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outlookfiledrag's Issues

It worked well but somehow stopped working

Hi Tony!

Thank you for all the work, and just quick follow up. Our team using this outlook file drag lately and it worked good. but lately some of us got the message that it is slowing down the outlook, and he accident click disable and then all of sudden it stopped work. I have try to uninstall and reinstall and it won't work anymore. like from outlook drag to google chrome. Do you know what is the solution for it? I hope it is not microsoft fixed the patch.

Thank you so much

When dragging messages on an addin's pane, the dragEnter/dragDrop methods are not called.

Hi Tony,

I've hit a weird issue when trying to modify your code by adding a UI Pane to the add-in (which is a UI tab with a treeview with a couple of elements). Whenever I drag an email or an attachment onto the treeview, the treeview's DragEnter/DragDrop methods get never invoked (the only method being called is DragOver).

This problem seems to occur only if I use your DataObject substitution (this is when you create a new OutlookDataObject data object and pass it on to NativeMethods.DoDragDrop). Whenever I pass the original dataObject to NativeMethods.DoDragDrop (with the hook enabled), all three drag'n'drop handlers start being called again.

As an experiment I tried replacing every method of the OutlookDataObject with just a call to innerObject's original implementation, but that didn't fix the issue. It feels like OutlookDataObject doesn't implement all the needed by DoDragDrop methods.

My only guess is that this can have something to do with the fact that there are actually 3 IDataObject interfaces, each of them being used in different situation:
traditional COM IDataObject, that the OutlookFileDrag add-in are using

Do you have an idea what could be the cause of the problem?
Is there any particular reason you redefine IDataObject yourself, instead of using System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IDataObject?

Thank you

Incompatible with Office Professional

I want to use this add-in with Office Professional version but is incompatible. Tried to drag a PDF from Outlook and drop to a web browser but the icon (drag and drop symbol) disappears.

Cannot be re-installed

removed the software by windows control panel, then re installed it. When trying to enable it in outlook complement, says that it has been previously installed. Sorry to not write exact word, I am french so french office..

Maybe things stuck in register after removal?


Shutting of virus scanner to install?

I have Avast, and while it doesn't detect a virus in the 2 files, it prevents the setup from running. Does anyone else have this problem? I am not sure I want to disable my scanner to install this.

Microsoft Edge drop

Drop functionality doesn't work in Microsoft Edge browser windows with a page allowing files to drop. Same page on Chrome and firefox is working fine. Tried the 32 and 64 bit application. Any idea's?

OFD is disabled daily


we're using OutlookFileDrag for some people with the need to drag details from Outlook into a proprietary ERP system and they all have the problem that Outlook disables OFD daily. Each day in the morning they need to go to the disabled addins and enable them and as a second step go to the inactive addins to enable OFD there as well. After that OFD is working quite fine.

I've already added the registry keys posted here by MateuszMak in another issue to prevent Outlook disabling addins due to slow loading times, but that does not help.

This all started some months ago, it worked quite good before, so i guess it might have to do with one of the many updates Outlook itself got over the last months.

Any idea where i can look to see the cause of the problem or any other possible solution to the problem?

I already tried to uninstall and install again (via the solution posted here: but that did not help as well.


Can't drag and drop messages to another category

When an e-mail folder is grouped by category, a user should be able to drag and drop a message from one category to another and Outlook will change the item to that category. However, with the add-in enabled, this is not working. Dragging and dropping items to another folder still works.

Can't drag-and-drop to-do items from one group to another

When in Outlook's to-do view, with items grouped by due date, trying to drag an item from one group to another causes the following error:

Cannot move the items. The folders you are trying to change do not support the operation. Could not complete the operation because the service provider does not support it.


  • Windows 7 x64
  • Outlook 2010
  • OutlookFileDrag 1.0.1

Probably the same cause as #1

Crash on office 365 - windows 7 only

When dragging an attachment from outlook 2016 (office 365) outlook crashes.

This only seems to affect windows 7, tested same vertion on windows 10 and there's no issue :/

"File name or directory name is not valid" when dropping email

our platform is Outlook 2016 Home & Business 32bit: when dropping email (always: on filesystem, or on another Outlook folder, or on web browser) the "File name or directory name is not valid" error is raised.
Despite this error, drag & drop ends successfully.
We don't have exceptions on log file, or on windows event log.

No error or warning on Outlook 2016 Standard or 2016 Professional.

Thank you!

Problems with Chrome 73

After my Chrome has been updated to version 73, this addon doesn't work anymore.
Or did the problem occur with a Windows/Outlook update?

Can't drag n drop image from email to JIRA

I often just want to drag an image from an email and drop it in a comment in JIRA. I have installed the plugin to see if it would help, but unfortunately it did not. If that could be supported it would be grea! Currently I either make a screen snip and paste it or save the image to disk then drag that to JIRA.

Thank you

Drag calendar entry causes Outlook to fall

with Outlook 32 bit proffesional on Win 10/64 bit - when I try to drag any entry in calendar, it causes Outlook to fall and restart completly. See picture, trying to move yellow meeting to other day (Outlook window is in Czech)


Issue/Suggestion for IDropTargetHelper support

If I understand the purpose of this great Add-in to be to adjust the format of the IDataObject so that drop targets can recognize the format then I have a suggestion for further adjustment.

It appears that Outlook attachments are very unique in other ways too.

The IDropTargetHelper exposes methods that allow drop targets to display a drag image while the image is over the target window.. Here is also a walkthrough Part 1

It accepts an IDataObject for example on DragEnter and DragDrop, however if you drag an Outlook attachment to an application that implements the IDropTargetHelper then it complains that there is an invalid FORMATETC structure (Exception from HRESULT 0x80040064 (FV_E_FORMATETC).

I was hoping that your OutlookDataObject would make the adjustments but unfortunately it does not.

To reproduce simply Cut and Copy this code into a WinForms Project then drag an Outlook attachment onto that form.

Happy to help any way I can.


Hi, can you autodelete the files on exit of Outlook or on start up for the first time?

D&D to MFC application

This looks like a very useful application. I have tried to use it to drag&drop emails from Outlook 2016 to a rare application called CAXA EDM. It's a Chinese PDM desktop application built on MFC. It sets both applications in a never ending waiting state though and Outlook will not be released until I have closed the CAXA EDM process by force. Should it work theoretically or?
I have quite good contact with the CAXA company so I think I can ask them to check some things if I just know what to ask them to check. Any help in this matter is highly appreciated.

Outlook crashes when drag and drop of an email (System.AccessViolationException)

When doing a drag and drop of an email to anywhere e.g. to the desktop outlook crashes and needs to be restarted. The following error will be shown:

  • Outlook 365
  • Windows 7

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: CLR20r3
Problem Signature 01: OUTLOOK.EXE
Problem Signature 02: 16.0.11126.20266
Problem Signature 03: 5c3945c7
Problem Signature 04: OutlookFileDrag
Problem Signature 05:
Problem Signature 06: 5c11d47d
Problem Signature 07: f
Problem Signature 08: 72
Problem Signature 09: System.AccessViolationException
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 1033

Additional information about the problem:
LCID: 1033
skulcid: 1033

Read our privacy statement online:

If the online privacy statement is not available, please read our privacy statement offline:

Using OutlookFileDrag in Xendesktop

Hi Tony,
first of all I thank you for this Addin.

I have installed your software on a Citrix XenDesktop 6.5 Server. The windows Server is 2008 R2 64 Bit. The Microsoft Outlook is 32 bit and I used OutlookFileDragSetup_x64 .zip for installation on this server. I get the following error when an user tries to activate this addin in MS Outlook.

System.Runtime.InteropServices.SEHException (0x80004005): Eine externe Komponente hat eine Ausnahme ausgelöst.
bei System.Deployment.Internal.Isolation.IsolationInterop.GetUserStore(UInt32 Flags, IntPtr hToken, Guid& riid)
bei System.Deployment.Internal.Isolation.IsolationInterop.GetUserStore()
bei System.Deployment.Application.ComponentStore..ctor(ComponentStoreType storeType, SubscriptionStore subStore)
bei System.Deployment.Application.SubscriptionStore..ctor(String deployPath, String tempPath, ComponentStoreType storeType)
bei System.Deployment.Application.SubscriptionStore.get_CurrentUser()
bei System.Deployment.Application.DeploymentManager..ctor(Uri deploymentSource, Boolean isUpdate, Boolean isConfirmed, DownloadOptions downloadOptions, AsyncOperation optionalAsyncOp)
bei System.Deployment.Application.InPlaceHostingManager..ctor(Uri deploymentManifest, Boolean launchInHostProcess)
bei Microsoft.VisualStudio.Tools.Applications.Deployment.IPHMProxy..ctor(Uri uri)
bei Microsoft.VisualStudio.Tools.Applications.Deployment.ClickOnceAddInDeploymentManager.get_Proxy()
bei Microsoft.VisualStudio.Tools.Applications.Deployment.ClickOnceAddInDeploymentManager.GetManifests(TimeSpan timeout)
bei Microsoft.VisualStudio.Tools.Applications.Deployment.ClickOnceAddInDeploymentManager.InstallAddIn()

The first line is in German Language and it means "an external component has triggered an exception".

Do you have any Idea? Should I use the other setup program that you have for only 32 bit systems?



Suggestion to fix VSTO Trust problem


to avoid the prompt descriped here without signing the VSTO simple change the following registry entries.


C:\Program Files\Tony Federer\Outlook File Drag\OutlookFileDrag.vsto|vstolocal
simply delete: file:///


C:\Program Files\Tony Federer\Outlook File Drag\OutlookFileDrag.vsto|vstolocal
simply delete: file:///

This way the system recognize the VSTO is already in program files and it is trusted on default.


Issue with new client software.

My client has been using this add-in for 2 years now without issue. It's been quite a lifesaver.

Now they've started using a new piece of software. User runs locally installed software that interfaces back to the APPSERVER. The main application on the APPSERVER-VM1 then talks to an SQLSERVER-VM2
Users drag attachments into a "file", the APPSERVER-VM1 sends the attachment to a Binary Object Database on SQLSERVER-VM2

If users rename the file right away (within 30 seconds or before saving), the entire program crashes with 0xc0000005 access code violation.

They still use the old software that REQUIRES this add-in to drag and drop.

OutlookFileDrag: Publisher can not be verified.

Hi Team,

We have installed "OutlookFileDrag" in Windows 10 machine where Outlook is installed. After installation when we open Outlook, we have received the pop-up message "Publisher can not be verified" with two options "Install" and "Don't Install". After Click on 'Don't Install', we have verified the the outlook add-ins list 'OutllookFileDrag' is showing as in Inactive Application Add-ins.
I have attached the screen shot for your reference. We would like to suppress the extra Pop-up after installation. Could you please provide your suggestion to fix the issue.

Thanks and Regards,
Vignesh Kumar Balakrishnan

Where can I donate?

Do you have a Paypal? Patreon? Some sort of avenue for donating?
All other drag and drop solutions were too costly but this one works and is free.
Where can I donate for the work you put into it?

Link to gif of Frye Money Meme

plugin is not saved after the restart

Hi All,

We have an issue with the installation of the plugin within a VDI environment. The installation of the plugin went well, the test users had to accept the installation and afterwards they were happy to drag an drop the files from outlook to the webapplication. However at the moment we have an issue that the plugin is not started after a restart of the VDI environment. The plugin is installed but not active. The users have to start the plugin each morning by hand via options > Service & Add-ins.

Does anyone have a solution how to solve this?

Does it work with O365?

Is the software compatible with Office 365 also?
Architectures of O365 and Outlook 2016 are similar, so I'm wondering if for O365 will also work.

Runtime error loading add-in

Outlook won't load the add-in. See screenshot.

Translation error: "Not loaded. A runtime error occurred while loading the COM add-in ."


No disk-cache of files

Is it possible to adjust the code to cache files in memory? We'd like to use this plugin however due to some regulations we have on governmental level had troubles with caching files on disk is not accepted. Therefore we're unable to use this plugin as is. Is this technically feasible to do?

Chrome vs Emails with subject lines of more than 168 Characters

Drag&Dropping emails with a subject line of more than 168 Characters will not work on Chrome browsers.

Tested with:
Chrome version 68.0.3440.106 (Official Build) (64-bit)
Outlook Pro 2010
At two totally different machines/networks, Windows 10 Pro (1803) (64bit, x64) and Windows 7 Home Premium

PS. Not an issue with IE
PS. Fixing those who actually write emails with that long subject lines is outside the scope of this report... 😋

ReadHGlobalIntoStream has an issue with files over 4096 bytes.

Testing the ReadHGlobalIntoStream method I found my result had corrupted files if their size was over 4096 bytes.

I believe adding this line corrected the issue:

source = new IntPtr(source.ToInt64() + bytesToCopy);

So that the loop looks like:

int bytesToCopy;
for (int offset = 0; offset < length; offset += buffer.Length)
            //Copy buffer length or remaining length, whichever is smaller
            bytesToCopy = Math.Min(buffer.Length, length - offset);
            Marshal.Copy(source, buffer, 0, bytesToCopy);
            stream.Write(buffer, 0, bytesToCopy);
            source = new IntPtr(source.ToInt64() + bytesToCopy);

OutlookFileDrag causing problems in Outlook


We are using OutlookFileDrag and it is causing problems within Outlook. Some users are unable to drag emails to another folder or meetings from one calendar to another. Outlook will shut down. If the OutlookFileDrag is turned off these functions work as expected.

Is there an update available to fix these problems?

Kind regards
Lisa Counsell

Issue with Outlook 365 (2016) and MS Dynamics AX 2009

Hi we are using OutlookFileDrag with Outlook 2016 and it is working fine with Sharepoint Online (in Google Chrome). Except one thing; the option to drag e-mails from Outlook 2016 to MS Dynamics AX 2009 is broken. Is this a known issue?
Can you please fix it?.
If we disable the Add-In "OutlookFileDrag" the drag option from Outlook 2016 to MS Dynamics AX 2009's Document Handling option is working fine. When OutlookFileDrag is enabled in Outlook, the emails dragged to MS Dynamics AX 2009 are recorded, but not handled properly.

Server 2016

hello, we are looking to upgrade our citrix farm to server 2016 using office 365 and wanted to check to see if Outlook File Drag will work in the new environment?

incorrect file path specification

After installing the tool, we´ve get a incorrect filepath specification.The filepath specification benings with File:/// C:/user/usrname/.......


Can't drag more than 5 items inside Outlook

With v1.0.8 installed, we can't drag more than five items to another folder within Outlook. If I select five items, I can drop them to another folder (or PST). If I select six, the drag/drop no longer works.

2019-02-11 10:33:23,004 [VSTA_Main] INFO OutlookFileDrag.DragDropHook [(null)] - Drag started 2019-02-11 10:33:23,005 [VSTA_Main] INFO OutlookFileDrag.DragDropHook [(null)] - Virtual files found -- starting new drag adding CF_HDROP format 2019-02-11 10:33:23,012 [VSTA_Main] WARN OutlookFileDrag.DragDropHook [(null)] - Dragging error System.ArgumentException: Offset and length were out of bounds for the array or count is greater than the number of elements from index to the end of the source collection. at System.IO.MemoryStream.Write(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 count) at OutlookFileDrag.DataObjectHelper.ReadHGlobalIntoStream(IntPtr handle, Stream stream) in C:\Users\Tony\Source\Repos\OutlookFileDrag\OutlookFileDrag\DataObjectHelper.cs:line 396 at OutlookFileDrag.DataObjectHelper.ReadMediumIntoStream(STGMEDIUM medium, Stream stream) in C:\Users\Tony\Source\Repos\OutlookFileDrag\OutlookFileDrag\DataObjectHelper.cs:line 284 at OutlookFileDrag.DataObjectHelper.GetFilenamesUnicode(IDataObject data) in C:\Users\Tony\Source\Repos\OutlookFileDrag\OutlookFileDrag\DataObjectHelper.cs:line 194 at OutlookFileDrag.DataObjectHelper.GetFilenames(IDataObject data) in C:\Users\Tony\Source\Repos\OutlookFileDrag\OutlookFileDrag\DataObjectHelper.cs:line 69 at OutlookFileDrag.DragDropHook.DoDragDropHook(IDataObject pDataObj, IntPtr pDropSource, UInt32 dwOKEffects, UInt32& pdwEffect) in C:\Users\Tony\Source\Repos\OutlookFileDrag\OutlookFileDrag\DragDropHook.cs:line 90

DnD Outlook to Microsoft NAV

I tried to use this platform to allow drag and drop between outlook and navision. It allows drop but causes the program to close abruptly, is something missing?

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