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This project forked from openhft/chronicle-logger

0.0 2.0 1.0 5.69 MB

A sub microsecond java logger, supporting standard logging APIs such as Slf & Log4J

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License: GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0

Java 100.00%

chronicle-logger's Introduction


*Note that version chronicle-logger-parent-1.1.0 is the last official version released under the apache license.

An extremely fast java logger. We feel logging should not slow down your system.




Today most programs require the logging of large amounts of data, especially in trading systems where this is a regulatory requirement. Loggers can affect your system performance, therefore logging is sometimes kept to a minimum, With chronicle we aim to eliminate this added overhead, freeing your system to focus on the business logic.

Chronicle logger supports most of the standard logging API’s including:

Chronicle logger is able to aggregate all your logs to a central store. It has built in resilience, so you will never lose messages.

We also have some very helpfull [tools] (

How it works

Chronicle logger is built on Chronicle Queue. It provides multiple Chronicle Queue adapters and is a low latency, high throughput synchronous writer. Unlike asynchronous writers, you will always see the last message before the application dies. As the last message is often the most valuable.



The chronicle-logger-slf4j is an implementation of SLF4J API > 1.7.x with Chronicle-Queue as persistence engine.

To configure this sl4j binding you need to specify the location of a properties files (file-system or classpath) via system properties:${pathOfYourPropertiesFile}

The following properties are supported:

Property Description Values Per-Logger
type the type of the underlying Chronicle indexed, vanilla no
path the base directory of a Chronicle yes
level the default log level trace, debug, info, warn, error yes
append true, false yes (if a specific path is defined)
format write log as text or binary binary, text yes (if a specific path is defined)
dateFormat the date format for text loggers no

The default configuration is build using properties with chronicle.logger.root as prefix but you can also set per-logger settings i.e. chronicle.logger.L1, an example:

# shared properties
chronicle.base                        = ${}/chronicle/${today}/${pid}

# logger : default
chronicle.logger.root.type            = vanilla
chronicle.logger.root.path            = ${slf4j.chronicle.base}/main
chronicle.logger.root.level           = debug
chronicle.logger.root.shortName       = false
chronicle.logger.root.append          = false
chronicle.logger.root.format          = binary

# logger : L1 (binary)
chronicle.logger.L1.path              = ${slf4j.chronicle.base}/L1
chronicle.logger.L1.level             = info

# logger : T1 (text)
chronicle.logger.T1.path              = ${slf4j.chronicle.base}/T1
chronicle.logger.T1.level             = debug
chronicle.logger.T1.format            = text
chronicle.logger.T1.dateFormat        = yyyyMMdd-HHmmss-S

The configuration of chronicle-slf4j supports variable interpolation where the variables are replaced with the corresponding values from the same configuration file, the system properties and from some predefined values. System properties have the precedence in placeholder replacement so they can be overriden.

Predefined values are:

  • pid which will replaced by the process id
  • today which will be replaced by the current date (yyyyMMdd)

By default the underlying Chronicle is set up using the default configuration but you can tweak it via chronicle.logger.${name}.cfg prefix where the name after the prefix should be the name of the related ChronicleQueueBuilder setter (depending of the value set for chronicle.logger.${name}.type) i.e:

chronicle.logger.root.cfg.indexFileCapacity = 128
chronicle.logger.root.cfg.dataBlockSize     = 256
chronicle.logger.root.cfg.synchronous       = true

The parameters will change those defined by the default configuration.


  • Loggers are not hierarchical grouped so my.domain.package.MyClass1 and my.domain are two distinct entities.
  • The path is used to track the underlying Chronicle so two loggers configured with the same path will share the same Chronicle


The chronicle-logger-logback module provides appenders for Logback targeting Chronicle-Queue as underlying persistence framework:

  • BinaryIndexedChronicleAppender
  • TextIndexedChronicleAppender
  • BinaryVanillaChronicleAppender
  • TextVanillaChronicleAppender


  • BinaryIndexedChronicleAppender

    This appender writes log entries to an IndexedChronicle as binary

    <appender name  = "BinaryIndexedAppender"
              class = "net.openhft.chronicle.logger.logback.BinaryIndexedChronicleAppender">
        <!-- Path used by the underlying IndexedChronicle -->
        Configure the underlying IndexedChronicle, for a list of the options have
        a look at net.openhft.chronicle.ChronicleQueueBuilder 
  • TextIndexedChronicleAppender

    This appender writes log entries to an IndexedChronicle as text

    <appender name  = "TextIndexedAppender"
              class = "net.openhft.chronicle.logger.logback.TextIndexedChronicleAppender">
        <!-- Path used by the underlying IndexedChronicle -->
        Configure the underlying IndexedChronicle, for a list of the options have
        a look at net.openhft.chronicle.ChronicleQueueBuilder 
  • BinaryVanillaChronicleAppender

    This appender writes log entries to a VanillaChronicle as binary

    <appender name  = "BinaryVanillaAppender"
              class = "net.openhft.chronicle.logger.logback.BinaryVanillaChronicleAppender">
        <!-- Path used by the underlying VanillaChronicle -->
        Configure the underlying VanillaChronicle, for a list of the options have
        a look at net.openhft.chronicle.ChronicleQueueBuilder 
  • TextVanillaChronicleAppender

    This appender writes log entries to a VanillaChronicle as text

    <appender name  = "TextVanillaAppender"
              class = "net.openhft.chronicle.logger.logback.TextVanillaChronicleAppender">
        <!-- Path used by the underlying VanillaChronicle -->
        Configure the underlying VanillaChronicle, for a list of the options have
        a look at net.openhft.chronicle.ChronicleQueueBuilder 


<!DOCTYPE log4j:configuration SYSTEM "log4j.dtd">
<log4j:configuration xmlns:log4j=''>

    <!-- ******************************************************************* -->
    <!--                                                                     -->
    <!-- ******************************************************************* -->

    <appender name  = "BINARY-VANILLA-CHRONICLE"
              class = "net.openhft.chronicle.logger.log4j1.BinaryVanillaChronicleAppender">
        <param name="path" value="${}/chronicle-log4j1/binary-vanilla-chronicle"/>
        <param name="includeCallerData" value="false"/>
        <param name="includeMappedDiagnosticContext" value="false"/>

    <appender name  = "TEXT-VANILLA-CHRONICLE"
              class = "net.openhft.chronicle.logger.log4j1.TextVanillaChronicleAppender">
        <param name="path" value="${}/chronicle-log4j1/text-vanilla-chronicle"/>
        <param name="dateFormat" value="yyyy.MM.dd-HH:mm:ss.SSS"/>
        <param name="stackTradeDepth" value="3"/>

    <appender name  = "BINARY-INDEXED-CHRONICLE"
              class = "net.openhft.chronicle.logger.log4j1.BinaryIndexedChronicleAppender">
        <param name="path" value="${}/chronicle-log4j1/binary-indexed-chronicle"/>
        <param name="includeCallerData" value="false"/>
        <param name="includeMappedDiagnosticContext" value="false"/>

    <appender name  = "TEXT-INDEXED-CHRONICLE"
              class = "net.openhft.chronicle.logger.log4j1.TextIndexedChronicleAppender">
        <param name="path" value="${}/chronicle-log4j1/text-indexed-chronicle"/>
        <param name="dateFormat" value="yyyy.MM.dd-HH:mm:ss.SSS"/>
        <param name="stackTradeDepth" value="3"/>

    <!-- ******************************************************************* -->
    <!-- STDOUT                                                              -->
    <!-- ******************************************************************* -->

    <appender name  = "STDOUT"
              class = "org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender">
        <layout class="org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout">
            <param name="ConversionPattern" value="%-4r [%t] %-5p %c %x - %m%n" />

    <!-- ******************************************************************* -->
    <!--                                                                     -->
    <!-- ******************************************************************* -->

    <logger name="binary-vanilla-chronicle" additivity="false">
        <level value="trace"/>
        <appender-ref ref="BINARY-VANILLA-CHRONICLE"/>

    <logger name="text-vanilla-chronicle" additivity="false">
        <level value="trace"/>
        <appender-ref ref="TEXT-VANILLA-CHRONICLE"/>

    <logger name="binary-indexed-chronicle" additivity="false">
        <level value="trace"/>
        <appender-ref ref="BINARY-INDEXED-CHRONICLE"/>

    <logger name="text-indexed-chronicle" additivity="false">
        <level value="trace"/>
        <appender-ref ref="TEXT-INDEXED-CHRONICLE"/>

    <!-- ******************************************************************* -->
    <!--                                                                     -->
    <!-- ******************************************************************* -->

    <logger name="net.openhft" additivity="false">
        <level value="warn"/>
        <appender-ref ref="STDOUT"/>

    <!-- ******************************************************************* -->
    <!--                                                                     -->
    <!-- ******************************************************************* -->

        <level value="debug" />
        <appender-ref ref="STDOUT" />



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<configuration packages="net.openhft.chronicle.logger,net.openhft.chronicle.logger.log4j2">

    <!-- ******************************************************************* -->
    <!-- APPENDERS                                                           -->
    <!-- ******************************************************************* -->


        <Console name="STDOUT" target="SYSTEM_OUT">
            <PatternLayout pattern="[CHRONOLOGY] [%-5p] %c - %m%n%throwable{none}"/>

        <!-- *************************************************************** -->
        <!-- VANILLA                                                         -->
        <!-- *************************************************************** -->

        <BinaryVanillaChronicle name="BINARY-VANILLA-CHRONICLE">

        <TextVanillaChronicle name="TEXT-VANILLA-CHRONICLE">

        <!-- *************************************************************** -->
        <!-- INDEXED                                                         -->
        <!-- *************************************************************** -->

        <BinaryIndexedChronicle name="BINARY-INDEXED-CHRONICLE">

        <TextIndexedChronicle name="TEXT-INDEXED-CHRONICLE">


    <!-- ******************************************************************* -->
    <!-- LOGGERS                                                             -->
    <!-- ******************************************************************* -->


        <root level="all">
            <appender-ref ref="STDOUT"/>

        <!-- *************************************************************** -->
        <!-- VANILLA                                                         -->
        <!-- *************************************************************** -->

        <logger name="binary-vanilla-chronicle" level="trace" additivity="false">
            <appender-ref ref="BINARY-VANILLA-CHRONICLE"/>
        <logger name="text-vanilla-chronicle" level="trace" additivity="false">
            <appender-ref ref="TEXT-VANILLA-CHRONICLE"/>

        <!-- *************************************************************** -->
        <!-- INDEXED                                                         -->
        <!-- *************************************************************** -->

        <logger name="binary-indexed-chronicle" level="trace" additivity="false">
            <appender-ref ref="BINARY-INDEXED-CHRONICLE"/>
        <logger name="text-indexed-chronicle" level="trace" additivity="false">
            <appender-ref ref="TEXT-INDEXED-CHRONICLE"/>

        <!-- *************************************************************** -->
        <!--                                                                 -->
        <!-- *************************************************************** -->

        <logger name="net.openhft" level="warn"/>




handlers=java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler, net.openhft.chronicle.logger.jul.BinaryVanillaChronicleHandler





net.openhft.chronicle.logger.jul.BinaryVanillaChronicleHandler.path = ${}/chronicle-jul/vanilla
net.openhft.chronicle.logger.jul.BinaryVanillaChronicleHandler.level = ALL




  ChroniTail [-t|-i] path
      -t = text chronicle, default binary
      -i = IndexedCronicle, default VanillaChronicle

  mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="" -Dexec.args="..."
    ChroniCat [-t|-i] path
      -t = text chronicle, default binary
      -i = IndexedCronicle, default VanillaChronicle

    mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="" -Dexec.args="..."
    ChroniCat [-t|-i] regexp1 ... regexpN path
      -t = text chronicle, default binary
      -i = IndexedCronicle, default VanillaChronicle

    mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="" -Dexec.args="..."

Writing a simple LogSearch with Groovy and Grape

  • Binary log search
import net.openhft.chronicle.ChronicleQueueBuilder
import net.openhft.chronicle.logger.ChronicleLogProcessor

   @Grab(group='net.openhft', module='chronicle'              , version='3.3.5'),
   @Grab(group='net.openhft', module='chronicle-logger-tools' , version='1.1.0-SNAPSHOT' ),
class LogSearch {
    static def main(String[] args) {
        try {
            if(args.length == 1) {
                    new ChroniTool.BinaryProcessor() {
                        public void process(ChronicleLogEvent event) {
                            if(event.message =~ '.*n.*') {
                                printf("%s => %s\n",ts,msg)
        } catch(Exception e) {
  • Text log search
import net.openhft.chronicle.ChronicleQueueBuilder
import net.openhft.chronicle.logger.ChronicleLogProcessor

   @Grab(group='net.openhft', module='chronicle'             , version='3.3.5'),
   @Grab(group='net.opemhft', module='chronicle-logger-tools', version='1.1.0-SNAPSHOT' ),
class LogSearch {
    static def main(String[] args) {
        try {
            if(args.length == 1) {
                    new ChroniTool.TextProcessor() {
                        public void process(ChronicleLogEvent event) {
                            if(msg =~ '.*n.*') {
                                printf("%s => %s\n",ts,msg)
                    ChroniTool.binaryReader(processor as ChronicleLogProcessor),
        } catch(Exception e) {

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