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netmaker-openwrt's Issues

Build netmaker_0.9.4-1_mipsel_24kc.ipk too big


I built netmaker_0.9.4-1_mipsel_24kc.ipk for my router (target platform ramips/mt7621).
However, the file size ~8MB, and this is by far too big.

Any suggestions how to reduze package size of netmaker?

I assume this package is for the server, however I only need client software.

2022/09/30 06:48:22 no server address provided

efine Package/netmaker/install
$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc/netclient/
$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc/netclient/config
$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc/systemd/
$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/etc/systemd/system
$(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/usr/bin
$(INSTALL_BIN) $(GO_PKG_BUILD_BIN_DIR)/netmaker $(1)/usr/bin/
$(INSTALL_BIN) $(GO_PKG_BUILD_BIN_DIR)/netclient $(1)/usr/bin/
$(CP) ./root/* $(1)/
$(LN) netclient $(1)/etc/netclient/netclient

I can't run it on openwrt right now.
Please tell me is there any way to make openwrt run automatically as a service.
For example, a configuration file like frpc can be defined in /etc/config/frpc.
It starts automatically every time you turn it on.

root@antrouter:# netclient join -t eyJhcGljb25uc3RyaW5nIjoiYXBpLnNkd2FuLjU1ODYwLmNvbTo0NDMiLCJuZXR3b3JrIjoibXluZXQiLCJrZXkiOiI4MDhkYmMyMGUzZjE1NjMx
2022/09/30 06:48:22 no server address provided
My router has installed netclient/ correctly
The path is /etc/init.d/netclient
I have created netmaker correctly
create network, KEY
At the same time my windows and linux are running and joining the network.
What I want to achieve is that two PCs under openwrt can communicate with each other.
For example openwrt A 192.168.100.x
For example Openwrt B 192.168.101.x
PCs connected below them are able to access each other via netmaker.

installation using ipk does not install /etc/init.d/netclient

Specifically "opkg install netmaker-dev_0.9.0-1_all-openwrt-19.07.ipk" finishes silently, without indicating success or failure. No /etc/init.d/netclient as expected. There is, however, /usr/share/gocode/src/ on the file system.

Can't running on openwrt #error "wg-quick": executable file not found

--OpenWrt R22.3.13

netmaker client

netmaker server

exec log is below:
root@openwrt:~# netclient join -t eyJjb3JlZG5zYWRkciI6IjQyLjE5NC4xMzEuODciLCJhcGljb25uIjoiIiwiYXBpaG9zdCI6IjQyLjE5NC4xMzEuODciLCJhcGlwb3J0IjoiODA4MSIsImdycGNjb25uIjoiIiwiZ3JwY2hvc3QiOiI0Mi4xOTQuMTMxLjg3IiwiZ3JwY3BvcnQiOiI1MDA1MSIsImdycGNzc2wiOiJvZmYiLCJjaGVja2luaW50ZXJ2YWwiOiIxNSIsIm5ldHdvcmsiOiJqeXd4LXRlc3QiLCJrZXkiOiJtcTh6UzdxOVFET2FDbTQ3IiwibG9jYWxyYW5nZSI6IjE3Mi4xNi4wLjAvMTYiLCJncnBjd2ciOiIiLCJncnBjd2dhZGRyIjoiIiw************************
2022/03/25 04:10:42 local vpn, getting local address from range:
2022/03/25 04:10:42 [netclient] joining jywx-test at 42.194.xx.xx:50051
2022/03/25 04:10:42 [netclient] node created on remote server...updating configs
2022/03/25 04:10:42 [netclient] retrieving peers
2022/03/25 04:10:42 [netclient] starting wireguard
2022/03/25 04:10:42 [netclient] writing wg conf file to: /etc/netclient/config/nm-jywx-test.conf
2022/03/25 04:10:42 [netclient] failed to create wireguard interface
2022/03/25 04:10:42 [netclient] error installing: exec: "wg-quick": executable file not found in $PATH
2022/03/25 04:10:42 [netclient] removed machine from jywx-test network on remote server
2022/03/25 04:10:42 [netclient] error running command: wg-quick down /etc/netclient/config/nm-jywx-test.conf
2022/03/25 04:10:42 [netclient]
2022/03/25 04:10:42 [netclient] unable to wipe local config
2022/03/25 04:10:42 [netclient] removed systemd remnants if any existed
2022/03/25 04:10:42 [netclient] removed systemd remnants if any existed

opkg installed list
root@openwrt:~# opkg list-installed | grep wireguard
kmod-wireguard - 5.15.29-1
luci-app-wireguard - git-22.068.45502-a50e601-1
luci-i18n-wireguard-zh-cn - git-22.068.45502-a50e601-1
luci-proto-wireguard - git-22.068.45502-a50e601-1
wireguard-tools - 1.0.20210914-2

anyone happen to this issue? help

Compiling an update 0.14.5 for openwrt

I could use a small hand on compiling netmaker on openwrt. I'm trying to update the package to 0.14.5 as the API has changed and is no longer backwards compatible.
I can build openwrt normally but not when including netmaker.
My openwrt build fails trying to include from glfw libraries and X11.h (!)

My build machine is ubuntu 20.04 focal. I have golang-go compiler installed.

Here's the log from the build process:

$make -j1 V=sc package/netmaker/compile 
make[2]: Entering directory '/home/void/openwrt/scripts/config'
make[2]: 'conf' is up to date.
make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/void/openwrt/scripts/config'
time: target/linux/prereq#0.07#0.01#0.09
make[1]: Entering directory '/home/void/openwrt'
cd "/home/void/openwrt"; git log --format=%h -1 toolchain > /home/void/openwrt/tmp/.ver_check
cmp -s /home/void/openwrt/tmp/.ver_check /home/void/openwrt/staging_dir/toolchain-x86_64_gcc-11.2.0_musl/stamp/.ver_check || { \
        rm -rf /home/void/openwrt/build_dir/target-x86_64_musl /home/void/openwrt/staging_dir/target-x86_64_musl /home/void/openwrt/staging_dir/toolchain-x86_64_gcc-11.2.0_musl /home/void/openwrt/build_dir/toolchain-x86_64_gcc-11.2.0_musl; \
        mkdir -p /home/void/openwrt/staging_dir/toolchain-x86_64_gcc-11.2.0_musl/stamp; \
        mv /home/void/openwrt/tmp/.ver_check /home/void/openwrt/staging_dir/toolchain-x86_64_gcc-11.2.0_musl/stamp/.ver_check; \
make[2]: Entering directory '/home/void/openwrt/feeds/packages/lang/golang/golang'
find /home/void/openwrt/build_dir/hostpkg/go-1.18.3 -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -not '(' -type f -and -name '.*' -and -size 0 ')' | xargs -r rm -rf
make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/void/openwrt/feeds/packages/lang/golang/golang'
time: package/feeds/packages/golang/host-compile#0.23#0.01#0.23
make[2]: Entering directory '/home/void/openwrt/package/libs/toolchain'
Makefile:735: WARNING: skipping libgomp -- package has no install section
echo "libc" >> /home/void/openwrt/staging_dir/target-x86_64_musl/pkginfo/toolchain.default.install
echo "libgcc" >> /home/void/openwrt/staging_dir/target-x86_64_musl/pkginfo/toolchain.default.install
echo "libpthread" >> /home/void/openwrt/staging_dir/target-x86_64_musl/pkginfo/toolchain.default.install
echo "librt" >> /home/void/openwrt/staging_dir/target-x86_64_musl/pkginfo/toolchain.default.install
touch -r /home/void/openwrt/build_dir/target-x86_64_musl/toolchain/.built /home/void/openwrt/build_dir/target-x86_64_musl/toolchain/.autoremove 2>/dev/null >/dev/null
find /home/void/openwrt/build_dir/target-x86_64_musl/toolchain -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -not '(' -type f -and -name '.*' -and -size 0 ')' -and -not -name '.pkgdir' | xargs -r rm -rf
make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/void/openwrt/package/libs/toolchain'
time: package/libs/toolchain/compile#0.09#0.01#0.11
make[2]: Entering directory '/home/void/openwrt/feeds/netmaker/netmaker'
mkdir -p /home/void/openwrt/dl
SHELL= flock /home/void/openwrt/tmp/.netmaker-0.14.5.tar.xz.flock -c '          /home/void/openwrt/scripts/ "/home/void/openwrt/dl" "netmaker-0.14.5.tar.xz" "skip" "" || (  /home/void/openwrt/scripts/ --dl-dir="/home/void/openwrt/dl" --url="" --version="8182673992dd609fb4e35b2ed0c261aa3319392b" --subdir="netmaker-0.14.5" --source="netmaker-0.14.5.tar.xz" --hash="skip" || (     echo "Checking out files from the git repository..."; mkdir -p /home/void/openwrt/tmp/dl && cd /home/void/openwrt/tmp/dl && rm -rf netmaker-0.14.5 && [ \! -d netmaker-0.14.5 ] && git clone netmaker-0.14.5 && (cd netmaker-0.14.5 && git checkout 8182673992dd609fb4e35b2ed0c261aa3319392b && git submodule update --init --recursive) && echo "Packing checkout..." && export TAR_TIMESTAMP=`cd netmaker-0.14.5 && git log -1 --format='\''@%ct'\''` && rm -rf netmaker-0.14.5/.git &&  tar --numeric-owner --owner=0 --group=0 --mode=a-s --sort=name ${TAR_TIMESTAMP:+--mtime="$TAR_TIMESTAMP"} -c netmaker-0.14.5 |  xz -zc -7e > /home/void/openwrt/tmp/dl/netmaker-0.14.5.tar.xz && mv /home/void/openwrt/tmp/dl/netmaker-0.14.5.tar.xz /home/void/openwrt/dl/ && rm -rf netmaker-0.14.5; );  )    '
rm -f /home/void/openwrt/build_dir/target-x86_64_musl/netmaker-0.14.5/.built
touch /home/void/openwrt/build_dir/target-x86_64_musl/netmaker-0.14.5/.built_check
CONFIG_GOLANG_MOD_CACHE_WORLD_READABLE="" GO_BUILD_CACHE_DIR="/home/void/openwrt/tmp/go-build" GO_MOD_CACHE_DIR="/home/void/openwrt/dl/go-mod-cache" GO_MOD_ARGS="-modcacherw" GO_PKG="" GO_INSTALL_EXTRA="extra/file extra/dir" GO_INSTALL_ALL="" GO_SOURCE_ONLY="" GO_BUILD_PKG="" GO_EXCLUDES="excluded" GO_GO_GENERATE="" GO_INSTALL_BIN_PATH="/usr/bin" BUILD_DIR="/home/void/openwrt/build_dir/target-x86_64_musl/netmaker-0.14.5" GO_BUILD_DIR="/home/void/openwrt/build_dir/target-x86_64_musl/netmaker-0.14.5/.go_work/build" GO_BUILD_BIN_DIR="/home/void/openwrt/build_dir/target-x86_64_musl/netmaker-0.14.5/.go_work/build/bin" GO_BUILD_DEPENDS_PATH="/usr/share/gocode" GO_BUILD_DEPENDS_SRC="/home/void/openwrt/staging_dir/target-x86_64_musl/usr/share/gocode/src" GOOS="linux" GOARCH="amd64" GO386="" GOAMD64="v1" GOARM="" GOMIPS="" GOMIPS64="" GOPPC64="" CGO_ENABLED=1 CC="x86_64-openwrt-linux-musl-gcc" CXX="x86_64-openwrt-linux-musl-g++" CGO_CFLAGS="-Os -pipe -fno-caller-saves -fno-plt -fhonour-copts -Wno-error=unused-but-set-variable -Wno-error=unused-result -ffile-prefix-map=/home/void/openwrt/build_dir/target-x86_64_musl/netmaker-0.14.5=netmaker-0.14.5 -Wformat -Werror=format-security -fstack-protector -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=1 -Wl,-z,now -Wl,-z,relro" CGO_CPPFLAGS="-I/home/void/openwrt/staging_dir/toolchain-x86_64_gcc-11.2.0_musl/usr/include -I/home/void/openwrt/staging_dir/toolchain-x86_64_gcc-11.2.0_musl/include/fortify -I/home/void/openwrt/staging_dir/toolchain-x86_64_gcc-11.2.0_musl/include" CGO_CXXFLAGS="-Os -pipe -fno-caller-saves -fno-plt -fhonour-copts -Wno-error=unused-but-set-variable -Wno-error=unused-result -ffile-prefix-map=/home/void/openwrt/build_dir/target-x86_64_musl/netmaker-0.14.5=netmaker-0.14.5 -Wformat -Werror=format-security -fstack-protector -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=1 -Wl,-z,now -Wl,-z,relro" CGO_LDFLAGS="-L/home/void/openwrt/staging_dir/toolchain-x86_64_gcc-11.2.0_musl/usr/lib -L/home/void/openwrt/staging_dir/toolchain-x86_64_gcc-11.2.0_musl/lib -znow -zrelro" GOPATH="/home/void/openwrt/build_dir/target-x86_64_musl/netmaker-0.14.5/.go_work/build" GOCACHE="/home/void/openwrt/tmp/go-build" GOMODCACHE="/home/void/openwrt/dl/go-mod-cache" GOENV=off /usr/bin/env bash /home/void/openwrt/feeds/packages/lang/golang// build -v -buildvcs=false -trimpath -ldflags "all=-buildid '1657134579' -linkmode external -extldflags '-L/home/void/openwrt/staging_dir/toolchain-x86_64_gcc-11.2.0_musl/usr/lib -L/home/void/openwrt/staging_dir/toolchain-x86_64_gcc-11.2.0_musl/lib -Wl,-z,now -Wl,-z,relro'"        -ldflags "-s -w  -buildid '1657134579' -linkmode external -extldflags '-L/home/void/openwrt/staging_dir/toolchain-x86_64_gcc-11.2.0_musl/usr/lib -L/home/void/openwrt/staging_dir/toolchain-x86_64_gcc-11.2.0_musl/lib -Wl,-z,now -Wl,-z,relro'"
Finding targets

Building targets
# /home/void/openwrt/staging_dir/host/bin/pkg-config --cflags  -- gl gl
Package gl was not found in the pkg-config search path.
Perhaps you should add the directory containing `gl.pc'
to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable
Package 'gl', required by 'virtual:world', not found
Package 'gl', required by 'virtual:world', not found
/home/void/openwrt/staging_dir/host/bin/pkg-config: exit status 1
In file included from ./glfw/src/internal.h:188,
                 from ./glfw/src/context.c:30,
                 from ../../../../../dl/go-mod-cache/[email protected]/c_glfw.go:4:
./glfw/src/x11_platform.h:33:10: fatal error: X11/Xlib.h: No such file or directory
   33 | #include <X11/Xlib.h>
      |          ^~~~~~~~~~~~
compilation terminated.

make[2]: *** [Makefile:93: /home/void/openwrt/build_dir/target-x86_64_musl/netmaker-0.14.5/.built] Error 2
make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/void/openwrt/feeds/netmaker/netmaker'
time: package/feeds/netmaker/netmaker/compile#2.51#1.09#0.90
    ERROR: package/feeds/netmaker/netmaker failed to build.
make[1]: *** [package/Makefile:116: package/feeds/netmaker/netmaker/compile] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/void/openwrt'
make: *** [/home/void/openwrt/include/ package/netmaker/compile] Error 2

What am I doing wrong?

Installation on OpenWrt 21.02 is incomplete

I'm running OpenWrt 21.02 on this device.
This router is MMIPS architecture with MT7621A CPU.

I downloaded pre-compiled package netmaker-dev_0.9.4-1_all-openwrt-21.02.ipk assuming this would be correct for my architecture.

Installation with command

root@eddie:~# opkg install netmaker-dev_0.9.4-1_all-openwrt-21.02.ipk 
Installing netmaker-dev (0.9.4-1) to root...
Configuring netmaker-dev.

finished w/o errors.

However, there's no file in /etc/init.d to start the service:

root@eddie:~# ls /etc/init.d/
boot              cron              firewall          luci_statistics   set-irq-affinity  sysctl            ucitrack          urngd
bootcount         dnsmasq           gpio_switch       network           sqm               sysfixtime        uhttpd            wpad
chronyd           done              led               odhcpd            stubby            sysntpd           umount
collectd          dropbear          log               rpcd              sudo              system            urandom_seed

Therefore I conclude that the installation is incomplete.
Please advise how to fix this issue.

openwrt 21.02.1

#/etc/init.d/netclient start
#/etc/rc.common: line 22: bash: not found

Install error and join jie'dian

2021/12/02 06:39:14 [netclient] node created on remote server...updating configs
2021/12/02 06:39:14 [netclient] retrieving peers
2021/12/02 06:39:14 [netclient] starting wireguard
2021/12/02 06:39:14 error running command: /usr/bin/ip link add dev nm-SA0 type wireguard
2021/12/02 06:39:14 RTNETLINK answers: Not supported
2021/12/02 06:39:14 error running command: /usr/bin/ip address add dev nm-SA0
2021/12/02 06:39:14 Cannot find device "nm-SA0"
Device does not exist:
file does not exist
Device does not exist:
file does not exist
2021/12/02 06:39:14 [netclient] attempted to remove interface before editing
2021/12/02 06:39:14 [netclient] error installing: exit status 1
2021/12/02 06:39:15 [netclient] removed machine from SA0 network on remote server
2021/12/02 06:39:15 [netclient] removed SA0 network locally
2021/12/02 06:39:15 [netclient] removed systemd remnants if any existed
2021/12/02 06:39:15 [netclient] removed systemd remnants if any existed

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