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This repository has been deprecated. You can find the Travis CI Enterpise documentation here.

If you have any questions or want to start an evaluation please email [email protected]

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enterprise-installation's Issues

Cloud Foundry provider not found


We are trying to deploy to our internal cloud foundry PaaS.

  edge: true
    provider: cloudfoundry
  username: username
    secure: xxx
  organization: dev
  space: dev
    branch: master
    repo: travis/example-nodejs-cf-1

We are getting:

Installing deploy dependencies
missing provider
failed to deploy

Is this a Travis version issue?

node 0.12 binary not available yet?

mv: cannot move `/home/travis/.nvm/bin/node-v0.12.0-linux-x64' to `/home/travis/.nvm/versions/v0.12.0': No such file or directory
Binary download failed, trying source.

I've run te pull and te start on the Travis worker, so I think I'm up-to-date. nvm does build node 0.12 from sources, but it'd be much better to have the jobs run in 1m instead of 13m. Anything else I should be trying? Is there another place I should be posting such issues?

SMTP without authentication

I tried to set up SMTP today. As many internal networks have, we have an authentication-free SMTP server in our network that can be used by any internal system.

It seems that Travis assumes that an authentication exists. If I do te configure --group smtp, then I will be prompted for a password. I left it empty, but Travis seem to still do the authentication:

[2015-04-27T14:57:55+0000][travis-tasks:tasks] E [task] Could not send email to: ["[email protected]"]
[2015-04-27T14:57:55+0000][travis-tasks:tasks] 2015-04-27T14:57:55Z 2885 TID-6q4 WARN: SMTP-AUTH requested but missing secret phrase

Ability to kick off a new build w/o pushing

I just signed up for AppVeyor and was delighted to find that on new repos that I added, I was able to kick off a new build immediately from the web ui, without having to push a new commit to the repo. That's a very welcoming feature worth considering.

Go support

According to the docs, Go is supported and version installation is handled by gimme. I suspect that TE is behind, as I've updated to Go build images and this what I get when attempting to build:

Using worker:
Build system information
Build language: go
Build image provisioning date and time
Thu Feb  5 15:09:33 UTC 2015
Operating System Details
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description:    Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS
Release:    12.04
Codename:   precise
Linux Version
Cookbooks Version
GCC version
gcc (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.6.3-1ubuntu5) 4.6.3
Copyright (C) 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO
LLVM version
clang version 3.4 (tags/RELEASE_34/final)
Target: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
Thread model: posix
Pre-installed Ruby versions
Pre-installed Node.js versions
Pre-installed Go versions
Redis version
redis-server 2.8.19
riak version
MongoDB version
MongoDB 2.4.12
CouchDB version
couchdb 1.6.1
Neo4j version
RabbitMQ Version
ElasticSearch version
Installed Sphinx versions
Default Sphinx version
Installed Firefox version
firefox 31.0esr
PhantomJS version
ant -version
Apache Ant(TM) version 1.8.2 compiled on December 3 2011
mvn -version
Apache Maven 3.2.5 (12a6b3acb947671f09b81f49094c53f426d8cea1; 2014-12-14T17:29:23+00:00)
Maven home: /usr/local/maven
Java version: 1.7.0_76, vendor: Oracle Corporation
Java home: /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-oracle/jre
Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: ANSI_X3.4-1968
OS name: "linux", version: "3.13.0-29-generic", arch: "amd64", family: "unix"
Installing an SSH key from: default repository key
Key fingerprint: 21:0b:0b:20:7f:0a:cb:15:7d:77:f0:2f:dd:56:73:58
0.57s$ git clone --depth=50 --branch=travis git@****************.net:dc/golang-dc.git dc/golang-dc
Cloning into 'dc/golang-dc'...
Warning: Permanently added '***************,' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
remote: Counting objects: 73, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (54/54), done.
remote: Total 73 (delta 18), reused 56 (delta 9)
Receiving objects: 100% (73/73), 20.36 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (18/18), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
$ cd dc/golang-dc
$ git checkout -qf 566195b1d51e7b6fb61492f2cf9f12f10b7566a0
0.01s$ gvm get
/home/travis/ line 41: gvm: command not found
The command "gvm get" failed and exited with 127 during .
Your build has been stopped.

It appears you used to use gvm, but don't any longer, and TE doesn't yet have the updated images with gimme? If that's the case, any ETA on those?

Docker CLI tries to connect to daemon through proxy

With Docker 1.6.0, the CLI seems to try to connect through the http_proxy, if set as an environment variable.

A workaround is to unset all the http proxy variables for the image pulling.

## Pull down all the Travis Docker images
docker_populate_images() {
  DOCKER_CMD="docker -H tcp://"

  # Workaround if proxy environment variables are set.

  # pick the languages you are interested in
  langs='android erlang go haskell jvm node-js perl php python ruby'
  declare -a lang_mappings=('clojure:jvm' 'scala:jvm' 'groovy:jvm' 'java:jvm' 'elixir:erlang')
  for lang in $langs; do
    $DOCKER_CMD pull$lang:$tag
    $DOCKER_CMD tag -f$lang:$tag travis:$lang

  for lang_map in "${lang_mappings[@]}"; do
    map=$(echo $lang_map|cut -d':' -f 1)
    lang=$(echo $lang_map|cut -d':' -f 2)

    $DOCKER_CMD tag -f$lang:$tag travis:$map
if [[ ! -n $SKIP_DOCKER_POPULATE ]]; then

Increase concurrent job

Hi! What would be the preferred way to increase the number of concurrent builds per worker node?

Attaching another worker works great for increasing the number of total concurrent builds. As we have huge and long-running builds (up to half a day), we would like to use bigger worker nodes with more concurrent builds per worker node.


AWS worker configuration

We would like to plug in an AWS-compliant on-premise API to utilize our own AWS machines in addition to containers.

Is there documentation on how to do this?

Read-only access for database

It would be great to have some kind of read-only access to the database for administrative and monitoring purposes. It could also be a simple JSON API.

Custom root certificate


We are currently trying to add our GHE root certificate to te-main. We followed this instructions:

Which format and file extension should this certificate have?
We tried to place our internal root certificate for GHE in this file (encoded as ASCII PEM):


and restarted Travis:

sudo te start

All requests against GHE (e.g. for setting commit status) still fail:

$ tail -f /var/log/travis.log
[2015-03-30T14:26:47+0000][travis-tasks:tasks] 2015-03-30T14:26:47Z 2816 TID-418 WARN: type=github_status build=127 repo=travis/example-nodejs-1 error=not_updated url=https://github.mycompany.corp/repos/travis/example-nodejs-1/statuses/e2af25e1ea4f2bf01a70cbb0a9385b6977caf613 message=GH request failed
[2015-03-30T14:26:47+0000][travis-tasks:tasks] verb:               :head
[2015-03-30T14:26:47+0000][travis-tasks:tasks] url:                /api/v3/applications/5dd4868f986cffcd3f45/tokens/41b270a1591c45ed5e32ca800f61486ce0b01aa1?client_id=[removed]&client_secret=[removed]
[2015-03-30T14:26:47+0000][travis-tasks:tasks] headers:            {"Authorization"=>[removed]}
[2015-03-30T14:26:47+0000][travis-tasks:tasks] error:              Faraday::SSLError: certificate verify failed
[2015-03-30T14:26:47+0000][travis-tasks:tasks] payload:            {"state":"success","description":"The Travis CI build passed","target_url":"https://travis-ci.mycompany.corp/travis/example-nodejs-1/builds/127","context":"continuous-integration/travis-ci"}

Thanks for your help

Jobs not starting on new worker


Jobs are not starting on the new worker:

screen shot 2015-07-12 at 09 53 28

First reason:

Our usual Node.js .travis.ymls do not work anymore:

language: node_js 

doesn't seem to match the installed Node.js image:

time="2015-07-12T07:58:47Z" level=info msg="starting job" job=49 pid=1231 processor=e966db11-7fe9-4c06-a86f-0839c27ae306 repository="user/iot-dashboard" uuid=f68d2990-9095-41f0-b00b-fab552c26c2c 
time="2015-07-12T07:58:47Z" level=info msg="generated script" job=49 pid=1231 processor=e966db11-7fe9-4c06-a86f-0839c27ae306 repository="user/iot-dashboard" uuid=f68d2990-9095-41f0-b00b-fab552c26c2c 
time="2015-07-12T07:58:47Z" level=info msg="starting instance" job=49 pid=1231 processor=e966db11-7fe9-4c06-a86f-0839c27ae306 repository="user/iot-dashboard" uuid=f68d2990-9095-41f0-b00b-fab552c26c2c 
time="2015-07-12T07:58:48Z" level=error msg="couldn't start instance" err="no image found with language node_js" job=49 pid=1231 processor=e966db11-7fe9-4c06-a86f-0839c27ae306 repository="user/iot-dashboard" uuid=f68d2990-9095-41f0-b00b-fab552c26c2c 
time="2015-07-12T07:58:48Z" level=info msg="no instance to stop" job=49 pid=1231 processor=e966db11-7fe9-4c06-a86f-0839c27ae306 repository="user/iot-dashboard" uuid=f68d2990-9095-41f0-b00b-fab552c26c2c 
time="2015-07-12T07:58:48Z" level=info msg="finished job" job=49 pid=1231 processor=e966db11-7fe9-4c06-a86f-0839c27ae306 repository="user/iot-dashboard" uuid=f68d2990-9095-41f0-b00b-fab552c26c2c 

Changing language: node_js to language: node-js helps to tackle the issue. But before upgrading the productive environment, we want the usual .travis.ymls to be working.

But now, the job still won't run, so there is another issue:

Second reason:

The component uploading the "script" can't connect to the instance.

Worker log output:

time="2015-07-12T07:49:22Z" level=info msg="starting job" job=45 pid=1231 processor=65096c0c-17f6-444f-9631-f4346003ff9a repository="user/iot-dashboard" uuid=f68d2990-9095-41f0-b00b-fab552c26c2c 
time="2015-07-12T07:49:22Z" level=info msg="generated script" job=45 pid=1231 processor=65096c0c-17f6-444f-9631-f4346003ff9a repository="user/iot-dashboard" uuid=f68d2990-9095-41f0-b00b-fab552c26c2c 
time="2015-07-12T07:49:22Z" level=info msg="starting instance" job=45 pid=1231 processor=65096c0c-17f6-444f-9631-f4346003ff9a repository="user/iot-dashboard" uuid=f68d2990-9095-41f0-b00b-fab552c26c2c 
time="2015-07-12T07:49:23Z" level=info msg="started instance" boot_time=690.841239ms job=45 pid=1231 processor=65096c0c-17f6-444f-9631-f4346003ff9a repository="user/iot-dashboard" uuid=f68d2990-9095-41f0-b00b-fab552c26c2c 
time="2015-07-12T07:49:25Z" level=error msg="couldn't upload script" err="dial tcp connection refused" job=45 pid=1231 processor=65096c0c-17f6-444f-9631-f4346003ff9a repository="user/iot-dashboard" uuid=f68d2990-9095-41f0-b00b-fab552c26c2c 
time="2015-07-12T07:49:25Z" level=info msg="starting job" job=45 pid=1231 processor=e966db11-7fe9-4c06-a86f-0839c27ae306 repository="user/iot-dashboard" uuid=f68d2990-9095-41f0-b00b-fab552c26c2c 
time="2015-07-12T07:49:25Z" level=error msg="couldn't subscribe to canceller" err="there's already a subscription for job 45" job=45 pid=1231 processor=e966db11-7fe9-4c06-a86f-0839c27ae306 repository="user/iot-dashboard" uuid=f68d2990-9095-41f0-b00b-fab552c26c2c 
time="2015-07-12T07:49:25Z" level=info msg="finished job" job=45 pid=1231 processor=e966db11-7fe9-4c06-a86f-0839c27ae306 repository="user/iot-dashboard" uuid=f68d2990-9095-41f0-b00b-fab552c26c2c 
time="2015-07-12T07:49:32Z" level=info msg="stopped instance" job=45 pid=1231 processor=65096c0c-17f6-444f-9631-f4346003ff9a repository="user/iot-dashboard" uuid=f68d2990-9095-41f0-b00b-fab552c26c2c 
time="2015-07-12T07:49:32Z" level=info msg="finished job" job=45 pid=1231 processor=65096c0c-17f6-444f-9631-f4346003ff9a repository="user/iot-dashboard" uuid=f68d2990-9095-41f0-b00b-fab552c26c2c 

Docs update.

On this blog page, the first repo cited as using Travis with Go (peterbourgon/diskv) has a broken link as that repo is now using That post should be updated.

Different Maven versions + Custom configuration


We would like to be able to choose the Maven version in Java builds for different projects (due to corporate requirements). This might be also great for the public Travis CI offering.

Currently, our developers download and install a custom Maven version on the fly. As we are internal service providers and would like to offer Travis as a tool that takes care of such things, it would be awesome being able to specify the Maven version.

Furthermore, we have a custom settings.xml that we currently provide with our machine images. I would be also great to provide a custom settings file for the builds.

All this could be done by implementing a maven key in the `.travis.yml``:

  version: 3.0.0
  config: settings.xml

Zombie builds in queue

Hi, we currently have zombie builds in queue (for two days). We currently don't have a worker running that supports iOS builds.

screen shot 2015-05-01 at 10 20 44

How can we avoid this and clean this up? Thanks

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