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Some thing interesting about csharp-code
Some thing interesting about csharp-code
csharp-code,Aurora is a project developed in .NET 6, where it aims to show how to create something using an architecture, in layers, simple and approaching, in a simplistic way, some concepts such as DDD.
User: alexalvess
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csharp-code,This .NET library allows you to evaluate and compile any mathematical expression from a string dynamically at runtime. It supports a wide range of operations and allows for the use of custom variables, operators, and functions. The evaluator can be configured for different contexts, such as scientific, programming, boolean math expressions.
User: antonovanton
csharp-code,ETWNetMonv3 is simple C# code for Monitoring TCP Network Connection via ETW & ETWProcessMon/2 is for Monitoring Process/Thread/Memory/Imageloads/TCPIP via ETW + Detection for Remote-Thread-Injection & Payload Detection by VirtualMemAlloc Events (in-memory) etc.
User: damonmohammadbagher
csharp-code,.NET Core configuration based on Kubernetes config maps with auto reload support
User: fbeltrao
csharp-code,[WACV 2024] LibreFace: An Open-Source Toolkit for Deep Facial Expression Analysis
Organization: ihp-lab
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csharp-code,RawTools is an open-source and freely available package designed to perform scan data parsing and quantification, and quality control analysis of Thermo Orbitrap raw mass spectrometer files from data-dependent acquisition experiments.
User: kevinkovalchik
csharp-code,.NET Neovim plugin for improving the .NET dev experience in Neovim, written completely in Lua
User: moaidhathot
csharp-code,C# library for the collection of browser information such as cookies, logins, bookmarks and more
User: moistcoder
csharp-code,:books: Recursos para aprender C#
User: ogustavo-pereira
csharp-code,PostSharp Samples
Organization: postsharp
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csharp-code,A CSharp library that can deep clone any object using only reflection.
User: replaysmike
csharp-code,C# Based GUI for Windows-Optimize-Harden-Debloat
User: simeononsecurity
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