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dataingestionframework's Introduction

Dataflow Data Ingestion Framework (DIF)


The Data Ingestion Framework allows common functionalities like data extraction, ingestion using metadata driven approach using config files. This framework is built in python using Dataflow and Apache Beam SDKs.

High Level Architecture:






  • DIF provides some column level customizations like

    • Data Quality
      Column Level Data Quality checks like isNull, rangeConstraint, valuesLike etc. ; can be configured in the DQ specific metadata table (name configurable from property files). These are applied on the column data on the fly.
      The records which don’t conform to the DQ checks are pushed to the error/exception table(name configurable from property files).
    • Data Transformation
      Basic Column Level Data Transformations like nullToEmpty, epochToTimestamp, ifElseConditions etc. ; can be configured in the Transformation metadata table. These are applied on the column data on the fly.
    • Schema Conformance
      The datatype for the record(columns) can be checked on the fly; using the Target BQ table Schema.
      The records which don’t conform to the Schema Conformance __are pushed to the error/exception table (name configurable from property files).
      For Instance: if the string data is sent by the source, to be pushed inside the Integer column in Bigquery
  • The Framework supports both Full load and Delta load.

  • The Framework is Pluggable, extensible and configuration based; and easily supports adding in new sources and targets.

  • The DIF uses Cloud Dataflow as a Runner, which is google cloud managed service with Horizontal and vertical scaling support.

  • The DIF also incorporates data auditing; Job runs, records counts (valid / invalid) are audited into the Bigquery audit tables.

Setting up DIF:


The DIF is created on the apache beam framework, written in Python Language and being run using the Dataflow Runner. As a pre-requisites the Dataflow needs some roles/access to be able to run, apart from the user/service(composer) which would again need some roles/access to be able to trigger dataflow.

The Below documents talks more about the roles/access/service account.

Prerequisite Documentation

Set up with GIT:

Clone the repository:

git clone 

Navigate to the directory where you downloaded the repository

cd DataIngestionFramework

Property Files Overview:

Data Ingestion Framework (DIF) is a metadata driven framework and expects input in two types of input files for execution,

  1. Job Property YAML - This file consists of all the Dataflow Properties, Error Table, Audit Table Details, RDBMS Properties (If using RDBMSProcessor). This is a common property file and can be used for multiple jobs with same source type (example - running multiple table ingestion jobs against same RDBMS source)
  2. Task Property YAML - This file consists of table/file level ingestion details, such as file name (if using file-type ingestion), table details (if using RDBMS ingestion), data quality, data transformation, etc.

Job Property File:

Job properties are the properties that define your dataflow pipeline and don’t need to change for every task, you can store this yaml file in your local machine or in a gcs bucket. This is a dataflow level job properties file containing common properties like runner, region, autoscaling_algorithm, save_main_session, temp_location, staging_location, etc.

Content Required Type Description
dataflow_prop True dict All necessary data flow properties
error False dict Error handling properties
audit False dict Audit properties

Note: Sample Property Files can be found under the resources' folder.

Task Property File:

Task property file is a yaml file which consists of a list of tasks under the tag tasks as there can be multiple processors working at the same time. Consider having one task property file for each table you would ingest from a database.

Content Required Type Description
job_name True string Job name
task_name True string Task name
input_processor True string Processor to be used for ingestion
job_prop_file True string Job properties for pipeline
input_file_path True string Location of source if ingestion type is file-based
topic_name False string Kafka topic name if source is Kafka
column_name_map False string Column mapping for renaming columns
file_audit_table False string Table ID for auditing
is_filename_req_in_target False string Source name
data_quality False dict Data quality properties
data_transformation False dict Data transformation properties
targets True dict Targets

Note: Sample Property Files can be found under the resources folder.

Processor Types and Configuration:

File Based Ingestion:



  • Need to Provide Schema File, if file does not consist of headers as first row.
  • Need to Provide Delimiter in Task Property File (By Default “,” will be considered)
  • Files need to be placed in Google Cloud Storage Bucket which should be accessible to the Dataflow Service Account.

Sample Property Files:

  • Sample Property Files can be found under the Delimited Folder in resources folder.



  • Files need to be placed in Google Cloud Storage Bucket which should be accessible to the Dataflow Service Account.

Sample Property Files:

  • Sample Property Files can be found under the Avro Folder in resources folder.



  • Files need to be placed in Google Cloud Storage Bucket which should be accessible to the Dataflow Service Account.

Sample Property Files:

  • Sample Property Files can be found under the Parquet Folder in resources folder.



  • Files need to be placed in Google Cloud Storage Bucket which should be accessible to the Dataflow Service Account.

Sample Property Files:

  • Sample Property Files can be found under the JSON Folder in resources folder.


NDJSON, or Newline Delimited JSON, is a simple and lightweight data interchange format where each JSON object is stored on a separate line, allowing for easy parsing and streaming of individual records


  • Files need to be placed in Google Cloud Storage Bucket which should be accessible to the Dataflow Service Account.

Sample Property Files:

  • Sample Property Files can be found under the NDJSON Folder in the resources folder.

JSON Flatten (Batch/Streaming):

The incoming Json data is read and then flattened and the flattened columns are renamed according to the column name map provided by the user from task property file using column_name_map tag.
By flattening, we can put all nested properties extracted and organized into a single level.


  • Need to provide column name map with nested column names and BQ column name.
  • Files need to be placed in Google Cloud Storage Bucket which should be accessible to the Dataflow Service Account.

Sample Property Files:

  • Sample Property Files can be found under the JSON Flatten Folder in the resources folder.
  • Sample Mapping File can also be found under the JSON flatten Folder in the resources folder.

RDBMS Ingestion:

Full Load:


  • Dataflow workers should have access to RDBMS.
  • You will have to provide credentials, driver classpath for Dataflow to connect to RDBMS in Job Property File
  • Specify the table and schema name/query in the Task Property File.

Sample Property Files:

  • Sample Property Files can be found under the RDBMS Full load Folder in the resources folder.

Incremental Load:


  • Dataflow workers should have access to RDBMS.
  • You will have to provide credentials, driver classpath for Dataflow to connect to RDBMS in Job Property File
  • Specify the table and schema name/query in the Task Property File.- For Incremental load to work, there has to be an incremental column in the table. You will have to specify incremental column name and column type in the Task Property File.

Note: Currently supported Column Types are Integer, Timestamp, Date, Datetime.

Sample Property Files:

  • Sample Property Files can be found under the RDBMS Incremental load Folder in the resources folder.

Large Volume Data load in Splits:

When there is large data which needs to be ingested, to fully utilise parallelism and concurrent data extraction we have a provision in DIF to load the data based on a column which has data that can be used as splits.

To achieve this, we create multiple queries with WHERE condition based on the column type and values.


  • Dataflow workers should have access to RDBMS.
  • You will have to provide credentials, driver classpath for Dataflow to connect to RDBMS in Job Property File
  • Specify the table and schema name/query in the Task Property File.- For loading large data in splits (parallelly), we will need a column with splittable values like integer values or timestamp values.

Note: Currently supported Column Types are Integer, Timestamp, Date, Datetime.

Sample Property Files:

  • Sample Property Files can be found under the RDBMS Splits load Folder in the resources folder.

Streaming Ingestion:

Kafka (JSON/Avro):


  • Dataflow workers should have access to Kafka.
  • You will have to provide bootstrap server, group id, topic name in Task Property File.
  • Also, supported Data formats are JSON and Avro, you will have to specify source data format in the Task Property File.

Sample Property Files:

  • Sample Property Files can be found under the Kafka Folder in the resources folder.

Pubsub (JSON/Avro):


  • Dataflow workers should have access to PubSub API.
  • You will have to provide a subscription path in the Task Property File.
  • Also, supported Data formats are JSON and Avro, you will have to specify source data format in the Task Property File.

Sample Property Files:

  • Sample Property Files can be found under the Pubsub Folder in the resources folder.

Data Warehouse Ingestion:



  • Dataflow workers should have access to Snowflake DWH.
  • You will have to provide staging_bucket_name, storage_integration, warehouse, role in a JSON format in a secret manager value. The secret manager address needs to be specified in the Job Property File.
  • In the Task Property File, we will have to specify the query, schema, database, snowflake_table.

Sample Property Files:

  • Sample Property Files can be found under the Snowflake Folder in the resources folder.

Teradata (RDBMSProcessor):

Refer to RDBMS Source.


  • Dataflow workers should have access to Teradata.
  • You will have to provide credentials, driver classpath for Dataflow to connect to Teradata in Job Property File
  • Specify the table and schema name/query in the Task Property File.

Sample Property Files:

  • Sample Property Files can be found under the Teradata Folder in the resources folder.

API Ingestion:



  • You will have to provide the API Path and query params in the Task Property File.
  • If the API is public, no need to provide authentication. Else, you will have to provide headers.

Sample Property File:

  • Sample Property Files can be found in the API Folder in the resources folder.

Data Quality Configuration:

Data quality is a critical aspect of any data ingestion framework, as it directly impacts the accuracy and usefulness of the data being ingested.

The pipeline dynamically retrieves data quality rules from a designated BigQuery table and systematically applies them to the data being processed, ensuring that the data meets the predefined quality standards.

To enable Data Quality, we will have to add data_quality tag in Task Property File and add data_quality_enabled, data_quality_rule_table in the tag.

The data_quality_enabled tag needs to be set True and you have to specify the DQ table name in data_quality_rule_table with the below given schema.

Note: The name of the table can be user defined.

Current framework has the following Data Quality checks:

  • length_equals
  • null_check
  • empty_check

However, if we want to add more Data quality checks, we can navigate to class DqFunctions inside which is placed inside the utility python package and add a data quality @staticmethod.

For instance, if we wish to add a DQ check where we expect to value to have a length constraint of n.

we can write a function:

def length_constraint(value, args):
        expected_length = int(args)
        if len(str(value)) <= expected_length:
            return True        
            return False    
    except DqException as ex:
        return False

After this, we can add a row in the data_quality_rule table on a specific column.

Data Quality Table Schema:

fullname mode type description
job_name NULLABLE STRING name of your data flow job
column_name NULLABLE STRING column name on which DQ is to be applied
dq_rule NULLABLE STRING rule to be applied
args NULLABLE STRING arguments if any
sequence NULLABLE INTEGER priority

You can find a DDL for DQ Table creation under DQ Folder in the resources folder.

Data Quality Table example:


Data Transformation Configuration:

This involves converting the input data to a standardized format that is compatible with downstream processing steps, such as normalization, aggregation, and summarization.

The pipeline leverages a designated BigQuery table to dynamically retrieve the data transformation rules, which are then systematically applied to the incoming data, enabling seamless and efficient data transformation as per the predefined rules.

This metadata transformation table name needs to be specified from the job properties.

To enable Data Transformation, we will have to add data_transformation tag in Task Property File and add data_trans_enabled, transformation_table in the tag.

The data_trans_enabled tag needs to be set True and you have to specify the DQ table name in transformation_table with the below given schema.

Note: The name of the table can be user defined.

Current framework has the following Data Transformations:

  • rename_column
  • substring
  • trim
  • empty_to_null
  • replace

However, if we want to add more Data transformations, we can navigate to class TransFunctions inside ** which is placed inside the utility python package and add a data transformations @staticmethod.

For instance, if we wish to add a new data transformation method which will convert null values to empty strings.

we can write a function:

    def null_to_empty(column_name, value, args):
        if value is None:
            return column_name, ""
            return column_name, value

After this, we can add a row in the data transformations table to apply this transformation on the specified column.

Data Transformation Table Schema

fullname mode type description
job_name NULLABLE STRING name of your data flow job
column_name NULLABLE STRING column on which transformation is to be applied
trans_func NULLABLE STRING transformations to be applied
args NULLABLE STRING arguments if any

Data Transformation Table example:


The function substring takes in argument 1,5; which will extract the 1->5 characters from the string column.

Source Schema Conformance:

Schema conformance refers to the process of validating and ensuring that the data being ingested into a system conforms to the predefined schema or structure. This is a critical step in the data ingestion process as it ensures that the data is accurate, consistent, and compatible with downstream processing steps.

A schema defines the structure and format of the data and includes information such as the data type, field names, and constraints. Schema conformance is achieved by comparing the incoming data to the predefined schema and validating that it meets the required format, structure, and constraints.

Schema Structure:

{ “fields” : [
    "name": "column1",
    "mode": "NULLABLE",
    "type": "STRING",
    "fields": []
    "name": "column2",
    "mode": "NULLABLE",
    "type": "STRING",
    "fields": []

Error Records:

In a data ingestion framework, error records are data records that fail to meet the defined quality or conformance standards and cannot be processed further. Error records can arise due to various reasons such as incorrect data formatting, invalid values, or data type mismatches.

It is essential to identify and handle error records effectively in a data ingestion framework, as they can impact the accuracy and reliability of the data being processed.

If an error record is identified during the validation process, it should be rejected and removed from the dataset. This can help to prevent the propagation of errors and ensure that downstream processing steps are not affected. All the error records are stored in a bigquery table for further inspection.

Error Table Schema:

fullname mode type description
job_name NULLABLE STRING Job Name
error_record NULLABLE STRING raw record
error_type NULLABLE STRING error type
error_desc NULLABLE STRING error description 
target_table NULLABLE STRING target table
source_name NULLABLE STRING source
insert_ts NULLABLE TIMESTAMP processing timestamp

Error Table Schema can be found under Error Table in the resources folder.

Error Table Example:



Auditing is a critical component of a data ingestion framework, as it enables the tracking and monitoring of data ingestion processes to ensure that they are performing effectively and efficiently.

The Data Ingestion Framework includes comprehensive auditing capabilities, with both job-level and file-level audit logs captured and stored in a designated BigQuery database. This allows for efficient and accurate tracking and analysis of all data ingestion activities, promoting transparency and accountability throughout the data ingestion process.

There are two types of Audits - File Level Audits and Job Level Audit

File Level Audits


fullname mode type description
file_location NULLABLE STRING source path
read_ts NULLABLE TIMESTAMP read timestamp
record_count NULLABLE INTEGER record count
land_ts NULLABLE TIMESTAMP original timestamp of file



Job Level Audits


fullname mode type description
job_id NULLABLE STRING job id
audit_ts NULLABLE TIMESTAMP audit timestamp
row_count NULLABLE INTEGER number of rows
job_start NULLABLE TIMESTAMP job start timestamp
job_end NULLABLE TIMESTAMP job end timestamp
status NULLABLE STRING status
processing_layer NULLABLE STRING processing layer



Execution Process:

There are two ways to run Data Ingestion Framework.

  1. Using DirectRunner:

We will have to install all the dependencies first and then run the with required arguments.

pip3 install requirements.txt \
python3 --project=<project_id> --task_prop_file=<task_prop_path>
  1. Using DataflowRunner using Flex Template:

We will be creating a flex template of DIF to submit a dataflow job. A docker image will be created based on the configuration specified in Dockerfile, feel free to modify Dockerfile as per your requirements.

Note: Docker needs to be installed on your machine and Artifact Registry API needs to be enabled.

You will have to configure certain variables before running the following commands.


docker build -t $$PROJECT_ID/$REPO/data-ingestion-2.40:dev -f Dockerfile .

docker push $$PROJECT_ID/$REPO/data-ingestion-2.40:dev

gcloud dataflow flex-template build gs://$INPUT_BUCKET_NAME/dataflow-ingestion-framework/dif_flex.json \
--image "$$PROJECT_ID/$REPO/data-ingestion-2.40:dev" \
--sdk-language "PYTHON" \
--metadata-file metadata.json \
--project $PROJECT_ID

gcloud dataflow flex-template run flex-template --template-file-gcs-location gs://$INPUT_BUCKET_NAME/dataflow-ingestion-framework/dif_flex.json \
--region us-central1 \
--subnetwork \
--network dm-primary-network \
--parameters project=project,task_prop_file=<task_prop_path>

End-to-End Pipeline Creation

Lets create a pipeline with Avro File as source and bigquery as target.

Step 1: Clone the repository

Step 2: Check for all the necessary permissions mentioned at set-up and steps mentioned at prerequisites.

you can check all permission on IAM in your GCP project

Step 3: Create the task property file:

  - job_name: avro-ingestion
    task_name: employee-details-ingestion
    input_processor: AvroProcessor
    job_prop_file: gs://my-example-bucket/dif/properties/job_prop.yaml
    is_filename_req_in_target: True
      data_quality_enabled: True
      data_trans_enabled: True
      - bigquery:
          write_disposition: WRITE_TRUNCATE

Step 4: Create the Job Property File:

source: GCS
#dataflow level properties
  runner: DataflowRunner
  region: us-central1
  autoscaling_algorithm: THROUGHPUT_BASED
  experiments: use_runner_v2
  save_main_session: False

#N/W properties for dataflow workers
  network: <network_name>
  subnetwork: <subnetwork_url>

#disables usage of public ips in dataflow VMs
  no_use_public_ips: True

#Service Account for access management
  service_account: <dataflow_service_account>

#temporary and stage location for dataflow job
  temp_location: <gcs_temp_location>
  staging_location: <gcs_staging_location>

#dataflow virtual machine properties
  worker_machine_type: n1-standard-1 #you can configure it accordingly
  num_workers: 1 #you can configure it accordingly
  max_num_workers: 10 #you can configure it accordingly

#code file to install additional python packages at runtime
  setup_file: ./ 
  streaming: False #should be kept True when performing streaming ingestion.

#bigquery error table for logging invalid records
  insert_error_rec: true
  error_table_write_disposition: write_append
  required: True
  audit_target: bigquery
  enable_file_level_auditing: True

Step 5: Store these Property Files in a known GCS location.

Step 6: Install all the required packages by running the following command

pip3 install requirements.txt

Step 7: To run DIF execute the following command -

python3 --project=<project_id> --prop_file=<task_prop_path>

After the execution you will be able to see a Dataflow Job on Dataflow console


After the Job runs successfully, the data will get ingested in the specified Target BigQuery Table.

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