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Translate Rails Action Text rich text with Mobility.

License: MIT License

Ruby 87.50% JavaScript 0.13% CSS 1.43% HTML 10.94%
action-text i18n localization mobility rails rich-text ruby-gem ruby-on-rails translation

mobility-actiontext's Issues

Syntax for accessing records via query

giving the indices

add_index :action_text_rich_texts,              [:record_type, :record_id, :name, :locale]

and assuming a context of exporting a set of translated record_ids, what is the proper syntax for querying/accessing the table for such an array? struggled a bit with this for basic mobility

I believ it evolves from:

Assuming klass.translatable_content column, how does one call a method, say

truncate(klass.translatable_content column, length: 200)


Ruby minimum versions

Looking at this gem it seems like it may fill a very obvious gap in the mobility core gem, but I'm wondering if the Ruby minimum version can be loosened to support all current Rails supported Ruby versions? For example, we have a number of applications using v2.6 for various reasons and we are unable to use this gem without forking or other techniques due to a fairly restrictive Ruby version.

Is this something technically limiting to Ruby 2.7 or just a design choice, or something that can ideally be changed to support a wider audience.

with_rich_text_#{name} eager loading does not work

This test currently does not pass:

test 'post content is eager loaded' do
post = assert_queries(2) { Post.with_rich_text_content.last }
assert_no_queries do
assert_equal 'Hello world!', post.content.to_plain_text
skip('FIXME: this should execute no queries')

Creating this issue for visibility, in case someone would be willing to investigate and offer a PR.

error when destroying record

Hello, I have a strange error happening when destroying a record of my model that uses the :action_text backend, inserting and updating records works very well.

here's the relevant code in the model:

  extend Mobility
  translates :question, backend: :action_text
  translates :answer, backend: :action_text

and in the controller, very easy:

  def destroy
    respond_with(:admin, @faq)

that brings to the error:

PG::UndefinedColumn: ERROR:  column mobility_text_translations.record does not exist
LINE 1: ...ations".* FROM "mobility_text_translations" WHERE "mobility_...

the strange thing is that looking at the stack trace I see these line:

mobility (1.1.1) lib/mobility/backends/active_record/key_value.rb:198:in `block (3 levels) in <class:KeyValue>'
mobility (1.1.1) lib/mobility/backends/active_record/key_value.rb:198:in `block (2 levels) in <class:KeyValue>'
activesupport ( lib/active_support/callbacks.rb:428:in `block in make_lambda'

so it looks like when destroying records is using the key_value backend instead of the action_text one.
Am I missing something in my configuration or is that a bug?

Does this gem also need mobility to be installed as well?

I followed your readme, which told me to add mobility-actiontext to my gem file, bundle install'ed, did the migration (although I had to add default: :en to the file in order to give all my existing rich text rows a locale) and then added extend Mobility to a model.

class Page < ApplicationRecord
  extend Mobility

  validates :title, :slug, :body, presence: true
  validates :slug, uniqueness: true

  translates :body, backend: :action_text
  translates :title, backend: :action_text, plain: true

  has_one_attached :featured_image do |attachable|
    attachable.variant :thumb, resize_to_limit: [50, 50]

I am now getting uninitialized constant Page::Mobility errors. I am guessing that I need to install the base mobility gem - but I know that comes with its own generator and config file... I also see that according to my Gemfile.lock your gem includes mobility, so I'm not sure what the problem is.

No plugin configured for these keys: type. (Mobility::Pluggable::InvalidOptionKey)

I got this error just after installing the gem

% rails c

/Users/name/.rvm/gems/ruby-3.1.2/gems/mobility-1.2.9/lib/mobility/pluggable.rb:51:in `validate_options': No plugin configured for these keys: type. (Mobility::Pluggable::InvalidOptionKey)
from /Users/name/.rvm/gems/ruby-3.1.2/gems/mobility-1.2.9/lib/mobility/plugins/backend.rb:100:in `validate_options'


class Guide < ApplicationRecord
  belongs_to :category
  extend Mobility
  translates :title, type: :string, locale_accessors: I18n.available_locales
  translates :content, type: :text, locale_accessors: I18n.available_locales, backend: :action_text


gem 'mobility'
gem "mobility-actiontext", "~> 1.1"


Mobility.configure do
  plugins do
    # Backend
    # Sets the default backend to use in models. This can be overridden in models
    # by passing +backend: ...+ to +translates+.
    # To default to a different backend globally, replace +:key_value+ by another
    # backend name.
    backend :key_value

    # ActiveRecord
    # Defines ActiveRecord as ORM, and enables ActiveRecord-specific plugins.

    # Accessors
    # Define reader and writer methods for translated attributes. Remove either
    # to disable globally, or pass +reader: false+ or +writer: false+ to
    # +translates+ in any translated model.

    # Backend Reader
    # Defines reader to access the backend for any attribute, of the form
    # +<attribute>_backend+.
    # Or pass an interpolation string to define a different pattern:
    # backend_reader "%s_translations"

    # Query
    # Defines a scope on the model class which allows querying on
    # translated attributes. The default scope is named +i18n+, pass a different
    # name as default to change the global default, or to +translates+ in any
    # model to change it for that model alone.

    # Cache
    # Comment out to disable caching reads and writes.

    # Dirty
    # Uncomment this line to include and enable globally:
    # dirty
    # Or uncomment this line to include but disable by default, and only enable
    # per model by passing +dirty: true+ to +translates+.
    # dirty false

    # Fallbacks
    # Uncomment line below to enable fallbacks, using +I18n.fallbacks+.
    # fallbacks
    # Or uncomment this line to enable fallbacks with a global default.
    # fallbacks { :pt => :en }

    # Presence
    # Converts blank strings to nil on reads and writes. Comment out to
    # disable.

    # Default
    # Set a default translation per attributes. When enabled, passing +default:
    # 'foo'+ sets a default translation string to show in case no translation is
    # present. Can also be passed a proc.
    # default 'foo'

    # Fallthrough Accessors
    # Uses method_missing to define locale-specific accessor methods like
    # +title_en+, +title_en=+, +title_fr+, +title_fr=+ for each translated
    # attribute. If you know what set of locales you want to support, it's
    # generally better to use Locale Accessors (or both together) since
    # +method_missing+ is very slow.  (You can use both fallthrough and locale
    # accessor plugins together without conflict.)
    # fallthrough_accessors

    # Locale Accessors
    # Uses +def+ to define accessor methods for a set of locales. By default uses
    # +I18n.available_locales+, but you can pass the set of locales with
    # +translates+ and/or set a global default here.
    # locale_accessors
    # Or define specific defaults by uncommenting line below
    locale_accessors I18n.available_locales

    # Attribute Methods
    # Adds translated attributes to +attributes+ hash, and defines methods
    # +translated_attributes+ and +untranslated_attributes+ which return hashes
    # with translated and untranslated attributes, respectively. Be aware that
    # this plugin can create conflicts with other gems.
    # attribute_methods

Marks object as dirty even if nothing was changed in RichTextTranslation fields

Hi all, I am not 100% sure but I think I might have found an issue with Mobility's dirty option and using actions_text.

I have a model which includes two text areas with Trix. Content and Description. When submitting the edit form without changing any values the @song.saved_changes after @song.update shows that Mobility::Backends::ActionText::RichTextTranslation were saved even if the contents did not change.

Is this expected behaviour or it shouldn't happen? I assume those fields shouldn't save either since they haven't changed?

The mobility plugin configuration:

Mobility.configure do
  plugins do
    # Backend
    # Sets the default backend to use in models. This can be overridden in models
    # by passing +backend: ...+ to +translates+.
    # To default to a different backend globally, replace +:key_value+ by another
    # backend name.
    backend :key_value

    # Dirty
    # Uncomment this line to include and enable globally:

The songs controller action:

  def update
    @song = Song.find_by(id: params[:id])

    # Allows all tags are removed on submission.
    # Otherwise it will the last one.
    if params.dig(:song, :tag_ids).nil?
      params[:song][:tag_ids] = []

    if @song.update(song_params)
      puts @song.saved_changes.inspect # Mobility::Backends::ActionText::RichTextTranslation objects present.
      redirect_to songs_path
      render :edit

The output in the terminal is the following when submitting the form without changing values, it only includes rich text fields for some reason:

  [Fri, 09 Dec 2022 04:11:06.660466000 UTC +00:00, Fri, 09 Dec 2022 04:12:23.104814000 UTC +00:00],
    id: nil,
    name: "description",
    body: nil,
    record_type: "Song",
    record_id: 4,
    created_at: nil,
    updated_at: nil,
    locale: "pt">,
    id: nil,
    name: "description",
    body: nil,
    record_type: "Song",
    record_id: 4,
    created_at: nil,
    updated_at: nil,
    locale: "pt">],
    id: 18,
    name: "content",
    body: #<ActionText::Content "<!-- BEGIN app/views/l...">,
    record_type: "Song",
    record_id: 4,
    created_at: Fri, 09 Dec 2022 00:20:25.021014000 UTC +00:00,
    updated_at: Fri, 09 Dec 2022 00:20:25.021014000 UTC +00:00,
    locale: "pt">,
    id: 18,
    name: "content",
    body: #<ActionText::Content "<!-- BEGIN app/views/l...">,
    record_type: "Song",
    record_id: 4,
    created_at: Fri, 09 Dec 2022 00:20:25.021014000 UTC +00:00,
    updated_at: Fri, 09 Dec 2022 00:20:25.021014000 UTC +00:00,
    locale: "pt">],
    id: nil,
    name: "description",
    body: nil,
    record_type: "Song",
    record_id: 4,
    created_at: nil,
    updated_at: nil,
    locale: "en">,
    id: nil,
    name: "description",
    body: nil,
    record_type: "Song",
    record_id: 4,
    updated_at: nil,
    locale: "en">],
    id: 19,
    name: "content",
    body: #<ActionText::Content "<!-- BEGIN app/views/l...">,
    record_type: "Song",
    record_id: 4,
    created_at: Fri, 09 Dec 2022 00:20:25.022686000 UTC +00:00,
    updated_at: Fri, 09 Dec 2022 00:20:25.022686000 UTC +00:00,
    locale: "en">,
    id: 19,
    name: "content",
    body: #<ActionText::Content "<!-- BEGIN app/views/l...">,
    record_type: "Song",
    record_id: 4,
    created_at: Fri, 09 Dec 2022 00:20:25.022686000 UTC +00:00,
    updated_at: Fri, 09 Dec 2022 00:20:25.022686000 UTC +00:00,
    locale: "en">]}

If the form is submitted and the title property is changed, it does include it (this works as it should):

  [Fri, 09 Dec 2022 04:25:58.481859000 UTC +00:00, Fri, 09 Dec 2022 04:26:29.673314000 UTC +00:00],
    id: nil,
    name: "description",
    body: nil,
    record_type: "Song",
    record_id: 4,
    created_at: nil,
    updated_at: nil,
    locale: "pt">,
    id: nil,
    name: "description",
    body: nil,
    record_type: "Song",
    record_id: 4,
    created_at: nil,
    updated_at: nil,
    locale: "pt">],
    id: 18,
    name: "content",
    body: #<ActionText::Content "<!-- BEGIN app/views/l...">,
    record_type: "Song",
    record_id: 4,
    created_at: Fri, 09 Dec 2022 00:20:25.021014000 UTC +00:00,
    updated_at: Fri, 09 Dec 2022 00:20:25.021014000 UTC +00:00,
    locale: "pt">,
    id: 18,
    name: "content",
    body: #<ActionText::Content "<!-- BEGIN app/views/l...">,
    record_type: "Song",
    record_id: 4,
    created_at: Fri, 09 Dec 2022 00:20:25.021014000 UTC +00:00,
    updated_at: Fri, 09 Dec 2022 00:20:25.021014000 UTC +00:00,
    locale: "pt">],
 "title_en"=>["Butter got spilt", "Butter got spilt edited"],
    id: nil,
    name: "description",
    body: nil,
    record_type: "Song",
    record_id: 4,
    created_at: nil,
    updated_at: nil,
    locale: "en">,
    id: nil,
    name: "description",
    body: nil,
    record_type: "Song",
    record_id: 4,
    created_at: nil,
    updated_at: nil,
    locale: "en">],
    id: 19,
    name: "content",
    body: #<ActionText::Content "<!-- BEGIN app/views/l...">,
    record_type: "Song",
    record_id: 4,
    created_at: Fri, 09 Dec 2022 00:20:25.022686000 UTC +00:00,
    updated_at: Fri, 09 Dec 2022 00:20:25.022686000 UTC +00:00,
    locale: "en">,
    id: 19,
    name: "content",
    body: #<ActionText::Content "<!-- BEGIN app/views/l...">,
    record_type: "Song",
    record_id: 4,
    created_at: Fri, 09 Dec 2022 00:20:25.022686000 UTC +00:00,
    updated_at: Fri, 09 Dec 2022 00:20:25.022686000 UTC +00:00,
    locale: "en">]}

Expected behaviour

Enabling the dirty plugin and running @song.saved_changes should be empty if none of the values we're changed.

For example, when no changes are made to the form saved_changes would be {} and when a change is made it would be:

 "title_en"=>["Butter got spilt", "Butter got spilt edited"]

Actual behaviour

RichText fields are added saved_changes even if they're not modified in the form.

Rendering locale specific fields with Mobility.normalize_locale(locale) is not supported.

I've come across an issue where having a partial like this:

<% [:en, :ja].each do |locale| %>
  <% content = "content_#{Mobility.normalize_locale(locale)}" %>
  <%= form.label content do %>
    <%= "Content" %>
  <% end %>

  <%= form.rich_text_area content %> 
<% end %>

Throws this error:

unknown attribute 'locale' for Mobility::Backends::ActionText::RichTextTranslation.

This line is the cuprit but haven't been able to workout why just yet:

  <%= form.rich_text_area content %> 

What I'm trying to achieve is rendering locale specific fields in a single form. For example in a new article form, it would render the content field for :en and :ja locales. Is there a way to do this with rich text fields (works with other fields) and I'm missing something or could this be an issue?

Thanks for creating this Gem! ๐Ÿ™

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