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pf2e-animal-companions's Issues

Animal Companion class set incorrect proficiency ranks

After updating to Pathfinder 2nd Edition version, all existing young animal companions and any new ones have incorrect proficiency ranks in: Reflex, Will, Unarmormed (all are set to Expert where it should be Trained). Testing it out, I noticed that setting them to Untrained in the Class Details sets them to Trained, so I'm assuming there's either a hidden rule element increasing those ranks in particular, or they changed something in the way classes set proficiency ranks. I did my testing with only this module enabled.

Eidolons are getting HP

The following REs are currently on the Eidolon Class item, granting them their Con mod in HP per level
{"key":"FlatModifier","selector":"hp-per-level","type":"item","value":"[email protected]"}

And just 1 HP flat

Mature Companions and Automatic Bonus Progression Variant

Noticed when a world is using the "Automatic Bonus Progression" variant rule and an animal companion takes the "Mature Animal Companion" feat, it adds an extra die (3 total instead of 2)

Level 4 companion w/o feat

Level 4 companion with feat

Eidolon Unarmed Attack Proficiency Incorrect

My eidolon at level 6 is programmed to have Master proficiency with his unarmed attacks, while it should only be expert. Eidolon unarmed expertise kicks in at level 5, and mastery at level 13.

Compendium Clarity: Request

This module is great! One quick request, if you do not mind, could you clarify which compendium is which in the readme (name of compendium to description)? There also seems to be 9 compendiums, not 7 (only 6 are listed).

Fix the scorpion stinger attack format

Scorpion ancestry :

<p><strong>Melee</strong> <span class="pf2-icon">1</span> stinger, <strong>Damage</strong> 1d6 piercing</p>
<p>plus poison (see Special)</p>

<p><strong>Melee</strong> <span class="pf2-icon">1</span> stinger, <strong>Damage</strong> 1d6 piercing plus poison (see Special)</p>

Eidolon Primary Attack

The eidolon primary attacks are not configured correctly. The reference document says the options are:
1d8 damage (disarm, nonlethal, shove, or trip)
1d6 damage (fatal d10)
1d6 damage (forceful and sweep)
1d6 damage (deadly d8 and finesse)
That seems to be interpreted by the options in the module as 1d8 with disarm and nonlethal and (shove or trip) when in actuality it should be read as (disarm OR nonlethal OR shove OR trip) resulting in 4 different configurations for the 1d8 damage options, not two which MUST have disarm and nonlethal.

Ability scores are very sensitive/buggy

It seems like the script to add the ability scores will re-add them whenever a change is made to the scores (or level, and maybe some other strange sheet interactions)
Increasing the sheet's level or editing an ability score will repeat the ability score buffs/nerfs that the script initially does, making it impossible to correct this bug without deleting the sheet entirely and starting again.

Specialiced Animal companions dont gain all Baseline benefits

Specialized animal companions dont gain the baseline "Increase its Dexterity modifier by 1 and its Intelligence modifier by 2" or damage increase that all animal companions gain when they get there first specialization.

They get all other things and the listed unique for that specialization.

Specialized animal companions are more intelligent and engage in more complex behaviors. The first time an animal gains a specialization, it gains the following: Its proficiency rank for unarmed attacks increases to expert. Its proficiency ranks for saving throws and Perception increase to master. Increase its Dexterity modifier by 1 and its Intelligence modifier by 2. Its unarmed attack damage increases from two dice to three dice, and it increases its additional damage with unarmed attacks from 2 to 4 or from 3 to 6.

Each specialization grants additional benefits. Most animal companions can have only one specialization.

As and Example, a Savage, Mature Horse that selects Ambush specification Gains:
Expert in unarmed attacks (Generic specialization)
Expert in Unarmored (Specific for Ambush)
Expert in Stealth (Specific for Ambush)
Master in Perception (Generic specialization)
Master in all Saves (Generic specialization)
Increase Dexterity modifier by 1 (Specific for Ambush)
From 2 -> 3 Dice on attacks (Generic specialization)

But whats missing is
Increase Dexterity modifier by 1 (Generic specialization)
Increase Intelligence modifier by 2 (Generic specialization)
increases its additional damage with unarmed from 3 to 6. (Generic specialization)

Foundry Varsion 9
PF2e Companion compendia 5.0.9

Proficiencies sometimes fall off when reloading the world.

When reloading a world sometimes the active effects on one of the feats/class/ancestry falls off. This may be a system issue, but I'm working on a workaround to avoid it. Newest release should reduce this to just the class and mature animal companion. If this happens to you try replacing either of those with new copies.

two different attacks roll the same for damage

First let me say that this might not be an issue with this module, and it is a more generic issue, but I wasn't sure how to verify.
I've noticed this on all companions with two types of attacks (Bear, Dromaeosaur, etc).

I will use Dromaeosaur for the following example:
When looking at the actions list, all buttons for both attacks (Talon, Jaws) look and work correctly.

However if you click the Jaws Strike button, then in the game chat click the Damage or Critical buttons, it will roll damage for Talons.
This seems to be the case for all of them, the 'Damage' roll from the chat for both attack options pick the same one regardless.

(Ignore me having 3 copies of each attack, I added custom inventory weapons to fix the above issue)
damage rolls

Animal Companions are affected by the Automatic Bonus Progression variant rule.

In my game, I activated the Automatic Bonus progression variant rule, considering the bonus progression as fundamental runes.
However, when I added our Ranger's Animal Companion and Beastmaster companion using the PF2e Animal Companions module, I noticed that both of them had the Bonus Progression applied as well, which shouldn't be the case.

Angel Eidolon Hallowed Strikes Target

The current RE to apply 1 Good damage to Evil targets isn't working at the moment.

Changing the preficate to target:trait:evil seems to correct that.

Automatic Bonus Progression Causing issues with the attack dice

Currently, Animal companions are getting the ABP dice bonus but not any of the other ABP bonuses like to hit, perception and AC
Unrelated to this issue, the stats aren't shown correctly for the specialized bonuses but they are applied correctly. Not a real issue but I thought I'd elaborate because you can see it here:


I've been able to reproduce both issues on multiple sheets and this is my foundry and pathfinder version:

Adding Beast and Phantom Eidolon ancestries are crashing the programme

Creating a new PC (for an Eidolon), using the pf2e module, when dragging the Beast and Phantom Eidolon ancestries are added, once you click on a Primary Strike, it crashes the tab completely. Tested on Firefox and Chrome. No other modules are installed, only this one. Can replicate on both browsers.

Added this on PF2e hub but got told it's not core so adding here as well. Hope that's ok!

Creating Undead Eidelon Hangs/Crashes Tabs

When attempting to create an undead Eidelon the browser hangs and eventually the tab is killed. I am able to create other eidelons (such as angelic). I don't see any errors in the console unfortunately.

This probably means nothing but the UI flow is different for the angelic eidelon.
Angelic: Subtype -> Size -> Default Attack
Undead: Subtype -> Default Attack -> Size

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create a new PC sheet
  2. Drag Undead Eidelon onto the sheet
  3. Select Brute or Stalker, does not seem to matter
  4. Select a default attack, does not seem to matter
  5. Select a size, does not seem to matter
  6. Browser hangs.

Foundry Version: 10 (B285)
PF2E Version: 4.0.6
Companion Compendia Version: 5.4 (thank you for adding v10 support)
Tested in both Firefox and Chrome

Gradual Ability Boosts on eidolon - Impossible?

I'm assuming that the AC Eidolon Compendium is from this module.

It appears to automate the ability boosts to take place at Levels 5, 10, 15, and 20 as per the default rules.

It also appears to "lock" the ability scores so I can't manually change them.

I have tried tinkering with the Demon Eidolon class under Details, and under the Eidolon Class under details, but what I do is not reflected in the ability scores.

Construct Companion Expert/Master/Legendary Overdrive

The additional 1/2/3 from the Expert/Master/Legendary Overdrive class feature are not accounted for on a innovation construct companion.
Temporary fix implemented was moving over a copy of the relevant class feature from the inventor to the companion.

Compared to the intelligence score issue (solved in this case by manually adjusted Int on companion too match inventors) which makes itself apparent, this issue is more subtle and only becomes noticeable beginning at level 3.


Thank you for your mod!

Could you add barding? Or is it in here already?

I don't see a way to give animal companions Barding and make their AC accurate.

Fix the Psychopomp eidolon

<p><strong>Soul Guardian</strong> Str 18, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 8; +2 AC (+3 Dex cap) Scribe of</p>
<p><strong>the Dead</strong> Str 12, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 10; +1 AC (+4 Dex cap)</p>

should be

<p><strong>Soul Guardian</strong> Str 18, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 8; +2 AC (+3 Dex cap) </p>
<p><strong>Scribe of the Dead</strong> Str 12, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 10; +1 AC (+4 Dex cap)</p>

Feature Request (or update documentation) for Summoner Archetype Eidolons

I think having a toggle on the sheet that lets it know that it is a Summoner Archetype Eidolon instead of a full eidolon would be helpful. I banged my head around wondering why I couldn't change the 18 in an ability score to a 16. I just deleted the type of eidolon from the feat page and then added an untyped modifier to get an AC bump (brutal beast).

If there is already a way to do this correctly, I apologize for being dense and not able to figure it out myself. In that case, maybe a paragraph on the README about summoner archetype eidolons?

Thank you so much for making this module. It's super helpful.

Incorrect Damage Die on Bird Ancestry

The Talon entry for the Bird Ancestry is set to be a d6, when it should be a d4.
It's stated properly in the description, but the RE has the wrong damage die.

Companion Class Interacts with Mature and Nimble Feats to produce incorrect values

In producing a Wolf Companion with both the Mature and Nimble feats I noticed that the Reflex and Will Saves were incorrectly set to Master instead of Expert, and Acrobatics was set to Master instead of Expert.

Applying the Animal Companion Class and the Mature Animal Companion feat each on their own produced correct Save values, however applying both simultaneously produced the error, and the same with the Animal Companion Class and the Nimble Companion Feat pertaining to Acrobatics, so I assumed an issue with the value and mode of the effects.

I was able to correct the Save values by editing the Animal Companion class JSON under "Effects" and changing the "Mode" and "Priority" values for Will and Reflex rank from (2, 2) to (4, 1), mimicking Fortitude rank which was behaving correctly as a baseline.

I was similarly able to correct the Acrobatics value by editing the Nimble Companion JSON under "Effects" and changing the Acrobatics "Value" to 1, the "Mode" to 2, and the Priority to "2", setting it to add instead.

Essentially "Mode 4" was setting a baseline to which other values were being added with "Mode 2" when it seems like it was intended to be a replacement value and they were stacking incorrectly as a result; hopefully this helps address the issues.

Animal Companion Class JSON Effects Edit

Nimble Companion Feat JSON Effects Edit

(tested on Foundry 0.8.8 with no other mods active in a fresh test world)

Speed Types not Importing

Reporting here directly since this seems to be the official module Github. I mentioned this in pf2e channel on the Foundry Discord.

Noticed this when dragging the Snake to an empty PC actor. The Climb and Swim speeds didn't get added as expected. I have not tested with other animal companions. This isn't a pressing issue, but just wanted to report it so that it is documented.

Fix a typo in Crocodile ancestry

Support Benefit Your crocodile clamps its jaws on your foe, refusing to let go. Until the start of your next turn, if your Strike damages a creature in your crocodile's reach, your crocodile can latch onto the creature. While thus attached, the crocodile can move along with the target whenever the target moves until the end of your next turn. Your crocodile can latch onto only one creature in this way, and it must release the creature to make a jaws Strike. If the target is smaller than the crocodile, it takes a -10-foot circumstance penalty to its**

Speeds** and can't Fly while the crocodile is latched on.

Unable To Create Companion -- e.uuid is undefined

Trying to create a new eidelon and getting the error e.uuid is undefined. Using the official Abomination Vaults world from FVTT.


To reproduce:

  1. Create a new PC sheet
  2. Drag the Undead Eidelon onto the sheet



Version 9 Support

Hey Tikael!

I happen to be in the unfortunate spot of building my Foundry setups in between major version updates. Lots of mods I'd like to use only work for v9 still, so it would be nice to have v9 support for a bit longer until everyone else stabilizes.

Are you able to expose 5.3 for a bit longer?

I've seen other authors able to do this via tagging the commit involved, and adding another module.json pointing to that tag:

Fix fiery leopard

<p><strong>Melee</strong> <span class="**\&quot;**pf2-icon**\&quot;"**>1</span> jaws (finesse), <strong>Damage</strong> 1d6 piercing</p>
<p><strong>Melee</strong> <span class="**\&quot;**pf2-icon**\&quot;"**>1</span> claw (agile, finesse), <strong>Damage</strong> 1d4 slashing</p>

&quot; XXX &quot;" (samee in the cat ancestry)

In Special Flat- footed -> Flat-footed (same in the cat ancestry)

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