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Advent of Ascension

This is the official Github for Advent of Ascension.

This branch is for the latest 1.21 version of the mod.


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Advent of Ascension

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Advent of Ascension




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Advent of Ascension

Dies ist das offizielle Github für Advent of Ascension.

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Advent of Ascension

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Advento de Ĉieliro

Jen estas la official Github por Advento de Ĉieliro.

Ĉi tio branĉo estas por la plej nova 1.21 versio de la modifo.


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-- Português Brasileiro:

Advent of Ascension

Este é o Github oficial do Advent of Ascension.

Este branch é o da versão 1.21 mais recente do mod.


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advent-of-ascension's People


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advent-of-ascension's Issues


When extracting items you sometimes get nothing (When nothing is in the lava, not when it crumbles), including no experience for the process, wasting resources. Instead you should earn some experience for doing so, even when you get nothing. This will help leveling up extraction easier as it does take a long while to do so. Also it makes breaking that obsidian worthwhile.

Xxeus anti-flying?

If you have flight from another mod (i.e. Extra Utilities) I noticed that while battling Xxeus, Krasaun punishes you for doing so by poisoning you. This is also said in chat (while calling you a coward). My question is, why is this not implemented for more bosses? It would make the bosses more of a challenge plus it is a cool idea. I already know the Baroness literally pulls you to the ground if you are flying against her. I only noticed both of these through battling the bosses in survival. Can you please add this in for more bosses please?

[Bug] Issue with Witchery and Spice of Life

Mod Version
What version of the mod are you on?
Describe the bug
Witchery player infusions dissapear after changing dimension(entering nether for example)
Spice of Life food history gets reset on every time you log on your map
After examining level.dat and player.dat files i could see that /player/forgedata/playerpersisted gets reset to a state without the witchery or spice of life lines.AoA skills are unaffected
To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behaviour:

  1. Infuse player with infernal animus at altar with Rite of Infusion
  2. Enter the nether
  3. Try to enthrall any mob
  4. Exit nether
    The Witchery infusion bar at the left of the screen will have dissapeared and the level.dat file will be reset(infusion lines missing in /forgedata/playerpersisted

Allow to pack mod's ingots / ore-products to blocks

Describe/name the existing feature this suggestion relates to
Various ingots added by mod (like limonite, rosite, etc) as well as other products of ore smelting (like runium chunk). Currenty, there is no way to convert them into "blocks" and vise versa. Only native resources allowed to do this (iron, gold, etc)

Describe the change or feature you think would be good to see
Add standard receipes of blocks for crafting table: 9 pieces (ingots) makes 1 solid block. Same way as it works with iron, gold, diamonds, etc in original MC.
This makes it easier to collect/transport/keep big amounts of ingots. This also adds some new decorative blocks for building.

Add any alternative implementations you think might work
If usual crafting table is not suitable for this feature (technicaly), you can add new (mod's) type of crafting table, which will support block receipes.
Another way of packing ingots could be some sort of backpack with its own inventory [ see reference below ]

Include any additional background information
Main idea is: to make working with any (native and mod's) ingot resources in same way: pack them into blocks for compact storage or for decoration.


Moonstone lamps/torches - A way to finally stop mob spawns

EDIT: Apparently there's still a tight block ID limit in 1.12 so maybe dyed ones can be reserved for the 1.13 port.

Note: Moondust was renamed to moonstone in the snapshot. For all intents and purposes "Moondust" and "Moonstone" are interchangeable and the same, but I am using the latter term.


1 Stick + 1 Moonstone = 1 Moonstone Torch
8 Moonstone + 1 Redstone Dust (center) = 1 Moonstone Lamp.

8 Moonstone Torch + 1 Dye (any color) = 8 Dyed Moonstone Torch*
1 Moonstone Lamp + 1 Dye (any color) = 1 Dyed Moonstone Lamp

1 Moonstone Lamp (any color, shapeless) = 1 Decorative Moonstone Lamp (retains color)
1 Moonstone Torch (any color, shapeless) = 1 Decorative Moonstone Torch (retains color)

1 Decorative Moonstone Lamp (any color, shapeless) = 1 Moonstone Lamp (retains color)
1 Decorative Moonstone Torch (any color, shapeless) = 1 Moonstone Torch (retains color)

Decorative ones can also be dyed.

*Example: Green Moonstone Torch, Red Moonstone Lamp, Decorative Orange Moonstone Torch. Note that using Bone Meal will just change them back to normal Moonstone Torches/Lamps.

Decorative versions literally have "Decorative" in the name so that you can tell the difference when using mods that tell you what block you're looking at.

Normal Lamps/Torches have a tooltip stating that they stop mobs from spawning in their area of effect (11x11x11 and 5x5x5 respectively). Decorative ones have a tooltip that says that they are aesthetic only and don't stop mobs from spawning.


Essentially a white-silver recolor of redstone lamps (with a slightly different AoA style lamp texture, should look different from the existing lamps though), but if on it disables all mob spawns* in a 11x11x11 rectangular zone, centered on the block (i.e. x - 5 to x + 5, etc.) (Visibility doesn't matter, I can have it completely surrounded by opaque blocks and it still works in the same range). Can be disabled with a redstone signal, but is on by default. Light level 15. If it is off it emits no light and cannot disable mob spawns. The tooltip for this block mentions all this. If you want to make a large base mob free, you may have to use several, but it's more efficient than glassing. Works in all dimensions, so if I want to use it to make Creeponia slightly livable I can.

A Moonstone Torch is similar - a torch with a white glow/ However, it only disables mob spawns in a 5x5x5 zone, again centered on the torch (i.e. x - 2 to x + 2, etc.) It also has the properties of normal torches: Light level 14, non-solid, sticks to sides of walls, etc. Again, visibility doesn't matter and I can have it surrounded completely by opaque blocks and still get the full effect.

11^3/5^3 = 10.648, so you still need 10 torches to equal one lamp (you can only make 8 with the materials for one lamp), and for certain areas like large rooms or outdoor areas, a lamp would be a better fit. And some people like the lamp aesthetic better and will find it worth it.

However, torches are...torches. They have their own aesthetic that people may prefer, and are non-solid like normal torches.
And they are more economical in situations like thick walls where a lot of the blocks in the radius are occupied anyway.

They can be dyed, in case white just isn't your color.

Finally, you can craft a lamp or torch by itself in order to make a Decorative version. This is in case you like the aesthetic but don't want to stop mob spawns for some reason. Decorative versions can also be dyed.

Artificial spawns:
*It stops all natural spawns by default, leaving artificial spawns like spawners or where an entity summons another one into the world. I personally think spawners should be disable-able, since vanilla torches disable vanilla spawners. (However if that's not possible or you think they shouldn't then have it your way.) Spawn eggs, boss spawns, minion-summoning armor/weapons/items, any instances of an entity summoning another entity (stuff like Trickster cloning, shade -> shadow "transformation", amphibytes spawning corallus, dwellers, fades, etc.) should bypass this entirely though, since they are artificial and not naturally spawned.

Potential crafting recipe issue:
The only issue I see here is that maybe there's some sort of performance limitation to adding 64 different dye recipes (16 for normal torch, 16 for normal lamp, 16 for decorative torch, 16 for decorative lamp) plus another 64 conversion recipes (16 to convert normal torches to decorative torches, etc.) But to my knowledge adding recipes is just one line of code/recipe and is just a slightly bit tedious and has nothing on creating statues.

If it's really a big issue you can throw out the dye recipes, or make it so that you can only dye normal ones, or only convert normal ones to decorative ones (no two-way conversion).

This has been going around since the mod's conception, but it centers around one important fact. I should not have to glass or slab bases in order to live in them. It's just time-consuming and is aesthetically limiting, which sucks in a game where building whatever you want is the main appeal point, and most of the reason it's so popular in the first place. Not only do I need to do this to live in mod dimensions, I need to do it to avoid mobs in the overworld too (outside of plains, where they still spawn on grass at any light level so I can't use grass as flooring if I want to). I can't build a desert house without mobs in it, for example, nor can I build an underground bunker, or an ice house...I'm limited to plains. This limits the building creativity survival players can use, unless they want to see mobs in their house all the time, some of which can be very annoying (sphinxes/sand golems, chompers/hags, and pretty much every underground mob in the mod come to mind).

Not to mention, glass or slabbing isn't even really an intended counter to mobs spawning - it's just a side effect of mobs not spawning there in general, which makes it even more awkward that we have to use this. And half slabs are really annoying to place blocks on anyways. Try putting furniture on your half-slabbed floor and it floats. Ugly!

Extra Utilities' magnum torch/chandelier has been considered a solution but I should not have to rely on another mod for this, especially given that the magnum torch is REALLY far reaching but also kind of hard to get.

This also fixes the lack of use for Moonstones, making them more essential. The reason is that Moonstones have only two uses right now:
-Tablets. These are up for a revamp, and I never really used them anyway.
-The troll idol. Only one moonstone is necessary for one troll idol, and the other ingredients are harder to get especially if you don't have a desert/savanna nearby. If you really try, in one night with good gear you can get enough moonstones to make several idols.
Besides those, moonstones are useless. That's where this comes in.

Finally, it also gives more of a use for the full moon event. Otherwise, once you've killed a terrestrial or two there's no reason to stay out for it anymore, because of the aforementioned reasons (unless you need hot shots). But if you have a large base project you have to continually go out.

And because the full moon event is on a set schedule you don't have to ever worry about RNG giving you bloodhunt five times in a row but no full moon for (insert X large number here) consecutive nights for some reason.

Finally, while they are useful and relatively easy to obtain they are not nearly as "spammable" as normal torches. As such when you are mining you will still be making tunnels that can spawn mobs, and it's impractical to fill an undeveloped cave with them if you don't plan on living there. So if you are exploring or caving you will not practically be able to spam these. It's more for living spaces then it is for liberal usage.

This would be a big step towards making dimensions "livable" - something I've seen as another problem with this mod - as you can place them in other dimensions and begin to make bases there without worrying about a cherry blaster spawning inside or something.

I don't like the lamp/torch look! How do I stop mobs from spawning now?

Surround it with opaque blocks that you do like. Hide it in the wall or something. Just make sure you know where you put it. Plus nobody complained about spamming torches in vanilla to stop vanilla mob spawns, so...

Make Silencers drop Silencer Steak so we can eat them

Update: Added texture mockups and a test video so you can see how it would look in-game.


Test video:

Original post:

For the uninitiated the mod wiki admin is named "EatingSilencerForBreakfast", this is just an easter egg/joke item basing itself off of that name that probably doesn't make much functional difference given that silencers are rare but would be cool to have around

also steak in greckon adds a food item to make it slightly more livable - the current lack of livability being something I've said elsewhere is one of my biggest gripes with the mod

Describe the new feature you think would be good to add
Silencers no longer drop blueprints now. The portal blueprint is gone forever. And honestly it wasn't even that necessary since the portal to get to them in the first place is in a different state, but anyways they're not coming back.

Because the ghoul staff drop rate is only 50% and greckon lacks a realmstone silencers are the only dimensional rare mob that has the potential to drop nothing but coins which usually turn out to be mostly useless anyways. This is outrageous and needs to change. (Runicorn riders also need a buff but at least they drop runic energy 100% come on).

I propose that Silencer Steak be a powerful food item due to the rarity of the mob.

It should make you invisible for a minute (closest thing to "silencing" that Minecraft has), give absorption hearts like a normal golden apple, and fully fill your hunger bar.
EDIT: It should just be normal food, that gives you 16 hunger points (8 shanks) and a decent amount of saturation (not too much more than cow steak). This is to keep it simple and to avoid issues with mob spawners and whatever (+ let's be real invisibility kind of sucks at this stage).
The raw one has less saturation/hunger as usual.

Silencers should drop anywhere from 8-12 silencer steak on death.

Add any alternative implementations you think might work

Include any additional background information
nothing that hasn't already been mentioned

if you didn't catch on, this wasn't THAT serious of a suggestion (would I really use the word "outrageous"?), but still a fun easter egg item I'd like to see around

Creep-Lunar Event

Describe/name the existing feature this suggestion relates to
The issue of creep day has been brought up lately, so here's what I have to say. Since creep day and lunar event are both alien-ish events, so why not merge them?

Describe the change or feature you think would be good to see
This brings about the idea of "Creep-Lunar Event". When a Lunar Event occurs in the overworld, there is a 1/8 chance for it to be "creep-lunar event". The "Strange things are upon us" message is replaced with the "Creepy things are upon us".

During this special variation of the event, the lunar event mobs can spawn as normal, however they all have a green palette/green aura surrounding them (maybe not all mobs, just specific ones) . They also have buffed stats. They would also be immune to explosions. Each mob of the lunar event would gain an ability:

*Irkling - creates an explosion whenever it hits the ground.
*Roloscope - weakness effect is amplified/enhanced. Heals 2x from explosions.
*Modulo - fires projectiles that make small explosions upon impact and/or has a faster fire rate.
*Walker - Maybe gains the ability to spawn bombs? Inflicting explosions AND fire to nearby players seems a little much.
*Vertebron - hard to think up an idea for this one. Maybe amplified/enhanced knockback. Heals 4x from explosions. Maybe gets random buffs useful to itself if caught in an explosion?

These mobs would still drop orbulons, but they will have an enchanted tint to them. Can be used to craft creeponian bricks, instead of lunar bricks.

In addition, the Host can also spawn rarely. The Host would have a changed AI, where it would fly over the player and drop bombs on the player, instead of spawning creepers. The Host could also remain still in the air and let out a signal making all hostile lunar-creep event mobs in a 64x64x64 radius hostile to the target player. The Host could possibly make nearby lunar event mobs who don't have the special aura have the special aura. The Host would be immune to explosions.The Host would kinda serve as a "mini-boss" in this way.

On hard difficulty (or normal and hard) the Host could gain an additional attack where it randomly comes down on the ground, doing damage to all entities (not just player) within a 15x15 radius. Damage done is dependent on the y-elevation, the closer to the y-elevation of the host the entity is, the more damage received (max 15 blocks).

When defeated, the host would drop gunpowder and up to 5 creeponia realmstones. Its stats would be buffed to accommodate its miniboss status.

The event will end with "The creepy things begin to vanish" instead of "The strange things begin to vanish".

Change the return portal blocks for L'Borean and Vox ponds

Describe/name the existing feature this suggestion relates to
The blocks on the portal frames back to the Overworld for L'Borean and Vox Ponds.

Describe the change or feature you think would be good to see
The return portals for dimension almost always have a native block to that dimension, but for some reason those 2 dimensions (and Creeponia but there's already a suggestion lol) have a block that isn't in that dimension at all. It's plant stems from Gardencia.
There is sort of a reason it's like this; Back in the day when you would find portals in the dimensions, both L'Borean and Vox ponds were found in Gardencia... Even though the return portal for something like Dustopia didn't have Greckon blocks back in the day as well.

Either way, it doesn't really make sense for them to have plant stems as the portal frame.
L'Borean's return portal block could be any of the coral blocks, maybe the pink coral block to fit with the pink and blue colors L'Borean items seem to have, since the portal itself is blue.

Vox Ponds' return portal block could be the Degraded steel block (With steel lights in the corners?)

Include any additional background information
It definitely does relate to that suggestion about Creeponia's return portal blocks because it's made out of fucking Gravel and not a Creeponia block.

Add Loot Chests to Dungeons [preliminary]

Describe the new feature you think would be good to add

THE PROBLEM: "Dungeons" in the mod are usually just single rooms with spawners. Sometimes they have GUI-less tables at the end, but for the most part they don't. There are no loot chests or anything around the dungeons.

With a spawner you just wait for a while and can get an infinite amount of mob spawns with no limit. That in itself is all right but it makes it problematic since once you find one, there's really no benefit to finding another at all, unless you happen to break the spawner in the first one for some reason. (That'll teach you not to use your creepified sword for everything.) For example, it's better to find 1 gingerbread house and 1 gingerbread aviary than 10 gingerbread houses and 0 aviaries in the same period of time. It's no fun.

Nightmare castles: what do they have? A bunch of spawners. No loot, nothing unique, just spawners. That's cool and all but if you find another one there's just nothing good about it when it could've been a portal tower or whatever.

(ignore the ruined teleporter that was me testing the blueprint. Note that one of the castles isn't even on the ground)

It ruins stuff on the other side of the spectrum too: say that you are lucky and have found one of every structure. Now there is literally no need to explore any further into the dimension - all you will find is the same structure, just further and less convenient. Nothing new, and not even extra old resources most of the time, unless you really like sitting around and mining bricks that have obsidian toughness. Just spawners.

This leads to stuff like running into multiple of them and going "oh it's the same structure what a disappointment" while not getting the structure you want. You get absolutely nothing from that second gingerbread house onwards but more grief that the RNG selected that instead of what you actually wanted.

THE SOLUTION: This is kind of an overarching problem with the mod, and probably not as easy to deal with as this, but it could be partially solved by adding loot chests to dungeons. Vanilla Minecraft, twilight forest, thaumcraft, galacticraft, and virtually every other mod with dungeons will add a loot chest somewhere, whether it uses a dungeon loot list or a unique table that thematically fits.

There's a certain excitement to adding loot chests - you never really know what you're going to get. It's the same reason that loot chests are a popular money-making model on several games, for instance. If this occurs, at the very least running into a third flesh eater hut or gingerbread house or whatever can have its merits, as the chest might have something you don't have, or a resource you needed a decent bit of. It's also why Lucky Blocks are so popular, as a lucky block is in essence a craftable mini loot chest.

Perhaps some new things can even be exclusive to loot chests in certain dungeons. Either way, this would add a reason to find more than one structure and make it less discouraging to find multiple, and give some purpose to the structures besides you sitting in the spawner room the whole time.

This is more or less preliminary and I don't have a big loot table, but it could be thought up with the new loot system that's almost certainly coming at this point.

While the problem of finding multiple boss spawn altars or lottomen or whatever still holds, this at least makes it more tolerable, and is a good first step towards fleshing out dimensions.

Add any alternative implementations you think might work
Nothing, really. There are other things that can be done but they aren't "alternative implementations" of the same idea.

Include any additional background information
It has, sort of. It kind of falls under the "dimensions need fleshing out" issue.

Clunkhead changes

As of right now, Clunkhead simply shoots standard projectiles with varying damage. Here's a list of changes I think would make him better:

-He would shoot his projectiles directly at you, instead of the current "inaccuracy" he has

-His projectiles would move slower, ignore gravity, and bounce off blocks (if you're confused by what I mean by "bounce", see Polterghast from the Calamity mod)

-During his healing phases, he would shoot slow-moving projectiles in random directions in a bullet-hell pattern

[Suggestion] Add new advancements

Describe the new feature you think would be good to add
Add every specific advancements for every single mod dimension.

Add any alternative implementations you think might work
No more.

Include any additional background information
No more.

Baron Hive change.

So I always though the Baron Hive was disappointing.
I think It would be better if it was dungeon.
I model it after a Termite cave.

Please note that the Spawners, Pillars, Vines, and Crates are placeholders.

The baron ground is the floor level of the dimension, The structure goes underground.

Portals letting mobs (and whatever passes through nether portals) pass through them

Vanilla nether portals, and some other modded portals, can move mobs and other things through them. AoA portals don't do this, and it'd be nice if they could, so we could transport mobs or dropped items to the Overworld even if it meant luring them in, which increases the utility of the portals.

This suggestion originally had an extra part where portals spawned mobs from the dimension like nether portals spawned pigmen, but then I realized that could cause issues with the mobs spawning next to the portal, then walking in, and portal camping even if the portal is closed off on both ends. (With zombie pigmen this is tolerable as they are neutral. I've been portal camped by vanilla non-neutral hostile mobs and it wasn't fun due to them hitting you while you lag before you can move.)

You can prevent mobs from going through by closing it off just like you would with nether portals and AoA nether mobs.

Make Logging & Foraging drops editable

Describe/name the existing feature this suggestion relates to
This would affect the random drops you get while breaking logs, stone, etc. due to your skill levels.

Describe the change or feature you think would be good to see
It would be nice to be able to edit these drops in a simple format (perhaps a loot table JSON similar to the vanilla ones) so pack authors could add additional items to the list, or change the existing ones to suit their pack's play style.

Add any alternative implementations you think might work
An alternative would be to have an option to change the chance of getting a drop. This would only affect the chance of getting an item when you do gain XP, not the chance of getting skill XP itself.

Include any additional background information
None that I know of.

Weapon Parts

The new loot system planned for AoA makes it so that weapons are to be crafted with materials. As a result, wouldn't it make sense for upgrades to be the same way?

My proposal is to have different materials that can be used to upgrade weapons. Below is an example diagrams of how this could work.


The items on the bottom (forgive the shoddy sprite work) would be usable for all weapons compatible with the seaside upgrade kit, the Aquatic Stones and Ocean Paint
The other items, being the magnum scope, magnum stock, and magnum barrel, would be specific to upgrading that weapon

If that doesn't sound good to you, then just universal upgrade materials would be fine.

Shroomus sword and Tidal greatblade

Describe/name the item/content this suggestion relates to
Something interesting I noticed in 1.12 is that while Shroomus heals 1 heart when under 50% hp now, Tidal still heals half a heart at under 50% hp

Describe the change/balance you think would be good to see
Wouldn't it make sense for the slower sword to also heal 1 heart? Both are arguably midgame considering Shroomus' stats and L'Borean.

Different Item To Spawn Hydrolisk

I think the Pure Water Stone isn't a great spawn item because Its too easy to get. Now with the loot system change It could be reworked but I still think a sceprate item with be better off. Pure Water Stone also is the only Pure Stone that isn't used just for a crafting reason.

Why is Tortione immune to Wither

It makes no sense to me. The entire mechanic of Tortione is that it's immune to everything but DoT effects like Fire, Poison, and also explosives, but why is Wither an exception?! It's really no different from something like fire.

I just don't understand, why is it like this?! I'm going crazy! I'm gonna start seeing the green glue monsters when I close my eyes again!

Egg idea.

So as we know 3.0 will include spawn eggs for every mob.
Its good but I have a problem with it. Back in 2.5 snapshot spawn eggs made NEI get litter with them.

So my idea is to have one egg were you can set what mob spawns in it. You can have multiable eggs with different mobs set in them.

I know this isn't really a annoyance but it would be nice to see all the cool items in JEI without having 2 pages of just eggs.

Add in a stupid joke mob or dimension like the moolands

You wouldn't find whatever this is if you weren't looking for it. You'd craft some stupid item that spawns in like a holy arcworm or it would take you to the arcworm dimension or something stupid. You could probably do it in like 15 minutes. If you want any help, look at moolands.

If thats not what you want to do? Add in a paintings like block thats a huge portrait of an arcworm. Or something like that.

No idea if the concept has been brought up before, but screw it. You could add it in on april fools if you so wish to.

Portal idea.

So it seems that spawning structures have been talked about recently. I had this idea back in 2.4b but I forgot about it until now.

Pretty much, how to get to a dimensions should correspond to which god controls it with exception like the nether, Greckon and Runandor.

I think to get to Pluton dimensions, you should make the portals like the nether.

2018-11-07_13 09 06
2018-11-07_13 09 25
Sorry I couldn't make them go sideways.
2018-11-07_13 09 42
The blocks on the side is how to activated one side.
2018-11-07_13 09 57

Lots of blocks are place holders.

Luxon and Erebon should be kept in the ancient portal (Includes Krasasun).

Not sure what I said about Selyan. Think it was having it spawn naturally but to enter you needed some skill. Honestly this was 2 years ago.

Only 2 staves use Water runes as of Snapshot 7

Describe/name the existing feature this suggestion relates to
As it stands, there are only 2 staves in 3.0 that use Water runes: Water Staff and Aquatic Staff.
As part of the items that have been rebalanced in 1.12.2, all the staves got their costs changed. For the most part this has been a positive change, as runes that were underused like Wither and Lunar are now used by more staves.
This came at a cost though... The amount of staves that used water runes has gone down from 4 to 2. I know there are runes that are used way more often than others, but 2 seems like way too small of an amount to me, especially since Water is one of the more "basic" runes.
For comparison, the runes with the 2nd least amount of staves are both Poison and Strike rune at 4 staves each.

Describe the change or feature you think would be good to see
Here's a list of staves that I think should use Water runes:

imageAtlantic Staff: Why doesn't the "Atlantic" staff use Water runes? Seriously. I really do think 2 Water runes would fit on it better than 2 Storm runes. Yeah Water is lower-leveled than Storm but Atlantic also requires Distortion rune so...

imageCoral Staff: Why doesn't a "Coral" staff also use Water runes?! Well considering that you get 6 extra hearts for 50 seconds, I think adding a 3rd rune type would be balanced. Maybe 3-4 Water runes?

imageReef Staff: Don't think I need to explain what a reef is. I think adding 2 water runes or so would be perfect. As it would fit with Shadowlord/Hive staff since they both 10 of one rune and 2 of another.

imageRosidian Staff: I know this one is sort of a stretch. I mean, plants need water and staff, so... I think just 1 Water rune would be good. If it makes the cost too high, just subtract 1 Wind/Life rune to make room for the 1 Water rune.
Also I chose this one because I wanted at least 1 staff that didn't come from Overworld/L'Borean

Add any alternative implementations you think might work
When am I gonna use this section again?

Include any additional background information
For a comparison, here's a list of all the runes and the amount of staves that use them.

Compass: 10
Distortion: 15
Energy: 13
Fire: 5
Kinetic: 11
Life: 14
Lunar: 7
Poison: 4
Power: 11
Storm: 8
Strike: 4
Water: 2
Wind: 21
Wither: 5

Ideas for the unrealised bosses (Plus Hydrolisk).

I know these bosses are bit away from the reality right now, but I have some ideas for them.


  • 2500hp.
  • Uses melee as its attack.
  • It's eye starts getting brighter and snaps like a camera witch blinds you. Won't effect if not looking at him.
  • Teleports if he successfully snaps you.


  • 2500hp
  • Uses melee as its attack.
  • Pulls you towards him.
  • But he takes high knock back when you hit him.


  • 2500hp
  • Always moves forward.
  • Climbs on walls.
  • When on the ceiling he drops yucky goo that gives you status.
    -Since he always moves he can't be on the ceiling forever.


  • 8000hp
  • Attacks using ranged projectiles and using his hands.
  • He files in the air but his hands will come down to hit you with melee.
  • The goal is to destroy all 4 of his hands (all have 1000hp). They also have there own hit box.
  • Once all hands are destroyed he will come down and fight you the same way as King Shroomus but not as fast. This phase has 4000hp so that's 8000hp in total.
  • Also has smoke around him like Blazes.

Hydrolisk (When I kill him it feels like I killed a boss but with no statue to collect).

  • Pretty much the same as it is.
  • 800hp > 2250hp
  • 16 > 25 damage.

-Same as he was in the 2.5 snapshot.


  • 3400hp
  • Uses melee as his attack.
  • Very slow.
  • Summons a variety of mobs from Playtopia.
  • Once below half health he only uses melee but his speed triples. (Rampant Form)


  • 7500hp
  • Uses melee as his attack.
  • Teleports after every successful hit.
  • Also bounces around.

I would like to see your response.

[Balance] I think some overworld swords should be changed a bit.

The Rosite swords damage should be nerfed a bit due to it being easier to find than Jade. While Jade is also a bit strong. The Void sword has the opposite problem.

Rosite sword, 9 damage to 7 damage,
Jade sword, same as Rosite.
Void sword, 9 damage to 11 damage.

Rune Crafting/Infusion and Rune Rituals [preliminary]

Want to suggest this now because it might sort of tie into the loot system changes. A little bit rough right now but the core idea is clear.


Runes are boring and useless. EDIT: going to check on 1.12 changes again but the rest still holds

~~Scratch that, staves as a whole I've never really found much reason to use. Some of them are cool, and and some are really good like Joker staff or Concussion staff, but most are "ehh" and kind of just extra weapons to fill up the mob drop lists or make it take longer for you to collect them all.

There's not much that weapon staff can do that a gun, a bow, a sword, etc. really can't. It even says on the wiki that Staves deal "Gun" damage. Support staves exist, I understand, but again a lot of them don't seem like the kind that anybody would need to use. AoE weakness is pretty much useless espeically with ranged mobs in play. AoE slowness is also mostly useless. And anything that heals requires Life Runes with their Level 72 runation requirement, which is generally going to be far more annoying to get than a couple healing potions or golden apples, or pretty much any healing method in any other mod. I've personally rarely used staves and never had much trouble.

Utility staves exist too but most of them are also kind of useless. According to the wiki there are 8 although Joker Staff is actually a combat staff so just 7 really:
Atlantic: AoE slowness, useless especially given that by the time you fight Pinchers you are almost guaranteed to have such good gear that this is irrelevant anyways. Honestly not sure why Xolova said this was his favorite staff in the game (possible connections to Atlantis Rising?)
Formation: trashed
Fungal: Creating more runes doesn't make runes any more useful, it just makes more useless stuff. Creating food is cool I guess
Runic: Kind of useless. Backpacks, gravestones, portable ender chest pouch mods, etc. all reduce its efficacy. Even without those, in most situations your inventory will be stacked almost to the brim with copper coins so everything will fall out. Would be better if you could just access your ender chest.
Reef: Probably my favorite.
Shyre: While the shyre staff is cool, ender pearls are usually better and far easier to obtain (and surprise surprise looting actually does something to them). Shyre staff does no damage but if you are low on health you might just end up teleporting into a pack of mobs.
Sky: Just stack up lol

It got to the point where an entire boss that could only be hurt with staves was added. Whether or not it was just to give the staves use or make the Cotton Candor "challenging" is debatable but still...

Now back to runes. Runes exist SOLELY as ammunition for staves. They are to staves as pellets are to guns, but more annoying to get and oftentimes aren't even that useful in combat even with "annoyingness" equalized. If you don't use staves, runes are useless. That's it.

Note that runes also have a level requirement to get. If I want to use a gun, I just pop in a bunch of bullets and call it a day (made from limonite which you are really likely to find while mining for runium). Bows/archerguns, arrows. But to use staves I have to get to a certain Runation level and then find a structure and get a bunch of runes and go back whenever I need new's just really not worth the hassle.

In my opinion, runes have a LOT more potential.

The thing is, other mods like Thaumcraft, or Ars Magica, or Blood Magic, and a lot of other things in general (Pokemon, for instance) use elements as a base in some way. Thaumcraft in particular splits stuff into "aspects".
For example, fire has the fire aspect, and magical wood has the magic and wood aspects. You can use the aspects in creation of utility items (and some weapons). You might not want to use them but if you do you can do some fancy stuff with them.

We already have something similar, in the form of runes. Runes come in basic varieties such as Fire, Water, Air (Wind), Life, Poison, etc. plus some more "niche" runes like Compass or Storm that can have their uses.

(Not sure why we have no Earth runes honestly).

Imagine if you could draw the magic from these runes to create various items, or to upgrade the items and weapons you already have. Or create "magic tech" of sorts - not stuff that runs off of RF, but things that add slight automation to certain mundane tasks.

Imagine if you could use them to create rituals, to change the weather, or speed up plant growth (not terribly original), or light everything near it on fire.

This would give another use to the Runation skill besides gating staves which are often kind of useless anyway. I think that Runation might need another training method but that's for another day.

I don't want to include anything technical, but the general gist is that runes, in addition to their current staff usages, should be usable for a couple more things.

Usage of runes and their magical powers to add magical energy to various different items or weapons or utility blocks.
Something like infusion in Thaumcraft.

It should be done outside the crafting table using a new system. While crafting is all right it feels so cheap compared to the fancy animation potential it could have, with sparks flying or the items floating in midair and combining with sound effects and particle effects and whatnot.

Use runes on an altar block of sorts.
For example I can use a storm ritual to call a thunderstorm, or a life ritual to boost the growth speed of plants in the area...or even summon a miniboss that you can fight anywhere. Lots of potential here. Would likely be moderately expensive and require some other items but would require predominantly runes, giving them a more consistent use.

The important part is that they feel more like a more developed mod, with either a GUI or a more complex GUI-less system with animations (like how I described above, making better use of sounds, particles, item sprites floating in midair, blocks being placed nearby affecting the results, etc.) AoA currently lacks these, with most "tables" and crafting systems - the rune shrines included - just being right clicking a block with an item to get another item.

Admittedly, my creativity at this point is starting to run dry but there are plenty of other minds who can think of all sorts of useful utility and combat items or blocks or rituals, and expand the usage of Runes beyond annoying-to-get ammunition for redundant projectile weapon (or AoE slowness/weakness stick) #2795.

Include any additional background information
It hasn't been touched upon too much before, to my knowledge. I'd wager that it's because runes just aren't seen as important.

[Bug] Bane's clones are static and don't move at all

Affects version Tslat 1.1.3

Describe the bug
The clones that the boss Bane summons are glitched - they do not move at all and can be walked through.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behaviour:

  1. Summon the boss Bane in Greckon and watch him spawn his clones.
  2. See that the clones don't move and can be walked through

Expected behavior
Bane's clones could move and they aren't able to be walked through.

Abyssal Shadow Forest


I have noted that I have come across the Abyssal Shadow Forest biome in the Overworld. Here is a screen shot of the biome, with the debug menu open. I hope you sort this issue out soon.
2018-11-03_00 55 49
2018-11-03_00 43 41

Odious buff

Describe/name the item/content this suggestion relates to
I know I've pushed for Odious getting it's old ability back in 1.12.2, and I still think it should. But even I don't think that will be quite enough for it. I don't recall anyone actually using Odious back in 1.7.10. When someone runs Immortallis, they usually do it for Vulcammer and the banner, maybe the Everfight/might staves and vulcane augments, but I don't see anyone ever go after Odious or Deadlock. Mainly because they're... not very good. I like Odious' ability but it wasn't anything insane, when it came to these type of weapons people usually used something like Fragment or Beamer. I know damage isn't everything but like... come on man.

Describe the change/balance you think would be good to see
Yes, I believe Odious should be buffed to the same damage output of something like Fragment. Buffing it from 1 -> 2 base damage brings it to 40 DPS. You can almost consider the tractor ability a downside in certain cases, like when you're fighting melee enemies at a decently close range, you're just bringing them closer to you. So yes I think it would be fair...

Ok, if that's too much, at least make the damage 1.5-1.75 (30-35 DPS).... Please?

Add any alternative implementations you think might work
Ok fine, maybe it shouldn't have a damage buff, and I'm being dumb again.

Instead make the tractor ability more powerful (when/if it's added back in), making it more of a powerful utility weapon than something with raw damage, with the main focus being powerful backwards kb. Almost as powerful as what Beamer is able to get in 1.12.2. (not that crazy but still haha)
I just want ol' Odious to be good.

Include any additional background information
Froster's slowness ability is almost non-existant, it's like slowness 1 for 1-2 seconds....

Changing the Infusion table to no longer be a structure that can be placed.

Describe/name the existing feature this suggestion relates to
The Infusion Blueprint. For reference the blocks with the arrows pointing up are called "Carved Rune of Empowering", and the carved runes in the corner of the structure are called "Carved Rune of Focus".

Describe the change or feature you think would be good to see
I think we all know by now that structures that can be placed down like the old ancient teleporter are pretty flawed in their design, don't even get me started on the griefing potential. While the teleporter has been reworked into a wonderful new system, and the portal blueprint has been removed, the Lunalus portal and Infusion still remain a structure you can place down. I've already suggested something for the Lunalus portal so...

Essentially, you would place down blocks in certain positions relative to each other to make it work, in a similar way the current ancient teleporter and even the vanilla Enchantment table (with the bookshelves) work, like so:
The Infusion table would be crafted in the same way the blueprint is crafted currently, with Obsidian and Amethyst.
But maybe rather than being found in chests, the Carved runes of Empowering and Focus should get their own crafting recipes? Mainly to separate them from the Carved runes used for the Ancient Teleporter. This would possibly give the ruined teleporter another use: To use the Ancient stone for making the Empowering and Focus runes.

What would the crafting recipe for the carved runes be exactly? Hmm, not sure. Maybe the Focus rune would be Runium + Ancient Stone? Again I'm not sure what crafting recipe would fit on the top of my head.

Besides all that the system itself would still be the same. You would still use power stones and enhancers to get the enchantments you needed. Though maybe make it so it has to be fully working before you can put Infusion stones in it to get Infusion xp.

Add any alternative implementations you think might work
I mean, what else can you do? Make it so only the Infusion table is needed for Infusion? I think there's a reason it was changed to be more in-depth.

Include any additional background information
Maybe make it so we can also place the Empowering and Focus runes in the opposite places? Like this:

Change to Dimensional Foliage Block Hardness and Instant Block Replacement

Currently, Flowers and tall grasses in dimensions take about 1 second to break and you cannot replace them by placing blocks in their space (you can only place blocks adjacent to them). This leads to building in dimensions being tedious.

I believe that dimensional plants should be broken instantly and replaceable with blocks like overworld grass

Melee mobs and pathfinding

Describe/name the existing feature this suggestion relates to
Every single melee mob (except like Scrubbies and Bush Babies) having no pathfinding and not caring about any hazards that may be in front of them.

Describe the change or feature you think would be good to see
I think most melee mobs should be able to pathfind, it would make the game just a little more difficult in that you can't fool mobs into running into hazardous stuff. It would also make the mobs feel just a little more immersive, having almost all your mobs run off of cliffs just doesn't look good for the mod's reputation, but that's just me.

Add any alternative implementations you think might work
It doesn't just have to be regular pathfinding, you can do some other things with melee mob AI to make more of them feel different from each other, stuff like mobs that can only get quick bursts of speed then have to stop to charge up for a couple seconds before getting a speed boost again, mobs traveling in straight lines, and changing direction every couple seconds to wherever you are, and even mobs that attack you from behind, etc.

Include any additional background information
Not every melee mob needs pathfinding, I think certain mobs like Chargers are fine without it as I think it kind of fits them, mainly mobs who take more "reckless" approaches in combat shouldn't have pathfinding, as I think the lack of pathfinding fits those mobs. But mobs like Cyclops, Paladins, Voltron, etc. etc. etc. etc. do need it.

Flying mobs don't really need pathfinding either (though maybe they do need it if they're trying to get around a wall or something)
Ranged mobs don't need it either since they... Already have it.

(I know I sort of suggested this on Discord before, but I'm doing it here mainly as a way to get myself used to this)

Make the Creeponia portal out of a blast proof block

Describe/name the existing feature this suggestion relates to
The Creeponia return portal is made of gravel. Gravel is one of the least blast resistant blocks in Minecraft. Why the return portal is made of a material so weak to block destroyers in a dimension with flying block destroyers around the surface is beyond me.
It's also bothersome that the portal blocks persist even after the gravel is blown up so that they're floating in midair, but that's a more general portal rework suggestion while at least changing the gravel to something blast proof is probably really easy to fix.

Describe the change or feature you think would be good to see
Make it something blast proof instead of gravel lol

Add any alternative implementations you think might work

Include any additional background information

The State of Creep Day

As is the hot topic right now, the Creep Day event is a disaster. The way I see it is that there are a few options for how to improve the event or the method of travelling to Creeponia in the first place. Creeponia isn't going anywhere and we all know that. There are 3 ways I can see to improve this.

1- Remove the event entirely: exactly what is sounds like
Pros- Removal of one of the largest complaints for Creeponia as a whole, moves dimensions further out from the overworld.
Cons - Find appropriate dimension and mob for the realmstone to drop from (BamBamBam?)
2- Turn Creep Day into a full scale event: More mobs for the event that can each [drop a material to build the realmstone/drop the realmstone]
Pros - Improves the creep day event without entirely scrapping it, stands out slightly from other events
Cons - Requires the creation of more mobs and items
3- Host becomes a miniboss: Also removes the event, turns host into a hopefully challenging miniboss
Pros - Can be locked behind dimensional progression
Cons - Making (good) boss AI takes a lot of work probably, could make travel to creeponia overly difficult

Though I'm sure you've had some of these suggested before I figured I'd throw in my two cents. I'd appreciate feedback on how I can improve any of these options or even add/remove one.

Bomb Carrier still explodes after being killed

Mod Version
What version of the mod are you on?
Describe the Bug
A clear and concise description of what the bug is.
After killing the bomb carrier, it proceeded to drop bombs invisibly around the player.
To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behaviour:
You would have to find a bomb carrier

  1. Kill it then it would then continue to make the same sound
  2. Dropping bombs that do damage
  3. Then disappear after a small amount of time.
    Expected behavior
    A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.
    It would die or not cause harm
    If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Add saplings for mod's trees

Describe the new feature you think would be good to add
Allow mod's trees (from additional dimensions) to drop saplings from leaves (like usual native trees do). Allow this saplings to be used to grow into a new tree of corresponding type (in classic manner: plant sapling on grass/dirt). Allow to plant saplings in Overworld dimension. Support various forms of trees, so they can grow into same forms, which can be found in original dimension. Allow (if possible) mod trees' leaves to decay after truck chopping and drop saplings (and, maybe, even drop anima stones as well?)

Add any alternative implementations you think might work
Drop saplings (sometimes) from dimension's mobs.
Buy saplings from dimension's trader.
Drop saplings as special (dimension related) logging skill drop (in same manner as foraging skill do at level 65).
Use wood blocks instead of sapling (plase wood block on grass, then apply some special item on it)
Instead of classic mechainc of saplings use special sort of item, which can be used directly on grass to spawn new tree.

Include any additional background information
Main target (for me): collect various trees from dimensions and plant them near my (overworld) home. Also it allows farming trees for various building planks.
Also I like to build small areas in overworld which resembles origin dimensions (such kind of dimension's "mini" copy near my home). I can do it using "silk touch", but trees usualy have random and various forms, which too hard to build from scratch :)

Dungeon Keeper selling breakable Immortallis blocks

Describe the new feature you think would be good to add
The Dungeon Keeper should trade breakable versions of Immortallis blocks so players can use them for building. They should be relatively cheap in order to allow for players to buy multiple, but expensive enough to require players building medium-size structures or larger to make multiple runs.

As Cruuk pointed out the token trader sells a lot and the dungeon keeper sells virtually nothing, and "dungeon keeper" makes more sense for an NPC selling blocks from the dungeon.

Archaic Tiles:
-Normal (1 token -> 16)
-Square, Rectangles, Horizontal Stripes, Vertical Stripes (1 token -> 12)
Archaic Dirt (1 token -> 16)
Archaic Ladder (1 token -> 8)
Archaic Glass (1 token -> 8)
Archaic Lamp (1 token -> 4)

Add any alternative implementations you think might work
Not really. Was thinking of a separate NPC but then I realized you can just add trades to existing ones without screwing things over (at least in earlier versions I think you could).

Include any additional background information
Not much.

Changes to Existing Candyland Edibles

This is for changes to the existing Treat Bag crafting ingredients. I made another suggestion post (#54) for entirely new edibles.

As you all know, in the recent AoA3 snapshot, Candyland items were made to be edible. Right now though, they only fill half a hunger bar and have no special effects (I'd assume they don't saturate much either and even if they did it wouldn't make any sense honestly given that candy is not filling.) For items that drop relatively rarely from the mobs there, this is kind of underwhelming.

Note: all these foods need to be blacklisted from Fungal Staff, for obvious reasons.

The effects should all be mentioned in a tooltip. At the very least buff their food values. Nobody wants to eat candies that have the food values of melons, which are obtainable in faster rates and larger quantities and are still sort of annoying to eat.

Reasoning: Giving these foods alternative effects allows you to choose to eat them instead of using them to spawn a boss that requires a rare mob item drop too (sour candies). You can only get like 5 peppermints or 5 gingerbread wings until you realize that it'd take you a couple months to get the sour candies needed to use them all for treat bags.

But they are mob drops, and not too common, so they should give more than the other Candyland food (see my other suggestion, #54 ). In-universe it'd be because they have magic, which is why they spawn Cotton Candor I guess. Candyland is also fairly late game so the effects can be somewhat powerful.

You could decide to use them to create a treat bag (once you get the sour candy which is pretty much the gating item along with sour gummies), or eat them for special effects, or eat them as novelties when you feel tired of steak and potatoes (and not feel underwhelmed by having only a half-shank of hunger restored).

Foods and effects:

-Peppermint (red): 7 hunger points, 5 saturation, strength II for 20 seconds (NOTE: Strength was nerfed in 1.12 so it's OK, 1.7.10 strength for 20 seconds would be broken lmao given how relatively common peppermint is)
-Spearmint (green): 7 hunger points, 5 saturation, resistance II for 20 seconds*
-Gingerbread cookie: 8 hunger points, 7 saturation, speed II for 20 seconds**
-Gingerbread wing: 8 hunger points, 7 saturation, levitation I for 5 seconds. Tooltip has a second warning in a different color stating that it's not responsible for fall damage. Pack a gravitator, feather falling, water bucket, pearls, etc. before using. Since the mod is going to 1.12.2 levitation will be there so it is not a problem. The time is 10 seconds instead to make a relatively safe slow float. Sour gummies are 4 times as potent, lasting twice as long and floating up twice as fast for that entire duration.
-Sour gummy: 7 hunger points, 5 saturation, levitation II for 10 seconds. Tooltip has a second warning in a different color stating that it's not responsible for fall damage. Pack a gravitator, feather falling, water bucket, pearls, etc. before using, 20 block falls are not fun. Again, a good way to escape or "fly" for a limited time. Note that the relative rarity of airheads makes this significantly harder to get, thus it's a bit more potent.
-Candy cane: 7 hunger points, 5 saturation, haste II for 7 seconds. NOTE: Haste is apparently quite strong in 1.12.2 due to the increase in attack speed. Anyways, this allows for some burst melee damage without being too OP. It's also gated behind hunter level 55.
-Candy corn: 7 hunger points, 5 saturation, absorption (3 hearts) for 20 seconds -Sour pop: 8 hunger points, 7 saturation, regeneration I for 20 seconds
-Sour candy: make it inedible. Mention in the tooltip either that it's too sour to eat or that the wrapper is almost impossible to get off. Was going to suggest making it a pseudo notch gapple but in all seriousness the chance that it'll come in handy is so much lower than the chance you'll want to craft the treat bag with it. It should be inedible as long as Cherry Barragers are rare and the treat bag is gated behind them.

*Now I'm a little torn on spearmint and peppermint. Apparently spearmint slugs are defensive despite having "spear" in the name. Nobody knows why. Perhaps spearmint slug should be offensive? So I'm not entirely sure whether to make spearmint the strength one or the resistance one.

**Gingerbread cookie is speed because of the gingerbread man song.

Armor sets dropped by bosses

Describe/name the existing feature this suggestion relates to
All the armor sets dropped by bosses. Candy, Commander, Explosive, Hydroplate(?), and Primordial. (I guess Archaic counts?)

Describe the change or feature you think would be good to see
Trying to actually get a full set of these armor sets is a frustrating experience, it's not so bad at first, but there's nothing worse than going through all the trouble of making the boss spawner and fighting the boss just to get duplicate armor pieces. Yeah grinding on mobs who rarely drop armor pieces can also be annoying, but at least the pacing is more smooth, it's like gambling small amounts of something to have a small chance of winning VS. putting all your eggs in a basket to have a higher chance of winning something, but with much bigger consequences.

I know weapons dropped by bosses won't be affected by the new looting system... But I feel like an exception should be made for any armor sets dropped by bosses. These bosses would drop special materials that would mainly be used to craft the armor sets (or you can also make it require an additional non-boss material like Jade or something).
There would still be a challenge, the amount of materials dropped by a boss would make it so you needed to kill them around 3-5 times to get enough for the full set. It would still be challenging but not so frustrating with RNG.

Example: P5 would drop like 6-8 "Primordial shards", you would use these shards to craft Primordial armor, etc. etc.
Example 2: Hydroplate armor would be made with the material Hydrolisk drops and Pure Water Stones. (Pure Coral stone is the item dropped by Amphibiors so no this wouldn't add a hunter req. to Hydrolisk)

The nice thing about weapon drops is that even if you don't get the weapon you wanted, you can easily pick up and use any weapon type (except staves). Ammo isn't hard to make/find.

Include any additional background information
Archaic armor can stay mostly the same, but a 33% chance to get 1 out 4 pieces is pretty insane to me, especially considering the ability isn't insane anymore. It should be 100% per run. Could also be more like Infernal where it can drop multiple pieces at a 25-33% chance each? (I think it's already like that actually but the chances are really low, like 8.25% per piece damn)

Or if we're removing all RNG of boss armor sets completely, then you could just make Archaic armor buyable from the Token Trader. Can still be pretty expensive overall though, like 15-20 tokens per piece.

New Candyland Edibles

I made another post (#55) for the rare drops (the ones existing already in the game) becoming edible. I didn't really want to make one super long post for all of them.

So Candyland is literally made up of edible blocks...except none of them are edible. This is a large disappointment and missed opportunity for an immersive dimension. The rest explains itself.

But this makes food too easy to obtain! The only real complaint I can see. But let's be honest here. We have trades like Primordial Banker giving a full stack of raw beef (coal is an extremely common foraging reward by the way). We also have melons which you will find if you go to a jungle, necessary for Precasia. If a zombie drops potatoes/carrot you can make a large farm, etc. Making edible blocks isn't going to really change anything, especially if they aren't very saturating Melons, for example, are available in vast quantities but ultimately require you to eat vast quantities in turn. The same applies here but it's actually a bit less convenient because you can't have a Chocolate or Cotton Candy farm outside of your house, you have to go to the dimension to get them, which requires a bit more work and is more dangerous than just sitting in your little fence enclosure wasting your sword durability on melons. The tradeoff is that it's significantly easier to get food INSIDE the dimension, and take it out if you please, possibly stockpiling if you're short on realmstones/portals (which is what you would do in real life, face it).

This is a bad influence on kids! OK, this was more of a joke counterargument on Xolova's part but let's be real - in this game you can eat decaying formerly-human flesh (albeit as an emergency food), you can eat spider eyes, and you can eat 100% raw freshly killed chicken without anything more than a slight hunger effect. Even if you scale Minecraft days to be 10 minutes long real salmonella poisoning is much longer and much more severe than it is in the game. And of course, vanilla Minecraft has its own share of "healthy" edibles too, such as apples and carrots and melons, the latter two requiring significantly less work than meats, and being much more worthwhile than rotten flesh and spider eyes. Finally, the future Gardencia edibles suggestion would almost certainly provide counterbalance to this nonexistent problem.


All of the following items are crafted from blocks that already exist. The recipes are irreversible, but that's OK because the blocks are renewable (except rock candy but I'll suggest a mob that drops it someday).

NOTE: A melon has 1.2 saturation. Using it as a benchmark, because as I said you have to eat a lot of melons to keep up your hunger bar in exchange for how many you get once you reach a jungle/find seeds somewhere.

This fills 1.5 meat shanks/3 hunger points, and have a saturation of 1.5.
Gingerbread (block) -> Ginger Crisp x2*
White/Milk/Dark Chocolate -> White/Black/Dark Chocolate Piece x2

The following fill 1.5 meat shanks/3 hunger points, and have a saturation of 1.2.
Licorice (block) -> Licorice x2
Red/green/white candy block -> Red/green/white Candy Piece x2
Marshmallow (block) -> Marshmallow x2

The following fill 0.5 meat shanks/1 hunger point, and have the saturation value of 1.
Purple/green/pink/blue Rock Candy -> Purple/green/pink/blue Rock Candy Crystal x4
Pink/blue Cotton Candy -> Pink/blue Cotton Candy x4

*Ginger crisp is NOT the cookie used to make the treat bag. That one has magical icing or whatever. This is more like a piece of pure gingerbread. The treat bag candies cannot be crafted, only dropped as they are currently.

I sorted them out based on how they are in real life. The ones at the bottom are literally just concentrated sugar, the ones in the middle are concentrated sugar with slightly more stuff added, and the ones at the top are the most filling (ginger cookies have flour and whatever and chocolate has cocoa, milk, sugar, etc.).


EDIT: Thinking of suggesting something where you start with an "Uncooked S'more", and then you hold it near a campfire and it becomes cooked, or you can just cook it in a furnace to get the cooked variant. Unsure of the technical specs so I'll just leave this as a note for now.

A novelty item, but a useful one should you get it, since all the materials are relatively easy to obtain.
I know they're usually made with graham crackers but we don't have those so we use the next best thing: gingerbread cookies.

Fills 3 meat shanks/6 hunger points, and has a saturation value of 2.5.
Ginger crisp x2 + marshmallow (item) + black/dark chocolate piece (shapeless) -> S'mores x1

Adding tinkers construct support

Basically, adding a way for tinker tools to affect skill levels for the various stats. Also adding custom tinker parts with unique modifiers a d stats for the AoA materials (ik that there is NeverminTiC and we use that. But it would still be nice)

[Balance] Candlefire sword

Describe/name the item/content this suggestion relates to
The candlefire sword is too op since it is an early-game weapon and does quadruple damage to entity on fire, making it able to kill a player in a hit or two.

Describe the change/balance you think would be good to see
Make the candlefire sword do triple or double damage.

Add any alternative implementations you think might work
Maybe use some more slightly more late-game material to craft like minerals in underground barathos.

Include any additional background information
It was reported on the Chinese community and the suggestions were proposed by myself. That player also thinks that there is a bug which the sword’s damage isn’t reduced by armor, but I haven’t tested it.

Smash buff.

Even though Smash the first boss you fight in game,
It's still very easy and exploitable (even for new players).

Give it the ability to break blocks like wither. But only if It can't jump over it.
Also consider a health buff.
500hp -> 800hp

The reason I think its a bit of a problem is because the challenge level between Smash and Corallus is way to big and your probably using the same arrmor and weapons too. Because of this, once a new player beats Smash, when they fight Corallus they would get destroyed because Smash is like 5 times easy to beat. So having Smash more tricky to beat would make new players get ready for harsh battle that are to come.

Carrot Cannon and Frosticator's slowness

Describe/name the item/content this suggestion relates to
Usually when a weapon gives a high amount of slowness, it only lasts like 1-2 seconds since slowness is very powerful on melee mobs. However, Carrot Cannon gives a whopping slowness 4 (80% reduced speed), and it lasts for around 5 seconds. Frosticator is the same but the slowness lasts for around 3 seconds, which is still quite a lot.

Both guns have a pretty fast fire rate, which basically allows you to stunlock any melee mobs. That and the decent damage output essentially make them straight upgrades to Paralyzer. (Craexxeus drop!)
Paralyzer can also sort of stunlock but the energy doesn't allow you to do it for too long.

Describe the change/balance you think would be good to see
If Carrot Cannon should still have the extreme slowness, then the duration should be made way shorter than it currently is, like 1 second.

I'm kind of iffy on the idea of an earlygame gun (Frosticator) having that much slowness, so may be it should be changed to like Slowness II for 2-3 seconds instead.

Include any additional background information

Upgrade villages

Describe/name the existing feature this suggestion relates to
Villages in the mod are very basic. They consist of a static structure that doesn't change, a few villagers of each type, and thats about all there is to it. As of now, the three villages in AoA include Gorb Villages, Primordial Villages, and Lunar Villages.

Describe the change or feature you think would be good to see
Villages could become changed up to have randomized buildings. The number and types of NPCs in the village will vary - and not every village will have every npc.

Gorb Village: The gorb village will get a complete overhaul. The village will spawn by the ground instead of in the air. The village buildings will utilize a combination of mushrooms with the black/green mysterium bricks. Mystite lampposts will also appear in the village. The gorb village can contain the following building types:
*A basic square building, maybe made of yellow mushrooms + black/green mysterium bricks. Corresponds to the gorb citizen.
*A slightly more advanced building with a second floor, and orange mushrooms instead of yellow. Corresponds to gorb arms dealer.
*A slightly more advanced building with lava and filled with special blocks, such as anvils or perhaps a mending table/filtration system. Corresponds to gorb engineer.
*If other types of gorbs are added, buildings for them too?
*Mystic lampposts.
*Fountains that spawn randomly in the village.

The village will spawn with at least 1 gorb, with a random population of gorbs being added upon generation.

Primordial Village: The primordial village would be able to spawn in the Dustopian Plains biome. Possibly generates more akin to an overworld Plains village but made entirely out of dawnwood planks, with some parts suspended in the air (like the village is now). Like with gorb village, there would be different houses for the npcs. Each primordial village would spawn with at least 1 primordial npc, with a random number of them populating it upon generation.

Lunar village: The lunar village's current buildings would be randomly laid out, with every village not having every buildings. Npcs generate with the buildings.

The villager mobs themselves would also get a change.

They would be able to move around. They would also be attacked by certain mobs, like fungbacks, fungats, and fungiks would attack gorbs, and various dustopia mobs would go after primordial npcs.

Npcs would define their home based on where they were spawned in. (?)

Returning with Greckon/Runandor portal dumps you in midair in Mysterium

Mod Version
Tslat 1.1.3

Describe the bug
See title. Going out of Greckon/Runandor through the entrance portal drops you in a set spot in Mysterium (I think it's where the portal in was) which is usually going to be far from the portal tower that sent you there to begin with. Tested with a proper Mysterium portal from the Overworld, on both creative and survival, and with a naturally spawning portal tower, and confirmed by one or two others.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behaviour:

  1. Go to Mysterium
  2. Find a portal tower (naturally spawned)
  3. Get a realm travel ticket and enter into Greckon/Runandor
  4. Leave Greckon/Runandor
  5. You won't be at the portal tower, and will most likely be in midair

Expected behavior
you would be at the portal tower, or your overworld spawn point or something

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