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stacker_bee's Introduction

Unofficial Ruby CloudStack client

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The unofficial CloudStack client for Ruby.


You can install StackerBee with rubygems:

$ gem install stacker_bee

If you are using Bundler add the following to your Gemfile:

gem 'stacker_bee'

And execute:

$ bundle install

Basic Usage

cloud_stack =
  url:        'http://localhost:8080',
  api_key:    'MY_API_KEY',
  secret_key: 'MY_SECRET_KEY'

cloud_stack.list_virtual_machines state: 'Running'
# => [ { id: '48b91ab4...', displayName: '...', ... },
#      { id: '59c02bc5...', displayName: '...', ... },
#      ... ]

cloud_stack.create_volume name: 'MyVolume'


Idomatic Ruby formatting for names

For example, you can use list_virtual_machines instead of listVirtualMachines and affinity_group_id instead of affinitygroupid (if you want to).

For example:

vm = cloud_stack.list_virtual_machines(affinity_group_id: id).first
puts vm[:iso_display_text]

Handling 'map' parameters

For any endpoint requiring a map parameter, pass in a hash.

cloud_stack.create_tags tags: { type: 'community' }, ...

This will yield a request with the following query string:


Configurable API Version

By default, StackerBee uses the CloudStack 4.2 API, but it doesn't have to. Use a different API version by setting the api_path configuration option to the path of a JSON file containing the response from your CloudStack instance's listApis command.

StackerBee::Client.api_path = '/path/to/your/listApis/response.json'

CloudStack REPL


$ stacker_bee [OPTIONS]


$ stacker_bee -u http://localhost:8080 -a MY_API_KEY -s MY_SECRET_KEY
StackerBee CloudStack REPL
>> list_virtual_machines state: 'Running'
=> [{"id"=>"48b91ab4-dc23-4e24-bc6f-695d58c91087",
  "displayname"=>"My VM",


Configuring a client:

cloud_stack =
  url:        'http://localhost:8080',
  api_key:    'API_KEY',
  secret_key: 'SECRET_KEY'

All configuration parameters set on the StackerBee::Client class are used as defaults for StackerBee::Client instances.

StackerBee::Client.url = 'http://localhost:8080'

user_client =
  api_key:    'USER_API_KEY',
  secret_key: 'USER_SECRET_KEY'

root_client =
  api_key:    'ROOT_API_KEY',
  secret_key: 'ROOT_SECRET_KEY'


The URL of your CloudStack instance's URL.

StackerBee::Client.url = 'http://localhost:8080'


my_client =
  url: 'http://localhost:8080'

API path

The path of your CloudStack instance's API URL. Defaults to '/client/api/'.

StackerBee::Client.api_path = '/other-path/client/api'


my_client =
  api_path: '/other-path/client/api'

Console path

The path of your CloudStack instance's URL for console access. Defaults to '/client/console/'.

StackerBee::Client.console_path = '/other-path/client/console'


my_client =
  console_path: '/other-path/client/console'


Your CloudStack credentials, i.e. API key and secret key.

StackerBee::Client.api_key    = 'MY_API_KEY'
StackerBee::Client.secret_key = 'MY_SECRET_KEY'


my_client =
  api_key:    'MY_API_KEY',
  secret_key: 'MY_SECRET_KEY'


StackerBee can be configured with middleware. It uses it's own middleware stack to implement some of its functionality.

To add a middleware, use the middlewares configuration option. For example:

class StdoutLoggingMiddleware < StackerBee::Middleware::Base
  def call(env)
    p "CloudStack call: #{env.inspect}"

class PrependedMiddleware < StackerBee::Middleware::Base
  def call(env)

StackerBee::Client.configuration = {
  middlewares: ->(builder) do
    # Using `before` places the middleware before the default middlewares
    builder.before PrependedMiddleware

    # Using `use` places the middleware after the default middlewares,
    # but before the request is sent to Faraday
    builder.use StdoutLoggingMiddleware

Faraday Middleware

StackerBee is built on Faraday and allows you to add Faraday middleware. Here's an example of adding your own middleware.

StackerBee::Client.configuration = {
  faraday_middlewares: ->(faraday) do
    faraday.use Custom::LoggingMiddleware,
    faraday.use Custom::CachingMiddleware, Rails.cache

StackerBee itself puts some middlewares on Faraday. Any middlewares you add will be placed after these. If you want your middleware to come as the very first, you can use Faraday's builder like faraday.builder.insert 0, MyMiddleware.


You can configure logging by passing in a logger object that adheres to the standard log4* logging conventions

StackerBee::Client.configuration = {
  logger: my_log4x_logger

SSL and ssl_verify

StackerBee supports using SSL. To do so, use an HTTPS URL. In some deployments, CloudStack's SSL certificates don't match the DNS name that StackerBee will use to access it which will cause certificate validation errors. In these cases, if it's not feasible to fix the certificates (which is recommended) setting ssl_verfiy to false will cause StackerBee to ignore certificate validation errors.

StackerBee::Client.configuration = {
  url:        'https://my-cloudstack-server',
  ssl_verify: false # ignore certificate validation errors

Bulk Configuration

The StackerBee::Client class can be configured with multiple options at once.

StackerBee::Client.configuration = {
  url:        'http://localhost:8080',
  api_key:    'API_KEY',
  secret_key: 'MY_SECRET_KEY'



Running the tests:

$ bundle exec rake

Testing against CloudStack

To interact with a real CloudStack server, instead of the recorded responses:

$ cp config.default.yml config.yml

And edit config.yml, specifying the URL and credentials for your CloudStack server. This file is used by the test suite if it exists, but is ignored by git.

Coding Style

This project uses Rubocop to enforce code style.

$ bundle exec rubocop


To create a release, first bump the version in lib/stacker_bee/version.rb, and commit. Then, build the gem and release it to Rubygems with rake release:

$ rake release
stacker_bee 1.2.3 built to pkg/stacker_bee-1.2.3.gem.
Tagged v1.2.3.
Pushed git commits and tags.
Pushed stacker_bee 1.2.3 to

We use Bundler's gem tasks to manage releases. See the output of rake -T and Bundler's Rubygems documentation for more information.

Thanks to


StackerBee is released under the MIT License.

stacker_bee's People


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stacker_bee's Issues

StackerBee::Logger - progname is not always available

While trying to add a Gelf::Logger, we ran into this issue:

Gelf::Logger doesn't have a progname accessor, but StackerBee::Logger assumes that the logger class that you configure it with will have that method.

What if change it so that it only tries to set progname if the logger responds to that method?

Overridable endpoints

Applications should be able to add/modify endpoints. It's possible that CloudStack's documentation is wrong, or that users might set up proxies to CloudStack that work slightly differently that CloudStack itself.

Accept and return underscored parameter names

Right now it accepts parameters like virtual_machine_id (I think) and returns a Rash. The returned Rash can be accessed like response['virtual_machine_id'], but if you list it's keys, it will list virtualmachineid. This makes the response unable to be used for a Virtus model.

It would be cleaner to be able just accept and return data with underscored parameter names. It might also make sense to validate parameter names.

Expose API endpoints and metadata

If the API endpoints and metadata are exposed, clients of the gem can use it to do things like validate input on the browser, or before it gets sent to cloudstack.

Additionally, this information can be used by certain "fake" cloudstack servers to more realistically validate input and generate output.

different Middleware::Logging classes

Hey all,

@mattmcmanus and I tried to use StackerBee with gelf-rb's logger. We hit two problems, I'll describe the larger issue here.

when StackerBee writes to the logger, it calls multiple logger methods. It would be better to have all of the information in one GrayLog event. This is happening in StackerBee::Middleware::Logger.

We could either change the Middleware::Logger so that it only writes one method, or we could make it possible to supply your own Middleware::Logger class (in addition to your own logger)


(I prefer the second approach)

README is wrong about global configuration

It says you can do this:

StackerBee::Client.url = 'http://localhost:8080/client/api'

But that doesn't work. It should be something more like this:

StackerBee::Client.configuration = { url: 'http://localhost:8080/client/api' }

Better documentation for configuration options

I feel like the documentation isn't clear about when a configuration option can be set

  • through the Client initializer
  • on the global/default configuration
  • on a Client instance via an attr_writer

Ability to add Middleware

It would be nice if users could add their own middleware. The gem itself could use this feature to add its middleware.

Cache "read" requests

Should we cache requests that do not change state? How? How do we know which requests change state?

How do we handle async requests? E.g. how do we know to expire the cache when a VM has finished being deployed?


The endpoint metadata provides type information about inputs/outputs. It also provides information about which fields are required. We can use this information to validate input before it even gets sent over the write to CloudStack.

Incorporate Rubocop into build

We already have a .rubocop file in there, but its not part of the build.

  • Running rake should run RuboCop
  • Travis should run RuboCop

Endpoint Documentation

It would be nice to have API documentation (similar to CloudStack's) that takes into account:

  • our normalized request/response key names and formats
  • the namespaces of each request (or lack thereof)

Only run Coveralls on Ruby 2.1

Not much point right now for reporting coverage for the other versions Ruby on Travis. We don't have any platform-specific code at the moment.

REPL is broken

trying to pass the api_key or secret_key from the command line (or a yaml file) doesn't work.

bundle exec stacker_bee --api_key foo --secret_key bar --url
/Users/dan/.gem/ruby/2.0.0/bundler/gems/stacker_bee-c9d402d83090/lib/stacker_bee/configuration.rb:20:in `block in initialize': No attribute defined: 'api_key' (StackerBee::Configuration::NoAttributeError)
    from /Users/dan/.gem/ruby/2.0.0/bundler/gems/stacker_bee-c9d402d83090/lib/stacker_bee/configuration.rb:18:in `each_pair'
    from /Users/dan/.gem/ruby/2.0.0/bundler/gems/stacker_bee-c9d402d83090/lib/stacker_bee/configuration.rb:18:in `initialize'
    from /Users/dan/.gem/ruby/2.0.0/bundler/gems/stacker_bee-c9d402d83090/lib/stacker_bee/configuration.rb:54:in `new'
    from /Users/dan/.gem/ruby/2.0.0/bundler/gems/stacker_bee-c9d402d83090/lib/stacker_bee/configuration.rb:54:in `merge'
    from /Users/dan/.gem/ruby/2.0.0/bundler/gems/stacker_bee-c9d402d83090/lib/stacker_bee/client.rb:101:in `configuration='
    from /Users/dan/.gem/ruby/2.0.0/bundler/gems/stacker_bee-c9d402d83090/lib/stacker_bee/client.rb:97:in `initialize'
    from /Users/dan/.gem/ruby/2.0.0/bundler/gems/stacker_bee-c9d402d83090/bin/stacker_bee:77:in `new'
    from /Users/dan/.gem/ruby/2.0.0/bundler/gems/stacker_bee-c9d402d83090/bin/stacker_bee:77:in `<top (required)>'
    from /Users/dan/.gem/ruby/2.0.0/bin/stacker_bee:23:in `load'
    from /Users/dan/.gem/ruby/2.0.0/bin/stacker_bee:23:in `<main>'

the configuration code isn't expecting a hash with string keys anymore

Option to turn off logging

You should be able to turn off logging by setting the logger option to nil or false. Currently, if the logger is falsy, it will be replaced with the default logger (standard out) and the only way to turn off logging is to configure it with a logger to /dev/null or something of the sort.


Add Rubocop to the default rake task.

https support

Hi I am getting SSL verification errors when using an https endpoint.
Is it supposed to work with https ?

Map parameters not handled correctly

The README says that a hash should be passed in for any endpoint requiring a map parameter, however these are not handled correctly.

migrateVirtualMachineWithVolume requires a map for the migrateto parameter as a volume/pool pair.

e.g. http://cloudstack/client/api?command=migrateVirtualMachineWithVolume&id=x&migrateto[0].volume=y&migrateto[0].pool=z

I'm calling stacker_bee in the following manner:
cloudstack.migrate_virtual_machine_with_volume(virtualmachineid: vm_id, hostid: host[:id], migrateto: { volume: volume[:id], pool: storage_pool[:id] })

CloudStack management server logs report that the API call that is been made is invalid:
2014-12-05 10:06:54,878 DEBUG [c.c.a.ApiServlet] (catalina-exec-12:ctx-167da945) ===START=== -- GET apiKey=8ujy0yJMc6JHMRa2FD9N-PX6PZ7hb7rumM4cEg9szcofNZy0gj4X7Q8oCvweMQ8kok0hYjxEE9qqu7XlBx9UhA&command=migrateVirtualMachineWithVolume&hostid=8953bd6e-ff03-4143-bd98-33cef83a132d&migrateto[0].key=volume&migrateto[0].name=volume&migrateto[0].value=42326040-4a32-4436-b298-b79960cc9aa2&migrateto[1].key=pool&migrateto[1].name=pool&migrateto[1].value=4884d20b-9d45-30c8-9b30-d258b7f5fad8&response=json&virtualmachineid=510ebbe9-ea57-4f58-b519-fc033f05aaeb&signature=fy3BIeZw9FwX53xo543lsINRiOs%3D 2014-12-05 10:06:54,924 DEBUG [o.a.c.f.j.i.AsyncJobManagerImpl] (catalina-exec-12:ctx-167da945 ctx-8840e559 ctx-1109cc64) submit async job-43800, details: AsyncJobVO {id:43800, userId: 91, accountId: 2, instanceType: None, instanceId: null, cmd: org.apache.cloudstack.api.command.admin.vm.MigrateVirtualMachineWithVolumeCmd, cmdInfo: {"virtualmachineid":"510ebbe9-ea57-4f58-b519-fc033f05aaeb","cmdEventType":"VM.MIGRATE","ctxUserId":"91","httpmethod":"GET","migrateto[1].key":"pool","apiKey":"8ujy0yJMc6JHMRa2FD9N-PX6PZ7hb7rumM4cEg9szcofNZy0gj4X7Q8oCvweMQ8kok0hYjxEE9qqu7XlBx9UhA","response":"json","hostid":"8953bd6e-ff03-4143-bd98-33cef83a132d","migrateto[0].key":"volume","migrateto[0].name":"volume","migrateto[1].value":"4884d20b-9d45-30c8-9b30-d258b7f5fad8","ctxAccountId":"2","migrateto[1].name":"pool","ctxStartEventId":"18155","migrateto[0].value":"42326040-4a32-4436-b298-b79960cc9aa2","signature":"fy3BIeZw9FwX53xo543lsINRiOs\u003d"}, cmdVersion: 0, status: IN_PROGRESS, processStatus: 0, resultCode: 0, result: null, initMsid: 345050144322, completeMsid: null, lastUpdated: null, lastPolled: null, created: null} 2014-12-05 10:06:54,993 ERROR [c.c.a.ApiAsyncJobDispatcher] (API-Job-Executor-26:ctx-6436d07a job-43800) Unexpected exception while executing org.apache.cloudstack.api.command.admin.vm.MigrateVirtualMachineWithVolumeCmd

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