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twitter-stream-rs's Issues

Make `TwitterStream` and related types optional

The library provides TwitterJsonStream type which lets the user get raw JSON messages:

extern crate json;
// ...
let fut = stream.for_each(|json| {
    let msg = json::parse(&json).map_err(Error::custom)?;
    if msg["id"].is_number() // Tweet
        // ...

In the above example, the user doesn't need TwitterStream, message types like StreamMessage or even serde-related dependencies.

In such cases, an option to disable those types would significantly reduce compile time.

403 with read-only access token/secret

When using TwitterStream::follow with a token with Read Only permissions I get a 403 error.

This is my code:

let token = Token::from_parts(
let mut stream = TwitterStream::follow(&[11230702 as u64], &token).try_flatten_stream();

while let Some(json) = {
    if let Err(why) = json {
        error!("Failed to get Twitter stream: {:?}", why);

    if let Ok(StreamMessage::Tweet(tweet)) =
        println!("{}", tweet.text);

And this log:

452653Z TRACE hyper::client::pool: checkout waiting for idle connection: ("https",
452856Z TRACE hyper::client::connect::http: Http::connect; scheme=Some("https"), host=Some(""), port=None
453220Z DEBUG hyper::client::connect::dns: resolving host=""
716896Z DEBUG hyper::client::connect::http: connecting to
717236Z TRACE mio::poll: registering event source with poller: token=Token(1), interests=READABLE | WRITABLE    
740092Z DEBUG hyper::client::connect::http: connected to
767531Z TRACE hyper::client::conn: client handshake Http1
767782Z TRACE hyper::client::client: handshake complete, spawning background dispatcher task
768020Z TRACE want: signal: Want    
768093Z TRACE want: signal found waiting giver, notifying    
768168Z TRACE hyper::proto::h1::conn: flushed({role=client}): State { reading: Init, writing: Init, keep_alive: Busy }
768351Z TRACE want: poll_want: taker wants!    
768453Z TRACE hyper::client::pool: checkout dropped for ("https",
768988Z TRACE encode_headers: hyper::proto::h1::role: Client::encode method=POST, body=Some(Known(15))
769187Z TRACE hyper::proto::h1::io: buffer.flatten self.len=414 buf.len=15
769431Z DEBUG hyper::proto::h1::io: flushed 429 bytes
769483Z TRACE hyper::proto::h1::conn: flushed({role=client}): State { reading: Init, writing: KeepAlive, keep_alive: Busy }
895101Z TRACE hyper::proto::h1::conn: Conn::read_head
895714Z TRACE hyper::proto::h1::io: received 1137 bytes
895998Z TRACE parse_headers: hyper::proto::h1::role: Response.parse bytes=1137
896185Z TRACE parse_headers: hyper::proto::h1::role: Response.parse Complete(777)
896513Z DEBUG hyper::proto::h1::io: parsed 10 headers
896619Z DEBUG hyper::proto::h1::conn: incoming body is content-length (360 bytes)
896744Z TRACE hyper::proto::h1::decode: decode; state=Length(360)
896929Z DEBUG hyper::proto::h1::conn: incoming body completed
897035Z TRACE hyper::proto::h1::conn: maybe_notify; read_from_io blocked
897396Z TRACE want: signal: Want    
897464Z TRACE hyper::proto::h1::conn: flushed({role=client}): State { reading: Init, writing: Init, keep_alive: Idle }
897545Z TRACE want: signal: Want    
897639Z TRACE hyper::proto::h1::conn: flushed({role=client}): State { reading: Init, writing: Init, keep_alive: Idle }
897944Z TRACE hyper::client::pool: put; add idle connection for ("https",
898094Z DEBUG hyper::client::pool: pooling idle connection for ("https",
898341Z ERROR sidekick::twitter: Failed to get Twitter stream: Http(403)

What am I doing wrong?

Release the new version of crate with new serde version

A lot of projects have already moved to updated serde and updated their crates. There is such situation that each crate is capable of working with serde 1.0 but your crate does not (0.2.0 still needs old serde). Could you release new version of the crate quicker please? At the very least release 0.3 with only serde changes and continue work on the crate for the 0.4 version.

Unable to build example

error[E0277]: the trait bound `twitter_stream::TwitterStream: futures_core::stream::Stream` is not satisfied
  --> src/
14 |         .try_flatten_stream()
   |          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ the trait `futures_core::stream::Stream` is not implemented for `twitter_stream::TwitterStream`
   = note: required because of the requirements on the impl of `futures_core::stream::TryStream` for `twitter_stream::TwitterStream`

error[E0599]: no method named `try_for_each` found for type `futures_util::future::try_future::try_flatten_stream::TryFlattenStream<twitter_stream::FutureTwitterStream>` in the current scope
  --> src/
15 |         .try_for_each(|json| {
   |          ^^^^^^^^^^^^ method not found in `futures_util::future::try_future::try_flatten_stream::TryFlattenStream<twitter_stream::FutureTwitterStream>`
   = note: the method `try_for_each` exists but the following trait bounds were not satisfied:
           `&futures_util::future::try_future::try_flatten_stream::TryFlattenStream<twitter_stream::FutureTwitterStream> : futures_util::stream::try_stream::TryStreamExt`
           `&mut futures_util::future::try_future::try_flatten_stream::TryFlattenStream<twitter_stream::FutureTwitterStream> : futures_util::stream::try_stream::TryStreamExt`
           `futures_util::future::try_future::try_flatten_stream::TryFlattenStream<twitter_stream::FutureTwitterStream> : futures_util::stream::try_stream::TryStreamExt`

error: aborting due to 2 previous errors

I'm unable to build the example, the compiler just complains about a trait from futures not being implemented. I'm using 'futures = "0.3.1"', are you using a different package by any change? Would be great if the example also showed exactly the dependencies needed. I had to install a very specific version of tokio as it was not resolved automatically..

Could not compile `serde_derive`.

   Compiling serde_derive v0.8.23
error: attribute must only have one argument
 --> /Users/l/.cargo/registry/src/
6 | #[proc_macro_derive(Serialize, attributes(serde))]
  |   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

error: attribute must only have one argument
  --> /Users/l/.cargo/registry/src/
14 | #[proc_macro_derive(Deserialize, attributes(serde))]
   |   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

error: the `proc-macro` crate type is experimental
  = help: add #![feature(proc_macro)] to the crate attributes to enable

error: the `#[proc_macro_derive]` attribute is an experimental feature (see issue #35900)
 --> /Users/l/.cargo/registry/src/
6 | #[proc_macro_derive(Serialize, attributes(serde))]
  | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

error: the `#[proc_macro_derive]` attribute is an experimental feature (see issue #35900)
  --> /Users/l/.cargo/registry/src/
14 | #[proc_macro_derive(Deserialize, attributes(serde))]
   | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

error: aborting due to 2 previous errors

Build failed, waiting for other jobs to finish...
error: failed to compile `tw v0.1.0 (file:///Users/l/Desktop/tw)`, intermediate artifacts can be found at `/Users/l/Desktop/tw/target`

Caused by:

Running multiple instances of stream?

Is it okay to run multiple instances of stream in different threads with same credentials? I miss tweets sometimes. I use same credentials for the both streams in both threads.

Why is `Tweet::text` truncated sometimes?

I have just reposted a tweet and it's text is:

text: "RT @QuakeRussia: Quake Champions BETA countdown April 27: The next QC Beta will start at 16:00 CEST (10:00AM EST) Read More…",

However in the same structure if we try to see entities::retweeted_status it's text is:

text: "Quake Champions BETA countdown April 27: The next QC Beta will start at 16:00 CEST (10:00AM EST) Read More",

The full object looks like this:


Tokio integration

Now that hyper is introducing a Tokio-based async API, we will be able to (and have to) integrate Tokio into our library. I'm currently working on the integration on the tokio branch:

Here is the task list:

  • Make TwitterStreamBuilder take a Handle (5c53e2f)
  • Parse JSON objects from a hyper::Body in a streaming style (51248ad)
  • Handle gzip stream (flate2::read can no longer be used directly since hyper::Body does not impl Read)
  • Provide users a way to create a listener without requiring a Core (hyperium/hyper#1002)

Provide more detailed API information

When the Twitter API returns an error, it provides an error code and a message, but currently, our library simply returns an HTTP status code in case of a Twitter error. (Edit 2: Oh, the error code is not returned either.)

Also, the X-Rate-Limit-* headers are ignored. (Edit: Streaming API does not return these headers.)

We should provide users with these kind of information like tweetust and egg-mode crates do.

README appears to be out of date - example code does not compile

error[E0599]: no function or associated item named `track` found for struct `twitter_stream::TwitterStream<_>` in the current scope
 --> src/
8 |     TwitterStream::track("@Twitter", &token)
  |                    ^^^^^ function or associated item not found in `twitter_stream::TwitterStream<_>`

error: aborting due to previous error

For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0599`.

getting http 404

I am trying the example code, I gather consumer keys from
and used it client_identifier_ and client_secret then for token and token_secret I used
and when I ran the code I am getting error below

thread 'main' panicked at 'called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: Http(404)', src/
stack backtrace:
   0:     0x55ae7ff6c00a - std::backtrace_rs::backtrace::libunwind::trace::ha271a8a7e1f3d4ef
                               at /rustc/9eb3afe9ebe9c7d2b84b71002d44f4a0edac95e0/library/std/src/../../backtrace/src/backtrace/
   1:     0x55ae7ff6c00a - std::backtrace_rs::backtrace::trace_unsynchronized::h85739da0352c791a
                               at /rustc/9eb3afe9ebe9c7d2b84b71002d44f4a0edac95e0/library/std/src/../../backtrace/src/backtrace/
   2:     0x55ae7ff6c00a - std::sys_common::backtrace::_print_fmt::hbc6ebcfb2910b329
                               at /rustc/9eb3afe9ebe9c7d2b84b71002d44f4a0edac95e0/library/std/src/sys_common/
   3:     0x55ae7ff6c00a - <std::sys_common::backtrace::_print::DisplayBacktrace as core::fmt::Display>::fmt::he1c117e52d53614f
                               at /rustc/9eb3afe9ebe9c7d2b84b71002d44f4a0edac95e0/library/std/src/sys_common/
   4:     0x55ae7ff8db6e - core::fmt::write::h25eb51b9526b8e0c
                               at /rustc/9eb3afe9ebe9c7d2b84b71002d44f4a0edac95e0/library/core/src/fmt/
   5:     0x55ae7ff675a5 - std::io::Write::write_fmt::ha9edec5fb1621933
                               at /rustc/9eb3afe9ebe9c7d2b84b71002d44f4a0edac95e0/library/std/src/io/
   6:     0x55ae7ff6bdd5 - std::sys_common::backtrace::_print::hf8657cd429fc3452
                               at /rustc/9eb3afe9ebe9c7d2b84b71002d44f4a0edac95e0/library/std/src/sys_common/
   7:     0x55ae7ff6bdd5 - std::sys_common::backtrace::print::h41b9b18ed86f86bd
                               at /rustc/9eb3afe9ebe9c7d2b84b71002d44f4a0edac95e0/library/std/src/sys_common/
   8:     0x55ae7ff6d5bf - std::panicking::default_hook::{{closure}}::h22a91871f4454152
                               at /rustc/9eb3afe9ebe9c7d2b84b71002d44f4a0edac95e0/library/std/src/
   9:     0x55ae7ff6d2fb - std::panicking::default_hook::h21ddc36de0cd4ae7
                               at /rustc/9eb3afe9ebe9c7d2b84b71002d44f4a0edac95e0/library/std/src/
  10:     0x55ae7ff6dcc9 - std::panicking::rust_panic_with_hook::h5059419d6d59b3d0
                               at /rustc/9eb3afe9ebe9c7d2b84b71002d44f4a0edac95e0/library/std/src/
  11:     0x55ae7ff6da69 - std::panicking::begin_panic_handler::{{closure}}::h0f383c291cd78343
                               at /rustc/9eb3afe9ebe9c7d2b84b71002d44f4a0edac95e0/library/std/src/
  12:     0x55ae7ff6c4bc - std::sys_common::backtrace::__rust_end_short_backtrace::h70ab22f2ad318cdd
                               at /rustc/9eb3afe9ebe9c7d2b84b71002d44f4a0edac95e0/library/std/src/sys_common/
  13:     0x55ae7ff6d772 - rust_begin_unwind
                               at /rustc/9eb3afe9ebe9c7d2b84b71002d44f4a0edac95e0/library/std/src/
  14:     0x55ae7f926c23 - core::panicking::panic_fmt::hd1d46bcde3c61d72
                               at /rustc/9eb3afe9ebe9c7d2b84b71002d44f4a0edac95e0/library/core/src/
  15:     0x55ae7f9270d3 - core::result::unwrap_failed::h456a23f68607268c
                               at /rustc/9eb3afe9ebe9c7d2b84b71002d44f4a0edac95e0/library/core/src/
  16:     0x55ae7f9c1709 - core::result::Result<T,E>::unwrap::h60f365746df74acf
                               at /rustc/9eb3afe9ebe9c7d2b84b71002d44f4a0edac95e0/library/core/src/
  17:     0x55ae7f9e5f39 - rust_feed_hub::main::{{closure}}::h7cb33536a194969a
                               at /home/oz-mint/projects/rust_feed_hub/src/
  18:     0x55ae7f9e8b44 - tokio::runtime::park::CachedParkThread::block_on::{{closure}}::h9a9aa76d43984d7f
                               at /home/oz-mint/.cargo/registry/src/
  19:     0x55ae7f9e8966 - tokio::runtime::coop::with_budget::h529e3c1343fc9bff
                               at /home/oz-mint/.cargo/registry/src/
  20:     0x55ae7f9e8966 - tokio::runtime::coop::budget::h773b879e87692ef4
                               at /home/oz-mint/.cargo/registry/src/
  21:     0x55ae7f9e8966 - tokio::runtime::park::CachedParkThread::block_on::hc48e4a7ed26d8522
                               at /home/oz-mint/.cargo/registry/src/
  22:     0x55ae7f9d1c45 - tokio::runtime::context::BlockingRegionGuard::block_on::hf71e2e32f29b9748
                               at /home/oz-mint/.cargo/registry/src/
  23:     0x55ae7f9bb225 - tokio::runtime::scheduler::multi_thread::MultiThread::block_on::hb6e001defe81f7a4
                               at /home/oz-mint/.cargo/registry/src/
  24:     0x55ae7f9473ba - tokio::runtime::runtime::Runtime::block_on::h8659d9886e07120c
                               at /home/oz-mint/.cargo/registry/src/
  25:     0x55ae7f94ce93 - rust_feed_hub::main::ha30909ffa2a6746a
                               at /home/oz-mint/projects/rust_feed_hub/src/
  26:     0x55ae7f968a9b - core::ops::function::FnOnce::call_once::hf22ce111b44ea710
                               at /rustc/9eb3afe9ebe9c7d2b84b71002d44f4a0edac95e0/library/core/src/ops/
  27:     0x55ae7f9589ee - std::sys_common::backtrace::__rust_begin_short_backtrace::haa82a813abc3fa89
                               at /rustc/9eb3afe9ebe9c7d2b84b71002d44f4a0edac95e0/library/std/src/sys_common/
  28:     0x55ae7f9cfc21 - std::rt::lang_start::{{closure}}::ha69d3f6d2317a371
                               at /rustc/9eb3afe9ebe9c7d2b84b71002d44f4a0edac95e0/library/std/src/
  29:     0x55ae7ff639ec - core::ops::function::impls::<impl core::ops::function::FnOnce<A> for &F>::call_once::h203afb3af230319a
                               at /rustc/9eb3afe9ebe9c7d2b84b71002d44f4a0edac95e0/library/core/src/ops/
  30:     0x55ae7ff639ec - std::panicking::try::do_call::hf68e87013b70f3c5
                               at /rustc/9eb3afe9ebe9c7d2b84b71002d44f4a0edac95e0/library/std/src/
  31:     0x55ae7ff639ec - std::panicking::try::h040ea8f298390ba2
                               at /rustc/9eb3afe9ebe9c7d2b84b71002d44f4a0edac95e0/library/std/src/
  32:     0x55ae7ff639ec - std::panic::catch_unwind::h1e17b198887a05fa
                               at /rustc/9eb3afe9ebe9c7d2b84b71002d44f4a0edac95e0/library/std/src/
  33:     0x55ae7ff639ec - std::rt::lang_start_internal::{{closure}}::hfb902d8927e51b86
                               at /rustc/9eb3afe9ebe9c7d2b84b71002d44f4a0edac95e0/library/std/src/
  34:     0x55ae7ff639ec - std::panicking::try::do_call::h354e6eb41f2e7d42
                               at /rustc/9eb3afe9ebe9c7d2b84b71002d44f4a0edac95e0/library/std/src/
  35:     0x55ae7ff639ec - std::panicking::try::h4a39749cd018228c
                               at /rustc/9eb3afe9ebe9c7d2b84b71002d44f4a0edac95e0/library/std/src/
  36:     0x55ae7ff639ec - std::panic::catch_unwind::h30bce83b8de61cca
                               at /rustc/9eb3afe9ebe9c7d2b84b71002d44f4a0edac95e0/library/std/src/
  37:     0x55ae7ff639ec - std::rt::lang_start_internal::h8f7e70b1a2558118
                               at /rustc/9eb3afe9ebe9c7d2b84b71002d44f4a0edac95e0/library/std/src/
  38:     0x55ae7f9cfbfa - std::rt::lang_start::h8142dc36d9175bf6
                               at /rustc/9eb3afe9ebe9c7d2b84b71002d44f4a0edac95e0/library/std/src/
  39:     0x55ae7f94cfbe - main
  40:     0x7f7f3a48ad90 - __libc_start_call_main
                               at ./csu/../sysdeps/nptl/libc_start_call_main.h:58:16
  41:     0x7f7f3a48ae40 - __libc_start_main_impl
                               at ./csu/../csu/libc-start.c:392:3
  42:     0x55ae7f9272b5 - _start
  43:                0x0 - <unknown>

Process finished with exit code 101

I tried to change places of tokens and secrets but still 404, what am I missing ?


Support the new (Labs) endpoints

  • Decide on the OAuth 2.0 client library to use (or extend tesaguri/oauth1-request-rs to support it)
    • What Twitter calls "OAuth 2.0" seems to use the access token type of "bearer" only, which is trivial enough to just implement in twitter_stream.
  • Implement APIs behind an unstable feature flag
    • Filter
    • Sample
  • Stabilize the new APIs and deprecate the current APIs after the new endpoints graduate out of Labs
  • Remove the existing APIs after the current endpoints is closed


More examples/documentation

I am using this library and I wish to filter by location boxes, but I'm not sure where to start. An example of each type of filter, or some way to connect the dots for users between the APIs and this library would be nice!

extern crate twitter_stream;
extern crate ini;

use twitter_stream::{Token, TwitterStreamBuilder};
use twitter_stream::rt::{self, Future, Stream};

use ini::Ini;

fn main() {
	let conf = Ini::load_from_file("config.ini").expect("Unable to read config.ini");
	let bounding = conf.section(Some("geo_bounding")).expect("No geo_bounding section found in config");

	let bounds = vec![];
	for bound in &["west", "south", "east", "north"] {
				.get(bound.to_owned()).expect(&format!("Unable to find value for '{}' in config", bound))
				.parse::<f64>()       .expect(&format!("Unable to parse value for '{}' as f64", bound))

	let bounds = ((bounds[0], bounds[1]), (bounds[2], bounds[3]));

	let future = TwitterStreamBuilder::filter(Token::new("consumer_key", "consumer_secret", "access_token", "access_secret",))
		.for_each(|json| {
			println!("{}", json);
		.map_err(|e| println!("error: {}", e));


This is my best shot, but I get an error that I haven't been able to resolve:

26 |         .locations(bounds)                                                                                        
   |          ^^^^^^^^^ the trait `std::convert::From<((f64, f64), (f64, f64))>` is not implemented for `std::option::Option<&[((f64, f64), (f64, f64))]>`

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