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elementary-xfce's Issues

Links to non existing files

A few links in elementary-xfce-darker point to non existing files (output of namcap):

elementary-xfce-icons-git E: Symlink (usr/share/icons/elementary-xfce-darker/actions/24/editcut.png) points to non-existing ../../../elementary-xfce/actions/24/editcut.png
elementary-xfce-icons-git E: Symlink (usr/share/icons/elementary-xfce-darker/actions/24/stock_cut.png) points to non-existing ../../../elementary-xfce/actions/24/stock_cut.png
elementary-xfce-icons-git E: Symlink (usr/share/icons/elementary-xfce-darker/actions/24/edit-cut.png) points to non-existing ../../../elementary-xfce/actions/24/edit-cut.png
elementary-xfce-icons-git E: Symlink (usr/share/icons/elementary-xfce-darker/actions/24/gtk-cut.png) points to non-existing ../../../elementary-xfce/actions/24/gtk-cut.png
elementary-xfce-icons-git E: Symlink (usr/share/icons/elementary-xfce-darker/actions/22/editcut.png) points to non-existing ../../../elementary-xfce/actions/22/editcut.png
elementary-xfce-icons-git E: Symlink (usr/share/icons/elementary-xfce-darker/actions/22/stock_cut.png) points to non-existing ../../../elementary-xfce/actions/22/stock_cut.png
elementary-xfce-icons-git E: Symlink (usr/share/icons/elementary-xfce-darker/actions/22/edit-cut.png) points to non-existing ../../../elementary-xfce/actions/22/edit-cut.png
elementary-xfce-icons-git E: Symlink (usr/share/icons/elementary-xfce-darker/actions/22/gtk-cut.png) points to non-existing ../../../elementary-xfce/actions/22/gtk-cut.png
elementary-xfce-icons-git E: Symlink (usr/share/icons/elementary-xfce-darker/actions/16/editcut.png) points to non-existing ../../../elementary-xfce/actions/16/editcut.png
elementary-xfce-icons-git E: Symlink (usr/share/icons/elementary-xfce-darker/actions/16/stock_cut.png) points to non-existing ../../../elementary-xfce/actions/16/stock_cut.png
elementary-xfce-icons-git E: Symlink (usr/share/icons/elementary-xfce-darker/actions/16/edit-cut.png) points to non-existing ../../../elementary-xfce/actions/16/edit-cut.png
elementary-xfce-icons-git E: Symlink (usr/share/icons/elementary-xfce-darker/actions/16/gtk-cut.png) points to non-existing ../../../elementary-xfce/actions/16/gtk-cut.png

How to correctly submit pull requests from upstream?


I really appreciate your work and I want to start contributing. I made a fork to upload some new icons from elementary upstream and I wish to submit a propose to be included here, but I don't know whether is better for you to propose directly to the "master" branch, to "working" or to a new one.

Thanks in advance

Possibility of new release

I've just seen, that upstream released quite some updates and it would be great if we could get a new release, so that packages can be updated.



I'm interested in reusing some icons, but there seems to be no LICENCE file. What's the licence for these icons?

License information

Can you include some information about the license? It be really nice to know under which conditions one can redistribute these icons.

A link in the README to the original upstream would be very convenient as well.

Best regards,


Wrong audio-volume icons for elementary-xfce-dark theme

The volume icons should be white for the dark theme to be visible on dark panels.
Currently they are symlinks to the elementary-xfce directory.


$ file audio-volume-high.svg 
audio-volume-high.svg: symbolic link to ../../../elementary-xfce/panel/24/audio-volume-high.svg

Version: elementary-xfce-icons 0.7

Icons for xfce4-weather-plugin

It would be great if there was a theme for xfce4-weather-plugin that was similar to the panel icons. The default icon themes for the weather plugin are available on /usr/share/xfce4/weather/icons/, and there are more available on the web for download, but none that matches the look of the default panel icons for elementary Xfce darker!

Thank you for your attention!

Apps using monochrome icons that don't work properly in menu.

As you can see in these screenshots from Xfce menu,
(using gnome icon theme):
(using elementary-xfce icon theme):

elementary-xfce uses links to edit-find.svg for xfce4-appfinder (gtk-find) and gnome-search tool (system-search) but the 16px icon, being monochromatic and without bright highlights, disappears on a dark menu.
For xfce4-notes-plugin (link to tomboy's icon) it's the same issue.

Xfce's applications menu uses 16 px icons (at least in my 1024x768 screen) and so it's rather problematic to set these icons to monochrome just because they might be needed on the panel (note that the 'find' icon isn't needed there anyway, so it's another case).
Also there are GTK themes (like the one I use, MediterraneanNight) that set a dark menu while keeping the panel light gray so monochromatic icons don't work well in this case (this is what happens with the 'notes' icon, although there's not a white variant for it yet).
I agree it's a design choice and if one wants to use this icon theme one may have to set a custom panel colour.
But personally I think it's a troublesome choice because it just brings many inconsistencies (monochromatic icons only for apps that show on the tray and not for the rest, plus on the tray itself many apps are not covered by monochromatic icons so it's also inconsistent). I would stick with regular coloured icons for tray apps and with time provide a monochromatic choice (like Faenza does, IIRC).

If you want to stick with some monochromatic icons, you should work them in a way that they are visible in both light and dark menus.
I can only suggest, as my knowledge in computer graphics is not enough to contribute directly.

Different categories icons size missing

There are some categories icons that are missing in others sizes as 64 px or 128 px, you can see when you change size in whisker menu. I'm working in it (just to add this to milestone so i don't forget :) ).

Missing web app icons

elementary-xfce is missing icons for the most used[¹] web apps. The list includes (but is not limited to):

  • Gmail
  • Google+
  • Google Drive
  • Google Keep
  • Google Maps
  • Google Music
  • Grooveshark
  • Linkedin
  • Outlook
  • Reddit
  • Spotify
  • Youtube

I hope that we could see some of those in the future.

[¹]citation needed

Source code files icons confuse (.h .c)

Elementary lacks support of source code icons. .h and .c files share same icon. Don't you mind me adding letters C or H to the icons and creating PR?

Does this draft fits theme's phylosophy? (font Ubuntu Mono Bold)

Possibility of Availability in the Official Debian Repo?

I appreciate the work you're doing with Xubuntu, especially the Xfce in general. I've been a Xubuntu fan for its' usability and the aesthetics; but switched to Debian Xfce for some reasons. I was wondering if there's any chance of uploading the elementary-xfce icon themes in the official Debian repository, like you guys did with the greybird-gtk-theme? Thanks.

Missing icons for fileroller and spacefm

Hi there,

Thanks for providing elementary-xfce. I love the entire iconset!

Two small remarks.

Is it only on my system or are proper icons for fileroller and spacefm yet missing?

This is how they look on my system and you can clearly see that these two icons do not fit to the rest.

screenshot from 2014-01-16 06 58 26

Thanks for your help!

.py and .pyc icons reversed

So, as taken from the xubuntu-artwork package and as a pull from this repository, the .py and .pyc files have the wrong icons. They should be at least reversed, with maybe the .pyc having an icon better hinting bytecode rather than an editable file.
screenshot from 2014-02-16 20 44 31

Panel icons not displayed correctly

Hi guys.
I will use a couple of screenshot for explaining the problem because I am not sure how to put it in words.

When I login on my Xfce desktop, my panel icons are like this:

istantanea - 12022015 - 10 29 41

As you can see, mailwatch plugin uses the ugly default icon and the volume-mixer icon does not scale correctly. Not in the screenshot, but clipman plugin as the same problem of the mixex, the icon does not scale correctly.

If I open my panel properties and change the panel size from 26 to 27 and then back to 26... magic!
This is the result:

istantanea - 12022015 - 10 37 10

Clipman, mailwatch, volume mixer... all of them are perfect!

I try a lot of thing, using the iconset package in the repo, pulling from git, deleting the icon-them cache, regenerating it... nothing.

My system is Fedora 21.

Thank you!!

Battery icon is cropped for panel sizes < 22 px

The battery icon used by xfpm is cropped, when the panel size is < 22 px. This happens with the systray icon as well as with the new xfpm-panel-plugin.

Maybe one could consider a horizontal icon for those small panel sizes.

Ugly icons in Thunar sidebar

The "Desktop" folder icon, and the "Home" icon look out of place in comparision to the other icons in the sidebar.

screenshot from 2013-06-24 13 00 23

Reconsider small battery and brightness icons

Hello and thank you for maintaining and improving this great icon set!

I have a small request. the battery and brightness icons in my panel are, in my humble opinion, not very good. Could they be improved?

I'm using the 'darker' set in Xfce, and this is how the panel (30px high) looks like:
screenshot - 2013-07-05 - 23 14 44

The battery icon does not match the others. It is blue instead of white/grey. On top of that, it is quite hard to make out the lightning emblem inside the battery when using high-DPI screens (140dpi in my case). It's size and contrast should really be improved.

The brightness icon confused me for a bit. It does match its bigger version, but at this size it is, again, hard to make out. I definitely can't make out the shape of a lightbulb in any case.

New version?


I've seen many commits since 0.3, any new tag available?


merge latest changes in mimesets

Hi there,

elementary icons for mimetypes are looking unified now and better. Some icons are improved and many icons are simplified. Example: archive icons, for example, have no extensions now on icon making them generic: one archive icon for all archive types.

Are there plans to merge latest icons from bzr into xfce elementary?

missing .svgs in some mimes

Links to text-x-preview.svg instead of .svgs






For some icons (empty.svg, unknown.svg) it is ok, but for the rest it should be genuine svg files.

Skype status icon is missing

it would be nice to have a Skype monochrome icon for the system tray.
Is that possibile? Sadly I still need to use this ugly software...

Have a nice day and keep up with the good work!

Broken "paste" symlinks in elementary-xfce-darker

Hello, I've noticed that some icons are wrongly linked in the /actions/16/ /actions/22/ and /actions/24/ folders in elementary-xfce-darker. These icons are:


They should be SVG and they should be linked to SVG, not PNG.

Similarly, stock_paste.png is broken in elementary-xfce
Well, these four icons I mentioned above are missing or broken in many places as I go through the "actions" folders.

Missing file

elementary-xfce/mimes/32/video-x-generic.svg is missing.

Rethink emblems

Rethink the emblems.

  • Should we drop some?
  • Should we introduce more?

My proposal is to create a set of general icons (think: the current important and danger emblems) with a minimalist style.

Missing counterparts of symbolic icons

Many icons inside /actions/16/ and some inside /emblems/16/ or /places/16/ are missing, but they could be created quickly via relative symlinks to icons inside symbolic directories. Names of created symlinks must be stripped from "-symbolic" suffix. Missing icons are for example format-text-bold.svg, format-text-italic.svg, network-server.svg, emblem-default.svg.

xfce4-power-manager-1.5 uses dark icon on dark panel

I'm using a dark panel with elementary-xfce-darker. Before xfce-power-manager-1.5, the correct white icon was used. After the upgrade, it insists on using the dark one, which looks terrible on the dark panel.

Evince uses two similar icons

Evince has two icons in the toolbar. one is document properties (on the left here) and the other the main menu. Both icons however look very similar:

That's rather confusing. I never know which one to press. Can this icon set do something about this? I realize that Evince is not exactly an Xfce application, but this is on an Xfce DE.

(I think it would actually be nice if the menu icon used the modern hamburger-style)

elementary-xfce-dark dropbox icons wrong name

Hi guys,
first of all thanks for all your efforts and for your awesome work.

I just tried the new elementary-xfce iconset and I found out that the elementary-xfce-dark version does not show the correct white icons for dropbox, but falls back to the dark ones of elementary-xfce.

Renaming the icons of elementary-xfce-dark from dropbox-busy, dropbox-busy2 etc to dropboxstatus-busy, dropboxstatus-busy2 etc, like for the elementary-xfce counterparts, solved the problem.

I hope that this can be helpful.

Thanks again and best regards

Marco Milone

Fuzzy dialog icon and missing terminal icon

Hi there,

Did something signifcantly change with one of the last updates?

I noticed that since a few days my dialog window icon is very fuzzy and my terminal icon is no longer displayed.

Let me know if I can provide you with more information.

Thanks for listening!


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