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A fast, middleware based, web framework written in Rust

License: MIT License

Rust 97.62% Shell 0.06% HTML 0.02% Starlark 2.30%
rust web-framework web web-development thruster thruster-rs hacktoberfest

thruster's Issues

test question


  • how test status code ?
  • how test all headers (or one header) ?


too basic context

As a new user, I find it constraining to code (each time) my own "" to start a new project. it's not intuitive.

Some basic methods in BasicContext should be proposed by default which allow to define headers (add, del) and define the return code (404)

  • add_header("headerKey", "value")
  • set_status_code(418)


Using unix domain socket

Hello, is there any way to use thruster with unix domain sockets?
If they is no way to do that now, I wonder if is possible to add a method .build_from_incoming which use hyper::Server::builder instead hyper::Server::bind for create the underlying hyper::Server

or maybe just a new type of server thruster::UsdHyperServer which impl the ThrusterServer trait but ignoring the port argument, like this:

use thruster::{
        generate_context, BasicHyperContext as Ctx, HyperRequest,
    async_middleware, middleware_fn,
    App, Context, ThrusterServer,
    MiddlewareNext, MiddlewareResult,

use hyper::{
    service::{make_service_fn, service_fn},
    Body, Request, Response, Server,

use std::sync::Arc;
use async_trait::async_trait;
use tokio::net::UnixListener;

pub struct UdsHyperServer<T: 'static + Context + Send> {
    app: App<HyperRequest, T>,

impl<T: 'static + Context + Send> UdsHyperServer<T> { }

impl<T: Context<Response = Response<Body>> + Send> ThrusterServer for UdsHyperServer<T> {
    type Context = T;
    type Response = Response<Body>;
    type Request = HyperRequest;

    fn new(app: App<Self::Request, T>) -> Self {
        UdsHyperServer { app }

    async fn build(mut self, path: &str, _port: u16) {;

        let arc_app = Arc::new(;

        async move {
            let service = make_service_fn(|_| {
                let app = arc_app.clone();
                async {
                    Ok::<_, hyper::Error>(service_fn(move |req: Request<Body>| {
                        let matched = app.resolve_from_method_and_path(

                        let req = HyperRequest::new(req);
                        app.resolve(req, matched)

            let mut listener = UnixListener::bind(path).unwrap();
            let incoming = listener.incoming();
            let incoming = accept::from_stream(incoming);

            let server = Server::builder(incoming).serve(service);


            Ok::<_, hyper::Error>(())
        .expect("hyper server failed");

async fn plaintext(mut context: Ctx, _next: MiddlewareNext<Ctx>) -> MiddlewareResult<Ctx> {
    let val = "Hello, World!";

fn main() {
    println!("Starting server...");

    let mut app = App::<HyperRequest, Ctx>::create(generate_context);

    app.get("/plaintext", async_middleware!(Ctx, [plaintext]));

    let server = UdsHyperServer::new(app);
    server.start("/tmp/thruster.sock", 4321);

    // test the server with the following command:
    // curl --unix-socket /tmp/thruster.sock http://host/plaintext

A few usage questions

Hello and thanks for working on Thruster!
I have been experimenting with various Rust web frameworks over the past few days to potentially replace my usage of Rocket. So far Thruster has been one of the more promising candidates. I love the simplicity of the API and how easy it is to create, manipulate and pass around the App type.

I have a few questions on how to use the framework correctly:

  • Is the best/only way to serve static files to write a middleware which loads the entire file in memory and calls context.body(entire_file_content)? This seems very inefficient if that is the case :(
  • Also on the subject of serving static files, how would you recommend matching the trailing portion of a route? For example, let's say I want to make all URL starting with /swagger to serve the corresponding files in a ./docs directory on disk. For instance, hitting /swagger/img/logo.png should serve /docs/img/logo.png
  • When using App::create, it would be very useful if it was possible to pass in a closure as the generate_context argument. As it stands, I am not sure how to shove any data that is determined during application startup into the context objects. EDIT: I guess this is the answer: #130

Many thanks in advance!

Add gRPC support

Thruster should be able to have have gRPC support like tonic. Update this issue with more details as they evolve.

Have you considered dropping the "e"?

This repo would get way more traction with a name like "Thrustr". You could even capitalize the "r" as a nod to Rust. Something like "ThrustR"?

I'll submit a PR.

Consider offloading types to the HTTP crate

I'm curious if you've thought about moving some of your types to the http crate. This would reduce the amount of code you're having to maintain, and also be more familiar to people coming from other frameworks (Hyper, etc).

No bother if you can't/don't want to, just thought it might be worth a suggestion! The reason I bring it up now is that it'd be easier now than later to migrate :p



  • rustc --version -> rustc 1.28.0 (9634041f0 2018-07-30)
  • cargo run --example most_basic
  • open
  • "Hello, World !" - Firefox or Chrome - :-)
  • F5 .... "lost connection/ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE" - Firefox or Chrome - :-(


HTML templating?

Will you be adding support for server side HTML generation?

For a full stack web framework the following would be required.

page generation
asset management i.e. webpack (for CSS, JS and images)

how exec code after thruster::App::start


  • how exec println!("{}", "do some others actions after start") (or a function) after thruster::App::start(app, host, port);
  • how catch thruster stop (and print message) ?
  • how catch thruster error (and print error message)?

fn main() {
  println!("Starting server {}://{}:{}", &protocol, &host, &port); // ok display
  thruster::App::start(app, host, port);
  println!("{}", "do some others actions after start"); // <== never display 




  • cargo run --example most_basic-> - ``error[E0432]: unresolved import `net2::unix```

Thruster is only Linux ?


file content example

thank you for BasicContext update (and cookie). very great.
I search a minimal middleware example for return file content (image, favicon. ..) async example with tokio' not a sync example.

`*` routes do not propagate downward

setting a wildcard route doesn't actually propagate down, in other words, curling /test/a/b/2 causes an exception.

fn main() {
    let host = "";
    let port = 8080;

    println!("Starting server, accessible from : http://{}:{}", host, port);

    let mut app = App::create(generate_context);
    app.use_middleware("/", profiling);
    app.get("/*", vec![not_found]);

    app.get("/test/a/b", vec![test1]);
    app.get("/test/a/c", vec![test1]);

    App::start(app, host, port);

Create a testing harness

We should have a testing harness akin to supertest in nodejs. That is, calling the harness would look something like:

use thruster::test;
use super::my_app::{Context, init};
  let app: App<Context> = init();
  let test_app = test::wrap(app);
  let result = test_app.get("test/route");

  assert!(result == "Hello, world!");

It might make sense to automatically wrap the response in an object as well?

Application State

Are there plans to allow storing application state in some form? Like an R2D2 connection manager that can be used within routes to retrieve a database session?

Ability to return futures

Suppose I want to do a HTTP request and return a context which depends on it, when I receive a request on my Fanta endpoint.

I'd think I need to create a Hyper Client with a tokio Handle and then return the future request (for Fanta to make sure the future is run and the response from the future used).

Is this already possible?

Add a wildcard route that matches all routes


Currently set404 function allows to set the middleware if no route is successfully matched . This function can be renamed to be less specific, since it's the developer who defines the logic.

My proposition :

  • Define all routes with a specific match
  • Define a default behavior for routes that do not match : forward, 404, 403, ...

We can rename set404 with something like set_default_behavior / set_default_middleware... or with the name you want, the discussion is opened :)

Route parameters with async await?

Currently when i try to use route parameters i get a panic with the message Chain out of cycle from the thruster-core-async-await crate L39.

[Question] Group routes

Hi there,

I'm trying Thruster (good job !) and I would like to group my routes with the same base path. Example :

  • /admin
  • /admin/:adminId/posts

Middlewares (with a naive approach) :

  • _app.get("/admin", vec![show_admins]);
  • _app.get("/admin/:adminId/posts", vec![show_admin_posts]);

How do you associate a different middleware for /admin/:adminId/posts? Currently, this route match the middleware of /admin/ first (which returns a json response for example).

thank you!

Tokio has fallen

RE: tokio-rs/tokio#1087 (comment)

For the time being, for await support, you must use github to depend on tokio.

    Checking tokio-async-await v0.1.7
error[E0432]: unresolved import `std::await`
  --> /Users/ckarper/.cargo/registry/src/
35 | pub use std::await as std_await;
   |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ no `await` in the root

Improve Thruster Server struct performance

Would love to get the home-grown implementation of an http encoder/decoder more in line with hyper's perf.

For perf focused users, you can now easily use Hyper as the backend, but it would be nice to be on level playing fields in the future.

Proposal: Using traits instead of static fn for middleware chains


I'm proposing moving middleware chains to using traits rather than static fns. It'll make it significantly easier to add objects to chains, rather than creating a new function for each chain item. Moreover, traits can respond dynamically rather than using a static function whose definition can't be changed.

This is similar to how does it. You can take a look at that here:

Can't override Server header

I tried to set a Server header, but it was getting doubled with the static header text in the Response. Having Thruster as the default is a great idea, but if it could go through the regular set method on the response, that would allow a program to remove it when desired.

Standard approach in my microservices is (or at least what I expected to work):

async fn server(mut context: Ctx, next: MiddlewareNext<Ctx>) -> Ctx {
	context = await!(next(context));
	context.set("Server", &format!("{} v{}", PKG_NAME, PKG_VERSION));

middleware error compilation

I ha ve an error when i test basic middleware

16 |   let ctx_future =
   |       ^^^^^^^^^^ `futures::Future<Error=std::io::Error, Item=thruster::BasicContext> + std::marker::Send` does not have a constant size known at compile-time
   = help: the trait `std::marker::Sized` is not implemented for `futures::Future<Error=std::io::Error, Item=thruster::BasicContext> + std::marker::Send`
   = note: all local variables must have a statically known size

extern crate thruster;
extern crate futures;

use std::boxed::Box;
use futures::future;

use thruster::{App, BasicContext as Ctx, MiddlewareChain, MiddlewareReturnValue};

fn index(mut context: Ctx, _chain: &MiddlewareChain<Ctx>) -> MiddlewareReturnValue<Ctx> {
  context.body = "Hello, Index!".to_owned();;

fn profiling(mut context: Ctx, _chain: &MiddlewareChain<Ctx>) -> MiddlewareReturnValue<Ctx> {
  println!("{}", "before");
  let ctx_future =
      .and_then(move |ctx| {
        println!("{}", "after");

fn main() {
  println!("Starting server...");

  let mut app = App::<Ctx>::new();

  app.use_middleware("/", profiling);
  app.get("/", vec![index]);

  App::start(app, "", 4321);


[Question] Server shutdown

I'm new to Rust and Thruster, coming from a Node.js background. I would like to know if there is a way to gracefully shut down a Thruster server and do some cleanup before the process ends.

In Node, I can listen for a SIGTERM and prepare for the shutdown like this:

process.on('SIGTERM', () => {
    log.warn('SIGTERM received. Stopping server.');

Is there a way to do something similar with Thruster?


Share state using generate context

I would like to share a state between requests storing it into request context.

The proposal is to create a new trait that implements a method generate

pub trait ContextGenerator {
    fn generate(req: R) -> T;

The change is about

Reference gitter channel in README

You really should reference the gitter channel somewhere in the README and maybe even in the docs. I accidentially saw the channel mentioned in a closed issue, otherwise wouldn't know that it exists. So make it more present, so that people join ;)

Allow use of different contexts in sub apps

I was wondering why it isn‘t possible to use a different type of context in the sub apps. I haven‘t done much work with this library yet but this seems to hinder usability, does it? I can imagine a scenario where I‘d have an /api endpoint that automatically parses all requests as JSON (and stores the data on the context) while the other endpoints would treat the requests differently.

HTTP response status codes

What do you think about using the status codes from the http crate or implementing something similar? I think a defined status code type is way more ergonomic to use and less error prone for a developer than needing to enter a number or string of a status code.

[Feature] Create an example for handling sockets and socket messages (Websockets)

While using the hyper server, this should already be possible. This is the tracking issue to make that support first class, along with an example and short guide.

Ideally the upgrade for the socket will be handled via a single middleware function, but we should consider the following:

  • Should each socket be stored in a static map somewhere for reference later?
  • Should we also have first class support for

thruster template

I have created a little thruster template: with tests, coverage and livereload.

Can you test if is ok, and fork if you need

I'm going to be out of town from now on. I hope to integrate evolutions when you have solved other problems (but without guarantee).


Example doesn't work

I am getting the following error:

error[E0277]: the trait bound `futures::future::FutureResult<thruster::BasicContext, _>: futures::future::Future` is not satisfied
  --> src/
21 |   Box::new(future::ok(context))
   |   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ the trait `futures::future::Future` is not implemented for `futures::future::FutureResult<thruster::BasicContext, _>`
   = note: required for the cast to the object type `futures::future::Future<Item=thruster::BasicContext, Error=std::io::Error> + std::marker::Send`

Also, it seems that there is no need to list serde, serde_json, and tokio explicitly in the example project.

Rust version: 1.27 and Nightly (2018-06-19).

P.S. I had to comment #![feature(test)] in the to get it compiling to this state on stable Rust.

README mistake

In the basic example of the README the endpoint declaration is currently:

app.get("/plaintext", middleware![plaintext]);

But the correct way seems to be:

app.get("/plaintext", middleware![Ctx => plaintext]);

Might want to adjust it, through me off at first might do the same to others.

index route

app.get("/", vec![index]); not recognize !

  • : ok
  • (or : ko, display always page 404

How catch index page ?

extern crate thruster;
extern crate futures;

use std::boxed::Box;
use futures::future;

use thruster::{App, BasicContext as Ctx, MiddlewareChain, MiddlewareReturnValue};

fn index(mut context: Ctx, _chain: &MiddlewareChain<Ctx>) -> MiddlewareReturnValue<Ctx> {
  context.body = "Hello, Index!".to_owned();;
fn plaintext(mut context: Ctx, _chain: &MiddlewareChain<Ctx>) -> MiddlewareReturnValue<Ctx> {
  context.body = "Hello, Plaintext !".to_owned();;

fn page404(mut context: Ctx, _chain: &MiddlewareChain<Ctx>) -> MiddlewareReturnValue<Ctx> {
  context.body = "Hello, 404 !".to_owned();;

fn main() {
  println!("Starting server...");

  let mut app = App::<Ctx>::new();

  app.get("/", vec![index]);
  app.get("/plaintext", vec![plaintext]);
  app.get("/*", vec![page404]);

  App::start(app, "", 4321);

Allow streams for large request processing

This issue is for an investigation and a subsequent implementation. Important questions to answer will be:

  • How does streaming look in terms of the existing API? Is a data stream something we can add on to a request while keeping the rest of the request intact?
  • How does handling a stream in a middleware function look? My first inclination is to say that it would look something like
request.body_stream().// do something with said stream

but am unclear how that would play with the existing body field.

Run and fix Clippy issues

We should be using best practices in this repository. So:

  • Add clippy to our Travis build
  • Fix clippy issues locally

Formalize route matching algorithm

Given our tree structure, which I believe is fairly comprehensive, as it hasn't changed for a long time, I'd like to better formalize the algorithm for matching routes. Right now the matching code has been taped up many times and is smelling pretty bad. With a more formal algorithm we can drastically clean it up.

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