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gise-51-pytorch's Introduction


Official code release for the paper GISE-51: A scalable isolated sound events dataset in pytorch using pytorch-lightning. Instructions and implementation for replicating all baseline experiments, including pre-trained models. If you use this code or part of it, please cite:

Sarthak Yadav and Mary Ellen Foster, "GISE-51: A scalable isolated sound events dataset", arXiv:2103.12306, 2021


Most of the existing isolated sound event datasets comprise a small number of sound event classes, usually 10 to 15, restricted to a small domain, such as domestic and urban sound events. In this work, we introduce GISE-51, a dataset derived from FSD50K, spanning 51 isolated sound event classes belonging to a broad domain of event types. We also release GISE-51-Mixtures, a dataset of 5-second soundscapes with hard-labelled event boundaries synthesized from GISE-51 isolated sound events. We conduct baseline sound event recognition (SER) experiments on the GISE-51-Mixtures dataset, benchmarking prominent convolutional neural networks, and models trained with the dataset demonstrate strong transfer learning performance on existing audio recognition benchmarks. Together, GISE-51 and GISE-51-Mixtures attempt to address some of the shortcomings of recent sound event datasets, providing an open, reproducible benchmark for future research along with the freedom to adapt the included isolated sound events for domain-specific applications.

This repository contains code for reproducing all experiments done in the paper. For more information on the dataset, as well as the pre-trained models, visit GISE-51: A scalable isolated sound events dataset


In-memory data loading

  • The implementation utilizes lmdb format for dataset serialization, and loads data in-memory while training (src/data/ To keep memory usage to a minimum, the records in the lmdb's are not numpy arrays; they're entire flac file bytes written into lmdb's. For more info view
  • This was done because majority of the experiments were done on resource with slow I/O performance. This had the added benefit of great GPU utilization, and works well for our dataset use cases.
  • One can easily modify src/data/ if you need a regular dataset that reads data from disk on-the-fly.

Pre-trained models

As mentioned in the paper, we performed experiments several times and reported average results. However, since releasing so many models would be cumbersome, only the checkpoints from best performing run for an experiment are released. If you need checkpoints from all the runs, please get in touch.

Per dataset configuration files

We utilize .cfg based training. cfgs for each CNN architecture used for each dataset are provided in cfgs_v2. These cfg files list hyperparameters for each experiment, and paired with provided experiments_*.sh files give exact settings the experiment was run under.

Auxiliary datasets

Apart from the proposed dataset, we conduct experiments on 3 other datasets, viz. AudioSet balanced [], VGGSound[] and ESC-50 []. Since AudioSet and VGGSound are based on YouTube videos, we cannot provide them to aid replication. However, we do provide list of youtube video ids for Audioset that we used in our experiments. Since ESC-50 is CC licensed, we can provide lmdb files for it.


  • torch==1.7.1 and corresponding torchaudio from official pytorch
  • libsndfile-dev from OS repos, for 'SoundFile==0.10.3'
  • requirements.txt

Procedure for replicating experiments

Generating GISE-51-Mixtures data (not required)

To generate GISE-51-Mixtures, scripts/ was used. It's provided as a good starting point for generating data using Scaper. However, we provide exact mixtures used by us as a part of the release, and you don't need to generate mixtures from scratch again.

If you do want to generate exact mixtures from isolated_events.tar.gz, you'll have to use the provided mixtures_jams.tar.gz, which contains .jams annotation files and can be used by Scaper to generate mixtures from. For more information, visit Scaper Tutorials.

Data Preparation

Before commencing with experiments, lmdb files need to be created. There are two options for generating lmdb files:

  1. Downloading provided tar archives and pack them into lmdbs. (Recommended)
  2. Downloading noises.tar.gz, isolated_events.tar.gz and mixtures_jams.tar.gz, generate soundscapes locally using scaper from jams files, convert soundscapes to .flac (for lower memory usage) using scripts/ and pack them into mixtures.

We recommend using method 1. For packing soundscape mixtures into lmdbs:

  • Download train*.tar.gz (all if you want to repeat 4.1, just train.tar.gz otherwise), val.tar.gz and eval.tar.gz from dataset page and extract into a separate directory.
  • Run to generate lmdb files from soundscape mixtures as follows.
     # for generating lmdb for 60k soundscapes
     python --mixture_dir "mixtures_flac/train" --lmdb_path mixtures_lmdb/train.lmdb --map_size 2e10
     # for generating val lmdb
     python --mixture_dir "mixtures_flac/val" --lmdb_path mixtures_lmdb/val.lmdb --map_size 2e10
     # for generating eval lmdb
     python --mixture_dir "mixtures_flac/eval" --lmdb_path mixtures_lmdb/eval.lmdb --map_size 2e10
  • can be used to create all the GISE-51-Mixtures lmdb files and as reference for creating specific lmdb files.
  • lmdbs for AudioSet, VGGSound and ESC-50 experiments can be generated in a similar manner. ESC-50 lmdbs can be found here.


The following sections outline how to reproduce experiments conducted in the paper. Before running any experiment, make sure your paths are correct in the corresponding .cfg files. Pre-trained models can be found here. Download and extract the pretrained-models.tar.gz file.

lbl_map.json contains a json serialized dictionary that maps dataset labels to corresponding integer indices. To allow inference on pre-trained models, we provide lbl_map.json corresponding to all datasets in the ./data directory.

Number of synthesized soundscapes v/s val mAP

This section studies how val mAP performance scales with number of training mixtures, using ResNet-18 architecture. To prepare lmdb files for this experiment,

To run this experiment, simply use as below

python --cfg_file ./cfgs_v2/v3_silence_trimmed/resnet_18_lmdb.cfg \
        -e <EXPERIMENT_DIR> --epochs 50 --use_mixup --gpus "0, 1, 2, 3" \
        --num_workers 6 --prefetch_factor 4 \
        --lmdbs_list "mixtures_lmdb/train_5k.lmdb;mixtures_lmdb/train_10k.lmdb;mixtures_lmdb/train_15k.lmdb;..."

where lmdbs_list is a ; separated list of lmdb files. The script will run experiments looping over the provided lmdbs, saving checkpoints and logs to subfolders in <EXPERIMENT_DIR> A sample script used is provided ( and can be modified to train for all settings.


Once this is done, you need to run evaluation to check performance on the eval set. Make sure to filter only the best checkpoints, and then run

python --lbl_map meta/lbl_map.json --lmdb_path mixtures_lmdb/eval.lmdb --exp_dir <EXPERIMENT_DIR>/r<RUN_INDEX> --results_csv <EXPERIMENT_DIR>/r<RUN_INDEX>/results.csv

This will write evaluation metrics for <RUN_INDEX> in results.csv. One can then average results across runs.

The pretrained models for this experiment are not provided, as there would be too many checkpoints.

CNN Baselines

This experiment studies performance of various CNN architectures trained on 60k synthetic soundscapes. The experiments were run on two different machines, with ResNet-50, EfficientNet-B0/B1 and DenseNet-121 ran on single V100 machine, and all other experiments run on 4x GTX 1080 machine. Scripts and were used for training these models as follows:


Performance on the eval set can be obtained by running

python --lbl_map meta/lbl_map.json --lmdb_path mixtures_lmdb/eval.lmdb --exp_dir <EXPERIMENT_DIR>/r<RUN_INDEX> --export_weights --export_dir exported_weights/r<RUN_INDEX> --results_csv <EXPERIMENT_DIR>/r<RUN_INDEX>/results.csv

The --export_weights option exports model state_dict as simple .pth files into export_dir for later use in transfer learning experiments. Performance metrics are written into results.csv, which can then averaged across runs.

Pre-trained models are provided can be found in pretrained-models/experiments_60k_mixtures. As previously mentioned, we only provide checkpoints for the best performing run for a CNN architecture, as opposed to the paper, which reports average results across runs. The following table depicts performance of each model; the first column lists the eval mAP across multiple runs, and ckpt eval mAP lists performance of the provided checkpoint.

Model eval mAP (3-run avg) ckpt eval mAP
ResNet-44 0.5656 0.5689
ResNet-54 0.5634 0.5671
ResNet-18 0.5551 0.5635
ResNet-34 0.5722 0.5783
ResNet-50 0.5677 0.5727
EfficientNet-B0 0.5984 0.6032
EfficientNet-B1 0.6062 0.6097
DenseNet-121 0.6053 0.6136

Transfer Learning Experiments

  1. AudioSet

    The AudioSet video ids used for experiments are available in data/audioset/. Assuming you have downloaded the dataset and prepared balanced_train.lmdb and eval.lmdb for training and evaluation data, respectively, along with lbl_map.json that maps your string labels to integer indices, running AudioSet experiments is straightforward. No hyperparameter tuning is done on the eval set, and is used simply for EarlyStopping.

    1. Make sure you have exported .pth weights from ResNet-18 and EfficientNet-B1 architecures into appropriate filenames. Exported .pth weights for transfer learning are provided for transfer learning experiments. pretrained-models/experiments_audioset

    2. and were used for ResNet-18 and EfficientNet-B1 experiments, respectively.

    3. Once training is done, performance metrics can be calculated using the following script

    python --lbl_map data/audioset/lbl_map.json --lmdb_path <path to eval lmdb> --exp_dir <EXPERIMENT_DIR>_[ft,scratch]/r<RUN_INDEX> --results_csv <EXPERIMENT_DIR>_[ft,scratch]/r<RUN_INDEX>/results.csv --num_timesteps 1001

    You'll notice an additional parameter, num_timesteps. This parameter signifies number of timesteps center cropped from the spectrogram; 1001 corresponds to a 10 sec crop, which is the size of audioset clips.

    The following table lists performance of the provided checkpoint files.

    Model GISE-51-Mixtures Pretraining eval mAP (3-run avg) ckpt eval mAP
    ResNet-18 False 0.2053 0.2095
    EfficientNet-B1 False 0.2287 0.2317
    ResNet-18 True 0.2236 0.2244
    EfficientNet-B1 True 0.2595 0.2603

    ATTENTION Make sure your delimiter for string labels in your lmdb files is ;, otherwise change the value for delimiter in audioset cfgs to desired value.

  2. VGGSound

    As opposed to the previous experiments, which are multilabel multiclass tasks, VGGSound is multiclass classification task and is trained using the script. Assuming you have obtained the dataset and prepared train.lmdb, test.lmdb as well as the corresponding lbl_map.json, view for more details. No hyperparameter tuning is done on the test set, and is used simply for EarlyStopping. VGGSound experiments were ran just once, and the provided checkpoints pretrained-models/experiments_vggsound have the same performance as mentioned in the paper.

    Evaluation of performance metrics for VGGSound can be done using

    python --ckpt_path <path to ckpt> --lbl_map ./data/vggsound/lbl_map.json --lmdb_path <path to test.lmdb>
  3. ESC-50

    Finally, to run ESC-50 experiments, download the provided ESC-50 lmdbs here and run No need for further evaluation is needed since we're only concerned with fold-wise accuracy; just average best validation accuracy from train time metrics.csv results across runs across folds.

    Attention: For ESC-50, we provide checkpoints corresponding to best run for each fold. Thus, the effective 5-fold performance of models will be higher than that listed in the paper. More details are listed in the table below. More information can be found in pretrained-models/experiments_esc50 folder.

    Model Accuracy % (3-run avg) Accuracy % of provided checkpoints
    ResNet-18 83.92 85.35
    EfficientNet-B1 85.72 86.75


[1] Fonseca, Eduardo, et al. "FSD50k: an open dataset of human-labeled sound events." arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.00475 (2020).

[2] Gemmeke, Jort F., et al. "Audio set: An ontology and human-labeled dataset for audio events." 2017 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). IEEE, 2017.

[3] Chen, Honglie, et al. "Vggsound: A large-scale audio-visual dataset." ICASSP 2020-2020 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). IEEE, 2020.

[4] Piczak, Karol J. "ESC: Dataset for environmental sound classification." Proceedings of the 23rd ACM international conference on Multimedia. 2015.

[5] Yadav, Sarthak et al. "GISE-51: A scalable isolated sound events dataset", arXiv preprint arXiv:2103.12306 (2021).

gise-51-pytorch's People


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gise-51-pytorch's Issues

Is used for 3.1.4?

First, thank you for sharing the GISE-51 and this repository.
I have a question about the, was it used for the post-processing "... were added after manually clipping silence"?

3.1.4. Silence Filtering
"The utterances outright rejected by sox were manually inspected, and if incorrectly rejected, were added after manually clipping silence."

P.S. I'm also wondering how I can pronounce "GISE" -- is it like "guys"? :)

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