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templates's Introduction


CocoaPods Compatible Platform Swift 4.x Swift 5.x

SwiftGen is a tool to automatically generate Swift code for resources of your projects (like images, localised strings, etc), to make them type-safe to use.

SwiftGen Logo Then generate constants for:

There are multiple benefits in using this:

  • Avoid any risk of typo when using a String
  • Free auto-completion
  • Avoid the risk of using a non-existing asset name
  • All this will be ensured by the compiler and thus avoid the risk of crashing at runtime.

Also, it's fully customizable thanks to Stencil templates, so even if it comes with predefined templates, you can make your own to generate whatever code fits your needs and your guidelines!


There are multiple possibilities to install SwiftGen on your machine or in your project, depending on your preferences and needs:

Download the ZIP for the latest release

We recommend that you unarchive the ZIP inside your project directory and commit its content to git. This way, all coworkers will use the same version of SwiftGen for this project.

If you unarchived the ZIP file in a folder e.g. called swiftgen at the root of your project directory, you can then invoke SwiftGen in your Script Build Phase using:


Via CocoaPods

If you're using CocoaPods, simply add pod 'SwiftGen', '~> 6.0' to your Podfile.

Then execute pod install --repo-update (or pod update SwiftGen if you want to update an existing SwiftGen installation) to download and install the SwiftGen binaries and dependencies in Pods/SwiftGen/bin/swiftgen next to your project.

Given that you can specify an exact version for SwiftGen in your Podfile, this allows you to ensure all coworkers will use the same version of SwiftGen for this project.

You can then invoke SwiftGen in your Script Build Phase using:

if [[ -f "${PODS_ROOT}/SwiftGen/bin/swiftgen" ]]; then
  echo "warning: SwiftGen is not installed. Run 'pod install --repo-update' to install it."

Similarly, be sure to use Pods/SwiftGen/bin/swiftgen instead of just swiftgen where we mention commands with swiftgen in the rest of the documentation.

Note: SwiftGen isn't really a pod, as it's not a library your code will depend on at runtime; so the installation via CocoaPods is just a trick that installs the SwiftGen binaries in the Pods/ folder, but you won't see any swift files in the Pods/SwiftGen group in your Xcode's Pods.xcodeproj. That's normal; the SwiftGen binary is still present in that folder in the Finder.

Via Homebrew (system-wide installation)

To install SwiftGen via Homebrew, simply use:

$ brew update
$ brew install swiftgen

This will install SwiftGen system-wide. The same version of SwiftGen will be used for all projects on that machine, and you should make sure all your coworkers have the same version of SwiftGen installed on their machine too.

You can then invoke swiftgen directly in your Script Build Phase (as it will be in your $PATH already):

swiftgen … 

Via Mint (system-wide installation)

❗️SwiftGen 6.0 or higher only.

To install SwiftGen via Mint, simply use:

$ mint install SwiftGen/SwiftGen

Compile from source (only recommended if you need features from the `stable` branch or want to test a PR)

This solution is when you want to build and install the latest version from stable and have access to features which might not have been released yet.

  • If you have homebrew installed, you can use the following command to build and install the latest commit:
brew install swiftgen --HEAD
  • Alternatively, you can clone the repository and use rake cli:install to build the tool and install it from any branch, which could be useful to test SwiftGen in a fork or a Pull Request branch.

Some Ruby tools are used in the build process, and the system Ruby works well if you are running a recent macOS. However, if you are using rbenv you can run rbenv install to make sure you have a matching version of Ruby installed.

Then install the Ruby Gems:

# Install bundle if it isn't installed
gem install bundle
# Install the Ruby gems from Gemfile
bundle install

You can now install to the default locations (no parameter) or to custom locations:

# Binary is installed in `./.build/swiftgen/bin`
$ rake cli:install
# - OR -
# Binary will be installed in `~/swiftgen/bin``
$ rake cli:install[~/swiftgen/bin]

You can then invoke SwiftGen using the path to the binary where you installed it:

~/swiftgen/bin/swiftgen …

Or add the path to the bin folder to your $PATH and invoke swiftgen directly.

Known Installation Issues On macOS Before 10.14.4

Starting with SwiftGen 6.2.1, if you get an error similar to dyld: Symbol not found: _$s11SubSequenceSlTl when running SwiftGen, you'll need to install the Swift 5 Runtime Support for Command Line Tools.

Alternatively, you can:

  • Update to macOS 10.14.4 or later
  • Install Xcode 10.2 or later at /Applications/
  • Rebuild SwiftGen from source using Xcode 10.2 or later

Configuration File

❗️ If you're migrating from older SwiftGen versions, don't forget to read the Migration Guide.

SwiftGen is provided as a single command-line tool which uses a configuration file to define the various parsers to run (depending on the type of input files you need to parse) and their parameters.

To create a sample configuration file as a starting point to adapt to your needs, run swiftgen config init.

Each parser described in the configuration file (strings, fonts, ib, …) typically corresponds to a type of input resources to parse (strings files, IB files, Font files, JSON files, …), allowing you to generate constants for each types of those input files.

To use SwiftGen, simply create a swiftgen.yml YAML file (either manually or using swiftgen config init) then edit it to adapt to your project. The config file should list all the parsers to invoke, and for each parser, the list of inputs/outputs/templates/parameters to use for it.

For example:

  inputs: Resources/Base.lproj
    - templateName: structured-swift5
      output: Generated/Strings.swift
    - Resources/Images.xcassets
    - Resources/MoreImages.xcassets
    - Resources/Colors.xcassets
    - templateName: swift5
      output: Generated/Assets.swift

Then you just have to invoke swiftgen config run, or even just swiftgen for short, and it will execute what's described in the configuration file.

The dedicated documentation explains the syntax and possibilities in details – like how to pass custom parameters to your templates, use swiftgen config lint to validate your config file, how to use alternate config files, and other tips.

There are also additional subcommands you can invoke from the command line to manage and configure SwiftGen:

  • The swiftgen config subcommand to help you with the configuration file, especially swiftgen config init to create a starting point for your config and swiftgen config lint to validate that your Config file is valid and has no errors
  • The swiftgen template subcommands to help you print, duplicate, find and manage templates bundled with SwiftGen

Lastly, you can use --help on swiftgen or one of its subcommand to see the detailed usage.

Directly invoking a parser without a config file

While we highly recommend the use a configuration file for performance reasons (especially if you have multiple outputs, but also because it's more flexible), it's also possible to directly invoke the available parsers individually using swiftgen run:

  • swiftgen run colors [OPTIONS] DIRORFILE1 …
  • swiftgen run coredata [OPTIONS] DIRORFILE1 …
  • swiftgen run files [OPTIONS] DIRORFILE1 …
  • swiftgen run fonts [OPTIONS] DIRORFILE1 …
  • swiftgen run ib [OPTIONS] DIRORFILE1 …
  • swiftgen run json [OPTIONS] DIRORFILE1 …
  • swiftgen run plist [OPTIONS] DIRORFILE1 …
  • swiftgen run strings [OPTIONS] DIRORFILE1 …
  • swiftgen run xcassets [OPTIONS] DIRORFILE1 …
  • swiftgen run yaml [OPTIONS] DIRORFILE1 …

One rare cases where this might be useful — as opposed to using a config file — is if you are working on a custom template and want to quickly test the specific parser you're working on at each iteration/version of your custom template, until you're happy with it.

Each parser command generally accepts the same options and syntax, and they mirror the options and parameters from the configuration file:

  • --output FILE or -o FILE: set the file where to write the generated code. If omitted, the generated code will be printed on stdout.
  • --templateName NAME or -n NAME: define the Stencil template to use (by name, see here for more info) to generate the output.
  • --templatePath PATH or -p PATH: define the Stencil template to use, using a full path.
  • Note: you should specify one and only one template when invoking SwiftGen. You have to use either -t or -p but should not use both at the same time (it wouldn't make sense anyway and you'll get an error if you try)
  • --filter REGEX or -f REGEX: the filter to apply to each input path. Filters are applied to actual (relative) paths, not just the filename. Each command has a default filter that you can override with this option.
  • Note: use .+ to match multiple characters (at least one), and don't forget to escape the dot (\.) if you want to match a literal dot like for an extension. Add $ at the end to ensure the path ends with the extension you want. Regular expressions will be case sensitive by default, and not anchored to the start/end of a path. For example, use .+\.xib$ to match files with a .xib extension. Use a tool such as RegExr to ensure you're using a valid regular expression.
  • Each command supports multiple input files (or directories where applicable).
  • You can always use the --help flag to see what options a command accept, e.g. swiftgen run xcassets --help.

Choosing your template

SwiftGen is based on templates (it uses Stencil as its template engine). This means that you can choose the template that fits the Swift version you're using — and also the one that best fits your preferences — to adapt the generated code to your own conventions and Swift version.

Bundled templates vs. Custom ones

SwiftGen comes bundled with some templates for each of the parsers (colors, coredata, files, fonts, ib, json, plist, strings, xcassets, yaml), which will fit most needs; simply use the templateName output option to specify the name of the template to use. But you can also create your own templates if the bundled ones don't suit your coding conventions or needs: just store them anywhere (like in your project repository) and use the templatePath output option instead of templateName, to specify their path.

💡 You can use the swiftgen template list command to list all the available bundled templates for each parser, and use swiftgen template cat to show a template's content and duplicate it to create your own variation.

For more information about how to create your own templates, see the dedicated documentation.

Templates bundled with SwiftGen:

As explained above, you can use swiftgen template list to list all templates bundled with SwiftGen. For most SwiftGen parsers, we provide, among others:

  • A swift4 template, compatible with Swift 4
  • A swift5 template, compatible with Swift 5
  • Other variants, like flat-swift4/5 and structured-swift4/5 templates for Strings, etc.

You can find the documentation for each bundled template here in the repo, with documentation organized as one folder per SwiftGen parser, then one MarkDown file per template. You can also use swiftgen template doc to open that documentation page in your browser directly from your terminal.

Each MarkDown file documents the Swift Version it's aimed for, the use case for that template (in which cases you might favor that template over others), the available parameters to customize it on invocation (using the params: key in your config file), and some code examples.

Don't hesitate to make PRs to share your improvements suggestions on the bundled templates 😉

Additional documentation


The SwiftGen.playground available in this repository will allow you to play with the code that the tool typically generates, and see some examples of how you can take advantage of it.

This allows you to have a quick look at how typical code generated by SwiftGen looks like, and how you will then use the generated constants in your code.

Dedicated Documentation in Markdown

There is a lot of documentation in the form of Markdown files in this repository, and in the related StencilSwiftKit repository as well.

Be sure to check the "Documentation" folder of each repository.

Especially, in addition to the previously mentioned Migration Guide and Configuration File documentation, the Documentation/ folder in the SwiftGen repository also includes:


You can also find other help & tutorial material on the internet, like this classroom about Code Generation I gave at FrenchKit in Sept'17 — and its wiki detailing a step-by-step tutorial about installing and using SwiftGen (and Sourcery too)

Available Parsers

Asset Catalog

  inputs: /dir/to/search/for/imageset/assets
    templateName: swift5
    output: Assets.swift

This will generate an enum Asset with one static let per asset (image set, color set, data set, …) in your assets catalog, so that you can use them as constants.

Example of code generated by the bundled template
internal enum Asset {
  internal enum Files {
    internal static let data = DataAsset(value: "Data")
    internal static let readme = DataAsset(value: "README")
  internal enum Food {
    internal enum Exotic {
      internal static let banana = ImageAsset(value: "Exotic/Banana")
      internal static let mango = ImageAsset(value: "Exotic/Mango")
    internal static let `private` = ImageAsset(value: "private")
  internal enum Styles {
    internal enum Vengo {
      internal static let primary = ColorAsset(value: "Vengo/Primary")
      internal static let tint = ColorAsset(value: "Vengo/Tint")
  internal enum Symbols {
    internal static let exclamationMark = SymbolAsset(name: "Exclamation Mark")
    internal static let plus = SymbolAsset(name: "Plus")
  internal enum Targets {
    internal static let bottles = ARResourceGroupAsset(name: "Bottles")
    internal static let paintings = ARResourceGroupAsset(name: "Paintings")

Usage Example

// You can create new images by referring to the enum instance and calling `.image` on it:
let bananaImage = Asset.Exotic.banana.image
let privateImage = Asset.private.image

// You can create colors by referring to the enum instance and calling `.color` on it:
let primaryColor = Asset.Styles.Vengo.primary.color
let tintColor = Asset.Styles.Vengo.tint.color

// You can create data items by referring to the enum instance and calling `.data` on it:
let data =
let readme =

// You can load an AR resource group's items using:
let bottles = Asset.Targets.bottles.referenceObjects
let paintings = Asset.Targets.paintings.referenceImages

// You can create new symbol images by referring to the enum instance and calling `.image` on it (with or without configuration)
let plus =
let style = UIImage.SymbolConfiguration(textStyle: .headline)
let styled = Asset.Symbols.exclamationMark.image(with: style)


❗️ We recommend to define your colors in your Assets Catalogs and use the xcassets parser (see above) to generate color constants, instead of using this colors parser described below.
The colors parser below is mainly useful if you support older versions of iOS where colors can't be defined in Asset Catalogs, or if you want to use Android's colors.xml files as input.

  inputs: /path/to/colors-file.txt
    templateName: swift5
    output: Colors.swift

This will generate a enum ColorName with one static let per color listed in the text file passed as argument.

The input file is expected to be either:

  • a plain text file, with one line per color to register, each line being composed by the Name to give to the color, followed by ":", followed by the Hex representation of the color (like rrggbb or rrggbbaa, optionally prefixed by # or 0x) or the name of another color in the file. Whitespaces are ignored.
  • a JSON file, representing a dictionary of names -> values, each value being the hex representation of the color
  • a XML file, expected to be the same format as the Android colors.xml files, containing tags <color name="AColorName">AColorHexRepresentation</color>
  • a *.clr file used by Apple's Color Palettes.

For example you can use this command to generate colors from one of your system color lists:

  inputs: ~/Library/Colors/MyColors.clr
    templateName: swift5
    output: Colors.swift

Generated code will look the same as if you'd use a text file.

Example of code generated by the bundled template

Given the following colors.txt file:

Cyan-Color       : 0xff66ccff
ArticleTitle     : #33fe66
ArticleBody      : 339666
ArticleFootnote  : ff66ccff
Translucent      : ffffffcc

The generated code will look like this:

internal struct ColorName {
  internal let rgbaValue: UInt32
  internal var color: Color { return Color(named: self) }

  /// <span style="display:block;width:3em;height:2em;border:1px solid black;background:#339666"></span>
  /// Alpha: 100% <br/> (0x339666ff)
  internal static let articleBody = ColorName(rgbaValue: 0x339666ff)
  /// <span style="display:block;width:3em;height:2em;border:1px solid black;background:#ff66cc"></span>
  /// Alpha: 100% <br/> (0xff66ccff)
  internal static let articleFootnote = ColorName(rgbaValue: 0xff66ccff)


Usage Example

// You can create colors with the convenience constructor like this:
let title = UIColor(named: .articleBody)  // iOS
let footnote = NSColor(named: .articleFootnote) // macOS

// Or as an alternative, you can refer to enum instance and call .color on it:
let sameTitle = ColorName.articleBody.color
let sameFootnote = ColorName.articleFootnote.color

This way, no need to enter the color red, green, blue, alpha values each time and create ugly constants in the global namespace for them.

Core Data

  inputs: /path/to/model.xcdatamodeld
    templateName: swift5
    output: CoreData.swift

This will parse the specified core data model(s), generate a class for each entity in your model containing all the attributes, and a few extensions if needed for relationships and predefined fetch requests.

Example of code generated by the bundled template
internal class MainEntity: NSManagedObject {
  internal class var entityName: String {
    return "MainEntity"

  internal class func entity(in managedObjectContext: NSManagedObjectContext) -> NSEntityDescription? {
    return NSEntityDescription.entity(forEntityName: entityName, in: managedObjectContext)

  @nonobjc internal class func makeFetchRequest() -> NSFetchRequest<MainEntity> {
    return NSFetchRequest<MainEntity>(entityName: entityName)

  @NSManaged internal var attributedString: NSAttributedString?
  @NSManaged internal var binaryData: Data?
  @NSManaged internal var boolean: Bool
  @NSManaged internal var date: Date?
  @NSManaged internal var float: Float
  @NSManaged internal var int64: Int64
  internal var integerEnum: IntegerEnum {
    get {
      let key = "integerEnum"
      willAccessValue(forKey: key)
      defer { didAccessValue(forKey: key) }

      guard let value = primitiveValue(forKey: key) as? IntegerEnum.RawValue,
        let result = IntegerEnum(rawValue: value) else {
        fatalError("Could not convert value for key '\(key)' to type 'IntegerEnum'")
      return result
    set {
      let key = "integerEnum"
      willChangeValue(forKey: key)
      defer { didChangeValue(forKey: key) }

      setPrimitiveValue(newValue.rawValue, forKey: key)
  @NSManaged internal var manyToMany: Set<SecondaryEntity>

// MARK: Relationship ManyToMany

extension MainEntity {
  @NSManaged public func addToManyToMany(_ value: SecondaryEntity)

  @NSManaged public func removeFromManyToMany(_ value: SecondaryEntity)

  @NSManaged public func addToManyToMany(_ values: Set<SecondaryEntity>)

  @NSManaged public func removeFromManyToMany(_ values: Set<SecondaryEntity>)

Usage Example

// Fetch all the instances of MainEntity
let request = MainEntity.makeFetchRequest()
let mainItems = try myContext.execute(request)

// Type-safe relationships: `relatedItem` will be a `SecondaryEntity?` in this case
let relatedItem = myMainItem.manyToMany.first


  inputs: path/to/search
  filter: .+\.mp4$
    templateName: structured-swift5
    output: Files.swift

The files parser is intended to just list the name and mimetype of the files and subdirectories in a given directory. This will recursively search the specified directory using the given filter (default .*), defining a struct File for each matching file, and an hierarchical enum representing the directory structure of files.

Example of code generated by the bundled template
internal enum Files {
  /// test.txt
  internal static let testTxt = File(name: "test", ext: "txt", path: "", mimeType: "text/plain")
  /// subdir/
  internal enum Subdir {
    /// subdir/A Video With Spaces.mp4
    internal static let aVideoWithSpacesMp4 = File(name: "A Video With Spaces", ext: "mp4", path: "subdir", mimeType: "video/mp4")

Usage Example

// Access files using the `url` or `path` fields
let txt = Files.testTxt.url
let video = Files.Subdir.aVideoWithSpacesMp4.path

// In addition, there are `url(locale:)` and `path(locale:)` to specify a locale
let localeTxt = Files.testTxt.url(locale: Locale.current)
let localeVideo = Files.Subdir.aVideoWithSpacesMp4.path(locale: Locale.current)

Flat Structure Support

SwiftGen also has a template if you're not interested in keeping the folder structure in the generated code.

Example of code generated by the flat bundled template
internal enum Files {
  /// test.txt
  internal static let testTxt = File(name: "test", ext: "txt", path: "", mimeType: "text/plain")
  /// subdir/A Video With Spaces.mp4
  internal static let aVideoWithSpacesMp4 = File(name: "A Video With Spaces", ext: "mp4", path: "subdir", mimeType: "video/mp4")

Given the same file and folder structure as above the usage will now be:

// Access files using the `url` or `path` fields
let txt = Files.testTxt.url
let video = Files.aVideoWithSpacesMp4.path

// In addition, there are `url(locale:)` and `path(locale:)` to specify a locale
let localeTxt = Files.testTxt.url(locale: Locale.current)
let localeVideo = Files.aVideoWithSpacesMp4.path(locale: Locale.current)


  inputs: /path/to/font/dir
    templateName: swift5
    output: Fonts.swift

This will recursively go through the specified directory, finding any typeface files (TTF, OTF, …), defining a struct FontFamily for each family, and an enum nested under that family that will represent the font styles.

Example of code generated by the bundled template
internal enum FontFamily {
  internal enum SFNSDisplay: String, FontConvertible {
    internal static let regular = FontConvertible(name: ".SFNSDisplay-Regular", family: ".SF NS Display", path: "SFNSDisplay-Regular.otf")
  internal enum ZapfDingbats: String, FontConvertible {
    internal static let regular = FontConvertible(name: "ZapfDingbatsITC", family: "Zapf Dingbats", path: "ZapfDingbats.ttf")

Usage Example

// You can create fonts with the convenience constructor like this:
let displayRegular = UIFont(font: FontFamily.SFNSDisplay.regular, size: 20.0) // iOS
let dingbats = NSFont(font: FontFamily.ZapfDingbats.regular, size: 20.0)  // macOS

// Or as an alternative, you can refer to enum instance and call .font on it:
let sameDisplayRegular = FontFamily.SFNSDisplay.regular.font(size: 20.0)
let sameDingbats = FontFamily.ZapfDingbats.regular.font(size: 20.0)

Interface Builder

  inputs: /dir/to/search/for/storyboards
    - templateName: scenes-swift5
      output: Storyboard Scenes.swift
    - templateName: segues-swift5
      output: Storyboard Segues.swift

This will generate an enum for each of your NSStoryboard/UIStoryboard, with respectively one static let per storyboard scene or segue.

Example of code generated by the bundled template

The generated code will look like this:

// output from the scenes template

internal enum StoryboardScene {
  internal enum Dependency: StoryboardType {
    internal static let storyboardName = "Dependency"

    internal static let dependent = SceneType<UIViewController>(storyboard: Dependency.self, identifier: "Dependent")
  internal enum Message: StoryboardType {
    internal static let storyboardName = "Message"

    internal static let messagesList = SceneType<UITableViewController>(storyboard: Message.self, identifier: "MessagesList")

// output from the segues template

internal enum StoryboardSegue {
  internal enum Message: String, SegueType {
    case customBack = "CustomBack"
    case embed = "Embed"
    case nonCustom = "NonCustom"
    case showNavCtrl = "Show-NavCtrl"

Usage Example

// You can instantiate scenes using the `instantiate` method:
let vc = StoryboardScene.Dependency.dependent.instantiate()

// You can perform segues using:
vc.perform(segue: StoryboardSegue.Message.embed)

// or match them (in prepareForSegue):
override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
  switch StoryboardSegue.Message(segue) {
  case .embed?:
    // Prepare for your custom segue transition, passing information to the destination VC
  case .customBack?:
    // Prepare for your custom segue transition, passing information to the destination VC
    // Other segues from other scenes, not handled by this VC


  inputs: /path/to/json/dir-or-file
    templateName: runtime-swift5
    output: JSON.swift
  inputs: /path/to/yaml/dir-or-file
    templateName: inline-swift5
    output: YAML.swift

This will parse the given file, or when given a directory, recursively search for JSON and YAML files. It will define an enum for each file (and documents in a file where needed), and type-safe constants for the content of the file.

Unlike other parsers, this one is intended to allow you to use more custom inputs (as the formats are quite open to your needs) to generate your code. This means that for these parsers (and the plist one), you'll probably be more likely to use custom templates to generate code properly adapted/tuned to your inputs, rather than using the bundled templates. To read more about writing your own custom templates, see see the dedicated documentation.

Example of code generated by the bundled template
internal enum JSONFiles {
  internal enum Info {
    private static let _document = JSONDocument(path: "info.json")
    internal static let key1: String = _document["key1"]
    internal static let key2: String = _document["key2"]
    internal static let key3: [String: Any] = _document["key3"]
  internal enum Sequence {
    internal static let items: [Int] = objectFromJSON(at: "sequence.json")

Usage Example

// This will be a dictionary
let foo = JSONFiles.Info.key3

// This will be an [Int]
let bar = JSONFiles.Sequence.items


  inputs: /path/to/plist/dir-or-file
    templateName: runtime-swift5
    output: Plist.swift

This will parse the given file, or when given a directory, recursively search for Plist files. It will define an enum for each file (and documents in a file where needed), and type-safe constants for the content of the file.

Unlike other parsers, this one is intended to allow you to use more custom inputs (as the format is quite open to your needs) to generate your code. This means that for this parser (and the json and yaml ones), you'll probably be more likely to use custom templates to generate code properly adapted/tuned to your inputs, rather than using the bundled templates. To read more about writing your own custom templates, see see the dedicated documentation.

Example of code generated by the bundled template
internal enum PlistFiles {
  internal enum Test {
    internal static let items: [String] = arrayFromPlist(at: "array.plist")
  internal enum Stuff {
    private static let _document = PlistDocument(path: "dictionary.plist")
    internal static let key1: Int = _document["key1"]
    internal static let key2: [String: Any] = _document["key2"]

Usage Example

// This will be an array
let foo = PlistFiles.Test.items

// This will be an Int
let bar = PlistFiles.Stuff.key1


  inputs: /path/to/language.lproj
    templateName: structured-swift5
    output: Strings.swift

This will generate a Swift enum L10n that will map all your Localizable.strings and Localizable.stringsdict (or other tables) keys to a static let constant. And if it detects placeholders like %@,%d,%f, it will generate a static func with the proper argument types instead, to provide type-safe formatting. By default it will add comments to the generated constants and functions using the comments from the strings file if present, or the default translation of the string.

Note that all dots within the key names are converted to dots in code (by using nested enums). You can provide a different separator than . to split key names into substructures by using a parser option – see the parser documentation.

Example of code generated by the structured bundled template

Given the following Localizable.strings file:

/* Title for an alert */
"alert_title" = "Title of the alert";
"alert_message" = "Some alert body there";
/* A comment with no space above it */
"bananas.owner" = "Those %d bananas belong to %@.";

And the following Localizable.stringsdict file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<plist version="1.0">
            <string>You have no apples</string>
            <string>You have one apple</string>
            <string>You have %d apples. Wow that is a lot!</string>

Reminder: Don't forget to end each line in your *.strings files with a semicolon ;! Now that in Swift code we don't need semi-colons, it's easy to forget it's still required by the Localizable.strings file format 😉

The generated code will contain this:

internal enum L10n {
  /// Some alert body there
  internal static let alertMessage ="Localizable", "alert__message", fallback: #"Some alert body there"#)
  /// Title for an alert
  internal static let alertTitle ="Localizable", "alert__title", fallback: #"Title of the alert"#)
  internal enum Apples {
    /// You have %d apples
    internal static func count(_ p1: Int) -> String {
      return"Localizable", "apples.count", p1, fallback: #"You have %d apples"#)
  internal enum Bananas {
    /// A comment with no space above it
    internal static func owner(_ p1: Int, _ p2: Any) -> String {
      return"Localizable", "bananas.owner", p1, String(describing: p2), fallback: #"Those %d bananas belong to %@."#)

Note that if the same key is present in both the .strings and the .stringsdict files, SwiftGen will only consider the one in the .stringsdict file, as that's also how Foundation behaves at runtime.

Usage Example

Once the code has been generated by the script, you can use it this way in your Swift code:

// Simple strings
let message = L10n.alertMessage
let title = L10n.alertTitle

// with parameters, note that each argument needs to be of the correct type
let apples = L10n.Apples.count(3)
let bananas = L10n.Bananas.owner(5, "Olivier")

Flat Strings Support

SwiftGen also has a template to support flat strings files (i.e. without splitting the keys in substructures using "dot syntax"). The advantage is that your keys won't be mangled in any way; the disadvantage is that auto-completion won't be as nice.

Example of code generated by the flat bundled template
internal enum L10n {
  /// Some alert body there
  internal static let alertMessage ="Localizable", "alert__message", fallback: #"Some alert body there"#)
  /// Title for an alert
  internal static let alertTitle ="Localizable", "alert__title", fallback: #"Title of the alert"#)
  /// You have %d apples
  internal static func applesCount(_ p1: Int) -> String {
    return"Localizable", "apples.count", p1, fallback: #"You have %d apples"#)
  /// A comment with no space above it
  internal static func bananasOwner(_ p1: Int, _ p2: Any) -> String {
    return"Localizable", "bananas.owner", p1, String(describing: p2), fallback: #"Those %d bananas belong to %@."#)

Given the same Localizable.strings and Localizable.stringsdict as above the usage will now be:

// Simple strings
let message = L10n.alertMessage
let title = L10n.alertTitle

// with parameters, note that each argument needs to be of the correct type
let apples = L10n.applesCount(3)
let bananas = L10n.bananasOwner(5, "Olivier")


This code and tool is under the MIT Licence. See the LICENCE file in this repository.


This tool is powered by

It is currently mainly maintained by @AliSoftware and @djbe. But I couldn't thank enough all the other contributors to this tool along the different versions which helped make SwiftGen awesome! 🎉

If you want to contribute, don't hesitate to open a Pull Request, or even join the team!

Other Libraries / Tools

If you want to also get rid of String-based APIs not only for your resources, but also for UITableViewCell, UICollectionViewCell and XIB-based views, you should take a look at my Mixin Reusable.

If you want to generate Swift code from your own Swift code (so meta!), like generate Equatable conformance to your types and a lot of other similar things, use Sourcery.

SwiftGen and Sourcery are complementary tools. In fact, Sourcery uses Stencil too, as well as SwiftGen's StencilSwiftKit so you can use the exact same syntax for your templates for both!

You can also follow me on twitter for news/updates about other projects I am creating, or read my blog.

templates's People


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templates's Issues

Swift 4 templates

As mentioned in SwiftGen/SwiftGen#312 by @csnu17, there apparently are some issues with the current templates on swift 4.

We should fix these errors(*), and if possible, use new language features to simplify the templates where needed.

(*) more accurately, create a new swift4 template—based on the swft3 templates but with fixes to make it compile to Swift 4— so that we'll keep both swift3 and swift4 templates for the users of SwiftGen to choose from

Compile output files using a configuration file for options

Right now our output files are compiled by selecting options for each file based on filename-matching:

  • Swift version (2, 3, 4, ...)
  • Platform (macOS, iOS, watchOS, tvOS)
  • extra definitions
  • imported modules

As mentioned in #36 (comment), it would be nicer to create a system to handle these choices in a clearer way.

Add missing tests for edge cases

  • calling parse twice with same parameter
  • calling parse twice with different parameter
  • tests for each possible variable parameter
  • ...

Reorganize templates in subdirectories

I suggest that instead of having all templates flatten in a big templates directory, we should make images/fonts/colors/ … subdirectories.

Especially since now that we'll have a dedicated repository to host templates, that would help organise them.

But also that would allow that directory structure to map the future directory structure for the template documentation which I intend to structure similarly.

Test the output code

Compile it, check the old scripts/ script in swiftgen.

Things to keep in mind:

  • Different swift versions
  • Some code requires external frameworks and types

Suggestion for improvement of Strings template: `L13y`.

Dot-Syntax (DS) introduced a natural grouping of strings, like:

enum L10n {
    enum Screen {
        enum Profile {
            static let title = tr("Screen.Profile.Title")
            enum Label {
                static let firstName = tr("Screen.Profile.Label.FirstName")
                static let lastName = tr("Screen.Profile.Label.LastName")
                static let email = tr("Screen.Profile.Label.Email")

It looks like the new template structured-swift3 keeps this structure as well, right? I will still refer to this structured layout as Dot-Syntax (DS).

With DS we do not need to use the .strings property to get the String value from the L10n enum.

This allows us to write

override func viewDidLoad() {
    title = L10n.Screen.Profile.title

Instead of Non Dot-Syntax (NDS) version:

override func viewDidLoad() {
    title = L10n.screenProfileTitle.string

What's neat about DS is that it structures - groups - my strings together. More specifically DS groups my strings together into a context . All the strings relating the the Profile screen, shown in e.g. a ViewController ProfileViewController, are store within the nested enum L10n.Screen.Profile.Label.

One way of reasoning about DS structure is to look at it as a graph. More specifically a tree. Where L10n is the root of the tree and where the localizable strings static let myString: String are leaves. And all nested types (enums) are nodes in the tree, being neither the root nor a leaf.

If our leaves are static string constants, let us call the nested type containing them leaf type. So given the L10n above, enum L10n is the root, static let firstName: String is a leaf and (the nested type) enum Label is a leaf type.

The problem I see with the structure of the current DS is that I cannot pass a long a leaf type and later refer to one if its leaves. What I want is this:

func printProfileLabel(_ label: L10n.Screen.Profile.Label) {
    print(label) // huh? What to do?

printProfileLabel(.firstName) // Compilation error: "Member 'firstName' in 'L10n.Screen.Profile.Label' produces result of type 'String', but context expects 'L10n.Sceen.Profile.Label'"

This is an extremely simplified version of the scenario where I in my ProfileViewController would like to populate labels and not have to use the verbose syntax: L10n.Sceen.Profile.Label.FirstName. What I want to do, but not possible (?):

Given a subview called LabelsView holding two UILabels, one with compile time defined value "Firstname:" and other with content, run time based value "Alex" (my name) based on the Profile that we fetched from our Backend. Which is a very common scenario.

final class LabelsView: UIView {
    let titleLabel: UILabel
    let valueLabel: UILabel
    let stackView: UIStackView
    init(title: String, value: String) {
        titleLabel = UILabel(title)
        valueLabel = UILabel(value)
        //then stack them using UIStackView
        super.init(frame: .zero)
// I want this...
class ProfileViewController: UIViewController {
    let user: User
    lazy var firstNameLabels: LabelsView = LabelsView(.firstName, value: self.user.firstName)
    lazy var lastNameLabels: LabelsView = LabelsView(.lastName, value: self.user.lastName)

Instead, using DS, we have to write like this:

// But DS can only offer this:
class ProfileViewController: UIViewController {
    let user: User
    lazy var firstNameLabels: LabelsView = LabelsView(L10n.Sceen.Profile.Label.firstName, value: self.user.firstName)
    lazy var lastNameLabels: LabelsView = LabelsView(L10n.Sceen.Profile.Label.lastName, value: self.user.lastName)

The shorter syntax I'm seeking would be possible using this version of L10n, lets call it LocalizationKey or L13y in short:

protocol Localizable: CustomStringConvertible {
    var translated: String { get }

extension Localizable {
    var description: String { return translated }

//MARK: - L13y, short for LocalizationKey
enum L13y: Localizable {
    indirect case screen(Screen)
    enum Screen: Localizable {
        indirect case profile(Profile)
        enum Profile: Localizable {
            case title
            indirect case label(Label)
            enum Label: Localizable {
                case firstName
                case lastName
                case email
                var translated: String {
                    switch self {
                    case .firstName:
                        return tr("Screen.Profile.Label.FirstName")
                    case .lastName:
                        return tr("Screen.Profile.Label.LastName")
                    case .email:
                        return tr("Screen.Profile.Label.Email")
            var translated: String {
                switch self {
                case .title:
                    return tr("Screen.Profile.Title")
                case .label(let label):
                    return label.translated
        var translated: String {
            switch self {
            case .profile(let profile):
                return profile.translated
    var translated: String {
        switch self {
        case .screen(let screen):
            return screen.translated

The L13y offers the same advantages as DS L10n, since it is indeed grouping the strings together. But since the leaves, e,g. firstName is not a static string, but rather an enum case - as in older Non Dot Syntax (NSD) version of L10n - we can pass it as a key.

extension LabelsView {
    // we can now pass the "leaf type" `L13y.Screen.Profile.Label`
    convenience init(_ key: L13y.Screen.Profile.Label, value: String) {
        self.init(key.translated, value: value)

Which makes this short syntax possible:

// using convenience init above
lazy var firstNameLabels: LabelsView = LabelsView(.firstName, value: self.user.firstName)

Instead of this verbose syntax:

lazy var firstNameLabels: LabelsView = LabelsView(L10n.Sceen.Profile.Label.firstName, value: self.user.firstName)

The only disadvantage of using my proposed L13y is that we cannot directly refer to the string, but have to suffix the case with .translated to get a String.

 override func viewDidLoad() {
    title = L13y.Screen.Profile.title.translated //have to use `.translated`

Instead of Dot-Syntax version:

override func viewDidLoad() {
    title = L10n.Screen.Profile.title

This can of course be mitigated using some postfix operator, e.g. caret ^ or dollar sign $

enum L13y: Localizable {...} // all nested types conforming to: `Localizable`
postfix operator ^
postfix func ^(localizable: Localizable) -> String { return key.translated }

so that:

title = L13y.Screen.Profile.title.translated


title = L13y.Screen.Profile.title^

So the question really boiles down to:

Do we in most cases refer to localizable strings within a specific context (e.g. ProfileViewController) or not?

And I think the answer to that question is yes, we are working with localizable strings within a specific context most times.

What are your thoughts?

One idea is of course to create a template creating both the L10n and the L13y enum?

Or have I completely misunderstood/missed how to pass a leaf type using Dot-Syntax?

Are there any other advantages with DS L10n over L13y I am missing?

Fonts: Only one 'register' called per font family

I am not certain if it is possible to have an entire font family in the same file, but in case you have each font weight in a separate file (like RobotoSlab-Light.ttf, RobotoSlab-Bold.ttf, etc.) then only the first one will be registered - since the test for registering only queries to see if the font family is present.

For iOS/Swift 3 this can be fixed by changing the Font convenience initializer in the fonts/swift3.stencil to have the following check:

if !UIFont.fontNames(forFamilyName: {

Do you agree that this is a sensible way to perform the check? If so, I can create a pull request with changes for all swift versions and both iOS/macOS.

Make an Info.plist template for UIAppFonts

It would be nice to have a template able to auto-generate the content of the UIAppFonts key.

People could then generate the partial plist using swiftgen, then use e.g. PlistBuddy to merge that with their actual Info.plist:

# Generate the partial plist containing the entries for UIAppFonts
swiftgen fonts -t InfoPlist Resources/Fonts -o UIAppFonts.plist
# Delete any potential UIAppFont entry from Info.plist, then create a fresh one and merge it with the generate list
/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Delete UIAppFonts" -c "Add UIAppFonts array" -c "Merge UIAppFonts.plist UIAppFonts" "$INFOPLIST_PATH"

(Note: The second step here is automated using PlistBuddy, but in practice the developer might prefer just doing that step manually, by opening the UIAppFonts.plist file in Xcode, and copy/pasting that entry in their Info.plist manually)

The template to generate the UIAppFonts plist could look like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
<array>{% for fam in families %}{% for font in fam.fonts %}
	<string>{% if param.useRelativePath %}{{font.path}}{% else %}{{font.path|basename}}{% endif %}</string>
{% endfor %}{% endfor %}</array>

Support for .swifttemplate format?

Is it possible to use .swifttemplate format (instead of .stencil), as used by Sourcery? :) I tried passing a template written in .swifttemplate using the TemplatePath argument, but it did not recognize the template code.

Strings: remove typed declarations

Refers: SwiftGen/SwiftGen#231

The context variable typednames which is an array containing typed declarations like "let p0: String","let p1: Int". Had to add that because there was no easy way to construct that directly in the template from the other variables. Using the MapNode, we should be able to construct those from the types and names context.

Same for declarations which contains let p0, let p1, etc… that we can probably construct from the names with is an array of p0, p1 and a MapNode

Even the names variable in the String context might now maybe be constructible in the template itself using a MapNode and the forloop.index or something

count isn't needed either...

Remove old stuff

Refs SwiftGen/SwiftGen#244

  • colors:
    • default: rename to swift2
    • swift3: no changes
    • rawvalues: delete, deprecated by default
  • fonts:
    • default: rename to swift2
    • swift3: no changes
  • images:
    • default: delete, deprecated by dot-syntax
    • dot-syntax-swift3: rename to swift3
    • dot-syntax: rename to swift2
    • swift3: delete, deprecated by dot-syntax
    • all-values: add the all values option to templates using a --param
  • storyboards:
    • default: rename to swift2
    • swift3: no changes
    • osx-default: rename to macOS-swift2
    • osx-swift3: rename to macOS-swift3
    • lowercase: check if these are still needed with module parsing introduced in 4.2
    • uppercase: check if these are still needed with module parsing introduced in 4.2
    • osx-lowercase: check if these are still needed with module parsing introduced in 4.2
  • strings:
    • default: rename to flat-swift2
    • dot-syntax-swift3: rename to structured-swift3
    • dot-syntax: rename to structured-swift2
    • genstrings: no idea
    • no-comments-swift3: add as --param option to other templates
    • structured: delete, deprecated by dot-syntax
    • swift3: rename to flat-swift3

Storyboards: module name for target may not match "customModule" set by Xcode

If a project has 2 targets A and B, and a storyboard file is in both, whenever a scene's custom class is set in Xcode's UI, the customModule will also be (automatically) set to the current target's name in the storyboard's XML.

SwiftGen (by default) will preprend the module's name if there is one in the storyboard's XML, so this realisation above means that it will prepend the module name to any custom class, which does not allow generated files to be included by both targets A and B.

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