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sabymodenums's Introduction

Meta Categories

Value Description
ChoiceNode Defines the card to be a choice option
Rare Defines the card to be rare
TraderOffer Can show up at the trader in act 1


Value Description
Vanilla Will always be a learned card
Simple Will always be an unlocked card
Intermediate Will only be unlocked after turotial
Advanced Will only be unlocked after tutorial


Value Description
Nature Will show up in act 1 and be in Beast card packs




Value Description
Ants Displays the Ants icon for the cards attack
Bell Displays the Bell icon for the cards attack
Bones Displays the Lammergeier's Bone icon for the cards attack and health
CardsInHand Displays the Hand Counter icon for the cards attack
Mirror Displays the Mirror icon for the cards attack




Value Description
Ant Will increase the attack of cards with the Ant special ability
Bear Unused
Blind Unused
DeathcardCreationNonOption Cannot be used during creation of the Deathcard
Goat Will grant you the Boon of the Bone Lord, if sacrificed on the Bone Lord's Altar
KillsSurvivors Kills Survivors if used on the campfire
Pelt Cannot be sacrificed, can be used to trade for cards during the Trapper/Trader fight & will give no reward at Bone Lord's Alter
SatisfiesRingTrial Satisfies the ring trial before the moon fight
Terrain Cannot be sacrificed
Uncuttable Immune to scissors and hook items


Value Description
Ant Increases cards attack by 1 for each card with ant trait on the board
BellProximity Damage is equal to 4 - the distance from the bell (adjascent is distance 0)
BountyHunter Functions like act 3 Bounty Hunters (only works for opponent)
BrokenCoinLeft Functions like Broken Opol (Left)
BrokenCoinRight Functions like Broken Opol (Right)
CagedWolf Functions like the Caged Wolf card
CardsInHand Damage is equal to the number of cards in player's hand
Cat Functions like the Cat card
Daus Functions like Daus
GiantCard Assings to all slots on the board (only works for opponent)
GiantMoon Renders moon death animation
GiantShip Exclusive to the Limoncello
GreenMage Damage is equal to the number of Green Mox cards you control
JerseyDevil Functions like Child 13
Lammergeier The Attack and Health values of this card are equal to the amount of Bones you have, divided by 2
Mirror Damage equal to opposing creature
Ouroboros Increases ouroborosDeaths in the save file when it dies
PackMule Grants 4 random cards and a Squirrel when killed.
RandomCard Transforms into a random card when drawn
SacrificesThisTurn Grants attack power based on how many sacrifices were made this turn
ShapeShifter Exclusive to Ijiraq
SpawnLice Exclusive to Pelt Lice
TalkingCardChooser Exclusive to talking cards.
TrapSpawner Creates a Steel Trap in its place after it perishes.


Value Description
ActivatedDealDamage When activated for 1 energy, deals 1 damage to opposing card
ActivatedDrawSkeleton When activated for 1 bone, draws a skeleton
ActivatedEnergyToBones Converts energy to bones
ActivatedHeal When activated for 2 bones, heals to full
ActivatedRandomPowerEnergy When activated for 1 energy, gains a random attack boost between 1 and 6 (inclusive)
ActivatedSacrificeDrawCards When activated, draw 3 cards, then die
ActivatedStatsUp When activated for 2 bones, gain +1/+1
ActivatedStatsUpEnergy When activated for 3 energy, gains +1/+1
AllStrike If there are any opposing cards, it will attack all of them, otherwise it will attack directly
BeesOnHit When taking damage, will add a bee to your hand
BombSpawner Spawns bombs on every empty board slot
BoneDigger At end of turn, add 1 bone
Brittle After card attacks, it dies
BuffEnemy Increase opposing card's attack by 1
BuffGems Increases attack of all gems by 1
BuffNeighbours Increase attack of adjascent cards by 1
CellBuffSelf When within circuit, increase attack by 2
CellDrawRandomCardOnDeath When within circuit, will draw a random card on death
CellTriStrike When within circuit, gains trifurcated strike
ConduitBuffAttack When completing circuit, will increase attack of all cards in circuit by 1
ConduitEnergy When completing circuit, energy doesn't deplete
ConduitFactory When completing circuit, will spawn leepbots in all your available board slots at end of turn
ConduitHeal When completing circuit, will heal all cards in circuit at end of turn
ConduitNull Will complete a circuit
ConduitSpawnGems When completing circuit, will spawn random gems in all your available board slots at end of turn
CorpseEater When another card dies, this card will be played in its slot
CreateBells When played, will spawn bell cards in adjascent slots
CreateDams When played, will spawn dam cards in adjascent slots
CreateEgg When played, spawns a broken egg in the opposing slot, with a 10% chance to spawn a Raven Egg instead
DeathShield When this card would take damage for the first time, it does not
Deathtouch When card deals damage to a card, it dies
DebuffEnemy Decrese opposing card's attack by 1
DeleteFile Nothing unless in archavist boss battle
DoubleDeath When another card dies, it dies again
DoubleStrike Makes the card attack the slot across from it an additional time
DrawAnt When played, add an ant to your hand
DrawCopy When played, will add a copy to your hand
DrawCopyOnDeath When dies, will add a copy to your hand
DrawNewHand Discards your hand and draws 4 new cards
DrawRabbits When played, will add a rabbit to your hand
DrawRandomCardOnDeath Will draw a random card with the Par3Random meta category on death
DrawVesselOnHit When taking damage, will draw a card from side deck
DropRubyOnDeath When card dies, spawn a ruby mox in its place
Evolve After a number of turns based on evolveParams, will turn into a card based on evolveParams
ExplodeGems When a card with the Gem trait dies, will cause them to explode
ExplodeOnDeath When card dies, deals 10 damage to adjascent and opposing card
FileSizeDamage Nothing unless in archavist boss battle
Flying When attacking, will attack directly
GainAttackOnKill Gets +1/+0 for the rest of the battle whenever it kills a creature
GainBattery When played, increases energy and max energy by 1
GainGemBlue Counts as Blue gem cost
GainGemGreen Counts as Green gem cost
GainGemOrange Counts as Orange gem cost
GainGemTriple Counts as all 3 gems when in play
GemDependant When played, and at start of turn, will die if you control no gems
GuardDog When a card is played opposite an empty slot, will move there
HydraEgg Bizarre ability that will cause the card to transform into a Hydra if the player's deck contains cards with 1-5 attack, 1-5 health, and one of each of the game's default tribes
IceCube When card dies, spawns card in slot based on IceCubeParams
LatchBrittle When card dies, you can choose another card to give Brittle
LatchDeathShield When card dies, you can choose another card to give DeathShield
LatchExplodeOnDeath When card dies, you can choose another card to give ExplodeOnDeath
Loot When dealing damage, will draw cards equal to amount
MadeOfStone Invulnerable to Stinky and Deathtouch
Morsel When sacrificed to summon another card, the card will add +1/+2 to the summoned card
MoveBeside Moves to closest space when a card is played
PermaDeath When card dies, it is removed from the deck
PreventAttack Prevents opposing card from attacking it
QuadrupleBones When dies, gain 4 bones
RandomAbility When drawn, Sigil becomes a random sigil
RandomConsumable When played, will add a random consumable if you ahve less than 3
Reach Will block attacking flying card
Sacrificial Can be sacrificed an unlimited number of times
Sentry When a card is enters the slot in front of this card, it is dealt 1 damage
Sharp When attacked, will deal 1 damage to attacker
ShieldGems When played, will give cards with the Gem trait DeathShield
SkeletonStrafe Strafe but spawns skeleton in previous slot
Sniper When attacking, you can choose the target slots
SplitStrike When attacking, will attack slots adjascent to opposing slot
SquirrelStrafe Strafe but spawns squirrel in previous slot
SteelTrap When card dies, it kills the opposing card, and adds a pelt to your hand
Strafe At end of turn, card moves
StrafePush Strafe but will move other cards with it
StrafeSwap Strafe but will forcibly swap the adjacent card with its current position
Submerge After attacking, will sumberge, meaning it can't be attacked
SubmergeSquid Waterborne but becomes random tentacle card on resurface
SwapStats When taking damage, will swap attack and health
TailOnHit When attacked, will move and spawn a card in previous slot based on tailParams, then loses this ability.
Transformer Same as evolve with different sigil icon
TripleBlood Counts as 3 blood when sacrificed
TriStrike When attacking, will attack opposing slot, and slots adjascent to opposing slot
Tutor When played, you can choose a card in your deck to add to your hand
WhackAMole When an empty slot is attacked, will move to that slot


Value Description
AddSnelkDecals Unused
AlternatingBloodDecal Renders card with mycologist merged card layout
AnimatedPortrait Used for animated portraits
DynamicPortrait Renders the card's animated portrait (differently)
FullCardPortrait Renders the card with no stats
GiantAnimatedPortrait Used for animated portraits on giant cards
GoldEmission Renders the card with gold layout
HologramPortrait Renders portrait as hologram
RareCardBackground Renders card with rare background
RareCardColors Renders card with inverted colours
SexyGoat Randers alternate texture if you have the goat's eyeball
StaticGlitch Renders the card with the static animation
TerrainBackground Renders the card with terrain border
TerrainLayout Renders card with terrain card layout

Allthesigils Void Sigils

GUID IS extraVoid.inscryption.voidSigils Good

Abundance: [creature] will grant one tooth per instance of Abundance when killed.

Acidic Trail: At the end of the towner's turn, [creature] will move in the direction inscribed in the sigil, and deal 1 opposing creature if it is able to move.

Agile: When a [creature] would be struck, it will move out of the way.

Antler Bearer: When [creature] is killed, gain three random hooved tribe cards.

Blinding Strike: When [creature] attacks a card, that card gains the random strike sigil.

Blood Growth: When [creature] attacks, the amount of blood it is counted as when sacrificed will increase.

BloodGuzzler: [creature] deals damage, it gains 1 Health for each damage dealt.

Bodyguard: [creature] will redirect the initial attack of a card to it, if the attack was targeting an adjacent space.

Box: [creature] will get removed from your deck on death, and a new creature contained within will be added to it.

Bone Picker: [creature] kills a creature, it will generate 1 Bone.

Bone Shard: [creature] will generate 1 bone when hit, if it lives through the attack.

Caustic: At the end of the towner's turn, [creature] will move in the direction inscribed in the sigil, and drop an acid puddle in their old space. An acid puddle is defined as: 0 power, 2 health, sharp sigil.

Coin Finder: At the end of the owner's turn, [creature] will grant the owner 1 foil..

Consumer: When [creature] kills another creature, it gains 2 health.

Deadly Waters: [creature] will kill cards that attacked over it while it was face-down. - Temp removal

Deathburst: [creature] will deal 1 damage to each oppsing space to the left, right, and center of it.

Desperation: [creature] is damaged to 1 health, it will gain 3 power.

Disease Absorbtion: When played, [creature] will take all negative sigils from the player's side onto itself.

Dive (Bones): Pay 2 bones to cause this card to flip face down at the end of the owner's turn.

Dive (Energy): Pay 2 energy to cause this card to flip face down at the end of the owner's turn.

Draw Blood: [creature] is played, a card costing blood is created in your hand.

Draw Bone: [creature] is played, a card costing bone is created in your hand.

Draw Card: [creature] is played, a card relating to it's ice cube parameter (default Opossum) is created in your hand.

Draw Jackalope: [creature] is played, a Jackalope is created in your hand.

Draw Strafe: When [creature] moves, a card with a movement sigil is created in your hand.

Dwarf: When [creature] is drawn, it will loose one unit of cost, as well as 1 power and 2 health (can't go below 1 health). A unit is defined as: 1 blood, 3 bones, 3 energy, or all mox.

Electric: [creature] attacks a creature, they will deal half the damage to creatures adjacent to the target.

Enforcer: At the start of the owner's turn, [creature] will cause adjacent creatures to attack.

Enrage: [creature] will empower adjacent allies, increasing their strenght by 2. However, if they perish while empowered, they are permamently removed from your deck.

Entomophage: [creature] will deal 2 additional damage to cards of the insect tribe.

Familiar: A familiar will help with attacking when it's adjacent allies attack a card.

Firestarter: When [creature] damages another creature, that creature will gain the Burning Sigil. The Burning Sigil is define as: Each upkeep, this creature gains 1 strength but looses 1 health.

Fish Hook: When [creature], a targeted card is moved to your side of the board.

Frightful: [creature] will cause opposing creatures to move out of the way when it attacks.

Giant: When [creature] is drawn, it will gain one unit blood of cost, as well as one attack and two health.

Grazing: At the end of the owner's turn, [creature] will regen 1 health if there is no opposing creature.

Gripper: At the end of the owner's turn, [creature] will move in the direction inscribed in the sigil, and try to move the opposing creature with it if it can.

Haste: [creature] will attack as soon as it gets played on the board.

Hasteful: [creature] will attack as soon as it gets played on the board. It will not attack during normal combat. It will attack at the start of the owner's turn.

Herd: [creature] will summon a copy of itself each upkeep, up to three times.

High Tide: While [creature] is on the board, it will grant creatures that are played on the owner's side the waterborne sigil. Does not affect cards that are Airborne.

Hourglass: [creature] will cause the opponant to skip their turn when played.

Lead (Bones): Pay 2 bones to move this card one slot in the direction inscribed on the sigil.

Lead (Energy): Pay 2 energy to move this card one slot in the direction inscribed on the sigil.

Leech: When [creature] deals damage, it will heal 1 Health for each damage dealt to a card.

Life Gambler: At the end of the owner's turn, [creature] will deal 2 damage to the owner in exchange for a 0 to 6 increase in stats. Failing to pay this cost will result in death.

Low Tide: While [creature] is on the board, it will negate the waterborne sigil of creatures on that are played on the board on the owner's side.

Lure: [creature] will cause facedown cards to become face up when attacking.

Maneuver: At the start of the owner's turn, [creature] will strafe in the direction inscribed on the sigil if there is a creature in the opposing slot from it. Else it will strafe in the opposite direction inscribed on the sigil.

Medic: At the start of the owner's turn, [creature] will try heal 1 damage to a friendly card for each instance of Medic.

Midas: [creature] kills a creature, it will generate 1 Foil for each instance of Midas the card has.

Multi-Strike: [creature] will strike a card multiple times, if it lives through the first attack. Will not trigger -on attack- or -on damage- effects with the extra strikes.

Nutritious: When [creature] is sacrificed, it adds 1 power and 2 health to the card it was sacrificed for.

Opportunist: [creature] will gain 1 power for each instance of Opportunist, when the opposing slot is empty.

Pierce: [creature] attacks the card in queue behind it's initial target first when declaring an attack.

Poisonous: When [creature] perishes, the creature that killed it perishes as well.

Possessor: When [creature] perishes, it will grant a random friendly card it's base power and health.

Powerful Possessor: When [creature] perishes, it will grant a random friendly card that is on the board it's base plus modified power and base plus modified health.

Power from Movement: At the start of the owner's turn, [creature] will gain 1 power and 1 health if it moved last round.

Predator: [creature] will gain 1 power for each instance of Predator, when the opposing slot has a card.

Protector: [creature] will attacks on adjacent allies to hit directly.

Ram: [creature] will try to ram the card infront of it when played, or every upkeep till it succeeds once. It will send the rammed target to the queue if on my side, or back to the hand if on your side. Does not work during combat.

Random Strafe: [creature] is drawn, it will gain a random strafe sigil.

Regen 1: At the end of the owner's turn, [creature] will regen 1 health.

Regen 2: At the end of the owner's turn, [creature] will regen 2 health.

Regen 3: At the end of the owner's turn, [creature] will regen 3 health.

Regen: At the end of the owner's turn, [creature] will regen all health.

Repellant: When [creature] perishes, the creature that killed it gets pushed into the back row.

Resistant: [creature] will only ever take 1 damage from most things. Some effects might bypass this.

Retaliate: [creature] will strike those who strike their adjacent allies.

Schooling: [creature] will grant creatures with the waterborn sigil to gain 1 power.

Stampede: The creature bearing this sigil will cause adjacent creatures to attack when it is played.

Scissors: When [creature] is played, a targeted card cut in two.

Submerged Ambush: [creature] will deal 1 damage to cards that attacked over it while it was face-down.

Take-Off (Bones): Pay 2 bones to give this card Airborne till the start of the owner's next turn.

Take-Off (Energy): Pay 2 energy to give this card Airborne till the start of the owner's next turn.

Thick Shell: When attacked, [creature] takes 1 less damage.

Thief: [creature] will try to steal a random default sigil from an opposing creature when played, or at the start of the owner's turn until it does.

Toothpuller: At the end of the owner's turn, [creature] will add one point of damage to the opponent's scale.

Tooth Shard: [creature] will generate 1 foil when hit, if it lives through the attack.

Toxin: When [creature] damages another creature, that creature looses 1 power and 1 health.

Toxin (Deadly): When [creature] damages another creature, that creature gains the Dying Sigil. The Dying Sigil is defined as: When ever a creature bearing this sigil declares an attack, they will loose one health.

Toxin (Sickening): When [creature] damages another creature, that creature gains the Sickness Sigil. The Sickness Sigil is defined as: When ever a creature bearing this sigil declares an attack, they will loose one attack.

Toxin (Strength): When [creature] damages another creature, that creature looses 1 power.

Toxin (Vigor): When [creature] damages another creature, that creature looses 1 health.

Trample: When [creature] deals overkill damage to a card, the overkill damage will be sent to the owner.

Tribal Ally: When [creature] is played, A card of the same tribe is created in your hand. No tribe counts as a tribe of tribeless.

Tribal Tutor: When [creature] is played, you may search your deck for a card of the same tribe and take it into your hand. No tribe counts as a tribe of tribeless.

Turbulent Waters: [creature] will force other creatures with waterborne to resurface and take 1 damage at the start of the owner's turn.

Velocity: At the end of the owner's turn, [creature] will move in the direction inscribed in the sigil. If it is able to move, it will gain 1 power and 1 health.

Vicious: When [creature] is attacked, it gains 1 power.

Zapper: When [creature] damages another creature, that creature will gain the Paralysis Sigil. The Paralysis sigil is defined as: A card bearing this sigil only attack every other turn.

Void Bad

Blight: When [creature] is sacrificed, it subtracts its stat values to the card it was sacrificed for.

Random Strike: [creature] will strike at opponent slots randomly when it attacks.

Bombardier: [creature] will deal 10 damage to a random creature during the end phase of the owner's turn.

Boneless: [creature] gives no bones! Any bones gained from sigils or death will be negated.

Burning: [creature] is on fire, and will gain 1 power and loose 1 health each upkeep.

Cowardly: [creature] will not attack a card with a power 2 higher than its own.

Dying: [creature] will die after X number of turns. --- you can control how long a creature takes to die by setting the custom propery "void_dying_count"

Injured: [creature] is hurt and will lose 1 health each time it declares an attack due to the strain of the injuries.

Paralysis: [creature] will only attack every other turn. Some effects from sigils may bypass this.

Pathetic Sacrifice: [creature] is so pathetic, it is not a worthy or noble sacrifice. A card with this sigil is meant to stay on the board, and thus can't be targeted by the hammer.

Prideful: [creature] will not attack a card with a power 2 lower than its own.

Recoil: [creature] will take 1 damage each time they attack.

Sickness: [creature] will loose 1 attack each time it declares an attack.

Sluggish: [creature] will not attack during normal combat. It will instead attack after the Opponent's cards attack.

Tooth bargain: When [creature] is played, it will put 1 point of damage of it's opponent's side of the scale. When it perishes, it will put 2 damage on the owner's side of the scale.

Transient: At the end of the owner's turn, [creature] will return to your hand.

Withering: [creature] will perish at the end of the opponent's turn.

Allthesigils Memez sigils

GUID IS org.memez4life.inscryption.customsigils Good

Bond: When a creature bearing this sigil has a adjacent creature it will gain +1 attack/health dependent on which side the adjacent creature is.

Short: A card bearing this sigil will not be blocked by an opposing creature bearing the airborn sigil.

Tribe Attack: While a card bearing this sigil is on the board, all other cards of the same tribe will gain +1 attack.

Tribe Health: While a card bearing this sigil is on the board, all other cards of the same tribe will gain +1 health.

Noble Sacrifice: A card bearing this sigil is counted as 2 blood rather than 1 blood when sacrificed.

Imbuing: A card bearing this sigil will get specific buffs depending on which tribe is most promenent in the sacrifices that were used to summon the card. buffs:

Squirrel, Marginally Better Sacrifice Bird, Flying and +1/0 Canine, Bloodhound and +1/+1 Hooved, Bifurcated strike Insect, Tribe attack Reptile, Tail and +0/1 Charge: Pay 3 bones to choose a enemy creature that a card bearing this sigil will strike.

Superior Sacrifice: A card bearing this sigil is counted as 4 blood rather than 1 blood when sacrificed.

Bone hoarder 1, 2 and 3: When a card bearing this sigil is played, x bones are rewarded.

Bone prince 2 and 3: When a card bearing this sigil dies, x bones are rewarded instead of 1.

Bone lord 5 and 6: When a card bearing this sigil dies, x bones are rewarded instead of 1.

Support call: When a card bearing this sigil is played, a card from your sidedeck is created in your hand.

Host: A card bearing this sigil is the host of other creatures. It will give you such creature when struck. (default: RingWorm)

Bait: When an opposing creature is played and there is no card opposite of the card bearing this sigil, the opposing create will move to that spot.

Spawner: At the end of the owners turn, a card bearing this sigil will move in the direction inscribed in the sigil and create another creature in its old space. (default: Squirrel)

Launcher: At the end of the owner's turn, a card bearing this sigil will create another creature on a random empty space on the owner's side of the table. (default: Squirrel)

Shapeshifter: A card bearing this sigil is ever changing. It will change its form once it's struck. (default: Amoeba)

Linguist: While a card bearing this sigil is on the board, all other talking cards on your side of the board get +1 attack.

All seeing: While a card bearing this sigil is on the board, all other talking cards on your side of the board get +2 health.

Asleep: A card bearing this sigil has 0 attack for as long as it has this sigil, and this sigil will be removed after 1 turn.

Song of sleep: If a creature moves into the space opposing a card bearing this sigil, that creature will obtain the asleep sigil.

Blood shifter: When a card bearing this sigils kills another card, it will turn into that card.

Warper: At the end of the owner's turn, the creature bearing this sigil will move to the right, it will jump over any creatures in its path, if it encounters the edge of the board, it will loop over to the other side.

Wild hunger: At the end of the owner's turn, the card bearing this sigil will move in the direction inscrybed in the sigil, but if it hits a card whilst moving, that card perishes and the card bearing this sigil gains 1+/1+.

Right scratch: When a card bearing this sigil attacks it also attacks the space on the right of the attacked slot.

Left scratch: When a card bearing this sigil attacks it also attacks the space on the left of the attacked slot.

Double scratch: When a card bearing this sigil attacks it attacks twice and the space right and left of the attacked slot.

Puppets gift: As long as a card bearing this sigil is on the board any cards with brittle won't die because of brittle.

Instant: A card bearing this sigil will perish immediately after its played.

Memez Bad

Exhaustion: The attack of a card bearing this sigil will be decreased by the same amount as its lost health.

Picky: A Card bearing this sigil cannnot be summoned using any free cards as sacrifice.

Fearful: When a card bearing this sigil is struck without it resulting in death, it will be returned to the owner's hand.

Rushing march: At the end of the owner's turn, a card bearing this sigil will move to the direction inscrybed to the sigil, if it hits a card however whilst moving, the card bearing this sigil stops and the card it hits perishes.

Teeth sigils

These are under the GUID of "extraVoid.inscryption.LifeCost"

"Max Energy Gamble" : Pay 6 energy to put 0 to 3 damage on someone's side of the scale

"Cash Converter" : Pay 4 foils to put 1 damage on the opponent's side of the scale

"Life Converter" : Pay 2 life to gain 2 foils

"Vamperic Strength" : Pay 3 life to increase power and health by 1

"Greedy Strength" : Pay 5 currency to increase power and health by 1

"Die Roll" : Pay 3 life for the card bearing this sigil to gain between 0 and 6 increased in stats, distributed randomly

Bitty's Sigils bitty45.inscryption.sigils

Heart Swap: All cards swap power and health

Draw Squirrel: Self explanatory

"Mutual Hire" When this card is played, summon a copy of it in the space across from this

Sigil Roll: Pay 4 life to gain a random sigil

Health Roll: Pay 1 energy to make health become 1-3

Charged Barage: Pay 4 life to increase Power Of All Cards

Wildlife Camera: Gives player a copy of the card you killed

Dusty Quill: when a card dies while a card with this sigil is on the board a corpse is spawned. Corpse is defined as: Health - 1, Attack - 0

Bleached Brush: Activates Bleach effect

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