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laravel-multiplex's Introduction


A Laravel package to attach time-sliced meta data to Eloquent models.

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What it Does

Multiplex allows you to attach time-sliced metadata to Eloquent models in a convenient way.

$post = \App\Models\Post::first();

// Set meta fluently for any key – `likes` is no column of `Post`.
$post->likes = 24;

// Or use the `setMeta` method.
$post->setMeta('likes', 24);

// You may also schedule changes, for example change the meta in 2 years:
$post->setMetaAt('likes', 6000, '+2 years');


  • Metadata is saved in versions: Schedule changes to metadata, change history or retrieve metadata for a specific point in time.
  • Supports fluent syntax: Use your model’s metadata as if they were properties.
  • Polymorphic relationship allows adding metadata to any Eloquent model without worrying about the database schema.
  • Easy to try: Extend existing database columns of your model with versionable metadata without touching or deleting your original columns.
  • Type conversion system heavily based on Laravel-Metable allows data of numerous different scalar and object types to be stored and retrieved.

Table of Contents


You can install the package via composer:

composer require kolossal-io/laravel-multiplex

Publish the migrations to create the meta table where metadata will be stored.

php artisan migrate

Attach the HasMeta trait to any Eloquent model that needs meta attached.

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Kolossal\Multiplex\HasMeta;

class Post extends Model
    use HasMeta;

Attaching Metadata

By default you can use any key for attaching metadata. You can limit which keys can be used.

$model->setMeta('foo', 'bar');
// or
$model->foo = 'bar';

You may also set multiple meta values by passing an array.

    'hide' => true,
    'color' => '#000',
    'likes' => 24,

All metadata will be stored automatically when saving your model.

$model->foo = 'bar';

$model->isMetaDirty(); // true


$model->isMetaDirty(); // false

You can also save your model without saving metadata.


$model->isMetaDirty(); // true


You can reset metadata changes that were not yet saved.


Metadata can be stored right away without waiting for the parent model to be saved.

// Save the given meta value right now.
$model->saveMeta('foo', 123.45);

// Save only specific keys of the changed meta.
$model->setMeta(['color' => '#fff', 'hide' => false]);
$model->isMetaDirty('hide'); // true

// Save multiple meta values at once.
    'color' => '#fff',
    'hide' => true,

Multiplex will take care of serializing and unserializing datatypes for you. The underlying polymorphic meta table may look something like this:

metable_type metable_id key value type
App\Models\Post 1 color #000 string
App\Models\Post 1 likes 24 integer
App\Models\Post 2 color #fff string
App\Models\Post 2 hide true boolean

The corresponding meta values would look like this:

Post::find(1)->color; // string(4) "#000"
Post::find(1)->likes; // int(24)

Post::find(2)->color; // string(4) "#fff"
Post::find(2)->hide; // bool(true)

Schedule Metadata

You can save metadata for a specific publishing date.

$user = Auth::user();

$user->saveMeta('favorite_band', 'The Mars Volta');
$user->saveMetaAt('favorite_band', 'Portishead', '+1 week');

// Changing taste in music: This will return `The Mars Volta` now but `Portishead` in a week.

This way you can change historic data as well.

$user->saveMetaAt('favorite_band', 'Arctic Monkeys', '-5 years');
$user->saveMetaAt('favorite_band', 'Tool', '-1 year');

// This will return `Tool` – which is true since this is indeed a good band.

Retrieving Metadata

You can access metadata as if they were properties on your model.

$post->likes; // (int) 24
$post->color; // (string) '#000'

Or use the getMeta() method to specify a fallback value for non-existent meta.

$post->getMeta('likes', 0); // Use `0` as a fallback.

You can also retrieve the meta relation on your model. This will only retrieve the most recent value per key that is released yet.

    'author' => 'Anthony Kiedis',
    'color' => 'black',

$post->saveMetaAt('author', 'Jimi Hendrix', '1970-01-01');
$post->saveMetaAt('author', 'Omar Rodriguez', '+1 year');

$post->meta->pluck('value', 'key');

 * Illuminate\Support\Collection {
 *   all: [
 *     "author" => "Anthony Kiedis",
 *     "color" => "black",
 *   ],
 * }

There is a shorthand to pluck all the current meta data attached to the model. This will include all explicitly defined meta keys with a default of null.

// Allow any meta key and explicitly allow `foo` and `bar`.
$post->metaKeys(['*', 'foo', 'bar']);

$post->saveMeta('foo', 'a value');
$post->saveMeta('another', true);

 * Illuminate\Support\Collection {
 *   all: [
 *     "foo" => "a value",
 *     "bar" => null,
 *     "another" => true,
 *   ],
 * }

If you instead want to retrieve all meta that was published yet, use the publishedMeta relation.

// This array will also include `Jimi Hendrix´.

If you want to inspect all metadata including unpublished records, use the allMeta relation.


You can determine if a Meta instance is the most recent published record for the related model or if it is not yet released.

$meta = $post->allMeta->first();

$meta->is_current; // (bool)
$meta->is_planned; // (bool)

Querying Meta Model

There are also some query scopes on the Meta model itself that may be helpful.

Meta::published()->get(); // Only current and historic meta.

Meta::planned()->get(); // Only meta not yet published.

Meta::publishedBefore('+1 week')->get(); // Only meta published by next week.

Meta::publishedAfter('+1 week')->get(); // Only meta still unpublished in a week.

Meta::onlyCurrent()->get(); // Only current meta without planned or historic data.

Meta::withoutHistory()->get(); // Query without stale records.

Meta::withoutCurrent()->get(); // Query without current records.

By default these functions will use Carbon::now() to determine what metadata is considered the most recent, but you can also pass a datetime to look from.

// Get records that have been current a month ago.
Meta::onlyCurrent('-1 month')->get();

// Get records that will not be history by tommorow.

Query by Metadata

Querying Metadata Existence

You can query records having meta data for the given key(s).

// Find posts having at least one meta records for `color` key.

// Or pass an array to find records having meta for at least one of the given keys.
Post::whereHasMeta(['color', 'background_color'])->get();

Querying Metadata Absence

You can query records not having meta data for the given key(s).

// Find posts not having any meta records for `color` key.

// Or find records not having meta for any of the given keys.
Post::whereDoesntHaveMeta(['color', 'background_color'])->get();

Querying Metadata by Value

You can retrieve models having meta with the given key and value.

// Find posts where the current attached color is `black`.
Post::whereMeta('color', 'black')->get();

// Find posts where the current attached color is not `black`.
Post::whereMeta('color', '!=', 'black')->get();

// Find posts that are `visible`.
Post::whereMeta('visible', true)->get();

// There are alternatives for building `or` clauses for all scopes.
Post::whereMeta('visible', true)->orWhere('hidden', false)->get();

Multiplex will take care of finding the right datatype for the passed query.

// Matches only meta records with type `boolean`.
Post::whereMeta('hidden', false)->get();

// Matches only meta records with type `datetime`.
Post::whereMeta('release_at', '<=', Carbon::now())->get();

You may also query by an array if values. Each array value will be typecasted individually.

// Find posts where `color` is `black` (string) or `false` (boolean).
Post::whereMetaIn('color', ['black', false])->get();

If you would like to query without typecasting use whereRawMeta() instead.

Post::whereRawMeta('hidden', '')->get();

Post::whereRawMeta('likes', '>', '100')->get();

You can also define which datatype to use.

Post::whereMetaOfType('integer', 'count', '0')->get();

Post::whereMetaOfType('null', 'foo', '')->get();

Querying empty or non-empty Metadata

You can query for empty or non-empty metadata where null or empty strings would be considered being empty.


// Get all posts having meta names `likes` and `comments` where *both* of them are not empty.
Post::whereMetaNotEmpty(['likes', 'comments'])->get();


You can listen for the following events that will be fired by Multiplex.


This event will be fired once a new version of meta is saved to the model.

use Kolossal\Multiplex\Events\MetaHasBeenAdded;

class SomeListener
    public function handle(MetaHasBeenAdded $event)
        $event->meta; // The Meta model that was added.
        $event->model; // The parent model, same as $event->meta->metable.
        $event->type; // The class name of the parent model.


This event will be fired once metadata is removed by using deleteMeta. The event will fire only once per key and the $meta property on the event will contain the latest meta only.

use Kolossal\Multiplex\Events\MetaHasBeenRemoved;

class SomeListener
    public function handle(MetaHasBeenRemoved $event)
        $event->meta; // The Meta model that was removed.
        $event->model; // The parent model, same as $event->meta->metable.
        $event->type; // The class name of the parent model.

Time Traveling

You can get the metadata for a model at a specific point in time.

$user = Auth::user()->withMetaAt('-1 week');
$user->favorite_band; // Tool
$user->withMetaAt(Carbon::now())->favorite_band; // The Mars Volta

This way you can inspect the whole set of metadata that was valid at the time.

Post::first()->withMetaAt('2022-10-01 15:00:00')->meta->pluck('value', 'key');

You can also query by meta for a specific point in time.

Post::travelTo('-14 days')->whereMetaIn('foo', [false, 0])->get();

Post::travelTo('+2 years')->where('category', 'tech')->get();

Remember to travel back if you want to perform further actions.

Post::travelTo('-1 year')->where('category', 'tech')->get();
Post::where('category', 'tech')->get(); // Will still look for meta published last year.

Post::where('category', 'tech')->get(); // Find current meta.

Limit Meta Keys

You can limit which keys can be used for metadata by setting $metaKeys on the model.

class Post extends Model
    use HasMeta;

    protected array $metaKeys = [

By default all keys are allowed.

protected array $metaKeys = ['*'];

You can also change the allowed meta keys dynamically.

$model->metaKeys(['color', 'hide']);

You might as well cast your attributes using the MetaAttribute cast which will automatically allow the attribute being used as a meta key.

use Kolossal\Multiplex\MetaAttribute;

class Post extends Model
    use HasMeta;

    protected $metaKeys = [];

    protected $casts = [
        'body' => MetaAttribute::class,

Trying to assign a value to a meta key that is not allowed will throw a Kolossal\Multiplex\Exceptions\MetaException.

Typecast Meta Keys

Sometimes you may wish to force typecasting of meta attributes. You can bypass guessing the correct type and define which type should be used for specific meta keys.

protected array $metaKeys = [
    'count' => 'integer',
    'color' => 'string',
    'hide' => 'boolean',

Extending Database Columns

By default Multiplex will not touch columns of your model. But sometimes it might be useful to have meta records as an extension for your existing table columns.

Consider having an existing Post model with only a title and a body column. By explicitely adding body to our array of meta keys body will be handled by Multiplex from now on – not touching the posts table, but using the database column as a fallback.

class Post extends Model
    use HasMeta;

    protected $metaKeys = [
\DB::table('posts')->create(['title' => 'A title', 'body' => 'A body.']);

$post = Post::first();

$post->body; // A body.

$post->body = 'This. Is. Meta.';

$post->body; // This. Is. Meta.

$post->body; // A body.

In case of using Multiplex for extending table columns, Multiplex will remove the original column when retrieving models from the database so you don’t get stale data.

Deleting Metadata

You can delete any metadata associated with the model from the database.

// Delete all meta records for the `color` key.

// Or delete all meta records associated with the model.


Since Multiplex stores metadata in a polymorphic One To Many relationship querying your models could easily result in a N+1 query problem.

Depending on your use case you should consider eager loading the meta relation, for example using $with on your model. This might be especially useful if you are extending database columns.

// Worst case: 26 queries if `color` is a meta value.
$colors = Post::take(25)->get()->map(
    fn ($post) => $post->color;

// Same result with only 2 queries.
$colors = Post::with('meta')->take(25)->get()->map(
    fn ($post) => $post->color;


There is no need to configure anything but if you like, you can publish the config file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="multiplex-config"


This package is heavily based on and inspired by Laravel-Metable by Sean Fraser as well as laravel-meta by Kodeine. The Package Skeleton by the great Spatie was used as a starting point.



Copyright © kolossal. Released under MIT License.

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