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bfstoreissues's Issues

Multiple images for one product

I know you said we already have the ability to upload multiple images for one product but I am not seeing where/how to do that. There is a spot to upload the Default Product Image in the first step but I don't see where to add more images.

Also, when adding a garment color, I see there is a spot there to upload an image. What is that intended for? Out of curiousity, I added a different product image there to see where/how it would be displayed but I don't see it anywhere when I go back to shop the store. So I don't see what this is for. ??

Thank you!

Checkout Process

  1. Can there be a "summary" page before submitting an order? It is always helpful to be able to review everything before submitting an order.

  2. Can we add a BOLD message that appears either as part of the order confirmation receipt and/or right before checkout that says, "This charge will appear as BLUE FUEL MARKETING on your credit card statement." Or "Thank you for your order! This charge will appear as BLUE FUEL MARKETING on your credit card statement." We are getting an increasing amount of buyers claiming fraud on their credit cards when they don't recognize the Blue Fuel charge. This is not only very time-consuming for us to manage, but we also incur additional fees that we can't recover.

Product categories?

When we are creating a new product, we are asked if the item should go into Mens Apparel, Womens Apparel or Promotional item. But I'm not sure why as there is not a way to show product categories, correct? I think it is fine not having product categories for simple stores like this, I'm just curious if there is some reason we are asked to pick a category when adding a new product.

Delete an item from cart?

If I click the cart icon in the upper right and am brought to that shopping cart, I see the trash cans where I can delete any items I may want to. But if I'm buying an item and click the ADD TO CART button, that particular cart I am brought to (which looks different b/c this version includes product images), in that cart I do not have a way to delete anything. And then my next steps would be to enter ship to and payment info. I don't know that people would naturally think they have to click that cart icon to see the cart that particular way to be able to delete anything. ?


Shopko store - add to cart kicks us back to Blue Fuel home page

According to my client with Shopko, when she selects ADD TO CART after picking a product, it brings her back to the Blue Fuel landing page where she has to click on the Shopko store again. It's odd because it does not do that for me?? But that is apparently what is happening to her. Any idea??

Store Reporting

When we run a store report, currently all of the items a single buyer purchases, appear lumped together in one cell of the spreadsheet. Because of this, there is no way to tally up how many of each garment (including size & color) to order/produce except manually. Is there any way of breaking these down into separate cells?

For the sake of being overly clear, typically we will open a store like this for 2 weeks. Everyone places their orders within that 2 week time frame. At the end of the 2 weeks, Blue Fuel would run a report showing everything that has been ordered. Then we need to tally it all up to determine how many of shirt A do we need to produce per color per size, how many of shirt B and so on. So just wondering if the reporting would be able to help us with that tallying rather than it all having to be done by hand.

Checking in?

Just checking in to see where this is at. Peshtigo Bank would like Blue Fuel to create a store from them but would like to wait for this new store so they can opt to not use credit card payments. They have a annual meeting this Friday, 2/12 and would like to update everywhere on where they are at with an online store. Do you think it they tell everyone the store is aimed to be ready by April that that would be feasible? And if its earlier, than awesome but if not this still gives us 2 months? Please let me know your thoughts. TY


This are the reports I got from the Shopko and Peshtigo stores. I don't know what is happening but I have no way of knowing what items each person ordered. Shopko is more urgent as that store closed today so I have to get those items ordered asap. Peshtigo store is open a while longer.

Cart Qty

As a shopper (not admin), I put 1 navy ladies SM polo in my cart and the cart icon changed to (1). Then I put a qty of 2 grey ladies 2XL polos in my cart and the cart icon changed to (2). So I suspect it will only count how many unique items are in my cart, but will not count if I have more than 1 of an item in my cart?

PNB Store

I created a new store for PNB, Peshtigo National Bank. I walked through entering multiple sizes that the jacket comes in. However, when I go to order the jacket as if I’m a buyer, I click the size drop down and only the first size I created is there. I can’t choose a different size. ??

Also when I click ADD & CONTINUE SHOPPING nothing happens. When I click ADD TO CART it appears as though nothing happens bc the screen stays exactly the same, but then I looked at the cart icon and saw a 1 in there so it was added. But then I wondered what to do next. Continue Shopping isn’t working so either I click Back or on the cart.

When I click on my cart and then Checkout, it asks for my name and address. Will we have a separate Bill To verses Ship To or must they be the same?

On the “home page” for the PNB store, the description I entered runs from the very beginning of the screen to the very end of the screen. Is there a way to shorten up that box a little so it looks nicer and not like it’s running off the page?

Also on the “home page” for the PNB store, is it possibly for the product image to show up there rather than a generic cart image? Otherwise the user will have to click on every single product to be able to view it?

Status update?

Do you have an update on where the store currently stands? NPAA has requested that we reopen last year's store starting next Friday and we are hoping to be able to use the new format--is going live before 2/26 feasible?

Small clean up in Peshtigo store

Wondering if you have the ability to fix a couple small issues with product images in the Peshtigo store. If not, I'll delete these 3 products and create them new again but just thought I'd ask first in case its an easy fix for you.

  1. Ladies Reaction Polo - when you go to that product page, the first image that displays is the sizing chart which is weird. If you could make the model image show first, that woudl be ideal.
  2. Ladies Full Zip Stretch Jacket - when you go to that product page, the first image that displays is the back of the garment which is also weird. If you could make the model image show first that would be ideal.
  3. Mens Nike Crosshatch Sport Shirt in Grey - the image of the front of the shirt appears twice so it would be nice to remove one of them. Also, the image of the sizing chart is wrong and I'd like that replaced with the attached image instead.

For whatever it's worth, on the "Add color" page I did always select the product images in the same order every time - always the model image first, then the front shirt image, then back shirt image and then size chart image. But they seem to appear in a variety of different orders in the store so I'm not sure why. This is a minor issue but if there is something I should be doing differently, let me know. Thx!

Checkout without payment?

From what I can tell at this point, the primary concerns I have are the ability to delete products is not working and I know you're working on that bug. And then the checkout process which is a biggie.

Will the checkout process have the option to NOT pay anything? Peshtigo Nat'l Bank wants to handle all of the money through payroll deduction. So they're asking if we can collect orders through this store, but then I'd separately invoice PNB for the grand total. Then internally they are going to cover part of the cost and collect the rest from the employees through payroll deduction. The only thing I'd ideally get from this store would be the ability to run a report that shows me all of their sales over a certain time period with a grand total due.

They have a company meeting on 2/15 which they want to announce some sort of update regarding this store. Doesn't mean it has to be ready to start,, but ideally they'd love an estimated date of when it would be ready by and then maybe they'd roll it out in March or April? I'm confident you'll be able to solve the "delete product" issue but I am nervous about checkout.

PNB store

When I try to delete the ANSI jacket, I receive an error message that says, "Failed to delete product".

Shopko - credit card processing?

Shopko wants to open their store on Monday. I added a test item that only cost $.01 and tried to purchase it to test and make sure the credit card processing is working. When I click the Debit or Credit Card button in check out, I received an error message. "Something went wrong. Please try again later." Can you help??

Product Image Size?

Are there image size restrictions we need to stay within? I added a hoodie and a ladies polo in the PNB store and both extend past the text that is the product name. It is still readable on the hoodie because the hoodie is a light color and the text is black. But the ladies polo is navy so the black text is hard to read. I suspect if we upload smaller product images this would solve this issue?

Access Code for Peshtigo National Bank

I had previously set up a store for Peshtigo National Bank. Today I went in and chose to Edit the store details. During that edit process, I selected alternative payment method and then entered PNB2021 as the access code and saved. Then I created 3 new products in the store and started testing it out as if I was a shopper. I put one sport shirt in my cart and when I tried to check out, it asked me for the access code. I put in PNB2021 but am getting an error message that says "incorrect access code provided".

Product Color Selected

When viewing a product, show which color is selected by changing the outline for the color. Change the selected color based on the color select box, as well as clicking on the color box.

Shopko - still getting kicked out

So another person at Shopko tried the store, without knowing how Cathleeen was getting kicked out, and commented how it was weird that she is getting kicked out. I'm pasting in a copy of her email. Asked her and it is the exact same issue - when she clicks Add to Cart she immediately is sent to the Blue Fuel landing page. So weird. I'll try it from a few other computers and see if anyone else can replicate this. Dang it.


Shopko Store - hosted on their intranet??

Hey Dalton,
Shopko is asking me if they have the ability to host their simple store on their own intranet. They are happy with the simplicity of this store and feel it fits their needs, except they don't like the idea of sharing the landing page with any other stores we might have open at the same time. Is this even an option for them to host their store separately?? ~Karen

Blocked by Microsoft Edge?

So I shared the store link with my contact at Peshtigo National Bank to get his initial feedback. When he goes to the landing page, the PNB store link is not there for him. He sent me this email -
"Tried again with the same result. I think this might be a browser issue. We use Microsoft Edge (only one allowed due to our banking programs, systems, etc.). I’m guessing maybe your IT team developed on Chrome or something else and the link isn’t coming through. Thoughts?"

Uh oh...

Store access blocked?

When I first shared the url with Peshtigo National Bank, they could see our landing page except could not see the Peshtigo National Bank link, like there was nothing there. I'm not really sure what he did on his end but he mentioned talking to his IT dept and then he got it to work so my impression was their system was blocking it.

Today I shared the same link with Shopko Optical bc they are interested in doing a simple store, too, and I wanted to show them what Peshtigo's looked like. But when she tried the link, she also can only see the landing page and not the Peshtigo Store link.

So this has me wondering if this is going to be a problem. Are there instructions I should give clients to be able to view the link? Like maybe some security things they need to change on their end? I was intending to create a spirit wear store for my kids' school which would then be an assortment of parents all over who would be placing orders - not like employees at one company using the same server/security. So are all of these parents going to have a hard time seeing the store links??


Multiple images for one product?

Is there a way we can show more than one product image for a product? For example, a front photo that is the main photo, but then also a back photo? Or sometimes it is nice to show a photo of the garment on a model (person) and not on a model?

Product color issue

In the Peshtigo store, I added a Ladies Nike Pullover in white. When I get to the screen where I add the product color, it will not accept it when I want to choose white as the color. So the color hex code would stay as the default ffffff but it won't seem to save it no matter what I try. Also, in the process of trying, I selected to add another color. But I really don't want a second color and now I have no way of removing that 2nd color option. I think I can only delete the product completely and create it again as a new product?

Report Date Filter

Filtering order reports by date doesn't work properly, all reports for each store/all stores are returned.

Rearrange product display order?

Do we have the ability to rearrange the order in which products appear on a store? Or do they appear in the order we create them? Just thinking it could be helpful to put polo shirts near each other, for example, and maybe after setting up all products the client asks to add one more polo. It would be nice if I could add the new polo and choose to have it appear near the other polos.

Credit Card Error

When I click "Debit or Credit Card" for the payment to check out, I am receiving an error message. I'll drag in a screen shot.

cc error

Order confirmations & reporting?

Do buyers get an automatic email order confirmation? I placed a couple test orders and did not receive anything that I'm aware of.

And from a Blue Fuel perspective, how do we know when an order has been submitted? Would someone on the Blue Fuel team get an email notification?

What about reporting? Let's say after 2 weeks we receive 30 orders from PNB. Do we manually tally up the products ordered or is there a report we can run that tallies up the products ordered?

Shopko Store - Product Image Order

Hey Dalton,
I know this was an issue when I created the Peshtigo Store and looks like it is still open. I just created a new store for Shopko Optical and loaded one product so far, the Mens Nailhead Dress Shirt. It is appearing with the BACK product image first instead of the front, so this issue is back to when I upload multiple product images for the same product, I want to control which image shows up first . I'm going to keep adding the other products for this store to get them all set up in the meantime. But when you are able to, I'll need all of these adjusted so that the image that appears is the front of the shirt without the model. In a perfect world, the order in which the product images appear wouold be Front without Model - Back of Shirt - Model wearing shirt - Size chart. Thank you!

Product default image

If a product has a default image, but no specific product color images, show the default image for the color.

Multiple images for one product

I know this seemed to be solved but I am having this same problem again. I just added a new product to the Peshtigo store, the Ladies Crosshatch Sport Shirt in Royal. I added multiple images in the screen where you choose product color but only the last image I uploaded is showing, none of the others are appearing.

Product Color Issue - delete a color?

You closed issue # 23 but there was a 2nd part to it that I don't think was addressed. The white pullover I created for Peshtigo's store currently shows 2 white colors. I want to delete one of them but I don't see a way to delete a color option?

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