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Spree Commerce - Open Source e-commerce platform

Spree Commerce

An open source eCommerce platform giving you full control and customizability.
Build any eCommerce solution that your business requires.

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Getting Started

Visit the Quickstart Guide to set up Spree in 5 minutes.

Enterprise support

Contact us for enterprise support and custom development services. We offer:

  • migrations and upgrades,
  • delivering your Spree application,
  • optimizing your Spree stack.


Customizable and modular

  • pick and choose parts you want to use
  • customize everything else (storefront, order processing, API, etc)
Spree Commerce - Storefront customization

Composable and API-first

Spree Commerce - API   Integrations

Cart and Checkout for any use case

  • advanced cart functionality
  • over 30 payment provider integrations out of the box
  • API to integrate any other payment gateway
  • robust discounts system
  • store credits, gift cards
Spree Commerce - Cart   Checkout Spree Commerce - Payments   Refunds
  • multi-currency
  • multi-language
  • full translation support for products, categories, and more
  • different shipping methods / costs for different regions
  • advanced tax calculation
Spree Commerce - Multi-region   Multi-store Spree Commerce - Multi-region

Multi-Store ready

  • host multiple brands / stores on a single Spree instance
  • each with different branding, configuration, payment methods, shipping options, product catalogs etc
Spree Commerce - Multi-store

Responsive Admin Panel

Manage and curate products, users, orders, returns, shipments & more Spree Commerce - Inventory management

Orders & Post-purchase management

Manage orders, shipments, returns and refunds Spree Commerce - Order   Return management Spree Commerce - Order Fulfillment

Why developers love it

  • Runs anywhere - cloud, VPS, Docker, Kubernetes
  • Battle Tested - used by thousands of merchants around the globe in all categories since 2007!
  • Extensions available adding new features to Spree

What you can build with Spree

Use Spree for any use case. Innovate beyond what's out there.

A headless eCommerce micro-service

Capture orders and payments for whatever you're selling - physical or digital, products or services

Spree Commerce - Composable eCommerce

Run your own marketplace with multiple suppliers, each with a dedicated supplier dashboard Spree Commerce - Marketplace

A high-ticket B2B eCommerce

Start capturing 6+ figure orders from resellers with safe payments and a checkout process that fits your business model Spree Commerce - B2B eCommerce

Wholesale eCommerce

Run your wholesale operation the way your retail partners expect Spree Commerce - Wholesale

A SaaS eCommerce platform

Launch a multi-tenant, multi-store platform for your customers, resellers, affiliates in any configuration, eg. B2B2B, B2B2C, B2B2E

Spree Commerce - Multi-store

Community & Contributing

Spree is an open source project and we love contributions in any form - pull requests, issues, feature ideas!

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Spree is released under the New BSD License.

spree-guides's People


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spree-guides's Issues

Issues with Getting Started guide

  1. It looks like the step "rails new mystore" should actually be "rails mystore"
  2. "Edit the Gemfile in your Rails application by adding the following:" is confusing because at this point the Gemfile doesn't exist yet. It might help if you put in a helpful note like "See below", or better yet put the sample gemfile first (along with instructions to save as "Gemfile" in the project root) and moved the editing instructions below. Also, consider changing '3.0.5' to '>= 3.0.5'
  3. 4.3 - consider adding step 4.3 a for windows users that installs "". (This took way too long to figure out. Yeah, I know I'm a newb, but that's who the guide is intended for, right?)
  4. You should add a custom step before rake db:create for installing sqlite3: see
  5. Wow! At the asset migration step, I am thoroughly confused. Rails behavior has changed and now the syntax is "rails new ...". However there is no such thing as "rails g spree:site". is the g supposed to be there?

Alright, starting over with a new app.
The development kit and sqllite3 are both installed now. Otherwise, I followed the instructions and I still had issues with and

funny that. All of the sudden, in my new app, rails g spree:site works. In my original path I am still getting the "Usage: ..." output.

After all that, I was finally able to get the new project up and running.

Hard to Register Calculators

Registering Calculators isn't hard, but it's not well documented. We should improve the documentation on creating them and registering them.

Product scopes

The product scopes are apparently not documented within the guides. These are quite helpful, and I think it'd be a great idea to document them.

Document Checkout API

The CheckoutController for the API component has no documentation. We should write some.

Steps to disable the admin overview dashboard could be added to the getting started guide

As of Radar's instructions on the #spree freenode channel, comment out gem 'spree' in your Gemfile and specify all the dependencies of Spree in your Gemfile minus spree_dash as follows:

gem 'spree'

spree_version = '1.0.3'
gem 'spree_core', spree_version
gem 'spree_auth', spree_version
gem 'spree_api', spree_version

gem 'spree_dash', spree_version

gem 'spree_promo', spree_version

Asset customization guide out of date

Says all this is in admin/all.js

//= require admin/spree_core
//= require admin/spree_auth
//= require admin/spree_api
//= require admin/spree_dash
//= require admin/spree_promo
//= require_tree .

I know spree_api was removed in 1.1, and spree_dash seems to be gone as well.

Don't rush to fix this, I plan to issue a pull request here shortly.

Images for Documentation

I have a few screenshots to go along w/the user documentation I'm writing, but I don't see anyplace that images live in the repo. Should I DropBox them, or check them in w/the project somewhere?


spree-active-shipping mention in Shipping guide

Today while working on spree's #825, was reading the docs about calculators. Read that we need to use script/extension install to install an extension. Seems... wrong.

It's here: I feel like I've gone back in time a year.

I don't think that this is the case any more. To install an extension, people should be specifying it in their Gemfile, not installing it as something that's vendor'd. That is, unless they want to edit the code.

Documentation Deficiency - S3 Image configuration

I think that the below information from Ben E. should be put into here:

The only problem though is that you also need to set all of this as well:

Spree::Image.attachment_definitions[:attachment][:styles] = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(Spree::Config[:attachment_styles])
Spree::Image.attachment_definitions[:attachment][:path] = Spree::Config[:attachment_path]
Spree::Image.attachment_definitions[:attachment][:url] = Spree::Config[:attachment_url]
Spree::Image.attachment_definitions[:attachment][:default_url] = Spree::Config[:attachment_default_url]
Spree::Image.attachment_definitions[:attachment][:default_style] = Spree::Config[:attachment_default_style]

...I basically had to jimmy-rig it and just copied the model over and comment all that out and it worked fine for both local development and remote production environments. :) Couldn't quickly figure out how to do it with decorators. There isn't a whole lot written about model decorators.


On Tuesday, May 1, 2012 7:05:52 PM UTC-7, Ben Eggett wrote:
Robert is correct, spree_heroku is no longer necessary as 1.1/edge supports s3 in the config files:

You can simply add the S3 settings into your config/initializers/spree.rb file::

Spree.config do |config|
config.use_s3 = true
config.s3_bucket = "BUCKET_NAME"
config.s3_access_key = "S3_ACCESS"
config.s3_secret = "S3_SECRET"

Getting started guide - mounting the engine

With the latest changes from the namespace branch, The "Getting Started" guide does not mention that you need to mount the core engine. Without this, the application will be barren.

To mount the engine, use this:

mount Spree::Core::Engine, :at => '/'

Or if you want to mount it at a specific location:

mount Spree::Core::Engine, :at => '/shop'

Bad gem link in getting started guide

In getting started guide, section 4.3. Installing dependencies, is wrong link to spree_static_content gem.
In documentation link is:
gem 'spree_static_content', :git => 'git://'
but should be
gem 'spree_static_content', :git => 'git://' (with underscores)

Dead link to Calculator Guide

There's a dead link on this page leading to I'm kinda new here so I am not sure if the calculator reference is still suitable.

Deploying on Ubuntu Guide - Images

The Ubuntu Deployment guide doesn't cover symlinking an images directory so that all the images aren't lost on subsequent deploys. It really should do that.

Spree translations shouldn't be copied to #{Rails.root}/ config/locales

In the orange box under 1.2.2 REQUIRED FILES, the documentation says:

"If you do not need all of the localizations for your project you can skip installation of the spree_i18n gem and just copy the needed Spree translations to #{Rails.root}/ config/locales."

I believe this folder is reserved for rails-i18n translation files and nothing else needs to be copied there. It work just by having spree_i18n in your Gemfile.

More details on how to customize from inside an application

Ran into a lot of confusion when trying to walk somebody through how to do simple controller decorator in their stand alone application (NOTE: not an extension) w/Spree.

Needed to do something like:

  mount Spree::Core::Engine, :at => '/'

  Spree::Core::Engine.routes.prepend do
    namespace :admin do
      get '/products/import' => "products#import", :as => :products_import

which was unexpected. We should document the prepend/append stuff for when adding routes to spree namespace.

docs needed for understanding install code?

Sorry this isn't an issue but more of a question.

I recently submitted a small patch that involved adding a check for image magick during the installation process. I couldn't find any documentation on it so it took me some time to figure out what was going on.

I'm thinking about documenting how the code works but only if the spree team thinks it's useful documentation. If not then no biggie.

Update Language Settings Information

Spree::Config.default_locale no longer exists, and stale initializers will cause issues. The documentation should be updated to reflect this. Something like:

If you are upgrading from a previous version of Spree please be aware Spree::Config.default_locale is no longer used. Any initialzers trying to set it should be removed.

To set the default language simply set config.i18n.default_locale in config/application.rb to your desired language. EG:
config.i18n.default_locale = :ja

Markup/Markdown Consistency

Segue from a conversation on the spree-user mailing list, I propose we standardize a set of HTML markup conventions for the guides.

RandyT asked if any publishers have a set of standards. I'm sure there are plenty, but I propose we follow the Rails Guides' API conventions for consistency. If there are no major conventions I can own writing these up as part of the README for this project in a (near) future commit. I'm sure we'll probably stumble on some conventions we need that aren't in the Rails Guides, or vice versa.


From the list:

I'd like to get some consensus on documentation markup conventions. I really think it would help to make all of the docs look a lot more uniform. Obviously, extracted code needs to have the triple-ticks around it to mark it as code, but what kind of markdown habits do we want to use for these:

  • Model names in prose (e.g. "When you create a Product object…")
  • Buttons (e.g. "Click the Update button.")
  • Names of links (e.g. "Click the Images link.")
  • Section names (e.g. "In the Purchase Funnel section, you will find…")
  • Field names for forms (e.g. "Enter 'Tshirt' in the Name field.")
  • State names (e.g. "At this point the order is in the completed state.")

What should be bold? What italicized? What underlined? What marked in ticks? What should have no markdown at all?

Obviously, this isn't an exhaustive list, and it's not meant to be. I would hope we could add to this over time and put it in the README for spree-guides for posterity.

another installation step?

For some reason, I had to do:

gem install guides

after the bundle install.

Because I was getting:

guides build
/Users/jeffsquires/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.8.7-p334/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems.rb:900:in report_activate_error': Could not find RubyGem guides (>= 0) (Gem::LoadError) from /Users/jeffsquires/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.8.7-p334/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems.rb:248:inactivate'
from /Users/jeffsquires/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.8.7-p334/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/rubygems.rb:1276:in `gem'
from ..../bin/guides:18

I'm hesitant to update the install documentation in case I'm doing something silly.

Deploying on Heroku with Invalid gem Ransack

While trying to deploy to heroku. I keep getting errors to do with gem ransack-v0.7.3 this gem was yanked and is no longer hosed at rubygems. Could you update the guides or something pls

Default Tax Category

The default tax category doesn't appear to be explained anywhere in the docs.

Spree_auth gem info possibly outdated?

I would appreciate a second set of eyes on the Authentication Customization guide I just checked in - 6b0bf58 - specifically the Background section. Just look for the "TODO" note. Thanks!

Shipment Inc VAT

The Shipment Inc VAT boolean doesn't appear to be explained anywhere in the docs.

Currency fonts render incorrectly in Edge Guides

README update - audience

Need to update the README with who the audience is for each of the guides (dev, api, user, etc.) to help people use an appropriate tone/degree of technical jargon in contributing.

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