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munit-cats-effect's Introduction

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Integration library for MUnit and cats-effect.


For versions 2.0.0-M1 and above:

libraryDependencies += "org.typelevel" %%% "munit-cats-effect" % version % "test"

Please note that only Cats Effect 3 is supported for versions 2.0.0-M1 and above.

For versions 1.0.7 and below:

Cats Effect 2 integration is provided via:

libraryDependencies += "org.typelevel" %%% "munit-cats-effect-2" % version % "test"

Cats Effect 3 integration is provided via:

libraryDependencies += "org.typelevel" %%% "munit-cats-effect-3" % version % "test"

Builds are available for Scala 2.12, 2.13, and 3 for both the JVM and Scala.js.

Getting Started

The munit.CatsEffectSuite trait provides the ability to write tests that return IO and SyncIO values without needing to call any unsafe methods (e.g. unsafeRunSync()).

import cats.effect.{IO, SyncIO}
import munit.CatsEffectSuite

class ExampleSuite extends CatsEffectSuite {

  test("tests can return IO[Unit] with assertions expressed via a map") {
    IO(42).map(it => assertEquals(it, 42))

  test("alternatively, assertions can be written via assertIO") {
    assertIO(IO(42), 42)

  test("or via assertEquals syntax") {

  test("or via plain assert syntax on IO[Boolean]") {

  test("SyncIO works too") {

  import cats.effect.std.Dispatcher

  val dispatcher = ResourceFixture(Dispatcher.parallel[IO])

  dispatcher.test("resources can be lifted to munit fixtures") { dsp =>

There are more assertion functions like interceptIO and interceptMessageIO as well as syntax versions intercept and interceptMessage. See the CatsEffectAssertions trait for full details.

Every assertion in CatsEffectAssertions for IO-value or SyncIO-value is an IO computation under the hood. If you are planning to use multiple assertions per one test suite, therefore, they should be composed. Otherwise will calculate only the last assertion.

import cats.syntax.all._
import cats.effect.{IO, SyncIO}
import munit.CatsEffectSuite

class MultipleAssertionsExampleSuite extends CatsEffectSuite {
  test("multiple IO-assertions should be composed") {
    assertIO(IO(42), 42) *>

  test("multiple IO-assertions should be composed via for-comprehension") {
    for {
      _ <- assertIO(IO(42), 42)
      _ <- assertIO_(IO.unit)
    } yield ()       

  test("multiple SyncIO-assertions should be composed") {
    assertSyncIO(SyncIO(42), 42) *>
  test("multiple SyncIO-assertions should be composed via for-comprehension") {
    for {
      _ <- assertSyncIO(SyncIO(42), 42)
      _ <- assertSyncIO_(SyncIO.unit)
    } yield ()       

Suite-local fixtures

MUnit supports reusable suite-local fixtures that are instantiated only once for the entire test suite. This is useful when an expensive resource (like an HTTP client) is needed for each test case but it is undesirable to allocate a new one each time.

import cats.effect.{IO, Resource}

class SuiteLocalExampleSuite extends CatsEffectSuite {

  val myFixture = ResourceSuiteLocalFixture(
    Resource.make(IO.unit)(_ => IO.unit)
  val tempFileFixture = ResourceSuitLocalFixture(

  override def munitFixtures = List(myFixture, tempFileFixture)

  test("first test") {

  test("second test") {
  test("third test") {
    IO(tempFileFixture()).flatMap { file =>


Notice that this integration is not pure; myFixture is mutated internally when the framework initializes the fixture, so the same reference that is used from test cases must be specified in munitFixtures. Otherwise an exception FixtureNotInstantiatedException will be thrown.

munit-cats-effect's People


ahjohannessen avatar alejandrohdezma avatar armanbilge avatar chidirnweke avatar cquiroz avatar danicheg avatar diesalbla avatar djspiewak avatar kevinboyette avatar larsrh avatar milanvdm avatar mpilquist avatar mtomko avatar mzuehlke avatar rossabaker avatar scala-steward avatar systemfw avatar timwspence avatar typelevel-steward[bot] avatar valencik avatar vasilmkd avatar z1kkurat avatar


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munit-cats-effect's Issues

Promise exception on 2.12

In one of my tests I'm using a fixture and I see these messages on the log, surprisingly in 2.12 only and the error itself runs fine it just print these

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Promise already completed.
  | => oat scala.concurrent.Promise.complete(Promise.scala:53)
        at scala.concurrent.Promise.complete$(Promise.scala:52)
        at scala.concurrent.impl.Promise$DefaultPromise.complete(Promise.scala:187)
        at scala.concurrent.Promise.failure(Promise.scala:104)
        at scala.concurrent.Promise.failure$(Promise.scala:104)
        at scala.concurrent.impl.Promise$DefaultPromise.failure(Promise.scala:187)
        at scala.concurrent.impl.Promise.$anonfun$transformWith$1(Promise.scala:45)
        at munit.Suite$$anon$1.execute(Suite.scala:26)

The error itself is kind of complicated but I could try to produce a minimal reproduction in needed

`NoSuchMethodError` When Using `org.scalameta::munit:1.0.0-M7`

๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿฝ Hello,

I encountered an issue running CatsEffectSuite tests with cats-effect3 and the latest milestone of munit see below for minimum reproduction:


//> using scala "2.13"
//> using lib "org.typelevel::cats-effect:3.4.5"
//> using lib "org.scalameta::munit:1.0.0-M7"
//> using lib "org.typelevel::munit-cats-effect-3:1.0.7"

import cats.effect.IO
import munit.CatsEffectSuite

class Repro extends CatsEffectSuite {
  test("repro") {

> scala-cli test .


==> X Repro.initializationError  0.001s java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: 'void munit.ValueTransforms$ValueTransform.<init>(munit.FunSuite, java.lang.String, scala.PartialFunction)'
    at munit.CatsEffectSuite.<init>(CatsEffectSuite.scala:42)
    at Repro.<init>(files.scala:9)
    at jdk.internal.reflect.DirectConstructorHandleAccessor.newInstance(
    at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstanceWithCaller(
    at java.lang.reflect.ReflectAccess.newInstance(
    at jdk.internal.reflect.ReflectionFactory.newInstance(
    at java.lang.Class.newInstance(
    at munit.MUnitRunner$$anonfun$$lessinit$greater$1.apply(MUnitRunner.scala:33)
    at munit.MUnitRunner$$anonfun$$lessinit$greater$1.apply(MUnitRunner.scala:33)
    at munit.MUnitRunner.<init>(MUnitRunner.scala:35)
    at munit.MUnitRunner.<init>(MUnitRunner.scala:33)
    at jdk.internal.reflect.DirectConstructorHandleAccessor.newInstance(
    at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstanceWithCaller(
    at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
    at munit.internal.junitinterface.JUnitComputer.getRunner(
    at munit.internal.junitinterface.JUnitComputer$1.runnerForClass(

With org.scalameta::munit:0.7.29:

  + repro 0.041s

Integrate with upcoming munit v1

Opening the issue to kick things off, munit v1 is still in the milestone stage.

The most notable changes (so far) are that it now supports async suite-local Fixtures ๐ŸŽ‰ . Much gratitude to @danicheg for PRing this ๐Ÿ‘

My biggest question is: for how long do we still intend to support both CE2 and CE3? Since we are bumping version numbers anyway, I'd be happy to use this opportunity to dump CE2 and the acrobatics this repo uses to share code between them.

scalafmt is not enforced in CI Supplied file /home/runner/work/munit-cats-effect/munit-cats-effect/target/sonatype-staging/0.4-dca45a0-SNAPSHOT is a not an existing directory!

Lack of Cross-Platform Support for ResourceSuiteLocalFixture

For the same reason this is useful on the jvm, it would be useful when running for js.

Currently options are to have a build specific test and spin up resources on each test on js, or spin up resources on each test on both jvm and js, while ideally it would be nice to use this feature in cross-compatible code.

assert for IO[Boolean]

In munit there is plain assert besides assertEquals. The equivalent for munit-cats-effect is:

Would it make sense to have the option of

If so I could send a PR

Non release builds published to Maven

This may not be a bug but it seems a little unusual to me. It seems all non PR builds are been published to Maven. I noticed this because I have a giter8 project which attempts to use the latest stable version of munit-cats-effect-2 and the search used by giter8 only returns non release builds. This is different behaviour to how munit publishes builds as can be seen from the search result.

Release version doesn't match with artifact version

Hey ๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ‘‹!

I was trying to play a bit with the library and I had the following issue


Scala Version: 2.13
Sbt Version: 1.4.1
Munit Version: 0.7.14


If I use the last github tag release to set the the library dependency, it will be downloaded correctly.

Actual Behaviour

I checked the release tags, and I used the last one to use the library:

 libraryDependencies += "org.typelevel" %% "munit-cats-effect-2" % "0.3.0" % "test"

But an error appears:

2020.10.25 20:35:04 INFO  [error] sbt.librarymanagement.ResolveException: Error downloading org.typelevel:munit-cats-effect-2_2.13:0.3.0
2020.10.25 20:35:04 INFO  [error]   Not found
2020.10.25 20:35:04 INFO  [error]   Not found
2020.10.25 20:35:04 INFO  [error]   not found: /Users/marc/.ivy2/local/org.typelevel/munit-cats-effect-2_2.13/0.3.0/ivys/ivy.xml
2020.10.25 20:35:04 INFO  [error]   not found:

I checked the artifact repository and I found theses versions


I used the version "0.4-5f8036d", and it works

Experiment with time mocking APIs

How should tests be structured to best take advantage of this and reflect the capability to users in an idiomatic fashion? Not sure! typelevel/cats-effect#2276 exposes a new TestControl runtime which makes it relatively straightforward to test IO programs under artificial time control.

Tests hang when testing with scala-cli

Tests never finish when being ran with scala-cli. Same tests finish when runnning with sbt. If i make a test fail it does not hang.

Minimal case that hangs, also happens for FunSuite. If I remove the dep on munit-ce it works again.


//> using scala "3.3.1"

//> using test.dep "org.scalameta::munit:0.7.29"
//> using dep "org.typelevel::cats-effect:3.5.2"
//> using test.dep "org.typelevel::munit-cats-effect:2.0.0-M3"


import munit.CatsEffectSuite
import cats.effect.IO

class MyTestSuite extends CatsEffectSuite:


Scala CLI version: 1.0.4

Add a fixture which provides a cats.effect.std.Dispatcher

Not sure if we need this or not. We can currently do this:

val dispatcher = CatsEffectFixture.fromResource(Dispatcher[IO])

dispatcher.test("foo") { dispatcher => ... }

We could instead instantiate a dispatcher in every CatsEffectSuite and setup/tear down in beforeAll/afterAll. Thoughts?

CatsEffectSuite runs inner IO if it receives IO[IO[A]]

A colleague of mine spent hours fighting with Resource in a test due to a trivial mistake (map vs flatMap).
I've found out that CatsEffectSuite does something really odd in this case however: it seems to run unsafeToFuture on both the outer and inner IO when it receives IO[IO[A]], maybe there is some implicit conversion happening.
The repro should make it clear:

import cats.effect._
import munit.CatsEffectSuite
import scala.concurrent.duration._

class Repro extends CatsEffectSuite {
  test("use after close") {
    Resource.make(IO.println("Open"))(_ => IO.println("Close")).use { _ =>
      IO.println("Enjoy: ").map { _ =>
        IO.sleep(1.second) >> IO.println("Use after close!")

  test("minimised") {
    IO.println("Hello").map { _ => IO.println("Surely not") }

sbt:root> testOnly *Repro*
[info] Passed: Total 0, Failed 0, Errors 0, Passed 0
[info] No tests to run for Test / testOnly
Use after close!
  + use after close 1.105s
Surely not
  + minimised 0.002s
[info] Passed: Total 2, Failed 0, Errors 0, Passed 2
[success] Total time: 1 s, completed 30 Nov 2021, 14:48:32

Add 'strict' Suite

MUnit allows overriding a TestValue to a value to enforce a test always returns that type. In the example it is used for Future.

Due to the lazy evaluation of IO I think it'd be very useful if I could enforce my test would always return an IO to prevent code from never being run. ScalaTest has recently changed their suites to be AnySpec (can return Any) or AsyncSpec (must return a Future). munit-cats-effect could introduce something similar for returned IO's by overriding MUnit's TestValue.

If added to munits-cats-effect, users should probably still have a choice (just like in ScalaTest) between the two styles. And maybe 'strict' should not be the default? I don't have a strong opinion on what the naming should be.

For implementation some refactoring would probably be needed. TestType is made final in munit.FunSuite so the new suite would have to extend from munit.Suite. Code sharing between the two styles is probably also wanted. I'd be interested in helping out with a PR if this is wanted

Override MUnit's `ExecutionContext` on ScalaJS and CE3

So the problem here is that MUnit is probably using on ScalaJS, which in turn means that it is relying on the microtask queue. This means a couple of things, including the fact that setTimeout isn't working correctly, but it also means that any test suite which relies on parallel execution of tests as observed from within Cats Effect is definitely not going to see actual parallelism.

The solution here is to pull the ExecutionContext out of and force MUnit to use it rather than its default executor, at least on ScalaJS. I'm not sure MUnit makes this possible (Specs2 doesn't); if it doesn't, then we should open a feature request upstream.

Snapshot publishing is failing

Two last attempts were failed #1, #2. I don't confident is this a flaky thing, so let's take notice.

[error] Server redirected too many  times (20)
[error] 	at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
[error] 	at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
[error] 	at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
[error] 	at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
[error] 	at$
[error] 	at$[94](
[error] 	at Method)
[error] 	at
[error] 	at
[error] 	at
[error] 	at
[error] 	at org.apache.ivy.util.url.BasicURLHandler.upload(
[error] 	at org.apache.ivy.util.url.URLHandlerDispatcher.upload(
[error] 	at org.apache.ivy.util.FileUtil.copy(
[error] 	at org.apache.ivy.plugins.repository.url.URLRepository.put(
[error] 	at sbt.internal.librarymanagement.ConvertResolver$LocalIfFileRepo.put(ConvertResolver.scala:368)
[error] 	at org.apache.ivy.plugins.repository.AbstractRepository.put(
[error] 	at sbt.internal.librarymanagement.ConvertResolver$ChecksumFriendlyURLResolver.put(ConvertResolver.scala:118)
[error] 	at sbt.internal.librarymanagement.ConvertResolver$ChecksumFriendlyURLResolver.put$(ConvertResolver.scala:[105](
[error] 	at sbt.internal.librarymanagement.ConvertResolver$$anonfun$defaultConvert$lzycompute$1$PluginCapableResolver$1.put(ConvertResolver.scala:165)
[error] 	at org.apache.ivy.plugins.resolver.RepositoryResolver.publish(
[error] 	at sbt.internal.librarymanagement.IvyActions$.$anonfun$publish$5(IvyActions.scala:504)
[error] 	at scala.runtime.java8.JFunction0$mcV$sp.apply(JFunction0$mcV$
[error] 	at scala.util.Try$.apply(Try.scala:213)
[error] 	at sbt.internal.librarymanagement.IvyUtil$.retryWithBackoff(IvyUtil.scala:22)
[error] 	at sbt.internal.librarymanagement.IvyActions$.$anonfun$publish$4(IvyActions.scala:503)
[error] 	at sbt.internal.librarymanagement.IvyActions$.$anonfun$publish$4$adapted(IvyActions.scala:501)
[error] 	at scala.collection.Iterator.foreach(Iterator.scala:943)
[error] 	at scala.collection.Iterator.foreach$(Iterator.scala:943)
[error] 	at scala.collection.AbstractIterator.foreach(Iterator.scala:1431)
[error] 	at scala.collection.IterableLike.foreach(IterableLike.scala:74)
[error] 	at scala.collection.IterableLike.foreach$(IterableLike.scala:73)
[error] 	at scala.collection.AbstractIterable.foreach(Iterable.scala:56)
[error] 	at sbt.internal.librarymanagement.IvyActions$.publish(IvyActions.scala:501)
[error] 	at sbt.internal.librarymanagement.IvyActions$.$anonfun$publish$3(IvyActions.scala:143)
[error] 	at scala.runtime.java8.JFunction0$mcV$sp.apply(JFunction0$mcV$
[error] 	at sbt.internal.librarymanagement.IvyActions$.withChecksums(IvyActions.scala:157)
[error] 	at sbt.internal.librarymanagement.IvyActions$.withChecksums(IvyActions.scala:150)
[error] 	at sbt.internal.librarymanagement.IvyActions$.$anonfun$publish$1(IvyActions.scala:143)
[error] 	at sbt.internal.librarymanagement.IvyActions$.$anonfun$publish$1$adapted(IvyActions.scala:133)
[error] 	at sbt.internal.librarymanagement.IvySbt$Module.$anonfun$withModule$1(Ivy.scala:251)
[error] 	at sbt.internal.librarymanagement.IvySbt.$anonfun$withIvy$1(Ivy.scala:215)
[error] 	at sbt.internal.librarymanagement.IvySbt.sbt$internal$librarymanagement$IvySbt$$action$1(Ivy.scala:77)
[error] 	at sbt.internal.librarymanagement.IvySbt$$anon$
[error] 	at xsbt.boot.Locks$GlobalLock.withChannel$1(Locks.scala:[113](
[error] 	at xsbt.boot.Locks$GlobalLock.withChannelRetries$1(Locks.scala:91)
[error] 	at xsbt.boot.Locks$GlobalLock.$anonfun$withFileLock$1(Locks.scala:119)
[error] 	at xsbt.boot.Using$.withResource(Using.scala:12)
[error] 	at xsbt.boot.Using$.apply(Using.scala:9)
[error] 	at xsbt.boot.Locks$GlobalLock.withFileLock(Locks.scala:119)
[error] 	at xsbt.boot.Locks$GlobalLock.ignoringDeadlockAvoided(Locks.scala:71)
[error] 	at xsbt.boot.Locks$GlobalLock.withLock(Locks.scala:59)
[error] 	at xsbt.boot.Locks$.apply0(Locks.scala:47)
[error] 	at xsbt.boot.Locks$.apply(Locks.scala:36)
[error] 	at sbt.internal.librarymanagement.IvySbt.withDefaultLogger(Ivy.scala:87)
[error] 	at sbt.internal.librarymanagement.IvySbt.withIvy(Ivy.scala:209)
[error] 	at sbt.internal.librarymanagement.IvySbt.withIvy(Ivy.scala:206)
[error] 	at sbt.internal.librarymanagement.IvySbt$Module.withModule(Ivy.scala:250)
[error] 	at sbt.internal.librarymanagement.IvyActions$.publish(IvyActions.scala:133)
[error] 	at sbt.Classpaths$.$anonfun$publishTask$4(Defaults.scala:3556)
[error] 	at sbt.Classpaths$.$anonfun$publishTask$4$adapted(Defaults.scala:3549)
[error] 	at scala.Function1.$anonfun$compose$1(Function1.scala:49)
[error] 	at sbt.internal.util.$tilde$greater.$anonfun$$u2219$1(TypeFunctions.scala:62)
[error] 	at sbt.std.Transform$$anon$
[error] 	at sbt.Execute.$anonfun$submit$2(Execute.scala:282)
[error] 	at sbt.internal.util.ErrorHandling$.wideConvert(ErrorHandling.scala:23)
[error] 	at
[error] 	at sbt.Execute.$anonfun$submit$1(Execute.scala:282)
[error] 	at sbt.ConcurrentRestrictions$$anon$4.$anonfun$submitValid$1(ConcurrentRestrictions.scala:265)
[error] 	at sbt.CompletionService$$anon$
[error] 	at
[error] 	at java.util.concurrent.Executors$
[error] 	at
[error] 	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker([114](
[error] 	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
[error] 	at

ResourceSuiteLocalFixture is allocated after suite's beforeAll()

The following code

import cats.effect.IO
import cats.effect.kernel.Resource
import munit.CatsEffectSuite

class TestWsResource extends CatsEffectSuite {

  val d = ResourceSuiteLocalFixture(
    "Double resource",
    Resource.make(IO.println("Allocating resource") >> IO(4.0))(d => IO.println(s"Releasing resource: $d"))

  override val munitFixtures = List(d)

  test("resource") {
    IO.println(s"Using resource: ${d()}")

  override def beforeAll(): Unit = {
    // println(s"{${d()}")

  override def afterAll(): Unit = {
    println(s"After all ${d()}")



Allocating resource
Using resource: 4.0
After all 4.0
Releasing resource: 4.0

Changing beforeAll() to

  override def beforeAll(): Unit = {

results in

Allocating resource
Releasing resource: 4.0

Process finished with exit code 255

munit.catseffect.ResourceFixture$FixtureNotInstantiatedException: The fixture `Double resource` was not instantiated. Override `munitFixtures` and include a reference to this fixture.

It looks that suite local resource is allocated after beforeAll and released after afterAll . Is this the desired behavior?

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