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grogilla_the_great's Introduction

Minto NFT Marketplace is a marketplace where you can buy, sell, bid, and create NFTs. Here you can find category wised NFTs with their seller and creators. Besides, you can connect with your crypto wallet and start creating your own assets and can sell them!

Table of Contents

This project is Build with React, a JavaScript frameworks for building user interfaces. Besides, Material UI was used as a UI component library. These are the main tools that are used in this project and the other tools and libraries are listed below:

Here is the list of all dependancies -

"dependencies": {
    "@emotion/react": "^11.7.1",
    "@emotion/styled": "^11.6.0",
    "@mui/lab": "^5.0.0-alpha.62",
    "@mui/material": "^5.2.4",
    "@mui/styled-engine-sc": "^5.1.0",
    "@testing-library/jest-dom": "^5.14.1",
    "@testing-library/react": "^12.0.0",
    "@testing-library/user-event": "^13.2.1",
    "animejs": "^3.2.1",
    "axios": "^0.24.0",
    "date-fns": "^2.27.0",
    "i18next": "^21.6.5",
    "i18next-browser-languagedetector": "^6.1.2",
    "i18next-http-backend": "^1.3.1",
    "react": "^17.0.2",
    "react-dom": "^17.0.2",
    "react-i18next": "^11.15.3",
    "react-icons": "^4.3.1",
    "react-lazy-load-image-component": "^1.5.1",
    "react-router-dom": "6",
    "react-scripts": "5.0.0",
    "react-slick": "^0.28.1",
    "react-spring": "^9.4.2",
    "react-use-gesture": "^9.1.3",
    "slick-carousel": "^1.8.1",
    "styled-components": "^5.3.3",
    "web-vitals": "^2.1.0"
  • Responsive Design
  • Dark / Light Theme
  • Internationalization with four languages.
    • English.
    • Hindi.
    • Tamil.
    • Bengali.
  • Crypto Wallet Connect.
  • Live Auction Count Down.

It is a complete React Project, so we assume that you have the latest version of Node.js pre-installed. The Node Package Manager or NPM came with the Node.js bundle so you don't need to install it separately. However, if you want to use Yarn package manager which is our recommendation, simply run:

npm install --global yarn

Then check the version with:

yarn --version

To get started change directory to the project folder by running:

cd minto-nft-marketplace

Then you have to install all the dependacies that came with the project. We recommend to use Yarn, as there exist a .lock file.

TL;DR - it will make your life easier. 😎

yarn # or npm install

After installing all required dependancies, now we are good to start our project by running:

yarn start # or npm start

That's it. Now you can view the entire project on your local server.

So, the basic usage of the application is really simple. We divided this section with Folder Structure, Components, Pages, Hooks, Utitlities, and Assets. Besides, the initial index.html and other publicly seen assets can be found in /public folder.

The App.js file is the root of all the Pages and Components that will described below. Here we used the Custom Theme Provider, the states of theme switching and the AnimatedLoader

Here is the full view

import { useState } from "react";
import { useEffect } from "react";

// Material UI
import { ThemeProvider } from "@emotion/react";
import { Box, useMediaQuery } from "@mui/material";

// React Router
import { BrowserRouter, Route, Routes } from "react-router-dom";

// Modules
import ArtCardDetails from "./components/ArtCardDetails/ArtCardDetails";
import Layout from "./components/Layout/Layout";
import useCustomTheme from "./hooks/useCustomTheme";
import Auction from "./Pages/Auction/Auction";
import Explore from "./Pages/Explore/Explore";
import Favourites from "./Pages/Favourites/Favourites";
import TrendingSellers from "./Pages/TrendingSellers/TrendingSellers";
import Home from "./Pages/Home/Home";
import SellersDetails from "./Pages/SellerDetails/SellersDetails";
import Footer from "./components/Footer/Footer";
import UserProfile from "./Pages/UserProfile/UserProfile";
import TrendingCreators from "./Pages/TrendingCreators/TrendingCreators";
import ProfileInterface from "./components/ProfileInterface/ProfileInterface";
import KYCInterface from "./components/KYCInterface/KYCInterface";
import LanguageInterface from "./components/LanguageInterface/LanguageInterface";
import ThemeInterface from "./components/ThemeInterface/ThemeInterface";
import EditProfile from "./components/ProfileInterface/EditProfile";
import KYCPending from "./components/KYCInterface/KYCPending";
import KYCApproved from "./components/KYCInterface/KYCApproved";
import TermsAndCondition from "./Pages/Terms&Condition/TermsAndCondition";
import FAQ from "./Pages/FAQ/FAQ";
import PrivacyPolicy from "./Pages/PrivacyPolicy/PrivacyPolicy";
import ContactUs from "./Pages/ContactUs/ContactUs";
import CreateAssets from "./Pages/CreateAssets/CreateAssets";
import DummyUserProfile from "./Pages/DummyUser/DummyUserProfile";
import AuctionCardDetails from "./components/AuctionCardDetails/AuctionCardDetails";
import CreatorsDetails from "./Pages/CreatorsDetails/CreatorsDetails";
import AnimatedLoader from "./Utils/AnimatedLoader/AnimatedLoader";

import "./App.css";

function App() {
  const [darkMode, setDarkMode] = useState(true);
  const { customTheme } = useCustomTheme(darkMode);

  const [showApp, setShowApp] = useState(false);

  useEffect(() => {
    const appLoader = setTimeout(() => setShowApp(true), 2000);
    return () => clearTimeout(appLoader);
  }, []);

  const isMobile = useMediaQuery("(max-width:600px)");

  const handleDarkThemeSwitch = () => {
    localStorage.setItem("theme", "dark");
    const theme = localStorage.getItem("theme");
    if (theme === "dark") {
      localStorage.setItem("theme", "dark");

  const handleLightThemeSwitch = () => {
    localStorage.setItem("theme", "light");
    const theme = localStorage.getItem("theme");
    if (theme === "light") {
      localStorage.setItem("theme", "light");

  useEffect(() => {
    const theme = localStorage.getItem("theme");

    if (theme === "dark") {
      localStorage.setItem("theme", "dark");
    } else if (theme === "light") {
      localStorage.setItem("theme", "light");
  }, [customTheme]);

  return (
    <ThemeProvider theme={customTheme}>
          backgroundColor: `${darkMode ? "#040404" : "#ffffff"}`,
          height: "100vh",
        {showApp ? (
          <Box bgcolor={darkMode ? "#040404" : "#ffffff"}>
              <Layout darkMode={darkMode}>
                  <Route path="/" element={<Home darkMode={darkMode} />} />
                  <Route path="/home" element={<Home darkMode={darkMode} />} />
                    element={<Explore darkMode={darkMode} />}
                    element={<Auction darkMode={darkMode} />}
                    element={<ArtCardDetails darkMode={darkMode} />}
                    element={<AuctionCardDetails darkMode={darkMode} />}
                    element={<Favourites darkMode={darkMode} />}
                    element={<TrendingSellers darkMode={darkMode} />}
                    element={<SellersDetails darkMode={darkMode} />}
                    element={<DummyUserProfile darkMode={darkMode} />}
                    element={<CreateAssets darkMode={darkMode} />}
                    element={<UserProfile darkMode={darkMode} />}
                      element={<ProfileInterface darkMode={darkMode} />}
                      element={<EditProfile darkMode={darkMode} />}
                      element={<KYCInterface darkMode={darkMode} />}
                      element={<KYCPending darkMode={darkMode} />}
                      element={<KYCApproved darkMode={darkMode} />}
                      element={<LanguageInterface darkMode={darkMode} />}
                    element={<TrendingCreators darkMode={darkMode} />}
                    element={<CreatorsDetails darkMode={darkMode} />}
                    element={<PrivacyPolicy darkMode={darkMode} />}
                    element={<TermsAndCondition darkMode={darkMode} />}
                    element={<FAQ darkMode={darkMode} />}
                    element={<ContactUs darkMode={darkMode} />}
                {!isMobile && <Footer darkMode={darkMode} />}
        ) : (
              display: "flex",
              justifyContent: "center",
              alignItems: "center",
              height: "100vh",
            <AnimatedLoader />

export default App;

The project has approximately 26 reusable components, 8 sub-components and 15 Pages. Besides, all the main hooks that were used in this project can be found on /src/hooks folder and the utilities are situated in the /src/Utils folder.

Here is the full src folders and files tree view.

|   App.css
|   App.js
|   index.css
|   index.js
|   reportWebVitals.js
|   |   accepteeImg.png
|   |   backdropMobile.svg
|   |   BackgroundWrinkles1.svg
|   |   BackgroundWrinkles2.svg
|   |   backgroundWrinklesLight.svg
|   |   bidderImg.png
|   |   contact-us-writing.svg
|   |   darkUIPrev.svg
|   |   exploreBackDropCircle.svg
|   |   feamaleUser.png
|   |   femaleUser.svg
|   |   heroVectorLineDark.svg
|   |   heroVectorLineLight.svg
|   |   heroVectorMainDark.svg
|   |   heroVectorSecondaryOneDark.svg
|   |   heroVectorSecondaryTwoDark.svg
|   |   kycApprovedImg.svg
|   |   kycPendingImg.svg
|   |   lightUIPrev.svg
|   |   mainLogo.svg
|   |   mainLogoLight.svg
|   |   polygonInner.svg
|   |   polygonInnerMobile.svg
|   |   polygonOuter.svg
|   |   polygonOuterMobile.svg
|   |   sideFooterLogoDark.svg
|   |   sideFooterLogoLight.svg
|   |   sideNavigationShadow.svg
|   |   sideNavRef.png
|   |   StatHexaInner.svg
|   |   StatHexaOuter.svg
|   |   userProfileAvatar.png
|   |
|   +---Icons
|       +---darkUIIcons
|       |       metaMaskIcon.svg
|       |       minuteDotIcon.svg
|       |
|       +---lightUIIcons
|               metaMaskIcon.svg
|   +---ArtCard
|   |       ArtCard.js
|   |       ArtCard.module.css
|   |
|   +---ArtCardContainer
|   |       AllArtCards.js
|   |       ArtArtCards.js
|   |       ArtCardContainer.js
|   |       MemesArtCards.js
|   |       MusicArtCards.js
|   |       PosterArtCards.js
|   |       SignatureArtCards.js
|   |
|   +---ArtCardDetails
|   |       ArtCardDetails.js
|   |       ArtCardDetails.module.css
|   |       biddingData.js
|   |       SingleArtWork.js
|   |       SingleArtWork.module.css
|   |       TabPanel.js
|   |
|   +---AssetPropertiesModal
|   |       AssetProperModal.js
|   |       AssetProperModal.module.css
|   |
|   +---AuctionCard
|   |       AuctionCard.js
|   |       AuctionCard.module.css
|   |       AuctionCardPrev.js
|   |       AuctionCardPrev.module.css
|   |
|   +---AuctionCardDetails
|   |       AuctionCardDetails.js
|   |       AuctionCardDetails.module.css
|   |       biddingData.js
|   |       SingleAuctionCard.js
|   |       SingleAuctionCard.module.css
|   |       TabPanel.js
|   |
|   +---BackDrop
|   |       BackDrop.js
|   |       Backdrop.module.css
|   |
|   +---ConnectWalletPopUp
|   |       ConnectWalletPopUp.js
|   |       PopUp.module.css
|   |
|   +---CountDownBoard
|   |       CountDownBoard.js
|   |
|   +---CreatorCard
|   |       CreatorCard.js
|   |
|   +---FavouriteCard
|   |       FavoriteCardPrev.js
|   |       FavouriteCard.css
|   |       FavouriteCard.js
|   |
|   +---FilterTab
|   |       FilterTab.js
|   |
|   +---Footer
|   |       Footer.js
|   |
|   +---KYCInterface
|   |       KYCApproved.js
|   |       KYCInterface.js
|   |       KYCPending.js
|   |
|   +---LanguageInterface
|   |       LanguageInterface.js
|   |
|   +---Layout
|   |       Layout.js
|   |
|   +---LiveAuctions
|   |       LiveAuctions.js
|   |
|   +---Navigation
|   |       MobileNavigation.js
|   |       Navigation.js
|   |
|   +---PastAuctions
|   |       PastAuctions.js
|   |
|   +---ProfileInterface
|   |       EditProfile.css
|   |       EditProfile.js
|   |       ProfileInterface.js
|   |
|   +---ProfileSideBar
|   |       ProfileSideBar.js
|   |
|   +---SellerDetailsCard
|   |       SellerDetailsCard.js
|   |
|   +---SellersCard
|   |       SellersCard.js
|   |       SellersCardPrev.js
|   |
|   +---SideBar
|   |       SideBar.js
|   |       SideDrawer.js
|   |
|   +---Skeletons
|   |       ArtCardFB.js
|   |       ArtCardHome.js
|   |       AuctionCardFB.js
|   |       AuctionCardHome.js
|   |       TrendingSellersFB.js
|   |       TrendingSellersHome.js
|   |
|   +---ThemeInterface
|           ThemeInterface.css
|           ThemeInterface.js
|       useCountDown.js
|       useCustomTheme.js
|       useQuery.js
|   +---Auction
|   |       Auction.js
|   |
|   +---ContactUs
|   |       ContactUs.js
|   |
|   +---CreateAssets
|   |       CreateAssets.js
|   |
|   +---CreatorsDetails
|   |       CreatorsDetails.js
|   |
|   +---DummyUser
|   |       DummyUserProfile.js
|   |
|   +---Explore
|   |       Explore.js
|   |
|   +---FAQ
|   |       FAQ.js
|   |
|   +---Favourites
|   |       AuctionBookmark.js
|   |       Favourites.js
|   |       NftBookmarks.js
|   |
|   +---Home
|   |       CardDeck.js
|   |       cardStyle.module.css
|   |       HeroBanner.js
|   |       heroBannerStyles.module.css
|   |       Home.js
|   |       LiveAuctionContainer.js
|   |       MobileCardDeck.js
|   |       TrendingNFTContainer.js
|   |       TrendingSellersContainer.js
|   |
|   +---PrivacyPolicy
|   |       PrivacyPolicy.js
|   |
|   +---SellerDetails
|   |       SellersDetails.js
|   |
|   +---Terms&Condition
|   |       TermsAndCondition.js
|   |
|   +---TrendingCreators
|   |       TrendingCreators.js
|   |
|   +---TrendingSellers
|   |       TrendingSellers.js
|   |
|   +---UserProfile
|           UserProfile.js
    |       AnimatedLoader.js
    |       GradientButtons.js

As mentioned before the project has 26 components. Here is a briefing of all the components.

  • ArtCard Component

    • First one is the ArtCard.module.css component folder. It has it own separate CSS modules and all the styles excep the dynamic ones can be found on that ArtCard.module.css file.
  • ArtCardContainer Component

    • This components holds all the ArtCard components. There are 7 differnt container for them.
  • ArtCardDetails Component

    • Every ArtCard from the explore section has a descriptive details about it and this component mainly holds the SingleArtWork component. Have a look at the functionality:
    const ArtCardDetails = ({ darkMode }) => {
      const { id } = useParams(); // Read from the url
      const [artWorks, setArtWorks] = useState([]);
      useEffect(() => {
        axios.get("/artWorkData.json").then((res) => {
      }, [id]);
      //TODO: After adding API endpoints, we do not need to filter
      // Filtering artwork by IDs
      const filteredArtWork = artWorks.filter((artWork) => === id);
      return (
        <Container className={styles.artCardDetailsContainer}>
          <Typography variant="h3" color="secondary.main">
            { => (
              <SingleArtWork darkMode={darkMode} key={} fa={fa} />
  • AssetPropertiesModal Component

    • This modal component will pop-up when you need to create your own assets in /src/Pages/CreateAssets Page. All the styles of the component except the dynamic styles can be found on its module.css folder.
  • AuctionCard Component

    • Similar to ArtCard component, this cards are used in /src/Pages/Auction Page for showing auction items. Along with this component there is also a sub-component named AuctionCardPrev.js which is used in /src/Pages/Home page for showing the Live Auctions.
  • AuctionCardDetails Component

    • This component is also very similar to the ArtCardDetails component, but it only holds the details for the auction items. It mainly holds the SingleAuctionCard sub-component.
  • BackDrop Component

    • It only holds the backdrop effect found in web view.
  • ConnectWalletPopUp Component

    • This modal will show if any user try to connect the crypto wallets.
  • CountDownBoard

    • This component is used to show the Auction countdown on the Trending NFTs and the Auction Cards. It heavily depends on the useCountDown Hook for performing its functionality. We will talk more about it later on the Hooks section.
  • CreatorCard Component

    • This component is basically the cards that were used to show the Trending Creators on the /src/Pages/TrendingCreators page.
  • FavouriteCard Component

    • This is the component card that were used to show the cards on /src/Pages/Favourites page. The styling are separated on its own CSS file. Besides, it has another sub-component called FavouriteCardPrev for showing the Trending NFTs on the /src/Pages/Home page.
  • FilterTab Component

    • This component was used to show the top tabs in /src/Pages/Explore page. This component has also a separate Menu item for filtering and sorting the items present in the Explore page.
  • Footer Component

    • The Footer component is used to show the Footer. Although, it will not appear on small devices.
  • KYCInterface Component

    • This component was used in the settings of /src/Pages/UserProfile page for registering as a seller on the marketplace. It has 2 other sub-component named KYCApproved and KYCPending which were used to show the the pending and approved status of that seller.
  • LanguageInterface Component

    • This component was used to switch between the Languages that we primarily support. This mainly manipulates and triggers the i18Next library to change the language of the entire application. Also, it gets the language changes data that stored in the browser's Cookie storage and set it as the default value of the radio buttons, so it doesn't break the change. Follow the below code snippet:

    This function is used to get the cookie value.

    const changeLang = () => {
      const localeLang = document.cookie;
      return localeLang.slice(8);

    After that it sets as the default value of the radio, like this:


    Basically, the changeLanguage(lang) method from i18next triggered the changes. We will talk more about it in the Customization section. For now you can see something like this:

      onClick={() => i18next.changeLanguage("en")} <!-- "en" is changeable >
  • Layout Component

    • This component basically holds the main structure of the of the page. It holds the Navigation and SideBar, and it takes children props to show all other components that were used underneath. The whole [Layout] Component is used in /src/App.js file.
  • LiveAuction Component

    • It was mainly used as a container for holding the AuctionCard component/s which are live
  • PastAuction Component

  • Navigation Component

    • This component can be divided into two sub-component which are Navigation.js for the web view and MobileNavigation.js for smaller devices. Although, the MobileNavigation component is rely on the Navigation component which is also the parent or container components that holds the MobileNavigation. Besides, this component has some smaller components like Menu item for showing a drop-down menu on the Connect Wallet button. The wallet connection happens here. Also, it holds the ConnectWalletPopUp Component.
  • ProfileInterface Component

    • This component is used to show the user profile information altogether. It has another sub-component which is called EditProfile for editing the user profile information.
  • ProfileSideBar Component

    • This mainly act like a navigation panel situated on /src/Pages/UserProfile Setting page.
  • SellerDetailsCard Component

  • SellerCard Component

    • This component is similar to the CreatorCard. However, it was used to show the Trending Sellers on the /src/Pages/TrendingSellers page. It also has a sub-component named SellerCardPrev which showed on the /src/Pages/Home page.
  • SideBar Component

    • This component has two sub-component. The main SideBar is used to show the sidebar all over the place of the application, and the SideDrawer is used to show a drawer like navigation for the smaller devices.
  • Skeletons Component

  • ThemeInterface Component

    • This component in used to switch between the light and dark theme. This also works like the Radio button in LanguageInterface by invoking a function like this:
    const whatTheme = () => {
      const theme = localStorage.getItem("theme");
      if (theme === "dark") {
        return "darkUI";
      } else if (theme === "light") {
        return "lightUI";

As we mentioned there are 15 pages in this project. Find the brief description below:

Main Pages

Other Pages

This project has 3 custom hooks. They are:

useCountDown Hook

This hook has one purpose only, that is show the desired countdown on the AuctionCard item. It takes an argument with the parameter of futureDate which can be passed during the use of this hook. The code is below:

export const useCountDown = (futureDate) => {
  const [now, setNow] = useState(new Date());

  useEffect(() => {
    const interval = setInterval(() => {
      setNow(new Date());
    }, 1000);

    return () => {
  }, [futureDate]);

  const isTimeUp = isBefore(futureDate, now);

  if (isTimeUp) {
    return { days: 0, hours: 0, minutes: 0, seconds: 0, isTimeUp };

  let { days, hours, minutes, seconds } = intervalToDuration({
    start: now,
    end: futureDate,

  return { days, hours, minutes, seconds, isTimeUp };

It is using the date-fns library for handling the date-time.

useCustomTheme Hook

This is the main theme hook for the entire project. We were used a custom theme color palette with custom FontFamily other than Roboto that comes with the Material UI by default. It was used in the main App.js file with a ThemeProvider context from the @emotion-react library.

const useCustomTheme = (darkMode) => {
  const customTheme = createTheme(
      ? {
          palette: {
            primary: {
              main: "#121212",
            secondary: {
              main: "#ffffff",
            accent: {
              main: "#171C26",
            pink: {
              main: "#E552FF",
            blue: {
              main: "#01D4FA",
            black: {
              main: "#040404",
          typography: {
            fontFamily: "'Poppins', sans-serif",
            fontWeightRegular: 400,
            fontWeightMedium: 500,
            fontWeightBold: 700,
      : {
          palette: {
            background: {
              default: "#ffffff",
            primary: {
              main: "#ffffff",
            secondary: {
              main: "#121212",
            accent: {
              main: "#ffffff",
            pink: {
              main: "#E552FF",
            blue: {
              main: "#01D4FA",
            black: {
              main: "#FFFFFF",
          typography: {
            fontFamily: "'Poppins', sans-serif",
            fontWeightRegular: 400,
            fontWeightMedium: 500,
            fontWeightBold: 700,

  return { customTheme };

useQuery Hook

This hook is relatively a utility hook for reading and manipulating the query parameters from the URL using the useMemo hook from React and the useLocation hook from React Router DOM.

const useQuery = () => {
  const { search } = useLocation();
  return useMemo(() => new URLSearchParams(search), [search]);

There are three different utility components which are AnimatedLoader, GradientButtons, and StatsComponent.


This component was used to show the animated loader for the entire application. It will show on the first entry on this app and if the user refreshes it. Mainly, this component is built by using the Anime.js library. This JavaScript library is a handy way to build simple animations with the SVGs.

The code:

const AnimatedLoader = () => {
  useEffect(() => {
    var pathEls = document.querySelectorAll("path");
    for (var i = 0; i < pathEls.length; i++) {
      var pathEl = pathEls[i];
      var offset = anime.setDashoffset(pathEl);
      pathEl.setAttribute("stroke-dashoffset", offset);
        targets: pathEl,
        strokeDashoffset: [offset, 0],
        duration: anime.random(1000, 1500),
        delay: function (el, i) {
          return i * 250;
        loop: true,
        direction: "alternate",
        easing: "easeInOutSine",
        autoplay: true,
  }, []);

  return (
      // All paths...

Here it mainly targets all the svg path that with correspondent with the pathEl variable and loops through it. The main functionality in done within the anime() function. It takes an object of instructions like targets duration loop direction easing delay. The duration and the delay can also be used as function. Here we use the delay dynamically by invoking a function.

function (el, i) {
  return i * 250;


This is basically a styled component function that contains two different gradient buttons. Mainly we used the styled components with the power of Material UI by invoking the styled from it.


This utility component was used to build the statistics shown on the Home page. [Anime.js] library is also used here. Mainly this component takes totalNFT totalSeller totalSold as props. However, if there is no data passed through these props it will invoke its default values which are 80 30 50 to show the numbers in the stats. There used two different function wrapped up with the useEffect hook from React. These two different function takes inner path and outer path as the path variable and loops through it.

Take a look:

// Outer paths
useEffect(() => {
  const outerPathEls = document.querySelectorAll(".outerPath");
  // var pathEls = document.getElementsByClassName("path");
  for (var i = 0; i < outerPathEls.length; i++) {
    let pathEl = outerPathEls[i];
    let offset = anime.setDashoffset(pathEl);
    pathEl.setAttribute("stroke-dashoffset", offset);
      targets: pathEl,
      strokeDashoffset: [offset, 0],
      duration: anime.random(1000, 1000),
      delay: function (el, i) {
        return i * 250;
      loop: false,
      direction: "alternate",
      easing: "easeInOutSine",
      autoplay: true,
}, []);
// Inner Paths
useEffect(() => {
  const innerPathEls = document.querySelectorAll(".innerPath");
  for (var i = 0; i < innerPathEls.length; i++) {
    let pathEl = innerPathEls[i];
    let offset = anime.setDashoffset(pathEl);
    let x = 0.5;
    let y = -0.5;
    pathEl.setAttribute("stroke-dashoffset", offset);
      targets: pathEl,
      strokeDashoffset: [offset, 0],
      duration: anime.random(1000, 3000),
      delay: function (el, i) {
        return i * 150;
      loop: false,
      direction: "alternate",
      translateX: function () {
        return x * 3;
      translateY: function () {
        return y * 3;
      easing: "easeInOutSine",
      autoplay: true,
}, []);

The Asset folder contains all the static image assets and icons that were used in this application.

The customization will cover the following topics

if you want to customize the look and feel of the application, go to the /src/hooks/useCustomTheme.js folder. There are two different palette for dark and light UI. Have a look:

palette: {
  primary: {
    main: "#121212",
  secondary: {
    main: "#ffffff",
  accent: {
    main: "#171C26",
  pink: {
    main: "#E552FF",
  blue: {
    main: "#01D4FA",
  black: {
   main: "#040404",

This palette is for the dark UI.

  • The primary color here is #121212 which mainly used for the background and the cards.
  • The secondary color here is #ffffff which mainly used for the texts.
  • The accent color was used for the Papers and Card background color.
  • The pink and blue were used in buttons and highlighter.
  • The black was used as another shade of the primary color.

Similarly, for the light UI, take a look at this palette.

palette: {
  background: {
    default: "#ffffff",
  primary: {
    main: "#ffffff",
  secondary: {
    main: "#121212",
  accent: {
    main: "#ffffff",
  pink: {
    main: "#E552FF",
  blue: {
    main: "#01D4FA",
  black: {
    main: "#FFFFFF",

All the above code is same as for the dark UI, here we just alter the color combination.

This application used the i18next library for managing all the language related work that took place within the app. The language customization folder can be found in /public/locales directory.

Let's add a new language!

Go to /public/locales directory and create new folder with its correspondent ISO 639-1 Code. Let's say we are adding the Bengali language. For this:

  • Create a folder in this /public/locales directory named bn and create a json file named as translation.json.
  • Then go to /public/locales/en/translation.json and copy all the data into our newly created translation.json file located in /public/locales/bn
  • Then re-add the correspondent keywords like this:
      "NAV_HOME": "হোম",
      "NAV_EXPLORE": "খুঁজুন",
      "NAV_AUCTION": "নিলাম",
      "NAV_CREATE_ASSET": "অ্যাসেট তৈরি করুন",
      "NAV_CONNECT_WALLET": "ওয়ালেট কানেক্ট করুন",
      "SETTINGS_USER_PROFILE": "ইউজার প্রোফাইল",
      "SETTINGS_EDIT_PROFILE": "এডিট প্রোফাইল",
      "SETTINGS_KYC": "কেওয়াইসি",
      "SETTINGS_KYC_APPROVED": "কেওয়াইসি অনুমোদিত",
      "SETTINGS_KYC_PENDING": "কেওয়াইসি চলছে",
      "SETTINGS_LANGUAGE": "ভাষা",
      "SETTINGS_THEME": "থিম",
      "LIVE_AUCTIONS": "চলতি নিলামসমূহ",
      "PAST_AUCTIONS": "বিগত নিলামসমূহ",
      "FAVOURITES": "প্রিয়গুলো",
      "SETTINGS": "সেটিংস",
      "TOTAL_NFT": "সর্বমোট এনএফটি"
  • Then go to the /src/index.js file and add the language's ISO 639-1 Code in that array like this:
    supportedLngs: ["en", "bn", "hi", "ta"],
    Here we also add the the ISO 639-1 Code for Hindi and Tamil.
  • It mainly takes this below by using the i18Next Http Backend plugin.
    backend: {
        loadPath: "/locales/{{lng}}/translation.json",
    That's it. now you can switch and view this with Bengali language.

Note: Here we just demonstrated the existing language translation. If you really want to add another language make sure you add the switcher in Language Interface component

So, by far we're done with the usage and the customization, now this application is good to deploy.

To deploy the local build in your machine, run:

yarn build #or npm run build

You can also view the live website by deploying it to Netlify. For this you can simply drag your build folder on Netlify.

But, if you like CI/CD and want to done everything automatically, you may want to use vercel. For deploying the project with vercel without connecting to git, first you have to install the vercel cli, run:

yarn global add vercel


npm i -g vercel

Then open your shell cd to the project folder and run

vercel #all right, that's it!!

It will automatically minified and build the project and give you a live url where you can preview the project.

If you want to go to production build, simply run:

vercel --prod

Note: If you are using the vercel cli for the first time, we recommend you to go through the vercel cli docs at once. It just makes your life easier.

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