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d-edm_ub9l's Introduction


This repo provides an implementation of D-DAE: Defense Penetrating Model Extraction Attacks


The code successfully runs on Python 3.7 and PyTorch 1.6. Required packages can be installed by:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Offline Training Process

The offline training includes shadow model training, defense detection and defense recovery, with simulated detached defense strategies in offline/model_lib/

Training Shadow Models and Target Models

An example of running on the MNIST task:

python offline/ --task mnist

Defense Detection

offline/ trains and evaluates the meta-classifiers regarding different defenses: Rounding, GaussianNoise, MAD/PP, ReverseSigmoid, AM, EDM

An example of training the PP(MAD) meta-classifier with a victim protected by ReverseSigmoid on the MNIST task:

python offline/ --task mnist --defense MAD --target ReverseSigmoid

Defense Recovery

offline/ trains and evaluates the restorer regarding different defenses.

An example of training the PP(MAD) meta-classifier on the MNIST task:

python offline/ --task mnist --defense MAD --target ReverseSigmoid


You will need six datasets to perform all experiments in the paper, all extracted into the raw_data/ directory. Some of the datasets (e.g., MNIST, CIFAR) used in the paper is automatically downloaded when running the experiments for the first time.

Victim Models

You can train victim models deployed with various kinds of defense mechanisms.

For victim models with no defense, using the command below:

# Format:
$ python online/victim/ DS_NAME ARCH -d DEV_ID \
        -o models/victim/VIC_DIR -e EPOCHS --pretrained
# where DS_NAME = {MNIST, FashionMNIST, CIFAR10, GTSRB, ImageNette}, ARCH = {lenet, vgg16_bn, resnet34, ...}
# if the machine contains multiple GPUs, DEV_ID specifies which GPU to use

# More details:
$ python online/victim/ --help

# Example (MNIST):
$ python online/victim/ MNIST lenet -d 1 \
        -o models/victim/MNIST-lenet-train-nodefense -e 100 --log-interval 25

We consider 4 kinds of defenses, PP(Prediction Poisoning), RS(Reverse Sigmoid), AM(Adaptive Misinformation), and EDM(Ensemble of Diverse Models)are now available.

Execute experiments with the following setting:

  • Defense = MAD / ReverseSigmoid / AM / EDM
  • Attack = Knockoff / Active Thief / JBDA
  • Dataset (Victim Model) = MNIST / FashionMNIST / CIFAR-10 / GTSRB / ImageNette
  • Queryset = EMNISTLetter / EMNIST / CIFAR-10 / GTSRB / ImageNette

These above parameters can be changed by simply substituting the variables with the one you want

Attack Models

OptionA. KnockoffNets

Step 1: Setting up experimental variables

If the victim model is protected by PP, then:

### If you have multiple GPUs on the machine, use this to select the specific GPU
### Metric for perturbation ball dist(y, y'). Supported = L1, L2, KL
### Perturbation norm
### p_v = victim model dataset
### f_v = architecture of victim model
### queryset = p_a = image pool of the attacker 
### Path to victim model's directory (the one downloded earlier)
### No. of images queried by the attacker. With 60k, attacker obtains 99.05% test accuracy on MNIST at eps=0.0.
### Initialization to the defender's surrogate model. 'scratch' refers to random initialization.
### Path to surrogate model
### Output path to attacker's model
### Defense strategy
### Parameters to defense strategy, provided as a key:value pair string. 
### Batch size of queries to process for the attacker

If the victim model is protected by RS, then:

### If you have multiple GPUs on the machine, use this to select the specific GPU
### Perturbation norm
gamma=0.2(MNIST & ImageNette)/0.4(FashionMNIST)/0.1(CIFAR-10 & GTSRB)
### p_v = victim model dataset
### f_v = architecture of victim model
### queryset = p_a = image pool of the attacker 
### Path to victim model's directory (the one downloded earlier)
### No. of images queried by the attacker. With 60k, attacker obtains 99.05% test accuracy on MNIST at eps=0.0.
### Output path to attacker's model
### Defense strategy
### Parameters to defense strategy, provided as a key:value pair string. 
### Batch size of queries to process for the attacker

Step2: Simulate Attacker Interactions

The command below constructs the attackers transfer set, i.e., images and their corresponding pseudo-labels (perturbed posteriors) obtained by querying the defended blackbox. The defense is configured by strat and defense_args variables:

$ python online/adversary/ random ${vic_dir} ${strat} ${defense_args} \
    --out_dir ${out_dir} \
    --batch_size ${batch_size} \
    -d ${dev_id} \
    --queryset ${queryset} \
    --budget ${budget}
# Example (MNIST with MAD defense)
$ python online/adversary/ random models/victim/MNIST-lenet-train-nodefense mad epsilon:0.5,model_adv_proxy:models/victim/MNIST-lenet-train-nodefense-scratch-advproxy,out_path:models/final_bb_dist/MNIST-lenet-mad_l1-eps0.8-EMNISTLetters-B60000-proxy_scratch-random \
    --out_dir models/final_bb_dist/MNIST-lenet-mad_l1-eps0.8-EMNISTLetters-B60000-proxy_scratch-random \
    --batch_size 1 \
    -d 0 \
    --queryset EMNISTLetters \
    --budget 60000
# Example (MNIST with RS defense)
$ python online/adversary/ random models/victim/MNIST-lenet-train-nodefense reverse_sigmoid beta:0.1,gamma:0.2,out_path:models/final_bb_dist/MNIST-lenet-reverse_sigmoid-beta0.8-gamma0.2-EMNISTLetters-B60000-proxy_scratch-random \
    --out_dir models/final_bb_dist/MNIST-lenet-reverse_sigmoid-beta0.8-gamma0.2-EMNISTLetters-B60000-proxy_scratch-random \
    --batch_size 1 \
    -d 0 \
    --queryset EMNISTLetters \
    --budget 60000

Step 3: Train + Evaluate Attacker

After the transfer set (i.e., attacker's training set) is constructed, the command below trains multiple attack models for various choices of sizes of transfer sets (specified by budgets). During training, the model is simulatenously evaluated during each epoch.

$ python online/adversary/ ${out_dir} ${f_v} ${p_v} \
    --budget 500,5000,20000,60000 \
    --log-interval 500 \
    --epochs 50 \
    -d ${dev_id}
# Example (MNIST with RS defense)    
$ python online/adversary/ models/final_bb_dist/MNIST-lenet-mad_l1-eps0.5-EMNISTLetters-B60000-proxy_scratch-random lenet MNIST \
    --budget 500,5000,20000,60000 \
    --log-interval 500 \
    --epochs 50 \
    -d 0    
# Example (MNIST with RS defense)    
$ python online/adversary/ models/final_bb_dist/MNIST-lenet-reverse_sigmoid-beta0.1-gamma0.2-EMNISTLetters-B60000-proxy_scratch-random lenet MNIST \
    --budget 500,5000,20000,60000 \
    --log-interval 500 \
    --epochs 50 \
    -d 0

Step 4: Train + Evaluate D-DAE version of Attacker

The command is the same compared with Step3, you have to make some changes:

First, in online/adversary/

model_utils.train_model(model, transferset, model_dir, testset=testset, criterion_train=criterion_train,
                                checkpoint_suffix=checkpoint_suffix, device=device, restored=True, task=args.testdataset,
                                optimizer=optimizer, **params)

Note: change restored=False to restored=True.

Second, in online/utils/ Line 104 - Line 127

    if task == 'MNIST':
        Model, input_size, class_num, inp_mean, inp_std, is_discrete = load_model_setting("mnist")
        generator_path = ${Generator}
        meta_path = ${Meta-classifer}
# Generator stored in /generator/${task}${defense}
# Meta-classifier stored in /meta/${defense}${task}


# Example (MNIST with RS defense)    
$ python online/adversary/ models/final_bb_dist/MNIST-lenet-mad_l1-eps0.5-EMNISTLetters-B60000-proxy_scratch-random lenet MNIST \
    --budget 500 \
    --log-interval 500 \
    --epochs 50 \
    --lr 0.1
    --momentum 0.5 \
    -d 0 

OptionB. JBDA

Step 1: Setting up experimental variables

If the victim model is protected by PP, then:

### If you have multiple GPUs on the machine, use this to select the specific GPU
### Metric for perturbation ball dist(y, y'). Supported = L1, L2, KL
### Perturbation norm
### p_v = victim model dataset
### f_v = architecture of victim model
### queryset = p_a = image pool of the attacker 
### Path to victim model's directory (the one downloded earlier)
### No. of images queried by the attacker. With 60k, attacker obtains 99.05% test accuracy on MNIST at eps=0.0.
### Initialization to the defender's surrogate model. 'scratch' refers to random initialization.
### Path to surrogate model
### Output path to attacker's model
### Defense strategy
### Parameters to defense strategy, provided as a key:value pair string. 
### Batch size of queries to process for the attacker

If the victim model is protected by RS, then is basically the same.

Step2: Simulate Attacker Interactions

Totally same as Step 2 in Option A.

Step3: Train + Evaluate Attacker

$ python online/adversary/ jbda ${victim_dir} ${strat} ${defense_args} \
    --model_adv ${f_v} \
    --out_dir ${out_dir} 
    --testset ${p_v} \
    --budget 500,5000,20000,60000 \
    --queryset ${queryset} \
    -d 1
# Example (PP)
$ python online/adversary/ jbda models/victim/MNIST-lenet-train-nodefense mad epsilon:0.5,model_adv_proxy:models/victim/MNIST-lenet-train-nodefense-scratch-advproxy,out_path:models/adversary/MNIST-lenet-jbda-mad_l1-eps0.5-EMNISTLetters-B60000 \
    --model_adv lenet \
    --out_dir models/adversary/MNIST-lenet-jbda-mad_l1-eps0.5-EMNISTLetters-B60000 \
    --testset MNIST \
    --budget 500,5000,20000,60000 \
    --queryset EMNISTLetters \
    -d 1
# Example (RS)
$ python online/adversary/ jbda models/victim/MNIST-lenet-train-nodefense reverse_sigmoid beta:0.1,gamma:0.2,out_path:models/adversary/MNIST-lenet-jbda-reverse_sigmoid-beta0.1-gamma0.2-EMNISTLetters-B60000 \
    --model_adv lenet \
    --out_dir models/adversary/MNIST-lenet-jbda-reverse_sigmoid-beta0.1-gamma0.2-EMNISTLetters-B60000 \
    --testset MNIST \
    --budget 500,5000,20000,60000 \
    --queryset EMNISTLetters \
    -d 1

Step 4: Train + Evaluate D-DAE version of Attacker

The command is the same compared with Step3, you have to make some changes:

First, in online/adversary/

model_adv = model_utils.train_model(model_adv, self.D, self.out_dir, num_workers=10,
                          device=self.device, restored=False, task=self.testset_name,
                          log_interval=500, lr=0.01, momentum=0.9, batch_size=self.batch_size,
                          lr_gamma=0.1, testset=self.testset_name,

Note: change restored=False to restored=True.

Second, in online/utils/

    if task == 'MNIST':
        Model, input_size, class_num, inp_mean, inp_std, is_discrete = load_model_setting("mnist")
        generator_path = ${Generator}
        meta_path = ${Meta-classifer}
# Generator stored in /generator/${task}${defense}
# Meta-classifier stored in /meta/${defense}${task}

OptionC. ActiveThief

Same setting as the above two, only provide examples below:

# for PP
$ python online/adversary/ kcenter mad epsilon:0.5,model_adv_proxy:models/victim/MNIST-lenet-train-nodefense-scratch-advproxy,out_path:models/adversary/MNIST-lenet-kcenter-mad-eps0.5 EMNISTLetters models/victim/MNIST-lenet-train-nodefense models/adversary/MNIST-lenet-kcenter lenet MNIST \
    -e 200 \
    --metric l1 \
    -d 0 \
    --batch-size 256 \
    --initial-size 500 \
    --budget-per-iter 500 \
    --iterations 29
# for RS
$ python online/adversary/ kcenter reverse_sigmoid beta:0.1,gamma:0.2,out_path:models/adversary/MNIST-lenet-kcenter-reverse_sigmoid-beta0.1-gamma0.2 EMNISTLetters models/victim/MNIST-lenet-train-nodefense models/adversary/MNIST-lenet-kcenter lenet MNIST \
    -e 200 \
    --metric l1 \
    -d 0 \
    --batch-size 256 \
    --initial-size 500 \
    --budget-per-iter 500 \
    --iterations 29

Budget = innitial-size + budget-per-iter * iterations.

d-edm_ub9l's People


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