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ansible-vultr's Introduction


Ansible module for managing servers on Vultr. At the moment the module supports only server creation and destruction.


$ cd path-to-playbook-dir
$ mkdir library
$ git clone [email protected]:tundrax/ansible-vultr.git library/vultr

NOTE: Ansible 2.x users must set ANSIBLE_LIBRARY=./library.

Usage example

This is the main playbook for dynamic inventory provisioning using Vultr.

- hosts: localhost
  connection: local
  gather_facts: false

    api_key: YOUR_API_KEY
      # ------------------------------------------------
      # - backend
      # ------------------------------------------------
      - { label: "",  group: "lb" }
      - { label: "", group: "app" }
      - { label: "", group: "app" }
      - { label: "", group: "db" }
      # ------------------------------------------------
      # - frontend
      # ------------------------------------------------
      - { label: "", group: "web" }
    - name: Provision Vultr servers
        command: server
        api_key: "{{ api_key }}"
        state: "{{ item.state | default('present') }}"
        label: "{{ item.label }}"
        DCID: "{{ item.DCID | default(25) }}" # Tokyo
        VPSPLANID: "{{ item.VPSPLANID | default(201) }}" # 1024MB / 25GB SSD
        OSID: "{{ item.OSID | default(167) }}" # CentOS 7x64
        SSHKEYID: "{{ item.SSHKEYID | default(YOUR_SSH_KEY_ID) }}"
        enable_private_network: yes
        unique_label: yes
      register: created_servers
      with_items: servers
    # ------------------------------------------------
    # - Append servers to corresponding groups
    # ------------------------------------------------
    - name: Add Vultr hosts to inventory groups
        name: "{{ item.1.server.main_ip }}"
        groups: "cloud,{{ servers[item.0].group }},{{ item.1.server.label }}"
        label: "{{ item.1.server.label }}"
        internal_ip: "{{ item.1.server.internal_ip }}"
      when: item.1.server is defined
      with_indexed_items: created_servers.results

Example playbook for deploying a custom OS using a custom ISO

You will need the ISOID for any custom ISOs you've already uploaded to Vultr. These are retrievable via the following command:

$ curl -H 'API-Key: YOUR_API_KEY'

This is the main playbook for deploying a custom OS using a custom uploaded ISO.

- hosts: localhost
  connection: local
  gather_facts: false

    api_key: YOUR_API_KEY
      - { label: "", group: "web", OSID: "159", ISOID: YOUR_ISO_ID }
    - name: Provision Vultr servers
        command: server
        api_key: "{{ api_key }}"
        state: "{{ item.state | default('present') }}"
        label: "{{ item.label }}"
        DCID: "{{ item.DCID | default(25) }}" # Tokyo
        VPSPLANID: "{{ item.VPSPLANID | default(201) }}" # 1024MB / 25GB SSD
        OSID: "{{ item.OSID | default(159) }}" # Custom OS
        ISOID: "{{ item.ISOID | default(0) }}"
        SSHKEYID: "{{ item.SSHKEYID | default(YOUR_SSH_KEY_ID) }}"
        enable_private_network: yes
        unique_label: yes
      register: created_servers
      with_items: servers
    # ------------------------------------------------
    # - Append servers to corresponding groups
    # ------------------------------------------------
    - name: Add Vultr hosts to inventory groups
        name: "{{ item.1.server.main_ip }}"
        groups: "cloud,{{ servers[item.0].group }},{{ item.1.server.label }}"
        label: "{{ item.1.server.label }}"
        internal_ip: "{{ item.1.server.internal_ip }}"
      when: item.1.server is defined
      with_indexed_items: created_servers.results

Optional Parameters

The following optional parameters may be passed along to the server command:

  • hostname
  • tag
  • snapshotid
  • reservered_ip_v4
  • auto_backups
  • ddos_protection
  • notify_activate

Known issues

When you deploy a new server on Vultr, you should wait until initialization finishes. In ansible we accomplish this using wait_for module. Below, the first task that should run on all servers is to wait for port 22 to become available. Once port 22 is active - ping all servers. At this step port 22 may have become available, but your ssh key has not been copied to authorized_keys yet. Hence you will get denied access error. Rerun the playbook 2-3 seconds later, all should go fine.

# ------------------------------------------------
# - Run below tasks on group 'cloud', which contains
# - all servers being provisioned
# ------------------------------------------------
- hosts: cloud
  remote_user: root

    - name: Wait for port 22 to become available
      local_action: "wait_for port=22 host={{ inventory_hostname }}"

    - name: Ping pong all hosts

    - name: Ensure hostname is preserved in cloud-init
      lineinfile: "dest=/etc/cloud/cloud.cfg regexp='^preserve_hostname' line='preserve_hostname: true' state=present"

    - name: Set hostname in sysconfigs
      lineinfile: dest=/etc/sysconfig/network regexp="^HOSTNAME" line='HOSTNAME="{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname].label }}"' state=present
      register: hostname

    - name: Set hosts FQDN
      lineinfile: dest=/etc/hosts regexp=".*{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname].label }}$" line="{{ inventory_hostname }} {{ hostvars[inventory_hostname].label }}" state=present
      register: fqdn

    - name: Set hostname
      hostname: name={{ hostvars[inventory_hostname].label }}
      when: hostname.changed or fqdn.changed

    - name: Configure eth1 (private network)
      template: src=ifcfg-eth1.j2 dest=/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1
      register: ifcfg_eth1

    - name: Enable eth1 (private network)
      service: name=network state=restarted
      when: hostname.changed or fqdn.changed or ifcfg_eth1.changed

As stated in "Configure eth1 (private network)" task, below is the interface config file. This file should be located in the same folder as the playbook.

# ifcgf-eth1.j2
IPADDR="{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname].internal_ip }}"

ansible-vultr's People


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ansible-vultr's Issues

Playbook fails

Hi there,

The example playbook you posted in the file no longer works. The issues are in these lines:

with_items: servers
with_indexed_items: created_servers.results

I'm still learning Ansible so I don't know the how/why/when this has changed, but these changes will work:
with_items: "{{ servers }}"
with_indexed_items: "{{ created_servers.results }}"

Hope that helps and thanks for the Vultr library.


Python 3

This module doesn't work as-is with Python 3, as some code isn't compatible.
From what I've seen, it's the exception handling syntax that is a bit different for Python 3, but I'm not sure that's all there is to it.

I'd be happy to PR this.

SCRIPTID support

hi! I have patch which helps to SCRIPTID working

<     def server_create(self, label, vpsplanid, osid, dcid, sshkeyid, enable_private_network, enable_backups, isoid=None, snapshotid=None, hostname=None, tag=None, reserved_ip_v4=None, auto_backups=None, ddos_protection=None, notify_activate=None):
>     def server_create(self, label, vpsplanid, osid, dcid, sshkeyid, enable_private_network, enable_backups, isoid=None, scriptid=None, snapshotid=None, hostname=None, tag=None, reserved_ip_v4=None, auto_backups=None, ddos_protection=None, notify_activate=None):
> <<<<<<< HEAD
>         if scriptid:  data['SCRIPTID'] = scriptid
> =======
> >>>>>>> 77cfc99d531a2a3e8d42f868f511040327822560
<     def add(cls, label, VPSPLANID, OSID, DCID, SSHKEYID=None, enable_private_network=False, enable_backups=False, ISOID=None, snapshotid=None, hostname=None, tag=None, reserved_ip_v4=None, auto_backups=None, ddos_protection=None, notify_activate=None):
<         json = driver.server_create(label, VPSPLANID, OSID, DCID, SSHKEYID, enable_private_network, enable_backups,ISOID,snapshotid,hostname,tag,reserved_ip_v4,auto_backups,ddos_protection,notify_activate)
>     def add(cls, label, VPSPLANID, OSID, DCID, SSHKEYID=None, enable_private_network=False, enable_backups=False, ISOID=None, SCRIPTID=None, snapshotid=None, hostname=None, tag=None, reserved_ip_v4=None, auto_backups=None, ddos_protection=None, notify_activate=None):
>         json = driver.server_create(label, VPSPLANID, OSID, DCID, SSHKEYID, enable_private_network, enable_backups,ISOID,SCRIPTID,snapshotid,hostname,tag,reserved_ip_v4,auto_backups,ddos_protection,notify_activate)
>                     SCRIPTID=module.params['SCRIPTID'],
>             SCRIPTID = dict(type='int'),
< main()
\ No newline at end of file
> main()

Parameters not working properly

EDIT: Whoops, just saw #14 which fixes exactly this issue!

Even though I have notify_activate set to no (or false), I get a notification.

Checking the code, I think the problem is that the value doesn't get added to the data parameter, because it evaluates to false to begin with.


if notify_activate: data['notify_activate'] = self.yn(notify_activate)

if I change that line to this:

data['notify_activate'] = self.yn(notify_activate)

it works perfectly, I get no notifications.

It seems like if notify_activate is false (because it is), so the default value (true) gets set for notify_activate.

Hope you know what I mean ๐Ÿ˜

(This will be the case for the other parameters too, but they work properly because the defaults are set in a way that it doesn't get affected.)

Setting up Reverse DNS for Vultr

Would love to see this implemented in this module, the only thing I still need to login to vultr for, would be great if it could be all done through ansible.

Library path not being detected even with ANSIBLE_LIBRARY=./library env set

Getting an error when using ANSIBLE_LIBRARY=./library ansible-playbook playbook.yml:

When directly calling the playbook it works fine, but when including it in my main playbook I get this error:

ERROR! no action detected in task. This often indicates a misspelled module name, or incorrect module path.

The error appears to have been in '/Users/Baldwin/Google Drive/Ansible Playbooks/deploy-ww/roles/deploy/tasks/main.yml: line 2, column 3, but may
be elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.

The offending line appears to be:

- hosts: localhost
  ^ here

The error appears to have been in '/Users/Baldwin/Google Drive/Ansible Playbooks/deploy-ww/roles/deploy/tasks/main.yml': line 2, column 3, but may
be elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.

The offending line appears to be:

- hosts: localhost
  ^ here

My main playbook

- hosts: all
  become: yes

    - deploy

Exit with appropriate error if request comes from Unauthorized IP address

Driver.server_list fails if the source IP is unauthorized.

Actual curl output is:

< HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
< Server: nginx
< Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2016 02:13:58 GMT
< Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
< Transfer-Encoding: chunked
< Connection: keep-alive
* Connection #0 to host left intact
Your IP (x.x.x.x) is not authorized to use this API key

Expected behavior
Should exit with a meaningful error message.

'ansible.vars.unsafe_proxy.AnsibleUnsafeText object' has no attribute 'label'

trying to launch an example playbook from readme.
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"failed": true, "msg": "the field 'args' has an invalid value, which appears to include a variable that is undefined. The error was: 'ansible.vars.unsafe_proxy.AnsibleUnsafeText object' has no attribute 'label'\n\nThe error appears to have been in '/path/to/init.yaml': line 22, column 7, but may\nbe elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.\n\nThe offending line appears to be:\n\n tasks:\n - name: Provision Vultr servers\n ^ here\n"}

$ ansible-playbook --version
config file =
configured module search path = ['./library']

Error for sshkeyid

fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"failed": true, "msg": "template error while templating string: unexpected char u'b' at 31. String: {{ item.SSHKEYID | default(5771b70ee1fff) }}"}

When I remove this line it works fine:
SSHKEYID: "{{ item.SSHKEYID | default(5771b70ee1fff) }}"

Migrate to ansible 2.0 inventory script


Can you please migrate this extension to an inventory script compatible with ansible 2.0?

Current version cannot be used together with current stable ansible

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