. It can be deployed with 3 lines of code (less if you’re using our website builder partner, Bentobox). Plus, 2-way texting with guests is built-in, eliminating those annoying phone calls; we connect to any POS system in realtime, which sets up both the next generation of payment and loyalty management; we support fully customizable table type merchandizing, including integrated ticketing and events management; we offer a feature called 'Notify', one of several designed to capture guests beyond just those who successfully make a reservation; and we offer direct access to our engineering team for those restaurants with product ideas of their own. We're doing this while lowering the price restaurants pay for their reservations software — in many cases to $0. You can download the Resy app on iOS and Android.

The developers behind Resy are craftspeople that hold themselves and their peers to an extremely high standard for work product (code). They ship constantly but never sacrifice code quality to meet a deadline.

The Resy application runs at AWS using python3, uWSGI, nginx, MySQL, tinyAPI and Django.

API Documentation

Request API Access

Drop us an email at [email protected] and provide us with the name of your application and a technical contact email address and we'll create your application and get you started.


Every API request must contain the following HTTP header in order to validate access:

Authorization: PlatformAPI client_id="[Client ID]"

A 419 response will be generated in the event the header is missing, formatted incorrectly or the client ID is invalid.


To allow a user to authenticate using OAuth 2.0, redirect the user to the following URL:[Client ID]&redirect_uri=[Callback URL]

[Please note, you must have a trailing slash after authenticate in the URL above.]

Once the user has completed authentication, the URL provided in the query string will be called with an additional parameter called "code". A server-to-server call should then be made to exchange the code for the user's access token.

Note, exchanging for the access token requires the use of your application secret. The secret should never be exposed as part of an URL query string parameter or in Javascript. To keep the secret protected, the exchange should occur server-to-server.

When attempting to authenticate the user, you may receive the following error that will cause the user to be redirected to the specified redirect_uri (with additional parameters passed) and indicates that your client ID is incorrect or your application has been disabled:

error_message=Resy couldn't retrieve the app to log into.
error_data={'client_id': [client ID]}

If an internal server error occurs on our side the user will be redirected to the specified redirect_uri with additional parameters passed:

error_message=There was a problem while trying to log you in.

Using cURL

The following is an example of a cURL request for posting data to the Platform API:

/usr/bin/curl \
    -H 'Authorization: PlatformAPI client_id="[Your client ID]"' \
    -X POST \
    -d "param_name_1=param_value_1" \
    -d "param_name_2=param_value_2" \
    [...] \[end point]

The "[...]" above denotes the ability to send in as many parameters as needed using the -d option. Here is a request to book a reservation for a user:

/usr/bin/curl \
    -H 'Authorization: PlatformAPI client_id="[Your client ID]"' \
    -X POST \
    -d "access_token=[The user's access_token]" \
    -d "resy_token=[The resy_token for the reservation]" \

HTTP Response Codes


A bad request was made because of a data validation error.  Either a
required parameter is missing or failed a custom software validation

    "message": "[text]"


    "status": 400,
    "message": Invalid data received.",
    "data": {
        "[field name 1]": "[validation failure 1]",
        "[field name 2]": "[validation failure 2]",
        "[field name N]": "[validation failure N]"


The user has not provided payment methods.

    "status": 402,
    "message": "Payment Required"


The request is forbidden most likely because something has gone wrong.

    "status": 403,
    "message": "[message]"


The object being requested could not be found.

    "status": 404,
    "message": "Not Found"


The user's account does not exist or has been deactivated.  The user's
Resy data should be wiped from the requesting device and the user should be
logged out.  If you are storing an access_token for the user it should be
considered no longer valid and purged.

    "status": 409,
    "message": "Conflict"


A pre-condition for completing the request failed.  The response data will
be customized for each condition and documented where appropriate.


The user could not be authenticated.

    "status": 419,
    "message": "Authentication Timeout"

A Note About the resy_token

The resy_token values are expired on our servers and will change from request to request. The data stored within them may also change with no notification to you. As a result you should never store these tokens.

For the sake of clarity, the access_token values never change and can be stored forever.

Application Payment Type

Your application can select one of two payment modes:


In the case of concierge, you provide Resy with a credit card for charges. In user mode, the user is presented with a credit card input form during the OAuth 2.0 flow and that information is used for all charges.

End Points



Retrieves the transaction ledger for the authorized application.

| Parameter Name    | Req (Y/N) | Details                                 |
| date_start        |     N     | Specified as "yyyy-mm-dd hh24:ii:ss".   |

| Response Code | Details                                                 |
| 200           |                                                         |
| 400           |                                                         |
| 419           |                                                         |

| Response                                                                |
| [                                                                       |
|   {                                                                     |
|       "reservation": {                                                  |
|           "day": "2015-01-01",                                          |
|           "num_seats": 2,                                               |
|           "time_slot": "19:30:00"                                       |
|       },                                                                |
|       "transaction": {                                                  |
|           "amount": 25.00                                               |
|           "type": "reservation"                                         |
|       },                                                                |
|       "user": {                                                         |
|           "email_address": "[email protected]",                                   |
|           "first_name": "Alice",                                        |
|           "last_name": "Smith",                                         |
|           "mobile_number": "+12125551212"                               |
|       },                                                                |
|       "venue": {                                                        |
|           "name": "Test Venue"                                          |
|       }                                                                 |
|   }                                                                     |
| ]                                                                       |



Exchanges a code for a valid access token.

| Parameter Name    | Req (Y/N) | Details                                 |
| secret            |     Y     |                                         |
| code              |     Y     |                                         |

| Response Code | Details                                                 |
| 200           |                                                         |
| 400           |                                                         |
| 419           |                                                         |

| Response                                                                |
| {                                                                       |
|   "access_token": "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890abcdefghijkl..." |
| }                                                                       |



Cancels a reservation.

| Parameter Name    | Req (Y/N) | Details                                 |
| access_token      |     Y     |                                         |
| resy_token        |     Y     |                                         |

| Response Code | Details                                                 |
| 200           |                                                         |
| 400           |                                                         |
| 403           | Attempting to execute a payment transaction failed      |
|               | because of an error from the payment processor.  The    |
|               | message included with this error is human readable and  |
|               | explains why the transaction failed.                    |
| 412           | The cancellation policy for the reservation prevents    |
|               | it from being cancelled.                                |
| 419           |                                                         |

| Response                                                                |
| None                                                                    |


Gets the details for a specific available reservation.

| Parameter Name    | Req (Y/N) | Details                                 |
| id                |     Y     |                                         |
| day               |     Y     |                                         |
| num_seats         |     Y     |                                         |

| Response Code | Details                                                 |
| 200           |                                                         |
| 400           |                                                         |
| 404           | Given the parameters, the reservation could not be      |
|               | found. This can occur if, for example, an ID is         |
|               | provided for a reservation that has a maximum party     |
|               | size of 2 but num_seats is specified as 4.              |
| 419           |                                                         |

| Response                                                                |
| {                                                                       |
|   "cancellation_policy": [                                              |
|       "This reservation can be changed until Jan 1, 2015.",             |
|       "This reservation cannot be cancelled."                           |
|   ],                                                                    |
|   "double_confirmation": [                                              |
|       "Are you sure you want to book this reservation?"                 |
|   ],                                                                    |
|   "payment": {                                                          |
|       "balance": {                                                      |
|           "modifier": "Credit Applied",                                 |
|           "value": "$30"                                                |
|       },                                                                |
|       "buy": {                                                          |
|           "action": "RESERVE NOW",                                      |
|           "after_modifier": "",                                         |
|           "before_modifier": "",                                        |
|           "value": "$100 x 2 = $200"                                    |
|       },                                                                |
|       "description": [                                                  |
|           "$80 per person",                                             |
|           "$15 service charge",                                         |
|           "$5 taxes and fees"                                           |
|       ],                                                                |
|       "details": [                                                      |
|           "resy_fee": 1.23,                                             |
|           "service_charge": 4.56,                                       |
|           "tax": 7.89,                                                  |
|           "total": 12.34                                                |
|       ]                                                                 |
|   },                                                                    |
|   "reservation": {                                                      |
|       "day": "2015-01-01",                                              |
|       "deep_link": "resy://", |
|       "features": [                                                     |
|           "Test Venue donates 100% of the proceeds from this table ..." |
|       ],                                                                |
|       "menu_items": [                                                   |
|           "Delicious Vegan Burger",                                     |
|           "Nom nom nom, brussel sprouts!"                               |
|       ],                                                                |
|       "num_seats": 2,                                                   |
|       "seat_type": "Communal",                                          |
|       "time_slot": "19:30:00",                                          |
|       "web_link": "" |
|   },                                                                    |
|   "resy_token": "WTYxbM_YsLOcA1cTRZTOp_HHQh5ejxfXq7gUZ4gjqcme8mnbs...", |
|   "venue": {                                                            |
|       "about": "Are you ready to eat vegan? Well you better be!",       |
|       "contact": {                                                      |
|           "phone_number": "2125551212",                                 |
|           "url": ""                                     |
|       },                                                                |
|       "deep_link": "resy://", |
|       "images": [                                                       |
|           "'"    |
|       ],                                                                |
|       "location": {                                                     |
|           "address_1": "315 Park Avenue",                               |
|           "address_2": null,                                            |
|           "city": "New York",                                           |
|           "cross_street_1": "23rd Street",                              |
|           "cross_street_2": "24th Street",                              |
|           "latitude": 40.745812,                                        |
|           "longitude": -73.9822091,                                     |
|           "neighborhood": "Flatiron",                                   |
|           "postal_code": "10016",                                       |
|           "state": "NY",                                                |
|           "time_zone": "EST5EDT"                                        |
|       },                                                                |
|       "name": "Test Venue",                                             |
|       "price_range_id": 4,                                              |
|       "rater": {                                                        |
|           "image": "", |
|           "name": "Resy",                                               |
|           "scale": 5,                                                   |
|           "score": 5.0                                                  |
|       },                                                                |
|       "tagline": "Yummy food!",                                         |
|       "travel_time": {                                                  |
|           "distance": 0.0,                                              |
|           "driving": 1,                                                 |
|           "walking": 1                                                  |
|       },                                                                |
|       "type": "Vegan Joint",                                            |
|       "web_link": ""                    |
|   }                                                                     |
| }                                                                       |

| Notes                                                                   |
| - If the "double_confirmation" array is not empty, you must display the |
|   values in it (in the order they are provided) and enforce that the    |
|   user agree to them as a separate action prior to booking the          |
|   reservation.  For example, you may present the user with a check box  |
|   that they must check as confirmation or you might fire an overlay     |
|   when the user taps book that requires a second tap after presenting   |
|   the values.                                                           |


Books a reservation for a user.

| Parameter Name    | Req (Y/N) | Details                                 |
| access_token      |     Y     |                                         |
| resy_token        |     Y     |                                         |

| Response Code | Details                                                 |
| 201           |                                                         |
| 400           |                                                         |
| 402           | The user does not have a payment method on file.        |
| 403           | Attempting to execute a payment transaction failed      |
|               | because of an error from the payment processor.  The    |
|               | message included with this error is human readable and  |
|               | explains why the transaction failed.                    |
| 404           | The reservation has expired.                            |
| 412           | The user already has a reservation that conflicts with  |
|               | the one they are attempting to book.  They cannot       |
|               | book the new one. The response data will be formatted   |
|               | as follows representing the existing reservation:       |
|               |                                                         |
|               | {                                                       |
|               |   "specs": {                                            |
|               |       "day": "2015-01-01",                              |
|               |       "time_slot": "19:30:00"                           |
|               |   }                                                     |
|               |   "venue": {                                            |
|               |       "id": 1,                                          |
|               |       "name": "Test Venue"                              |
|               |   }                                                     |
|               | }                                                       |
| 419           |                                                         |

| Response                                                                |
| {                                                                       |
|   "resy_token": "WTYxbM_YsLOcA1cTRZTOp_HHQh5ejxfXq7gUZ4gjqcme8mnbsr..." |
| }                                                                       |



Gets all of the available reservations based on the search criteria.

| Parameter Name    | Req (Y/N) | Details                                 |
| long              |     Y     |                                         |
| lat               |     Y     |                                         |
| day               |     Y     |                                         |
| num_seats         |     Y     |                                         |

| Response Code | Details                                                 |
| 200           |                                                         |
| 400           |                                                         |
| 419           |                                                         |

| Response                                                                |
| {                                                                       |
|   "available": [                                                        |
|       {                                                                 |
|           "contact": {                                                  |
|               "phone_number": "2125551212",                             |
|               "url": ""                                 |
|           },                                                            |
|           "deep_link": "resy://",       |
|           "id": {                                                       |
|               "foursquare": "abcdefghijkl",                             |
|               "google": "mnopqrstuvwxyz",                               |
|               "resy": 1                                                 |
|           },                                                            |
|           "images": [                                                   |
|               ""  |
|           ],                                                            |
|           "location": {                                                 |
|               "city": "New York",                                       |
|               "latitude": 40.745812,                                    |
|               "longitude": -73.9822091,                                 |
|               "neighborhood": "Flatiron",                               |
|               "time_zone": "EST5EDT"                                    |
|           },                                                            |
|           "name": "Test Venue",                                         |
|           "price_range_id": 4,                                          |
|           "reservations": [                                             |
|               {                                                         |
|                   "cancellation": {                                     |
|                       "fee": {                                          |
|                           "amount": 25.00,                              |
|                           "applies": true,                              |
|                           "date_cut_off": "2015-01-01T12:34:56Z"        |
|                       },                                                |
|                   },                                                    |
|                   "deep_link": "resy://", |
|                   "id": 1,                                              |
|                   "seat_type": "Communal",                              |
|                   "time_slot": "19:30:00",                              |
|                   "web_link": "" |
|               }                                                         |
|           ],                                                            |
|           "travel_time": {                                              |
|               "distance": 0.005240127936334476,                         |
|               "driving": 1,                                             |
|               "walking": 1                                              |
|           },                                                            |
|           "type": "Vegan",                                              |
|           "web_link": ""                |
|       }                                                                 |
|   ]                                                                     |
| }                                                                       |



Gets all of the available reservations based on the search criteria in a
specific Resy market.

| Parameter Name    | Req (Y/N) | Details                                 |
| day               |     Y     |                                         |

| Response Code | Details                                                 |
| 200           |                                                         |
| 400           |                                                         |
| 404           | The location value provided does not exist as a Resy    |
|               | market.                                                 |
| 419           |                                                         |

| Response                                                                |
| {                                                                       |
|   "available": [                                                        |
|       {                                                                 |
|           "contact": {                                                  |
|               "phone_number": "2125551212",                             |
|               "url": ""                                 |
|           },                                                            |
|           "deep_link": "resy://",       |
|           "id": {                                                       |
|               "foursquare": "abcdefghijkl",                             |
|               "google": "mnopqrstuvwxyz",                               |
|               "id": 1                                                   |
|           },                                                            |
|           "images": [                                                   |
|               ""  |
|           ],                                                            |
|           "location": {                                                 |
|               "city": "New York",                                       |
|               "latitude": 40.745812,                                    |
|               "longitude": -73.9822091,                                 |
|               "neighborhood": "Flatiron",                               |
|               "time_zone": "EST5EDT"                                    |
|           },                                                            |
|           "name": "Test Venue",                                         |
|           "price_range_id": 4,                                          |
|           "reservations": [                                             |
|               {                                                         |
|                   "cancellation": {                                     |
|                       "fee": {                                          |
|                           "amount": 25.00,                              |
|                           "applies": true,                              |
|                           "date_cut_off": "2015-01-01T12:34:56Z"        |
|                       },                                                |
|                   },                                                    |
|                   "deep_link": "resy://", |
|                   "id": 1,                                              |
|                   "min_seats": 2,                                       |
|                   "max_seats": 4,                                       |
|                   "seat_type": "Communal",                              |
|                   "time_slot": "19:30:00",                              |
|                   "web_link": "" |
|               }                                                         |
|           ],                                                            |
|           "travel_time": {                                              |
|               "distance": 0.005240127936334476,                         |
|               "driving": 1,                                             |
|               "walking": 1                                              |
|           },                                                            |
|           "type": "Vegan",                                              |
|           "web_link": ""                |
|       }                                                                 |
|   ]                                                                     |
| }                                                                       |



Gets all of the reservations booked by a user.

| Parameter Name    | Req (Y/N) | Details                                 |
| access_token      |     Y     |                                         |

| Response Code | Details                                                 |
| 200           |                                                         |
| 400           |                                                         |
| 419           |                                                         |

| Response                                                                |
| {                                                                       |
|   "reservations": [                                                     |
|       {                                                                 |
|           "cancellation_policy": [                                      |
|               "This reservation can be changed until Jan 1, 2015.",     |
|               "This reservation cannot be cancelled."                   |
|           ],                                                            |
|           "reservation": {                                              |
|               "cancellation": {                                         |
|                   "allowed": true,                                      |
|                   "date_credit_cut_off": null,                          |
|                   "date_refund_cut_off": "2014-12-14T12:34:56Z"         |
|                   "fee": {                                              |
|                       "amount": 25.00,                                  |
|                       "date_cut_off": "2014-12-14T12:34:56Z"            |
|                   }                                                     |
|               },                                                        |
|               "change": {                                               |
|                   "allowed": true,                                      |
|                   "date_cut_off": "2014-12-14T12:34:56Z"                |
|               },                                                        |
|               "day": "2015-01-01",                                      |
|               "features": [                                             |
|                   "Test Venue donates 100% of the proceeds from this.." |
|               ],                                                        |
|               "num_seats": 2,                                           |
|               "seat_type": "Communal",                                  |
|               "time_slot": "19:30:00"                                   |
|           },                                                            |
|           "resy_token": "WTYxbM_YsLOcA1cTRZTOp_HHQh5ejxfXq7gUZ4gjq...", |
|           "venue": {                                                    |
|               "images": [                                               |
|                   "" |
|               ],                                                        |
|               "location": {                                             |
|                   "address_1": "315 Park Avenue",                       |
|                   "address_2": null,                                    |
|                   "city": "New York",                                   |
|                   "cross_street_1": "23rd Street",                      |
|                   "cross_street_2": "24th Street",                      |
|                   "latitude": 40.745812,                                |
|                   "longitude": -73.9822091,                             |
|                   "neighborhood": "Flatiron",                           |
|                   "postal_code": "10016",                               |
|                   "state": "NY",                                        |
|                   "time_zone": "EST5EDT"                                |
|               },                                                        |
|               "name": "Test Venue",                                     |
|               "type": "Vegan"                                           |
|           }                                                             |
|       }                                                                 |
|   ]                                                                     |
| }                                                                       |



Gets the reservations available for a specific venue.

| Parameter Name    | Req (Y/N) | Details                                 |
| id                |     Y     | The Foursquare ID or Google Places ID   |
|                   |           | based on the value set for provider.    |
| provider          |     Y     | Available values are "foursquare" or    |
|                   |           | "google".                               |
| day               |     Y     |                                         |
| num_seats         |     Y     |                                         |

| Response Code | Details                                                 |
| 200           |                                                         |
| 400           |                                                         |
| 404           |                                                         |
| 419           |                                                         |

| Response                                                                |
| {                                                                       |
|   "available": [                                                        |
|       {                                                                 |
|           "contact": {                                                  |
|               "phone_number": "2125551212",                             |
|               "url": ""                                 |
|           },                                                            |
|           "deep_link": "resy://",       |
|           "id": {                                                       |
|               "foursquare": "abcdefghijkl",                             |
|               "google": "mnopqrstuvwxyz",                               |
|               "resy": 1                                                 |
|           },                                                            |
|           "images": [                                                   |
|               ""  |
|           ],                                                            |
|           "location": {                                                 |
|               "city": "New York",                                       |
|               "latitude": 40.745812,                                    |
|               "longitude": -73.9822091,                                 |
|               "neighborhood": "Flatiron",                               |
|               "time_zone": "EST5EDT"                                    |
|           },                                                            |
|           "name": "Test Venue",                                         |
|           "price_range_id": 4,                                          |
|           "reservations": [                                             |
|               {                                                         |
|                   "cancellation": {                                     |
|                       "fee": {                                          |
|                           "amount": 25.00,                              |
|                           "applies": true,                              |
|                           "date_cut_off": "2015-01-01T12:34:56Z"        |
|                       },                                                |
|                   },                                                    |
|                   "deep_link": "resy://", |
|                   "id": 1,                                              |
|                   "seat_type": "Communal",                              |
|                   "time_slot": "19:30:00",                              |
|                   "web_link": "" |
|               }                                                         |
|           ],                                                            |
|           "type": "Vegan",                                              |
|           "web_link": ""                |
|       }                                                                 |
|   ]                                                                     |
| }                                                                       |



Gets details about a particular venue based on the parameters.

| Parameter Name    | Req (Y/N) | Details                                 |
| id                |     Y     | The Foursquare ID or Google Places ID   |
|                   |           | based on the value set for provider.    |
| provider          |     Y     | Available values are "foursquare" or    |
|                   |           | "google".                               |

| Response Code | Details                                                 |
| 200           |                                                         |
| 400           |                                                         |
| 404           |                                                         |
| 419           |                                                         |

| Response                                                                |
| {                                                                       |
|   "contact": {                                                          |
|       "phone_number": "2125551212",                                     |
|       "url": ""                                         |
|   },                                                                    |
|   "deep_link": "resy://",               |
|   "id": {                                                               |
|       "foursquare": "abcdefghijkl",                                     |
|       "google": "mnopqrstuvwxyz",                                       |
|       "resy": 1                                                         |
|   },                                                                    |
|   "images": [                                                           |
|       ""          |
|   ],                                                                    |
|   "location": {                                                         |
|       "city": "New York",                                               |
|       "latitude": 40.745812,                                            |
|       "longitude": -73.9822091,                                         |
|       "neighborhood": "Flatiron",                                       |
|       "time_zone": "EST5EDT"                                            |
|   },                                                                    |
|   "name": "Test Venue",                                                 |
|   "price_range_id": 4,                                                  |
|   "type": "Vegan",                                                      |
|   "web_link": ""                        |
| }                                                                       |



Gets a list of all venues.  You must be provisioned for access to this
end point.

| Response Code | Details                                                 |
| 200           |                                                         |
| 419           |                                                         |

| Response                                                                |
| [                                                                       |
|   {                                                                     |
|     "contact": {                                                        |
|         "phone_number": "2125551212",                                   |
|         "url": ""                                       |
|     },                                                                  |
|     "deep_link": "resy://",             |
|     "id": {                                                             |
|         "foursquare": "abcdefghijkl",                                   |
|         "google": "mnopqrstuvwxyz",                                     |
|         "resy": 1                                                       |
|     },                                                                  |
|     "images": [                                                         |
|         ""        |
|     ],                                                                  |
|     "location": {                                                       |
|         "city": "New York",                                             |
|         "latitude": 40.745812,                                          |
|         "longitude": -73.9822091,                                       |
|         "neighborhood": "Flatiron",                                     |
|         "time_zone": "EST5EDT"                                          |
|     },                                                                  |
|     "name": "Test Venue",                                               |
|     "price_range_id": 4,                                                |
|     "type": "Vegan",                                                    |
|     "web_link": ""                      |
|   }                                                                     |
| ]                                                                       |



Gets a list of top venues based on demand data.

| Parameter Name    | Req (Y/N) | Details                                 |
| location_id       |     Y     |                                         |
| day               |     Y     |                                         |
| num_seats         |     Y     |                                         |

| Response Code | Details                                                 |
| 200           |                                                         |
| 404           |                                                         |

| Response                                                                |
| [                                                                       |
|   {                                                                     |
|       "image": "", |
|       "deep_link": "resy://",           |
|       "name": "Test Venue",                                             |
|       "price_range_id": 4,                                              |
|       "reservations": [                                                 |
|           {                                                             |
|               "badge": {                                                |
|                   "background_color": "ffffff",                         |
|                   "image": "" |
|               },                                                        |
|               "config": {                                               |
|                   "background_color": "5DA4D0",                         |
|                   "font_color": "FFFFFF",                               |
|                   "type": "Communal"                                    |
|               },                                                        |
|               "deep_link": "resy://", |
|               "time_slot": "19:30:00"                                   |
|           }                                                             |
|       ],                                                                |
|       "tagline": "Yummy food!",                                         |
|       "type": "Vegan Joint"                                             |
|   }                                                                     |
| ]                                                                       |

platform-api's People


mcmontero avatar



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