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dosse carlosmgbde

sdmx-im's Issues

Semantic versioning and dependency management

Greatly improve usability of SDMX information model and maintainability of SDMX artefacts through a strengthened and simplified versioning and dependency management based on semantic versioning principles (

Inconsistencies in 3.0 spec of constraints

In, starting at line 2116 the document list the different objects related to constraints, which do not seem consistent with the definitions in SDMX-ML, the KeySet is defined as:



I believe that this should be clarified and made consistent.

The specs also say in line 2092: "Note that in all cases the "operator" on the value is deemed to be "equals", unless the wildcard character is used '%'. In the latter case the "operation" is a partial matching, where the percentage character ('%') may match zero or more characters." It is not sufficiently explicit if this only applies to CubeRegions, which are mentioned just before, or also to KeySets.

Support microdata exchange

This issue refers to #4 (Multiple measures) and #5 (Multi-valued attributes).

Multiple measures

There have been cases in SDGs and other Statistical Domains where multiple measures are available for the same indicator.
Currently SDMX does not support secondary measures.
The current workaround is to create additional attributes and name them according to a convention.

This would need to be addressed by the TWG to formalise the modeling of multiple measures.

Multi-valued attributes (flags) aka. Arrays for Attribute values

(on behalf of Eurostat)
Initial request:
Domain SDMX request - Multiple flagging.pdf

A short summary of the request:
The request is about adding support somehow for data attributes to have more than one code in datasets.

So if we have a Codelist with 3 codes {r, u, e}, as an example, it should be possible to have, in a dataset , within an observation attribute (e.g. OBS_FLAG) for one specific observation one of the following values:

  • r
  • {r,u}
  • {r,e}
  • {u,e}
  • {r,u,e}

See example below, where OBS_FLAG attribute uses 2 codes rand u for a specific observation using space as a separator ( ):

  <generic:ObsDimension value="2014" />
  <generic:ObsValue value="5.06944075E8" />
    <generic:Value id="OBS_FLAG" value="r u" />

After le last TWG physical meeting (Dec 2019 - LU), this issue (renamed to "Arrays for Attribute values" to reflect better the use case) is being considered together with #4 , since it impacts the dataset message and needs to be combined with the multiple measures issue, for considering also attaching Attributes to Measures.

The proposed idea, at the time of this writing, is to introduce an extension to the current way SDMX Attributes are reported. This means that SDMX Attributes will be reported as now, when a single value is reported; when an array of values needs to be reported for an Attribute, e.g. many status values for Attribute OBS_STATUS, then an XML array will be included under the corresponding dataset element that the Attribute is reported, named after the Attribute. For the OBS_VALUE example, when reported under the <Obs> element:

<Obs ... >

Identifiable Codelist subsets (sub-domains)

The possibility of defining sub-domains (subsets of a Codelist) of a particular domain (Codelist) and being able to refer to it is very appealing and eases modeling in many situations.

This issue may be related to #2 in the sense that a subset could potentially be used to define a new codelist extension.

The HCL are not to be used for this as what we intend to model is not a hierarchy of any kind but individual groups with no hierarchical relations to each other.

Allow referencing of Hierarchical Code Lists

To consider renaming the HCL artefact to something more fitting, because it's not a code list.

Be clear on difference between HCL and StructureSet.

An HCL can useful to define code sets that are used for data dissemination

It would be useful to be able to attach these to a Dataflow so that we can define hierarchies and additional visualisation codes that are not in the Codelist

Also to enable standard codelists to be used but with extensions (codes from other codelists)
This will facilitate the use of common codelists

Proposal to Deprecate Nested Metadata Attributes


This proposal advocates for the deprecation of nested metadata attributes within the SDMX Information Model.

Metadata attributes in a metadata structure definition are references to concepts. They can come from any number of concept schemes and can form a hierarchy that is specific to the metadata attribute.

This feature introduces unnecessary complexity that can be addressed through alternative solutions if it is truly needed at all.

Arguments for Deprecation

  • Inconsistency with Data Representation: In SDMX-JSON data messages, nested metadata structures are not directly reflected. Retrieving basic information like IDs, names, and descriptions requires navigating through the provisioning agreement, dataflow, and data structure definitions before reaching the metadata structure definition itself. This process necessitates array index-based linking, further increasing complexity.
  • SDMX-CSV: Handling nested metadata attributes in SDMX-CSV data messages necessitates special handling on top of already rather complex rules for multi-lingual and multi-valued attributes. The rules for handling multi-valued child attributes of multi-valued parent attributes are outright horrific.
  • Common Vocabulary and Redundancy: Contact and address information, a common use case for nested attributes, are better represented using flat attributes like CONTACT_EMAIL as recommended by the Metadata Common Vocabulary and its successor. Rendering software would needlessly need to support variations like CONTACT_EMAIL, CONTACT.CONTACT_EMAIL, and CONTACT.EMAIL.
  • Inconsistent Hierarchy Representation: Implementers face challenges when a metadata attribute combines concepts from a concept scheme with a parent-child relationship, but these are presented as a flat list within the Metadata Structure Definition (MSD), or vice versa. This inconsistency necessitates arbitrary decisions regarding hierarchical or flat rendering.

Proposed Alternatives

  • Concept Scheme Reference: Instead of nested hierarchies within metadata attributes, a concept scheme (or a new dedicated hierarchy type) could encompass concepts from other schemes through references. This approach maintains clarity and leverages existing hierarchical structures within concept schemes.
  • Flattened Attributes: For scenarios like contact information, the use of flat attributes as recommended by the SDMX Glossary offers a simpler and more consistent approach.

Benefits of Deprecation

Deprecating nested metadata attributes will simplify the SDMX Information Model, leading to:

  • Enhanced Interoperability: A streamlined model will reduce implementation complexity and improve data exchange between different SDMX tools and systems.
  • Clearer Data Representation: Flattened structures will make data and metadata easier to understand and process.
  • Reduced Development Burden: Software developers will no longer need to handle the complexities associated with nested attributes.


Nested metadata attributes introduce unnecessary complexity into the SDMX Information Model. This proposal advocates for their deprecation in favor of alternative solutions that leverage concept scheme references and flattened attributes. These changes will promote interoperability, improve data clarity, and reduce development burdens within the SDMX community.

(In doubt, please handle this as a public review comment on SDMX 3.1 once the comment period begins.)

Simplify DSD Dimensions

Following the deprecation of the MeasureDimension in the context of issue #6, the idea to simplify the DSD by using only simple Dimensions with roles, has been put on the table.
In the case of the MeasureDimension the role MEASURE is proposed and similarly, in the case of the TimeDimension the role TIME could be used.

Doing that, and considering also #6, the Components of a DSD may be either of the following:

  • Dimension
  • Attribute
  • Measure

The impact of this decision would be:

  • In the DSD: there will be one way of defining a Dimension.
  • In the dataset formats: there will not be any time-series specific dataset format.

SDMX 3.0.0 Technical specifications possibly old tag names XML examples for Metadata attributes


In the SDMX 3.0.0 technical specifications at Figure 6: Example Metadata Set, the XML uses tags that are not in the SDMX-ML 3.0.0 XSD.

  1. it uses the "ReportedAttribute" instead of "Attribute" as defined in the SDMX 3.0.0 XSD (
  2. It also it uses the "AttributeSet" which was removed in SDMX 3.0.0 XSD ( see )

Support for Multiple measures

There have been cases in SDGs and other Statistical Domains where multiple measures are available for same indicator. Currently SDMX does not support secondary measures.
Workaround at the moment is to create the attributes.

Mismatch between documentation and diagram for FixedValueMap?

The documentation for FixedValueMap (p. 114) provides the following description: "Links a Component (source or target) to a fixed value.".

However, the Relationship diagram on page 111 has the following cardinality between FixedValueMap and Component: 0..*. Should it not be 1 instead?

The XML schemas are in line with the description (i.e. only one component is referenced):

<xs:complexType name="FixedValueMapType">
		<xs:documentation>FixedValueMapType defines the structure for providing a fixed value for a source or target component.</xs:documentation>
		<xs:extension base="common:AnnotableType">
					<xs:element name="Source" type="common:IDType"/>
					<xs:element name="Target" type="common:IDType"/>
				<xs:element name="Value" type="xs:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
						<xs:documentation>The fixed value for the component.</xs:documentation>


Support for Microdata in SDMX 3.0

New features on SDMX 3.X will provide microdata support, this is useful for NSOs to gather information based on SDMX structures that can be used to validate the data during the work field. The problem is the following:

  • Statistical Variable is a concept used as a characteristic of the observed unit that may assume more than one of a set of values to which a numerical measure or a category from a classification can be assigned.
  • Accordingly to GSIM a Variable is a specialization of Concept.
  • In this regard, the Indicators that are now modeled in SDMX and grouped by mean of codelists take the place of Statistical Variables that are the subject of measure (the measure dimension), and the other Dimensions are Concepts that serve to categorize/filter the Variable (indicator).
  • When dealing with microdata all the Concepts are Measures (Observations) of the Observation Unit, but we haven't built a Statistical Variable yet (we don't have a Measure Dimension).
  • We need to review the technical specifications (and in special the information model) to:
  • Provide a key to identify each of the Observation Units. Actual Keys will not be enough because several information Units may have the same values for their Dimensions. The DimensionDescriptor doesn't fit this purpose as it refers to a Key composed of Dimensions.
  • For me it is not clear that we still have only two types of Dimensions: Dimension and TimeDimension (Besides geo is a role for a Geographic Dimension I'm not sure if this must be addressed as a different kind of Dimension; from my point of view, maybe we have to talk about four types of dimensions: Measure, Concept, Time, and Location). What we now call Measure can be kept as "Primary Measure" when talking about aggregates, but not for microdata.
  • Clarify that the Statistical Variables are the indicators (aggregated values) that we relate to the Measures (a role of Statistical Variable would be useful, something to be included in a COG)
  • State that many Concepts may have a role of Measures (indeed we don't have a primary measure) in some DSD that will deal with microdata and will take other roles for dissemination purposes (this may be something that fits better in a COG).
    In the SDMX Glossary, Measure is defined as: "Data element that represents a simple aggregation and which takes one or more vectors as arguments and returns a scalar." This applies to aggregated data, but not to microdata. We will need to update this definition.

Series Key Data Constraint - allow multiple values in key

A data constraint which contains a DataKeySet allows for the definition of constrained keys or wildcard keys, for example

Constrained Series

Constrained Wildcard Series

The problem comes when the constraint needs to constrain mulitple values in a dimension but not all values (i.e. a wildcard is too wide a scope) For example:

//constrain a set of countries for employed male


//constrain a set of countries for employed female


When mulitple dimensions are involved with multiple values in each dimension the number of series grows as a cartesian product. It is better to have a series constraint with multiple values in the key part which can collapse multiple rules into one:


The SDMX Schmea defines a Key as having 1-many KeyValue, and a KeyValue is an id/value pair. If the KeyValue was modified to allow one or more values this use case would be supported.

Code List extension/composition

The main use case is the ability to extend a Cross-Domain Code List (CDCL) with extra codes. The ability to override CDCL codes should also be considered (though it may be considered an invalid practice).

For information:
It is possible to do code list inheritance in HCLs but it can’t be used for data exchange in SDMX 2.1 as a DSD cannot reference an HCL, therefore;

  • A new version of the standard is required for code list inheritance
  • If we were designing SDMX 2.2/3.0 then an option for inheritance is to allow DSDs to reference HCLs
  • HCL isn’t a great name is it’s not a souped-up code list with added features, it actually needs code lists to work, therefore;
  • Possible option to change name from HCL to something more useful and correct such as VCL or

Harmonize header specifications across data type

Received from IMF

The header carries basic information about the SDMX file such as when it was created and the source.

Despite serving the same function in all SDMX file types there are 8 different header types leading to needless complications in building and reading SDMX files.

We recommend reducing the number of header types.

Schema attribute attachment at series & group level

We have noticed that in the registry, a schema has a duplication of attributes at sibling and series level even when the DSD (in 2.0 SDMX-ML format) actually mentions a group level attachment:


<str:Attribute assignmentStatus="Mandatory" attachmentLevel="Group" codelist="CL_UNIT" codelistAgency="ECB" codelistVersion="1.0" conceptSchemeAgency="ECB" conceptSchemeRef="ECB_CONCEPTS" conceptRef="UNIT" conceptVersion="1.0">

SDMX-2.1 schema

When generating the SDMX-ML 2.1 DSD and schema the attributes are at the same time attached to the series and the group... This apparently was done so in order to optimize for the streaming when exchanging data.

The problem is that it is subject to interpretation in the specification and should (/would need to) be clarified.

Interoperability with existing use of HTML in plain text constructs

It appears to be popular to use HTML fragments in information model items that are supposed to be plain text, including that some existing implementations happily render them as HTML instead of plain text. Random example:

SDMX implementations would struggle to interoperate for this kind of message. There is nothing unusual about plain text looking like it might be HTML, say % a<b and b>c could be rendered as-is, or as "% ac" depending on any given SDMX implementations preference or configuration.

There should be a feature for this, with suitable encoding in the SDMX formats, to allow interpretation of such texts as intended and interoperably where the format is properly indicated.

This probably also applies especially to annotations, which so far unfortunately lack format.dataType which would allow setting the format to XHTML for this, as can be done for dimensions, attributes, and measures.

(In doubt, please handle this as a public review comment on SDMX 3.1 once the comment period begins.)

Incoherence of min/maxOccurs property between IM and SDMX-ML

A user highlighted an inconsistency in the documentation between the IM and the message format implementations (SDMX-ML and SDMX-JSON), see: sdmx-twg/sdmx-json#124. Indeed, when constructing the message formats, sometimes some changes are made to generalise the approach and make it more coherent. Also, sometimes certain aspects may not have been seen when writing the IM document.

More specifically, you can see here and here that the maxOccurs and minOccurs parameters were moved from the component definitions (as described in the IM) into the SDMX-ML RepresentationType, thus into CoreRepresentation (inside concepts) and LocalRepresentation (inside the component definitions in the DSD). The same was done in SDMX-JSON.
It would seem to me that this inconsistency should be addressed by updating the IM document.

By the way, there is also an inconsistency about the meaning of minOccurs. In some places, the IM still says wrongly that minOccurs=0 means that a component is optional. In other places it mentions the finally agreed approach where mandatory/optional is a separate property.

Issue in Technical Notes about versioning of constraints

In the SDMX STANDARDS: SECTION 6 TECHNICAL NOTES Version 3.0, page 28, line 897 it currently says:

A Constraint may reference many Dataflows or Metadataflows, the addition of more references to flow objects does not version the Constraint. This is because the Constraints are not properties of the flows – they merely make references to them.

I believe that the statement "the addition of more references to flow objects does not version the Constraint" is incorrect. The given justification "they merely make references to them" would imply that any artefact that references other artefacts would not be versionable, which is fully in opposite with the purpose of semantic versioning.

Actually, whenever a constraint changes (even because it references (constrains) other artefacts) then it absolutely needs to increase its version because this would be the only mean to indicate to others that a change has happened and that an another system wishing to synchronise its artefact copies needs to get the new version!

The SDMX-TWG TF2 working document on "Reorganising Constraints" actually stated:

Any changes that include the following, result into minor version increase:
– Adding new Constrainables. ...

Support for multi-valued attributes, use case of flags

(on behalf of Eurostat)
Initial request:
Domain SDMX request - Multiple flagging.pdf

A short summary of the request:
The request is about adding support somehow for data attributes to have more than one code in datasets.

So if we have a Codelist with 3 codes {r, u, e}, as an example, it should be possible to have, in a dataset , within an observation attribute (e.g. OBS_FLAG) for one specific observation one of the following values:

  • r
  • {r,u}
  • {r,e}
  • {u,e}
  • {r,u,e}

See example below, where OBS_FLAG attribute uses 2 codes rand u for a specific observation using space as a separator ( ):

  <generic:ObsDimension value="2014" />
  <generic:ObsValue value="5.06944075E8" />
    <generic:Value id="OBS_FLAG" value="r u" />

Multi-valued dataKeySet keyValues values does this:

      name: SDG Series Level content constraints
      description: SDG Series Level content constraints for the Country Global
        Dataflow. They define which dimensions/codes are enabled for each
        individual series.
      version: "1.17"
      agencyID: IAEG-SDGs
      role: Allowed
          - urn:sdmx:org.sdmx.infomodel.datastructure.Dataflow=IAEG-SDGs:DF_SDG_GLC(1.17)
        - isIncluded: true
            - keyValues:
                - id: SERIES
                  value: SI_POV_DAY1
                - id: UNIT_MEASURE
                  value: PT
                - id: UNIT_MULT
                  value: "0"
                - id: COMPOSITE_BREAKDOWN
                  value: _T
                - id: INCOME_WEALTH_QUANTILE
                  value: _T
                - id: PRODUCT
                  value: _T
                - id: ACTIVITY
                  value: _T
            - keyValues:
                - id: SERIES
                  value: SI_POV_DAY1
                - id: UNIT_MEASURE
                  value: PT
                - id: UNIT_MULT
                  value: "0"
                - id: COMPOSITE_BREAKDOWN
                  value: MS_MIGRANT
                - id: INCOME_WEALTH_QUANTILE
                  value: _T
                - id: PRODUCT
                  value: _T
                - id: ACTIVITY
                  value: _T
            - keyValues:
                - id: SERIES
                  value: SI_POV_DAY1
                - id: UNIT_MEASURE
                  value: PT
                - id: UNIT_MULT
                  value: "0"
                - id: COMPOSITE_BREAKDOWN
                  value: MS_NOMIGRANT
                - id: INCOME_WEALTH_QUANTILE
                  value: _T
                - id: PRODUCT
                  value: _T
                - id: ACTIVITY
                  value: _T
            - keyValues:
                - id: SERIES
                  value: SI_POV_DAY1
                - id: UNIT_MEASURE
                  value: PT
                - id: UNIT_MULT
                  value: "0"
                - id: COMPOSITE_BREAKDOWN
                  value: MS_EUMIGRANT
                - id: INCOME_WEALTH_QUANTILE
                  value: _T
                - id: PRODUCT
                  value: _T
                - id: ACTIVITY
                  value: _T
            - keyValues:
                - id: SERIES
                  value: SI_POV_DAY1
                - id: UNIT_MEASURE
                  value: PT
                - id: UNIT_MULT
                  value: "0"
                - id: COMPOSITE_BREAKDOWN
                  value: MS_NONEUMIGRANT
                - id: INCOME_WEALTH_QUANTILE
                  value: _T
                - id: PRODUCT
                  value: _T
                - id: ACTIVITY
                  value: _T

In order to allow multiple values for COMPOSITE_BREAKDOWN everything else is also repeated.

That's silly and impossible to maintain by hand.

There must be a better way to encode this information, like allowing an array of values?

(In doubt, please handle this as a public review comment on SDMX 3.1 once the comment period begins.)

Migrate the documentation to

Decision has been taken to migrate the documentation to

We should take this opportunity to consolidate and improve the current documentation.
This repository will details the Information Model and serve as the glue with the other repositories under sdmx-twg.

Use of Regular Expressions to define constraints

Several sets of category items (a variant) can be associated to one classification, but only one is used in a DF or PA, depending of the context. (e.g. ISIC versions in CL_ACTIVITY).
The way this can be achieved is using content constraints attached to the dataflow or provision agreement.
However, the constraint specification must be done “by extension”, thus enumerating all the codes to be included or excluded. The length of this list can be a problem.
For example, the list of codes to be included in a content constraint to include the items corresponding to the ISIC Rev. 4 variant from the CL_ACTIVITY code list is composed of approximately 770 items.

Using a common prefix to identify all codes belonging to a variant helps in managing long code lists with many variants, like CL_ACTIVITY (e.g. ISIC4_, ISIC3_, NACE2_, AGG_, etc.)
It has been proposed to allow the use of regular expressions in the creation of constraints in order to reduce the length and complexity of their definition.
Nevertheless, to deal with the issue of multiple variants, and considering the adoption of the “prefixed codes” practice, just a “wild card” character would be enough, and make the use of regular expressions not advisable as it would “overload” the solution
It is suggested to simply use the percentage sign (%) as the wildcard character.
Following the same example mentioned ut-supra, the more than 770 items can be reduced to a single wildcarded element.


Allow separating translations from artefacts

This is a proposal to add a feature that would allow maintaining translations independent of nameable-and-identifiable artefacts.

While supranational statistics organisations might have official translations for their artefacts that are maintained as part of an artefact definition, even they might want to sidestep questions about how adding or updating a translation should affect the version number of an artefact (and possible downstream consequences). They might also want to have different access control restrictions for translation maintenance and artefact maintenance. Both use cases are easier to implement if the some or all translations are maintained apart from the artefact definition.

Smaller or less international organisations might have to rely on external resources for translations, like a user community or machine translation services, but might want third-party contributions kept separate from official text (for instance, to make clear that translations are provided on a best-effort basis, which they cannot with the current scheme because there is no option to annotate translations, short of using inline disclaimers, or something like comments in SDMX-ML messages, a feature not available in SDMX-JSON).

Consider this use case: Wikipedia contains many lists, tables, and charts that are based on official statistics. They are often out of date and unmaintained. If the Wikipedia community were to automatically update them using data from SDMX web services, they would face the issue that translations for many languages are not provided by the web services, and they might want to use their existing translation infrastructure to add them, perhaps with custom logic that merges SDMX messages with official data with their community translations.

Furthermore, maintaining all translations as part of the artefact definition precludes grouping translations by language, which you might want to do for reviews by language experts or a translation service.

As it is, these groups of SDMX users cannot use existing SDMX features (short of duplicating all artefacts into different namespaces) to address this.

Proposed Syntax:

In a SDMX-JSON structure message, it could like this:

        - target: urn:...(2.0+.0).Example
          lang: en-US
          name: ...
          description: ...
          annotations: ...


  • Versioning Independence: Separating translations avoids versioning conflicts related to artefact updates. Organizations can manage translations without impacting artefact versions, simplifying workflows.
  • Granular Access Control: Independent translations enable implementing different access controls for artefact maintenance and translation updates. This fosters secure collaboration and content management.
  • External Translation Sources: Smaller organizations can leverage translations from user communities or machine translation services while keeping them separate from official content. This clarifies the source and reliability of translations.
  • Efficient Review & Management: Grouping translations by language facilitates review by language experts or translation services, streamlining the review process.

(In doubt, please handle this as a public review comment on SDMX 3.1 once the comment period begins.)

Clarify meaning of TimeRangeValueType/BeforePeriod and TimeRangeValueType/AfterPeriod (or deprecate)

Could you please clarify the meaning of TimeRangeValueType/BeforePeriod and TimeRangeValueType/AfterPeriod especially versus TimeRangeValueType/StartPeriod and TimeRangeValueType/EndPeriod in ContentConstraints?

The IM documentations says:

  • BeforePeriod: The period before which the constrained selection is valid.
  • AfterPeriod: The period after which the constrained selection is valid.
  • StartPeriod: The period from which the constrained selection is valid.
  • EndPeriod: The period to which the constrained selection is valid.

Also see:

What is justifying the existence of these different approaches? Could this be simplified (by deprecating one way of doing)?

DSD: Infomodel contradiction between minOccurs and usageType


Working with the Infomodel, we have stumbled upon one particular thing:


IM describes (section 5.3) data attributes and measures of DSD having both minOccurs/maxOccurs and usage attributes. And it's the usage attribute which dictates whether the measure (or data attribute) is mandatory. But the question which arises, is how implementors should handle situations when there is a structure which declares, say, minOccurs=0 and usage=mandatory? They seem to contradict to each other.

At the same time, in the description of metadata structure definition - metadata attributes specifically, there is no usage property and the requirement of the attribute is derived from the minOccurs value, i.e 0 standing for optional and >=1 standing for mandatory. Should DSD be similar to this?


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